Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 168: swordz9 watches YGO

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Board 8 » Anime & Manga Discussion Topic 168: swordz9 watches YGO
Favorite anime song from NHK's Top 10

Singing my song for my dream
BK_Sheikah00 posted...
swordz9 watches YGO

*Tracks topic*

Not that I wouldn't have done that anyways, but still.
I guess DpObliVion gets to be in my sig now. His knowledge of video game popularity contests far surpasses my own.
only my railgun can shoot it
"The people who play Final Fantasy 7 actually have lives and dont NEED polls" ~MajinUltima
Now owned by DpOblivion .
Easily better Fripside songs than Railgun. So I voted BBB's ED.
To start my loli gifs again... just here :)
WhiteLens posted...

Card games on.....hoverboards? |
Congrats to the last man standing in Guru, DpObliVion
Thesis > Halation > Railgun > Butter-Fly >> History Maker
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
WickIebee posted...
Easily better Fripside songs than Railgun. So I voted BBB's ED.

Oh hey.
MWC: I've made the stupidest post possible.
Ulti: Hold my beer.
YGO ep40 - Lost my write-up which devastated everyone obviously. Some new Millennium item guy showed up who is the guardian of them all. He said Yugi is the child of prophecy and the entire world is at stake if somebody evil gets all the Millennium items. Finally at WORLD SAVING stakes oh ya. Best part was Tea reading Pegasus's diary XFD
Snow Halation

#12 better than them all
does anyone even read this
Link to the list?
swordz9 posted...
Link to the list?

This topic |
Congrats to the last man standing in Guru, DpObliVion
bad list

also tags
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Yeah, no Orange Mint? Wtf
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan

Kanna 2 gud
does anyone even read this
I still don't quite understand how Gabriel Dropout is so entertaining but holy shit it is.
" I'll just keep on throwing middle fingers in the air "
I am finally caught up on everything I've started so I suppose I can RANK it all now

Anime of the Year
0. Shouwa Genroku Rakugo Shinjuu: Sukeroku Futatabi-hen

Anime of the Year That Isn't Rakugo Contenders
1. ACCA: 13-ku Kansatsu-ka
2. Scum's Wish

Pretty Darn Good
3. Youjo Senki
4. Kobayashi-san Chi no Maid Dragon
5. Demi-chan wa Kataritai
6. Kono Subarashii Sekai ni Shukufuku wo! 2
7. Gabriel DropOut

I Would Drop These If I Were Sane
8. Little Witch Academia
9. Seiren
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
I appreciate the notion that if a person is sane, they'll drop LWA

All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
oh Youjo Senki's good huh?

Guess that's another to add to the watchlist.

what's ACCA again?
Dr voltchball - best in the world.
More dominant than Conte's Juventus, that is DpOblivion's guru bracket.
Hey guys, should I stop reading Bleach, y/n?
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
y y y yy y y
does anyone even read this
to make a generalization for a second, I'm not sure if I've ever felt it was worth finishing a series where I ever asked myself "should I stop this" and then finished it anyway
Aside from the awful ending the final arc is pretty good
Well there's a lot of things I've thought I should stop watching and ended up liking, but Bleach is a bit more of a known quantity.

Mainly stems from a dude at work who thought Naruto never got bad telling me I'm wasting my time on Bleach...
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
How far are you?

Keep reading anyways. |
Congrats to the last man standing in Guru, DpObliVion
I mean you've already seen a lot of the anime

you should be able to answer the question yourself
It would be nice if the anime continued, but it probably won't
Butterfly > Only My Railgun > Zankoku na Tenshi no Thesis
Natwaf congratulates DpObliVion , Winner of the 2015 BGE Guru contest!
Despite, ya know, destroying my entry personally
how far are you in Bleach

if you're near the end you might as well finish it

if not don't bother because it's not going to get any better
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
I just finished GTO

That was pretty great - I enjoyed how full circle things came where Onizuka spent the first One Shot hitting on students and then having the final arc be about that.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
Well I stopped the anime in the Bount arc I think. Not even at Soul Society in the manga (Was reading because I forgot a lot of stuff).
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
tazzyboyishere posted...
Well I stopped the anime in the Bount arc I think. Not even at Soul Society in the manga (Was reading because I forgot a lot of stuff).

so the question you need to ask yourself is if you're ok with slogging through the rest of the series if it peaks pretty early with soul society, never reaches that level again, and progressively gets worse overall
Eddv posted...
I just finished GTO

That was pretty great - I enjoyed how full circle things came where Onizuka spent the first One Shot hitting on students and then having the final arc be about that.

cool man. the anime? that last arc thing doesn't sound familiar to me.
Is it the common consensus that it peaks in Soul Society? If so, then yeah, I'll drop it.
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
tazzyboyishere posted...
Is it the common consensus that it peaks in Soul Society?

tazzyboyishere posted...
Is it the common consensus that it peaks in Soul Society? If so, then yeah, I'll drop it.

A lot of people think so even though they're wrong imo. That arc is definitely good, but the rest of the series is good as well. Nothing even close to the awful Bount filler.
If the entirety of Bleach were on the level of Soul Society it would actually be a solid 7/10 or so series.

But nope. Everything else is kind of a dumpster fire tbqh
Soul Society is absolutely the peak

it's aaaaall downhill from there
thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
TexasZea posted...
Eddv posted...
I just finished GTO

That was pretty great - I enjoyed how full circle things came where Onizuka spent the first One Shot hitting on students and then having the final arc be about that.

cool man. the anime? that last arc thing doesn't sound familiar to me.

Yeah the anime

The girl who had been out to get Onizuka all along turned out to not trust teachers because their old teacher had an affair with a student, was fired and then betrayed her. She then killed herself. So she goes and tries to kill that teacher. I just found it ironic because in that first episode hooking up with a student was his obsession
Board 8's Voice of Reason
I wish the anime would continue too.....

....if only so Brave Souls can get new material to use.

I still think Arrancar and early Hueco Mundo are fine, and I don't really mind it when Aizen's still the main villain. It's just afterwards you get a pretty pointless arc and a rather lame final villain for the final arc.

Unfortunately Bleach ended up with a rushed ending since it must've got cancelled. |
Congrats to the last man standing in Guru, DpObliVion
Invasion of Hueco Munco >>>>>>>>>>>> Soul Society.
Hueco Mundo was awesome, I agree.

And some of the later filler like the Zanpakuto Revolution was awesome
Board 8's Voice of Reason
Eddv posted...
TexasZea posted...
Eddv posted...
I just finished GTO

That was pretty great - I enjoyed how full circle things came where Onizuka spent the first One Shot hitting on students and then having the final arc be about that.

cool man. the anime? that last arc thing doesn't sound familiar to me.

Yeah the anime

The girl who had been out to get Onizuka all along turned out to not trust teachers because their old teacher had an affair with a student, was fired and then betrayed her. She then killed herself. So she goes and tries to kill that teacher. I just found it ironic because in that first episode hooking up with a student was his obsession

Huh, they changed this a bit. Glad you liked it though! I've only read it, but it's one of my favorites
PSN/Steam - RoboQuote ; NNID - TazzyMan
WickIebee posted...
Invasion of Hueco Munco >>>>>>>>>>>> Soul Society.

Eddv posted...
Hueco Mundo was awesome, I agree.

Yo, what the fuck?

There is a reason that that's where a Bleach's ranking and readership started to tank.
MWC: I've made the stupidest post possible.
Ulti: Hold my beer.
Eh, if readership and rankings went up, you'd just say Japan has no taste.

Can't use that argument only when it suits you.
Dr voltchball - best in the world.
More dominant than Conte's Juventus, that is DpOblivion's guru bracket.
When it...what are you talking about?

Rankings when down because Hueco Mundo was the exact same arc as Soul Society except shittier. Soul Society was an out of nowhere smash and it became real clear afterwards that Kubota had this cool idea and could draw a lot of cool shit, but didn't actually have a clue where to go from there.

There are some cool moments in that arc, but also a lot of low ones and overall it was extremely copy and paste from before, following all of the exact same formulas.

If you wanna say you prefer it because of couple characters, that's....FINE, I guess, like Grimmjow all you want. To say it's better than SSR when it's just a rehash of it...that seems crazy to me.

Won't change any minds, though.
MWC: I've made the stupidest post possible.
Ulti: Hold my beer.

It had to come down to Haruna or Harem.
Singing my song for my dream
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