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Community » sauceje
Still would
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I've waited years for this day
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
mybbqrules posted...

I don't know how you can watch that fat whiny blowhard talk for more than thirty seconds and not think "this guy is completely full of shit."
I want to say it's less "this guy is completely full of shit" and more "the other people have done nothing to convince me to vote for them so I won't", but I don't know how these people really think
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
How do you get these people back from this cult mentality? How do you make America whole again? Are people like that a considerable fraction of the population anyway?
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
it seems you played Iggy's Wrecking Balls for 15 minutes
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Fire IV
I'm drafting my will right now
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Oh sorry I should have knocked, rude of me
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I have some friends who live there, can you say hi to them for me
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
DKBananaSlamma posted...
Bro I need some context on this shit LOL
His fursona appears at the end of the video
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
oh huh he got a new avatar at some point
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Earthlings kinda rude...
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Final Fantasy XIV
Probably, yeah.
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
aliens don't have stillsuits? not gonna make it...
also, respectfully
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
lol I like the dedication in maxing everything out except any combat classes
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I'm just curious what the game is
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Yeah I'll play it on launch/early access
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I wish to try more
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
what in tarnation...
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
i will also attempt
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Hayame_Zero posted...
I still love and hate that the Wide Bolsanaro meme plummeted because he actually liked it. He retweeted it or whatever and everyone was like "well fuck this then".
just like the thanks Obama meme died when he said it
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
that Missigno really cool, dang. Also didn't expect the merchant heh. Can we get the Dark Cloud protagonist?
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Holy moly the stray is so cute
get some Binding of Isaac, Spelunky, Cave Story and/or Goemon in
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
lmao I love him
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
5k a month is more than twice what I make currently so let's go
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I liked it
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
That's pretty cool actually.
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Bat178 posted...
Wait, they expect the world to go to hell from Climate Change within the next five years?
No, within the next century, not decade
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
pls to don't purge
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
lol that's great. Also I love the Prof. Layton
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I could easily put away some of those 5m and live off of interest or something, and have the free time to myself now
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Amazing honestly
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Ivy from Soul Calibur
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Prof Layton!
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
GeraldDarko posted...
This way more violent.
i presume they're asking about Terrifier (2/3/etc.)
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I vote Yuri from Tales of Vesperia
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Yooo the Ouendan callout, very nice.
Also why the hell are there no Bravely Default characters in Smash either wtf
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Clearly you must make Charlotte from Trials of Mana
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Powered by Google Bard
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Man cooked I tell you what
That is super cool
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
I went to HEB with my family when I was visiting them in Texas, it's pretty nice
There's this different version of HEB with fancier products (??) that had some interesting-looking chocolate wish I got some of thems when I went
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
It's pretty fun. I'm cleaning the temple atm
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
wtf vault dweller is too thicc for the good boys and girls who play SSBU
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Okay but is it cartoonish like her model disappears and a fine red mist appears
or do you see her being sliced up
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
WingsOfGood posted...
don't they have literally 3 WoW expansions to showcase?
Maybe they need more time in the oven before there's anything to showcase idk
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
they most likely have nothing to show
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Yoshi really said trans rights
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Kamen_Rider_Blade posted...
They were going to switch to a Hex-Based grid as well.
That looks like it would be kinda cool
He was born in a coop, raised in a cage, children fear him, critics rage,
He's half alive, he's half dead, folks just call him Buckethead
Community » sauceje
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