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All three, though my enthusiasm gradually diminished with each part.
I played Origins, including and all the DLC. I've read The Stolen Throne and The Calling. I've played II, but none of the DLC. I've partially played Inquisition, but quit because it felt too monotonous without enough interesting stuff going on. I'm guessing I least two-thirds in? I dunno tbh.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Xenogears15 posted...
I'm more worried about local EU elections, honestly. The right populists are most definitely going to take this momentum to the polls when those elections come up. Germany and especially France are of particular interest.

Like with most EU countries there's a concerning growth in radical rightwing populism, but for now it looks like they're not taking over anytime soon over there.

France on the other hand is a different story. Macron has dissolved his cabinet and called for new elections. With the current political climate there, it's pretty much a guaranteed win for the radical right. Considering the role France plays and influence it has in both European and world politics, this looks pretty bad.

Humble_Novice posted...
What exactly is driving voters there away from the left? It can't be solely due to propaganda, right?

As with most socio-political developments, there are various factors, but I believe that one influence that is grossly underestimated is algorithms, specifically by bombarding people with easy-to-read clickbait articles/videos, often containing misinformation or fake news.

People click a few articles or videos on a subject with a shocking title. They may or may not believe it right away, but an algorithm will assume they find this kind of stuff interesting and present them with more. Eventually the people clicking that stuff will assume that whatever views are talked about in that content is probably true. It's quicker and easier than actually researching several different views and sources involving critical thinking, fact-based evidence and feedback through peer reviews.

It's for this reason that I prefer to vote specifically for people with digital expertise, as I believe we definitely need to have more of them in governmental positions if we want to get a grip on this.
Don't get me wrong, I definitely don't want to go as far as the government controlling and checking everything we do online, but giving people pretty much free reign in spreading their views quickly to large masses of people (regardless of whether or not those views have any fact-based merit) can have significant consequences, including what people for for during elections. It's literally how Trump won.

I went on a little longer about this than I anticipated, but I feel that the factor of algorithms is often very much overlooked in this matter, considering how much it can impact what people vote for.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Overall it looks like even though the populistic rightwing parties won more seats, it's not enough to significantly change the balance of power. The 'center factions' (christian democrats, social democrats and liberals) still have a majority together.

Based on the preliminary results, this is the expected distribution of seats (in Dutch, but I'm guessing that the words resemble the English equivalents enough that you get the gist):

And here's a map indicating what faction was the most popular one per country:

So yeah, on an general European scale, things have scaled a little more towards the right, but not drastically so. Hopefully the non-right factions will learn from this and take some actions to prevent a similar type of result, because if this happens again, next time the far-right could very well become part of the status quo in the European parliament.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Euripides posted...
I thought The Netherlands was the one country that would be immune to this bullshit, but they're drifting right as well. It's depressing as fuck

It's not pretty, but for what it's worth, the populistic right-wing party that is the biggest there (PVV) doesn't have a majority on their own (no party ever does), so they don't quite have free reign. They're in a coalition with three other parties, one of which is a 'regular' right-wing party that definitely wants the Netherlands to stay in the EU.

Also, one firm condition of that coalition was that the leader of the PVV (Geert Wilders) doesn't become prime minister.
On top of that, it's really just Wilders who has always been the only real driving force behind the party since it was founded 18 years ago, and he's 60 years old now. I'm just hoping he'll retire in a few years, and that the PVV's popularity will fade.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Oh damn, some of the exit polls actually look pretty bad. The populistic far-right parties from France and Austria clearly became the biggest compared to other parties from those countries.

I just read that president Macron has just called for new national elections in France, which will speed things up for the far-right. Considering that France is a pretty significant player in European and world politics, this actually worries me quite a bit.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
_____Cait posted...
dogs and cats are pretty efficient at this tbqh

Yeah, I envy them sometimes. Unfortunately I'm not that agile.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
For some reason I get the feeling that I might be this guy sometimes but I still haven't realized it.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
archizzy posted...
It was a well known PS4 topic where he talked about shitting in a bag in his room on a regular basis because he didn't want to come out of his room because of his room mate and company.

MartavisBryant posted...
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
ROBANN_88 posted...
i feel conflicted
while i don't really want a Left majority in Sweden cause i don't agree with their policies, i also don't want a Right majority in the EU mostly cause they tend to have higher percentage of dumbasses

Are there any options that could be considered more centric or moderate, yet progressive/not too conservative. Personally I think Volt is a good option and they're active in most EU countries, but I'm not sure how they're polling in Sweden right now, like if they're popular enough to get enough votes for a seat.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
MartavisBryant posted...
*Raises hand*

Hambo posted...
Hell yeah, I love these polls. Forming opinions about pokeymans and getting mad at CE for its bad opinions is fun.

TheFalseDeity posted...

Got it, just making sure.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
The people who actually make decisions are never the people who directly communicate with the customer/client/visitor/user, because that would actually confront those people with the fact of how nonsensical their decisions actually are.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
I honestly don't mean to be a dick, but is anyone here actually looking forward to seeing this whole thing through? I mean, I get that some people really really like Pokmon, like to the point where they've played every generation, perhaps every game, and have their favorites in every era, but let's just take a moment to consider the fact that we're in round 36 of the preliminaries.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
I voted yesterday in the Netherlands. This is the exit poll:

The ones on top are GreenLeft/Labor Party, followed by Party for Freedom (populistic conservative rightwing).
I honestly didn't expect the former to come out on top. I guess this might be in part because some progressive non-voters might have felt more motivated to go and vote after all, and I've read that a lot of the populistic/rightwing parties' voterbase didn't come out to vote for this election (in some cases even more than 50% didn't end up voting).
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
It honestly astounds me how often so many people buy stuff from vending machines. It's always much more expensive than when you buy it at a supermarket or convenience store, sometimes even more than twice the price you'd pay for a whole pack. And on top of that, even after spending way too much on the thing you want, it freaking gets stuck.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Characters that are dependent on critical hits (a.k.a. rogue class) are inferior to tanks/fixed DPS. Better to have the certainty of knowing how much damage youre going to cause rather than just hoping for the best.

Mass Effect 3: The extended ending was fine and satisfying enough. I feel like people who complain about lack of seeing the result of your choices throughout the trilogy have been skipping/sleeping through the story during the game itself.
Also, Paragon Control is utilitaristically the best possible ending, both at that moment and long-term.
Also also, the indoctrination fan theory is silly and even more ridiculous than the original ending.

Silent Hill: The Room is the best of the series.

Metal Gear Solid 4: The first two acts were easily the best part of the game and pretty much the sole reason why I replayed it at all. Although I was initially turned off by the active warzone atmosphere, I eventually grew to love how expansive the possibilities were of being able to move your way through and influence the battle, or just ignore all that and sneak your way past the battlefield entirely.
The final boss fight however was barely mediocre at best and mostly just memberberries. It wasnt even half as exciting as any of the final boss fights of MGS 1, 2 or 3.

Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Lara Croft is probably kinda strong. It'll hurt, but I'll live.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
When it comes to money, yes. When it comes to things like rules, norms and cultural habits, no. What is considered to be normal, acceptable or encouraged in one place can be considered weird, unacceptable or even illegal in another place.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Considering GOP & MAGA have been known to cherrypick their truths, I think it's safe to say they'll choose to believe whatever they prefer to be true, regardless of what is objectively true.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
RetuenOfDevsman posted...
My favorite part is when Palpy shoots force lightning at Mace Windu and Windu is reflecting it back at him, and for some reason Palpy doesn't stop shooting lightning, and Anakin brings up the very valid point that he needs to be tried but Mace is just like NUH UH so Anakin throws him out the window and then he's all like what have I done?!

Uh... rescued a man from execution without trial? That's a GOOD THING bro.

*feels really bad about striking at Mace*
*submits to Palpatine anyway*

Dang, Ani is sub af
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Godfather 3 > 2. I wouldn't say 2 was bad or anything, but I don't find it nearly as memorable as 1 and 3.

Cloud Atlas is an amazing work of art. Easily the Wachowskis masterpiece.

Watchmen is the best movie based on a comic book ever made and its not even close.
While on the subject of Zack Snyder films, I really hope he will write/direct a movie adaptation of Injustice (as a sequel to Dawn Of Justice and Justice League).

Return of the Jedi: I thought the song Jedi Rocks was pretty good. I think Yub Nub however flat out sucks.

Although the generally unpopular combination of sci-fi/horror/action is a guilty pleasure of mine, I hate the movie Aliens. Mostly because of Newt. I hate little children in survival horror, usually because their helplessness results in all the cool and useful characters getting killed. The fact that Newt screams all the time makes it even worse.

I honestly don't believe there's actually such thing as a movie being so bad that it's funny. You either like it, you don't, or you just don't care for it all that much.
I feel like when people laugh at how 'bad' movies are, they either just enjoy it (because something doesn't have to be super original intelligent high-level genius quality in order to be good enough to watch and enjoy), or they just never got out of that teenage phase where they force themselves to laugh overly loud at everything they think they're supposed to laugh at, even when there's nothing lolworthy about it.
The latter are usually the same people who think a movie is either the best or worst thing ever before even having seen it.

Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Out of those, water.

But the correct answer is obviously aloe vera
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
ImAMarvel posted...
I'm not racist or anything, but

Klingons are fucking cowardly, backstabbing assholes

They sure are. Predictable and easy to manipulate too. I honestly don't get why they're so popular among ST fans.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Sounds exactly like something a racist wou--
*gets shot*
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
I generally refer to that as misclicking, same as when unintentionally clicking anything. But yeah, we do need a specific word for when it happens in case of ads (especially since the people who designed this most definitely intent for this to happen.

Hambo posted...
You got clickshifted.

ItsNotA2Mer posted...

These are catchy.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
It's probably due to the fact that I don't have a desk job/work-from-home job and that I don't drive a car, but it would actually be more challenging for me to actually walk LESS than 1km a day.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
I fucking love the guitar in that song.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Well, at least they're not calling it just 'Tomb Raider' again.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
YugiNoob posted...

Because you guys are just that special!
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
EPR-radar posted...
That said, the more bad press out there for Trump, the better.

Considering there's such a thing as social media algorithms these days, sadly the amount of bad press doesn't make a damn bit of difference. Click enough pro-Trump vids/articles and that's all you'll be bombarded with, while seeing exactly none of the bad press.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
How will that destroy him? If "grab 'em by the pussy" didn't hinder him from becoming president, this won't make a difference either, especially as his fanbase loves this kind of stuff.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Flash easily. A-Train is joke character who would've been better killed off permanently ages ago. Same goes for The Deep.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
CV could be ok I guess but nobody cares about 0. Unless they'd completely change certain gameplay features.

Also after this can we please get remasters of the originals already?
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Guess I should leave some login info in my will.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
pinky0926 posted...
I want to shake him.

"Aaaah! Please quit shaking meeee!"
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
I remember I once bought Maplestory currency long ago. I spent it on more inventory space and a market permit. None of that useless flair accessory crap.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
What a coincidence. I just made some soup myself. I'll just drop it over to (read: on) him from the second floor window.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Piccolo > Future Trunks > Tien > pretty much everybody else > Chiaotzu
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
I kinda sucks that you kinda have to grind all six characters' skills, at least somewhat. Eventually though I would just stick to Toan and Ruby, and whenever the game forced me to play as one of the others that can't handle tough enemies, I usually stocked up on bombs and rushed through that floor.

Otherwise, wonderful game. Collecting Atla and placing their contents always felt really satisfying, especially as more mini bonus chests appeared throughout the towns the more you completed them.

I never finished that final tower dungeon though. A hundred floors filled with super tough enemies, without Atla, and when you're done you get a sword you're probably barely gonna use at that point anyway? Yeah no thanks, ain't nobody got time for that.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
wanderingshade posted...
I swear Tony Jay was like the last voice actor with an actual Bass voice and now we got these off low Tenor guys like Patrick Seitz and Yong Yea.

That reminds me that Simon Templeman is still around, but he seems to be doing acting in shows I've never watched. Like The Neighbors.

Nice to see he's still working, but sadly it's not likely anyone or anything could get the original Legacy Of Kain cast back together (or what's left of them at least). It's been over 20 years since the last LoK game (the Nosgoth MMO obviously doesn't count), and with the exception of Anna Gunn, all of the main voice cast members are either dead or elderly by now.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
*thinks to himself "who tf is Troy Baker?"
*looks him up on IMDB and scrolls through a long, long resume*

To my shame I think I actually never played any of these games.

Anyway, to me Tony Jay will always be the best voice actor ever (a.k.a. Frollo, Shere Khan, Megabyte, The Elder God and many, many other epic deep booming voices):
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Judging by that shadow, it can only be literally this guy:
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
How about they just release remastered versions of the first three REs? Now that's something I'd actually spend money on.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Slayer_22 posted...

Amazing that he already was so openly critical. Usually when actors comment on a movie or its director shortly after release they suck up all the time about what an amazing and unique experience it was, and maybe many years later one or two of them will reveal their true thoughts about it.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Negasonic Teenage Warhead

j/k it's Wolverine
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Super Saiyan.
Sure, Superman's abilities are much more versatile, but that also makes him less interesting imo.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Rika_Furude posted...
ultra-religious/right-wing people are so cringe. whats the benefit of banning porn? whats the benefit of not voting for biden?

I believe the Trump voters don't fully realize that such laws would also apply to them. Which is kind of understandable I guess, considering over the past several years they've basically been told it's ok to cherry-pick their truths.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
projectpat72988 posted...
The guy hiring hookers lol.

I don't see why he'd bother.

No, no, you see, rules don't actually apply to him.
Choco: why are americans so weird
omniryu: To make a long story short, self esteem issue.
Community » SoIidLegacy
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