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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 8 [smfffc]
07/04/21 1:15:17 PM

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 7 [smfffc]
07/03/21 2:40:28 PM
Cait Sith

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 6 [smfffc]
07/02/21 9:10:29 PM

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 6 [smfffc]
07/02/21 9:09:44 PM
Ardyn is safe, though the document says otherwise. Just pointing that out.

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 6 [smfffc]
07/02/21 9:08:14 PM

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 6 [smfffc]
07/02/21 7:35:05 PM

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 3:30:27 PM
I think that's fair, aside from the last paragraph. We've had THIS discussion before as well, but I think America as a country is extremely conservative in its values, and it is only in recent years that (socially) progressive ideals have started to become more mainstream. The GOP was successful in pushing to the far right, largely because that conservative mentality was already the backbone of this country's politics. The problem with responding to the GOP's far-right tendencies by pushing a far left agenda (I know, I know, by global standards, our left wing would be like, center-left at best, but in this country, the progressive wing is a far left ideology) is that it immediately alienates the majority of the country who are conservative. Even if you succeed in winning a small victory (see: Obama in 2008 and the ACA in 2009), it results in IMMEDIATE and devastating backlash that we are still suffering the effects of to this day. Liberal policies cannot succeed in a "one step forward, two steps back" environment, where anything we do is immediately undone by the opposition party when they inevitably win by campaigning against "far left policy", resulting in us needing to burn a ton of time and political capital just to repair damage and prevent further backsliding.

This is why I keep repeating that we just need to keep voting Democrat and holding the line. I know it sucks, and I know that nothing is getting done, but the alternative is to lose every other election, have our conservative population push us farther right every time, and be constantly stuck trying to hold back that tide. There needs to be a point where the GOP needs to have a reckoning. They need to be punished for their current campaign strategy to the point where they need to start moving back to the left to become politically relevant again. As it stands, they don't need to change a single thing they're doing, and they're rewarded more and more often for pushing further to the right (in a way that Democrats have not shown evidence of being rewarded when they push left). They literally don't have a platform other than opposing the Democrats, and it succeeds slightly more than half the time.

Yes, our system sucks. Yes, it is rigged in favor of the GOP. And yes, we should absolutely abolish the filibuster, because in its current state, it ONLY benefits the GOP (since they campaign on literally stopping all progress, and having gridlock allows that to happen). But unfortunately, there are a LOT of Democratic voters to the right of me who either vote for moderates in the hopes of bipartisanship and working across the aisle (because these voters are naive and live about three decades in the past at best), or don't have a problem with the GOP when they get in power, because they're privileged enough to not suffer the worst fates when the GOP take charge.

This is why I keep saying that there needs to be an effort by progressive voices to try and market their ideas towards those moderates who are deciding primaries. Because the ideas themselves are good, but they're painted in a way that's meant to appeal to people who already agree with them, which is firebrand-y enough to alienate moderate voters who are more in favor of slow, incremental change.

That's why I loved Elizabeth Warren's two cent plan during the primaries. It pushed for a progressive policy (free childcare), while painting it in a light that came across as reasonable (only two cents of every dollar billionaires make). To me, that was amazing branding. By throwing out that two cent number, even the stupidest of voters (you know, the people who think "ESTATE TAXES?! LIKE HELL THE GOVERNMENT IS GONNA TAKE A CHUNK OF MY $500 SAVINGS ACCOUNT!") can't get all that made, because it's a small enough number that it doesn't seem like a lot unless you take the trouble to multiply it by a total dollar amount. But then Elizabeth and Bernie but stumbled when it came to universal healthcare, because they tried to keep hammering that the super rich were going to pay the larger share, or that you would save more in healthcare than you'd pay in taxes. The voters are fucking stupid, and all they heard was "higher taxes", which is a non-starter. If one of them came out and said "the richest people are going to pay a nickel off every dollar they make, and that'll fund universal healthcare", I think that would've been far more easily digestible to the masses, without scaring them off via the threat of taxes.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 2:52:34 PM
Joe Biden campaigned on being "not Trump", and the voters rewarded him for being "not Trump". Unfortunately, the voters also rewarded the obstructionist Republican Senate for being "not Trump" in 2018 and 2020, to the point where it took a Hail Mary of two runoff elections to give the Democrats a 50+1 majority in the Senate. You could, in theory, make the argument that being viewed as progressive as he is/was is what prevented a bigger blowout for Biden. Being able to stir up fears of progressivism and socialism were enough to hold seats like Susan Collins' in Maine, by having them serve as a counterbalance to a Democratic president.

That's the reason I was so depressed by the election results, even a week after when Biden was declared the victor. The message I got from those results was not a resounding "We saw what four years of GOP control looked like, and we want something better", but rather "We think Trump sucks, but we don't want the Dems to have too much control either." Honestly, you could say that the only reason we have a Democratic Senate is because Trump threw a temper tantrum after his loss and really fucked over the Georgia Senate races for his party.

I'm just super cynical overall. All the polling in the world doesn't matter if voters won't turn out regularly to vote in favor of those policies. Florida can vote for all the progressive ballot initiatives they want, and it won't matter if they keep personally voting Republican legislators who will do whatever they can to undermine those initiatives.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 2:06:41 PM
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
On one hand, my theory, where Democrats actually push hard to DO stuff, maybe lose the moderates, lose the election, but that stuff meanwhile sticks around, helps people, and forces Republicans to actively take things away from voters.

On the other hand, your theory, Democrats intentionally do nothing, everyone votes for them, they win the election, repeat that for 12 years until THEN we can do stuff?

In the words of Joe Biden: come on, man.

Again, they're not intentionally doing nothing. They're doing exactly what their voters want them to do, which is try to get things done without becoming a dictatorial single-party regime like what the GOP aspires to be.

Why is it that you have all these excuses and comebacks for me, yet you can never come up with anything your side could do differently or better to win? Seriously, you keep fucking losing and your reaction is never "what can we change" and is instead "the establishment/the media is rigged against us". And then you laugh and wonder why people bring up horseshoe theory. Are you just incapable of coming up with an electoral strategy that is able to sell your ideas without openly insulting or discounting the majority of voters you're trying to sway?

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 1:42:52 PM
Long story short, Democrats get fucked time and time again because we may have a majority of the population, but we're not a united cult like the GOP. And until we starting playing politics, as voters, the way the GOP does, it doesn't matter what policy we push, what messaging we use, or candidates we support. We will lose long-term in a way that GOP never does. The only way anything is ever going to change is if the GOP gets soundly defeated in multiple consecutive elections, and realizes that their current strategy (I'm assuming they get beat so bad that even their voter suppression efforts fail) is flawed, and they need to take a new stance. As it stands, under the current system, the GOP is always only two years away from taking back at least one lever of power and getting exactly what they want (which is complete obstruction and nothing getting done).

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 1:36:37 PM
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
Let me put this another way, if the group you consider the minority is big enough to swing the election, you need to say and do something to earn their vote.

Thats all there is to it.

You can disagree and say the threat of Republicans is enough, but we all know its not, the party with more apathetic voters loses.

It SHOULD be enough. Unfortunately, Democratic voters are politically stupid. GOP voters are stupid, full stop, but they understand politics. They understand that they need to vote for their guy, or the other guy will win. They don't need to vote for policy, they just need to vote AGAINST the Democrats. The fact that the Dems don't have that kind of blind loyalty is good from a "not having an authoritarian dictator" perspective, but it winds up fucking us over time and time again.

Also, again, if appeasing 20-35% of the party's potential voters alienates the other 65-80%, then that's a bad strategy, and it's ultimately a more likely losing strategy. Especially if the options are "I'm going to give you 10 dollars" (Progressives), "I'm going to take 10 dollars from you" (GOP), and "I'm not going to take any money for you, but I'm not giving you anything either" (Moderates), where the moderates are factually less damaging to the progressives than the GOP.

Like, you get pissed off when I make comments saying you should just vote Democrat no matter what, but at the very least, the Democrats are MORE progressive than the Republicans, so you're better off under the Dems. But like, can you understand that your attitude is basically treating moderates the same way you believe they're treating you, with the added downside that it's far less damaging for THEM if the GOP takes power over the Dems?

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 1:05:54 PM
And again, that IS on the voters, HDT. That's on moderate voters for being scared of progressive policies in the first place, but it does not help with progressive are openly hostile to messaging in a way that appeals to moderates, as opposed to progressives, who are already onboard with those policies.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 1:04:24 PM
Ultimately, I think my argument comes down to this. Tony, you regularly complain about the Democratic Party being useless and not taking extreme action to push the progressive agenda that the voters want. I don't think that's what's happening here. I think the Democratic Party is behaving EXACTLY how the MAJORITY of their voters want them to act. The Democratic Party is not this overwhelming progressive monolith. At best they are in a 3-2 minority (more likely a 4-1 minority) against the moderate wing of the part. And the moderates, as stupid and irrational as this sounds, want bipartisanship. They want the country to be united, which means both parties coming together to craft legislation for the good of all. I fully admit that this mindset is fucking stupid. You are completely right to be pissed off about it. But that's the will of the moderate majority of VOTERS.

This is the problem, and I've mentioned this before. But the moderate wing of the Democratic Party looks at the Republicans and correctly sees them as raging extremists. But at the same time, they look at the progressive wing of the party and similarly see THEM as raging extremists as well (largely because of the combative messaging of both policy, and how to accomplish it). If the Democrats just say fuck it, and start aggressively pushing progressive legislation without the moderate wing's blessing, they stand to lose a lot more, because suddenly the moderates are in the middle of two parties, and they believe neither one of those parties represents their views. If they feel disenfranchised, that's a HUGE chunk of the Democratic Party potentially sitting out and handing power to the GOP. With this in mind, the party is expecting the progressives to be more pragmatic and vote the better of the two options, because the GOP is actively spiteful towards the progressive agenda, whereas the Democrats nominally support progressive policies.

So the party IS doing right by their base. It's just not what progressives want.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 12:48:52 PM
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
God you try so under not to understand me.

My argument for that whole discussion was never that they were popular, its that they were policy and ideology, not slogans.

I said that explicitly multiple times.

Well if there is this much "misunderstanding" (and not just with me), maybe you're doing a bad job of your messaging and should consider correcting that.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 12:44:00 PM
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
Oh so you, exactly like that Matt Yglesias tweet I shared awhile ago, have literally no idea how ideas become popular, and in turn become laws.

Got it.

C'mon man. You can't even admit that shouting "Defund the Police" and "All Cops Are Bastards" are poor ways of generating popularity behind the underlying concept implied by those terms. Let's not pretend you understand how ideas generate the support to become laws either.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 12:39:24 PM
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
You dont think it would be objectively better than the alternative, (which isjust not? )

Anyway, my original point was that the Man dont you guys wish you voted Hillary in 2016! scolding isnt going to mean a whole hell of a lot if the GOP takes back over in 2024.

To stay on this topic, if Joe Biden gave a speech every single day saying I want *insert popular thing* to happen, the American people deserve this and heres why, do you think its chances would go up or down?

I don't think it would have a single impact.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 12:19:41 PM
xp1337 posted...
Actually, my point had been subtly remarking on the irony of you jumping at Suprak's comments on 2016 in his justified frustration of SCOTUS's rulings saying it was tired when in the same breath you slipped in a dig at the Democratic Party which is just as tired in this topic, if not more so.

i simply continued in morbid curiosity of what possible universe GOP obstructionism is overcome when they held the majority. I didn't intend to and had moved on from the topic entirely, but then you brought Sanders into this directly just now.

To be fair, I brought Sanders in, not Tony. And that's largely out of frustration for Tony's regular refrain of saying the Dems are shit, even though any progressive would be in the exact same position, given just how combative and obstructionist the GOP is.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 12:00:26 PM
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
Cant help but make these digs, lol can you?

Sorry but your hypothetical doesnt work, because Bernie would spend every single day calling out (some might say yelling at) anyone in the way of helping the people.

And that would...change things? The voters wouldn't just place all the blame on him, rather than on the GOP legislators? Really?

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 375: Joe Bidin' his time
07/02/21 10:58:03 AM
ChaosTonyV4 posted...
When they wouldnt let Obama do it, why do you think theyd let Hillary?

Or Bernie, if we're talking hypotheticals.

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 4 [smfffc]
06/30/21 10:55:22 PM
How does he keep getting nominated in?

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 4 [smfffc]
06/30/21 4:44:56 PM

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 3 [smfffc]
06/29/21 7:25:40 PM

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 3 [smfffc]
06/29/21 5:43:34 PM

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TopicRate the VG Story Day 32: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
06/28/21 9:35:14 PM
Shuichi is far and away the best protagonist in the franchise, and he's not even my favorite character from the game. Angie, Maki, Miu and Kaito all also make my top 10. Alongside Hina, Sakura, Celestia, and Sonia/Fuyuhiko.

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TopicRate the VG Story Day 32: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
06/28/21 9:20:52 PM
I've said it before, but Danganronpa is a very cast-driven game, rather than a story-driven game. And while the individual characters of DR2 stand out more than DR1, DR1's cast gels together far better. And DRV3 manages to have a good group of individuals, AND they gel well together.

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TopicRate the VG Story Day 32: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
06/28/21 7:36:09 AM
DRV3's ending is my favorite one in the series. Certainly better than the bullshit they tried to peddle in DR2's climax.

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TopicRate the VG Story Day 32: Danganronpa V3: Killing Harmony
06/28/21 12:50:32 AM

DR1 is good, but it's very normal.

DR2 is completely chaotic to the point of nonsense.

DRV3 takes the character relationships of DR1 and makes them a bit more exciting.

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Day 1 [smfffc]
06/27/21 4:07:13 PM

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TopicBoard 8 Ranks: Westerns! Sign Up/Info Topic
06/27/21 1:35:29 PM
Bumping this again.

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Final - LotGH vs. My Hero Academia
06/27/21 3:10:02 AM
My Hero Academia 12 (Uraraka)

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Final - LotGH vs. My Hero Academia
06/27/21 12:00:49 AM
My Hero Academia 10 (Kaminari)

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Final - LotGH vs. My Hero Academia
06/26/21 10:50:21 PM
My Hero Academia 9 (Bakugo)

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Final - LotGH vs. My Hero Academia
06/26/21 2:05:29 PM
My Hero Academia 2 (Todoroki)

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TopicSave My Favorite Final Fantasy Characters XXIII: Nominations [smfffc]
06/24/21 9:11:10 PM

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 96 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/23/21 2:09:24 PM

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 96 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/23/21 1:30:54 PM
Xeybozn posted...
Oh, my bad. I thought he was just making fun of you for trading instead of just saving MHA yourself.

Autotrading for TTGL, can't get Monogatari.

I wasn't sure either, so I clarified in Discord.

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 96 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/23/21 1:12:32 PM
Xeybozn posted...

Sorry. Voltch got me first.

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 96 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/23/21 1:12:09 PM
voltch posted...
This makes sense

I'm assuming you're saying MHA for Monogatari, right? 'Cause that works for me.

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 96 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/23/21 1:05:19 PM
Trading for MHA, auto. Can't get Kaguya or LotGH.

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 96 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/23/21 1:04:23 PM

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 96 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/23/21 12:02:59 PM

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 95 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/22/21 3:03:03 PM

My Hero Academia

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 95 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/22/21 2:02:48 PM
Gurren Lagann

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 95 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/22/21 12:01:20 PM

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 93 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/20/21 2:51:39 PM
Bane saved MHA.

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 93 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/20/21 2:42:47 PM
My Hero Academia

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 93 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/20/21 1:42:46 PM

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TopicI'd never seen a non-animated musical before
06/20/21 1:04:48 PM
Hairspray (the Travolta version) is great.

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 93 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/20/21 12:43:04 PM
Trading for MHA, auto (can't get LotGH or Kaguya).

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TopicSave My Favourite Anime Series 8: Round 93 [SMFAS] [RULE CHANGE]
06/20/21 12:42:46 PM

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