Have you ever experienced an earthquake?

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Current Events » Have you ever experienced an earthquake?
Have you lived through any earthquake yet?

Did it scare you? Did you experience any property damage? Did it affect your life in any way? Did you have to move because of it?
Proving Mr. Tennyson, proving, that of the two of us, you are by far the more substantial. https://www.scribd.com/document/340746101/Arguments
Yeah, when your mom got out of bed
I am Mogar, God of Irony and The Devourer of Topics.
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I live in LA so yeah

I don't even feel em anymore. Obviously they're not serious occurrences tho
Yes, like 4 total. They've been between 4.0 and 5.0 magnitude so nothing too serious.
Ave, true to Caesar.
I live in the Bay Area, the strongest I've actually felt was 5.6 like 10 years ago. There was one that was 6.0 a few years back but I slept through it.
Moderate tremors a few times in my life where I live, but nothing that caused real structural damage - just maybe a couple things falling off a shelf.
TheDarkCircle posted...
I live in LA so yeah

I don't even feel em anymore. Obviously they're not serious occurrences tho

This exactly.

The last one I felt was something like, 7-8 years ago. I was at work and everything started shaking. My coworkers and I looked at each other and just went back to work.
"Sometimes, all the stupidity in the world is boiled down to one single product that you can buy at Home Depot."
Does feeling slight remnants of quakes from neighbouring countries count?
Yep, experienced a couple right here in Nashville TN. Was pretty strange thing
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Also if anyone recorded them in any way, even if you didn't expect it and you just filmed something and caught it on camera.
Proving Mr. Tennyson, proving, that of the two of us, you are by far the more substantial. https://www.scribd.com/document/340746101/Arguments
do_ob_tpkillr posted...
Does feeling slight remnants of quakes from neighbouring countries count?

Sure, anything that could be felt and got your attention.
Proving Mr. Tennyson, proving, that of the two of us, you are by far the more substantial. https://www.scribd.com/document/340746101/Arguments
I live in good ole Florida, so it's tornadoes and hurricanes here...
I dont want a sig!
ShinigamiSoul posted...
I live in good ole Florida, so it's tornadoes and hurricanes here...

Which hurricane have you experienced?
Proving Mr. Tennyson, proving, that of the two of us, you are by far the more substantial. https://www.scribd.com/document/340746101/Arguments
I live in SoCal, man.
Dielman on Rivers: "I've tried to get him to say s--- or f--- and all he'll ever do is say, 'Golly gee, I can't do that."
Felt that one that happened in North Carolina or whatever and was felt out to NYC. Lasted 30 or so seconds and I think it was 5 or 6 years ago. I remember tons of people posting as it happened on here.
It all just disappears, doesn't it? Everything you are, gone in a moment, like breath on a mirror. - The Doctor
I live in Chile, earthquakes here are kinda daily occurences, anything below 7 doesn't phase us lol
There was one year's ago, but I slept through it. I didn't even know one happened. In my defense though, I live across the street from a stone quarry and the explosives they used shook my house much worse than the quake supposedly did. So I was accustomed to that kind of thing.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!

this one, two states north. woke me up, actually, so I didn't realize what it was until I read about it online a little later.

I also thought I felt one when vacationing at Yellowstone, but nobody else seemed to notice.
Boom! That's right, this is all happening! You cannot change the channel now!
Act now! Venchmen are standing by for your orders!
FlashOfLight posted...
ShinigamiSoul posted...
I live in good ole Florida, so it's tornadoes and hurricanes here...

Which hurricane have you experienced?

I think the one that got the closest was Mathew from October last year.

That was scary.
I dont want a sig!
Had one a couple years back out of nowhere, although not a very strong one. Took us all a while to figure out what had just happened since we never get earthquakes out here.
BBCF: Izanami/Tsubaki/Izayoi/Azrael/Mai | UNIST: Phonon/Orie/Waldstein
GGXrd Rev: Venom/Jack-O'/I-No | Diamondbacks: 6-1
I'm near Palm Springs. I've lived with them my whole life. I'm in my mid thirties so I remember most of the big ones. The Landers quake and that was 7.3 if I remember. The Big Bear quake was almost as big and on the same day a few hours later.
Hector Mine was a 7.1
Sierra Madre, Upland and Northridge
FFVII Remake: A disaster in the making.
I'll laugh at whatever I find funny whether you like it or not.
Medussa posted...

this one, two states north. woke me up, actually, so I didn't realize what it was until I read about it online a little later.

I also thought I felt one when vacationing at Yellowstone, but nobody else seemed to notice.

Ah this one. I live near Hampton Roads so I didn't get hit too hard, just a little shaking in my house for a few seconds. I genuinely thought it was some aircraft flying low or something until my Mom called me. I literally could've slept through it. That's the only earthquake I've been in.

Hurricanes are another story though.
spritual powah will never die
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2 or 3, none particularly strong
My sister's dog bit a hole in my Super Mario Land cartridge. It still works though - Skye Reynolds
3DS FC: 3239-5612-0115
yea the virginia one. first and only one I ever felt. I was laying on the floor when it happened. noticed the window blinds were swaying slightly and I felt weird.

I thought I was just having a strange moment until my sister said something about it.
3DS: 2165-6738-9117
Minor earthquakes while I lived in Reno
I wouldn't have realized there was one if the china cabinet wasn't ever so quietly making rattling noise.

So whatever magnitude that would be.
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Typically in bed, but I've felt a tremor or two.
~Drewnami: The Drew abides.~
Gonads are useful for their purpose, but they are no substitute for brains. -Paul Harvey
Medussa posted...

this one, two states north. woke me up, actually, so I didn't realize what it was until I read about it online a little later.

I also thought I felt one when vacationing at Yellowstone, but nobody else seemed to notice.

That's the one I slept through.
What did the pirate say on his 80th birthday?
Aye Matey!
TheDarkCircle posted...
I live in LA so yeah

I don't even feel em anymore. Obviously they're not serious occurrences tho

PSN: Nundulan
Taking Klonopins on the bus/I can feel my body rust/Trying to get back to my little room/So I can nod out lookin' at the moon.
Yea, I live in Alaska. Highest I've been in was 7.1.
Yes. I live in Alaska and we recently had a 7.5.

I was scared at shit cause I thought it was gonna be a 9.1 or something
Xbox Live GT: WhiteAngel50
The last earthquake I experienced was back in nineteen ninety-eight when the Undertaker threw Mankind off Hell in a Cell and plummeted sixteen feet through an announcer's table
Yeah countless ones.

None have been particularly large or noteworthy though.
Yeah it's a mildly interesting story, but not that interesting.

This must have been like 5 years ago, but a small earthquake hit in Virginia, the effects were felt in the Pittsburgh, PA area.

At the time, I worked at a building in Pittsburgh's south side, and the T happened to travel directly underneath the building (we call our subway system "The T"). Every time a train would come by underneath us, the floor would shake slightly. We thought this was what the earthquake was, and didn't even think about it or pay it any mind. We legitimately had no idea that it was an earthquake.
The Phantom has spoken!
Had a few since I moved to Anchorage.
Oh my God... That was the dumbest collection of dumbosity I've ever seen! - Famine
too many to count
-Only dead fish swim with the current
growing up it was never a thing

oklahoma gets them regularly now
get ready for a backside attack ;)
Yeah, once when I was a little kid. I slept through it.

I voted 5.1-6.0 but it was apparently a 6.8.
organicbamf posted...
growing up it was never a thing

oklahoma gets them regularly now

good ole fracking
-Only dead fish swim with the current
I live in SoCal. There's probably one going on right now and I can't even feel it. I can't even remember the most recent quake of the most mag. I guess around a 6?
spudger posted...
organicbamf posted...
growing up it was never a thing

oklahoma gets them regularly now

good ole fracking

Yeah, this is becoming a ticking time bomb.
Proving Mr. Tennyson, proving, that of the two of us, you are by far the more substantial. https://www.scribd.com/document/340746101/Arguments
Yeah. There was one in Michigan a couple years ago. I was sleeping at college and my furniture started shaking. I think it originated on the west side of the state and wasn't very serious.
I luv u
Current Events » Have you ever experienced an earthquake?