"Straight Pride" flag

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Current Events » "Straight Pride" flag
(Via Reddit)

"Be good to yourself, because everyone else in the world is probably out to get you." - Dr. Harleen Quinzel
A George divided itself cannot stand!!
So fucking fragile
CE's Resident Scotsman.
Post #4 was unavailable or deleted.
Fucking dork.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
What is wrong with these fucking people? Do they understand, as they persecute gay people, that straight people aren't persecuted for being straight? Fucking clueless idiots.
kind9 posted...
Do they understand, as they persecute gay people, that straight people aren't persecuted for being straight?
They think they're being persecuted by being asked to acknowledge LGBT people
She rings like a bell through the night
No fucking way that person is being serious. It has to be a bit.
My head's not torn off, my sunglasses aren't broken. Amen, hallelujah, peanut butter.
You know its a good flag when they have to add text describing what its for on it.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
A very reddish shade of brown so its basically the reverse of the German flag. Description puts black people at bottom, Asians on top, but white people above it all. Could be just random and stupid but certainly wouldnt be surprised if neo Nazis started using this.
"Something's wrong! Murder isn't working and that's all we're good at." ~Futurama
Ok, let's give credit where credit is due. At least this flag has colours that human beings would actually have clothes for and wear in real life.

Thing I most hate about pride events is the fucking rainbow shit. Why does queerness mean pairing pink with yellow and green and orange, it's horrible
CE's Resident Scotsman.
Crimson_Corsair posted...
No fucking way that person is being serious. It has to be a bit.
No they are definitely serious, I said happy pride month to people, and have had people respond with happy white pride month back.
RTX 4080 - 7800X3D - LFII 360mm - Enthoo 719/Luxe 2 + 7 140mm ARGB Fans - Z490P - 850w + Plat - 120 Inch Epson 5050UB + S90C OLED
A straight pride flag is just a Confederate flag honestly
See profile pic
pinky0926 posted...
Thing I most hate about pride events is the fucking rainbow shit. Why does queerness mean pairing pink with yellow and green and orange, it's horrible

My gay brother doesn't like rainbow patterns or bright, vivid colors.
kind9 posted...
What is wrong with these fucking people? Do they understand, as they persecute gay people, that straight people aren't persecuted for being straight? Fucking clueless idiots.
They do not understand this. Anything outside of "normal," which generally means any social progress in the past like 80 years, is super contentious and a clear assault on them. Clearly the most persecuted of people.
Youd think that just one of these people, instead of overreacting like this to a perceived slight and crying, would just, you know, look up the history of pride and maybe learn why its a thing.
"It's a simple question, Doctor: would you eat the Moon if it were made of ribs?"
Designs a "straight pride" flag and still almost gets accused of being "woke". How embarrassing.
"How can.. the Prime minister.. support a law.. that makes it illegal for people.. who....What I'm trying to say is.. Oasis rules!"
ScazarMeltex posted...
Fucking dork.
Wheres my straight pride march?

Oh, honey, you had January 6
My alt is my new main
pinky0926 posted...
Ok, let's give credit where credit is due. At least this flag has colours that human beings would actually have clothes for and wear in real life.

Thing I most hate about pride events is the fucking rainbow shit. Why does queerness mean pairing pink with yellow and green and orange, it's horrible
Let's absolutely not give credit to nazis for having fashion sense.
Is that just the German flag?
Neon >_>
RIP Hornyposting on CE. 1999-2024
K181 posted...
You know its a good flag when they have to add text describing what its for on it.

Don't forget the border.

Anyone who as ever seen a flag should know: A flag needs a border.

DKBananaSlamma posted...
Is that just the German flag?

I thought so too at first, but actually has red and brown, so 4 stripes (or, 5 with that label)
Planning is the process of replacing chance with error.
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
Let's absolutely not give credit to nazis for having fashion sense.

Since you bring it up, the SS uniforms and coats were pretty fucking nice

CE's Resident Scotsman.
pinky0926 posted...
Since you bring it up, the SS uniforms and coats were pretty fucking nice
I hope this is sarcasm
Michigan Wolverines 30 to Ohio state 24: 11/25/23
Michigan Wolverines Football:15-0 ,Rose Bowl Champions&National Champions
Mr_Karate_II posted...
I hope this is sarcasm

I don't know how into the gay scene you are but the amount of queer kink events I've been to where half of the people there are wearing latex subversions of the waffen uniform is startling. Turns out queer people love the style of those things, maybe it's an ironic thing.

Whatever it is, it's ok to like the cut of a piece of clothing, that doesn't prescribe you to a genocidal fascist mindset.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
I dont get the association of these kinds of flags with colors when theres far more to flags than just that.

And borders on it being kind of lazy in my opinion.
3DS FC:3368-5403-9633 Name: Kaizer
PSN: Blackkaizer
DodogamaRayBrst posted...
Let's absolutely not give credit to nazis for having fashion sense.
Tell that to teens in Thailand. Apparently kids there loooooooove wearing nazi shit cuz they think it looks cool
Neon >_>
RIP Hornyposting on CE. 1999-2024
Prismsblade posted...
I dont get the association of these kinds of flags with colors when theres far more to flags than just that.

And borders on it being kind of lazy in my opinion.

If you think about it it tracks perfectly. You can't expect subtle, nuanced symbolism from people who think gay pride is a personal affront to being straight.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
I'm sure the person or people behind this and support this have called the left, gay people, Democrats, minorities, etc. "sensitive snowflakes". These people project so much. They're like children with this "But what about meeeee!!!?" shit.
Fix your hearts or die.
When I sin I sin real good.
Mr_Karate_II posted...
I hope this is sarcasm
It is pretty universally accepted that those uniforms were fucking sharp.
My head's not torn off, my sunglasses aren't broken. Amen, hallelujah, peanut butter.

If anything it should be pastel blue and pastel pink.
~ Phoenix Nine ~
~ Victory needs no explanation; defeat allows none. ~
Since straight and gay are opposites a straight pride flag should be the opposite of a rainbow.

So like...a cloud or something idk
Lusa Cfaad Taydr
kind9 posted...
What is wrong with these fucking people? Do they understand, as they persecute gay people, that straight people aren't persecuted for being straight? Fucking clueless idiots.
When youre accustomed to privelege well, the saying is equality feels like oppression, but even that doesnt really describe it. Its more like even the tiniest effort at addressing inequality, or even acknowledgement that inequality exists, feels like oppression.
Currently playing: Grandia HD (Switch)
Never befriend a man in sandals and always measure twice, cut once.
Despite the colors supposedly representing the different "colors of people" you know this was 100% made by the kind of person that would be mad if they saw someone wearing a T-Shirt that said "Black and Proud" on it.
You gotta laugh. That is the one thing at the end of your life you will not wish you did less of.
Mr_Karate_II posted...
I hope this is sarcasm

Not for nothing, but their uniforms were designed by literal Hugo Boss. The Nazis serve as the visual prototype for all evil empires in popular fiction not just for how undeniably evil they were, but because their uniforms looked admittedly sharp and evil.

Again, to be clear, not a defense of Nazism, and certainly not saying that wearing Nazi gear is ever acceptable ofher than obviously actors in period pieces.
Irregardless, for all intensive purposes, I could care less.
Post #37 was unavailable or deleted.
It's OK to think Nazi uniforms were smart and well-designed. It doesn't mean you are a Nazi.
'Vinyl is the poor man's art collection'.
Yeah he should definitely go wave that around and see what happens
ORAS secret base: http://imgur.com/V9nAVrd
3DS friend code: 0173-1465-1236
Not sure if this is better than boomers posting an american flag calling it their "straight pride" flag
I was a God, Valeria. I found it...beneath me. - Dr. Doom
My initial thoughts... it looks like an inverted German flag. It also for some, very strange reason, triggers thoughts of Burger King in me.


Since I realize that lack context, that's BK's rebranding colors and stuff.
Irony posted...
A straight pride flag is just a Confederate flag honestly

Now this is a bad take lol
Have I now become your enemy by telling you the truth?
Galatians 4:16
Why is it Burger King colors
Cape Cod made. Wicked Pissah
My Wrestling highlights TikTok that's becoming popular: https://www.tiktok.com/@wrestlingworldwide4life
Haha wow
Trying is the first step towards failure, so just dont give it a shot and you cant dissapoint.
JoCrazy posted...
Why is it Burger King colors

At BK we are not gay
See you next Wednesday.
K181 posted...
Not for nothing, but their uniforms were designed by literal Hugo Boss. The Nazis serve as the visual prototype for all evil empires in popular fiction not just for how undeniably evil they were, but because their uniforms looked admittedly sharp and evil.

Again, to be clear, not a defense of Nazism, and certainly not saying that wearing Nazi gear is ever acceptable ofher than obviously actors in period pieces.

Style was the point. The uniform was a propaganda piece. Look at us, we are so sharp and sophisticated and powerful looking. Join us and you get to look this baller too.

Every military in the world tries to do this, the nazis just did it better than anyone else.

I think acknowledging this as a weapon the nazis used rather than pretending it's not true is actually pretty important.
CE's Resident Scotsman.
PowerMan5000000 posted...
Now this is a bad take lol
Gotta jump to the confederacy's defense huh?
She rings like a bell through the night
pinky0926 posted...
Style was the point. The uniform was a propaganda piece. Look at us, we are so sharp and sophisticated and powerful looking. Join us and you get to look this baller too.

Every military in the world tries to do this, the nazis just did it better than anyone else.

I think acknowledging this as a weapon the nazis used rather than pretending it's not true is actually pretty important.
Yeah, I mean, I hate Nazis as much as anyone. I've been in fist fights with their weak assed modern equivalents, but you can't say that they didn't do what they set out to do with their original style. Image is hugely important in Fascist movements because so much of the Fascist mindset is about what is on the surface and visible.
Furthermore, The GOP is a Fascist Organization and must be destroyed
Crimson_Corsair posted...
No fucking way that person is being serious. It has to be a bit.

No fucking way you believe people like this don't actually exist.
It is impossible to live in the past, difficult to live in the present, and a waste to live in the future.
whoever designed that should feel shame, not pride.
Current Events » "Straight Pride" flag
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