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Community » shironinja
I bet if it was double-bagged it would be good for over 10 years.
Now or never.
Brawndo has electrolytes.

Now or never.
if they are family yes or have different sexual orientations but otherwise no.
Now or never.
Now or never.
after you've got $5M the rest is just money to burn and you don't care what happens to it.
Now or never.
I do litter collection in my area and I find a piss bottle every now and then. It seems that nearby construction workers will urinate in bottles if they are too busy too.

So I empty them into a storm drain and throw the bottles into a recycling bin.
Now or never.
just have him empty them into the toilet, rinse, and recycle them.
Now or never.
release the lava:
Now or never.
I have a bad feeling and hope she protects herself from the rigors of politicking in Mexico.
Now or never.
Mr Breast is being directed by energies not of this earth.
Now or never.
would he be a good president.
Now or never.
pink and green cars are the worst no deal.
Now or never.
every mindset and idea is a cult and ideas only make sense if people collectively agree to believe in them.
Now or never.
I sleep without socks and leave feet outside the blanket so that I can radiate off any excess heat.
Now or never.
only if someone can make tons of money off of it.
Now or never.
potato chips are vegetables
Now or never.
Hexenherz posted...
Always looks like a dope video game until I realize it has... what's her face in it

Now or never.
Now or never.
I clean everything Thursday / Friday so that I can just chill and eat chicken wings on the weekend.
Now or never.
jefffan posted...
One of my cats hate silence. I have to put on the Jazzhop playlist on Spotify if she starts acting out while I'm working smh

yeah jazz is also approved by mine. I leave some classical on a loop when I leave so that when I come back home he hasnt destroyed any plants or opened all the cupboards.
Now or never.
my trick is a shot of pickle juice.. ToS and go back to bed for another hour hth.
Now or never.
mobilebloechel posted...
Don't anger your cat

Agree. He is very vengeful and if angered will wake me up at 5 AM as revenge or wait until I am gaming and then attack.

Otherwise hes a sweet bread kneading kitty who everyone agrees is adorable.
Now or never.
texanfan27 posted...
Could be a certain pitch or tone. Try a couple different artists and see if he reacts the same, if so, sorry youre his slave and he ruled the house.

No to ANY techno. Hates Adam Beyer, Charlotte di Witte, i_o, etc etc.

DuranOfForcena posted...
try seeing what he does if you play dubstep

He also hates that. No throwing Xs up or dancing around whatsoever. No dubstep, dnb, hard house / hard style, etc. Progressive house is generally allowed.
Now or never.
randy_123r posted...
no video no proof

maybe tomorrow or another day.. I cannot go through his yowling again today.

Im going for a walk with head phones.
Now or never.
if I play techno my cat starts yowling and running around angrily. However if I play his music then he is chill and calms down immediately.

do I have to listen to headphones?

mainly my cat likes classical music (Liszt, Beethoven, etc..) or old school SNES soundtracks like:

but I want to listen to Lilly Palmer:

its not fair.

Now or never.
kingdrake2 posted...
i'm sure they figure it out too how to get to those cupboards (only a matter of years).

we're all missing our pets that passed away (even the cats) that have a love/hate relationship.

yeah in the video in OP my cat would be on the refrigerator or any other appliances. Often I would come home to find those cupboards open and contents rummaged through.

Too much junk on counters the only safe ones in that video are maybe the high up ones above the stove.

cats are so much smarter than dogs, dude.
Now or never.
I had a dream my sister was an aes sedai and she was casting spells in a pool to move around giant blocks that I was platforming around on.. but I knew how to use the light / magic better than she did so I instructed some of her technique better.

In order to attach these giant blocks and move them around she was reliant on first magicking tape and attaching it to the blocks? So I tried to show her that the tape wasnt necessary.. etc.
Now or never.
Frostmourne posted...
Every minute counts. Now go to sleep!!

:( .. fine Im going to bed.

secretly reading a comic book under the covers
Now or never.
my cat could also do this much quicker.. I keep nothing interesting in lower cabinets / drawers anymore.

all cat treats must go into inaccessible cabinets in the top.
Now or never.
just five more minutes PLEASE !!
Now or never.
Pro-Pals are the minority and we live in a democracy,

Neither Democrats nor Republicans care for them.
Now or never.
I have low expectations but I'm willing to be surprised.
Now or never.
come for a vacation they said..

it'll be fun they said...
Now or never.
the pump is real but so will be the eventual dump.
Now or never.
If anyone calls me boss at a restaurant, etc I usually counter with thank you, sir! to indicate that I do not wish to be placed above anyone and would rather show deference.
Now or never.

Ay boss what you doin around in this neighbourhood ese?


heres the coffee and eggs you ordered, boss
Now or never.
BucketCat posted...
i dont have a due date lol :(
i have the steam thing but its not live yet cus i think it needs a video. i might do red bull or maybe like tea or something cus i made one of those gallon bags of tea today

um, thanks

just set a due date then. Write it down like one month from now.. write down any sub goals / tasks which can get you there. Dont try to make things perfect initially but do try to get basic functionality / story lines / whatever in place and build on them.. keep iterating to improve upon it.

If you get a few days from the due date and are still not done then its OK to push the due date back. Professional game development companies do this all the time and games often release a year or more after their projected release date when the entire project could have been whipped up in less than six months.
Now or never.
ToS and sleep.
Now or never.
Pokemon GO.. sometimes if there is a Remote Raid you need to go to and you don't have enough coins then it happens.

I'm happy to continue to support the game as I do play it every day.. as I have done since release.
Now or never.
I think it's pretty cool tbh and welcome our new drone overlords.
Now or never.
all politicians are evil just some of them (Biden) are better at hiding and glossing it over than others.

if you think you can do any better then maybe you should try to become one.. but I'm pretty sure the power / money will corrupt you eventually.

The only way I believe we can change this is to allow AI to govern us with all decisions made transparent on a blockchain.
Now or never.
bah gawd!
Now or never.
birds are horny this time of year and sound carries well at night / early morning (because there's less noise from h00mans) so they spit their rizz then.
Now or never.
anyway yeah.. Red Bull / vodka. Try that.
Now or never.
What works for me is to procrastinate until the due date and then drink Red Bull / alcohol the night before to finish as much of it as I'm able but usually that's just a rough prototype / proof of concept which I can demo and then push back the due date another two weeks and repeat.

Now or never.
Now or never.
Now or never.
Now or never.
shock and awe.
Now or never.
Now or never.
Community » shironinja
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