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Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual

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Current Events » Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual
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Is it reasonable to ask for things in the nine months before the next administration begins?
Have you tried thinking rationally?
Intro2Logic posted...
Is it reasonable to ask for things in the nine months before the next administration begins?

ideally you want to not have to do the trolley problem

but then it is not a problem and you send the train down the rail without a human tied to it

but what do you do if you have no choice but send the train down a rail with a human tied to it?
that is the trolley problem

see pic for reference
Not even accurate. The number of dead Palestinians is the same on the biden track. The reason is that israel's goal is to completely take over Palestinian land 100% no matter what. Regardless, this is a false dichotomy, unless you want to argue that biden just *has to* support genocide. Would be interested in hearing why you think that is the case. - -
1337toothbrush posted...
Not even accurate. The number of dead Palestinians is the same on the biden track. The reason is that israel's goal is to completely take over Palestinian land 100% no matter what. Regardless, this is a false dichotomy, unless you want to argue that biden just *has to* support genocide. Would be interested in hearing why you think that is the case.

A more accurate rendition of this particular trolley problem would be Palestinians on the top, like normal -

And then Palestinians, Non Religious folk, LGBT+, and minorities on the bottom.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
Unfortunately, that graphic seems pretty accurate
There is no good. There is no evil. There just is. - Thanks GP cosmonaut!
1337toothbrush posted...
Not even accurate. The number of dead Palestinians is the same on the biden track. The reason is that israel's goal is to completely take over Palestinian land 100% no matter what. Regardless, this is a false dichotomy, unless you want to argue that biden just *has to* support genocide. Would be interested in hearing why you think that is the case.
Eh, idk about this. Trump literally came out and told Israel to finish them off already. I think if he was president, things would be a little more agressive
There is no good. There is no evil. There just is.
WingsOfGood posted...
For added accuracy, add dead trans people, dead Ukrainians, dead miscarrying women, acceleration of climate change, dismantling of the democratic process, etc. after the dead Palestinians.

Currently playing: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
BlueKat posted...
Eh, idk about this. Trump literally came out and told Israel to finish them off already. I think if he was president, things would be a little more agressive
Then you could claim that the trolley moves faster on the trump track, but the number of dead Palestinians would be the same. - -
It's only accurate if behind the trolley there's already hundreds of Palestinian corpse with "dead Palestinian under Biden"
FFBE: 396127609
Sometimes, choosing the lesser evil is the only moral option.
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I'm sorry. I couldn't pull that switch. Either way, I kill somebody.
It just forms a loop off panel on the right.
I don't believe in belts. There should be no ranking system for toughness.
1337toothbrush posted...
Not even accurate. The number of dead Palestinians is the same on the biden track. The reason is that israel's goal is to completely take over Palestinian land 100% no matter what. Regardless, this is a false dichotomy, unless you want to argue that biden just *has to* support genocide. Would be interested in hearing why you think that is the case.
Not really. Republicans have openly flouted just nuking gaza.
1337toothbrush posted...
Not even accurate. The number of dead Palestinians is the same on the biden track. The reason is that israel's goal is to completely take over Palestinian land 100% no matter what. Regardless, this is a false dichotomy, unless you want to argue that biden just *has to* support genocide. Would be interested in hearing why you think that is the case
The point is that Biden and Trump is that

Replubcians ads Hard line pro Israel. They do not care about anything in the Middle East.

Where as Dems softly support Israel. But they do listen to criticism about Israel and do believe in two state land policy.

Remember Bibi wants replubcian to win because there will be no criticism towards from the USA., my huge ass respect thread. You won't see it.
If its Joe or Trump behind the leaver I see neither pulling it personally. Which is why this analogy fails since it imagines the reader is making the option rather than the individual in question.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
Dunno why liberals have given up on demanding Biden to stop funding a genocide. Like sure vote for him whatever but man, "the other guy will genocide harder" isn't the shining endorsement you think it is lol this country is sick.
Smashingpmkns posted...
Dunno why liberals have given up on demanding Biden to stop funding a genocide

If you read this signature, then that meant that I had control of what you read for 5 SECONDS!!
FortuneCookie posted...
I'm sorry. I couldn't pull that switch. Either way, I kill somebody.

Strange response considering you just mentioned rioting and burning down cities in another topic, which would most likely lead to death(s).
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
Smashingpmkns posted...
Dunno why liberals have given up on demanding Biden to stop funding a genocide. Like sure vote for him whatever but man, "the other guy will genocide harder" isn't the shining endorsement you think it is lol this country is sick.

they think he got blackmailed into funding genocide
Arrrr the SS Goku, Mighty fine boat... -fatmatt
Hope Frieza doesn't chuck an Iceberg at the Goku, otherwise it's all over. -Nekoslash
I've never seen an image that more actually represents the standards liberals have
I don't think genocide is the best choice of subject material for funny meme pictures.
In dentibus anticis frustum magnum spinaciae habes.
Smashingpmkns posted...
Dunno why liberals have given up on demanding Biden to stop funding a genocide. Like sure vote for him whatever but man, "the other guy will genocide harder" isn't the shining endorsement you think it is lol this country is sick.

When did they stop demanding? The point of the picture is infact about voting
yet you say "sure vote for him"
so what is the issue?
No don't make me think about ethics aaaa

WingsOfGood posted... When did they stop demanding? The point of the picture is infact about voting
yet you say "sure vote for him"
so what is the issue?

Because they're more interested in their conscience and moral absolutism. They feel guilty about not knowing about Gaza until the Russian bots posted about the evictions in 2022 on social media and it kind of invaded the bleeding heart lefty twitter. And thus somehow the socially progressive and the far right wing horseshoe about another thing in politics.
"You're made of spare parts, aren't ya, bud?"
I mean, if weve reduced voting for Biden to GENOCIDE then we can similarly be reductive and say that anyone not voting for him supports transphobia, killing reproductive rights, accelerating climate change

oh, and genocide.
Currently playing: Final Fantasy VI Pixel Remaster (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
BlueKat posted...
Eh, idk about this. Trump literally came out and told Israel to finish them off already. I think if he was president, things would be a little more agressive
You're talking to someone who is trying to argue Biden just as bad as Trump on all regards.
FortuneCookie posted...
I'm sorry. I couldn't pull that switch. Either way, I kill somebody.

One switch. Hundreds die.

One switch, thousands die.

If you don't pull a switch, someone else will pull the second switch. Thanks for playing.
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
ClayGuida posted...
Not really. Republicans have openly flouted just nuking gaza.
Stupid republicans can talk about that all they want, but that would never happen, not only because of the geopolitical ramifications, but also because israel is right there and would be eating the fallout so they wouldn't allow it. Even if the blast and fallout could be entirely contained within Gaza, they wouldn't allow it because israel wants that land for themselves.

superbot400 posted...
The point is that Biden and Trump is that

Replubcians ads Hard line pro Israel. They do not care about anything in the Middle East.

Where as Dems softly support Israel. But they do listen to criticism about Israel and do believe in two state land policy.

Remember Bibi wants replubcian to win because there will be no criticism towards from the USA.

I wouldn't call this "soft support":

The two state proposal is a carrot hung in front of Palestinians that will never actually be given to them. It's a delay and pacify tactic that doubles as a cover for all the actions that the US takes directly against that goal, so they can claim "we tried!!" It's complete bullshit and it's strange that anyone believes the US is sincere in this stance. - -
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
Strange response considering you just mentioned rioting and burning down cities in another topic, which would most likely lead to death(s).

Rioting is a non-violent response. It's the destruction of property. It's financial destruction, not the destruction of human lives. It needn't result in even a single death.

If you cost the system millions of dollars every time a cop commits a racially motivated murder, they'll start locking up cops because it won't be financially feasible to allow them to continue.
FortuneCookie posted...
Rioting is a non-violent response.

You need to learn what words mean. And setting cities on fire could easily result in loss of life.
I don't disagree that cops suck, but your morality seems fairly situational.

It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
ItsNotA2Mer posted...
You need to learn what words mean. And setting cities on fire could easily result in loss of life.
I don't disagree that cops suck, but your morality seems fairly situational.

I don't mean setting an arson fire and letting it spread where it may. Not that I can blame you, given how it was worded, and the fact that text doesn't convey tone, but I think you're taking that statement a bit too literal.

1337toothbrush posted...
Stupid republicans can talk about that all they want, but that would never happen, not only because of the geopolitical ramifications, but also because israel is right there and would be eating the fallout so they wouldn't allow it. Even if the blast and fallout could be entirely contained within Gaza, they wouldn't allow it because israel wants that land for themselves.

I wouldn't call this "soft support":

The two state proposal is a carrot hung in front of Palestinians that will never actually be given to them. It's a delay and pacify tactic that doubles as a cover for all the actions that the US takes directly against that goal, so they can claim "we tried!!" It's complete bullshit and it's strange that anyone believes the US is sincere in this stance.
lmfao, anything to defend Republicans, as per usual.
FortuneCookie posted...
I don't mean setting an arson fire and letting it spread where it may. Not that I can blame you, given how it was worded, and the fact that text doesn't convey tone, but I think you're taking that statement a bit too literal.


"the city is set ablaze and the government that protects murder-cops has to pay for the damages"

I'm not sure how else I could have taken that, but I'm glad that you don't mean it literally.

It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
ClayGuida posted...
lmfao, anything to defend Republicans, as per usual.
What the hell are you talking about? - -
So what has the Biden administration done in favor of the two-state solution? They aren't even enforcing the restriction of American support to the Israeli military divisions who even under their own admission violated human rights before October 7. They blocked the Palestinian membership in the United Nations. They have done nothing about the Israeli efforts to expand settlements in the Westbank and their moves to recognize the illegal settlements the Israelis already established as legal. This image is fake, Biden will do nothing to stop Netanyahu's side from killing more Palestinians. He's fine with the perpetual "non-state" existence for the Palestinians. The only way out is for the Palestinians to wake up and give up on the two-state solution, and demand equal rights as Israeli citizens. That'll force Israel to either seriously give them a real state, or end their apartheid state.
Who Dat?
1337toothbrush posted...
What the hell are you talking about?
Republicans didn't actually mean that, and if they did, who cares, it'd never happen anyway, but let's get back to the evil demonrats!

Face it, Biden is as good as it gets. Grow up and vote for him, or let the world burn because you helped elect Trump.

ClayGuida posted...
Republicans didn't actually mean that, and if they did, who cares, it'd never happen anyway, but let's get back to the evil demonrats!
I didn't say that. The stupid republicans who said that definitely meant it, but reality prevents it. There are layers between them and the actual launching of nukes. Even the president has layers between himself and the actual launching of nukes. Also, since they're such rabid supporters of israel, israel themselves who instruct them not to nuke because, again, israel is right there and would get hit with fallout. I know you have a script in your mind about how all conversations go on the internet, but please read my post and respond to it instead of substituting in your own strawman. - -
People are putting a lot of effort into trying to shame people who say they don't want to play "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" with genocide and ignoring that

35% of voting age population didn't vote in 2020, some portion of which just didn't care to

30% of voting age population just voted directly for Trump

If Biden loses in the fall, there's a long list of people to blame before we get to "People who aren't okay with genocide".
Anteaterking posted...
People are putting a lot of effort into trying to shame people who say they don't want to play "don't let the perfect be the enemy of the good" with genocide and ignoring that

35% of voting age population didn't vote in 2020, some portion of which just didn't care to

30% of voting age population just voted directly for Trump

If Biden loses in the fall, there's a long list of people to blame before we get to "People who aren't okay with genocide".
There's a long list of people to blame if Trump wins including the people who didn't vote.

No matter the virtue signalling done to make ones self feel better. Doing nothing literally has consequences.

Using the TCs trolley example, Switch 1 kills 1 person, Switch 2 kills 5 people. No matter the virtue signalling done to make one's self feel better, regardless people are going to die under the trolley scenario. You aren't a good or better person letting 5 die instead of 1 because you didn't want to choose any dying at all.

Doing nothing is literally a choice that let's 5 die.
LightningThief posted...
Using the TCs trolley example, Switch 1 kills 1 person, Switch 2 kills 5 people. No matter the virtue signalling done to make one's self feel better, regardless people are going to die under the trolley scenario. You aren't a good or better person letting 5 die instead of 1 because you didn't want to choose.

Okay let me give you a trolley problem.

You're on a call with a person who is in the trolley problem. They say they morally would be opposed to flipping the switch for [trolley problem reasons], but they will flip it if you pay them $100. Do you do it?
Anteaterking posted...
Okay let me give you a trolley problem.

You're on a call with a person who is in the trolley problem. They say they morally would be opposed to flipping the switch for [trolley problem reasons], but they will flip it if you pay them $100. Do you do it?
5 people dying vs 1 person dying.

I'm choosing to save the 5.

The virtue signalling morality bs doesn't change doing nothing can possibly let even more people die as no matter what, 5 people or 1 person will die.
"Tether even a roasted chicken."
- Yamamoto Tsunetomo
LightningThief posted...
I'm choosing to save the 5.

So you would pay the $100 right?
Anteaterking posted...
So you would pay the $100 right?
So you can't read?

I said I would save the 5 people. You do the simple math.
sfcalimari posted...

Thanks for this I'll be stealing it
"Friends don't let friends watch The Big Bang Theory" - mogar002
LightningThief posted...
So you can't read?

I said I would save the 5 people. You do the simple math.

It just sounds like you're dodging actually saying those words, but whatever.

So how much would you pay FortuneCookie to vote for Biden?
sfcalimari posted...

"Generally good policies" LOL. Biden failed to remove much of Trump's terrible foreign policy decisions like scrapping the Iran nuclear deal, trade war with China, and moving the US embassy to Jerusalem. And now he is trying to ban Tiktok while still having an account on it.
Current Events » Some1 turned the Biden Palestine vote argument into the trolley problem 4 visual
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