Board 8 > League of Legends Topic 26 - "Demacia. Now and Forever."

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09/11/11 9:16:00 PM

What is League of Legends?
League of Legends is a team game very similar to the WarCraft 3 custom map DotA. There are two bases, one on either side of the map and several "lanes" between the bases along which AI controlled units spawn. An overhead view of the 5v5 map looks about like this:
external image

There is a base in the bottom left, and a base in the top right. 3 lanes connect the two bases and every 30 seconds AI controlled "minions" spawn in each lane. Everyone who is in the game controls 1 "champion" unit and your job as a team is to push your lanes and destroy the opposing base. The lanes are protected by turrets and so you need your own minions along side you to be able to kill the turrets without getting targeted by them. 2 bases, 3 lanes, 5 players per team.

What are Champions?
Champions are the powerful units that you get to control. You pick 1 before the map loads and that is the champion you will use for that match. Champions start each match at level 1 their max level is 18. The important thing to consider is the stats of the champion you select will be affected by the level of your account.

What do 'account-levels' have to do with anything?
When you create an account you have a level 1 account. That is called your 'Summoner Level'. You are the summoner, and the champion you select for the match is the 'summoned'. You increase your summoner level by playing matches. Every match you play will earn you XP and IP. Earning enough XP will increase your summoner level with the max level being 30. Wins are worth more XP/IP than losses, so try to win. Your summoner level also determines:
(1) How many runes you can slot and
(2) How many mastery points you can allot

If you are low leveled still and playing by yourself then the game will try and pair you against similarly leveled opponents, but if you are playing with higher leveled friends then it will seek higher leveled opponents. Just something to consider when you start learning how to play.
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09/11/11 9:16:00 PM

What is IP again?
IP is the other kind of points you earn when you play matches. You earn both XP and IP and IP are the points that you use to purchase runes and champions. Yes, that’s right, you have to "buy" the champions, but you get the points for free so its not a bad deal. (You can also spend real money on champion packs if you would rather not take the time to earn them) The point is that you get the IP for free so you should figure out which champions you are good with and spend it on those. When you buy a champion you will have it unlocked on your account forever. And if you don't buy ANY champions, you will still have access to 10 of them. Every week there are 10 "free" champions. But they are only free for the week and 10 different champions will be free the next week. And so if you are level 1 you still have 10 champions available to you and so try them out, figure out which one you might like to spend points on and then buy it.

And so IP is good for Champions and Runes. You can also spend *real money* to unlock champions but you can NOT unlock runes with real money, only IP and so runes have to be earned.

To sum up:
You have an account that goes up to level 30 (this is your summoner level)
You earn XP (to level up the account) and IP (to buy champions/runes) every time you play a match
You have rune pages (with up to 30 slots)
You have a mastery page to spec (with up to 30 points) (and you can respec as much as you want)

This is probably a bit over-kill and so if something doesn’t quite make sense just ask and someone will clarify. And if you are going to start playing please post:
(1) Your GameFAQs name
(2) Your Summoner name (this is different than your log-in name)
(3) Your preferred champions. It’s just nice to know which champions people prefer to play or use the most.

And please BOLD THE INFORMATION so we will see it and update the list accordingly.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 9:21:00 PM

Who (on board 8) plays this game anyways?

GameFAQs Name ~ LoL Name
[favorite champions to use]

Accel ACE ~ HeishiroT
[Ashe, Ryze, Veigar, Nidalee, Blitzcrank, Janna]

Aecioo ~ Aecioo

AfroSquirrel ~ AfroSquirrel

Anagram ~ Burpcycle
[Ashe, Sivir, Miss Fortune, Sona, Jax, Leona, Amumu]

Articuno2001 ~ Arctic Cress
[Annie, Caitlyn, Katarina, Master Yi]

BakusaiTenketsu ~ Toogeloo
[Sona, Sivir, Twisted Fate, Nunu, Malphite]

Biolizard ~ AlphaRayAllen
[Alistar, Sona, Nasus, Leona, Vladimir]

Boko ~ RobinScherbatsky

cf is best ~ TehMop
[Malzahar, Ashe, Amumu, Zilean]

Colegreen_c12 ~ Colegreen
[Shen, Gangplank, Annie, Soraka]

CoolCly ~ Caster Cly
[Veigar, Olaf, Tristana]

CPU ~ Jack Haruka
[Lux, Sona, Amumu, Singed, Orianna, Soraka, Nidalee]

Czuchles ~ Sun Da Pang

Daranix ~ Daranix
[Rammus, Blitzcrank, Akali]

Ermine ~ Porcupine Cub
[Rumble, Twitch, Renekton, Rammus, Amumu, Annie, Kennen, Maokai, Nidalee, Kog'Maw, Cho'Gath, Sona, Warwick, Skarner]

Forceful Dragon ~ TheFD
[Nunu, Singed, Blitzcrank, Alistar, Sona, Sivir, Taric]

Gwindor ~ Gwindor20XX

HanoftheNekos ~ Xinfis
[Lux, Ashe, Xin Zhao, Annie, Amumu, Taric]

HeroicCactObo ~ Zaigan
[Ryze, Pantheon, Vayne, Nunu, Shen]

HeroicGammaRay ~ HGR1
[Lux, Sona, Ashe, Anivia]

IngmarBirdman ~ ImaJunkyoBell
[Dr. Mundo, Lee Sin, Ryze, Tristana]

jam643d ~ jam643d
[Amumu, Udyr]

jdizzy156 ~ PurpleReign1
[Morgana, Sion, Annie, Eve]

Joyrock ~ Joyrock
[Corki, Anivia]

Justin_Crossing ~ Vespria
[Caitlyn, Trundle, Orianna, Irelia]

KBM ~ VengefulKBM
[GP, Veigar, Soraka, Caitlyn]

KanzarisKelshen ~ Adel Dijerek
[Mordekaiser, Ashe, Rumble, Lux, Jax]

kevrest ~ Adrian Midnite
[Kayle, Gangplank, Pantheon, Ezreal, Rammus]

KommunistKoala ~ KommunistKoala
[Teemo, Veigar, Sion]

Lopen ~ Lopen
[Evelynn, Singed, Janna]

Luis_Sera89 ~ NewVanguard
[Irelia, Miss Fortune, Orianna]

linkhatesganon ~ koriki
[Sivir, Veigar, Garen]

Megaman703 - Megaman703
[Garen, Lux]

meisnewbie ~ meisnewbie
[Taric, Ashe, Shen, Malphite]

MercuryAdept17~ MercuryAdept
[Annie, Leblanc, Lux, Akali, Miss Fortune, Irelia, Swain, Janna, Amumu, Katarina]

Mukmaster ~ Jibamao

Ness26 ~ Fuzzypickles
[Rammus, Zilean]

Peace___Frog ~ Peaf
[Nidalee, Blitzcrank, Galio, Irelia]

Phase ~ AgaresOaks
[Vlad, Shen, Amumu, MF]

PotatoCannon ~ PotatoCannon
[Nunu, Kennen]

Realo ~ BrandonFromLV

red13n ~ red13n
[Anivia, Renekton, Brand, Malzahar, Akali, RangedPhysDPS]

resistance_pro ~ ewok69
[Ashe, Jarvan]

Shadow1psc ~ Shadow1psc

Silvercross ~ TheSilvercross
[Sivir, Morgana, Lux, Blitzcrank]

Silver_Shot - Vespis
[Nocturne, Kassadin, Mundo, Fiddle, Cho'Gath, Ashe, Malzahar, Urgot]

Sir Chris ~ Achromatic
[Ashe, Annie, Malphite]

SpeedYoshi ~ Hrezs
[Warwick, Amumu, Ryze]

spiegel22 ~ spiegel22
[Soraka, Tristana, Shen]

Sytha ~ Syfia

Vincentlauw ~ Vincentlauw

Voltch ~ Voltch
[Sivir, Sona, Ashe]

Tirofog ~ Tirofog
[Zilean, Shen, Annie, Ashe]

TUM ~ FadedSentry

ZaziGuado ~ Snowpork
[Sona, Janna, Soraka, Malphite]

If you need info change please BOLD THE INFORMATION so we will see it and update the list accordingly.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 9:21:00 PM

These are topic titles we 100% have used before. For future reference:

Demacia. Now and Forever.
It is never ending.
Never underestimate the power of the Scout's code.
Our rage is beyond your control!
Ahhh... You sure you're not in the wrong league?
Die first, then we'll talk.
Do you wanna play? It'll be fun.
Take a good look. It's the last you're going to get!
If you want me to hit you less, die sooner.
Time To Feast!
Mundo's ABC's of success: Always Be Cleaving
Who wants a piece of the champ?!
C'mon, I'm not even holding the controls!
Only two jokers in the deck and I got dealt you.
Time to Feed!
Guess what's about to hit the fan.
I'm OP? Your MOM is OP!

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 9:22:00 PM


-Dominion still on track for release. STAY HYPE SON
-Riven coming with it. Ever wanted to play Marth in a MOBA? She's just what you want (Writer's note: instabuy imo)
-Garen to be nerfed, life is good.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 9:24:00 PM

Also: Lamefox is literally the best thing and I want to make sweet passionate love to it. Feels good to have my tags back after having to use a new keyboard that doesn't have side arrows! <3

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 9:30:00 PM

so how many updates did you miss this time

(I didn't update mine, don't worry)

2010 Game of the Decade Contest - some guy named Black Turtle won the guru for this
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09/11/11 9:33:00 PM

From: Articuno2001 | #007
so how many updates did you miss this time

(I didn't update mine, don't worry)

3 tops. I went back and checked everything and luckily people remembered to bold for a change (oh god I love having tags so much).

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 9:38:00 PM

haven't played in awhile

Don't worry guys, I have all the clubs
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09/11/11 9:46:00 PM

oh I forgot to bold? screw you

also you really should link to your new topics in the old topic, makes things smoother!

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/11/11 9:53:00 PM

-Dominion still on track for release. STAY HYPE SON
-Riven coming with it. Ever wanted to play Marth in a MOBA? She's just what you want (Writer's note: instabuy imo)

Hmm, looks like Riot's on the ball this time. Just when my faith in Dominion was waning!

-Garen to be nerfed, life is good.


At least it makes up for Irelia nerfs.

Actually, no it doesn't, that s*** is silly.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/11/11 9:55:00 PM

dude garen was strong even before he got those minor buffs

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/11/11 9:57:00 PM

I'm still going to buy him since my rune page for him, Jarvan, and tanky deeps friends is cheaper than a caster rune page, it's just discouraging.

Also, note to self: Rules about nerf whining apply to buff hyping as well.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/11/11 10:02:00 PM

{Teemo, Sion, Alistar}

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09/11/11 10:08:00 PM


Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/11/11 10:09:00 PM


so why is dominion still coming

because this has me about to pee my pants

except that's actually just my bladder being full

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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09/11/11 10:16:00 PM

Oh, speaking of RIOT being on the ball:

"3. Cleaner Skill Button UI - with room for expansion if possible for more skills - or trigger buttons, etc."

Words of Xypherous, Riven's designer. Dude needs to just design every champion tbh, he made Renekton too and rocks hard.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 10:16:00 PM

From: Justin_Crossing | #016

so why is dominion still coming

because this has me about to pee my pants

except that's actually just my bladder being full

Because it's releasing this patch I think?

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 10:18:00 PM

From: Peace___Frog | #012
dude garen was strong even before he got those minor buffs

Peaf, giving him an extra second of 35% speed was really dumb. Shortening the cooldown of a move that gives 220 AD for free was even dumber, especially since it scales.

EDIT: Making his W a true one-point wonder because it scales to full from a rank also hurt. Garen gets really beefy really fast now.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 10:21:00 PM

From: KanzarisKelshen | #018
Because it's releasing this patch I think?

but like

is there evidence

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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09/11/11 10:34:00 PM

From: Justin_Crossing | #020
but like

is there evidence

Beyond the three week cycle? Nah, not really but it's likely.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/11/11 10:42:00 PM

taggity tag

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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09/11/11 10:45:00 PM

the buffs were dumb, but they weren't HUGE or anything

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/11/11 10:49:00 PM

The Board 8 channel still exists. Use that to make quick games with other board 8ers (read: play with zazi so he doesn't have to play with others)

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09/12/11 6:24:00 AM

I miss the days of b8 in-house games, but FD seems to be the only one who can really pull those off.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/12/11 8:38:00 AM

I hope Riven has good skins.

Her default looks like butt.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/12/11 8:48:00 AM

Link to riven screenies.

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09/12/11 9:45:00 AM

yeah i swear our playership was cut in half while i was gone. what happened
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09/12/11 9:50:00 AM

for me, school started
for han, summer happened

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/12/11 10:24:00 AM

Remove me from the list. I'm more or less done with the game.

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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09/12/11 10:30:00 AM

Which is madder?

Me after Irelia nerfs


Joyrock right now

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/12/11 10:33:00 AM

Biolizard28 posted...
Which is madder?

Me after Irelia nerfs


Joyrock right now

I'm not mad? O.o

Fresh from my first justified ban. Ever!
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09/12/11 12:20:00 PM

From: Peace___Frog | #023
the buffs were dumb, but they weren't HUGE or anything

A skill you don't have to level? Huge. 75% uptime on Judgement? Huge. 33% longer speedboost? Huge. Dunno how you can say it wasn't!

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/12/11 12:27:00 PM

I'm basicaly waitin for dominion to start playin agin tbh
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09/12/11 12:35:00 PM

Patch Preview contents:

Mordekaiser, Shen, Taric, Orianna, Shaco.

Go, go, gadget speculation!

Time to learn a new champion, Kanz, your boyfriend is about to get stomped on.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/12/11 12:38:00 PM

I'll still play him unless his shield gets nerfed to half value and retains current percentages. What I expect to see is a fix to the Sheen bug, which is acceptable - Morde will lose a lotta burst, but you cope and move on.

Or alternatively, he's getting a buff to E and a nerf to Q, huehuehuehuehuehuehue.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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09/12/11 12:43:00 PM

Riot is dumb some times, but not that dumb, let's be real here.

Glad I refunded Orianna so I can have time to meditate on her inevitable nerfs/rework instead of wondering why I can't zone, nuke, and the rest at the same time.

Instead, I'll by Riven and become the master of all Rivens.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/12/11 12:52:00 PM

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09/12/11 3:28:00 PM


If you haven't hit gold yet and want to... you'd better hit the goddamn bricks.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/12/11 5:10:00 PM

I hope Riven has some decent skins. I've been disappointed in the recent champions' release skins.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/12/11 5:11:00 PM

New Rotation


Three of the most annoying champions in the game doesn't make up for Karma.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/12/11 5:16:00 PM

free Singed



2010 Game of the Decade Contest - some guy named Black Turtle won the guru for this
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09/12/11 5:42:00 PM

Biolizard28 posted...
New Rotation


Three of the most annoying champions in the game doesn't make up for Karma.

Wasn't Singed free like two weeks ago?

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/12/11 5:49:00 PM

Singed hasn't been free since the first week of August.

Anyway, Irelia nerfs confirmed for postponed till the next patch, but that they're even coming at all pisses me off to no end.

Hoping she goes on sale this week so we can all show them what she isn't made of.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/12/11 5:53:00 PM

They're just nerfing Hiten Style a little calm down >_>

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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09/12/11 5:57:00 PM


Mark my words, she'll be ruined until May 2012.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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09/12/11 6:14:00 PM

I think you're overreacting heavily.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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09/12/11 6:35:00 PM

Peace___Frog posted...
I think you're overreacting heavily.

Because Riot has never nerfed a champion into uselessness and left them that way for months. On an unrelated note, Shen is an excellent tank and Evelynn is completely viable.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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09/12/11 6:37:00 PM

From: Anagram | #048
Because Riot has never nerfed a champion into uselessness and left them that way for months. On an unrelated note, Shen is an excellent tank and Evelynn is completely viable.

Eve is only viable against people who don't know how to counter her unfortunately.

The thing is, relative to the things other champions can do, they're fairly useless.

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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09/12/11 6:37:00 PM

From: Anagram | #048
Peace___Frog posted...
I think you're overreacting heavily.

Because Riot has never nerfed a champion into uselessness and left them that way for months. On an unrelated note, Shen is an excellent tank and Evelynn is completely viable.

Shen is viable still though not great, and Evelynn was intentionally ruined. Bad examples. Urgot + Sivir could maybe work.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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