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Your favorite state of america

Board 8

Board 8 » Your favorite state of america
more like divided states of america lolrite

Have only been to a few of 'em in my life which gets increasingly sadder the older I get

Alaska easily the best though
I don't kill... but I don't lose either.
I've been to Arizona, California, and Hawaii

Hawaii is my favorite even though I only spent 12 hours there
MZero , to the extreme
I never saw azuarc coming, but he won the Guru!
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I've been to a bunch of states, I can't say I particularly liked any place that much more or less than another. I don't think there's really anywhere that I belong. usually if I was happier in a specific place it was just because of my current situation -- not anything to do with the regional culture or the community there. honestly, I found that most people in most places aren't actually that different in all of the most important ways.

the main metric I use to compare states now (something I've had to do a few times when deciding where to move), is just thinking about the state laws and taxes in each place and what level of bullshit I have to accept.
all the rest weren't so unfortunate
Alaska gets my vote as well. If it wasn't so financially demanding to do so, I would move there. It's the king of outdoor activities and the people are remarkably kind; Ketchikan and Sitka are probably the two friendliest places I've traveled to. You also have some stupid good options for food and drink throughout the state, especially with regards to coffee and seafood.

Montana also became a fast favorite after I visited Bozeman. What a place! Indiana gets my vote for most underrated - I unironically love it and consider "Hoosier hospitality" to be the real deal. Texas is great, Hawaii speaks for itself... and hell, I even like Florida.

Kentucky gets my vote for bottom of the barrel. Aside from the booze and low cost of living, it's a complete hellhole and Kentuckians tend to have belligerent "crabs in a bucket"-style attitudes.
The music was thud-like.
The music was... thud-like.
Just from the American media I consume, New York.

I'm pretty sure living there is a different story though.
Into the woods, but mind the past...
Into the woods, but mind the future!
TheCodeisBosco posted...
Kentucky gets my vote for bottom of the barrel. Aside from the booze and low cost of living, it's a complete hellhole and Kentuckians tend to have belligerent "crabs in a bucket"-style attitudes.

I live in Kentucky, and this is pretty much accurate.
Washington is amazing geologically speaking. Beautiful and perfect climate.

The seasonal depression sucks and the people kiiiinda suck
SantaRPG: Turning "i"s into "l"s since 2008!
How am I first for Nevada? It's got the two great extremes. Vast, beautiful landscape, and a hella crazy city.

Maine #2 for being the great medium.
New Mexico
Board 8's Voice of Reason
definitely not the current one
Advokaiser makes me feel eternal. All this pain is an illusion.
I havent been to every state, but of the ones I have been I liked Texas the most. My experience centers around San Antonio and nearby cities, so take that for what its worth.
gotta be AZ for me so far

one of these three
You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
new mexico.

I'm extremely attracted to deserts, the american southwest in particular. My other possible responses are the other four corners states "arizona, colorado, utah, nevada, wyoming" etc, but they all have some problems for me that NM in specific doesn't have.

I'd have said New Mexico is my favorite as long as like 10 years ago, back when I lived in michigan, but now I actually live here, and I am thankful I am able to live in my favorite place in the world.
oh wait, "state of america"? probably "not on fire"
You shine, and make others shine just by being near them.
In my experience my top 5 is probably something like
1 colorado
2 new mexico
3 maine
4 washington
5 oregon

haven't been to alaska
I have been to exactly 4 states, outside of KY so

Illinois (only experienced Chicago)
North Carolina
ViolentAbacus posted...
I live in Kentucky, and this is pretty much accurate.

We'll make it out one day, baby.

Pleasantly surprised by all the New Mexico love here. I've wanted to visit for quite some time. Santa Fe in particular seems like it'd be incredible, and Roswell would be neat because of all the alien stuff.

I feel like I should shout out Missouri too, on the strength of Kansas City alone. I don't feel one way or the other about St. Louis, but KCMO surpassed my expectations in a huge way. Several of the best restaurants I've ever been to were there.
The music was thud-like.
The music was... thud-like.
I like the united state of america
rip imgcake
Board 8 » Your favorite state of america