What four games are on the NES Mount Rushmore?

Board 8

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Board 8 » What four games are on the NES Mount Rushmore?
Castlevania II
MegaMan 3
You'll see...I'll still be Andy's favorite toy. >:)
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest III

DQ3 is maybe the most influential JRPG ever released. Only thing that compares is FF7.
It's Reyn Time.
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Duck Hunt
Final Fantasy
Change is weird.
Super Mario Bros 3
Duck Hunt
Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest
Super Mario Bros.
Legend of Zelda
Duck Hunt
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!
Emerge Tremfyant
SMB1 (can't replace, though I almost tried with Duck Hunt)
SMB3 (the second-oldest "greatest game ever" contender I would still respect in a conversation and only behind...)
MM2 (...trickiest choice here, but this was the first game I was ever hyped for and the series had six mainline gameson the same system)
LoZ (#goldcartridge)

SBAllen was right about S3&K. We should have consolidated efforts into S&K -- people would have thought of its connectivity anyway.
O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3
Mega Man 2
The Legend of Zelda
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Mike Tyson's Punch-Out!!

Famicom version:
Super Mario Bros.
Dragon Quest III
Legend of Zelda
either Star Force or Xevious, can't decide

Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest
Congrats on Advokaiser for winning the 2018 Guru Contest!
SMB1 (The GOAT launch game)
SMB3 (iconic)
Legend of Zelda (iconic game representing AA and RPG...ish games)
Contra (This was THE 2P game of the time)
Last finished: Activision Anthology (PS2) (Patches+Unlockables): Dragster, Fishing Derby, Skiing, Freeway, Ice Hockey, Kaboom!, Laser Blast, Tennis, Atlantis.
Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy
I'm playing every game from GotD 2020! Games Completed: 20/129
(Currently on Hiatus)
Super Mario Bros.
Mega Man 2
Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy

Casual Revolution 2007 - 2016
Dragon Quest III is the most influential JRPG of all time though
MZero , to the extreme
Yeah its like Dragon Quest III the most influential over Dragon Quest???

Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 3
The Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
LightningStrikes posted...
Yeah its like Dragon Quest III the most influential over Dragon Quest???

pretty easily!
MZero , to the extreme
I cant believe i missed the Genesis one.

Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 3
Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest III

Ngamer64: Zylo, you're making less sense every day. Azuarc >Me
LightningStrikes posted...
Yeah its like Dragon Quest III the most influential over Dragon Quest???
Yes, absolutely
It's Reyn Time.
Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Mega Man 2
Final Fantasy

A hero cannot be defeated simply by making him die.
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Mega Man 2

Last slot is a little bit debatable. There is a good case but I refuse to give to to DQ3 when they didn't release that here in Europe lol.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Mega Man 2
Teenage Ninja Mutant Turtles
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 3
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 4
Mega Man 6
Mega Man Battle Network Legacy Collection is available!
People have to get it out of their head that the first game in a series must be the most important or influential when it comes to these Rushmore things
But Dragon Quest 1 IS tremendously important and influential! It effectively began the JRPG genre and popularised RPGs on console. Theres a firm argument that its the most important JRPG ever made. How is 3 so much more important?
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Duck Hunt
Dragon Quest
Yay - azuarc is the guru champion of awesomeness.
Star Tropics
Dragon Quest
Final Fantasy
Sweet Home
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
Thought this was easy at first but man its a lot harder than i thought

Legend Of Zelda
Final Fantasy

last one could easily be mega man, Metroid, or punch out
"The only 'ist' I am, is atheist" - Neil DeGrasse Tyson
Super Mario Bros
Super Mario Bros 3
The Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest

I see the arguments for three, but I'm firmly in the "1 invented the entire genre" camp.

Support Sega CD Rushmore.
Founding member of Raetsel Raetsel Inc.
Currently in a wolf mood, though too lazy to switch accounts.
Super Mario Brothers
Final Fantasy
Mega Man 2
Legend of Zelda
( SBell )
Super Mario Bros
The Legend of Zelda
Dragon Quest
BSkullX posted...
Mega Man 4


Also loving all the Contra support.
O P E R A T I O N O U S T : Nominate SHEIK!
Super Mario Bros.
Super Mario Bros. 3
The Legend of Zelda
Duck Hunt
Bear Bro
HaRRicH posted...
SMB1 (can't replace, though I almost tried with Duck Hunt)
SMB3 (the second-oldest "greatest game ever" contender I would still respect in a conversation and only behind...)
MM2 (...trickiest choice here, but this was the first game I was ever hyped for and the series had six mainline gameson the same system)
LoZ (#goldcartridge)

SBAllen was right about S3&K. We should have consolidated efforts into S&K -- people would have thought of its connectivity anyway.

yeah I think this is my vote

Hi it's VI
I don't understand how Dragon Quest 3 was particularly influential. It was a good game but yeah. Maybe I had to be in Japan or more aware of the path of the franchise to get it? Final Fantasy or Dragon Quest seem like the better includes to me?
No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
LeonhartFour posted...
Then in the 2015 Games Contest, the Guru nomination was Sonic 3 & Knuckles, which we could officially nominate now because it had a Steam port. However, it was shafted from the bracket because Allen also took review scores and such into account, so it got left out (I believe he stated it was the game that had the most nominations that didn't make the bracket). This was also why Mario 1 didn't make it.

Removing Mario 1 in (particular after that Halo thing) in itself was a large crime imo. The perhaps most respected game of all time recieved enough nominations but let's act like it wouldn't have had perfect metacritic scores if it didn't predate the concept.
Guinness Book of World Records is the name of the diary that belongs to azuarc , the winner of the Game of the Decade II guru contest.
Zelda 1 was the game that Bacon said specifically did not make it in due to the nomination rules, IIRC.

The whole thing was silly anyway, since it seemed to have been designed to exclude League of Legends and avoid rallying (lol at that) while providing some sort of plausible deniability, but like, who cares about deniability? Just exclude the game, and if someone asks just shrug. This was a constant issue with contests where the nominations were treated as if they were a legally binding contract, and if something needed to be dropped/added there was nothing Ceej or Bacon could do about it. If there was a great idea for the Rivalry Rumble that didn't make get enough noms for example, just put it in! I don't understand why this was always such an issue.
Congrats on Advokaiser for winning the 2018 Guru Contest!
Maybe Zelda 1 missed out, too, but I specifically remember Mario 1 being mentioned as having enough nominations to make the bracket and not getting in.
while DQ1 is influential it - and FF1 - were both looking at Ultima and Wizardy at the time to get an idea of what kind of RPG to make. DQ made some adjustments, FF made adjustments on that, release. FF got the Western sensibilities better on the first, though didn't bother with the next two, while DQ got them in Japan and just focused on it there. DQ3 was when they took more elements (e.g., classes) out and made it their own.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
Wanglicious posted...
tricky one. Mario, Zelda, Mega Man, Final Fantasy, Dragon Quest, Metal Gear, all had notable starts here. Metroid did too but, well, that really kicked into gear after Super Metroid and frankly it's a lesser series to most of those. a bunch of series are in that situation.

Super Mario Bros.
The Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy

first two feel like locks considering they became some of the biggest and most synonymous games with Nintendo to this day. FF feels like a lock as well considering it defined JRPGs and continues to this day as one of the most successful JRPG series out there. i guess the weight on choices i'd give is 1) importance to the system, 2) lasting legacy. if it's something talked about to this day or if it left a significant mark, basically. while Mario 3 obviously is important, i don't think that one game is going to be more relevant than an entire series such as Metal Gear, Dragon Quest, or Mega Man. and between SMB1 and SMB3, it's gotta be 1, as opposed to arguments for MM2 or DQ.

remove Final Fantasy
add Dragon Quest 3
add Mega Man 2

would prob make FF a 5th. but something's gotta be said for music and platformers, with that being MM2's importance.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
Im gonna also vote for Dragon Quest 3 to make it interesting
(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!
Dragon Quest 3 is the best selling non-Nintendo published game on the NES outside of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, which I feel doesn't really belong on Mt. Rushmore. It sold almost 4 million copies. The next best selling game is Dragon Quest IV at just over 3 million. Dragon Quest II at 2.5 million. Then RBI Baseball. I feel like at least one game should be by another developer, and I think Dragon Quest III makes the most sense. Dragon Quest is also the second best selling NES series, just behind Mario.
This isn't funny Dean, the voice says I'm almost out of minutes!
man, imagine if TMNT1 had been as good as TMNT3
All the stars in the sky are waiting for you.
Dragon Quest III is definitely very influential and I considered it, but for me DQ1 goes beyond influencing JRPGs, and had a major impact on console games as a whole. My understanding at least, is that DQ1 was part of the wave of games (Mario, Zelda, Metroid, Portopia) that really showed the scale that console games were capable of.
Congrats on Advokaiser for winning the 2018 Guru Contest!
Yesmar_ posted...
This was a constant issue with contests where the nominations were treated as if they were a legally binding contract, and if something needed to be dropped/added there was nothing Ceej or Bacon could do about it.

I don't think this was an issue with Ceej. If anything, he went too far the other way messing with things to make "fun" matches.
Congrats to 2020 GotD Guru champ azuarc!
Mega Man 2
Mega Man 5
Super Mario Bros
The Legend of Zelda
Final Fantasy
Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
Xeybozn posted...
I don't think this was an issue with Ceej. If anything, he went too far the other way messing with things to make "fun" matches.

yeah, CJayC did whatever the fuck a lot of the times, like when he made 2004 an SFF-snorefest. We really needed confirmation that Mario > Bowser in round 2
(|| ' ' ||) When have you ever seen three big, very smooth arcs
. /|_|\ of hair sticking out of a person's forehead? I haven't!
If we factor in sales then it should be noted that Dragon Quest 1 sold 3 million on NES, which is not that far from 3s so its not like a FFVII situation where one game towers over the others. More importantly, Dragon Quest 1 sold MUCH better than 3 in North America at a stonking 1.5 million copies, of which a million were part of a subscription deal with Nintendo Power which is itself pretty notable. Even excluding that though it still outsold 3 in North America roughly five to one. The popularity of 3 was driven purely by Japan, while 1 was more of a global hit.
I just decided to change this sig.
Blaaaaaaargh azuarc
that... isn't actually selling the game, no. it was initially a flop, viewed as a flop, and nintendo carried it into households with the subscriptions. people didn't care for dragon quest globally.
"Maybe it's a tentacle, molesting the planet itself. - Aschen Brodel.
Board 8 » What four games are on the NES Mount Rushmore?
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