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Did you pass your driving test the first time?

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Current Events » Did you pass your driving test the first time?
I gotta take the test again on the 9th. The first time I took it was in driver's Ed in high school. I easily passed with flying colors. I've always wondered how much have it had changed over the years. I only had one issues and that was parallel parking.
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Passed it on the very first time, but it was basically impossible to fail. It was literally "pull out of the parking lot, make 4 short right turns then pull back into the parking lot." Must have taken 20-30 seconds.
No took me two times, my first instructor was an asshole & nitpicker
No, it took me 3 tries.

I didn't go to drivers Ed and my dad taught me. So not only did I have horrible anxiety but my dad forget a couple relatively smaller things like moving up to take a left turn at the light. >.>
I do drawings and stuff
1st try baby. Just exaggerate all the safety shit and you're good
Yeah, but I got a shit ton of driving experience in beforehand and the test was literally in the parking lot.
Peace Love Dope
Driving, yes. Somehow missed too many on the written test the first time.
Putin delenda est
Yeah I dont think it was actually possible to fail the test I took unless you were intentionally speeding or something.

Literally was leaving the parking lot, doing a loop on the backstreets, and then going back into the parking lot.
Hee Ho
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no, first time i got to a Stop sign, but since there was no traffic i just went down to like 0.005 m/h but didn't actually fully stop
Kremlin delenda est
Yeah. I failed the parallel parking segment, but it's not a requirement where I live. 100% on everything else for an overall score of 93.

I even hit a cone in my attempt to parallel park, which made me think I was doomed since I heard that's an insta-fail even in places where parallel parking is not mandatory to pass your exam.

Getting your license a month before you start your first real job 45 minutes from where you live is high-time anxiety, lol!
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Written test I aced, but I failed the driving part the first time. Accidentally pulled too close and tapped my mirror on another car's mirror during the parallel parking.
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Can't remember.
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Passed the written test first try while at the same time coming to the realisation my eyes are a lot worse than I thought.

Needed 3 attempts for the actual driving test, first one failed because I didn't notica a dude on a bike and almost hit him, second fail was because it had snowed and I failed to take a longer brake way into account because I hadn't even driven in snow yet
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why do you have to take the test again?

and yes, i passed on the first try
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Yeah, first time. But I got my license at 16, so I had to go through all of the driving school training in order to be able to take the behind the wheel test. Got plenty of practice.
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Touched the curb parallel parking the first time. Insta-failed.

Second time was a different location, the parallel park was on a street with 1) no curb at all, and 2) just in front of one parked car, not between two.

I got a perfect score on both parts of the motorcycle test first time though.
Buffalo Bills
Yep. It really annoyed my dad because he wanted to blame a failure on "you only know how to drive with a controller!"

He was visibly irritated the whole drive home lol
Failed written the first time, but passed driving at once
passed the written and driving test first time. I got no sleep cause I was out the night before and did everything with out thinking about it.
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I did, though they almost failed me right out of the gate because I looked over the wrong shoulder while backing out of the parking spot, or some shit like that.
Failed the written, passed the driving on my first go. Passed both my second try. Funny. I remember being that age and when I failed the written I thought it was the end of my life. Ill never be able to do anything if I cant drive.
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Failed the first time. Instructor was upset because I used my side mirror instead of looking over my shoulder to pull onto the street after parallel parking.
There were some other minor things that added up to a fail,but that was her big one.
Second time, different instructor, much nicer. But I also did better.
I passed on my second attempt. Everything went great, but I failed on the 2-point reverse turn. Brushed up against a cone, insta-fail. In my defense I was taking the test on snowy city streets that weren't plowed, and my car didn't do so well in deep snow. Then the spot they set the cones for parallel parking was basically a snowbank that was spilling over into the street lol. I passed that no problem, was more worried about not getting my car stuck. Just a bad day all around to take a driving test.
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Permit and driving test first try

My parents made it clear I wasn't going yo retest over and over again like some of my friends.
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-Jane Lane
Jupiter posted...
Passed it on the very first time, but it was basically impossible to fail. It was literally "pull out of the parking lot, make 4 short right turns then pull back into the parking lot." Must have taken 20-30 seconds.
This, except my instructor managed to fail me the first time anyway.
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We have a three stage system here. You get a learner's licence first which only involves a theory test, then a restricted licence and later a full licence which both involve practical tests. I passed the learner's test and full licence test first time, but took a few tries for the restricted.
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Yeah but almost insta-failed when the instructor pointed out I was going 5mph over the speed limit. I couldn't say anything other than "whoops, sorry" but really wanted to ask if he was familiar with the city (actual downtown Atlanta not the metro area) that we live in because driving like a grandma won't cut it
Roll Tide & Go Irish
Yes. The only thing I did wrong was not using my turn signal to park at the end of the test, but I still passed.
I did pass my driver's test on the first try.

But I did fail my learner's permit test the first time. The test had the ability to skip a question, which I thought meant skip and go back to it later, but instead it just meant get that question wrong. That really pissed me off
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Current Events » Did you pass your driving test the first time?