Social media is exhausting.

Board 8

Board 8 » Social media is exhausting.
I hate that as a content creator I feel like I need to be on it, lest I be "invisible."

Time to star maining B8 like its 2004. Let's talk about trains or some shit.

What's your current relationship with social media in general? Has it changed over the years? How and why?
More like x hausting
Not a stinky alien. :(
Nintendo Switch Code: SW-5719-6555-8388
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WarThaNemesis2 posted...
More like x hausting

This. This is why I come here.
I don't use anything except Facebook, which I'm hating more and more each day because it's just political toxicity and middle school-esque cliquiness, not to mention the algorithm sucks and 90% of my feed is ads and group posts, and the other 10% is from roughly 12 of my 800+ friends.

No IG, I have a Twitter account that I have never posted with, I had Snapchat when some friends from work were using it and haven't touched it since I quit that job six years ago. Used Myspace from roughly 06-09.
Games beaten in 2023 - 7; Most recent - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Used to feel pretty much the same in feeling like I needed to use it to have it available for promoting projects and whatnot, then 1 day I was just like 'fuck it' and deleted all of them.
Have not regret that choice.

These days I have a YouTube project going but I'm not worrying about being getting word out/being visible/all that jazz; approaching it much more in a "this is for fun so that doesn't matter" sort of way.

And trains are sweet.
thcam ruz elliw red
UltimaterializerX posted...
I actively avoid it and think its the worst invention humanity has ever produced.

Ultimately isn't social media just a modern way of being connected with broader society? It's just that it's more immediate than in the past with newspapers, magazines, letters, etc. And thus, the problem isn't really the technology as much as it is the people?

Personally I think I feel about social media as I do about organized religion. I try to avoid it as much as possible, and see it, at best, as a net neutral.
"That was unnecessarily dramatic". - NY Mets motto (courtesy of InnerTubeHero)
Congratulations to azuarc, the guru of gurus and winner of GotD 2020!
Last time I used any real "social media" was Facebook 10 or so years ago

most of my online interaction is on this very website
I determined very early on that social media sucks so I've mostly avoided it all my life. Never had a MySpace or Facebook or Twitter or Instagram. Truly think the latter two are doing irreparable damage to society.

I do use Reddit but I feel like that's a completely separate thing given the anonymity - always feels more like a traditional forum to me. And I have a Snapchat that I use exclusively with my fiancee.

I understand the struggle for content creators, though. Tough world in that space.
Chilly McFreeze
We're going to look back on social media decades from now the same way we look at smoking currently. We'll be shocked that everyone used so much of it ("We let children use it?" "Really?"), and everyone of a certain age will have a "quitting" story about how they stopped using it.
Congrats on Advokaiser for winning the 2018 Guru Contest!
NBIceman posted...
Twitter or Instagram. Truly think the latter two are doing irreparable damage to society.
I can't really say anything for IG but Twitter absolutely 100% is doing that, yes.

NBIceman posted...
I do use Reddit but I feel like that's a completely separate thing given the anonymity - always feels more like a traditional forum to me.
Yeah, Reddit definitely falls into the forum category.
Games beaten in 2023 - 7; Most recent - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
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I think I'd mostly be off it if I wasn't trying to make stuff for people

getting close to the point where I might anyway if sites keep getting weird, esp towards trans people
New name, new gender, same great Bolo flavor!
She is messy, but she's kind; she is lonely, most of the time
Every definition of social media would include GameFAQs message boards as also being social media. It's better to just say you don't like alot of websites.
Bells, bells, bells!
Deleted it all a long time ago and never looked back. I'm completely unplugged except for board 8 and checking the news occasionally. Been great for my mental health
I'm the original TomNook7 from the old days. The other guy is just TomNook. Know your TomNooks.
Twitter was my last holdout and I left pretty early into the Musk era. I liked using it to follow artists but even then the algorithms were still bombarding me with so much negativity and stories of hatred and violence that my mental health was firmly in the shitter. I've been much happier since leaving but in ways feel like I'm still recovering.

Never used TikTok but it strikes me as an actual poison in society. I definitely agree that we're going to look back on this whole era as a massive mistake that psychologically fucked up an entire generation.
Let the voice of love take you higher,
With this gathering power, go beyond even time!
I have a Twitter account, though it's pretty much exclusively to follow news for teams I root for at this point.
Huh? Finger!?
What the hell?
2007 ruined society
Casual Revolution 2007 - 2016
TomNook posted...
Every definition of social media would include GameFAQs message boards as also being social media. It's better to just say you don't like alot of websites.

Gamefaqs isn't curating what I see through an algorithm.
i hate the "gfaqs is social media" symantics. Yes, a book written in 1200 AD is social media. Everyone knows what people mean when the term social media is used. They mean 2007 and beyond internet culture.
Casual Revolution 2007 - 2016
wg64Z posted...
Gamefaqs isn't curating what I see through an algorithm.

this + its not using the attention economy to keep us mindlessly scrolling
I'm the original TomNook7 from the old days. The other guy is just TomNook. Know your TomNooks.
wg64Z posted...
What's your current relationship with social media in general?

Of the platforms I use and view:
- GameFAQs itself is antiquated but I'm so heavily invested at this point that I'll likely remain until it dies or I do.
- Facebook is an advertising riddled mistake, but at least it's "better" than 2016-2021 by way of making the far-right out themselves and fuck off. Or at least off of my own feed.
- Twitter I only rarely used to ping bots for Five Job Fiesta, and I hated the knowledge if I ever started streaming in earnest I was going to hit it.
- I've had an idea for an Instagram for years now in an effort to cook more food for myself rather than eat out, but it never reached fruition.
- Twitch community is a nightmare and Twitch themselves keep trying to screw their creators, which really makes me want to stream even less- "pissing into the void," as it were.
- YouTube community is even worse (reading comment sections, even on streams, is a big yikes) but the accessibility is... okay, from what I see?
- I only look at reddit to browse it for specific topics but at large it transcends the term "circlejerk" and almost becomes autofellatio.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Oh and I ignored TikTok. It's Vine, except not funny and owned by a parent company with loose morals regarding privacy- not to mention it's full on banned at work by way of state law.
[Rock and Stone] <o/
Seanchan posted...
Ultimately isn't social media just a modern way of being connected with broader society? It's just that it's more immediate than in the past with newspapers, magazines, letters, etc. And thus, the problem isn't really the technology as much as it is the people?

Personally I think I feel about social media as I do about organized religion. I try to avoid it as much as possible, and see it, at best, as a net neutral.

This is how it started, but now it's really changed with algorithms and advertisements. It's not so much about connecting people as it is making them addicted and locking them in group think.
while you slept, the world changed
Social Media started out alright, but once big tech realized anger drives engagement it became poison.
thcam ruz elliw red
I only use a Facebook account and took a lot of steps to remove any toxic political crap from my feed. Most of what I see are people I like and the groups I'm in.

I used to use Twitter but took a break from it... and then the all-consuming musky stench took over so I haven't gone back. I have an Instagram but only ever lurk there.
Come check out my movie watchthrough topic:
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  • Twitter is a hive mind of assholes and memes
  • Haven't used Facebook in years for anything other than posting LEGO builds
  • Reddit is fine if you nope out of any obvious toxic places or topics almost immediately (r/JRPG is mostly fine)
  • Never used Instagram or TikTok
  • GameFAQs is fucking sad. Go to any game board, and you're asking to see some guy go, "Well, what the fuck are you asking here for? Just look up some other fuckers topic or a guide already!" PWB is obviously full of memery and pathetic WWE v. AEW BS, that I often question what the fuck even happens. Board 8 and the one metal topic I review albums for are about the only non-dickish part of the boards now.
  • Discords of small size are usually ok.

I have long understood where to go and not to go (i.e. Twitter, any non-B8 GFAQs board). I don't need what most "social media" amounts to. A lot of people just want to antagonize. I'd rather not deal with that. I'm pretty thin skinned, so being on social media in any obvious toxic setting is grounds for going insane.
"Evening caress, Always yearning, I must confess, The stars aren't burning"
Copernicus - Candlemass
Strife2 posted...
GameFAQs is fucking sad. Go to any game board, and you're asking to see some guy go, "Well, what the fuck are you asking here for? Just look up some other fuckers topic or a guide already!"
OMG it's awful. Some game boards are good but a lot of them are absolute cesspools. The Smash Bros. boards in particular are absolutely unreadable.
Games beaten in 2023 - 7; Most recent - Professor Layton and the Curious Village
Old stuff like msn and Hi5 don't count right so no. Haven't touched the stuff snd feel better for it. If you include whatsapp sure, but that's really just for work and family contact. My sister will feed me a tiktok video sometimes or a news article will feature a tweet, but that's it. Social media sucks.
"I do because I can."
Reddit kinda sucks too. Browsing any subreddit above a certain threshold is just frustrating. Top comment is frequently just a recycled one-liner. Any article-based subreddit is just people responding to the headline and getting thousands of upvotes. Local area subreddits are like NextDoor but somehow worse. There's also just a lot of complaining about everything in general.

I've been on Reddit for a while, but I'm trying to ween myself off of it just because I've gotten very tired of all of the above. It's still useful for looking up answers to stuff and for niche communities, but damn I sort of wish we could just go back to specialized message boards.
Underleveled posted...
OMG it's awful. Some game boards are good but a lot of them are absolute cesspools. The Smash Bros. boards in particular are absolutely unreadable.

the weird thing is when i go to a game board and see all the awfulness and immaturity, my first thought is like "well these are probably a bunch of 13-year olds" but then you remember that, like, this is gamefaqs , it doesn't have new users, their accounts are all 15 years old. and that makes it even sadder.
Bells, bells, bells!
I got a Lionel train set last christmas and its incredible highly recommend.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
Yesmar_ posted...
We're going to look back on social media decades from now the same way we look at smoking currently. We'll be shocked that everyone used so much of it ("We let children use it?" "Really?"), and everyone of a certain age will have a "quitting" story about how they stopped using it.

Bless your heart. I wish I could be as optimistic about our future :(
It's like paying for bubble wrap. -transience on Final Fantasy: All the Bravest
idk I've never really felt any kind of negative impact from using social media personally. I mean I just check it when I feel like it and ignore anything I'm not interested in. The only one I still use is IG, though. I have a Facebook and Twitter but almost never use them. I do see how it can be a bad influence on people, though

TikTok is poison though yes
MZero , to the extreme
I use Facebook purely for keeping in touch with family since I'm 4000+ miles removed from them. The actual feed part of Facebook is completely unusable though as it's all just groups and promoter material and no actual statuses anymore. Or maybe nobody posts them anymore? I know I basically never do.

Then I use Twitter purely for the local sports community (so Orlando Magic community and Orlando City) and nothing else.

For reddit I visit 2 subreddits for mobile games although reddit in general annoys me with how feeds work. I don't know how it took off as I vastly prefer message board format.

I can't imagine using things like Instagram or TikTok or Snapchat or whatever the fuck else is out there now. I see how people get sucked into a black holes with them and TikTok especially seems designed to just brainmush you for hours. I mean a lot of social media is but that in particular seems horrendous for attention span and productivity as it's just going to suck you into dopamine hit after dopamine hit on nothing content.
UltimaterializerX posted...
I actively avoid it and think its the worst invention humanity has ever produced.

If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
I only use Xwitter and mainly just follow Wario64 and various gaming journalists
Social media has wore me out, but I'm still on it for promoting and blogging. It has changed though, and for the worse.
O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!
I've only ever been a Facebook user, but I mostly use it to keep up with friends and family who live far away.
I remembered one of the more annoying tendencies social media tends to foster. The "first message" problem. Say I'm engaging with someone about a topic. I make a post, and I make a statement that I was rushed, didn't phrase right, didn't have the knowledge, etc. Could be anything. If a person is really being a dick, they will reference it later, even if you've retracted a statement or said, you know, I kinda agree, but let me take a different approach. It becomes a "NUH UH, yOU SAID DIS THING FIRST! DON"T MOVE THE GOALPOSTS!"

I don't think I've heard of anything so annoying a phrase as "moving the goalposts" in the last few years. It's almost like, "Dude, I'm done. I get it. I've probably lost the argument here. Just let me fucking leave."

The thought here is, if you say anything, even a single word completely off or wrong, a person may analyze that as some sort of "gotcha" and harp on that as the thing and only thing you ever said ever. God forbid someone makes a mistake thinking about a thing they are going to type going about their day.
"Evening caress, Always yearning, I must confess, The stars aren't burning"
Copernicus - Candlemass
Strife2 posted...
I remembered one of the more annoying tendencies social media tends to foster. The "first message" problem. Say I'm engaging with someone about a topic. I make a post, and I make a statement that I was rushed, didn't phrase right, didn't have the knowledge, etc. Could be anything. If a person is really being a dick, they will reference it later, even if you've retracted a statement or said, you know, I kinda agree, but let me take a different approach. It becomes a "NUH UH, yOU SAID DIS THING FIRST! DON"T MOVE THE GOALPOSTS!"

I don't think I've heard of anything so annoying a phrase as "moving the goalposts" in the last few years. It's almost like, "Dude, I'm done. I get it. I've probably lost the argument here. Just let me fucking leave."

The thought here is, if you say anything, even a single word completely off or wrong, a person may analyze that as some sort of "gotcha" and harp on that as the thing and only thing you ever said ever. God forbid someone makes a mistake thinking about a thing they are going to type going about their day.

I suspect those people aren't really worth dealing with, because either they know they've lost the argument or they cannot comprehend someone learning and changing their opinion. They're the same people who will fixate on spelling errors that don't matter.
"That was unnecessarily dramatic". - NY Mets motto (courtesy of InnerTubeHero)
Congratulations to azuarc, the guru of gurus and winner of GotD 2020!
Board 8 » Social media is exhausting.