ertyu 0078 character battles Round 1: Tornadoman vs. Evilone

Board 8

Board 8 » ertyu 0078 character battles Round 1: Tornadoman vs. Evilone
Tornadoman vs. Evilone

Welcome to the Ertyu character battles!

Last result:

Sophitia (Soul Calibur) 57.14% (8 votes)
Kitana (Mortal Kombat) 42.86% (6 votes)

Full bracket:

Enjoy! :)
Blitzball fan? Try Captain Tsubasa II (in English) for NES!
Best game reviews:
votes evilone
Bear Bro
It's kinda coincidental how like in most games pigs are evil.
Blitzball fan? Try Captain Tsubasa II (in English) for NES!
Best game reviews:
Board 8 » ertyu 0078 character battles Round 1: Tornadoman vs. Evilone