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Topics: 263

Posts: 108
Last Post: 12:50:27pm, 01/02/2025
This is going to be the third year I do one of these leagues with a group of friends. There's 10 of us participating with a roster size of 12 each. This year we drafted 6 games and 1 counterpick and will need to fill out the rest of the roster with 6 more games and another counterpick throughout the year. It's been fun. We set up the Fantasy Critic Bot in our discord and that helps drive interaction and conversation with the league

I, too, will also welcome deep cuts. We drafted on Monday and I came away with this:

Civilization VII
Clair Obscur: Expedition 33
Dynasty Warriors: Origins
Trails in the Sky 1st Chapter
Vampire: The Masquerade -- Bloodlines 2
The Hundred Line -Last Defense Academy-

CPK: Hollow Knight: Silksong

azuarc is OP.

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