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TopicThe 128 Greatest GameFAQS Contest Matches of All Time
07/26/24 11:02:19 PM
I got a perfect Oracle prediction on that Vince/Ganon match

Also was it CantFakeTheFunk who called that warcraft/gta match

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TopicRoll Call: How many long time members still around?
07/26/24 10:48:30 PM
XIII is cool turns 20 on the 30th of August.


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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 421: Existing in the Context of All In Which We Live
07/26/24 5:37:04 PM
Well, Pence did keep like .00001% of it in check by not coup-ing

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TopicSummer Olympics Topic
07/26/24 5:28:14 PM
Water horse and Eiffel Tower being attacked by lazers were highlights

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TopicSummer Olympics Topic
07/26/24 3:53:42 PM
Nice to see the Tahiti part represented

I like that they're doing some of it there

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 420: High on Space Cake
07/25/24 10:21:44 AM
mnk posted...
This isn't really related to the burning aspect, per se, but dipshit MAGA "patriots" have kinda ruined the American flag for me. These days, whenever I see one mounted on someone's house or car outside of relevant holidays, I kinda think "hmm..." about them.

Brexit/UKIP people did this with the UK flag a while ago. I guess it's a shame

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TopicA Wordle of Ice and Fire (Topic 14)
07/23/24 9:50:26 PM
Wordle 1,131 5/6

4th guess was Torte, because I had a delicious one 2 nights ago. Thinking with my stomach cost me.

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TopicHouse of the Dragon S2 (Spoilers)
07/23/24 7:31:27 PM
I didn't love the ep but it was good

They were building to a Viserys cameo and it was so great seeing him again. I would hope that's the end of the spooky cameos and stuff though

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TopicThe 128 Greatest GameFAQS Contest Matches of All Time
07/23/24 6:18:20 PM
I think Black Turtle said that about Sonic/Crono 2006 too

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 420: High on Space Cake
07/23/24 5:12:50 PM
Obellisk posted...
GOP is losing its mind because they know they can no longer win this election.

I can't believe we only get to live this for 100 days.

This sounds fuckin nuts and you're opening yourself up for a massive fall.

I'm less nervous than I was - it's nice to see the Dems on offense and not defense - but jesus.

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TopicFill in the Blank 351: General ___
07/23/24 8:32:42 AM

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 420: High on Space Cake
07/23/24 7:19:49 AM
Grimlyn posted...
I was pretty bearish on Biden dropping out back when the uproar started from the first debate, but as the days went on and media pressure just absolutely did not let off on him, as well as his very own continued mistakes (lol President Putin) I've been turning to okay they if they're gonna do it they gotta do it soon

And yeah this move has completely shaken the game, Dems are no longer on under constant defense under the key eye of journalists eager to pounce, or holding our breaths for the next legitimate gaffe sure to come. Instead, we actually got some real excitement going on which nobody could possibly claim existed under Biden.

It does feel like the constant media pressure for him to drop out created such a toxic atmosphere around the thing that wouldn't really have let up. This feels better, at least at the moment

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 419: It's Joever. Bye, den.
07/22/24 6:08:05 PM
UshiromiyaEva posted...
There's a reason she was already lolling better then Biden to begin with.

Surely her lolling has been the biggest issue

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 419: It's Joever. Bye, den.
07/22/24 6:07:14 PM
LightningStrikes posted...
I always wondered if Vlado was for real or just an arch-contrarian. He eventually went full fascist but Im old enough to remember when he was claiming to be a socialist!

Vlado consistently chose positions that were against the board, and I didn't really buy that it was a coincidence. Like, you spend 10 years being a prick about how much you hate Nintendo and literally everything else, and then when the board becomes more interested in politics you're suddenly also a prick about white Nationalism? It's hard to buy

Wanglicious posted...
his what

He had a "nationalist topic" series which got nuked, then got nuked again, then got nuked again, and then he gave up. Shame, innit.

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TopicPolitics Containment Topic 419: It's Joever. Bye, den.
07/22/24 5:47:38 PM
Vlado became a non-factor once his racist political topic series got killed off, but yeah, the hornyposting ban seems to have been the final nail in that coffin

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TopicTales of Xillia Remastered leaked
07/21/24 6:38:27 AM
Oh for fuck's sake

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TopicFill in the Blank 348: Roll ___
07/20/24 7:45:58 PM

Which I don't think are the correct numbers for that user, and yet they were the first ones in my head

(Edit: looks like it's just "2". Oh well.)

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TopicSo, the Boys season 4 *unmarked spoilers*
07/20/24 10:18:06 AM
I never watched Supernatural but Neuman dying seemed inevitable from the start of S4. Homelander wasn't going to die but there needed to be some kind of "win", some kind of antagonist beaten. They spent the whole season talking about the virus being used on "Neuman or Homelander". Same as S3 and S2, where the defeat of Soldier Boy and Stormfront respectively were held up as wins.

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TopicPokemon of the Year R3D10 ft. Dratini v. Drilbur [PotY]
07/19/24 3:52:46 PM
Hawlucha : 5
Frogadier: 0

Frosmoth : 3
Heliolisk : 2

Dratini : 2
Drilbur : 3

Honedge : 2
Litwick : 3

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TopicFill in the Blank 345: Commander ___
07/17/24 10:13:04 PM


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TopicPokemon of the Year R3D8 ft. Kingambit v. Primeape [PotY]
07/16/24 6:20:56 PM
Dragapult : 3
Passimian : 2

Crustle : 2
Froakie : 3

Kingambit : 5
Primeape : 0

Gible : 4
Wobbuffet : 1

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/16/24 4:47:31 PM
Uruguay having better players is an enormous stretch though clearly the best argument of the teams I listed

I listed them because that's who England would have gotten had they won the group

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/16/24 2:59:57 PM
Yeah we had that discussion before and I don't want to have it again; it was a core of world-class players at a time the PL teams were winning the CL or making the final every year, and we drew with Algeria and the US, then got absolutely thrashed.

Whether we should have won is one thing (Spain's squad was better) but Capello's management of it was disastrous beyond all question, all doubt.

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/16/24 1:16:56 PM
Spain's players courting the far right with their celebrations. Nice.
Es este tu rey?

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/16/24 9:01:38 AM
The 2nd-best England manager ever in terms of results (and even Alf Ramsey failed to qualify in 1974, so...) and a fundamentally decent and scandal-free man which - given Hoddle, Allardyce, Eriksson, Capello - is strangely quite the achievement. He is not a world-class tactician but his understanding of that specific role was second-to-none.

I think his detractors will regret what they wished for if we get the opposite: a world-class tactician with no understanding of the role. That's what Capello was, and nobody has botched an international tournament worse than Capello in 2010 given what he had available. If Southgate's replacement tries to make the beast that is the job submit to their own managerial foibles, rather than understanding the job's unique demands and molding themselves to it, they will fail way worse than Southgate ever did.

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TopicFill in the Blank 343: ___ Notes
07/15/24 6:41:57 AM

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TopicThe 128 Greatest GameFAQS Contest Matches of All Time
07/15/24 6:04:17 AM
NFUN posted...
"Only on Gamefaqs" was my exact thought on seeing that result. wtf

It annoys me to this day

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TopicWorst injury you ever had?
07/14/24 5:43:45 PM
Broke my collarbone last year, sling for 6 weeks, about a week and a half out of work

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 5:30:58 PM
shane15 posted...
Doesn't matter who the manager is they'll never win anything. It's about time all the England fans realise they only bully the weaker teams and get rolled over by the big boys. They're gonna be a pot 2 team for the World Cup Qualifers so hopefully they get one of the big boys and get put out in the play offs.

It can't literally happen every time forever. We've never gone into an even-ish game and won, but law of averages says it has to happen eventually

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 5:21:42 PM
Criticisms are that we've been a bit too defensive but like, it nearly worked

Also we lack the total tactical surety we had in 2018 - we were experimenting with TAA in midfield etc. That was one of the things I liked most about him

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 5:19:16 PM
Probably time to go, yes

I think for him personally it's exhausting, and he has faced absolutely vicious criticism for the crime of only being our 2nd best manager OAT. I think he deserves better and should go

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 5:12:33 PM

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 5:09:24 PM
How did Yamal win MotM? Williams was so obviously better. Narrative shit

Edit: oh was it young player of the tournament

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 4:58:48 PM
Once Mainoo came off to chase the game, we had no midfield. Didn't take much for them to overwhelm us after that. 2nd goal was inevitable

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 4:50:09 PM
Well, they were clearly the better team

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 4:45:27 PM

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 4:33:56 PM
Stop giving me hope for fuck's sake

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 4:30:54 PM
Simon's distribution is so much better

Flat, quick, incisive

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 4:05:49 PM
Well there it is

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 4:00:46 PM
Rodri off

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 3:53:16 PM
We look better offensively playing 3-4-3 but high wingbacks is suicidal against these players, so we're stuck with this at least until Spain score

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 3:49:46 PM
idk why we're playing so many long balls though. Feels like a deliberate strategy that currently isn't working

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 3:46:27 PM
I have to say I kind of like it when games I'm terrified of are bad. It calms the nerves a little

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 3:42:01 PM
I hate it so much

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/14/24 3:13:11 PM
Spain are so obviously better at football

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TopicFill in the Blank 341: ___ Class
07/13/24 4:09:28 PM

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TopicPokemon of the Year R3D4 ft. Krookodile v. Escavalier [PotY]
07/12/24 7:31:39 PM
Krookodile : 5
Escavalier : 0

Rapidash : 5
Swinub : 0

Wailord : 2
Gogoat : 3

Yveltal : 5
Ponyta : 0

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TopicMCU General 17: Everyone into the Deadpool (and Wolverine) (Marvel)
07/12/24 10:10:21 AM
What's Esposito's role? Can't find anything

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TopicFill in the Blank 340: ___ Boss
07/12/24 3:34:48 AM

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TopicUefa Euro 2024 (Football General)
07/11/24 6:58:56 AM
Shattered posted...
I don't understand all the comments I've read this morning about it not being a penalty. Studs up into his foot, affected the shot, got zero of the ball. Absolutely anywhere else on the field that's an instant foul with zero debate. Yet in the penalty area it's debatable?

It was a stonewall penalty to me

It's weird, but it's like I said, I think we just see late challenges differently if there's a shot vs. if there's a pass. Neville calling it a "block" is particularly missing the point - he went in late on the player.

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