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Marvel Snap Topic 15: Lack of Phoenix Forsight

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Board 8 » Marvel Snap Topic 15: Lack of Phoenix Forsight
Didn’t need Daredevil to see there would be major issues with Jean Grey’s release
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Patch is tomorrow

Spotlight Cache rotations for the next 4 weeks:

<img src="">
does anyone even read this
Its funny how Thanos and Master Mold have the same pose
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Jean Grey more like Jean Delay
I want jean grey so desperately for my bounce deck
Also, the spotlight variants for the first week (if you already have the card or you go through all 4 spotlight caches for the week, the next 4 have these variants):
does anyone even read this
Do we know what happens to those variants after the spotlight week is over?
Yeah I believe they're going into the Ultimate rotation (5000 tokens or whatever).
That seems like it would lead to a massive increase in 5k token variants very quickly.
Yes, you're right! But luckily they're drastically reducing the amount of tokens you get so you'll never have to worry about buying those anyway.
I've read the opposite, that they're keeping spotlight variants as spotlight only and have no current plans to add them to any shops.
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
I wouldnt be surprised by either option. Gotta have that FOMO money train thriving
how does jean interact with that location that doesnt let you play your first card there? Just instant gamewide prof x?
"if possible" nulls her effect in those cases
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
only exception to "if possible" currently seems to be if Goose is present at her location, if you only have 4+ cost cards you just can't play anywhere. Devs just confirmed this is a bug though
Why does Jean Grey make every medium where she exists broken and bad
E come vivo? Vivo!
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Patch rolling out

"Evolved" Wasp
[Old] 0/1 - On Reveal: Afflict 2 random enemy cards here with -1 Power.
[New] 0/1 - On Reveal: Afflict a random enemy card here with -1 Power.

"Evolved" Hulk
[Old] 6/12 - Ongoing: +2 Power for each turn you ended with unspent Energy.
[New] 6/12 - When you end a turn with unspent Energy, +2 Power. (if in hand or in play)

[Old] 3/1 - On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand. Destroy a random enemy card.
[New] 3/3 - On Reveal: Discard a card from your hand. Destroy a random enemy card.
  • Now must discard a card to destroy anything (no text change).
[Old] 3/2 - On Reveal: Give the 2 leftmost cards in your hand +2 Power.
[New] 3/3 - On Reveal: Give all cards in your hand +1 Power.

[New] Gameplay Change: Now triggers On Reveals if the copied Ongoing card had one (no text change).

does anyone even read this
Wow I only saw Gambit played with Wong combo and thats a big nerf to that since they typically had no cards after like 2 times he destroyed someone. Also did they remove the Ongoing aspect from Hulk to be one of those Collector type cards you cant stop the effects of?
Good changes all around
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
swordz9 posted...
Wow I only saw Gambit played with Wong combo and thats a big nerf to that since they typically had no cards after like 2 times he destroyed someone. Also did they remove the Ongoing aspect from Hulk to be one of those Collector type cards you cant stop the effects of?
Any Wong nerf is correct and balanced. That combo was bullshit, like most Wong combos. Gambit is still great in discard decks and comes out clutch all the time.

Good nerfs to HE decks, but I feel like they can use more tweaking.

What does the Mystique change effect exactly? I can't think of any cards that quality.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Currently just Thanos' Soul Stone and Electro
does anyone even read this
Are the new collectors reserves live now? I dont know if the boxes are actually supposed to look different on the ladder.

jk had to manually update
I think Gambit was buffed overall. 3 power + a destroy is a good power swing.
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
Any Wong nerf is correct and balanced. That combo was bullshit, like most Wong combos. Gambit is still great in discard decks and comes out clutch all the time.

Good nerfs to HE decks, but I feel like they can use more tweaking.

What does the Mystique change effect exactly? I can't think of any cards that quality.
Oh yeah I wasnt saying it was a bad change. Its more like that was the only time Gambit was seeing play so now Im curious how that changes for him. This could either help him a little, change not much or have him see even less play
KommunistKoala posted...
[New] 3/3 - On Reveal: Give all cards in your hand +1 Power.
Danggg that's nice

Gambit change is great imo. It's the worst part of my Wong deck - super polarizing and you only use him if you don't get your Ironheart or Tiger combos. But he is much better in actual discard decks now, or Wong-less Odin decks.
he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance
Technically speaking Gambit can still blow you up with Wong combo, but now it requires Apocalypse to be in your hand!

Also saw these changes listed

Premium Mystery Variants: A new Mystery Variant type that only offers Rare or Super Rare Variants, and cannot contain Pixel Variants. Now available in the Daily Offer section in the Shop for 800 Gold.

Daily Offer Rewards: When you make 10 purchases in the Daily Offer Shop, youre now rewarded with a bonus 2000 Collector's Tokens and one Premium Mystery Variant. ( Claimable once per week).

  • Removed a very unexpected third hand from one of Spider-Mans variants.

LOL what was this?
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Jeez people were buying tens of variants per week? Yikes
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
I mean people bought the $100 Collector variant so Id imagine the whales are doing that yeah. The streamers especially probably buy constantly
Also Bast + Nakia is pretty nasty now and Bounce can benefit from her too. Gotta be some Bounce nerfs coming in the next patch or two
I didn't realize Spotlight Caches came so rarely. I got Living Tribunal and the Knull skin. Pretty close to getting another one so I can grab Jean.

So the play is to get all the spotlights in a week and just save any excess ones you get for next week, right?
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Next week? Theyre spaced so far apart you dont have a shot unless youre expecting to be making like 30-40k credits a month or something
I had no frame of reference for how spaced out they were since I was hording. lol But if it's that far apart, it's unfortunate.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
PrivateBiscuit1 posted...
I didn't realize Spotlight Caches came so rarely. I got Living Tribunal and the Knull skin. Pretty close to getting another one so I can grab Jean.

So the play is to get all the spotlights in a week and just save any excess ones you get for next week, right?

The play completely varies week to week depending on how many featured cards you want that week

And yeah most weeks you wont get 4 Spotlight Caches unless youve been hoarding or youre a whale
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Theyre every 120 CL so its definitely a lot of credits. Theres 3 a week so thats 12 a month at least. Im sure someone has done the math already, but yeah its a lot of credits each month to get them all
September Season Pass

Loki's new effect:
On Reveal: Replace your hand with cards from your opponent's starting deck. Give them -1 cost.

He's had like 3 different effects already so take it with a grain of salt for now
does anyone even read this
Triggering white hot room is so funny, I didnt realize it meant +3 energy EACH TURN

its a good thing one of my favorite decks is already my surfer deck with brood
Yeah my best deck is Bounce and White Hot Room is a total blessing for it
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Ive already seen a ton of complaints about the new location vs Bounce decks
Man I'd love for a meta deck to not be soul crushing to play against for a change.
I stream sometimes. Check it out!
Just saw someone pull Knull as their RANDOM S4/S5 card after they had already pulled him. It converts to a random non-pixel variant, but that is confirmation that the 25% chance of the random card can actually be one of the other three cards available that week
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
I thought if you already had the card that was part of the spotlight you got the fancy ass variant of it?
Yes if you pull one of the 3 featured cards you already own

But if you already own the random card you pull, you get a completely random non-pixel variant of a card from any series
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
So if you get 500 credits a day that's 15,000 a month approx.

Or let's be generous and say 550 a day for 16500. Throwing in credits from season pass and gold maybe you end up with 20,000 in a month approx.

Spotlight caches are 6000 credits apart.

So if you save up all 20,000 credits in a month you can almost open 3.33 spotlight caches

BUT the cap on credits is 10k so you can't even hoard to get a week you want.

So the best play is to look at a week you want and get right up on the spotlight cache (25 credits away) and start saving up. Absolute best case scenario you save up 10,000 credits right when it hits so you're not wasting any credits.

Then you spend all of those credits to open 2.66 spotlight cache and during the week you build up 2000 more to open another one.

So even if you're targeting a spotlight cache the most you can open in a week is 3 and you need 12,000 credits.

I'm mostly typing this out to understand the system myself and the best options so sorry if this got a little rambley. Also someone please let me know if my math is all wrong.

So I guess the best "play" is finding a cache you want to target each month and trying to open 3 and pray.
? you dont have to open the spotlight caches when you earn them on the track though, you can still hoard them until a week shows up that you want to open them
does anyone even read this
I only skimread it as I scrolled past it on my reddit feed but didn't someone say the spotlight caches are in fixed positions. So you could just not open them until you hit a week you wanted?

I'm out of the loop from not playing since the wave change.
Yes and they are clearly marked
Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
Yeah, Im playing the spotlight hoarding game now I guess
Board 8 » Marvel Snap Topic 15: Lack of Phoenix Forsight
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