Current Events > Instead of gun control we need to have bullet control. Ultimate solution for all

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05/29/22 1:26:07 AM

Limit each person who buys bullets to a certain number and require ID. Everyone who buys bullets will be kept in a system with the amount they have on record and trying to buy more will trigger a flag or they won't be allowed to purchase any. Unless anyways, they are willing to submit all but the legally allowed amount into an ammunition bank (for those for insist on stocking up on ammo/buying cheap at bulk).

The bank would be federally funded and run (preferably) by the government. If not, then current banks will (preferably) get government funding to have people on hand for this purpose alone and to do this job, or be made to hire someone or people to do it. Anyone who already has a stock pile of ammo will be able to submit it to holding for free or a low monthly or yearly price (5-10$) along with anyone who claims that they need more than the legally alloted amount of rounds.

These ammo banks could be big or small, and essentially placed anywhere so that the people that run and operate them could be closer to hunter's, common outdoor shooting locations, and would be required by law In all shooting ranges.

Along with banks and ammo banks, shooting/firing ranges would have special privileges to give you set quantities of either your rounds, borrowed ones, or an equal substitute for your banked rounds that would be taken out of your total banked number. There would be a set of systems in place so you could have your ammo sent from one place to another bank, ammo bank, shooting range, etc. Also In ranges, before and after your shooting, you would be required to turn in your left over ammo, if any, for a count to make sure that you you don't have more ammo on you than legally allowed. Having more than legally allowed, at any point, anywhere, would be a crime. Depending on the number over it could be anything from a warning to a felony.

There will be a federal maximum alloted number of something like 40 to 70 rounds on hand (ideally 50, maybe more or maybe less) rounds and then each state would have the choice to either keep that number, or go lower, kind of like a minimum wage/ speed limits.

Every month or the soonest point of trying to buy ammo after shooting, you would have to give a report on how many bullets you spent and how many you have left, if any. Although, preferably either initially or after some time, there would be a special device added on to all guns. And the number could only be reset by someone working ammo control for a range, bank, ammo bank, or otherwise certified for it, which would be preferred and required on all guns over time.

Anyone attempting to beat the system, give someone an over abundance of ammo, steal ammo, abuse their position to have extra or otherwise would face crimes charges depending on how much extra ammunition.

What does CE think? I'm open to questions, comments, criticism, opinions, and overall discussion of this.

One preface I would have to point out though is that if you're against the idea, please tell me why. And if it is because you feel like 50 bullets is too little to have on hand at once, please explain it to me. I don't see why you'd need more than 10 to 20 bullets for hom defense and 30-40 to hunt.

I personally don't belive that this violates the second ammendment either. PLENTY of types of ammunition for legally available guns is illegal. This is just in a similar manner to that. In fact, if this were put to law maybe even some of those band types of ammo could be a special extra on top of the 50. Like a ten bullet reserve of any illegal ammo within reason. That along with an endless supply at ranges and shooting galleries.

Not only that, but I firmly believe it could stop or at least severally limit mass shootings, along with putting a serious dent into the viability of using an illegal gun or ghost guns.

Discuss! :)

I do drawings and stuff
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05/29/22 1:32:11 AM

Main issue that pops into my mind right away is those who reload spent brass, as well as addressing already existing stockpiles of privately owned ammo. But buying factory ammo is what most firearm owners do, so i could see a focus on factory ammunition in the future.

"It's time for Risky's Revenge, so let's attack aggressively!"-Risky Boots
"Two men enter, one man leaves"-Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome
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05/29/22 1:48:51 AM

If you refuse to implement gun control, then give everyone free bullet proof vests including kids.
This could also lessen the cop issues since cops wouldn't be able to murder as easily.
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Solid Snake07
05/29/22 1:59:28 AM

It doesn't really require a shit ton of ammunition to do a lot of damage in the context of shooting unsuspecting civilians in a public place.

It also stands the same amount of chance of being passed as a ban of guns, which is zero

"People incapable of guilt usually do have a good time"
-Detective Rust Cohle
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05/29/22 2:00:30 AM
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05/29/22 2:01:31 AM

This is the stupidest and most nonsensical thing Ive ever read. None of this is grounded in anything even resembling reality.

Officially Certified Gamer Girl in 27 states
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05/29/22 2:01:32 AM

I think a state tried this a couple of decades ago. Supreme Court shut that shit down as they saw it as a round about way to circumvent the 2nd amendment.

By the way, I was referring to restricting the sale of ammo.
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05/29/22 2:05:09 AM

Chris Rock did it better:
"You dont need no gun control, you know what you need? We need some bullet control. Men, we need to control the bullets, thats right. I think all bullets should cost five thousand dollars, five thousand dollars per bullet. You know why? Cause if a bullet cost five thousand dollars there would be no more innocent bystanders.
Yeah! Every time somebody get shut wed say, Damn, he must have done something. Shit, hes got fifty thousand dollars worth of bullets in his ass.
And people would think before they killed somebody if a bullet cost five thousand dollars. Man I would blow your fucking head off...if I could afford it. Im gonna get me another job, Im going to start saving some money, and youre a dead man. Youd better hope I cant get no bullets on layaway.
So even if you get shot by a stray bullet, you wouldn't have to go to no doctor to get it taken out. Whoever shot you would take their bullet back, like 'I believe you got my property.'"

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05/29/22 2:07:02 AM

Paragon21XX posted...
Chris Rock did it better:
"You dont need no gun control, you know what you need? We need some bullet control. Men, we need to control the bullets, thats right. I think all bullets should cost five thousand dollars, five thousand dollars per bullet. You know why? Cause if a bullet cost five thousand dollars there would be no more innocent bystanders.
Yeah! Every time somebody get shut wed say, Damn, he must have done something. Shit, hes got fifty thousand dollars worth of bullets in his ass.
And people would think before they killed somebody if a bullet cost five thousand dollars. Man I would blow your fucking head off...if I could afford it. Im gonna get me another job, Im going to start saving some money, and youre a dead man. Youd better hope I cant get no bullets on layaway.
So even if you get shot by a stray bullet, you wouldn't have to go to no doctor to get it taken out. Whoever shot you would take their bullet back, like 'I believe you got my property.'"

People would get shot on purpose to resell the bullets.
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Looked gf
05/29/22 2:13:42 AM

WingsOfGood posted...
If you refuse to implement gun control, then give everyone free bullet proof vests including kids.
This could also lessen the cop issues since cops wouldn't be able to murder as easily.
Sounds like a normal country

Whats the downside?
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05/29/22 2:20:57 AM

Zelda_Aran posted...
Main issue that pops into my mind right away is those who reload spent brass, as well as addressing already existing stockpiles of privately owned ammo. But buying factory ammo is what most firearm owners do, so i could see a focus on factory ammunition in the future.

Reloading wouldn't be an issue. They'd just have to keep in line with the rules and report approximately how many bullets they're reloading. They would have to report the fact that they are doing the to their nearest bank. Anything over over the limit by more than ten (or so) rounds would either have to be put in a bank.

Or, they would have to get a special license that would allow them to use reloaded ammunition up to a certain amount (25-30 rounds) or counted as reloading or replacing a spent round within reason. Also, they could be traded/given/sold to another person at a bank undersupervision

Someone in good standing
and also willing could apply for a license so that they could fill out a form including number of reloaded ammunition that would show up separately in their reporting when they went to buy more ammo or monthly. That or best case scenario, all guns having a mechanism that records the number of shots fired, they could have a special ability to count realistic discrepancies in their rounds fired log every month.

As far as stock piles of previous ammo go, they would have to be submitted to a bank or other certified institution to hold onto their ammo. Maybe they'd be given a longer grace period before having to put it all in a bank. Especially if they were to opt in immediately to either having a bullet count ledger or having all their guns equipped with the counter for rounds fired. However, this privilege could be lost very quickly

Anothet idea is that Some people who are in the best possible standing, trained, and willing to take classes and get the proper equipment could act as a small personal ammunition bank for themselves and friends if they are willing to do it 100% by the books and account for their own amount of rounds and everyone's that they'd have authority and supervision over.

In fact, I believe that could be a good idea and a good way to go shooting in the woods or something along those lines. By hiring one of these people or a specialist in a similar vain you could shoot as much as you want with your buddies as long as the rules are maintained and under the management of a specialist like that.

I do drawings and stuff
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05/29/22 2:23:58 AM

you list a bunch of ways in which this could work but I don't see what makes this better than just focusing on the guns? like, is it just being different to be different or isthere a point to it

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05/29/22 2:37:00 AM

WingsOfGood posted...
If you refuse to implement gun control, then give everyone free bullet proof vests including kids.
This could also lessen the cop issues since cops wouldn't be able to murder as easily

I'm not saying that this is a refusal of gun control. I'd personally still want things like common sense background checks and so on. I just think this is a good way to curtail the problem in this country.

I might be wrong, but I also think some other countries do similar things. Also, various types of both guns and ammo are definitely illegal. I think controlling bullets is a lot easier and more effective than trying to control guns, especially things like ghost guns.

greyfox747 posted...
This is the stupidest and most nonsensical thing Ive ever read. None of this is grounded in anything even resembling reality.

Can you please explain further? I've always thought that bullet control and at the very least limiting and controlling ammunition one of the best methods of gun control.

kirbymuncher posted...
you list a bunch of ways in which this could work but I don't see what makes this better than just focusing on the guns? like, is it just being different to be different or isthere a point to it

not saying this is 100% better than controlling the guns themselves, but controlling the ammunition that the guns use seems like it would be a far easier thing to do while making everyone happy. It also eliminates the issue of people who buy hundreds of bullets to go and commit a mass shooting. While also evening the playing field between legal, illegal, and ghost guns

I do drawings and stuff
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05/29/22 6:28:20 AM

its essentially a poll tax and another way to get around the second amendment which isnt constitutional. like most types of gun control its also a way to easily effect poorer and minority communities who cant afford to own a gun. my states constitution specifically states the right to ammunition as well as guns because they know this.

i dont think you really understand how much ammo one goes through in order to stay proficient with their firearms. on average most people go through 200-500rounds per range visit. every tactical course iv been to they want you to bring 1000rounds (or they used to. some cases its 500 now due to ammo prices and shortages).

you also act like 20-50rounds isnt enough to kill 20-50 people. limiting that, kinda like limiting magazine capacity leads to people carrying more powerful guns which leads to more actual damage and less wounded as they now have to aim. kinda like that guy in californa who road around shooting at people with a .500 smith and wesson. fired 5 rounds, hit 5 people, all fatal. or that naval base shooter who used a shotgun, fired 2 dozen rounds, killed 12. theoretically there may be less collateral, but thats about it.
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05/29/22 6:46:35 AM

Ignoring the finest fighting force in the world bit this guy is spot on.

A garbage pod!? It's a smegging garbage pod!
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05/29/22 7:01:28 AM

I was going to post this. He's not wrong...

There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
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05/29/22 7:36:15 AM

guns are difficult enough to keep track of as is, but you believe it would be easier to track ammo?
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05/29/22 7:50:34 AM

splits open to reveal jam
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