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what do you think about vaping?

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Current Events » what do you think about vaping?
It's pretty overblown in terms of health boons. Yes it's better than smoking tobacco but it's equally as addictive because of the nicotine content. Plus, inhaling anything foreign into your lungs just isn't great for you. No matter what it is.
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Well, you know what I always say! Its never too early to hit the chuff! Unless of course its the green bean chuff!
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I just use Geek Bar which tastes okish and last a long time. I started smoking in my high school years with other people and that was the only thign to get me off cigarettes.

If you're gonna vape, choose one that isn't the greatest yet worst tasting. Evobar and Elf Bars literally taste like Candy and Ice Cream leading to you buying more vapes
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I have a really hot take

I really hate " I rather die young" types that consume large amounts of alcohol, energy drinks, junk food that also smoke. These people act like they're just going to drop dead at 30 and their death won't be a slow painful one. They act like they going to be okay with dying at 30 with no regrets. People have no idea how quickly their life will past them by before they realize they reached the age they said they were okay with dying at.
"dude, it's not a regulated market! the people that die or get hurt from vaping are using bad vapes or have pre-existing health conditions!"

"dude! vaping is bad! because uh... it's meant to ween people off smoking. not to be a permanent replacement and uh... that's metal in your lungs!"
I vape. I think its been proven its better for you than traditional smoking and a good way to get people off traditional cigarettes. More so in the UK / Europe where its a lot more regulated. The problem comes where you have non smokers taking up vaping so you go from people not smoking to vaping and thinking its 100% safe. I do think its healthier than smoking but going from non smoking to vaping is obviously an increase to an >%0 risk regardless of how much safer it is. How many of those would have started smoking cigarettes anyway is a good question. Id love to know the uptake in vaping of younger people now compared to the average uptake of young people smoking over the last 30 odd years. I imagine its a lot higher.

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I don't like the word "healthier" to describe vaping. Healthier implies it's nourishing you in some way. It's safer than smoking, but it's not healthy for you to vape.
It's a huge improvement over smoking, especially for the health of your wallet.
I fought the Trumble and the Trumble won.
I stopped smoking 9 years ago because of bronchitis or something every year. The last year was really bad. Plus it's too expensive. Picked up vaping and haven't had any lung issues since. I make my own liquid that's 2.5% nicotine so not sure if I'm even feeling it or if it's a placebo.

I don't think we fully know the long term effects since it's still relatively new. People can smoke cigarettes for decades before getting serious health problems/death.
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Beveren_Rabbit posted...
I don't like the word "healthier" to describe vaping. Healthier implies it's nourishing you in some way. It's safer than smoking, but it's not healthy for you to vape.

I dont think it does at all. That's on you.
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LeoRavus posted...
I stopped smoking 9 years ago because of bronchitis or something every year. The last year was really bad. Plus it's too expensive. Picked up vaping and haven't had any lung issues since. I make my own liquid that's 2.5% nicotine so not sure if I'm even feeling it or if it's a placebo.

I don't think we fully know the long term effects since it's still relatively new. People can smoke cigarettes for decades before getting serious health problems/death.

Yeah THAT I do agree with. While healthier I think well need to wait 40+ years to get the full story on it.
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vaping can you help get over the addiction of smoking cigarettes, but not go saying that all non-smokers should start vaping because it will be good for them.
Yeah. Whos saying that though in this topic
? Or are you just monologuing now?
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I have to admit, I have to go past such vape store multiple times a day (since it's next to my office), and some of these crazy flavors do tempt me.

I'm sure it's tastes and smells better than your usuall smoke, and is also less harmful, but damn, why is there still so much bad stuff in it.

Still, never tried vaping at all.
Edit: Also don't smoke at all either, but tried it like 15 years ago while drunk.
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
I quit smoking but chew a ton

currently having blackbull (twist mixed with ash)
but even getting tired of chewing tbh
41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
it's clear that exaggeration exists on both sides. Negative news often focuses on the dangers stemming from faulty products rather than vaping itself. However, to truly understand the risks, we need robust, open research. This approach would provide a more nuanced view, helping us separate genuine concerns from sensationalism.
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So a monologue then got it.

Whats the regulation like on vaping in the US? Im from the UK and a lot of difference I have with people on here seem to have differences between the US and UK as an underlying. From our perspective the US has a lot less regulation when it comes to food and medicine. So maybe marketing is stronger in the US and the products are less regulated. In the uk advertising tobacco / vaping products is banned. There is also a concerted effort to ban smoking / vaping for younger people.

I know personally Ive always found US chocolate vile compared to what we get in the UK so Ive always assumed US products are of a lesser standard and perhaps that extends to mandatory safety regulations on vaping as well.

Tell me this CE. Is advertising of tobacco and vaping products banned in the US?
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OriginalPlain2 posted...
I quit smoking but chew a ton

currently having blackbull (twist mixed with ash)
but even getting tired of chewing tbh

My dad got throat cancer after he started dipping. He smoked when he was younger, quit for years, then started doing Copenhagen. Got the throat cancer treated then picked up cigarettes again. Eventually died of copd/covid.

This is where cool people write stuff.
LeoRavus posted...
My dad got throat cancer after he started dipping. He smoked when he was younger, quit for years, then started doing Copenhagen. Got the throat cancer treated then picked up cigarettes again. Eventually died of copd/covid.

Sorry to hear that. Any pulmonary disease / lung cancer is awful for those who have to watch it.

My grandad died from COPD and my wifes dad from lung cancer. Both of them quit smoking decades ago. That was what got me to move from tobacco to vaping.
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don't think I've seen a smoking ad since early 2000
only losers vape
One rule I've always taken from my limited experience in life snd it has always worked in my favor:

Don't smoke stuff
The succotash is suffering.
another thing. When I'm at work I respect the employer's wish that I do not be on my phone during working hours so I expect my employer to respect my time outside of work by not trying to contact me through phone or e-mail. I barely have time to myself so I would appreciate not having to worry about work when I get a day off. Not fair that my phone has to put away in a locker, but an employer still expects me to have my phone with me 24/7. People saying VAPING is helping them feel better after quitting smoking instead of saying NOT SMOKING is helping them feel better after quitting smoking.
Beveren_Rabbit posted...
another thing. When I'm at work I respect the employer's wish that I do not be on my phone during working hours so I expect my employer to respect my time outside of work by not trying to contact me through phone or e-mail. I barely have time to myself so I would appreciate not having to worry about work when I get a day off. Not fair that my phone has to put away in a locker, but an employer still expects me to have my phone with me 24/7. People saying VAPING is helping them feel better after quitting smoking instead of saying NOT SMOKING is helping them feel better after quitting smoking.
Sounds like you need a vape hit bro. This monologue shit isnt healthy.
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Ironically I started smoking purely for an excuse to get out the office for 10 minutes to clear my head.
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I switched to vaping from smoking 2+ packs a day of cigarettes. Now I'm probably more addicted to nicotine than I ever was with cigarettes, but at least it's way cheaper and cleaner. I'd like to quit eventually.
it makes cigarette/tobacco makers shit their pants, so they're kinda good on that department
We suffer from the delusion that the entire universe is held in order by the categories of human thought.
LeoRavus posted...
My dad got throat cancer after he started dipping. He smoked when he was younger, quit for years, then started doing Copenhagen. Got the throat cancer treated then picked up cigarettes again. Eventually died of copd/covid.
Sorry for your loss

my dad died a couple years ago covid and he had lung cancer. Smoked like a chimney sometimes but man he stopped smoking when he really wanted to

I wouldnt put all the blame on my dads cancer from smoking but it sure helped I suppose. He was a hard worker who worked around chemicals back in the 1970s-1980s

still smoked after his cancer cleared then got cancer again.

41 And whosoever shall compel thee to go a mile, go with him twain.
3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? how much more things that pertain to this life?
LeoRavus posted...
I stopped smoking 9 years ago because of bronchitis or something every year. The last year was really bad. Plus it's too expensive. Picked up vaping and haven't had any lung issues since. I make my own liquid that's 2.5% nicotine so not sure if I'm even feeling it or if it's a placebo.

I don't think we fully know the long term effects since it's still relatively new. People can smoke cigarettes for decades before getting serious health problems/death.
2.5% is actually fairly high tbh. In many places it's close to or over the legal maximum (which tends to be between 2% and 3% in most places that *have* a legal maximum).

Even more so if you're using a relatively powerful device rather than a pod-style one. (It's uncommon to actually use % rather than mg/ml for those, but typical liquid for those ranges from 0.3% to 1.8%).
I fought the Trumble and the Trumble won. The Mass Effect
Snake says he smokes a special brand of cigarettes that doesn't cause second hand smoke.
Nukazie posted...
it makes cigarette/tobacco makers shit their pants, so they're kinda good on that department

The big companies are involved in vaping and starting to pivot towards it. Juul is part owned by Altria (formerly Philip Morris). Other large tobacco companies have followed suit.

These big companies are the ones pushing for more regulation because they are the only ones with deep enough pockets to adhere to what they want to implement. So they want to make it harder for small companies to compete to force them out of the market so they can pick up larger and larger market share.
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Enjoy popcorn lung in exchange for your money
Rika_Furude posted...
Enjoy popcorn lung in exchange for your money
Except there has never been direct evidence of vaping causing popcorn lung, and even there were, the chemical that causes it is no longer used in vape juice. So how does it feel to be so wrong?
kind9 posted...
Except there has never been direct evidence of vaping causing popcorn lung, and even there were, the chemical that causes it is no longer used in vape juice. So how does it feel to be so wrong?
i choose to believe harvard rather than some vaping simp on a dying board
"but if a study says vaping is bad, it's usually because the study was done on unregulated vapes , people with health issues, or people not maintaining their pens/vapes properly!"
Rika_Furude posted...
Enjoy popcorn lung in exchange for your money

Hmm. I have this guy tagged as bad faith. No idea why.
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The reliability of studies highlighting the adverse effects of vaping is often compromised by several factors. Many of these studies involve the use of defective or unregulated vaping products, which can skew the findings. Additionally, participants in these studies may already have underlying health issues or be concurrently using other substances, making it challenging to isolate the specific effects of vaping. Plus, if they're not cleaning their vapes properly, that can mess up the results too. So, it's best to take those studies with a grain of salt and consider all the factors before jumping to conclusions.
SHRlKE posted...
Hmm. I have this guy tagged as bad faith. No idea why.
Does weed count?
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Rika_Furude posted...
i choose to believe harvard rather than some vaping simp on a dying board

Rika_Furude posted...
i choose to believe harvard rather than some vaping simp on a dying board

The study itself states the liquid causing it has been removed from products. Did you even read your own study you posted.

I think we need research on popcorn lung for people who started vaping after the removal of said chemical.

If your claim is that vapes used to have a chemical that is linked to pop corn lung I dont disagree with that at all.

Again this might be a US vs UK thing where we have better regulations in place.

There is also more of the chemical in normal cigarettes than vapes so moving from cigarettes to vaping reduces your exposure to the chemical. I dont recall ever hearing anyone moaning about normal cigs causing popcorn lung despite it being far likely to cause it.

From the NHS website:
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Because vaping gained popularity relatively recently, there's still a lot we don't know about its long-term effects. Consequently, many studies may not have had enough time to accurately assess the risks associated with vaping.
Slightly better than just smoking. However, alot of companies use extra harmful chemicals/ingredients in those, so be sure to research the company.

Obviously, not smoking is the best option, and just go for weed consumables. However, if you must smoke, the "safest" is probably a glass bong with water.
"Make pain your best friend, and you'll never be alone."
SHRlKE posted...
The study itself states the liquid causing it has been removed from products. Did you even read your own study you posted.

I think we need research on popcorn lung for people who started vaping after the removal of said chemical.

If your claim is that vapes used to have a chemical that is linked to pop corn lung I dont disagree with that at all.

Again this might be a US vs UK thing where we have better regulations in place.

From the NHS website:
you call others "bad faith posters", all the while you're moving the goalposts. dont know why i bothered giving you a chance
Uh huh. Explain where I moved goalposts. Be specific please. X

Ive also updated my post with some more info. Feel free to respond to those points as well. Rather than ad hominem attacks.
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I also explicitly mentioned in a previous post how vaping wasnt 100% safe so again. What were my original claims you feel Im moving goalposts on?
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Rika_Furude posted...
i choose to believe harvard rather than some vaping simp spreading health misinformation on a dying board
Clearly you are a person who chooses to believe what the fuck you want to believe. Grow up and take the L. You were wrong. 1) there has never been a direct link between vaping and popcorn lung. 2) that chemical is not used anymore in vape juice. Your link does not contradict me at all.
Whenever there is a study saying Vaping is bad it's usually because of a company selling a bad pen.
Current Events » what do you think about vaping?
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