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ssb_yunglink2 posted...
Thats fair. I just dont think its necessarily wrong for some to be uncomfortable with that.
Get your discernment up, friend. That poster isn't truly uncomfortable with the slur. They're virtue signaling. Notice they're more upset about what people say about Judge Thomas than how he rules.
emblem-man posted...
This is a "If he didn't want me to call him an N word, he shouldn't have acted like one!" kind of bullshit justification. Fuck outta here man
That's a horrible comparison since the "N-word" has a completely different connotation/meaning and you know it.
RchHomieQuanChi posted...
Tbf, I haven't seen anybody from the left side of political spectrum claim the President is responsible for gas prices. I have seen them call out the double-thinking the GOP does when gas prices fall and they don't want to give the President any credit, though.
Exactly. But some people can't help but "both sides" these things.
Wolverine came about because the creator learned that wolverines fend off bears and decided that would make a good story for a Hulk (the bear) fight.
Binkster posted...
Ill take a wild guess and assume Rose is number 1, as it should be.
McMarbles posted...
Pointing and laughing.
I get that but it's just so tiring. Maybe because I'm in the demographic they tend to target (being black) but I'm honestly exhausted by seeing the negativity, even if it's meant to be made fun of.
Guns_of_Verdun posted...
Personally I think The Timeless Children is the worst Dr Who episode ever including the Twin Dilemma, Moaning Myrtle Blowjob Tile and Timelash. Only one I don't count is the Children in Need/Eastenders special.

I think it fundamentally fails on every level.

For a casual or first time audience, it's boring, poorly filmed, so dull and uncreative.
For a long time fan: It's a harsh kick in the teeth for no reason with no payoff

"The Master forces The Doctor to watch his powerpoint presentation where he tells her she's adopted" is barely an exaggeration
I also dislike the Timeless Child and think it's a needless retcon/reveal. Looks like it's here to stay, though.
UnholyMudcrab posted...
I do not understand why we feel the need to share these thumbnails

I'll never understand why Wayward Sisters wasn't greenlit but the Winchesters was smh

archizzy posted...
I admittedly watched a show on CW the last couple years. It was a reboot of Kung Fu. I actually enjoyed it. They did some restructuring last year and cut a bunch of shows and Kung Fu was one of them. I was disappointed.

Don't get me wrong it was cheesy and very very tame and PG. It had all the modern touches that annoy people where they seemed to go out of their way to have a diversified cast, a gay character, female lead, all the things that piss off a bunch of chuds but I thought it had good characters. It had an absurd story line, but good characters.
Kung Fu was a very good show! I wish it had continued but it at least got a proper ending. I also wouldn't call the diversity "forced" since it took place in Chinatown.
Thanatos_the_Great posted...
I really liked the Flux season - it was the best Who we'd had in years. The rest of the Whittaker era was also pretty good overall - sure, there were some weaker episodes like Kerblam and The Battle of Ranskoor Av Kolos (not great for a season finale, I admit), but then there was great stuff like Demons of the Punjab, The Witchfinders, Spyfall, the Tesla episode and Fugitive of the Judoon.
I agree with this.
El_Marsh posted...
None of them have Captain Jack, so to hell with them!
He's in 13's seasons, actually.
Nice bait.
Aztex posted...
That's funny I can cut off posts to try and prove a point as well. That's like calling someone a liar after they say something like I'll give you $10 for free.....wait I lied I'll give you $1 million!!! then you scream - you're a liar!!!

The definition is explained in the long message that you either refuse to read or put together the message being said.
You never gave a definition and several of us quoted the entire thing. Why lie? Is this a humiliation fetish?
Aztex posted...
To me it's like the gamefaqs moderation system. They have a TOS or whatever they call it now, everyone can read the rules but it's not specific at all. One day you get modded for posting YouTube videos another day you don't. You used to get modded for posting the word onlyfans but now you don't, we even had someone who posted onlyfLans and they still got modded even though that's not against the TOS.

For me I'm able to tell you that the worse sales ever for a PPV/PLE in WWE was Evolution which is a women's only ppv. It was only done because they went to Saudi Arabia where only the men competed and to make up for that they gave the women a ppv/ple. This was both good/bad because they would have to let the women compete in Saudi Arabia because making another women's only ppv would be a terrible business decision, since it wasn't successful and catered to a specific group which was women in this case, it is woke to me.

I wait for the results and then call it woke. I don't assume or give hypotheticals because that's how you end up being wrong like the examples given on previous posts. I'm neutral and wait for the results then call it woke.
All this and still can't define the word, huh? Lol
That was a pretty hilarious self-own lol
Aztex posted...
Words have different meanings for everyone regardless of the original context.
Which is why people asked you to define it in your own words, yet you refused. Care to give it a go now that you agree everyone can have a different definition?
ROB45 posted...
I wonder why it's a more recent thing, in that case. There were plenty of games from 15 years ago that today would be classified as "woke".
That was prior to a black man becoming POTUS. But even back in the day, they've ALWAYS appropriated positive words and twisted them, i.e. "PC" and "SJW". As Kradek says above, it's now"woke" and "DEI." Bigots are nothing if not consistent.
electricbugs2 posted...
No this rate about it. Hes going to win its been obvious for months now.
That's stupid. He isn't gaining new voters. The only way he wins is if Democratic voters don't turn up.
This is definitely one of their more dangerous lies smh and nothing will be done about it.
epik_fail1 posted...
Also I feel like the MCU often forget the social aspect of the x men and focus too much on being generic action movies.
The MCU hasn't made an X-Men film yet.
epik_fail1 posted...
They somehow found a way to call the game anti woke
They're doing this with X-Men '97 now. This is after months of railing about how "woke" it was due to Morph being non-binary and Rogue's butt smh
To dm extent, yes. But I also think Fox News just pandered to what was already present in this country, which is institutionalized bigotry.
specialkid8 posted...
I don't know how it spun out into all of this but my original point is that Trump did not create or willingly post nazi propaganda. He's not secretly signalling to his boys in the back row.
Gotcha. So you're going to give him the benefit of the doubt, despite all the times he has blatantly used Nazi propaganda and such? Ok then...
specialkid8 posted...
If you subscribe to the "one nazi at the table" rule that's perfectly fine. I'm just saying he does not personally have white supremacists, christian nationalist, or neo nazi ideologies himself. Those people like him though, so he likes or tolerates them. He will agree with anything that gets him the power and attention he craves.
What exact point do you think you're making here? He campaigns on their talking points, cultivates them as his base and plans to enact policies they want but we can't say he's a Nazi because he "doesn't REALLY believe these things?" It's a distinction without a difference.
specialkid8 posted...
Look, at the end of the day you have to choose if you think Trump is a bumbling dumbfuck or an insidious nazi who is hiding easter eggs for people to find. You can't have it both ways. I have made my choice.
Well first, it can definitely be both. And second, who said he's "hiding easter eggs?" My point, and others', is that he IS NOT hiding it and it's plain as day! Yet, for some reason, people like you want to shrug it off. Why is that?
specialkid8 posted...
So a random staffer running his twitter reposted a video they found and didn't pay attention to, and this is the smoking gun? The man is full of bullshit and lies, can we please focus on his actual issues instead of made up shit? There's plenty to go around.
Question: How many "coincidental" usage of Nazi imagery, sayings, thoughts and support does he need to do before you think it's no longer a coincidence?
kind9 posted...
I really liked this show but I'm pretty sure they canceled it after season 5 so there will never be an ending.
It hasn't been cancelled but Kevin Costner is leaving the show, so it's future is uncertain.

They should be ok though, as long as they don't get rid of Beth and/or Rip.
ai123 posted...
I think it becomes pointless to compare eras where music consumption is so different.

Scott Joplin sold over a million copies of the sheet music for Maple Leaf Rag. Is that a bigger achievement than Thriller? I couldn't say.
Fair enough.
ai123 posted...
Those who performed before recorded music became widely available.
Ok, I figured that might be what you meant. But that's very different since we're talking about album sales/streams. So those other artists would never be in the conversation to begin with since records weren't a thing.
ai123 posted...
Kind of.

But then Jackson operated in a different climate from his predecessors, who you could only have seen live.

It is what it is.
What predecessors are you talking about that could only be seen live?
kage_53 posted...
He only apologized because it was made public. Hes just trying to save face.
Definitely. He could've apologized when he paid that settlement. He's only doing so now because this came out. He really wanted everything swept under the rug.
wackyteen posted...
Both make sense.

You can't have your cake and eat it too because if you eat your cake, you no longer have your cake.

The original saying carries the meaning more front loaded though.
Lol exactly. There's absolutely no difference in either saying, so why they'd be confused by one and not the other is beyond me.
hockeybabe89 posted...
It sure is curious how passionate people are about not loosely throwing the term "samurai" around to describe all retainers in 1500s Japan right after an alt-history video game announces they'll let you play as a black samurai.
This. Yasuke has been called a samurai long before now and nobody dislikes it. Now all of a sudden everyone is a historical expert and he's not smh
Scotty_Rogers posted...
Being successful as a performer =/= still being successful as a recording artist.

Just because you're successful through your legacy doesn't mean anyone gives a shit about your newest music.
You're moving goal posts.
Scotty_Rogers posted...
Honestly I don't think he's responsible for Biggie's death. He definitely played a role in Tupac's but I don't think he'd set up his own artist and friend like that

Suge probably set up Biggie's death.

DarthDemented posted...
Idk, ol "Puff Daddy" had a pretty huge skyrocket after Biggie passed. A little suspect to me, is all.
True but that was just him being slimy enough to take advantage of a tragedy. I don't think he organized it since there was no guarantee he'd be profitable without Biggie. He'd never take that risk.
radical_rhino posted...
Theres pictures of Rihanna showing that Brown beat her at least as hard as Diddy did in this video.
Rhianna forgiving him helped a lot of people let that incident go.
Most of us already believed Cassie but here's proof smh
Spiderman23J posted...
im a 1st gen Haitian American who lives in ATL GA. I know what racism is like I said before I might have been ignorant but i didnt say anything malicious
Nobody said you were being malicious. We said your statements and thought process is racist, which it is. Instead of simply apologizing, you are now playing victim.
Spiderman23J posted...
a little stereotypical and ignorant but I never said anything negative about Islam or people who practice it.
First of all, it was VERY stereotypical. Second, something doesn't have to be a negative to be racist. You really should educate yourself because you do sound racist and ignorant. Instead of arguing from a place of admitted ignorance, perhaps listen to others and try to learn/grow?
Spiderman23J posted...
People acting like its far fetched for me to assume shes Muslim are reaching like the majority of families who run gas stations/corner stores dont practice Islam. For more context theres a big Islamic presence on that street and theirs literally 2 Masques there.
Ah, so upping the ante from casual racism to blatant racism? Bold strategy...
That casual racism smh
LeoRavus posted...
Glinda knew they wouldn't come off unless she was dead, but she didn't want to tell Dorothy that and make her freak about being stuck in the shoes with no way to wash her feet.
Ah, fair point. I forgot that part. So Glinda is the real villain, which brings us back to the actual topic lol
red_car posted...
I dare anyone to explain to me why anyone would vote for garbage can R2 over Luke, Vader, Han, Obi-Wan
Well he's the most important character in the series. Without him, everyone dies several times before the main quest even begins.

Plus, he curses. Like, a lot.
Of those listed, Han Solo.

Of all time, it's Jaina Solo
Prestoff posted...
Is he overused? I barely know that much games or shows about the guy in general. I know a few characters inspired by Yasuke like Nagoriyuki in GG, but in terms of him being overused I seriously doubt that claim.
I can only think of about 3-4 times he's been used/referenced over the past few years, including this game.
blackrider76 posted...
Are you implying that you can only be racist against black people?
Lol wow. Well at least your bigotry isn't subtle.
blackrider76 posted...
Just say you want to roleplay as a black man killing Japanese

Thats what your argument s like.
Lol did you really try to twist this into racism against Japanese people??
LeoRavus posted...
Witch of the west said they wouldn't come off as long as Dorothy was alive and she got zapped when Dorothy told her to take them. So she tried to give up the shoes and couldn't.
No. Glenda told Dorothy not to take them off. She was always free to give them of her own volition. They just couldn't be taken by force.
LeoRavus posted...
Dorothy didn't steal the shoes. Glinda put them on her without permission and told her not to take them off. She also had no control over where the tornado dropped the house and her mission was to see the wizard and go home, not kill the other witch.

Maybe the book was different.
Dorothy had the choice to take them off or not. Glinda didn't force her too. She knew they belonged to the WWotW's sister and weren't hers, so why keep them? If she was truly remorseful, the very least she could do is return her sister's property.
DipDipDiver posted...
I only saw one witch telling Dorothy to steal the shoes off a woman she just killed, and it wasn't the wicked witch of the west
Exactly. This strange woman just killed her sister and stole her property then refused to give it back to her next if kin. And, to make matters worse, the murderer then agrees to try and assassinate her next if kin.
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