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CADE_FOSTER posted...
This should fund Ukraine till Sept of 2025 so no more crap from traitorous Republicans

You honestly think Ukraine won't need more funding until Sep. 2025? Heck, they need more money now.

Or you think... they won't ask for more money until Sep. 2025? I'll be impressed if they don't ask before Sep. of this year!
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B-b-but the free market...!
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Citrik posted...

That said, I would still caution trying to intentionally toe the line and becoming disruptive.

Which again, wouldn't be a problem if we had clear rules instead of, like I said, nothing but horrible, completely arbitrary misinterpretations of supposed, meaningless rules.
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DrizztLink posted...
You know what else would help?

An actual rule.

In text.

The problem is that the rules are technically there... it's the TOS. It's just that they're horribly, arbitrarily misinterpreted all the time. Making them rather irrelevant.
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Who cares about Aerif anyways
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Cool, I didn't know they would play there
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too many users on the board I think, gotta control this overpopulation

backslash, then s? but nothing at the top? okay then

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No pics!?

Never thought I'd say this... good job.
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Rosstin316 posted...
Would I bang and would I be in a relationship with are two different things.

Id bang Tulsi Gabbard and swiftly ghost her afterward.

I see your Gabbard... and raise you a Boebert.
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So you're saying you're a Muslim loving antisemite who supports terrorists killing innocent Jewish civilians. Got it.

/s if you need it fucking spelled out, not blaming you I guess
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UnicornRaline posted...
In terms of some cities yes absolutely. However there's absolutely enough space and resources, food and otherwise, for every person on the planet. It all just needs to be better distributed.

With current agricultural science and space it's estimated that up to 20 billion people could be fed adequately.

Again to be fair to the other side of the argument, it's not so much that there's enough space and potential resources to adequately sustain 20 billion people (if not a lot more), it's that there's already not enough resources to sustain the current population at their current rate of consumption.

In other words it's not just a distribution problem (although there's certainly some of that, also). It's not that 8 billion people are too many, no matter what... it's that 8 billion people when the average person is this level of wasteful is too many. Heck if you cut human population in half it'd still be unsustainable in the long run, it'd just take a while longer; what people call "the modern standard of living" should more properly be called "the modern standard of dying and taking the whole planet out with us". It's not just bad... it's a disaster.

And to be fair to ourselves it's not just individuals who are at fault, or rather our collective contribution (although there are certainly a lot of things we could do different, better), primarily it's actually nations and corporations on a large, global scale that are the main problem.
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CE_gonna_CE posted...

Yes, thank you for saving this thread.

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Zwijn posted...
Yeah Im not saying its not possible, just not possible at the rate our civilization is growing with us. There are ways to achieve a good level of comfort with many more people while also being respectful to the environment but thats something I just dont ever see happening, I think our brains simply dont work that way when it comes to long term thinking. The only thing that I think is feasible is having less people since I dont think people are willing to revert to pre-modern life and we will always want short term gains.

I see. Again I don't think so, but if I thought you were right then I'd even agree, the Earth would be overpopulated. Because when you say overpopulated what you actually mean is that there are too many human-parasites on it. And if that was what human beings were after all then yeah, there would already be far too many of them.
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Zwijn posted...
You could easily have 20 billion people, but the environment will collapse if we live like we do now, and even if we lived like many, many decades ago.

But that's not what I asked. I completely agree that the environment will collapse if we continue on living like some sort of planetary cancer parasite species. Let's stop putting up this stupid strawman.

So okay, now it's many, many decades ago. Say a full century? So if human civilization, if progress and technology and most importantly industry were somehow reverted back to 1920s level then we would have, well I don't want to say no problem but say sustaining as much as 20 billion people would be well within the realm of possibility. That's what you're saying right?

Or else how far back do we need to go? Or is it just not possible for 20 billion human beings to live on Earth at some level of civilization? I mean after all isn't part of the purpose of civilization that MORE people can live at a BETTER standard with it than without? But of course we have to manage our resources and our waste... at any level! So could it be maybe that we don't have to go that far back, heck maybe even move forward in some respects, except that we just need to change some things? Better management. MUCH better management. Which understandably looks like a daunting task when you consider not only the extent of change but the scale of change that's needed. But still possible, right? So that it's not so much that our entire way of life has to be radically, essentially downgraded... just changed. Or are you saying that this is impossible, that to be human ESSENTIALLY means to live in the way that human beings live today? No, right, there are less cancerous, parasitic ways for human beings to exist... right??

I think it's a lot more than 20 billion by the way but alright, let's deal with 8 or so first. I mean think about it... obviously it's not really the amount of people that's the problem (you already admitted as much!) but what those people do, the way that those people live. So at least you're looking at it the right way. That's always a good first step.
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Zwijn posted...
Yeah maybe if we lived like cavemen, but we dont. The planet suffers a lot and energy needs per person are only going to increase.

You honestly look at the world today, at the whole of it mind you, and think it's evidence that the only way the energy needs of 8 billion human beings on Earth can be met is if they live like "cavemen". Really.
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Humble_Novice posted...
Ah, here we go again:

smh it's like they have some kind of syndrome...
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VipaGTS posted...
See TC. Youre using logic. Something Trump and his base have none of. Joe Biden is simultaneously a weak, frail, senile old man, but also a big scary monster who can rig elections and wants to ruin America. His voters are stupid is what Im getting at.

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Sandalorn posted...
I find that stuff weird but nobody is also forcing others to watch it.

Right, that would be a good point... if one wasn't forced to wade through line after thumbnail of it.
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Singular they is and always has been perfectly cromulent. Because it has its own very well defined time and place. Befitting the whole purpose of language.
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Japanties posted...
Setting up a camera to film your reactions to stuff is inherently ridiculous. React Andys are the lowest, trashiest form of content.

Yeah by all means possible, cry to a song. That's sensitive.

Don't freaking film it and subject us all to it. That's deranged.
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Everyone involved in this mess looks like an idiot tbh. Starting with the one with the "list", on to the one outraged not because they have a list mind you but because they mistakenly put someone on the list, to the one defending them.

Aristoph posted...
"I wish that I could have known sooner"

Yeah "sooner"... like at some point before I decided to ruin someone's life because they don't agree with me would have been good.
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creativerealms posted...
Her views are mainstream. Doesn't change that it's anti-woke YouTubers who obsess over her and have for years.

Fair enough, and that's right, I'm saying it's not really because of her views though... there's something weird going on.
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They'll have their day and they'll die in it while Drumpf watches the whole thing from a cell with a bucket of KFC.
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creativerealms posted...
We don't hate her. The anti-woke hates her.

Nah... Larson's views are pretty mainstream. Rather I think some people inside the industry don't like her. There's also rumors that she's hard to work with. I don't know, I've always liked her.
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Hey, no kink shaming!

How's Japan, Sephiroth?
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I gotta admit there is a fair amount of Schadenfreude (not to call it spite) involved if it were to happen hahahahahahahahaha... but I'll just imagine and enjoy it here and hope Biden gets to serve his full term.
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Giblet_Enjoyer posted...
Another great post. The "well if we just did things differently..." is incredibly tone deaf because these very same people absolutely refuse to even stop eating meat every day and yet they try to say we just need to do things a bit better and then we're golden. Well sure, that might work. When can you start?

I think you have us confused with the "some people are just gonna have to die for things to get better, there's absolutely no other way, period" crowd. If someone says things would be better if we did some things different they're probably quite willing to change a lot of their lifestyle. If they haven't already! I know I am.

Like I said, talk about projecting.
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No, you couldn't start the franchise and have it be as successful as it was these days. Same goes for Tomb Raider, for another example.

Then again there's Stellar Blade, etc.
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emblem-man posted...
I mean, global poverty rates have significantly reduced in the last few decades

This is a good point. Earth is so underpopulated that as horrible as things GO, they still ARE not that bad.

Then again, 80% 1820 pop. was about 800M while 10% 2015 pop. is already about 700M...
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DocileOrangeCup posted...
what is the thing that isn't doraemon??

No!! Stop making it worse!!
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I'm the guy that says America's Funniest Home Videos like it's the most dumb obvious thing you just forgot. I fully expect you to thank me afterwards. Here goes:

America's Funniest Home Videos? Remember Bob Saget from Full House was the host.

Wow Bob Saget died a couple years ago. I kinda remember that.
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Torgo posted...
It's a Doreamon chachkey thing?

I can't believe you put the words Doraemon and tchotchke next to each other in a sentence. This is gonna take me the whole evening to get over.
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DuranOfForcena posted...
no, this is completely missing the point. the point is that there are issues with logistics and supply chains and shit, and that if the world population was somehow miraculous cut in half overnight, all those same problems that lead to inequalities and hunger and shit would not be solved and would still exist. on the same token, all of that CAN be solved without reducing the population. so, if you have global issues that won't be solved by reducing the population, and that can be solved without reducing the population, then overpopulation is not the fucking problem.

smh you won't convince them. deep down it really is a mentality problem. whenever you hear someone call something a "utopia", that's a euphemism for "I know it's impossible". they already know it's impossible. it wouldn't matter even IF you gave them a step by step carefully measured and peer reviewed study and plan detailing down to a margin of error less than one percent what the solution is. they already know it's impossible, you see. there's too many people in the world and nothing anybody does will solve the problems that come with this situation. people themselves are the problem, you see. inherently.

watch the way people talk, also. it's amazing how much people project. when someone says "they're not giving any concrete evidence or arguments", guess what they're doing.
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This topic again? I'd tell myself absolutely nothing. First of all because I know what a waste of time it would be. I don't give a hoot what anybody says. Probably least of all myself.
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Far, very far from it.

Which is not to say that there aren't any problems with human population. War, hunger, disease, pollution, those are all very real. But there are solutions which are simply not being implemented. Like, pretty much at all.
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Why does the right dislike the Chiefs?

Because... Taylor? No particular reason really, it doesn't make sense. Apparently everything has to be split between the right and the left these days, and this is just the way it turned out.
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hurr so do you or do you not condemn terrorism, the killing of innocent women and children?? durr
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Mistere_Man posted...
Is Putin playing a fiddle somewhere?

What a great... dog breeder the world loses?
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ZannoL posted...
Physical books are fun to flip through. And they smell good.

Please tell me Im not the only one who loves the smell of pages?

It's a well loved scent! And there's actually many varieties.
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If KG or her mom does it, then it's sexy.
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What REALLY gets me about Trump is how UTTERLY incompetent this human cheeto is. By all means, be a piece of shit lying evil bastard. By all means, be a power hungry greedy piece of shit lying evil bastard and become president. But wow, I need a fucking colorable picture briefing in the morning as if I was a toddler with a Happy Meal. He's like the most laughable caricature villain. Has anybody ever watched the movie R.I.P.D.? He's like the deado with the worst soul stank ever, but stupid. What a fucking disgrace. What a fucking wannabe dictator. This is the reason Pence betrayed him, why so many Republicans absolutely can't stand him, what I wish I could have been in the room for so I could see the face of every Republican each time one of them came to the realization of what a monumental fuck up the guy is. There is a god. Thank you God for Trump. Thank you for sending this inept, bumbling, borderline disabled clown to "lead" the Republican party.
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You guys think this is normal?? No, right? I mean, this guy sounds certified insane. He could be ANYTHING.
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Eh I mean. After a certain amount of fat, everyone starts looking the same. Still, he looks like a toxic radioactive Elvis or something.
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I'd happily date Taylor Swift but that is one expensive date. Money.
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Bernie > Biden > Nimarata > the Drumpf
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Cemith posted...

Also Bryce Dallas Howard is gorgeous

In love since The Village and before.

And Argylle might be the best/funniest movie I might actually go watch in a while. Although Poor Things wasn't that bad. But yeah judging from the worst criticism about it, it sounds pretty good.
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Eww post-SNES Nintendo.
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WingsOfGood posted...
Isn't the west the same?

Pretty much, just not as blatantly and hardcore.
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Germany, Austria, Hungary. But as great as those were my favorite is the half day I spent in Amsterdam on layover. My kind of city, love it.
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