C/D: you don't tailgate people, even if they're going slow

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Current Events » C/D: you don't tailgate people, even if they're going slow

If you're going 50 in the left lane, you're getting tailgated.
Depends on if they are in the left lane and I can't pass them on the right.
Sweet dreams are made of cheese
Who am I to diss a brie?
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Sometimes I'll come up a bit quick on a slow driver, but I always back off so I'm not tailgating. In most cases they still know you're there without being directly up their ass and will move over so you can pass.
I ram the back of their car and scream kapla
I am Mogar, God of Irony and The Devourer of Topics.
http://i.imgtc.com/tHc3mIo.png http://i.imgtc.com/PYxw8Lm.png
I only tailgate people doing private drivers ed (they have a sign).
FF_Redux posted...
I only tailgate people doing private drivers ed (they have a sign).

Why? To like teach them how to deal with douchey drivers?
I don't tailgate. I'm a safe driver.
On the highway, if you are driving somewhere that is 20 miles away, the driver in front of you is going 60 MPH and you want to go 75 MPH, that slow driver is costing you exactly 5 minutes (assuming you never get the opportunity to pass them over the 20 miles).

On a small road, if someone is going 30 in a 35, that 5 MPH you really feel is being taken away from you is costing you 0.08 miles per minute. Every mile you are behind that driver is costing you a whopping 17 seconds.

Just some things to think about next time you feel the need to tailgate someone.
Nope. Never tailgate. I'm actually a halfway decent driver.
PSN/Steam: HaVeNII7
Tailgating people generally does not make them move faster, but if they're going under the limit I'll follow closely enough that they hopefully get the hint.
I don't because I don't want to fuck up my car if they decide to slam on the brakes.
You should never tailgate. Always drive as if, at any moment, the car in front of you is going to instantly freeze right on the spot where it is. Can you stop in time? Well, that's how much space you should leave.
There is no "would of", "should of" or "could of".
There is "would've", "should've" and "could've".
C. There's nothing dumber than tailgating.
There's a simple flowchart you can follow in these situations that will serve you well every time:

Q: Am I doing something while driving that is more dangerous than if I was not doing it?
If yes: don't do it
If no: continue not doing it
i never understood why people on the freeway need to get as close as possible...i always leave at least one car distance and it never fails that the dumbass tailgating me speeds up and forces himself in front of me leaving very little gap on either side of his car...that won't get you to your destination any quicker, dumbass...
I try to avoid doing so, but I find myself ocasionally doing it because most of my driving is on a one lane state road where its not always safe to pass and some people like going 5-10mph under the speed limit when I'm trying to go to work..
And as her clothes all tumbled 'round her, I could hear my heart
The moonlight shown upon her as she lay back in my bed
If I need to make a turn soon and, by proxy, am stuck in the lane, it's gonna be inevitable.
If you're not looking for any honest discussion, agreement, meeting halfway or middle ground, don't bother arguing with me. Selfish narcissists need not apply.
I'm not a shitty person so C.
Current Events » C/D: you don't tailgate people, even if they're going slow