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Community » ffmasterjose
Yay physical media!
It's my least favorite boss fight in RE4 just because you don't have normal control of your character, but RE4 still rules and it wasn't even that painful once you figured things out.
You just know Vince is watching Smackdown and screaming into a pillow whenever he hears the fans chant "we want Roman"
Sorry guys it's my fault for buying the Halo 2 Multiplayer Map Pack

That shit came on a disk that I had to get from a GameCrazy lol.
I'm a diehard Mortal Kombat fan that usually picks them up day one, but everything since MK9 has been less and less fun than the game before it. I'm waiting on a komplete edition for MK1
Damn Cynthia's only in 4 episodes? Feels way more than that.

No one's mentioned him yet but Francis had a friend at the military academy in the early portion of the show who completely disappears and I'm not sure we ever hear why. Wanna say his name was Stanley
Yah just make sure your account info gets to a next of kin or something if you wanna do something like this.
Turned on my Xbox this morning to a full ass ad about it, seriously this popped up before the usual home screen

I'm Still Here is a great theme too. Solid movie
Incredibly doubtful, that dude got hard canceled before it was even a thing.
Voting for Biden because the other option is Donald Trump and hes never getting my vote. I just hope for fucks sake we have some younger, more likeable, younger candidates in 2028. Running this shit back twice in a row is so disheartening.
SomeLikeItHoth posted...
If someone enjoys long movies what would yall recommend?

I can easily sit through Justice League, all four hours of it and I enjoy every minute.

Interstellar. Alot of Christopher Nolans films are fun long ass watches really.
Final Fantasy VI
Bushido Blade 2
Oh shit we might actually nuke the whales if they keep this up.
CoD is already infested with microtransactions, seriously boot up any version of the game released in the last 5 years and they're everywhere. Thats not even including the battle passes. So Game Pass will probably get a rate hike, because that's still a lot of cheddar they'd be leaving on the table. CoD still sells like hotcakes every year even when its reviewed poorly.
Helldivers II
Twisted Metal 2 still probably my favorite in the series but I'm pretty sure Twisted Metal 3 was the first game we got with our PS1 back in the day. Spent alot of time playing those games
Jeez neighbor drama is fucking awful, you're supposed to be at peace at home
Bruce Willis
Keanu Reeves

Last 2 are interchangeable for me but the first 2 are set in stone. I love so many Arnie and Bruce Willis movies
Xbox only gonna get part 3 of the FF7 remake? Lolz
Yeah this seems like a spin off to Tracey Jordan's Fat Bitch series
St0rmFury posted...
What happens if they review it negatively because they didn't read the terms?

Litigation prolly
As someone who used to be a Rick and Morty stan I can absolutely notice the difference in the new voices. I genuinely don't get how anyone can say they sound just like the old ones.
A fucking federal law proclaiming there's only two genders? Jeeeeezus this is sheer red meat for his fanbase
Option 1 because I hate working
Nope my PS4 still gets the job done.
Trading cards as well as action figures.
ImAMarvel posted...
Sometimes they can be really cool but I would never do it bc you're basically fucking yourself out of a lot of jobs with one.

If this was like 50 years ago yeah, but you see tattoos on employees at all sorts of places nowadays. Everyone's got one, they're not even counter-culture anymore.
Nowadays I just order whatever box deal they're currently running. But I love me some Spicy Potato Burritos and Crunchwrap Supremes
Smash Mouth wasn't bullshitting. The years start coming and they don't stop
Right wingers will ignore this because it doesn't suit their narrative. They love themselves some military way too much. Soldier man can't do wrong.
I'm pretty sure it was the reason I had a thing for Michelle Rodriguez for so many years as an early teen.

As everyone has said, its solid enough. Especially compared to what came after it. Pretty wild that we got like 4 or 5 shit sequels
Way better than Men in Black II which is all I wanted. Then they made the instantly forgotten Men in Black International without Will Smith or Tommy Lee Jones lol
Reviews are telling me its a delightful mashup of Pokmon and Final Fantasy. Sounds great on paper but I was wondering what you guys think of it? Anything completely damming that the reviews are leaving out?
I've started using my PS4 less and less because I mostly game on a Series S these days, and I've had that PS4 since 2014, it's gotten me through some times lol.
The afterschool vote should swing this around in Babes (pig) favor
Just it's career

But yeah I mentioned this in the big topic about the sites new policies. It's easy to see why Fandom wouldn't want it around, even though it was VERY tame compared to the actual hornyposting garbage that you saw on CE
Con Air is an action movie classic. Captain Marvel is unremarkable marvel movie no. 47
Damn rip to the Board 8 Babe Brawl. I'm sure that's considered hornyposting lmao
Holy shit what the hell did you guys do lmao
I'll let you guys know how much the nachos are at Lincoln Financial. Night 2 looks to be lit
To watch it or attend

Either way choose Wrestlemania
I knew it was on the decline when the poll of the day stopped cracking over 100,000k votes. Nowadays it can barely get close to ten-thousand on average
Go fasc lose cash
In some alternative universe Dexter was a flop that didn't get past Season 1 and everyone knows Michael C Hall from SFU
They must masturbate alot Cotton!
Really the only memorable thing about them was possibly getting a random shiny baby Pokmon from that egg in Crystal. And Pichu, he had mass appeal evidently. He got in Melee after all >_>
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