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11/20/11 6:12:00 PM

Well, funnily enough the story Tenma comes from originated from some doodles of swords I did in english class. I drew swords, made up powers for them, gave them basic names then translated them into Japanese because I was pretty bad at naming at the time. Then I came up with the guys who held the swords. That somehow avalanched into a fully fleshed out world which I eventually made to mesh up with the characters I had made when I was 7. Namely, Bruno and the other crystal beings.

MMBN style fighting game made by me in the link below!
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11/20/11 6:16:00 PM

From: Natwaf_akidna | #050
Sounds like EE's kind of guy.

An immortal being with highly conceptual powers that pass down through time indefinitely and seems impossible to fully defeat who wants to control everything vs a rebellious time traveling steampunk girl with highly conceptual time-based powers

sounds like a great rivalry in the making!

ruby slippers
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11/20/11 6:18:00 PM

Everybody knows that super invincible entities are easy to beat. You just need to hammer Prayer a bunch of times!

Sburbopolis, Homestuck RPG:
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11/20/11 6:19:00 PM

Prayer throughout all time and space in every possible dimension!

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
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11/20/11 6:25:00 PM

Name: Sgt. Sphynx
Character Background: Served 10 years in the military, did everything from desk job to special ops. Values loyalty, honor, and friendship above all else, doesn't trust easily but once someone becomes his friend he is willing to give his life to save them. He is firm, yet fair, with a thirst for knowledge
Abilities: Highly proficient in the use of all firearms, expert marksman, very skilled martial artist, very intelligent, highly skilled tactician, excellent charismatic leader, able to learn new things extremely fast.
Equipment: Optical and thermal camouflage, bionic left eye able to zoom in on distant targets, also capable of night and thermal vision.
Appearance: Has a scar above his right eye, short dark hair, brown eyes, and perpetual 5 o'clock shadow. Stands 6'3" tall, weighs 210 lbs, athletic build. When not using his camouflage, he generally appears to be in his late 20's usually dressed in a practical manner so as to not stand out in order to survey his surroundings without drawing attention to himself.
Notes: Somewhat paranoid, always looking for potential lanes of attack and routes of egress, never lets his guard down.

~=The most dangerous thing in the world is a bored Marine=~
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11/20/11 6:31:00 PM

Oh, and I don't want my character to be the big bad or main character, perhaps a second fiddle or a helpful side character.

Raka's drawing based on my username...
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11/20/11 6:32:00 PM

What, no Chaotic Evil guys?

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
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11/20/11 7:55:00 PM

Seeing how everyone's given such detailed and intricate characters, I'm tempted to redo mine.

Oh, I am one yet many.
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11/20/11 8:04:00 PM

So far we have a modern technomancer, a darkie demifiend, a shapeshifting paladin, a master artisan/adventurer and a modern demon hunter.

and a dragon magician... unless I'm one of the above (if so, which one?), or not to be included

additional abilities: breath fire and chlorine
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11/21/11 3:14:00 PM


Oh, I am one yet many.
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11/21/11 4:36:00 PM

From: norenxaq | #059
So far we have a modern technomancer, a darkie demifiend, a shapeshifting paladin, a master artisan/adventurer and a modern demon hunter.

and a dragon magician... unless I'm one of the above (if so, which one?), or not to be included

additional abilities: breath fire and chlorine

Only included the characters that came with heavy amounts of worldbuilding, sorry! The four shorter ones weren't mentioned much.

Sburbopolis, Homestuck RPG:
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11/21/11 5:12:00 PM

...Trying so hard to not make a throwaway char with a horribly punny name...

Name: Sae Ra Hendriksen
Character: Daughter of a Korean musician and a Swedish chef. Uses 'Tool' as a term of endearment (Loathes the band of the same name, though.), because she believes that people appreciate being told that they're useful, and can't quite figure out why people consider it an insult. Deeply philosophical, very, very cynical. Hates shrubberies, since a shrubbery killed her grandpappy.

Skills: Excellent chef, lovely singing voice, and a firsthand knowledge of various herbs and their beneficial/harmful effects on the human body, due to her father's experiments in the culinary arts, and due to the fact that she was the taste tester for his food.

Built-up poison tolerance, adept at making anitdotess and medicines, has the basic idea of what to do with sharp objects in a stressful situation, and taught herself how to to use a flamethrower.

Equipment: Chef knives, various herbs, spices, non-perishable foodstuffs, medicines, bandages, flamethrower and oil for said flamethrower. (For shrubberies, bushes, that sort of thing.)

Appearance: Black long sleeved sweater, white vest and pinstripe pants. short black hair, green left eye, eyepatch over right, no eyebrows. High-end earphones around neck at all times.

Time flies like an arrow.
Fruit flies like banana.
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Coffee Ninja
11/21/11 5:16:00 PM

Tag for later

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11/21/11 5:44:00 PM

Name: Fawassa Afifa
Age: 20
Gender: Female

Background: Fawassa was born from South African parents. She lived a normal life until the age of five, when her parents took her along for a trip to England. They visited the oceanarium Ocean World. Young Fawassa was very interested in the sea cucumbers; their elegant lack of movement fascinated her. When her parents weren't looking, she tried to touch one of them and accidentally fell into the (somewhat shallow) pool. Her parents tried to look for her to no avail, they even contacted the police and all, but Fawassa's new friends already grew fond of her and kept her hidden in one of the coral caves. Her parents are still searching for her all this time, to no avail.
The sea cucumbers treated her like one of their own, feeding her...debris and caring for her in general.
After a few years, Fawassa forgot about her original family, yet she knows that she's different from the rest of the sea cucumbers. This made her conflicted. When she was 8 years old, she wanted to try communicating with a human to learn better about them and hopefully, herself. However, her sea cucumber family and friends don't approve since they are afraid of losing her.
Nevertheless, Fawassa is determined to make contact with a human. However, she was too afraid of the big adults and can only approach children. So she tried to talk with a young boy (she learned English through hearing the tourists' conversations). He was curious but treated her well and even called her a friend. Fawassa fell in love for the first time and that's how she became attracted to young boys.
Years over years, the boy visits her every other months. Fawassa's foster family was angry and scared at first, but they learned that the boy was harmless and even kind; they grew to accept him as well. When the boy was 15, and Fawassa 18, the boy started to work in Ocean World as a night patrol. He let Fawassa outside every night and taught her how to work, run, and do things humans do. They found that Fawassa, despite her sedimentary lifestyle, was able to adapt quickly and even became more athletic and powerful than the boy.
Everything changed when the boy turned 17. Now barely a child, he was ashamed of himself for growing, because he knew that Fawassa's only loved his young self. He left Ocean World the day of his birthday, even though Fawassa and the sea cucumbers have been preparing for a surprise birthday party for that night. Instead, they found a note saying that he left for good and Fawassa shouldn't look for him.
Not content with his decision, Fawassa embarks on a journey to look for her love, with the sidequest of looking for a way to turn him younger a few years (a.k.a. Fountain of Youth). The sea cucumbers community decides to go with her.
tl;dr A woman who was raised by sea cucumber, looking for her lost love and the Fountain of Youth.

Although she has been taught of manners and such, she's still not used to crowds and therefore will try to avoid people. Also lacking in common sense and knowledge, she doesn't always know what to do with things she hasn't seen in Ocean World, and her naivete can be dangerous to herself.
However, she's brave and will protect her friends, families, and cute young boys no matter what happens.


Proud ValHellen x Maha_Bufudyne shipper.
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11/21/11 5:49:00 PM

After living with sea cucumbers most of her life, her body has adapted to resemble them (however, she looks like a normal dark-skinned woman in the outside). She can essentially liquefy her body to fit through small spaces and solidify it again at will. She also can communicate with other sea cucumbers through hormone signals, making her has a wide network as long as there's sea water in which sea cucumbers can live.
Her sea cucumber friends can also expel their sticky cuvierian tubules along with potent venom (the sea cucumbers can regrow this organ without harm).
Other than that, her athletic prowess and strength are inexplicably better than the average person.

Fluent English (thick accent), a bit of other languages she learned from tourists, can communicate with sea cucumbers and other oceanic invertebrates.

She brings along her sea cucumber mates in a big waterproof bag filled with sea water. She can then spread them out to act as an information network, as long as they have access to at least a little sea water (she can just pour some from her bag). They can also shoot sticky venom.
Her other weapon is a leather whip she stole from an adult store.

Now, that's better.

Oh, I am one yet many.
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Coffee Ninja
11/21/11 6:44:00 PM

Name - Kayen The Drifter
Age - 29

Skills/Abilities - Sneaky, Able to tolerate extreme colds, Can communicate with animals. Uses surroundings to his advantage. Due to travels, he can communicate at least decently in any language.

Apperance - Dresses in cloaks w/ hoods, the typical drifter look. Dark hair, and crystal blue eyes that are almost mysterious.

Weapons, Has a bow/arrows. The arrow types can vary from poison, to sleeping, or whatever his heart desires. Also carries a dagger as a backup.

Background/Story - Not much is known about Kayen The Drifter, he's just known to travel the world at his leisure. Living off the land, usually with an animal companion. He has no alleigence, and will make a decision on what he feels is best for himself. While good in nature, if it benfits him, he isn't beneath doing something evil. Except maybe murder, but he might steal and stuff. He's also known to come and go as he pleases, so if hes helping you, he might just change his mind and leave. It's also unclear what his past is. He does not speak of his past, and in fact has told different storys to different people about it, none of which were true.....or maybe one was, who knows.

I may fix this up later, but that's the jist of it.

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11/21/11 7:09:00 PM

Hah, lots of familiar faces I am seeing. That's pretty neat, actually - makes for an interesting setup for this sort of crossover story.

Sburbopolis, Homestuck RPG:
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11/21/11 7:55:00 PM


best [poelkemon ids nifdorino - Timjab
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11/21/11 8:44:00 PM

"weren't mentioned much"

will the shorter described characters be in the story, but limited roles?
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11/21/11 8:45:00 PM

[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
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11/21/11 8:48:00 PM

Up to Shadow, really. It's his story.

We just come up with puppets for him to act with.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
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11/21/11 8:49:00 PM

We are just furniture.

Oh, I am one yet many.
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11/21/11 9:23:00 PM

I would liken you more to action figures.

~Halo You're not the brightest.
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11/21/11 9:23:00 PM

[This message was deleted at the request of the original poster]
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11/21/11 9:26:00 PM

EE 2?

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
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11/22/11 5:35:00 PM

I feel like this needs a bump.

MMBN style fighting game made by me in the link below!
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11/22/11 6:11:00 PM

Can we still sign up for this? I'd like to be a villain if possible!

Name: Crimson
Weapon: Hand axes
You can fill in the rest to fit what you want/need.

-- Mo' buildings mo' problems
ocean kinda grew on me like a flesh eating ...fungus. -BIGPUN9999
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11/22/11 6:11:00 PM

FINALLY another one!

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
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11/22/11 11:46:00 PM

How many do we have now? About 12?

Oh, I am one yet many.
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11/23/11 12:56:00 AM

I'll make one eventually.

best [poelkemon ids nifdorino - Timjab
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11/23/11 1:18:00 AM

Two very lonely villains.

Apart from the ones hinted at by the backgrounds.

Chant the name of BlAcK TuRtLe, winner of the 2010 Guru Challenge!
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11/23/11 1:42:00 PM

Let me give this a shot.

Name: Cody Gilliland

Age: 20

Appearance: Cody is a young man who is skinny, of average height, and not extraordinarily ugly or gorgeous. His somewhat shaggy hair is somewhere between light brown and dirty blonde. He is extremely nearsighted, thanks to horrible genetics, and requires his glasses to see. Everyday is casual Friday for Cody, as his typical attire consists of t-shirts, hoodies, jeans, and sneakers. Most of his clothes show off his love for Iowa State, the college he previously attended. He also carries a small backpack that contains essential supplies, his special book, and a certain glass duck.

Background: Cody was in his second year of college at Iowa State, studying to become an accountant. Shortly after his twentieth birthday, Cody made a life-altering decision. While browsing through the newly-opened used bookstore that used to be a Borders, Cody stumbled upon on ancient, mysterious text. After purchasing the book, he soon discovered that it was a spell book written in an extinct language. While testing out some spells, Cody accidentally messed up his female friend and fellow college student Ashley by blinding her, turning her into an adorable duckling (she was still blind), and finally turning her into a glass figurine (she was still blind and a baby duck). At this point he realized he should stop, and found out that a large number of pages were missing from the book, including the return to normal spell. Cody then received a vision from the book’s author, telling him that the missing pages, including the one he needed to fix his friend, were scattered across the globe. Cody then embarked on a journey, following the instructions given to him by the mystical voice in his head (that can speak modern English), to find all of the missing pages and return the girl he liked to normal.

Weapon: The ancient spell book that Cody found and uses. It is neither unwieldy nor attractive, hiding its mystical powers from most people. Each page of the book contains a short phrase written in a dead language that is used to perform each spell, and there are hundreds of these pages. There is also a short description of the spell on each page, along with a vague and often deceptive drawing of the spell’s effect. Dozens of the pages have been ripped out, but other than that it is in decent shape. One of the pages missing is the undo spell, so any effect is permanent until that page is found. Three of the known spells cause blindness, turn someone into a duckling, and turn someone into a glass figurine.

Personality: The three attributes that best describe Cody are clever, reserved, and determined. He is able to think on his feet, and can come up with solutions to a variety of problems. Cody tends to be an introvert, and this was only reinforced after he screwed up Ashley. Finally, his determination is legendary. He is literally willing to go to the ends of the Earth to complete his mission. Cody is a nice and friendly person, though he remains distant until he has grown accustomed to those around him. He is also a man of few words, usually only speaking when necessary.

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
PLEASE Vote 4 Ditto-
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11/23/11 1:50:00 PM

I could write up the villain from my background if that would help. She's Chaotic Evil as well, I remember someone asking for one of those.

MMBN style fighting game made by me in the link below!
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11/24/11 8:00:00 AM

Oh yeah, I guess I just assumed this because people usually just do it, but my character is female. Unless you've already made plans otherwise :)

-- Mo' buildings mo' problems
ocean kinda grew on me like a flesh eating ...fungus. -BIGPUN9999
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11/24/11 6:22:00 PM

You don't have to, it's just that the more the merrier.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
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11/24/11 8:56:00 PM

So...welp. This project appears to be stillborn. Feels like such a waste to drop such a cool bunch of characters, though...

...Hmm. Assuming Halo doesn't turn out to have been working on the first updates in secrecy, what do you guys think about taking this idea and running with it? No sense in wasting a perfectly good plotline.

Sburbopolis, Homestuck RPG:
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11/24/11 8:57:00 PM

Hostile takeover?

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
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11/24/11 9:01:00 PM

From: Natwaf_akidna | #087
Hostile takeover?

Less hostile takeover and more 'buying the haunted house'. If Halo objects that is that, but I feel like we could have some fun with this concept.

Sburbopolis, Homestuck RPG:
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11/24/11 9:21:00 PM

There's already a plotline?

~Halo You're not the brightest.
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11/24/11 9:23:00 PM

From: ShadowHalo17 | #089
There's already a plotline?

'Time/the universe goes haywire and a bunch of guys have wacky adventures, let's see what kind of stuff goes down' sounds like a solid plot to me!

Sburbopolis, Homestuck RPG:
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11/24/11 9:32:00 PM

Might as well write this up.

Name: Keiji

Character: Snide and arrogant until she gets worked up, which isn't too hard. Then she starts killing everyone, laughing maniacally all the while. She gets a huge rush from killing or standing ready to kill those who have really stood in her way, which leaves her a bit oblivious to the rest of the world for a while. If she doesn't care about a person, she just kills them off quickly though. Her hatred for all that lives is powerful enough that she survived having most of her soul ripped out of her temporarily on pure hate alone. She's willing to do anything to achieve her goals. She has a tendency to underestimate people however.

Skills: Complete ruthlessness and a master with nearly every weapon style out there. Her strength varies based on which souls she is using at any given time. Her tenacity is enough that she could drag herself away even after being bisected. She has the potential to manifest hatred into a physical form, however it would take a near death experience (such as bisecting) to draw this out.

Abilities: She can use any soul she has to boost he parameters to the level of the person whose soul she's using, and she can mix and match souls to overcome the weaknesses of the others. She can rip the soul out of anyone she kills, adding them to her stockpile. She can use any powers or abilities or fighting style of anyone whose soul she has. When her hatred has truly awakened, she can manifest it to replace lost body parts, create numerous though weak pitch black humanoids with sharp claws, and call forth a lance of pure hatred that can pierce through almost anything. Manifesting her hatred has detrimental effects on her psyche, and the more she draws up, the less of the rest of her mind remains.

Background: Keiji lived her life peacefully as a young girl, until the day her family was slaughtered in front of her during a robbery gone wrong. She fled into the woods, where she was cut many times by the underbrush, nearly eaten by animals, and got a terrible fever. She was eventually found and brought into another home where she recovered... Before the new family was also killed, this time by the Order of the Light for suspicion of working with demons. At this point she decided that all life existed solely to kill all other life. Her hatred grew. Eventually she attracted the attention of a rouge demon who had been exiled from hell, who offered to buy her soul for whatever she wished. She wished for a weapon that would let her kill anything. She then promptly turned around and killed the demon she had dealt with, and took ownership of her soul back. She quickly rose to power, and became a massive threat to the Order. She realized that she couldn't take on an entire nation by herself, so she decided to usurp command over the rebel forces, namely the seven swords lead by Tenma. She badly injured him, and forced him to flee. However, the swords under her command were still loyal to Tenma, and furthermore they weren't exactly in a position to take the Order head on. So She just killed them all and took their souls. She then decided to chase after Tenma after learning he was the heir to the Akuma, and believing that gaining his soul would let her take control of Hell.

MMBN style fighting game made by me in the link below!
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11/24/11 9:32:00 PM

Appearance: She wears something halfway between a dress and a set of robes, in black with red trim. Her hair is wild and unmanaged, and she has a crazed look on her face at almost all times.

Weapons: Apocalypse, the soul stealer. The hilt of a weapon, that can change its shape into any weapon wielded by a soul it contains. Keiji mostly uses these weapon forms.

A colossal Zanbatou which has no cutting edge, but deals extremely heavy blows. Far lighter and faster than it looks.
A double bladed sword (think darth maul) that can cloak the area in darkness.
An assassin's blade that allows the user to teleport short distances and manipulate shadows
A serpentine sword (think Ivy from coul calibur) that drips with a highly lethal poison
Two swords chained together that drain the blood from those it hits, bolstering the power of the wielder
A four bladed sword that unfolds into a large throwing star, that disrupts the fall of light creating illusions.

She also has a pet wolf named Garouga, who is freaking huge, rabid as hell, and desires nothing more than to devour all flesh and avoid the wrath of his owner.

MMBN style fighting game made by me in the link below!
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11/24/11 9:35:00 PM

As usual, feel free to modify my characters in any way. They've already been heavily modified from their original versions anyways, so go nuts.

MMBN style fighting game made by me in the link below!
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11/24/11 9:43:00 PM

That gives me an idea, if you guys wanna take a more... collaborative approach to this, that might work. Honestly I haven't given this project much thought lately, I've been dealing with stuff and it doesn't leave me in a good mindset for writing a story.

If someone wants to get it rolling, I could probably pitch in with chapters of my own. The way I see it, someone writes one chapter however they want, then someone else writes the next one, an so on. Try to play off the chapters before you, but at the same time do whatever you want.

It sounds like it could be fun.

~Halo Rolling around at the speed of sound.
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11/24/11 9:43:00 PM

Hmm...I'm game for it, if everybody else is. I was actually thinking of something pretty similar, though with a more-or-less structured approach (so everybody knows the order in advance). Should be interesting!

Sburbopolis, Homestuck RPG:
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11/24/11 9:44:00 PM

So, kinda like a TV show with different writers for the episodes? Sounds cool, if I ever have the inclination to get back into writing and have the time to do so, I might add a chapter or two.

~=B8's Resident Ninja-Pirate. Please insert liquor, and pour one for Guru Winner, BT=~
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11/24/11 9:59:00 PM

If you have additional ideas, feel free to mention them.

~Halo There is no Crane, only Scarecrow!
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11/24/11 10:04:00 PM

Not really good at writing, so EE is free for use by anybody.

Short prologue seems doable though.

Chant the name of BlAcK TuRtLe, winner of the 2010 Guru Challenge!
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11/24/11 10:05:00 PM

Oh, I'm gonna give you a heads up, if I do write a chapter, I've been told I have a rather jarring writing style.

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11/24/11 10:14:00 PM

(If I can still make characters...)

Name: Mega
Codename: Sanctus Gelidus
Age: 22
Powers: Highly skilled in both ice magic and holy magic
Skills: Good at climbing and can restore his mana through prayer.
Weapon: A copper sword. However he'll only use it if magic does not work.
Appearance: This determined man has almond-shaped eyes that are a very light shade of blue. Almost white, even. His silky, straight, yellow hair is worn in a style that reminds you of the rays of the sun. He is very tall and has an androgynous build. His skin is brown. He has an elegant nose. His wardrobe is strange.
Background: A mysterious holy warrior. Not much is known about him, only that he is on a mission to purge all evil from the universe.
Notes: Yes, my skills and weapon WERE taken from my RST self.
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