Board 8 > Aww Yeah Platinum #436 GET! - The Legend of Heroes: Trails From Zero

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10/07/22 8:44:24 AM

Oh ya the first of the Crossbell Duology to finally get an official western release is in the books. I already played this game originally about a year before the Geofront translation released so I had to go through it with the rougher fan translation that was available. By the time the Geofront localization came around I wasnt quite ready to replay it yet and by the time I was the PS4 versions were already announced so I held out hope they would get localized and NISA unexpectedly teamed up with Geofront to use their localization instead.

The trophy list is exactly the same as the in-game achievement list and if youve played any of the Cold Steel games you know exactly what it entails. First playthrough is getting all of the battle related trophies (except for defeating 2000 enemies and winning 1000 fights) and completing all recipes, fishing, sidequests, quartz, collecting all books and achieving maximum detective rank. With careful selections you can also save and reload to bone all 3 party members in the final chapter. The great thing about the in-game achievements is that theyre saved with the system settings and not your individual save so as long as you save your game after getting one its unlocked across all your saves.

The one trophy that can cause issues though is completing the game with a party level 40 or lower. The way the EXP system works makes it difficult to over level so as long as youre entering the final chapter at level 35 you can just skip every fight in the final chapter besides the required fights and youll finish with everyone at 40. Although to be extra careful its advisable to also just kill off both guest party members in the final dungeon and keep the dead the whole way through. After that I reloaded a previous save and played the final dungeon for real.

Then after that its completing the game on Nightmare difficulty. I still went ahead and did all sidequests and max DP in that playthrough, but it goes so much quicker when youre fast forwarding through all the cutscenes. There is an NG+ exclusive dungeon in the final chapter though that lets you finish completing the combat notebook and opening all treasure chests. All chests have to be opened in a single playthrough though so it doesnt matter if you opened them all in your first playthrough, you gotta do it again in NG+ for it to count. Then after that I was at 77 hours played and had to just wait it out until I hit 100 hours for the final trophy.

Overall Zero is a great game. Its a lot like TitS FC where its introducing a lot of characters and lore, but its all centric to Crossbell. You come to know this city far better than any other city in the Trails series to the point where it feels like home. However its all just setup for Azure which is my favorite Trails game so looking forward to replaying that early next year whenever it releases.

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