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Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 09/07/18 6:25:22 AM #446 | I like how ridiculously terrified the guy in that comic is because he saw Kaepernick's face. --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 09/06/18 4:45:45 AM #440 | they say a picture is worth precisely 1000 words, not more than 1000 if you're paying more than 1000 words for a picture you're getting ripped off --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 09/04/18 8:03:22 AM #431 | why does that headline make it seem like Soros said a thing but then the article in no way indicates that's a thing he said? That's super misleading. --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 09/03/18 4:05:29 AM #423 | it seems like it's just a bunch of racists looking for an excuse to assault brown people After the arrests, mobs launched random street attacks against people they perceived to be foreigners, including an Afghan, a Syrian and a Bulgarian man. aw jeez they got one of yours --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 09/03/18 3:54:05 AM #421 | are you celebrating --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/30/18 6:14:42 AM #374 | Every single day since Trump started his campaign is not "occasionally show me a fake news story from CNN for every day since Trump started his campaign please provide me with like 800 links --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/29/18 11:52:43 AM #366 | Even that doesn't warrant a difference between a top 3 result and result not even in the first 10 pages. If Breitbart had been even on the second page, okay, whatever, maybe your explanation would have made sense. But with the difference we're seeing, your explanation is FAR from enough. why on what basis do you decide what the appropriate place to show Brietbart is if it's a bad website with innacurate information --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/28/18 3:50:33 PM #352 | the like third result for me googling "trump news" is from Fox News maybe it's further down for you because they know you're in the Netherlands (?) and people there are like never looking for Fox --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/28/18 2:42:45 PM #350 | Vlado posted... Trump slams goolag for manipulating search results to push fake news over normal media. WILL BE ADDRESSED!Google search results for Trump News shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, for me & others, so that almost all stories & news is BAD. Fake CNN is prominent. Republican/Conservative & Fair Media is shut out. Illegal? 96% of results on Trump News are from National Left-Wing Media, very dangerous. Google & others are suppressing voices of Conservatives and hiding information and news that is good. They are controlling what we can & cannot see. This is a very serious situation-will be addressed! the "fake news" is the normal media people go to CNN more than fucking Zerohedge or whatever you want them to show, so they're the more popular result and Google shows them it's not a conspiracy --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/27/18 5:12:42 AM #336 | why does your URL have a swear in it --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/21/18 4:57:36 AM #307 | Meanwhile, Orthodox priest cleanses streets of gay parade venue with holy water. Pretty cool! super cool --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/14/18 2:13:15 AM #277 | Vlado canonically has a wife guys, come on. Also a child I think. --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/08/18 1:24:19 PM #244 | Consider your self Jakyled --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/08/18 12:31:44 PM #242 | those dollar sign nipples on the pyramid monster are a nice touch --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/07/18 4:07:59 PM #221 | Vlado posted... He had millions of subscribers, and his channel had several billion views or something. That's significant. He was beating every single globalist news outlet. where was he beating every globalist news outlet assuming this site has accurate information (it's kind of hard to just look at his YouTube channel right now), Jones had 2.5 million subscribers CNN has 4.3 million and twice as many video views --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 08/07/18 1:30:19 PM #218 | Vlado posted... Wherever Jones goes instead will explode in popularity, and will eventually draw other high-profile people, finally snowballing out of control. lol --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | The Giant Bomb Topic: Good Times, Uncooked Steak |
MoogleKupo141 08/06/18 12:39:50 AM #74 | who else wants to nominate Punished Garfield for the contest --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/27/18 2:40:53 PM #191 | oh ok good answer --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/27/18 2:01:25 PM #188 | Vlado what do you think about Qanon --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/27/18 5:15:01 AM #181 | Vlado posted... Yeah, excuse decent people for not keeping tabs on every single hollywood creep every single day of their lives. they're excused, but why are they keeping any tabs at all? Had you even heard of Steve-o before? and why is anyone even hunting through his tweets for stuff. did he insult Mike Cernovich or something --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/27/18 3:52:07 AM #176 | it just looks like he's talking about a tattoo he had, which wouldn't be something to confess to, since it was visibly on his body... do you think he was trying to keep it a secret somehow? I'm in awe of the incredible internet detectives who discovered this --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/27/18 3:43:14 AM #174 | uh what is that the right tweet what is he confessing to there --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/26/18 7:13:05 PM #172 | also it's very funny how Jack the Twitter guy is hated on both sides. Conservatives think he's out to censor them, leftists think he's not doing enough to ban white supremacists and address harrassment --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/26/18 7:03:17 PM #171 | Vlado posted... It's a public utility in practice, so it must be regulated. Getting a monopoly must come at a price. ok but right now it's not regulated so how is illegal --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Politics Containment Topic 185: Doubly Negative |
MoogleKupo141 07/23/18 3:50:40 PM #203 | --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/23/18 2:08:40 PM #120 | And even if that other guy is not a pedo, as I said, at the least he's very mentally ill to make such "jokes," so justice served either way. the mentally ill should be punished ? --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/22/18 4:56:44 PM #102 | Vlado posted... MoogleKupo141 posted...who somehow magically hacked DNC's servers and "stole" Pedosta's e-mails and then gave them to WikiLeaks to publish for the world to see... he's not a pedophile, the tweets are obviously jokes no one just publically tweets confessing to felonies --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nationalist politics topic 8: Seehofer rises |
MoogleKupo141 07/22/18 6:42:09 AM #95 | who somehow magically hacked DNC's servers and "stole" Pedosta's e-mails and then gave them to WikiLeaks to publish for the world to see... why do you say "somehow magically" as if hacking isn't a real thing that real people can really do --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | James Gunn kicked off of Gaurdians 3. |
MoogleKupo141 07/22/18 3:19:39 AM #58 | they're going after Michael Ian Black now and multiple "evidence" tweets in their jpg are just about pizza these people are actually insane (I saw they're going after Anthony Jeselnik too and he was just like "all my jokes are offensive, you're dumb") --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Mega Man: Fully Charged trailer |
MoogleKupo141 07/21/18 8:51:04 PM #6 | I don't know what Mega Man should sound like, but I do not like that he sounds like this. --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Uber back in the news. This time driver refused to drive due to politics. |
MoogleKupo141 07/21/18 8:49:13 PM #106 | Corrik posted... No. They do not have it in my area. We used Lyft when we went to Brooklyn, and I feared for my life on one of the two trips. do you live on some kind of remote island --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Aquaman trailer. |
MoogleKupo141 07/21/18 8:47:53 PM #17 | I feel like this will be very similar to Black Panther but less good --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Trump Supporters gets Disney to FIRE JAMES GUNN over his RAPE and PEDO JOKES!!!! |
MoogleKupo141 07/20/18 11:05:43 PM #74 | guardians 3 is not getting canceled that's ridiculous the only way that would happen would be if Groot the literal CGI tree man,not Vin Diesel, somehow tweeted something racist if anyone else does something bad, they can just make a movie with the CGI tree man and new actors playing characters slightly more obscure than the characters already in the Guardians movies --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | James Gunn kicked off of Gaurdians 3. |
MoogleKupo141 07/20/18 10:00:09 PM #2 | do you have full throttle ignored --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Trump Supporters gets Disney to FIRE JAMES GUNN over his RAPE and PEDO JOKES!!!! |
MoogleKupo141 07/20/18 8:43:11 PM #63 | Jakyl25 posted... Wow so now the Cernovich brigade are really determinedly pushing an equivalence with Gunn telling bad jokes and being an actual child porn advocate who should be arrested, along with anyone who makes any defense of him. I wonder if anyone legitimately buys into this, or if everyone agreeing with Cernovich is being just as disingenuous --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Resident Evil 2 Collectors Edition (Gamestop Exclusive) |
MoogleKupo141 07/20/18 5:03:20 PM #4 | ughhh that is very expensive but I want that Leon and it's only at GameStop so that destroys my chances of getting it discounted on Amazon months later when it doesn't sell out --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Trump Supporters gets Disney to FIRE JAMES GUNN over his RAPE and PEDO JOKES!!!! |
MoogleKupo141 07/20/18 5:01:00 PM #44 | Jakyl25 posted... MoogleKupo141 posted... companies are shitty --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Trump Supporters gets Disney to FIRE JAMES GUNN over his RAPE and PEDO JOKES!!!! |
MoogleKupo141 07/20/18 5:00:42 PM #43 | HashtagSEP posted... I'm not worried about Guardians 3 in general he'll probably quit out of brotherly solidarity or something --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Trump Supporters gets Disney to FIRE JAMES GUNN over his RAPE and PEDO JOKES!!!! |
MoogleKupo141 07/20/18 4:59:41 PM #40 | Jakyl25 posted... If those jokes were too much for Disney, and apparently they were, I dont get why they hired him because they weren't too much for Disney until they got publicized Disney doesn't actually care, but now they've been forced to react --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Trump Supporters gets Disney to FIRE JAMES GUNN over his RAPE and PEDO JOKES!!!! |
MoogleKupo141 07/20/18 4:01:25 PM #8 | this sucks ass --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | This 27 y/o Teacher was given FREE MONEY by MEN on a Plane!! Is She Hot???? |
MoogleKupo141 07/19/18 11:50:17 PM #2 | where did you get the idea that smackers is a thing to call money --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Rick, Kine, or Coo? |
MoogleKupo141 07/19/18 9:42:17 PM #1 | who the best - Results (6 votes)
50% (3 votes)
33.33% (2 votes)
16.67% (1 vote)
--- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Three different times this article lists being a White Male as a negative. |
MoogleKupo141 07/19/18 2:10:15 PM #73 | Chris Cilliza is a dingus --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | 17 y/o NERDY Virginia Kid is BLASTED for Paying his $35 Bill in QUARTERS!!!! |
MoogleKupo141 07/19/18 1:35:07 AM #8 | I hate to be BLASTED --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Nintendo was making a Tingle horror game, got canned |
MoogleKupo141 07/18/18 8:42:01 PM #6 | I think the new one is a different type of game from the first two, but I don't remember what it is. --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Jeremy Parish's Top 35 NES games for the 35th Anniversary |
MoogleKupo141 07/18/18 6:38:24 PM #20 | pjbasis posted... Lots of sports or arcade titles I wouldn't have. it's weird, the list looks like he said "only one game per franchise" except for Mario --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Magic the Gathering topic: How did that purge before Prerelease |
MoogleKupo141 07/18/18 6:16:56 PM #464 | does anyone want a Magic Arena beta key they just emailed me some --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Base Goku and Base Vegeta coming to Dragon Ball FighterZ. Also open Switch Beta |
MoogleKupo141 07/18/18 5:21:18 PM #12 | there are like a million DBZ characters why do I need seven Gokus also if you have to include thirty Gokus you could at least make one his child version from original Dragon Ball --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
Topic | Do small restaurants offer free refills where you live? |
MoogleKupo141 07/17/18 7:15:58 PM #10 | Most small places with fountains I go to do free refills, definitely anything where you fill the drink yourself. One place I go to charges like 50 cents, I think, and has a credit card minimum. --- For your BK_Sheikah00. At least Kupo has class and doesn't MESSAGE the people -Dr Pizza |
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