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07/29/11 11:37:00 PM

I've decided I don't need any other champion right now.

All I ever wanted and needed was Jarvan.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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07/30/11 3:28:00 AM

TheConductorSix posted...

I think Leona is the best tank in the game right now. I say that as someone who has played tanks for nearly 325 games. I know that is a small amount of games compared to some of the people here but I only state the number to show that I have a good grasp of how tanking works in League of Legends with a variety of tanks.

Leona is just better than all of them at what tanks are supposed to do: Keep enemies off the important people. She can get to enemy squishies unlike anyone else because her E hits the last person and not the first. The second she latches on to that person they are effectively stunned for 2.5-4 seconds depending on how good you are with the ultimate.

I know she's got some problems: Unable to farm well, unable to do any damage once mid-late game hits, but she makes up for both of them by being able to do so much damage early game and get easy kills. She's also able to utilize 3 of the Gold/5 items.

And once she gets Frozen Heart/Banshees(or Force of Nature) she's effectively unkillable with the W up.

Why did you say Ermine?

I love Zigzagoon <3
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07/30/11 3:37:00 AM

I know I don't exactly play her entirely sane, but I don't like Leona's CC for tanking. Yeah she can stun one guy for 4 seconds, but her AoE CC is kinda weak since dudes can move out of the way if you haven't pre-stunned them. Basically she seems awesome for ganks less so in team fights. Give me Amumu or Alistar over her as far as "ability to keep damage off your guys" goes. An easy to hit AoE CC really helps. Hers is "okay" but the AoE is small and the slight lag makes it kinda tricky to nail them all with it.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/30/11 3:42:00 AM

So yeah I mean I guess my problem with her is that her ult is crappier than pulverize and her other CC is only good against one target. She is fun, though.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/30/11 4:23:00 AM

eh, it's not particularly full AP trynd, it's kind of hybrid with revolver that goes into gunblade after the IE and phantom dancer.

I run AP quints on trynd though since they're the best early game, and trynd needs a strong early game so he can farm. This isn't exactly ~high elo~ tested but so far I haven't met someone who can completely deny me last hits in the solo top lane.

I also need to test it more and find the optimum build/playstyle, but yeah. Trynd is loads of fun and really troll.

maybe, lol
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07/30/11 7:03:00 AM

From: TheConductorSix | #349
CDR Runes/Boots of Lucidity/Frozen Heart are core in my opinion for just that reason.

I get the Tenacity from what Philo Stone turns into.

If the team has someone with a leap like Xin/Akali/Katarina/etc., I always inform the team that that's who I'm diving first.

The problem I see with most Leona's is blowing the ult for one guy. If you get off the E/Q on someone they should die no questions asked. That's 1 second of immobility and 1.5 seconds of stun. It's when the enemy team panics and rushes in to save that person that the ult goes off and team fights are swung.

But then if you're going for Xin/Akali/Katarina/etc. then you're leaving their ranged alone.

Like I'm not saying she's bad or anything, and I find her a lot of fun, but her utility sometimes just doesn't feel like enough.

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/30/11 8:55:00 AM

Just played Shen for the first...and probably last time
Is there something im missing,or he is just totally useless?

Vorpal Blade does not do enough damage to be his only attacking skill
Furthermore,the range is so short that it is impossible to harass with it in lane

Feint should be the reason this hero is considered tank
But 250 damage block? come on...a lot of other Champions has +Armor and +Magic Armor buffs that are so much better than this

Shadow Dash has low distance and long CD,the taunt is supposed to be followed up by Feint,but then there is the main problem-so what?
Honestly,why should I jump into the enemy team and taunt them?
In DotA,there is a hero with similar idea but he got a passive that hits the enemies that attack him,so he got a reason

The ultimate is the worst thing yet-the absorbing damage is so low compared to the CD it's not even funny
The teleport part of it is nice,but again-this skill is totally worthless because of long CD
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07/30/11 9:39:00 AM

The passive of vorpal blade is what makes it worth it. You're adding a bit of sustainability to whomever you're laning with by letting them regain some health. You're not really supposed to harass with it until you've gotten it to level 3. Otherwise it's for last-hitting or healing your laning partner.

His W is there to basically entirely block an entire ability. I've used it to block skill shots or tower shots plenty of times and it just dinks off. I have this weird ability to sense when I'm about to be hit with something and instinctively pop W and after the shield it does little or no damage, of which I am now regenerating at an alarming rate. You have no idea how disheartening it is for your enemies to work so hard at trying to poke your carry only to have you pop up, shield, block it for no damage, and walk around like nothing happened. On a 4 second cooldown. It just takes some getting used to.

His E is easily his best tanking ability. I heard someone say to get CDR to make it come up more often but I disagree. It's on the perfect cooldown for the amount of time it takes the energy to come back up so you can even use it again. It's also extremely versatile. I've stolen many dragons by dashing through the wall and Q + ki strike auto attack (which scales in damage with your health). Basically the best way to use it is to stand in the front of your team and just let both sides poke away. When someone on their side gets out of position, dash at them and hopefully your team is paying attention and will pick up the kill. Bam, all of a sudden you're up 5v4 and you're pushing because someone underestimated you. It's great for taunting under anyone's tower, yours or theirs. Yours, they attack you and draw aggro and start taking hits. Be sure to run closer to the tower so they follow you and they take an extra hit or two when they're running away. Theirs, you should be able to tank turrets just fine mid-late game. Taunt 2 or 3 of them at a time, wait for your team to finish demolishing them, dash away and let your team take the turret.

His ult is like the biggest baiting trick in the book. As soon as you hit 6, constantly scan the other battles to see if someone is low HP and running away. As soon as it happens, pop your ult on them (the enemy usually tries to kill them anyways) and taunt whoever is attacking them as soon as you teleport. This literally has turned many many many kills against into double or triple kills for my team, simply because you can basically heal and taunt from anywhere on the map.

His abilities have a lot of nuances that take some time to master, but when you do you'll realize that they are actually quite versatile and there's a lot of hidden tricks that you wouldn't think of at first.

good build options
start rejuv pendant and 1 HP pot
when you first go back you should get either boots or heart of gold if you can afford it
giant's belt
build rejuv pendant into Force of Nature
giants belt into Sunfire Cape
warmog's is also a decent choice if you're kinda fed
at this point you need to figure out what's killing you the most or what would help the team more
so either Aegis for AoE defense buffs or finish Randuin's

hilariously his ult's shield scales 1:1 with AP so you can buff your shield a bit with a rylai's, or pick up an atma's for some offensive perks

shen is my main tank so I think I have a good grasp on him. let me know if you have any questions
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07/30/11 11:33:00 AM

Shen is getting buffed eventually anyway.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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07/30/11 11:41:00 AM

Wow that was a...very informitive post,thank you
You gave some good points

I did a mistake in that game though,I only learned Feint at level 12...
Now that I think about it,having only one level of Dash while maximizing Blade and Feint is the best thing to do

But still,if you are laning with a melee hero,he will not benefit from Vorpal Blade passive imo
The range of Shadow Dash is still an issue,I find it very hard to jump into the enemy if they try to keep distance
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07/30/11 12:15:00 PM

From: Silverliner182V | #339
I played HoN some, I have a legacy account and all. My main issue is that I just don't seem to "get" the champions and it's metagame. I'm a lot better at LoL with it's last hitting/neutral control/map awareness, but this seems to fall apart in HoN.

I am completely the same. HoN has a brutal learning curve; LoL is just easier for me to play and do all of those things, especially last hitting creeps.

Virtue - "You don't need a reason to lynch people."
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07/30/11 1:06:00 PM

Now that I think about it,having only one level of Dash while maximizing Blade and Feint is the best thing to do

no no no no no n o no
x100000 no

"First thing that crosses my mind: I didn't get any GameFAQs Karma yesterday." Math Murderer after getting his appendix removed.
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07/30/11 2:50:00 PM

Why not?:S
There is no reason to taunt them for longer duration if you don't have the defense skill
What do you suggest then?
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07/30/11 2:53:00 PM

because there IS a reason to taunt them for longer

it also makes the cost go down. Besides his ult, it's literally his most important ability, and definitely sees more action than his ult

if they're keeping their distance because they're afraid of your taunt, then zone them out of XP. If they're not afraid, make them pay
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07/30/11 4:09:00 PM

There's nothing like having all of your inhibitors destroyed in one push by the enemy team, so running into the enemy base that you already destroyed the nexus turrets of, as MF, with Jarvan and Nidalee with you, and making a crazy last-minute attempt to destroy their nexus before they all respawn.

I died, but Jarvan (PotatoCannon) and Nidalee (some random guy) had just enough health to survive and finish it off.

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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07/30/11 4:25:00 PM

I never get feint on shen.
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07/30/11 4:44:00 PM

See I find her ultimate completely useful and easy to stun multiple people. Alistar has his flash pulverize headbutt combo but without flash it's kinda hard to engage. His CDs are higher than leona's if I remember correctly. Where she's got him is that her w is basically his ult and her ult gives more to the team. Amumu was my pick for best tank until leona's bandage toss went through tanks and hit the people behind them.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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07/30/11 11:39:00 PM

Pushing with Nidalee is so good.
That AS boost!

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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07/30/11 11:53:00 PM

I want to try a random champion whom I've never used before. Suggest one of the following, and I may blow some RP to buy it if I feel like it. I generally like ranged characters, but I do like Jax and Katarina.

Champions I've never used:
Lee Sin
Jarvan IV
Kayle (since the remake)

Not changing this sig until I decide to change this sig.
Started: July 6, 2005
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07/30/11 11:56:00 PM

Jarvan's still on sale until Monday, so grab him while you can.

You can't go wrong.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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07/31/11 12:05:00 AM

I'm almost at enough to buy Irelia.
But I worry that, though I enjoy using her, I'm just not as good as I could be.
Kind of like Lux.
But I will never be good at AP carries like that.

I think I could learn to be good with Irelia.
When she's been free, I've been almost ok.

Anyone have advice for her?

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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07/31/11 12:08:00 AM

Enjoyment should come first, learning should come later.

While there's enjoyment in using champions you destroy with, at the same time, having fun and being compelled by a champion's kit is a great incentive to learn.

But I don't know a damn thing about Irelia, so someone else should field this one.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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07/31/11 1:04:00 AM

TheConductorSix posted...
See I find her ultimate completely useful and easy to stun multiple people. Alistar has his flash pulverize headbutt combo but without flash it's kinda hard to engage. His CDs are higher than leona's if I remember correctly. Where she's got him is that her w is basically his ult and her ult gives more to the team. Amumu was my pick for best tank until leona's bandage toss went through tanks and hit the people behind them.

Except Leona explodes if she builds carry items. Alistar just gets 300 effecitve armor and MR from his ult and gives no ****s.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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07/31/11 1:05:00 AM

Peace___Frog posted...
I'm almost at enough to buy Irelia.
But I worry that, though I enjoy using her, I'm just not as good as I could be.
Kind of like Lux.
But I will never be good at AP carries like that.

I think I could learn to be good with Irelia.
When she's been free, I've been almost ok.

Anyone have advice for her?

Are you buying Sheen/Phage then either going tanky or quickly finishing triforce before tanking up? Are you opening with E? If so, you're good, keep doing what you're doing.

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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07/31/11 1:24:00 AM

Well I haven't played her since the last time I was free, but I would get Q, then E, then W, then level up R>E>Q>W. Usually starting with D Shield, building up Phage first then going for Brutalizer. And I don't remember what I did after that. But it was probably bad!

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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07/31/11 1:24:00 AM

the last time she was free, not the last time I was free

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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07/31/11 1:34:00 AM

brutalizer no thanks.

Triforce>Tank Stuff>GG

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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07/31/11 2:10:00 AM

If they buff Morgana I think I might never use anyone else. I already body mid relentlessly. The only thing keeping me from doing too much is

A.How slow she is
B.The cooldown on the snare.

Apparently they're giving her movement speed and lowering the CD on the snare.


Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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07/31/11 2:17:00 AM

Updated Morgana's autoattack to feel more responsive
Increased autoattack missile speed.
Base move speed increased to 310 from 300
((Base stat buffs removed))

Dark Binding

Cooldown reduced to 11 from 12
Missle Speed increased 35%

Tormented Soil

Mana cost reduced to 70/85/100/115/130 from 70/90/110/130/150

Soul Shackle

Stun duration normalized to 1.5 at all ranks from 1/1.5/2
Cooldown reduced to 120/105/90 from 120/120/120
Link activation channel requirement reduced to 3 seconds from 4.

1.Dear Ermine, they increased the speed of my Snare from "Snail" to "Standard". Your Monkey King shall juke no further!

2.Reduced the cooldown of the ult and the time before it stuns....LOL

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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07/31/11 2:28:00 AM

And as to why I speak directly to Ermine

A.He's one of the few "high level guys" who play this game who will actually dick around in in house games and be fun on Skype

B.When we do In Houses I ignore everyone else and try and kill him. This usually ends with him juking my Snares and then bodying me. Fun nonetheless!

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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07/31/11 2:32:00 AM

Man didn't Morgana used to be OP. When did they nerf her so much she needs a buff anyway.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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07/31/11 2:46:00 AM

I think it's just that she blows ass in the current meta, not that she's particularly a bad champ. Buff her through the hard times and put her back when she starts owning all the time.
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07/31/11 11:07:00 AM

TheConductorSix posted...
brutalizer no thanks.

Triforce>Tank Stuff>GG

The APen, CDR, and AD make me happy. And I have a soft spot for Youmoo's or however you spell it.

But is it really that bad on her? Oh well.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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07/31/11 12:44:00 PM

so I'm thinking about irelia as the next champ I learn

how is her jungle? is she better as offtank, AD, AP, ASPD, or some hybrid?
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07/31/11 2:14:00 PM

Irelia has no learning curve. It's just q for farm, q->e->w then kill whatever you want, and use her ult to do as much as you can or as a last resort heal.

Also man Realo if you like Morgana theres no reason to not play Lux. Finales funkeln too satisfying.

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/31/11 2:15:00 PM

And because I can't edit on mobilefaqs, Irelia is triforce into whatever tanky stuff seems appropriate.

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/31/11 3:44:00 PM

Really, the main source of Morg's OP was that her shield lasted AGES. Once they nerfed that, she was fine. The problem was Morg's ult really needed a buff after the Zhonya's split. She was really dependant on ult -> Zhonya's. All the other buffs are not really necessary; she's fine aside from the fact she either itemizes to have no ult or she makes everything else crappier at the cost of having a usable ult.

assert(!hotterThan(foo, "Hot Nymphomaniacal Lesbian Mind-Controlling Dominatrix Fairy Doctors with glasses"))
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07/31/11 4:08:00 PM

Yeah. Smart teams focus me because they know that Spell Shield>Flash>Ult is coming.

If I'm facing a team like that I go Doran's>Doran's>Hourglass. If my team has someone else the team HAS to focus then I go Rod of Ages>Rabadon's>Frozen Heart.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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07/31/11 4:15:00 PM

Justin_Crossing posted...
Irelia has no learning curve. It's just q for farm, q->e->w then kill whatever you want, and use her ult to do as much as you can or as a last resort heal.

Also man Realo if you like Morgana theres no reason to not play Lux. Finales funkeln too satisfying.

She most definitely has some learning curve!
Also, Morgana isn't nearly as squishy as Lux, I think.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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07/31/11 4:20:00 PM

Lux does about "lots and lots and lots and lots" more burst though and burst is where it's at.

inb4 the metagame becomes lux + morgana at the same time

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/31/11 6:05:00 PM

Lux is the only character I've never played once.

I just realized this.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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07/31/11 8:29:00 PM

HGR after stealing baron with Lux just now, I was reminded of/can't believe that one time where you blind stole baron.

That was just the best.

From: TheConductorSix | #391
Lux is the only character I've never played once.

I just realized this.

Remedy this immediately. You won't look back at Morg.

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/31/11 10:04:00 PM

Justin_Crossing posted...
HGR after stealing baron with Lux just now, I was reminded of/can't believe that one time where you blind stole baron.

That was just the best.

I flash/ulted with Galio into an enemy team doing Baron, stole it, and then died right as my team crashed in to finish the <50% HP enemy champs off. It was glorious.
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07/31/11 10:04:00 PM

Also, I just bought Kassadin.

Any Kassadin players out there with tips?
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07/31/11 10:05:00 PM

I just found a red post saying that Cassiopeia is a mess. Hooray.

We did so many things wrong on Cass. The female part was not that attractive, which removes the beautiful/ugly juxtiposition's effectiveness.

She's ultra technical to play -- so first game difficulty is a mess, and people play her for free, get wrecked, and then never buy her with IP and keep playing her.

Her large number of DOTs create deferred satisfaction, which makes winning feel less punchy than it should.

And, a good number of people have a snake phobia.

- Zileas

~Acting on Impulse~
Black Turtle still didn't MAJORA'S MASK
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07/31/11 10:24:00 PM

I see no need to make Cass any easier. I like the way she handles. The thing they need to fix is how she plays. Annie has no escapes because she doesn't need any. She does her burst and then gets the Hell outta there. Cass has to stick around amidst the fight to do work. This leaves two options: play like yi and come in mid fight and clean up or play her tanky dps and build rabadon's cap and then tanky things.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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07/31/11 10:37:00 PM

Reading this topic makes me realize I've got a LOT of learning to do. I guess I'll stick with beginner coop vs AI for a while longer.

There was a signature here. It's gone now.
Your face is bees.
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07/31/11 10:48:00 PM

Justin_Crossing posted...
The female part was not that attractive

Says who?

And there's really no better feeling than killing a runner with your poison.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
Now this is entertainment!
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07/31/11 11:25:00 PM

Don't play VS AI, you learn extremely little.
Play real games until you're 30. Maybe play intermediate bots for your first time playing a champion (or second or third, if you want to practice timings and such), or for first win of the day. And after every game, simmer down and think about each of the times you died, and if they helped your team or made things worse. And then go "how can I stop that next time against that champ".

At least, that's what I try to do. Key word is try.

~AHylian is Still Alive~
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07/31/11 11:56:00 PM

external image

Nobody snatches Morde from me and lives to tale the tale. Nobody!

(Yes, they bought double negacloaks to counter me and malz. I gave up first blood because wick canceled his golem to come assist morde, then raped him when the jungler went back to his routine until it all went way downhill. Cait consequently started facemelting them)

Currently playing: League of Legends, Chrono Cross.
Current Projects: Fool's Overture, CYOA:
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