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My head and neck hurt. Like a circus of jackhammers, vuvuzelas, and car alarms.
WastelandCowboy501.16.2018 11:14pm0 + 0
Animal Crossing: New Leaf sure isn't very night-owl friendly.
Ferarri6191501.16.2018 10:40pm0 + 0
When will the trolls finally get enough coin to move out from under tha bridge?
argonautweakend401.16.2018 10:36pm0 + 0
My girlfriend is close to her ex husband's family
DDirtyDastard2801.16.2018 10:20pm0 + 0
Batman Begins has to be the most underrated Comic Book movie ever
FrozenBananas301.16.2018 10:11pm0 + 0
Japanese broadcaster sends false North Korean missile alert.
GanonsSpirit401.16.2018 9:55pm0 + 0
Alright men, take care
MannerSaurus801.16.2018 9:52pm0 + 0
Some guy just came to my door, asked for me by name including middle initial
Jen0125701.16.2018 9:40pm0 + 0
FACT: Malaria has now killed half the world's population...
Lokarin301.16.2018 9:39pm0 + 0
Someone play PUBG with me, please!
THEGODDAMNBATMA601.16.2018 9:20pm0 + 0
Have you ever played The 7th Saga(SNES)
Molitheus5901.16.2018 9:04pm0 + 0
y are blondes so perfect
Nomak-544901.16.2018 9:00pm0 + 0
Trump supporters tried to arrest London's mayor, Sadiq Khan.
WastelandCowboy801.16.2018 8:47pm0 + 0
I'm losing my goddamn mind
Tropic_Sunset2501.16.2018 8:44pm0 + 0
Do you like being pat on the head?
Quol2601.16.2018 8:19pm0 + 0
Why do some dads...
LinkPizza1101.16.2018 7:55pm0 + 0
Girls Trip might just be the most despicable piece of fiction we've produced
Lokarin501.16.2018 7:31pm0 + 0
Pug chooses between $100 bill or a single chicken nugget
Mead1101.16.2018 7:19pm0 + 0
Take a look at this disturbing circus video *violence warning*
UT1999201.16.2018 7:18pm0 + 0
dioxxys501.16.2018 7:11pm0 + 0
guy turns World of Warcraft musical score into a metal song
Zikten401.16.2018 7:08pm0 + 0
The vocal minority sure likes to cry about gaming. Overwatch League skins.
pipebomb_phil4901.16.2018 6:34pm0 + 0
My Vive shipment says it has been on the FedEX truck since 12:30PM
THEGODDAMNBATMA101.16.2018 6:26pm0 + 0
Rainbow Six Siege is one of the best FPS games I have played in years.
THEGODDAMNBATMA901.16.2018 6:24pm0 + 0
I miss having a dog.
LeningradCowboy101.16.2018 6:19pm0 + 0
knightoffire55301.16.2018 6:11pm0 + 0
Enlightening! My 4 year old niece called me a poopbutt, so I called her a bitch!
PK_Spam1301.16.2018 5:49pm0 + 0
I am horrible at small talk.
FinalXemnas1001.16.2018 5:49pm0 + 0
mr. brightside except anytime a pronoun is used it gets faster
Muffinz0rz1301.16.2018 5:42pm0 + 0
Phantom Menace and Revenge of the Sith are better movies than The Last Jedi
DirtBasedSoap1801.16.2018 5:06pm0 + 0
Giant building sized lizards ruled the earth for 200 million years, ok?
ClarkDuke801.16.2018 5:04pm0 + 0
Anyone curious if the Hawaii warning was actually a test?
TheCyborgNinja1501.16.2018 4:47pm0 + 0
i dip my chicken tendies in ketchup
helIy1101.16.2018 4:45pm0 + 0
Car flies and crashes into 2nd FL building after high speed chase...
pionear201.16.2018 4:45pm0 + 0
Tiny toons is on Hulu. This is not a drill.
MICHALECOLE2001.16.2018 3:12pm0 + 0
Flamethrowers are legal?
Zikten2501.16.2018 2:33pm0 + 0
"Memes" are so poser / "trendy" and lame
MannerSaurus601.16.2018 2:16pm0 + 0
I wish I had a super uncommon first name
DirtBasedSoap2101.16.2018 2:15pm0 + 0
C/D: Damn, it feels good to be a gangster.
MannerSaurus301.16.2018 1:37pm0 + 0
Rate RWBY Vol. 1 Chapter 16 Black and White
Ogurisama2401.16.2018 1:36pm0 + 0
Noticed Young Justice on Netflix, started watching
Nichtcrawler X1101.16.2018 1:08pm0 + 0
What's your oldest internet account that you're able to access, excluding gfaqs?
Rockies2501.16.2018 12:54pm0 + 0
Yesterday my friend got married to someone way out of his league.
MrMelodramatic4501.16.2018 12:53pm0 + 0
I hate when this happens
Ogurisama301.16.2018 12:52pm0 + 0
C/D: When you say something like 'I think I've already told you this...'
Mario_VS_DK601.16.2018 12:22pm0 + 0
Arv just seen the hottest postal lady
ArvTheGreat901.16.2018 12:18pm0 + 0
is it normal for an asus laptop to say 'plugged in,not charging?
RJP_X501.16.2018 11:43am0 + 0
celebrate MLK, watch ebony porn
argonautweakend2001.16.2018 11:39am0 + 0
Luke Cage is pretty good so far.
AllstarSniper321501.16.2018 11:32am0 + 0
I was spam-swiping right on bumble and a large woman messaged me
Muffinz0rz1601.16.2018 11:03am0 + 0
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