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Who do you think will win this presidential election?

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Current Events » Who do you think will win this presidential election?

Young Michigan voters reveal deepening political problems for Biden seven months after start of Israel-Hamas war

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Biden easily. By a bigger margin than previously. This is one of those elections that will be called before the end of Tuesday night while my state is still counting votes. Unless that guy croaks before November this one is locked up though you always have a few people screaming about it being too close or that Trump might win.
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Post #7 was unavailable or deleted.
With the Republicans going full mask-off in their corruption and disdain for democracy, and with how many states are under GQP control courtesy of how much they've already rigged the game, I think Trump is going to steal the election even more brazenly than Bush did in 2000. And Biden and the Democrats either can't or won't do anything to stop it.
Trump wins, but I might not vote for him as I don't trust his foreign policy.
SpawnShadow posted...
With the Republicans going full mask-off in their corruption and disdain for democracy, and with how many states are under GQP control courtesy of how much they've already rigged the game, I think Trump is going to steal the election even more brazenly than Bush did in 2000. And Biden and the Democrats either can't or won't do anything to stop it.
Do you guys think it'll be another close election?
You're never ever fully dressed without a smile!
Dems have swept basically every special election for the last while. Biden's chances are pretty good.
I think you're hurting yourself, 'cause you hurt me
Biden leads then Trump some bullshit comeback and wins. America is screwed.
XBox Live GT: MastaMez PSN: KoolMez
The Topic Killer \_0_/
Biden should win easily except in the Bible Belt and a few useless flyover states.
Balenciaga hoodies and Gucci shoes
Life was definitely better for the average Joe when Trump was president, with huge tax cuts, lower cost of goods, lower gas prices, and better stability in the world, even with a global pandemic to boot.

In contrast, under Bidens administration, wealth inequality grew, Roe vs Wade was overturned, inflation is crazy, two giant conflicts began (Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia), and the biggest thing hes done is to forgive student loans to attempt to buy Gen Z/Millennial votes (which obviously isnt even working since these younger college kids hate Bidens stance on Israel and are destroying their own universities for some reason).

As a voter in a swing state, Im leaning towards Trump at this point. Bidens administration didnt make my life any better.
trying real hard to live up to that name there
easy's gettin' harder every day
bobspacethespacecow posted...
trying real hard to live up to that name there
On a presidential level, Trump is definitely not even remotely close to a good person. But his administration did far better than Biden for the average Joe. I cant even name one landmark legislation Biden passed.
The_Wheelman1 posted...
Biden leads then Trump some bullshit comeback and wins. America is screwed.

I see it being the opposite i.e. a repeat of 2020 where it looks like Trump won then mail-in ballots flood in, Biden takes the lead, people cry and scream fraud and eventually Biden wins more comfortably than it appears at first.
Buffalo Bills
electricbugs2 posted...
Biden should win easily except in the Bible Belt and a few useless flyover states.
I'm sure that's what hillary thought too.

theAteam posted...
I see it being the opposite i.e. a repeat of 2020 where it looks like Trump won then mail-in ballots flood in, Biden takes the lead, people cry and scream fraud and eventually Biden wins more comfortably than it appears at first.

We were deep in covid with no vaccine back then. I don't think the situations are equivalent. - -
I think despite how much Democrats are shooting themselves in the foot this year with Gaza, Biden ultimately takes it.

Trump is not gaining any support and a conviction in the NY Election Interference case will probably kill his chances.
I have nothing else to say

*old pic lol The Mass Effect

I'm optimistic.
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1337toothbrush posted...
I'm sure that's what hillary thought too.
This post would have made a lot more sense in 2020. Not 2024.

Balenciaga hoodies and Gucci shoes
Confident Trump is stealing it, as previously mentioned.

I hope to be wrong.
DFFOO ID: 801834319
Biden. Georgia and Maine-2 are the only flips I expect.
I apologize for nothing!
Probably biden. Regardless of who wins my life won't change much if at all so I don't really care.
There's no sensation to compare with this
Suspended animation, a state of bliss
Kanye West
IdiotMachine posted...
Life was definitely better for the average Joe when Trump was president, with huge tax cuts, lower cost of goods, lower gas prices, and better stability in the world, even with a global pandemic to boot.

In contrast, under Bidens administration, wealth inequality grew, Roe vs Wade was overturned, inflation is crazy, two giant conflicts began (Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia), and the biggest thing hes done is to forgive student loans to attempt to buy Gen Z/Millennial votes (which obviously isnt even working since these younger college kids hate Bidens stance on Israel and are destroying their own universities for some reason).

To be fair, most of those are not Biden's fault. Roe vs Wade was overturned because of the conservatives taking the majority in the SC, and that's thanks to the Trump admin.
IdiotMachine posted...
Life was definitely better for the average Joe when Trump was president, with huge tax cuts, lower cost of goods, lower gas prices, and better stability in the world, even with a global pandemic to boot.

In contrast, under Bidens administration, wealth inequality grew, Roe vs Wade was overturned, inflation is crazy, two giant conflicts began (Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia), and the biggest thing hes done is to forgive student loans to attempt to buy Gen Z/Millennial votes (which obviously isnt even working since these younger college kids hate Bidens stance on Israel and are destroying their own universities for some reason).

As a voter in a swing state, Im leaning towards Trump at this point. Bidens administration didnt make my life any better.
Jesus Christ
DaxNovalis posted...
To be fair, most of those are not Biden's fault. Roe vs Wade was overturned because of the conservatives taking the majority in the SC, and that's thanks to the Trump admin.

To be fair, Biden isn't responsible for anything the idiot posted except for maybe having a hand in inflation, which was already out of control from Trump's time in office, most notably his botching of containing COVID and the extent to which we needed government assistance to re-stimulate the economy. Also, Americans who want a lower cost of living at the expense of living standards and likely the very survivability of upcoming generations can all eat shit. Terrible,, hypocritical people to their cores living in all the ways the New Testament said not to.
electricbugs2 posted...
This post would have made a lot more sense in 2020. Not 2024.
No it wouldn't. 2020 was during a global pandemic which is way out of the ordinary. 2024 has a lot more similarities to 2016 than 2020. There's a milquetoast candidate claiming the status quo is fine, ignoring what large groups of people are saying, and there's the other candidate who is saying he's going to change everything. Republicans are far more passionate about their candidate. - -
DaxNovalis posted...
To be fair, most of those are not Biden's fault. Roe vs Wade was overturned because of the conservatives taking the majority in the SC, and that's thanks to the Trump admin.

LoZguy709 posted...
To be fair, Biden isn't responsible for anything the idiot posted except for maybe having a hand in inflation, which was already out of control from Trump's time in office, most notably his botching of containing COVID and the extent to which we needed government assistance to re-stimulate the economy. Also, Americans who want a lower cost of living at the expense of living standards and likely the very survivability of upcoming generations can all eat shit. Terrible,, hypocritical people to their cores living in all the ways the New Testament said not to.
Hes the commander in chief. Whatever happens, its his responsibility. I would say the same for any president sitting in that chair. Own the issue and dont deflect.
Bait used to be believable
Hey, everyone, what's going on in this topic? Oh.
I forgot housing and interest rates too. Under Trump, I was able to refinance all my mortgages at 2.25 to 2.75%. Under Biden, good fucking luck with buying a house right now, and enjoy that 5%+ mortgages.
IdiotMachine posted...
Hes the commander in chief. Whatever happens, its his responsibility. I would say the same for any president sitting in that chair. Own the issue and dont deflect.
That's an incredibly simplistic take on the US presidency. He doesn't control the SC, for example. There's nothing he can do if the previous admin put a conservative majority there (two of whom I would say are not even qualified for their positions).
1337toothbrush posted...
No it wouldn't. 2020 was during a global pandemic which is way out of the ordinary. 2024 has a lot more similarities to 2016 than 2020. There's a milquetoast candidate claiming the status quo is fine, ignoring what large groups of people are saying, and there's the other candidate who is saying he's going to change everything. Republicans are far more passionate about their candidate.

So matching Republicans' level of extremity is the winning strategy?

IdiotMachine posted...
Hes the commander in chief. Whatever happens, its his responsibility. I would say the same for any president sitting in that chair. Own the issue and dont deflect.

Total bullshit. You can't ignore Trump's creating of these situations by turning a blind eye toward Putin while attempting to bribe Ukraine's President and by letting Netanyahu rule however he wants. Let's not even get into the big fucking mess he set up in Afghanistan. The ignorance you represent is rage-inducing. Not so much because you're saying these things but because you're reflecting the fallacies so many Americans embrace.
DaxNovalis posted...
That's an incredibly simplistic take on the US presidency. He doesn't control the SC, for example. There's nothing he can do if the previous admin put a conservative majority there (two of whom I would say are not even qualified for their positions).
As the leader of the Democratic Party, he could have pushed Congress to expand the number of SC judges and then shoehorn some ultra left judges onto the panel, the latter of which the Republicans were able to do. Its strange to me that Republicans can stick together and achieve their goals but Democrats cannot (Im reminded of the time that Republicans refused to anoint Obamas SC choice for months, and then just shoehorned their own choice shortly thereafter).

Dont pretend the president has no power or influence.
IdiotMachine posted...
On a presidential level, Trump is definitely not even remotely close to a good person. But his administration did far better than Biden for the average Joe. I cant even name one landmark legislation Biden passed.
Think about that. do you try to learn or do you just listen to what others say?
Marijuana just changed scheduling. That's pretty big. We're close to it becoming legal, and now it can actually be researched.
Like, that just happened within the past month.
Consider your news sources if you can't remember something that happened within the past month.

Biden just created a job Corps for climate control, similar to the depression, to create jobs that actually benefit people and their surroundings. That basically just happened.

Oh, Biden also made sure to protect the grand canyon, a giant landmark of America, from being used up by businesses.

so there's three things that he's done. Again, consider your news sources if they're really not saying anything this president has done.

iirc, Trump did very, very little from an executive standpoint.
Warning: Sometimes biased
IdiotMachine posted...
As the leader of the Democratic Party, he could have pushed Congress to expand the number of SC judges and then shoehorn some ultra left judges onto the panel, the latter of which the Republicans were able to do. Its strange to me that Republicans can stick together and achieve their goals but Democrats cannot (Im reminded of the time that Republicans refused to anoint Obamas SC choice for months, and then just shoehorned their own choice shortly thereafter).

Dont pretend the president has no power or influence.

Democrats didn't have the Congressional votes to get Obama's pick through. Republicans had all the votes needed to get Trump's picks through. Biden has addressed this numerous times.

As for expanding the courts, that would give some credibility to Republicans depicting him as being part of the "radical left," which of course they'll still try to argue even if it holds no water.
HentaiMan posted...

*old pic lol
His running mate Yoshi got busted for tax fraud tho
Currently playing: Rune Factory 5 (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
pedro45 posted...
Think about that. do you try to learn or do you just listen to what others say?
Marijuana just changed scheduling. That's pretty big. We're close to it becoming legal, and now it can actually be researched.
Like, that just happened within the past month.
Consider your news sources if you can't remember something that happened within the past month.

Biden just created a job Corps for climate control, similar to the depression, to create jobs that actually benefit people and their surroundings. That basically just happened.

Oh, Biden also made sure to protect the grand canyon, a giant landmark of America, from being used up by businesses.

so there's three things that he's done. Again, consider your news sources if they're really not saying anything this president has done.

iirc, Trump did very, very little from an executive standpoint.
Its funny that you mention marijuana, because Trumps administration, despite Trump selecting Sessions as his attorney general, stayed quiet and let the states do their own thing when it came to marijuana decriminalization.
What makes that funny?
Warning: Sometimes biased
I see a lot of people here thinking with their heart and not their brain. Biden may win but it's not going to be "easily" or "handily". That's if he even wins at all.
Italian, French, German.
LoZguy709 posted...
So matching Republicans' level of extremity is the winning strategy?
I wish democrats would be extreme in pursuing things like government-provided healthcare, taxing the rich, being anti-war, making education affordable, etc. That would excite voters, yes. - -
Post #45 was unavailable or deleted.
Special election data is solid for Dems but if you buy the premise that high-propensity voters have dramatically shifted to the left and low-propensity voters are very Trump-favored then I don't think it matters much. There's reasons to think Biden walks it but his approvals are terrible and his polling is pretty bad in swing states.

We're locked in at this point but the only thing keeping Biden in anything resembling a "might win" position is just how awful Trump is, and that idea has backfired horribly before, so I imagine it's close either way.
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IdiotMachine posted...
Life was definitely better for the average Joe when Trump was president, with huge tax cuts, lower cost of goods, lower gas prices, and better stability in the world, even with a global pandemic to boot.

In contrast, under Bidens administration, wealth inequality grew, Roe vs Wade was overturned, inflation is crazy, two giant conflicts began (Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia), and the biggest thing hes done is to forgive student loans to attempt to buy Gen Z/Millennial votes (which obviously isnt even working since these younger college kids hate Bidens stance on Israel and are destroying their own universities for some reason).

As a voter in a swing state, Im leaning towards Trump at this point. Bidens administration didnt make my life any better.


"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
IdiotMachine posted...
Life was definitely better for the average Joe when Trump was president, with huge tax cuts, lower cost of goods, lower gas prices, and better stability in the world, even with a global pandemic to boot.

In contrast, under Bidens administration, wealth inequality grew, Roe vs Wade was overturned, inflation is crazy, two giant conflicts began (Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia), and the biggest thing hes done is to forgive student loans to attempt to buy Gen Z/Millennial votes (which obviously isnt even working since these younger college kids hate Bidens stance on Israel and are destroying their own universities for some reason).

As a voter in a swing state, Im leaning towards Trump at this point. Bidens administration didnt make my life any better.

Was wondering what the dumbest post in this topic would be. Did not disappoint.
Rage is a hell of an anesthetic.
IdiotMachine posted...
Life was definitely better for the average Joe when Trump was president, with huge tax cuts, lower cost of goods, lower gas prices, and better stability in the world, even with a global pandemic to boot.

In contrast, under Bidens administration, wealth inequality grew, Roe vs Wade was overturned, inflation is crazy, two giant conflicts began (Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia), and the biggest thing hes done is to forgive student loans to attempt to buy Gen Z/Millennial votes (which obviously isnt even working since these younger college kids hate Bidens stance on Israel and are destroying their own universities for some reason).

As a voter in a swing state, Im leaning towards Trump at this point. Bidens administration didnt make my life any better.

Is this person real
1337toothbrush posted...
I wish democrats would be extreme in pursuing things like government-provided healthcare, taxing the rich, being anti-war, making education affordable, etc. That would excite voters, yes.

There's a part of me that wishes Democrats would aggressively push for clean energy, going so far as to put pressure on and give incentives to countries we trade with to do the same. However, having a government that went to great lengths to actually do that would ensure they would lose the support of swing state voters, especially those living in economies dependent on harmful forms of energy as a chief export. For whatever cause you think is crucial to address, there's another part of the Democratic party, largely residing in swing states, that would jump ship quickly (or just simply not vote due to confusion of which party holds their interests in mind) if Democrats were to go all in on addressing that issue.
Current Events » Who do you think will win this presidential election?
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