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Lmfao he is going to fucking seethe when he learns of that
Okay. Reddit is that way
The absolute pinnacle of masculinity that is Jerry Seinfeld. Riiiiiigggghhhhtttt
Spoilers are spoilers. Doesnt matter how trivial or old it is. How have you people not learned this yet
I enjoyed 15 more. There I said it and it cant be unsaid
They torture seals for hours. Orcas are just evil tbh
With good enough credit you can just keep transferring the balances to new cards until someone catches on if they even care. Ive been running on 0 apr for close to 10 years
I imagine a lot of people in really isolated communities throughout Europe are watching that and probably thinking its a genuine demon lmao
Aztex posted...
Looks even worse than I expected
His career was pretty much over anyway outside of voice work when that happened
ClayGuida posted...
I'm confused. Canadian Prisons are better than Swedish prisons because Swedish prisons have nice prisons?
Nothing that fool posts is based on reality. Just ignore his garbage
DuranOfForcena posted...
explain exactly how this seems like a "nothing story" to you @Gobstoppers12
Well yeah shes scum always was
Im surprised it lasted more than a season
I remember chuds applying it to pretty much anything regardless of what was actually happening cause they live in a world of delusion
AbsolutelyNoOne posted...
America did not even choose Trump the first time. The EC did. Big difference.
Sandalorn posted...
The irony of someone using "soy boys" making this post is just awesome.
Yeah that guy definitely isn't okay lmao
Sides were chosen on that years ago. Only thing that has changed is less people will be voting for him than in last election
If they look underground theyll probably find a den with hundreds of snakes
Dear god no not that

Oh wait this changes nothing for me
divot1338 posted...
I do enjoy arguing with cj but christ.
Why. You can barely tell what he means most of the time cause he types nonsense
Putin pretty much dogged him out and he still wants to be his little bitch lmao
It sold more than their previous trash game so I'm sure the devs are happy but yeah it was never anything more than a cashgrab. People expecting a polished well thought game weren't paying attention to Craftopia
The 4 people who liked the game will be pleased
New Vegas on PS is unplayable due to the all gamebreaking bugs including the save bloat that eventually ruins it
wackyteen posted...
Em basically never smiles lol.

Idk if its a manly perception thing or if he's just never learned how to express joy
I'm pretty sure the guy is just angry every minute of every day. Even in basic interviews he looks like he wants to strangle the interviewer

His new music sucks though so I guess he has a right to be angry now lol
Have you ever had a job before at all. This is straight up kid logic lmao
Srk700 posted...
Donny already fishing for an excuse to duck the debate.

No because I'm not a boomer
I'll watch it cause it has the original actors but eh
ssb_yunglink2 posted...
It has pros and cons. Its horrible that Diddy gets protected by it, but it exists for a reason
With the amount of guilty people that get away because of it I would say there are far more cons than pros. There are so many stories about rapists getting away with it because of this it's disgusting
Baron_Ox posted...

more at link:
Statute of limitations is ridiculous at times if that's what its about. Sure it exists so innocent people can't keep getting charged with a crime years later but what about all the scum that get away with crimes just because a period of time elapses
archizzy posted...
This is such a weird gimmick to periodically make this same topic question and video.
New rules mean TC about to get got so thanks fandom
Lol imagine being the guy in the group with a Mountain Dew mount. Everyone going to be joking on him

Turkey bacon is legit garbage. Not sure how similar a burger tastes
R_Jackal posted...
At this point it's safe to assume if it involves the Internet in any way, shape, or form it's being used to train AI even if it's illegal to do so.
Yeah this. I just assume that everything is being scraped and I dont think it can be stopped tbh
Diceheist posted...
Elon Musk is still bitter about being fired from leadership of the previous (an online banking service, that ended up merged into PayPal) back in the year 2000, when its board of directors opted to move forward with Peter Thiel as CEO instead.

After becoming richer and more powerful he bought the domain back from PayPal in 2017, and revived it years later by rebranding Twitter into it.

This was the site that for decades Elon was broken up about losing:
Lmao thats great. Imagine having this much ego
wackyteen posted...
I wonder of all the people who tied themselves to the Trump ship, if Giuliani has suffered the most reputational damage.
Guy could have kept his mouth shut and just ride that Sept 11th high all the way to his death tbh
Ergonomic mice are actually great. That looks like shit though
That is definitely the logic of some of these people lmfao
Baron_Ox posted...
it currently looks like he's seen like a pariah by a lot of people in the hip-hop community, so hopefully never.
I haven't even heard of him in years until all of this
I didnt know they still existed tbh

Her career is dead who cares what she does. Let her fade like all the other worthless fucks
LoZguy709 posted...
And so far it's looking like people on the left
Lol this guy. Anything to blame the other side
Corporations will continue raising prices to make up the small amount of profit they lose until someone forces them to stop. Good luck with that
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
If by "still cheap" you mean "by far the most expensive fast food place there is", sure.
The fuck
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