Current Events > Does anything ever happen to people who push America into unpopular wars.

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10/30/23 4:59:46 PM

NOTE: This is not meant to be a referendum on anything that is taking place outside of America at this time.

Something that I was thinking about, is how so many times Americans get pushed into war, gaslit , and if we don't support the war efforts. People say that we must be siding with the other guys.

During World War I, the government manipulated the Newspapers to disseminate propaganda. The daily mail that looked like News was actually filled with the biased messages of the Creels Committee on Public Information. This was similar to the propaganda arm of the US intelligence. Some people who opposed the war were even arrested.

The Spanish-American War was triggered by a false pretext that Spain had intentionally destroyed a U.S. ship. Before that, the U.S. had been supporting Cubas fight for independence from Spains oppressive rule. The war resulted in the end of Spanish colonialism in the Americas and the Start for American.

Vietnam-was another example of how the U.S. government used propaganda to deceive the public and justify its intervention in a foreign conflict. The government claimed that it was fighting to stop the spread of communism and protect the freedom of the South Vietnamese people. America set up a puppet government in the South, and it was sparked questionable issue at sea. People who objected to go were treated poorly. A of black leaders said NO to the war and American came down hard on them. From Ali to the MLK.

The Iraq War- was sold to the public with a propaganda blitz that portrayed anyone who opposed it as siding with terrorists. But this raises a question: what does terrorism mean? Iraq was a sovereign state, not a non-state actor. How could it be labeled as a terrorist regime? Hillary Clinton, who remains a prominent figure in the Democratic Party, endorsed the war and claimed it would advance the interests of the US and its allies. Her daughter Chelsea also joined the pro-war camp and criticized anti-war students.

Clinton also backed the intervention in Libya, and even made a joke about the killing of its leader. Years later, Libya is still in chaos and violence. NATO aided rebels who were no different from terrorists in other places. And now, slavery has returned to Libya

These people who drag us into unjust wars, back the wrong factions, and create new enemies face no consequences. They mess up and cause millions of deaths, and then act as if nothing happened. Bush even jokes about the going it to Iraq years later.

"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
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10/30/23 5:00:32 PM

They get rich and powerful.

I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
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10/30/23 5:01:10 PM

They and their friends get richer and more powerful.

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10/30/23 5:03:49 PM

Bush Jr should probably be in prison for war crimes

And Bill Clinton too
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10/30/23 5:08:44 PM

Let's not exclude the current Israel situation from that, even if it hasn't devolved into full out war yet there's clearly an effort to prepare the messaging for such.

You can't spell Trumble without several letters of the English alphabet.
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10/30/23 9:51:41 PM

Trumble posted...
Let's not exclude the current Israel situation from that, even if it hasn't devolved into full out war yet there's clearly an effort to prepare the messaging for such.

I was trying to bring that up since it so hot. But the way the white house talks about these protester here in America. It would fit no matter what said of this you are on. The wording against the protesters seems to be extreme.

"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
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10/30/23 9:54:40 PM

Kissinger is still alive.

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10/31/23 6:29:10 AM

I'll bet you a lot of the Trump voters who applauded him for "getting America out of Afghanistan" were the very same right-wing hawks who, at the height of war fever in the 2000s, savaged critics of the War on Terror as anti-American, unpatriotic, and worse still, spiritually French for "not supporting our boys", and were gung-ho Cold Warriors in the decades before that.

All the good usernames were already taken.
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10/31/23 6:37:17 AM

Kill one man, and you are a murderer. Kill millions of men, and you are a conqueror. Kill them all, and you are a God." Jean Rostand.

"Whatever the reason you're on Mars, I'm glad you're there, and I wish I was with you." ~Carl Sagan.
Currently playing: Flight Simulator X.~PC
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10/31/23 7:55:06 AM

Vampire_Chicken posted...

I think you have to bear in mind that a lot of the wars in which America's been involved started out with a lot of popular support -- a manufactured consensus, if you like -- and while there was some resistance to involvement at the outset, a war only became unpopular after Americans lost patience with it because a decisive victory remained out of reach.

But a lot that popularity isn't natural. It comes from lies from our government and media. And silencing anyone who doesn't think the same. And no accountability for lies by the people on "our" side. Like I have been hearing a lot of people saying at this time. No one called out the US actions after 9/11. And like that is clearly not true. We started to attack our first ever ally France over it. And people will say this stuff that clearly isn't true and get support . Like I am not smarter than the average person. And I see it and floors me that others do not .

"Big Sweaty Otis"
-Titus O'Neil
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10/31/23 7:58:05 AM

War is what the US does.

Carpe petat
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10/31/23 8:06:06 AM

They get rich.

Just call me Discount Dan.
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10/31/23 8:09:30 AM

Don't forget the Korean War as well

Sigs are for losers.
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10/31/23 9:38:33 AM

cjsdowg posted...
But a lot that popularity isn't natural. It comes from lies from our government and media
That's what I mean by a "manufactured consensus"; foreign policy tends to drag public opinion along behind it, rather than it being driven by public opinion. Nevertheless, popular support can still be genuine even if it's (unknowingly) founded on a falsehood.

All the good usernames were already taken.
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10/31/23 9:40:49 AM

Shit just moves on like it never happened. Like with the Iraq war all the people insisting there were WMD. People got in more shit for calling out the lies and bad info than the people giving it out did(none).

None of the media talking heads lost credibility over it either
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10/31/23 11:36:39 AM

Stolen from The Onion.

Im not sure, but I dont think they have anything to do with what America did in the Philippines between 1899 and 1906; in Haiti between 1915 and 1934; in Japan during World War II; in Korea between 1950 and 1953; in Guatemala in 1954; in Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia between 1960 and 1972; in Cuba in 1961; in Indonesia in the 1960s; in Chile in 1973; in East Timor in 1975; in El Salvador and Nicaragua in the 1980s; in the Persian Gulf in the early 1990s; in Serbia in 1999; in Afghanistan between 2001 and 2021; in Iraq between 2003 and 2007; in Somalia, Libya, and Yemen in the 2010s; and whats happening in Guantnamo Bay right now.

"Whatever the reason you're on Mars, I'm glad you're there, and I wish I was with you." ~Carl Sagan.
Currently playing: Flight Simulator X.~PC
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10/31/23 11:39:14 AM

No, nothing happens. Henry Kissinger is still alive and the people that pushed us into the Iraq war are still in power are the very same people supporting Israel's genocide right now. They're still given a platform on MSM to spew their bullshit.
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10/31/23 1:12:55 PM

No, because holding the previous administration legally accountable slows them down from promoting whatever policy they plan to enact during their limited time in power. Obama was more interested in promoting UHC and trying Bush would preoccupy him from that. It would also open Obama up to being tried as a private citizen for things he did as President should a Republican come into power.

"But who prays for Satan? Who, in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most?"
-Mark Twain
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10/31/23 1:36:39 PM

NoMeLx22x posted...
Don't forget the Korean War as well
The North invaded the South. What are you getting at?

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