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Edward Snowden Sides With Musk

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Current Events » Edward Snowden Sides With Musk
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musk is one of the most powerful people in america
Pikakaeru, use water gun!
pikakaeru posted...
musk is one of the most powerful people in america
Careful, your you-know-what is showing.
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Are you telling me that a Russian spy is siding with someone who's also a Russian spy
See profile pic
Why do an interview if you can't handle questions?
Post #6 was unavailable or deleted.
Irony posted...
Are you telling me that a Russian spy is siding with someone who's also a Russian spy
LOL, this
Dumpy Trumpy: Inmate No. P01135809
"Ten bad tweets from 1997" is a telling attempt at minimization, creating fake distance from Musk's very recent and habitual racist twitter interactions.
Revnir posted...
*Soviet spy
That Family Guy joke about cars driving you in Soviet Russia was ahead of its time since Teslas have autopilot
See profile pic
Comrade Snowden wanted to chime in?
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
Do people still like and support Snowden?
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That reminds me, whatever happened with that wikileaks guy whose name I forget?
Tah-rah-rah-boom-dee-aaay, did you get yours todaaay? I got mine yesterdaaay, that's why I walk this way.
Doom_Art posted...
Comrade Snowden wanted to chime in?
Comrade Snowden was told to chime in I bet...
Seattle Sounders 1-3-2 5 points
261 Refugee
I_is_smart posted...
That reminds me, whatever happened with that wikileaks guy whose name I forget?
He's currently in prison in the UK. Currently he is pending an appeal to be extradited to the US, but the UK said they'll extradite him if the US promises to give him a fair trial and not murder him via like lethal injection or something.
See profile pic
Irony posted...
He's currently in prison in the UK. Currently he is pending an appeal to be extradited to the US, but the UK said they'll extradite him if the US promises to give him a fair trial and not murder him via like lethal injection or something.

It's a Cat A prison as well, which are pretty bad. They're only allowed 3 hours of internet a day, I hear. I dunno how anyone copes in such a place.
Doom_Art posted...
Comrade Snowden wanted to chime in?
Dumbest traitor in American history and ran off to an enemy country where he is def telling him exactly how to destroy America he can fucking burn in hell for all i care
Halo478 posted...
Dumbest traitor in American history and ran off to an enemy country where he is def telling him exactly how to destroy America he can fucking burn in hell for all i care
He didn't run there. He was trying to go to some other place I think Singapore or something when they confiscated his passport in Russia. They trapped him there on purpose.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
There are no good whistleblowers anymore clearly. No, Chelsea Manning doesn't count either
Post #19 was unavailable or deleted.
Before now I thought of Snowden as a beneficial whistleblower to the American people. Now.fuck
He's all alone through the day and night.
LonelyStoner posted...
Before now I thought of Snowden as a beneficial whistleblower to the American people. Now.fuck
He can be right about the NSA and wrong about this
Doe posted...
He can be right about the NSA and wrong about this
I don't fully disagree with him. The interview is obviously Don trying to push his buttons, but I also think that was what he should have done because nobody really gives a fuck about Musk's opinions on anything and Don wasn't there to write his biography.
It says right here in Matthew 16:4 "Jesus doth not need a giant Mecha."
How much do we really know about anything? The power dynamic between average ppl and up there ppl is crazy.
1 Like 0 Comments
Halo478 posted...
Dumbest traitor in American history and ran off to an enemy country where he is def telling him exactly how to destroy America he can fucking burn in hell for all i care
If he stayed and faced the music like Manning he'd probably have had his sentence commuted or lessened like he did with her on his last day in office.

Instead he ran, which I get, but in hindsight was a really dumb move.
Not removing this until Mega Man 64 is released on the Wii Virtual Console. Started on: 12/1/2009
Humble_Novice posted...
Do people still like and support Snowden?
Yeah, he's a hero
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
Doom_Art posted...
If he stayed and faced the music like Manning he'd probably have had his sentence commuted or lessened like he did with her on his last day in office.

Instead he ran, which I get, but in hindsight was a really dumb move.
He almost certainly would have been murdered by the government and it would have been sold as a suicide.
He's all alone through the day and night.
I believe Snowden's original actions were heroic. I don't know about the man himself, but since he is forced to live in an oppressive hostile country, I think it's a mistake to judge what he says too harshly. We can all imagine we'd do "the right thing", but most people would be leery of becoming suicidal and shooting themselves in the back of the head twice and then throwing themselves out of a window.
Cuteness is justice! It's the law.
I haven't seen the interview, but if it's even remotely as bad as Snowden is saying it is, then oof.

And, fuck Elon Musk, but a bad interview is a bad interview.
"To be, or not to be - there is no such question. To be! But to be what...?"
FFBE friend ID - 432.640.287 - nekrodev
Post #29 was unavailable or deleted.
Asherlee10 posted...

What exactly are you confused about?
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
Irony posted...
He's currently in prison in the UK. Currently he is pending an appeal to be extradited to the US, but the UK said they'll extradite him if the US promises to give him a fair trial and not murder him via like lethal injection or something.
Assange? Yeah fuck him. Wikileaks leaked the names of LGBTQ people who live in places where that's a death sentence. It should also be noted that both DNC and RNC emails were hacked but only the DNC's got leaked.

Also, he's a rapist.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
ScazarMeltex posted...
Assange? Yeah fuck him. Wikileaks leaked the names of LGBTQ people who live in places where that's a death sentence. It should also be noted that both DNC and RNC emails were hacked but only the DNC's got leaked.

Also, he's a rapist.
I'm wondering if people still like Assange after he did all this.
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nekrodev posted...
I haven't seen the interview, but if it's even remotely as bad as Snowden is saying it is, then oof.

And, fuck Elon Musk, but a bad interview is a bad interview.
Maybe watch the interview before taking others opinions on it? Its pretty easy to find.

And its also not the way he describes it.
Hee Ho
Snowden has lived in Russia so long he is probably compromised now. I mean he has to do certain things or they will extradite him.
Post #35 was unavailable or deleted.
Snowden is always a wild discussion to see on CE because some of the comments will be "this man is the greatest hero in human history" and others will be like "he's a piece of shit traitor and russian shill", and rarely anything in between
CE's Resident Scotsman.
^ back when he blew the whistle he was doing a good thing

I don't think he is atm a Russian shill by his own willingness but the situation means he is most likely at their whim; and Musk likes Russia
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Maybe watch the interview before taking others opinions on it? Its pretty easy to find.

And its also not the way he describes it.

I'll watch it when I can, but haven't had the chance. Also, if it were Elon, himself, or some other typical chud coming out and being like, "waaah they treated me/him unfair", I'd wave it off, but Snowden doesn't generally weigh in on stuff like this, and certainly had a well written opinion - while it's accuracy might still be questionable.
"To be, or not to be - there is no such question. To be! But to be what...?"
FFBE friend ID - 432.640.287 - nekrodev
WingsOfGood posted...
Youtube comments are uniquely fucking terrible in almost all instances
Hee Ho
"Ten bad tweets from 1997" sure is an interesting way to frame recently and actively shitposting on a social media platform you own by dogwhistling for confirmed Neo-Nazis (who you also unbanned).

But you know, to-may-to, to-mah-to
I have nothing else to say
'1997' is a common typo for 'march'.
Asherlee10 posted...
What makes Snowden a hero?
Revealing to the American public the disregard their government had for their civil liberties.
Dokkan ID: 2365415872
Humble_Novice posted...
Do people still like and support Snowden?
The Murica bad, not-Murica good faction of the left still capes for him.
Currently playing: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
Post #45 was unavailable or deleted.
Irony posted...
Are you telling me that a Russian spy is siding with someone who's also a Russian spy
Watched most of the interview, but cut it a bit short cuz it was mostly just boring. At the point I'd stopped, it hadn't gotten terribly heated, and was mostly just two dudes going disagreeing over everything w/ one of them present some form of evidence, and the other not doing that.

Elon Musk is an idiot, and Don Lemon was definitely at least somewhat antagonistic from the start, but I don't think it was AS BAD as Snowden claimed. It wasn't a great interview either, very predictable and dull.
"To be, or not to be - there is no such question. To be! But to be what...?"
FFBE friend ID - 432.640.287 - nekrodev
Progressives love Snowden and assange and demand pardons for both men because freedom of the press means they bare no responsibility for anything they leak
A worthless existence
Post #49 was unavailable or deleted.
Snowden has done so much self-aggrandizing of his actual role working for the government when it's clear that what he was mostly motivated by was ego. I think even if you think that he shone light on bad things, the hero narrative kind of falls out of wack when it ends up being more like "I was okay with all of this until people didn't treat me like the wunderkind I thought I was and so I found another way to get infamy".
Current Events » Edward Snowden Sides With Musk
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