Board 8 > voltch and Nee are still watching every single WWF/E PPV

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02/25/12 2:04:00 AM

Whoops I played SSF4 for 7 hours instead of watching any more tonight, so much for catching up right now.

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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02/25/12 11:39:00 AM

Don't worry I'm slowing down.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/26/12 1:16:00 AM

Rebellion 2000

Mick Foley is hanging out with Debra these days. And hey, we've got a fatal four-way for the championship.

Mandatory "wonder if Tiger Ali Singh will be in this UK PPV?"

Tazz is on commentary, guess he's Lawler's replacement for now. Hopefully he doesn't fight JR mid-broadcast since they were such bitter enemies recently.

HHH wanted to be in the main event, but Foley just makes fun of his nose.

Oh yeah, Foley as commish means the main event has no DQ and no countouts. Of course.

Here comes Angle, he's angry and spitting insults towards the English.

10 minutes in and we're finally about to have a match.

Elimination tables match: T&A vs. Edge & Christian vs. Dudley Boyz

D-Von's running into Albert a bunch but can't knock the big guy down. In comes Bubba and a double team does it. Now Albert gets in some shots and T&A pulls out a table.

Edge and Christian are just hanging around, doing nothing. Dudleys try and run a table into Albert, he kicks the table in half.

Bubba's about to go through a table, D-von saves him. Edge gets tagged in, takes a couple shots, then gets Test right back in.

D-von's taking on both T&A members, they run into each other. Albert wants to set up Bubba for a table, Edge and Christian grab Albert and put him through the table. Guess T&A is out?

Christian trips D-von from out of the ring and these Canadians are fighting like heels. Edge with an elbow, Christian with a leg sweep. Christian is gonna grab a table. "The other side" points out Edge. Baseball slide into the table from D-von.

Bubba's finally tagged back in, ref claims he didn't see it. Now there's tags for everyone. Christian flies way in the air for a hot shot but Edge hits a spear. Edge wants to hit a wassup. But Bubba reverses it and Christian is the hurt one. Now the Dudleys hit it.


Christian tackles Edge to save him from tables, but that doesn't stop Christian from being 3D'ed through a table.

Lita loves all the UK fans. She's so happy in this promo.

Why does Steven Richards always sound like he's losing his voice. He hates nudity, pubs, and monarchies.

Ivory vs. Lita

Tazz is doing his best to sound like Lawler in a women's match. Probably don't want to do that.

Lita is dominating this match, gets a two count cover. Now she punches out Steven, but this lets Ivory get some punches and chops in.

There's a lot of "grab the hair and throw" in these matches. Ivory is wringing the arm and hits a suplex. Now Lita hits a hurricanrana and a twist of fate. But she dives out at Steven Richards instead of covering.

Ivory is bent over for two years waiting for Lita's sunset flip, here it comes. But Ivory falls on Lita and gets some help on the cover to win.

Oh here's a Rock interview. Ha, he starts with a "fff" then stops to wait for fans to chant more. He's gonna beat down Kurt Angle. Pretty normal Rock promo.

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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02/26/12 1:16:00 AM

Oh no, Terri isn't with Perry Saturn.

Perry Saturn vs. Steve Blackman

Saturn tries to get the punches in right away, but Blackman gets in a dropkick. He whiffs an enzuigiri and ends up outside the ring wwhere Saturn hits a plancha.

Blackman pulls out a garbage can and a metal sheet. A few shots to Saturn's head with the sheet, but he can't cover yet.

Now Blackman gets thrown into the garbage can, and a nice exchange of dodges that ends in Blackman getting hit with metal.

Blackman tries pinning with a backslide. Now Saturn tries a crucifix cover. What a silly way to win a hardcore match, with wrestling pinning maneuvers. Oh, now a metal sheet to Blackman's head, that's more like it.

Fire extinguisher for the heck of it. Now a chair in the ring and Saturn gets drop toe hold into the chair. Blackman's got his sticks, a bunch of shots and a suplex, but Saturn kicks out?

Saturn hits a low blow and tries a small package, almsot gets it. But Blackman kicks a chair into Saturn and keeps his belt for even longer.

Blackman the greatest hardcore champ.

JR and Tazz call William Regal by his old name of Steve Regal about three times. Regal doesn't recall any British heroes, he's the greatest one.

Undertaker's arriving and driving his motorcycle on the wrong side of the road.

Crash vs. William Regal

Regal's gonna talk to the crowd again, he's getting like ten minutes of mic time in this event.

Crash punches Regal from behind, hurricanrana, drop kick. Regal gets some shots in now, he's a southpaw.

Counter of a hiptoss by Crash, almost a rollup cover. Ha, there's a sign with a picture of Elroy Jetson in the crowd.

Regal's using the ropes for leverage in his holds, getting all those heel moves in. Lots of two counts back and forth here. Crash covered for a three count, but his foots on the rope. Ref doesn't see it at first.

Molly jumps in and takes out Regal while the ref reverses his decision, Crash with a cover and a new European champ! Regal steals the belt and leaves.

Angle wants Benoit to help him win the belt. JR forgets what this PPV is called.

Recap of Guerrero breaking up with Chyna. Billy Gunn confronted Eddie, look at Billy's shirt, wow.

Dean Malenko & Eddie Guerrero vs. Chyna & Billy Gunn

Guerrero's already kicking away at Billy's knee. But Billy hits a tiltawhirl slam. Guerrero's begging for forgiveness.

All four in already, Chyna and Billy both press slam the Radicalz. Now Chyna's taking it Malenko. He tries a hold but she counters into a rollup. Handspring elbow now, and Guerrero interferes to save Malenko.

Chyna's trying to tag out, but a sunset flip and she's double teamed again. Oh, but she hits a low blow on Malenko and a DDT.

Billy tagged in, taking down everyone. Powerslam on Malenko and Guerrero breaks up the pin. Suplex and a fameasser, but the count is broken again. Billy with a half nelson atomic drop and now he gets a cover.

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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02/26/12 1:17:00 AM

Jericho and Kane are still feuding. This is the goofiest feud.

Kane vs. Chris Jericho

Jericho with a bunch of punches, but Kane uses his BIG BOOT already. Jericho hits a dropkick and out of the ring they go. Kane's on the apron, here's a springboard dropkick.

Up to the top, but Jericho is caught and powerslammed. "Y2J! Y2J!" Kane with a stretcher move on, he has to back up ten feet for Jericho to kick the ropes and roll out of it. But Kane's got a choke on again here.

Big sidewalk slam, Kane is going up top. Jericho catches him before he can jump. Both guys down, crowd is counting along real loud with this.

Missile dropkick from Jericho, he's trying covers. He's caught and almost powerslammed, but he breaks free. Trying walls of Jericho, can't get Kane over. Kane wants a choke, but Jericho kicks out. Lionsault and he lands on the knees of course.

Big chokeslam, Kane wins and defeats hot coffee.

Jericho is mad after the match, he chases down Kane and wall of Jerichos him.

Trish is making fun of Lita backstage, she starts throing Trish into the wall and tossing stuff at here. Oh no off comes a shirt and they run into Ivory.

Hardy Boyz vs. Goodfather & Bull Buchanan

Both Hardys slide out and then hit kicks on the RtC guys. Tazz says the Hardys are fast, in case you didn't catch that.

Jeff is thrown to the corner and he jumps over, now he misses a leap. Hurricanrana and Goodfather knocks Jeff down. Jeff is stuck in there against two guys and he's hurt and out of the ring now.

Matt runs in, I guess that counts as a tag. Goodfather misses with the belt and hits Bull, Mat with a legdrop. Goodfather interferes again.

Right to Censor getting that armbar on. Matt fights back against Goodfather, kick and DDT. Almost a tag but it's stopped. Goodfather starts the train, derailed again. Jeff tagged in and he hits a dropkick. Into the corner, he moonsaults both RtC guys.

Here's that springboard dropkick and a kick to the "lower ab". Twist of fate and a swanton, the ref is distracted. Val runs in with a moneyshot to knock out Jeff and RtC keeps their titles.

Angle wants Edge and Christian to help him, but Christian went through a table.

Undertaker gets jumped by the Radicalz! His knee getting hurt.

Chris Benoit vs. Undertaker

Oh no Undertaker isn't showing up, Benoit wants an auto-win. Here's the music again, no Taker. Ref gonna make a decision, and here comes Taker. Wow what a badass!

Benoit's going right for that knee with kicks. The crowd hates Benoit, and he's getting press slammed now.

Taker grabs the arm, and he's walking the ropes. Big boot now, and they're heading out of the ring. Benoit run into the post, and a second time.

A couple shots to the back from Taker, and oh no he's got a bear hug on. He's trying for covers now, only two counts.

Time for a powerslam, Benoit gets free and dropkicks the knee immediately. Some leg drops and some holds are putting pressure on that knee. Undertaker fighting back with punches, whoops he blocked one and forgot to punch back and Benoit reacted.

Another leg hold from Benoit, Undertaker reverses it to get out, and Benoit's got one right back on. Another reversal and Benoit struggles to get the ropes. Some punches and Benoit hits a suplex. More leg holds, Undertaker wins with a surprise cradle? Well then.

"I strongly suggest you release X-Pac" sign right at the front of the crowd.

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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02/26/12 1:18:00 AM

Fatal four way: Rikishi vs. Kurt Angle vs. The Rock vs. Steve Austin

Rock's going after his relative, Austin's going after the champ. Austin with a spinebuster then a suplex and already trying to cover.

Rikishi pulls out Austin, Rock hits Angle with a samoan drop. Austin and Rock double teaming Rikishi, double elbows and stomps all over.

Angle wants to leave and Rock goes to chase him down. Austin hits Rikishi with a Thesz press. Now another on Angle. There's no stopping Austin.

Rikishi's running down Rock in the ring and he wants a stinkface. Rock fights out and hits a spinebuster. People's elbow and Angle breaks up the cover and tries his own. Austin breaks up this cover.

Heels are up and faces are down, now Rock and Austin both fight back at the same time. The two faces don't want to fight, but they do. Stunner from Austin! Angle and Rikishi are back in it.

Austin hits two clotheslines then walks into a rock bottom. Rikishi pulls away the ref so there's no cover! Angle hits an olympic slam but still no ref. Almost a surprise rollup from Austin as the ref's back.

Edge and Christian running in, Austin takes them both out. Rock bottom on Rikishi, Edge stops this cover. Radicalz are here now too, this is a mess.

Radicalz are taking on Austin, Edge and Christian are keeping Rock occupied, and an olympic slam beats Rikishi. Angle is still the champ. This was a short main event.

Rock and Austin fight back and stunner and rock bottom the Radicalz out of the ring.

Oh no Austin fails to catch a beer, his hand-eye coordination must be shot these days. The good guys drink beer.

Star of the PPV: Kurt Angle

Botch of the PPV: Kane walking back 15 feet so Jericho can escape his backstretcher hold

Guess there's no Tiger this time.

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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02/27/12 1:13:00 PM

i have a feeling that bad russo writing>bad student scriptwriters.

Gotta clear em all.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 12:59:00 AM

something something piledriver or something bump

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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02/29/12 3:55:00 AM

Royal Rumble 2001

I like the intro package's voiceover dude on this one. They've been on a roll with the last few video packages.

This is going to go oh so very well tonight. JR sounds more excited than usual and it's pumping me up.


The Dudley Boyz Vs. Edge and Christian (c)

The Dudleyz got hit by a double conchairto. Edge and Christian regroup very quickly. Devon with a neckbreaker and Edge attacks the back and there's Christian.

Devon's going in pretty hard and Bubba's now in for some double team action, ebow drop and a cover. The Dudleyz are selling damage to the head. Bubba's cleaning house, sidewalk slam nets him a two count.

Tag to Devon powerslam on Edge. Christian with a shot to the head from the outside. Edge with a suplex and Christian punches Devon a fair few times, side russian legsweep and there's a focus on the head. Bubba tells the ref to shut his mouth.

Edge goes after the head again and there's a neckbreaker and bubba saves the match. Devon's getting a chant and Edge has a reverse chinlock. Edge is trash talking with Bubba, it arouses Jerry. The crowd doesn't care about tag team wrestling, they just want tables.

Piledriver tease, countered into a catapult which knocks down christian. Bubba gets a hot tag, but the referee didn't see it, Edge and Christian are going in with a conchairto. Devon escapes disaster and he tags in Bubba.

Christian and Edge get hotshotted and there's the Bubba bomb. WHAZZA, DEVON! WHAT! GET THE TABLES! there's a rollup on Edge. Unprettier countered, 3D incoming and SPEAR on Bubba, but after all that the match continues!

Edge going for the Whazza and Devon pushed Edge and Christian takes it below the belt, 3D ON EDGE! New Tag champs!

Here's Drew Carey hell yeah! Vince is backstage talking with Cole about who gets the title shot and why.

Drew's backstage and he's with Stephanie and Triple H and this is getting pretty awkward. Steph's trying to get Drew to occupy Trish.

Faarooq and Bradshaw are drinking a lot of beer, APA these days means always pounding ass. They show each other their numbers. Crash comes in and leaves just as quickly.

Here's a video package of two young canadians beating the holly hell out of each other. This Video package starts out with no words.



Chris Jericho Vs. Chris Benoit (c)

Quick slugfest and there's a few reverse elbows. Chop by Jericho and some stomps soon after. Benoit runs into a boot, he's going after Jericho's injured arm. Jericho teases the walls.

Benoit tosses Jericho into the corner and there's a chop. Shoulder breaker and thee's a clothesline by Jericho and Benoit pulls the rope to counter the springboard dropkick. Benoit heading for the ladder.

Jericho comes in from behind and Jericho gets sent to the ringpost. Baseball slide, unsuccessful and Benoit whips Jericho into the stairs. Benoit climbs the ladder and Jericho's right behind and there goes Benoit into the canvas.

There's a ladder shot and a chop from the challenger. Ladder shot into the ribs. Jericho puts the ladder on the corner. There's another stomp and a whip REVERSED BY BENOIT! Jericho got to eat some steel. Benoit's going in with a suicide dive and JERICHO WHACKS HIM IN MIDAIR WITH A STEEL CHAIR!

Wolverine's on the barricade and Jericho was planning on squashing him with the Ladder, but Benoit got out of the way. There's a ladder shot to the face. Benoit's trying to setup a ladder, but he's putting it in a corner. Jericho just got tossed into the corner.

Benoit's going for it again, but Jericho pushes him into it and there's a low dropkick. Shot to the head by Jericho and now Benoit's got a leg stuck in the ladder and Jericho's climbing the ladder and it drops! Benoit's leg has shattered to bits!

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 3:55:00 AM

Y2J has the ladder and Benoit dropkicks it right back into Jericho's face. Suplex and Jericho shoves Benoit into the ladder. They're using the ladder very effectively today and both guys are having their brains rattled. Benoit's down and Jericho's climbing the ladder.

Hot chase and Benoit catches Jericho for a suplex to the outside of the ring! Benoit's climbing and Jericho's chasing, stomps are keeping Jericho off him, but Jericho catches the legs and he's going for the Walls on top of the ladder! Benoit's shoved back down!

Fingertips on the belt and Benoit kicks the ladder down. Jericho's using the ladder as a battering ram and he's climbing again, Benoit is shrugged off until, THE CROSSFACE GETS APPLIED! Jericho is tapping and he can't do a thing about it, Benoit's not done with him yet and he shoves Jericho right into the post.

But there's a counterattack as Jericho shoves Benoit into the ladder, he's asking Benoit to get up and he's got him cornered, the ladder's setup and BY GOD, THEY'RE TEASING A SUPERPLEX OFF THE LADDER, OH MY JERICHO JUST GOT PUSHED OFF AND BENOIT IS AIMING!

HERE IT COMES, THE DIVING HEADBUTT BUT IT MISSES! Jericho's setting the ladder up on top of Benoit and starts climbing. It ain't over yet, Benoit is using his power to turn the ladder over and Jericho gets a chair and slams it into Benoit's back!

AGAIN the ladder is knocked down and Benoit just fell outside the ring, Jericho's climbing and Benoit can't get into the ring. JERICHO JUST BECAME THE NEW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!

Drew Carey's with Trish and in comes Vince and he suggests Drew enters the rumble.

Chyna's getting dressed and Billy's acting all worried. Here's the video package and Chyna's acting like the piledriver turned her neck into mush.

Ivory can pull off the wide eyed look pretty well.


Ivory (c) Vs. Chyna

Chyna's sort of destroying Ivory, tossing her all over the place, hard whips and Ivory's selling like crazy. Snapmare takedown and Ivory is getting stomped on in the corner.

Big shot sends Ivory right to the outside and it looks like we're going to get a little crowd surfing. Chyna drags Ivory back to the ring and she's getting tossed around. Richards runs in and gets killed.

Handspring Elbow and Chyna collapses with a hurt neck and Ivory covers her for a win. Lawler goes to check on her, Billy Gunn runs in and so does an army of EMTs.

Lawler's talking in a very concerned manner and now so's JR.

Stephanie's trying to get her hair fixed and she comes into contact with Trish leading to some tension. Drew Carey's got some ring gear he bumps into Kane.

Tiger and the low down crowd are arguing over who's going to enter the Royal Rumble, but their spot just got taken by Drew Carey. Meanwhile in New York we get to see some fans going wild.

The Game's frowning a lot in front of a mirror. The video package shows more Trish and Steph stuff than the actual title match.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 3:56:00 AM



Triple H Vs. Kurt Angle (c)

Lawler is convinced The Game is the best wrestler around, going to be a tough match for the champ.

Triple H is on the ground after Angle takes him down. Game's back up in a flash and there's some hard shoulder tackle. The action moves to the outside of the ring and Triple H has to regroup.

Hard rights and they don't look pretty, Angle is in a corner taking a pair of tough punches, whip and a backdrop by Angle. Wristlock and he takes down Triple H. He's going to be working the arm over.

Kick by Triple H and it's followed by Angle countering with a range of Suplexes. Angle gets a nearfall and Triple H is favouring his back. Angle's trying to brawl, not a good idea when going up against The Game.

Angle gets dropped right on the barricade, oh I love Trish when she looks worried. Angle's using plenty of right hands, droptoe hold and Triple H has decided he'll be the one to outwrestle Angle.

Nobody remembers The original nature boy! Enziguri by Angle, but Triple H is back on offense with great speed. Hard whip sends Triple H to the outside, lucky he's not wresling in the Rumble tonight.

Angle's legs are targeted but Angle kicks Triple H's face in. There's a whip to the steps and Triple H is starting to reel. Angle rushes in and Triple H dodges, Angle's lef is being worked on and Stephanie distracts the referee.

Triple H uses a chair to take out Angle's leg and Triple H gets back to work, the cerebral assassin drops Angle on the steps and that knee is in a bad state. Chop Block takes down Angle and Trish isn't doing anything right now.

There's another chopblock, they look pretty ugly. But Triple H is going after the left knee some more and the ref is asking angle if he wants to give up. There's another elbow to the knee. The old indian deathlock is what Triple H hopes will be enough to have Angle give up.

Right hands by Angle and he punched his way out of this hold. Facebuster from The Game and there's a kickout and another nearfall. Triple H has slowed the pace of the match to a crawl and the crowd's going silent. There's a chop and a kneedrop.

Figure four leglock and now the crowd's paying attention, Angle's in pain and he's going nuts. Trish is going wild in the background. Angle unable to reverse it and Triple H holds the ropes. Trish gets in the ring, Stephanie joins in and they start brawling on the spanish announce table.

Here comes the chairman, but he's caught right in the middle of the catfight. They're going back to brawling and Vince is picking up Trish over his shoulder. Stephanie follows and pulls Trish down and starts beating her down. Vince is still struggling to keep the two apart.

All this time Triple H was staring at them thinking what the hell did I get myself into? Angle with an inside craddle, but The Game's back to beating him up. The two exchange right hands and there's A DDT BY THE CHAMPION! Nearfall!

Whip and an inverted atomic drop and a suplex, but again its only a nearfall. Side russian legsweep lowblow and it was blatent, RAZOR'S EDGE BY TRIPLE H! HOLY CHRIST THE RAZOR'S EDGE! But Angle is still surviving, Triple H thinking pedigree, Angle countered, kicked by Triple H and Angle's head falls down low.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 3:57:00 AM

Angle's going all the way up and THERE'S THE MOONSAULT! He's a high flyer and TRIPLE H KICKED OUT! Angle's been dumped to the outside he jumps from the apron and the referee's been taken out. Whip to the post and now Triple H is going up and angle was playing possum he runs up and there's a vicious armdrag, there's the pin, but the referee's still down.

Kurt's been whipped right into Earl Hebner, poor ref is now down for an even longer count. The Game has the belt and Angle counters with a quick belly to belly. Now Angle has the belt and he's stalking Triple H, but there's a counter into a PEDIGREE! But the referee's still down!


Angle with the cover and there's the slowest count Hebner can make and Angle has retained the title!

Well a bunch of guys are warming up and The Rock gets to have a promo, New Orleans appreciates it. Rock is telling us Kane and Undertaker might be join forces. The Rock and Bull Buchanan or Perry Saturn could be the final two. The Rock could even get to face Austin.

We get a people's eyebrow and there's our Rumble video package. Rikishi is going to be number 30. He did really good last year. Kane's got huge size and The undertaker could be on his side. The Rock has a dream, it involves winning the rumble again. Stone Cold is going for his third Rumble win.

Rock and Austin trash talk each other and then get interrupted, but you know what I think Hardcore Holly probably wins it all this year.



#1 is Jeff Hardy he's having a seizure! The crowd likes it. #2 is Bull Buchanan. he's not even wearing a necktie and Jeff's going high risk early on and there's a headscissor. Bull's got some power and he's knocking Jeff around. Press slam and Bull was going to throw out Jeff, but he comes up short He's softening him up in the corner.

Jeff's fighting back and its not enough. Jeff's punching away and there's #3 and oh my god. MATT HARDY! THE HARDY BOYZ ARE JOINING FORCES. Double clothesline and Jeff has been eliminated. The two brothers are now fighting each other instead of waiting for someone to show up. They're not really flying high. Lawler's can't stop thinking of Lita.

#4 is Faarooq and there's a double clothesline, the APA can beat the crap out of these pretty boys. Faarooq takes a twist of fate and then a Swanton. Faarooq is eliminated, Matt turns on Jeff and then they take of their shirt. There's some hard right hand exchanges.

#5 Drew Carey and Lawler can't help but laugh. Top rope legdrop from Matt and Drew's warming up in his Adidas tracksuit. The Hardyz are getting tangled up in the corner and they keep going higher and higher and Drew's suddenly the only guy left in the ring! He's the man!

#6 Drew Carey will be facing, KANE! The Big Red Machine is walking slowly and Drew wants the Hardyz to come back! Drew's trying to offer Kane some money. Kane isn't too pleased and he's going for the kill.

#7 Raven runs in and attacks Kane, Drew meanwhile eliminates himself. Raven's clearly outmatched so he's going to use everything he can to even the odds, including a fire extinguisher, but Al Snow attacks from behind and they're brawling.

#8 is Al Snow and this rumble is turning hardcore pretty fast, these hardcore guys are going under the ropes to get more weapons. Al snow pulls out a bowling bowl and Raven's nuts just exploded. Snow attack Kane from behind with a trashcan and Raven joins in, but Kane's not going down. double droptoe hold and he falls flat on his face.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 3:58:00 AM

#9 *sirens* Perry Saturn is joining in and by god Terri's looking hot. Perry Saturn's trying to use a submission move, Raven going for a sleeper on Kane, none of that is working. Al snow is just stomping on Kane. The hardcore division really dislikes him.

#10 STEVE BLACKMAN WITH THE STICKS! Raven's really taking a lot of damage and Snow's taking some stiff shots and Kane's kicking Blackman. Raven's hammering on Al Snow's head and Saturn gets to join in on the attack on Kane. Raven and Snow keep going at it and Kane's got a choke on Blackman.

#11 Grandmaster Sexay and he takes a steel plate and hammers Al Snow. Raen's brought down Saturn. Grandmaster's attacking Blackman and Kane's got a can and Grandmaster's out and Kane's on the rampage. Blackman holds on but Kane whacks his head. Al snow gets thrown out and Raven is bounced out. Perry Saturn's thrown with ease as well.

#12 Is The Honky Tonk Man, the greatest intercontinental champion of all time has appeared! He even brought along his guitar. Honky's giving us a musical number. Kane's not liking it and he takes the guitar away and smashes it over Honky's head. He shakes his head and then tosses him right over the top.

#13 IF YOU SMELLLL! Business has just picked up I'd say. Rock explodes and knocks down Kane and wow a dead cert elimination has been halted. Kane with a big boot knocks down The Rock.

#14 The Goodfather and he's running to the ring, he goes right after The Rock. The smackdown's enough to knock him out of the ring in about ten seconds. Suplex from Kne and Rock's down, there's a choke Kane with a whip and he misses. Kane with a sidewalk slam.

#15 BEST THEME TAZZ running right into Kane he's out in about five seconds. This just means Kane gets to spend more time focusing on The Rock. Kane's being pushed over the top but he holds on and even gets to retaliate. Samoan drop on Kane.

#16 Bradshaw, a tough guy like him when both guys in the ring are exhausted? Bradshaw's got a really good shot of eliminating both. The Rock helps bradshaw try to eliminate Kane and Bradshaw just gives Rock the CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL! Rock gets up and gives Bradshaw a spinebuster. Kane has a clothesline to knockdown The Rock.

#17 Albert runs in and there's a lot of big bodies brawling in the ring now. Kane knocks down Bradshaw and now hammering on The Rock. Bradshaw and Albert are involved in a tussle and The Rock's in trouble. Bradshaw's almost gone. Albert goes after The Rock, Bradshaw with a huge blow on Albert's back. Big boot from Bradshaw.

#18 Hardcore Holly uns in and there's another brawler. Albert bomb on Bradshaw and Albert's going after Kane. Holly and Bradshaw are uniting against The Rock. Big scissor kick by Albert knocks down Kane. The Rock with a clothesline, Kane's still surviving he's almost out.

#19 Time to get Rowdy! K Kwik runs in and Albet stomps on him a fair bit and gets to work. K-Kwik is ramming right into Albert and Bradshaw's crawling. Low blow on Kane and Rock's resting. Holly gets planted and guys are tired

#20 is Val Venis and Lawler is most displeased. Kane just drilled him and Holly's stomping away on The Rock. Bradshaw spears K-Kwik and Kane uppercuts Val Venis. Powerslam by The Rock, Val's rushing to his back.

#21 William Regal runs in and there's a series of forearms, he's going after K-Kwik and now Bradshaw. Kane and Venis target The Rock. Spinebuster on Val Venis ans Kane knocks down Kane. The ring is starting to fillup and Val's trying to toss out The Rock. Bradshaw attacks Val Venis and Rock's holding on to the ropes.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 3:58:00 AM

#22 THIS IS A TEST! Regal is dumbed out and Test going after his former partner Albert. Rock again is on the edge and he gets back in the ring, Test is stomping on Kane and Albert and Test go at it T & A implodes!

#23 WEEEEEELL, Lawler & JR: "WHAT" Test just got eliminated and K Kwik got dumbed out in record time and Albert got killed and now so did Bradshaw. Big Show is chokeslamming the entire roster. Kane's now taking the chokeslam. Rock's in danger, low blow, here comes the smackdown, Big Show is reeling and there's a clothesline for good measure.

Big Show takes the announce table apart and he takes in The Rock to the outside. #24 is Crash Holly, but Big Show is going for a chokeslam on the announce table breaking The Rock. Everyone left has decided to turn their efforts to Kane and he's getting stomped on here. They're bringing him to the edge.

#25 KEEP ROLLIN' ROLLIN' ROLLIN' Undertaker's rushing in to save his brother and he's knocking them all down and look at this, they've cleaned house and we're down with Kane and the Undertaker. Brother versus brother, there's the staredown, 120 seconds is not less than 2 minutes JR.

#26 Scotty 2 Hotty is walking in very slowly. Undertaker and Kane have decided to join force and Scotty is predictably getting his face stomped on. Double chokeslam and Scotty's dead and out of the ring. The Rock meanwhile is coming to. Who on earth could face these two monsters?

#27 *GLASS SHATTERS* The crowd absolutely EXPLODES! Austin is power walking to the ring when TRIPLE H attacks from behind and the two men are brawling. Rock is back in the ring and he's being double teamed by the brothers. Triple H is attacking austin some more and Stone Cold's now been busted open.

#28 The one Billy Gunn sprints to the ring and he's jabbing away but again he's facing both Kane and The Undertaker. Triple H is being dragged away by a bunch of referees. Austin's odds are not looking too good here. Kane is beating up Billy Gunn, and Undertaker's beating up Rock.

Rock fights back with some smackdown, DDT by The Undertaker.

#29 is the crowd's confused but what the hell IT'S HAKU! He's back and using headbutts, chops and all. What a random guy to show up. Kane and The Undertaker are trying to subdue him but Haku's chopping away and Billy Gunn is trying to ge some revenge on Kane. Lawler and JR are arguing furiously over the Austin situation.

#30 Rikishi is walking in to a dead crowd. He notices Austin and decideds to go after him, but Austin's fighting back and now Austin's in the ring. Billy Gunn is being stomped on in the corner and Haku has just been eliminated by Haku. Kane is being stomped on and Rikishi's going for a ride. The Rock goes over and he holds on. Undertaker couldn't finish it.

Undertaker headbutts Rikishi, yeah that's not going to work, Rikishi just kicked Undertaker and HE'S ELIMINATED! Rikishi's now taking down The Rock. Rikishi's setting up the banzai drop and there's a low blow! Rock goes in from behind and Rikishi has been eliminated. Billy Gunn counters a Stunner and uses a FAMEASSER! Stone Cold is on the verge of being eliminated.

There's a reversal and Billy Gunn has been dumped out of the ring. Kane's tired, but meanwhile Rock and Austin have noticed each other and the two of them go at it. They're both exchanging right hands. Austin's being stalked, Rock Bottom, blocked STUNNER! Austin is stomping away and JR's voice is breaking. Kane's back up!

Thesz Press on Austin and he's beating up the Kane with his trademark moves. BUT ROCK COMES IN WITH A ROCK BOTTOM! Kane got thrown through the ropes and he's still good to go. Rock and Austin go back at it and they're unable to eliminate each other. Kane from behind and ROCK HAS BEEN ELIMINATED!

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 3:59:00 AM

Austin and Kane are the last two. Austin rushes in and Kane gives him a CHOKESLAM! Austin's all bloody and Kane's kicked down low and now both men are down on the canvas.

Kane takes a chair and he's going for the kill, Austin counters and STUNNER! Kane's been floored and Austin gets the chair. Kane sits up and Austin whacks him with the chair three times and there's one final clothesline and STONE COLD! STONE COLD! IS GOING TO WRESTLEMANIA! Stone Cold Steve Austin has won his third royal rumble! What a winner!

Here comes the beer celebration!

Show Rating: ****

Star of the Show: Kane

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 2:46:00 PM

No Way Out 2001

The Rock and Angle will be going at it until for the title and Triple H and Austin will brawl. The three stages of hell match will be the big story of the day.

We got a rubiks cube opening logo. Vegas sold out for this one.


Raven (c) Vs. The Big Show

Someone's bringing in a lot of equipment ahead of this match against The Big Show. Someone tried to attack the Big Show, Raven runs in, Show takes one big stop sign and starts destroying Raven's head.

Hard hit into the ring post and raven jumps on show's back but gets casually shrugged off. Looks like on the replay the woman ninja was going to attack with a 2 x 4. Raven uses a fire extinguisher to stop Show. A popcorn vendor runs in and attacks Raven.

Big Show dumps him out and goes back to Raven, here's Blackman and Hardcore they've got everything and there's the one Billy Gunn and he's the new Hardcore Champion while everyone else is brawling. The match is continuing, Holly with a suplex on Billy Gunn. Top rope legdrop on Billy.

There's the big show waking up and everyone's sent flying. Raven capitalizes on this gets his title back. Crash gets beaten up. Ninja woman runs in, Molly Holly's right behind and she knocks out Raven's ninja. Chokeslam incoming and Raven got squashed through a trashcan. Big show's the new champion.

Billy starts attacking and he just got tossed out of the ring, headbutted and rammed into the ringpost. Who is going to be taking that tite away from him?

Kurt's doing a promo with Kevin, Lillian's doing backstage stuff with Eddie and Benoit.



Chris Jericho (c) Vs. X-Pac Vs. Eddie Guerrero Vs. Chris Benoit

Guerrero goes after Jericho first and Benoit challenges X-Pac. Jericho stomps and chops Eddie. Benoit with some hard rights. Eddie gets dropped on the turnbuckle.

Benoit's going after Jericho and there's a bunch of chops and the two members of the radicalz unite. X-PAC SUCKS! X-PAC SUCKS! X-PAC SUCKS!

He's not even doing anything and we all hate him. Jericho's fighting back and there's a heel kick. X-Pac kicks Jericho and Benoit starts beating him up and Eddie joins in, stomps and punches.

The two of them are not co-existing they're cooperating. Benoit has the crossface on and Eddie doesn't know how he can splash from there. Jericho helps him falls on his nuts. X-Pac jumps in gets pushed off.

SPLASH from Eddie and Jericho rushes in to save the match and Benoit's attacking Jericho from behind. Eddie just put Jericho's leg on the ropes and Benoit doesn't know about that.

Snap suplex on X-Pac and Benoit's really shining here. Spinning heel kick by X-Pac and he's setting up the bronco buster, but Jericho uses a missile dropkick. Benoit gets up and runs right through.

Eddie was running in for a save, but Jericho kicked out. German suplex and Eddie kicks him off. THE RADICALZ ARE GOING AT IT!

CHOP CHOP HURRICANRANA COUNTER! These two are really exciting and Eddie with a suplex and Benoit kicks out. Jericho is whipped into the stairs and there's a suplex from Eddie.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 2:47:00 PM

Both of them are going up top and Benoit uses the superplex. X-Pac and Jericho are trying to take advantage and there's a double kickout.

Jericho with another pinning attempt on Benoit. The two canadians are exchanging hard chops and there's a quick cover not enough! Eddie's attacking X-Pac . There's another hard chop and a choke with the boot.

The crowd's firmly behind Y2J and there's an irish whip and a wasitlock by benoit shots to the back and there's a suplex. Rollup into a WALLS OF JERICHO! Benoit's on the verge of tapping, Eddie comes in AND THERE'S ANOTHER WALLS!

X-Pac runs in and takes them, Justin Credible runs in and gets beaten up. Benoit with a sick german, he gets pulled off and takes a double superkick. LIONSAULT by Jericho and X-Pac's back in the ring to stop him.

Low blow by X-Pac and there's the X-Factor, Benoit saves us from disaster and Justin is sent crashing. Eddie runs in quickly and there's a neckbreaker while Benoit had the crossface on. Block right hand and there's a suplex. DIVING HEADBUTT!


Triple H is being taped up. William Regal's with Vince who is looking very concerned. Trish and Stephanie will be going at it. He doesn't have a clue about what to do.

Well here's the video package for this one. What a terrible video package. Test is in new york. Here's Trish backstage Regal is confused and Trish has a ***** to slap. The Rock has a custom internet browser.

Trish Stratus Vs. Stephanie McMahon

Stephanie gets Triple H's old theme. Takedown by Steph and Trish is going for the ropes early on and Steph is slamming Trish. Legsweep and there's a clothesline. Plenty of hairpulling and there's a stomp.

She's pulling a lot of hair and dumps Trish to the outside. Boot and Steph gets tossed over the barricade. Elbow to the face and a clothesline from the railing by Stephanie. The action goes back to the ring. Stephanie's going for a suplex.

Trish drives Steph's neck down into the ropes and there's a corner. Choke in the corner and a lot of chops and the crowd wants puppies. Trish's using a bulldog. Stephanie kicks out. The crowd is booing and there's a right hand. Big rights into the face and Trish with a DDT!

But Stephanie kicks out, she's learning from her husband. Trish is climbing up the top and she's choking Stephanie and she's now climbing up and Steph slams Trish from the top. The ref starts to count. Lawler sounds sad.

Stephanie throws Trish through the ropes and she drives the blond one's head into the table. Jug of water is thrown right into Trish. Big boot by Trish and Back to the ring they go. Steph with the weakest powerbomb ever.

There's some spanking going on now as Stephanie's removing Trish's ring attire and she's choking her in the process. Stephanie's laughing and now both women are knocked down. William Regal runs in and he's confused he's killing the ref changing the results on the fly.

Trish slaps Regal and Regal knocks her out and it looks like Daddy's little girl took priority over Daddy's good friend.

Regal's backstage and Vince is furious, he just announced Vince and Trish against Regal and Stephanie tomorrow.

There's a video package showing how the feud between Triple H and Austin started. The game screwed Stone Cold a bunch of times and Stone Cold got his revenge a lot of times. Triple H cheap shotted Stone Cold.

You don't try and do this to Austin and get away from it. Stephanie just got stunnered. JR took a pedigree in exchange.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 2:48:00 PM



Triple H Vs. Stone Cold Steve Austin

We're not getting a brawl before the bell rings, they get into the ring and now they're letting loose. Austin's taking over and he's punching and stomping away. Austin's using his brawling skills.

Big clothesline by Stone Cold and Triple H is being hammered in the corner and Triple H tried an atomic drop. Austin avoids in and he's hammering away again. Triple H is reeling and there's the Thesz Press but it was too close to the ropes. Triple H tried an early pedigree.

Armbreaker on Triple H and Austin gets to work on it and he's banging it right into the ringpost. Triple H thinking pedigree but the arm's in bad shape. Triple H's arm is locked in and Austin's the one slowing the pace down now. Kicks and there's the THESZ PRESS!

Austin's dropping his elbow and there's another series of punches and Austin gets to use a spinebuster takedown. Jump off the second rope right into Triple H's big boot. Neckbreaker by Triple H and he's going for another one. Triple H's targeting the neck, there's a series of knees right into the neck.

Stomps by Triple H in the corner. Austin's trying to fight back and there's a chop block. Elbow by Triple H and Austin using his legstrength to bash Triple H's face. Chop block again and he's going back to working the knee.

Right hands and Triple H goes right back to the knee and he's USING THE FIGURE FOUR LEGLOCK! This is going to break Austin's spirit. Triple H uses the ropes to gain leverage. Austin's going to try and reverse the hold. He got it and Triple H gets to the ropes and the referee breaks the hold.

There's a kick to the knee and a driving elbow to the knee and again. Triple H goes for a third one and austin is using his other leg and he's driving it int Triple H's head. Austin takes Triple H's head and he drives it right into the corner. There's a cover but triple H kicks out. Austin with a clothesline nails the game.

Austin's going for the Stunner and Triple H pushes him away and turns it into a neckbreaker. Austin's going for a stunner again, rollup, reversed nearfall! Right hands by Austin and Triple H's going downstairs, jump from up top and STONE COLD STUNNER! Steve Austin has won the first fall!


Austin's going right at it now and they're going right to the outside already. Suplex on the steel ramp. There's a second suplex and Austin drives Triple H's head into the stairs and the apron and now the announce table.

There's a monitor and Austin smacks it right in the middle of triple h's face Austin is throwing chairs in the ring. Triple H is trying to escape and there's the crowd going really wild because we have some crowd surfing!

Triple H is tossed over the barricade and now into the ring and Triple H had the chair and Austin kicks him in the gut and he's taking a steel chair and HE'S WRECKING TRIPLE H WITH THAT CHAIR! The crowd is getting hotter and hotter and THE CHAIR RIGHT INTO THE HEART!

But triple H KICKED OUT! Austin's now got the ringbell. Triple H is trying to get away and Austin's in hot pursuit again and again he gets his driven and WHAT THE HELL! AUSTIN JUST FOUND FOLEY'S 2 X 4! THE BARBED WIRE 2 X 4 AND TRIPLE H MANAGES TO TAKE IT AND SMACK AUSTIN RIGHT IN THE HEAD!

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 2:49:00 PM

Austin's been busted open and the crowd is chanting his name. Punch from Triple H sends Austin flying right into the announce table. Triple H is clearing the table and the two guys are now on top of it. There are some more punches from Triple H and he's up. He wants the pedigreee on the announce table and AUSTIN BACKDROPS HIM THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!

Crowd erupts and the whole area at ringside is just a mess. Stone Cold grabs a beer and he smashes the can right in the head of Triple H and he tells the ref to GTFO. Triple h nails Austin in the face with the ringbell. The Game's got the cover and Austin kicks out. Both men get back up and Triple h dishes out a neckbreaker on the steel chair.

The rattlesnake keeps kicking out of these. Triple H is going for the cover and he can't do it, Austin has been kicking out of these and SLEEPER, SUPLEX AND AUSTIN'S HEAD JUST BOUNCED OFF THE CHAIR AND IT'S ONLY A NEARFALL. Triple H is going to give a pedigree right on top of a steel chair and Austin backdrops Triple H out of the ring and THERE'S A VICIOUS CHAIRSHOT RIGHT IN THE FACE! Triple H is down and busted open too.

Stone Cold using the steel steps and he rams them right into Triple h's head. both guys are picking up concussions here. Now Triple h is slamming Austin's head into the steps. Triple H has lost his balance and HE JUST PULLED THE SLEDGEHAMMER! Earl is trying to stop him, Austin with a gutshot and Triple H misses. The sledgehammer's in the ring.

Austin's still stomping away on Triple H and the hammer's being picked up again, Austin goes for the Stunner, but he got hit by the sledgehammer and PEDIGREE! Triple H just won the second fall!


The weapons still seem to be inside the cage, chairs are there. Austin's been grounded and Triple H is still standing but catching his breath. Bell rings. Austin fights back but Triple H whips him into the cage.

AUSTIN! AUSTIN! AUSTIN! The Game's using right hands on him and there's a choke. The crowd clams down and Austin's head gets bounced on the steel cage. Triple H picks up the 2 x 4 and HE'S GRINDING IT ON AUSTIN'S FACE! Austin's now on his knees and Triple H is dragging him around. CHAIRSHOT!

Now Austin has the barbed wire 2 x 4 and Triple H is thrown into the cage and TRIPLE H USES THE BARBED WIRE HE'S PUSHING IT RIGHT IN THE HEAD! Cover and its only a nearfall. Austin is covering The Game again. DDT on the steel chair. Triple H can go for a cover here but both men are spent. Cover by Triple H, nearfall.

Triple H's going in for the kill, Austin's kicking and punching away. More and more right hands, this is a series of a flurry and Triple H falls to the ground and kicks out. Triple H is trying to escpae the cage. Austin is going right after him and they're ramming each other into the cage and Austin falls right on the ropes. Triple H is starting to climb the cage.

Austin's got him and he throws him down and TRIPLE H KICKED OUT! Austin's going in with more right hands. His fist must be broken by now. Ducked the clothesline and PEDIGREE IS INCOMING! TRIPLE H JUST LANDED THE PEDIGREE AND AUSTIN KICKED OUT! HE KICKED OUT OF THE PEDIGREE! The Game is stunned, he can't believe what just happened.

Rattlesnake with the barbed wire and The Game's got the chair and he just drove it into Stone Cold's skull. He's going in with another pedigree, counter by Austin and he's been catapulted into the cage and he staggers into a STUNNER! TRIPLE H KICKED OUT! JR can't believe it.


Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 2:50:00 PM

Triple H practically can't believe that he won that one and Austin struggles up to his feet and is still able to give Triple a STUNNER! STEP UP! Austin's walking out and he looks confused, he lost to Triple H after using pretty much everything he had. Austin walks back raises his arms and now walks back out.

Lawler's got a score to settle with Right to Censor. The Kat's getting dressed.

IT'S TAZZ! With his ever awesome theme and he joins the announce table.

Steven Richards Vs. Jerry Lawler

If King wins, we get to see naked Kat. Richards is lecturing King and King clocks him and there's a quick flurry of punches. Richards goes to the outside to regroup. Richars punches away and there's a hip toss blocked.

King is dropping these straight right hands and the crowd's firmly behind Jerry Lawler. Richards ripped his shirt off and King is overwhelming him. Ivory is held by Lawler and Kat nails her. Lawler gets a nearfall. Richards is copying the train, Lawler avoids it and here are the punches.

Lawler's not stopping and he got in about twenty and bulldog brings Richads down. Stevie's kicking out. Suplex and there's a quick cover. Steven's got a chair and Low Blow from King and here's a DDT and there's another one. Kat's in the ring to intercept Ivory, but the ref stops her.

Bodyslam on Ivory and Richards is also down. Richards takes the women's title belt, Lawler ducks and he punches away. Kat has the belt, charges in but she hits Lawler like the dumb broad that she is. This video has lost sound.

Next up is a tag team title match. Edge and Christian tricked Undertaker and the Dudleyz into brawling while they gave Kane a conchairto. Undertaker and Kane are with Cole. Undertaker says this isn't about the gold. Chyna's book is being promoted.



Kane and The Undertaker Vs. Edge and Christian Vs. The Dudley Boyz

Edge and christian can't enter the ring, two monsters are in front of them. Edge and christian are stuck between a rock and a hard place and they dive off the ramp and et the other two teams go at it. The dudleyz are thrown off the ramp. Edge and christian are setting up a table. The crowd already wants tables and some huge right hands are knocking the two canadians senseless.

Kane's punching Christian's face in while Undertaker is dealing with Edge. They're being dragged away and bubba and Devon with steel chairs knock out the two brothers. Edge and christian throw the dudleyz into the ring, We get some more fast paced action now. Devon is stomping Edge. Bubba jabs and throws Christian in the air. Bubba's being setup in the corner and there's a unique stomp on Bubba's balls. Flapjack on Devon and the Dudleyz are picking up chairs.

Conchairto misses bubba's head, Edge gets catapulted and Christian gets hit with the chair. WHAZZA! Edge's hurting down low. DEVON! WHAT! GET THE TABLES! Well he can't get there because Undertaker and Kane are in the way. Christian with the unprettier on Bubba. Double powerslams on Edge and Christian. Undertaker and Kane are going up on and they both dive in with clotheslines. Man three pairs of brothers in there.

The crowd wants tables and the Dudleyz are being brutally beaten down by Undertaker and Kane. Big Boot by Kane and Edge an Christian are now in the mix. Bubba and Edge unite to take out Undertaker, Christian and Devon do the same with Kane. Christian's in a bad situation, Undertaker catches Christian for a chokeslam, Edge with the save. Christian and Edge with a suplex on the undertaker, Kane pulls off the table.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 2:50:00 PM

Double chokeslams and the Dudleyz run in and now they get caught and double chokeslam on THEM! Kane and Undertaker are setting up two tables. Powerbombs are being setup, but Rikishi and Haku just ran in. Undertaker and Kane are now occupied. Edge goes for a spear and Bubba gets out of the way and Edge spears the table and is dumbed out of the ring. Christian is alone and he gets caught by a 3D through the table! The Dudleyz retained the titles.

There's our main event package. We're seeing Angle's wins and The Rock is telling him that his days of being happy are over. No catchphrases with Cole here. The talking is over.



Kurt Angle (c) Vs. The Rock

They stare down for a long time and the crowd yells Angle sucks. Angle takes off his belt, bell rings and here comes the smackdown. Rock's exploding and stomping away on Angle.

There's a reversal and Angle trying to brawl, it ain't going so well as Rock uses a side russian legsweep and Rock getting kicked by Angle. Down goes The Rock and there's a corner. Droptoe hold and THE ANKLE LOCK! But rock quickly reaches the ropes.

Angle's starting to use his wrestling more, right hands and stomps while The Rock's down. Irish whip and Rock's beating him but geets caught and Angle's going nuts with suplexes. Rock using a suplex of his own. Rock's laying the smackdown again.

Explosion and a knockdown and Angle's trapped in the sharpshooter and Angle reaches the ropes. Samoan Drop and only a nearfall. Angle going for another suplex. Kurt goes up top and Rock sends him down by hitting the ropes. Big superplex and both men down.

Quick pin and another kickout by Angle. They're trading rights and Rock goes over the top rope. The winner here will face Stone Cold at Wrestlemania. Rock is favouring his knee. DDT BY THE ROCK! WELL IT'S THE BIG SHOW!

out comes the Big Show while both men are down. Huge chokeslam on the referee and there's another big one on Kurt and now The Rock takes a hard chokeslam. Well after all that he leaves town. Kurt Angle moves and he's got the cover, but there's no referee and Earl runs in AND THE ROCK KICKS OUT!

Angle sucks chant continue and a title belt shot while the ref wasn't looking! The Rock's going to cover Angle and ANGLE KICKED OUT! Rock's brough down again AND THE ANKLE LOCK HAS BEEN APPLIED! ROCK REACHING FOR THE ROPES! ANGLE PULLING HIM IN THE MIDDLE!

ANGLE: "TAP OUT YOU SOB, I'LL BREAK YOUR F****** ANKLE!" Rock is able to reach the ropes. Angle has snapped and continues to stomp on The Rock. Right hands by The Rock.

Blocked right hand and The Rock fights back, Angle hits the ropes and RUNS INTO A SPINEBUSTAH! THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW IS INCOMING! IT CONNECTS!

THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW IS BACK TO BEING USELESS! ROCK CANNOT BELIEVE IT! How did the elbow revert to being rubbish!

Angle's resting in the corner, Rock's kicking him and stomping and there's a low blow by Angle. The steel ring has been exposed and The rock's face connects with it and THE OLYMPIC SLAM!

BUT THE ROCK KICKED OUT! Angle is striking, Rock is now striking, Angle takes out the ankle to buy himself some time. NOW ANGLE HITS THE EXPOSED TURNBUCKLE! ROCK'S STALKING HIM AND THERE'S THE ROCK BOTTOM!


Angle is crying, he's crying!

Show Rating: *****

Star of the Show: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 3:08:00 PM

Haha you're in the era I really remember now. No Mercy 2000 is the first PPV I remember seeing the results for and I hated Angle back then. Could not believe he managed to retain in that Rebellion 4-way, pissed me off so much heh.

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02/29/12 3:20:00 PM

And NWO 2001 was my favourite PPV mostly because Rock finally had a one v one match with Angle for the title and beat him for it (and because of that Austin/HHH match where I was rooting for HHH >_>)

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02/29/12 3:55:00 PM

Rock is now the first ever 6-time WWF Champion, leaving Hogan and Hart in the dust. In only 2 1/2 years!

Tag Title changes between NWO and WM:
Hardyz defeat the Dudleyz on SD
E&C steal their rematch and beat the Hardyz on Raw
Dudleyz get their deserved rematch later that night at defeat E&C on that same Raw

So now E&C are the first ever 6-time Tag Champs, and Hardyz are only the 3rd team to hit four reigns.

Test defeated Regal for the European Title the night after the Rumble

Dean Malenko decided to start winding down his career, and finally lost the Light Heavyweight Title to Crash Holly on an episode of Sunday Night Heat.

Okay, now for the Hardcore title, starting with the reigning Champion at the Royal Rumble, Raven:

Raven -> Al Snow -> Raven -> K-Kwik -> Crash Holly -> Raven -> K-Kwik -> Crash Holly -> Raven -> Hardcore Holly -> Raven -> Hardcore Holly -> Raven -> Hardcore Holly -> Al Snow -> Raven -> Steve Blackman -> Raven -> Steve Blackman -> Raven -> Billy Gunn -> Raven -> The Big Show -> Raven

Phew! Raven is at this point already an 11-time Hardcore Champion, second only to Crash Holly's 14 reigns.

WWF Champion: The Rock
Tag Team: The Dudley Boyz
Intercontinental: Chris Jericho
European: Test
Hardcore: Raven
Light Heavyweight: Crash Holly
Women's: Ivory

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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02/29/12 4:02:00 PM

Oh I don't think I did a preview for 01, might as well do one, there's still around a dozen PPVs left plenty of shows.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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02/29/12 4:13:00 PM

Obviously the big news in this timeframe is the sale of WCW, and the final Nitro happened just 6 days before WM.

The scratch logo and "WWF" names make it a hindrance, but I do wish that WWE would collect that entire night, both Raw and Nitro, together on one DVD, because it is hands down the most surreal, incredible night. The War was over, and the future was uncertain, and we were watching VINCE MCMAHON ON NITRO. Nitro at the time was 8-10 and Raw 9-11 so it was like one big 3 hour show spread out over 2 completely unrelated networks, with the simulcast at the 10 PM hour to reveal that SHANE had actually bought WCW in kayfabe and was going to use it to bring his father down.

The final Nitro ended with a commercial for Wrestlemania X-Seven. Incredible.

The actual WCW invasion of the WWF doesn't begin until after Judgment Day, so for now it's just seeds planted for later, but it's still incredibly newsworthy.

The final WCW Champions were:

WCW Champion: Booker T
Tag Team: Chuck Palumbo/Sean O'Haire
United States: Booker T
Cruiserweight: Shane Helms
Cruiserweight Tag Team: Rey Mysterio/Billy Kidman

(The CW Tag Titles were not brought over, but the other four were)

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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02/29/12 4:23:00 PM

Let's see heading into the year, well gotta be honest here.

Front Runner was prolly Triple H because I had him as runner up and he looked like he could win by virtue of always being in a major angle.

Current front runner though has to be Austin, finally back from injury has a good win over Kane in the rumble and was in a great but not really ***** match.

The Rock just won the belt and if he can have a nice lengthy reign there's no end of good opponents on PPV, though if he gets in a feud with the Big Show then he's doomed.

Angle's still a geek Only he's a goofy geek who kicks out of everything, reminds me of Triple H there. I like the ankle lock and he has been a little bit more serious as of late, but he's got his work cutout for him if he wants to retain his Woty crown.

The only other main eventer out there is well Undertaker and Undertaker sucks donkey balls right now and shouldn't be talked about.

In the midcard, Jericho's just so meh on PPV. He's not having bad matches, but since that LMS with Triple H he's not really blowing me away. That is until he started feuding with Benoit at the Rumble. More stuff with Benoit instead of X-Pac will certainly help his case however this leads to.

Chris Benoit, I like the rabid wolverine more on PPV than Jericho. He's just insane, badass and works like a horse. He just looks good out there. Best of the Radicalz by a very wide margin.

Only the Dudleyz from the tag teams look likely to make a splash, but I guess you can never discount The Hardyz or Edge and Christian.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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The Raven 2
03/01/12 8:38:00 PM

Might as well finish up 2 of the remaining 3 ppvs from WCW!

Royal Rumble vs. Sin

With the nWo no longer apparent in WCW, Souled Out had to be scrapped in favor of Sin, which wasn't a bad ppv until the final 2 matches. Chavo defeated Helms to retain the Cruiserweight title, Reno beat Big Vito, the Jung Dragons defeated Karagias and Noble, The Cat defeated Mike Sanders to win back the Commissioner position, and Team Canada (now with Mike Awesome recruited) defeated The Filthy Animals in a Penalty Box match. On top of that, we saw Meng become the final WCW Hardcore Champion as he defeated Terry Funk and Crowbar in a triple-threat match (later, he tried giving the belt to his friend Barbarian, but since WCW doesn't count "gifted" titles, the Hardcore title was quietly retired after Meng left for WWF). Sean O'Haire and Chuck Palumbo were able to get the tag team titles off of DDP and Kevin Nash, and Hugh Morrus would finally lose the US title for good in a first-blood chain match against Shane Douglas.

Then the double main-event happened, and not only was this just bad booking in the order of matches, but also how one match particularly ended. First off was the tag team match between Goldberg/Dwayne Bruce and Luger/Buff, with again, Goldberg's career on the line. After a "fan" maced Goldberg, Luger was able to capitalize with a chair and give Goldberg his tenth (and final) loss of his WCW career.

Due to this, the fans were dead for the most part in the main event, which was a fatal-four way between Scott Steiner, Jeff Jarrett, Sid Vicious, and a mystery wrestler for the WCW World title. The match takes an ugly turn when Sid Vicious botches on the top rope, fracturing his leg big time. Flair brings out the mystery man, who simply winds up being Road Warrior Animal, and it basically becomes 3-on-1 as Animal and Jeff allow Scott to retain his title by pinning an injured Sid.

No Way Out vs. SuperBrawl Revenge

SuperBrawl started out good, but then didn't amount to much later. Helms wins a six-way matchup (between him, Moore, Jung Dragons, Karagias, and Noble). The MIA is done, as Hugh Morrus beats The Wall; so are the Natural Born Thrillers, as O'Haire and Palumbo retain the tag titles against Mark Jindrak and Stasiak. Chavo retains the Cruiserweight title against Rey in a great matchup as well.

We get a few duds in the middle; Rick Steiner continues the worst US title run by anyone not named David Flair, as he retains the belt by beating Dustin Rhodes. Luger and Bagwell win a handicap match against Brian Adams, who was pretty much bored with WCW at this point. The Cat is fighting AGAIN for the Commissioner's spot? He sure did, as he won the seat back from Lance Storm at this ppv! It picks up towards the end, as DDP does double duty, losing to Kanyon in 8 minutes, but beating Jeff Jarrett in the same amount of time, good man!

And the main event... oh boy. Nash comes out stating he can't wrestle due to a broken leg. Scott Steiner says while Nash gets the fans' "sympy", Nash doesn't get any "sympy" from Big Poppa Pump! While the ref is counting Nash out, Nash reveals the injury was fake and waffles Steiner with the World title, becoming the new world ch-

wait wait wait, this is WCW, home of David Arquette and the Dungeon of Doom! CEO Ric Flair makes this a Best 2-of-3 falls match! He then makes it Falls Count Anywhere, allowing Steiner to pin Nash outside the ring. Then with help from Ric Flair and Midajah (and partially Luger and Bagwell for ambushing DDP backstage), Big Poppa Pump makes Kevin Nash pass out to the Steiner Recliner, retaining the title and sending Kevin Nash out of WCW forever!

WWF leads 2-0 for 2001!

My scythe is close to where my heart used to be - Manuel Calavera
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03/02/12 5:22:00 AM

Wrestlemania X-Seven

There's our usual opening which show off some of the early moments. Plenty of Michaels in there.

Ok, here's our opening and these DVD manias sure look better than than the VHS PPVs Ive been watching. JR sounds pumped and WHO THE HELL IS THIS GUY THERE INSTEAD OF LAWLER?

Paul Heyman is doing his first wrestlemania. Well I hope he's good at what he does.

Video Package showing how the feud came about, the commish himself is taking matters into his own hands and is going to try and win the IC title match. Regal's been abusing his powers, but Jericho pissed in Regal's tea.


Chris Jericho (c) Vs. William Regal

First blood goes to Jericho with a clothesline and some right hands. Spinning heel kick and Regal's going outside.

Jericho joins him there with a dive, they head back to the ring and there's a reverse elbow off the top. Regal kicks out and Jericho's going for an early walls.

Regal is starting to target the shoulder and Jericho's being sent crashing into the ringpost. Unique takedown there and he's pulling on that arm hard. Regal's not letting go, Jericho's fighting back.

Reverse elbow and a Lionsault into the knees. Rollup and a kickout. Regal with the suplex and Jericho kicks out. The turnbuckle is exposed and Jericho's shoulder makes contact.

Heyman's more detailed in his analysis than Lawler I find. Jericho with a martials kick and a forearm. He's up top for the missile dropkick and Regal kicks out again.

Jericho dives in and Regal sidesteps him. Regal's using a suplex from up top and goes for the quick cover, nearfall. Jericho's attempting the Walls, his shoulder gives way and Regal's got the Regal stretch applied.

He's so close to the ropes and he makes it. Hard chops, they're making a nice sound and Regal kicks Jericho. Bulldog, Suplex and a Lionsault this time it connects! Jericho has won!

A car arrives, WCW 1 is on the plate and Shane's walking out. The APA are at their table smoking on their cigars and Bradshaw is yelling "This is Wrestlemania" they have a match, come on now!

Right to Censor Vs. Tazz and The A.P.A

Steven Richards can't say much before Tazz comes out! Richards will sit this one out and stay at ringside. This starts out with Val and Tazz. Val is dumped out of the ring.

Jacqueline just DDTd someone, the bell rings. Bull Buchanan moves with great agiity but Faarooq powerslams him. Tazz uses a multitude of suplexes. Big boot by Bull stops him in his tracks, the right to censor have isolated Tazz.

Side russian legsweep and there's another two count. Tazz is being tossed around and Goodfather is now stomping him. Suplex by the Goodfather and there's a cover. Tazz kicks out and there's the train. Down goes Tazz and Goodfather can't connect from up top.

Bradshaw's in there now and here's a backdrop and he's cleaning house. Fallaway Slam on Val and Faarooq and Bradshaw drive Val down. Bradshaw's going for a superplex and gets it. Bull was brawling with Faarooq. Bull gets a powerbomb on Bradshaw.

Goodfather tries to unleash another train, but Bradshaw avoids and hits a brutal clothesline from hell. Tazz was in this match and we barely saw him.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:22:00 AM

Linda's still in a wheelchair and Trish's is pushing her. Stephanie's acting all arrogant.



Raven (c) Vs. Kane Vs. Big Show

Heyman suggests Raven just run like hell in this match. The Ring's been filled up with trash.

Raven's not wasting time he's attacking before Big Show even comes to the ring. Kane and Raven are going at it. Big Show's walking very slowly.

Raven's thrown right on Big Show and Kane's climbing up for a clothesline. Pinfalls do count anywhere. Raven's already going to the outside. Big boot by Big Show.

Crowd surfing! Kane's punching, Show's walking and Raven's too small to be seen. Big Show and Kane are brawling along some more. Kane's heading backstage, Raven was waiting with a street sign and it didn't phase him.

Kane gets slammed on wood. Big Show locks himself in with Raven. Kane just breaks the door down. Raven uses his surroundings to his advantage. Kane and Big show are breaking sticks.

A cable is choking Kane, but Raven just gets rammed through the fence. Raven is sent flying through a window. Big Show sends Kane through a door. They've got their hands on top on each other's throats and they both crash through a wall.

Show chases Raven to a golf cart and they crash. Kane's following and nearly runs over Raven. The three brawl some more and all the snacks are on the floor now. The three of them finally show up on the stage and Kane's punching away. Short clothesline by Big Show.

PRESS SLAM NO! Kane kicked Show and they fall off the stage. Kane's got a legdrop from the stage and pins the Big Show. We've got a new Hardcore champion!

Angle's backstage watching videos of him tap, Edge and Christian are trying to cheer him up, but Angle's being way too intense. Back in New York Snuka's with all the fans. Coach is with some fan australia. The Rock has arrived and he is dressed in his usual expensive attire.


Eddie Guerrero Vs. Test (c)

Perry's got Eddie's back. Heyman's playing up Eddie's heritage. Bell rings and they're trading blows. Eddie's already in trouble and there's a very early powerbomb.

The fight goes to the outside and Eddie's in trouble. Eddie with a forearm and now some hard hits. Test drops Eddie and there's a cover and a kickout. Elbow and down goes Eddie.

Scoop Slam and Eddie's back up and he's going for the hurricanrana but Test held on to the rope and he's giving Eddie a flying elbow. They trade blows and Guerrero pulls on the ropes and Saturn attacks Test from behind.

Test is down on the outisde and being stomped on, the leg is being worked over. There's a stomp on the ankle. Eddie's dropping more elbows on the leg. Test is stumbling around and Eddie's got a sleeper hold applied.

He's brought Test down to his knees. Tilt a whirl slam! Test has reversed the situation, but Eddie's going in with more elbows and POWERBOMB by Test. Eddie fight back, gets caught in a full nelson. Low Blow, ref is distracted.

Saturn attacks Test and Eddie got a brainbuster. He's going for the frog splash, misses, big boot misses and there's a pump handle slam. Saturn distracts and gets knocked off the apron. Saturn runs in again and takes a Big Boot.

Eddie gets hit by a Boot, Dean Malenko runs in to save the match. Test and the ref are distracted. Saturn hands the belt to Eddie and he uses it on Test. He ain't recovering from that in time! New European champion!

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:23:00 AM

Mick Foley is backstage with Michael Cole. He's going for all the cheap pops. Austin's walking to his locker room.

Kurt's out there the fireworks got delayed, he's also got a mic. Kurt's not a fan of the state of texas.

Kurt Angle Vs. Chris Benoit

These are the two best technical wrestlers on PPV. First takedown goes to Angle and they're mat wrestling. The crowd is enjoying this spot of mat wrestling. Angle's getting frustrated.

Benoit is taken down and there's a lot of reversas here. Angle's on top no one's shoulder is down. They tangle in the ropes and the crowd's really heating up. Angle's taking Benoit down, but can't get an advantage.

CROSSFACE! Angle gets to the ropes. Again the crossface is on and Angle puts his leg on the ropes. Another Takedown by Angle and again Benoit turns it into a crossface with Angle on the ropes.

Angle has snapped and is turning this into a brawl. The action moves to the outside and Benoit gets whipped into the steps. They head back to the ring and Angle stomps on Benoit. Hard suplex by Angle and Benoit's in trouble. Kickout and Benoit takes a corner and some right hands followed with stomps.

Benoit's hard chopping and Angle uses a belly to belly. The crowd really doesn't like Angle right now. Suplex and he's confident he's feeling it. Short clothesline by Benoit and Angle strikes, reversal and Benoit's chopping.

They're trading rights and this is degenerating into a brawl. Snap suplex and Angle's reeling. Benoit wants the superplex and both men are down. Cover by Benoit and a great suplex from Benoit and another one and some punches. DROPTOE HOLD BY ANGLE! BENOIT RUSHES TO THE ROPES! ANGLE PULLS HIM BACK!

BENOIT USING THE ANKLE LOCK! Kick to the ear to get out, BENOIT'S GOING WITH THE CROSSFACE AGAIN! Angle trying to pin, can't do it, ANGLE USING THE CROSSFACE! Benoit is able to reach the ropes. Referee is knocked down.

CROSSFACE! ANGLE TAPS! But the referee's blinded. OLYMPIC SLAM! I MEAN ANGLE SLAM! BENOIT KICKED OUT! According to Heyman no one's ever kicked out of anything or tapped out. Angle's going for the moonsault and Benoit rolls the knees!

Benoit signals the end and DIVING HEADBUTT! Angle kicks out and Benoit is really starting to get frustrated. Low blow from Angle. Armbar takedown by Benoit, rollup by Angle and he's got the tights! Angle has won this one!

Regal's backstage and he's not happy, then he sees Kamala in his office. We got a gimmick battle royale on later today. the WWF roster entertains the army and other fans. Angle's backstage with Kevin and he refuses to show respect to Benoit.

Benoit runs in from behind and applies the crippler crossface and Angle's tapping again.

Oh, here's a video package for the women. Chyna's neck got broken and Ivory's beating up a cardboard cutout.


Ivory (c) Vs. Chyna

RTC has been banned from ringside. Chyna with her usual entrance. The crowd kinda likes Chyna here tonight. Ivory is going crazy and she's hugging her title belt and she's able to get a cheap shot early on.

Elbow on the back of the neck and there's a series of punches to the neck. Chyna gets up and Ivoy again is going after that neck. Ivory's leg is caught and Chyna throws her and puts her in a corner. There's a few forearms and a lot of stomps. Big clothesline from Chyna.

Backdrop and Ivory's taking a powerbomb. Chyna could pin her right now, but she pulls Ivory off. Press slam and Chyna just rests on Ivory to win the title.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:24:00 AM

The McMahons are backstage and they want to kick Shane's butt.

Vince: "You want shocking tonight? You'll get shocking. I guarentee it!"

Here's the video package and Vince and Shane are going at it. Vince acquired WCW and he's won the war, but wait Shane signed the contract!



Shane McMahon Vs. Vince McMahon

Shane is billed as the WCW chairman. The WCW stars are shown, there really aren't a lot of them here tonight. Vince starts with a slap. Right hands in the corner and there's a choke. Big stomps in the corner and Shane hits low. Vince is punching away and knees Shane.

Right hands and a clothesline by Shane, spear and a double axe handle, several of them and Stephanie's getting in the way and she slaps Shane. Baseball slide knocks down Vince. Shane just hits Vince in the head with something. Choke with a cord and Vince's head meets the steps. More Double AXe Handles.

From the top of the barricade, Shane jumps and knocks down his dad. He's looking under the ring for a weapon and he finds a kendo stick. He's hitting his dad in the back and Stephanie's asking him to stop. Shane's struck Vince down, there's a shuffle and some right hands. Vince is getting destroyed right around now.

The spanish announce table's being cleared and Shane is putting Vince on top of it. He even uses a monitor to knock out his dad. He's going on the top rope and FLYING ELBOW! STEPHANIE PULLS VINCE OUT OF THE WAY! CRASH AND BURN! Trish is bringing Linda down the ramp. Trish is helping Vince up and SHE SLAPS MR MCMAHON!

CROWD IS GOING CRAZY! STEPHANIE AND TRISH ARE GOING AT IT AGAIN! Stephanie's heading to the ring and Trish is in hot pursuit and Trish is mounting Stephanie and beating her up. Stephanie's choking Trish, Foley pulls Stephanie and she slaps him. Trish and Foley are chasing after Stephanie who trips. Trish is walking right after her.

Vince has just noticed Linda's right in front of him. Foley jumps in front of Vince and tells him to not even think about it. Vince takes a steel chair and hits Foley with it and again. Vince is picking Linda up and puts her in the ring. Shane's still down. Vince sets up a chair in the corner and he sits Linda in the corner.

Shane's tossed in the ring and here come the garbage cans Four of them and Vince is nailing Shane while Linda watches. More shots using the trashcans. He's telling inda to watch this. LINDA GETS UP AND WALKS TOWARDS VINCE! HE'S STUNNED AND SHE JUST KICKED HIM IN THE FAMILY JEWELS! Foley's getting involved and the referee is beating the crap out of Vince.

A trashcan's setup on Vince in a corner, Shane's on the other corner and he's the top turnbuckle and he just dropkicked the trashcan right in the face of Vince. IT'S OVER! Linda's clapping and the WCW stars are clapping, I don't recognise any of them. Well Vince's shocking actions was essentially him getting beaten up.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:24:00 AM

The Hardyz at Axxess were talking about how dangerous TLC is. The Game is snorting a lot, he reminds me of Ultimate Warrior.



The Hardy Boyz Vs. Edge and Christian Vs. The Dudley Boyz

The Dudleyz theme has changed and it sounds less menacing. Of we go and they're all brawling with each other to start things off and there's a flapjack and Bubba's getting up close with the Hardyz.

Jeff runs in and splshes bubba, Edge and Christian use a ladder to knock down everyone. Matt is hanging upside down and and he's getting stomped low.

Edge and Christian with some early domination. Christian gets beaten up on the outside by the Dudleyz and Edge is pulled down by Matt. Clothesline from Edge on Matt.

Ladder's setup again and Edge climbs, dropkick off a chair from Jeff and baseball slide on the dudleyz. Christian climbs and Matt pulls him down. Jeff sets up a ladder. Bodyslam on Christian and Matt and Jeff are climbing ladders.

SPLASH AND LEGDROP OFF THE LADDERS! Christian's out for a while, the Dudleyz clear them out and Edge is going to take Devon's headbutt DEVON! WHAT! GET THE TABLES! Tables everywhere, Devon looked under the ring when there's like twenty tables at ringside.

Jeff is powerbombed THROUGH EDGE RIGHT THROUGH THE TABLE! Bubba is clearing out the tables and now they're setting up four tables on top of each other. Christian punches Devon. Matt knocks out Bubba with a ladder. Christian is thrown out of the ring. Matt is knocked out, three ladders in the middle of the ring.

Everyone's climging them and they're all brawling. Matt and Christian fall, then Jeff and Devon then Edge and Bubba. Here comes Spike Dudley and he drives edge face first AND CHRISTIAN THROUGH A TABLE!

E-C-DUB! E-C-DUB! E-C-DUB! HERE'S RHYNO! He's got the ladder and he knocks out Devon, spears Bubba and Matt through a table. Heyman calls it a gore. THERE'S LITA! SHE'S JERKING EDGE OFF THE LADDER!

Rhyno has Lita, but Spike goes low, LITA WITH A RANA! Edge is close, Spike hits Rhyno on the head and down goes Edge. DUDLEYVILLE DEVICE ON RHYNO! LITA CHAIRSHOTS SPIKE! 3D ON LITA! Bubba gets hit with a chair in the face.

Jeff's pulling out a giant Ladder and he's climbing it and what's he thinking here! SWANTON ON SPIKE AND RHYNO THROUGH A TABLE! The giant ladder's in the ring. Christian and Devon are racing and Matt's under and he moves the ladder. Jeff is climbing a ladder. Devon and Christian drop. Jeff is walking the ladders and he falls off them. Jeff gets the belts. Bubba removes the ladder. Edge SPEARS JEFF HARDY FROM THE LADDER!

Matt and Bubba brawling on top of the ladder, RHYNO PUSHES THE LADDER! BUBBA AND MATT FALL AND GO RIGHT THROUGH THE FOUR TABLES! Christian's regained his sense and he's climbing, so's Edge and Devon. Rhyno's pushing Christian to the top and he gets them!

Edge and Christian are your NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS!

There's the Axxess package. Fink tells us they've set a record here tonight for attendance. nearly 68k

Oh what the! Mean Gene Okerlund is back! Bobby Heenan is also back! The greatest manager besides Heyman.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:25:00 AM


The Bushwhackers Vs. Duke The Dumpster Droese Vs. The Iron Sheik Vs. Earthquake Vs. The Goon Vs. Doink the Clown Vs. Kamala and Kimchee Vs. Repo Man Vs. Jim Cornette Vs. Nikolai Volkoff Vs. Michael Hayes Vs. The One Man Gang Vs. The GobblyG Vs. Tugboat Vs. Hillbilly Jim Vs. Brother Love Vs. Sgt Slaughter

Bobby's back and he ain't lost a beat. Gene got licked. Sheik can barely move. Heenan says he's not a betting man. Doink gets a pretty good reception. Harvey's also there as a manager. I've missed Heenan in a WWF Event.

Doink is tipped as an early favourite, but Hayes is getting some love. NOOOO I wanted Akeem! Video of Gene dancing. Gene talking about old partnerships between Tugboat and Earthquake. Heenan's backing Iron Sheik and is listing his credentials. Gene says he moves like Carl Lewis. Heenan replies he moves more like Sherry Lewis.

Slaughter's getting a package of sorts looking badass, Heenan says that was then, now he's shooting blanks. Plenty of feuds between these men. Off we go and someone's out already. Repo Man's out.

Hayes is chopping. Tugboat was eliminated by Earthquake. One Man Gang is beating up Kimchee. Kamala eliminated Earthquake. Volkoff and Slaughter going at it. I think Kimchee's gone. The Bushwhackers are gone. Duke and Cornette follow soon after.

Brother love and the goon are brawling. Goon goes over and so does Volkoff. Butch is gone and Doink is thrown over by Kamala the crowd's not happy. Michael's gone. Out goes one Man Gang. Kamala's thrown out.

We're down to four and Brother Love's thrown out, followed by Slaughter and then SHEIK SNEAKS UP ON HILBILLY JIM FOR THE WIN! Iron Sheik can't celebrate long because Slaughter gives him the Cobra clutch. Heenan fakes out a handshake multiple times.

Triple H and Undertaker have a video package. Undertaker doesn't give a damn about anything. There's no restraining order against Kane. Undertaker gets his match. The image of stephanie hanging there is just hilarious.

Undertaker has a yard, Triple H broke Undertaker's motorcycle.

TIME TO PLAY THE GAME! It just doesn't sound as good in concert here. Though it does add some coolness to have a liveset entrance.

DEAD MAN WALKING! Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Triple H Vs. The Undertaker

They're not wasting any time, brawl on the outside and Triple H is already through the new spanish announce table. JR notes that Undertaker has never lost at wrestlemania. This is being called a brawl with criminal intentions.

The Undertaker just got back up and Triple H is in a corner and he's getting beaten down. High backdrop and Undertaker crashing into him, big clotheslines. Power slam and a missed elbow. Undertaker grew up in Houston. Triple H's knee catches undertaker but he gets knocked down anyway.

There's a the wristlock. Undertaker's going for Old school and he's walking the ropes. But Triple H pulls Undertaker down. Neckbreaker and The Game's going for a cover. Triple H is punching away and he's elbowing Undertaker's head. Triple H tells the referee to shut up. Neckbreaker and another kickout.

Triple H going for a series of covers, he's trying to intimidate the referee but Mike Chioda's not taking any of that crap. Undertaker's restored and he's uppercutting away. Facebuster knocks out The Undertaker. Triple H throws the timekeeper and he's got the sledgehammer.

Chioda takes the sledgehammer away from Triple H and Undertaker's almost pedigreed, he counters into a catapult, the referee's been knocked out. Chokeslam! Undertaker's got the cover and chioda counts to two. Undertaker is furious and he kill Chioda. They're brawling outside and there's a backdrop into the front row.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:26:00 AM

We're in for some crowd surfing. Undertaker's punching and Triple H is fleeing. We got ourselves a brawl in the technical area. Triple H is down and Undertaker's still punching him. They keep going higher and higher. Triple H uses a chair to fight back and he hits Undertaker several times and he's going after the shoulders and legs.

That chair has been bent over. Triple H gets caught for a chokeslam AN HE JUST GOT CHOKESLAMMED INTO HELL! Undertaker jumps in and the elbow is driven into Triple H. Undertaker assaults the EMTs who are trying to tend to Triple H. Back to surfing the crowd and now we're back in the ring. Chioda is still dead.

Undertaker's stomp sure is amazing. Undertaker just picked up the sledgehammer and Triple H has just realised what's coming to him. LOW BLOW! Triple H has the hammer now. BIG BOOT stops Triple H in his tracks.

More right hand exchanges, this is a street fight and neither man's backing out. Triple H goes downstair and there's a whip and Triple H was thinking tombstone. Countered AND UNDERTAKER HITS THE TOMBSTONE! But the referee is down! Undertaker's going for the Last Ride, Triple H has picked up the Sledgehammer and he just knocked the undertaker out.

The referee has come to and he's counting BUT UNDERTAKER JUST KICKED OUT! Not even sledgehammers will stop The Undertaker. However he's been busted open and Triple H is punching in the corner. Undertaker is holding Triple H and DISHES OUT A LAST RIDE!

Keep Rollin' Rollin' Rollin'

Did people really use The rock's custom internet browser?

Well that's strange, The Rock is getting a few booes ahead of his match. Stone Cold looks focused. Video Package is a go! Rumble Winner against World Champion.

Debra's now The Rock's manager and Angle's appearing a lot in this video package. Stone Cold loves to dish out stunners. Angle takes all kind of punishment and Rock's giving Austin a Stunner. These two are brawling a lot and Austin's declaring that he needs to win and he needs that win more than anything in the world.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:26:00 AM




Stone Cold Steve Austin Vs. The Rock (c)

This is Austin country and it sure sounds like it, huge crowd cheering for him like maniacs. The Bionic Redneck has the crowd support. IF YA SMELLL! Big cheer for The Rock but obviously nowhere near as big as Austin's.

JR plays up how Austin is basically a god in this state. Austin's going at it and he's even trying to use a belt shot and they're exchanging blows. THESZ PRESS! THE REST FOLLOWS! Neckbreaker and Austin's going for the Stunner Rock stops him. To the outside they go!

The brawl is on the english announce table, they've given up fixing the spanish one. Crowd surfing a staple of all Austin matches. It does last long and The Rock's the one throwing Austin over the barricade. Austin's head is driven into the table. short clothesline by Austin and he's spending a lot of time adjusting his kneebrace, he's also using it as a weapon.

Rock is being choked on the ropes and Austin's being really aggressive. The Rock is setup on the top turnbuckle and Austin's wasting no time here and dishes out the Superplex. Austin's already exposing the turnbuckle. Smackdown from The Rock and he lands a forearm and a big armdrag.

Austin kicked out in time. Clothesline sends Austin to the outside, Rock grabs Austin by the neck and drives him into the announce table and the timekeeper's table. The referee can't do a thing and AUSTIN JUST NAILED THE ROCK WITHTHE RINGBELL. Timekeeper's thrown aside was that still Mark Eaton?

Blood is all over The Rock's face and the table collapses under the Rock's weight. Back in the ring they go and Austin is dishing out a lot of strikes and he's going for the big wound. The crowd is sensing something and they're cheering louder.

Rock stops Austin from shoving his face, he's fighting back and the crowd boos, NECKBREAKER! Austin with a cover and The Rock kicks out, more strikes to the head. Rock's in a corner getting stomped on and the ref is giving them seperation. Austin's kicking more and he's driving the knee right into Rock's face.

Austin's getting frustrated with the referee, THE ROCK EXPLODED WITH A CLOTHESLINE! Rock's momentum is building the crowd is realllly not enjoying that. Big Boos for the smackdown and this time Austin's face goes right into the ringpost. The Rock takes the ringbell, he's stalking Austin and he NAILS HIM! Austin's even more busted open. Cover and NEARFALL!

Right hands, more of them and Rock's pushing Austin back and the rattlesnake is struggling to stay on his feet. Rock with an elbow on the apron, there's another one. Rock is the one controlling the match right now. They're brawling around the barricade. Austin's caught a second wind and he's now hitting the Rock and drops him on the barricade.

Catapult and Rock crashes into the ringpost. Rock's head snapped back and Austin's using a monitor to whack Rock in the damn head. Rock is down and Austin's got the cover but ROCK KICKED OUT! TIME FOR THE STUNNER! BUT ROCK CATCHES THE LEG AND HE'S NOW GOING FOR THE SHARPSHOOTER! SHADES OF BRET HART! SHADES OF WRESTLEMANIA XIII! AUSTIN GETS TO THE ROPES! HE WON'T PASS OUT THIS TIME!

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:27:00 AM

Rock is going for the sharpshooter again, Austin rakes the eyes and now the RATTLESNAKE HAS THE SHARPSHOOTER ON THE ROCK! HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RING! Rock is crawling towards the ropes. But he's using his sheer leg strength to free himself. Austin goes to work on the knee, stomps the sternum! He's going for the Sharpshooter again and Rock's closer to the ropes this time and he reaches them!

Austin lets go, even if it is a no DQ match. OH MY GOD, THE MILLION DOLLAR DREAM SHADES OF THE RINGMASTER! WE HAVEN'T SEEN THAT MANEUVER IN YEARS(or months) Rock's fading! Austin can't believe it and Rock climbs the turnbuckle and rolls up Austin KICKOUT AT TWO! Austin's got the upper hand right now and he's slugging Rock as hard as he can and there's a reversal STUNNER! IT WAS THE ROCK WHO JUST STUNNED AUSTIN!

BUT AUSTIN KICKED OUT RIGHT AT THE DEATH! Hey wait a minute, Vince just walked out and he's coming to the ring. Rock's fighting back, Vince hates both of these and there's a spinebuster and ROCK WILL JUST NOT GIVE UP! Heyman is praising The Rock big time AND THERE'S A SPINEBUSTER! THE ROCK IS GOING FOR IT! THE PEOPLE'S ELBOW! Rock's got the cover and OH MY GOD! MCMAHON JUST PULLED THE ROCK OFF OF AUSTIN!

There's a look of shock on The Rock and he's now chasing Vince around The ring and runs into a ROCK BOTTOM! AUSTIN DELIVED A ROCK BOTTOM ON THE ROCK! BUT THE ROCK KICKED OUT. Austin's so focused on winning the belt he ignored McMahon and went for it.

Another attempt at a stunner and Rock pushes Austin and Hebner is knocked out. Austin just told Vince to get a chair and they're teaming up. Austin is holding The Rock and Vince McMahon just hit Rock in the face. Hebner's pushed in and there's the count ROCK KICKED OUT! AUSTIN EXPLODES YELLING S***! S***! S***!

Austin's going for another chairshot but he gets caught in a ROCK BOTTOM! McMahon is distracting the ref, Rock pulls him in and gives him the Smackdown. AUSTIN CATCHES HIM OFF GUARD FOR THE STUNNER! BUT ROCK KICKED OUT! Austin's even angrier and he's got that chair. Another chairshot and at this point all Rock can do is kick out. The two look at each other and Austin's got the chair.

He's hitting Rock with it not just once or twice but a dozen times if not more, there's an even more emphatic shot.

JR "What the hell is this?"


They're shaking hands! Austin is shaking hands with Satan himself and here come the beers, Austin is sharing a cold one with the Chairman. JR's furious and yelling Why Steve! Why! SOB!

Austin has sold out, but the homecrowd doesn't care. Rock's getting up and Austin's got his new belt ready and there's another shot right in The Rock's face. What an unholy alliance we have here.

Show Rating: *****

Star of the show: Stone Cold Steve Austin

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 10:14:00 AM

Storyline news: Rock got a rematch against Austin the next night on Raw, but was unsuccessful thanks to Austin's new alliance with Vince as well as Austin now having the support of Triple H! They have now formed the Two-Man Power Trip and they're on a mission to win all the titles!

Triple H made good on that promise by defeating Chris Jericho for the IC Title. He then lost it a week later on a fluke pinfall to Jeff Hardy, but then the week after that regained it (and the Power Trip would definitely make sure to take the Hardyz [and Lita!] out for daring to challenge them).

Meanwhile, Edge and Christian's 7th Tag Title reign only lasted a couple weeks, as they would lose the titles to the Brothers of Destruction, Undertaker and Kane.

So now at Backlash it's the second ever Triple Header match, with all 3 titles on the line in one tag team match: Austin (c) and Triple H (c) vs. Brothers of Destruction (c), whoever pins whoever wins the loser's title.

(On a side note, this is a very very rare instance where the IC Title main events a PPV. The fourth and thus far final time!)

Every title except Austin's and Chyna's changed hands between WM and Backlash:
Matt Hardy captured the European Title from Eddie Guerrero
Rhyno defeated Kane for the Hardcore Title
On the pre-show episode of Heat before Backlash, Jerry Lynn defeated Crash Holly for the Light Heavyweight Title.

WWF Champion: Steve Austin
Tag Team: Undertaker/Kane
Intercontinental: Triple H
European: Matt Hardy
Hardcore: Rhyno
Light Heavyweight: Jerry Lynn
Women's: Chyna

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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03/02/12 10:17:00 AM

Oh, and Rock is gone until Summerslam. Off to film The Scorpion King!

Now the Attitude Era is more or less officially over, who would you say is the Wrestler of the Era, assuming Survivor Series 1997 through Wrestlemania X-Seven as the timeframe?

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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03/02/12 11:12:00 AM

WotE? Stone Cold Steve Austin by a very very very gigantic margin.

He has a skillset no one else really has, he's a guy people are just so nuts for and his character even if he has to go through a bunch of crap is just crazy memorable. But more importantly he's got the highest number of memorable PPV moments. The Rock I really feel like his most memorable moments are the stupid bits like WM2000 or him getting screwed by The Undertaker. Foley's had the second most highlights on PPV but he's also not been in as many great main events.

However, that being said in terms of match quality? I like non-Brawler Stone Cold's matches way more even if he wasn't nearly as over.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 5:46:00 PM

It'll be interesting to see who wins the next era (the Post-War Era is the best name for it IMO), which isn't as historically set in stone but in my mind runs from the night after X-Seven through Wrestlemania 21.

Thank you, Eddie Guerrero.
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03/02/12 5:47:00 PM

Totally gonna be Austin again.

Dr voltchball - best in the world.
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03/02/12 10:30:00 PM

Oh god finally trying to catch up again

Armageddon 2000

Time to wrap up this year! It's a warm December day in Alabama. Oh hey Lawler is back.

There's a cell hanging over the ring, looks we're in for a kicker of a main event.

Mick Foley's career was ended in a hell in a cell? Well, I guess he did lose a retirement match via one, but he also wrestled beyond that already.

Oh, and he'll retire if someone gets injured in the hell in a cell tonight. No more no DQs!

Man, that cell is actually really low hanging. It's kind of in the way on certain camera angles.

Dean Malenko won a date with Lita by beating her brains out. Wonder if he'll put her in 1000 holds! Oh, how did the Hardys get in Malenko's hotel room?

Hardy Boyz & Lita vs. Eddie Guerrero, Perry Saturn & Dean Malenko

Geurrero already put in some ridiculous suplex by the Hardys. And now Jeff planchas out of the ring.

Crowd is already hot for this one, Guerrero getting heavy boos, Hardys get pops for every move. Eddie tries a hurricanrana from the top corner and Jeff blocks it, Eddie's hurt his face. Swanton bomb and Guerrero is gone.

Jeff starts off with a springboard corkscrew moonsault on Saturn. Flying dropkick on Malenko, he tries another springboard on Saturn, gets caught and powerslammed, Jeff is out.

Matt trying some covers, Terri pulls Matt's foot to distract him and Saturn hits a superkick. Saturn tries a head scissor and Matt counters that. Twist of fate, Saturn is gone.

Terri is mad and Lita "spears" her but not really, Terri's not a wrestler.

Malenko with a surprise rollup on Matt during this distraction, Matt is gone. Just Lita and Malenko left.

Wow does Lita have a ton of makeup on.

Headscissor, victory roll attempt, Malenko is selling it all for this girl. Moonsault, DDT, and Lawler wants her pants to come off. Dammit Lawler.

Malenko superplexes Lita, and wants to beat her up instead of pinning.

Texas cloverleaf and wow he put that on real well, Lita taps out. Hardys are back out, but Malenko escapes.

Kurt Angle is doing some INTENSE TRAINING. Bulgarians don't stand a chance against him. This is a good interview. Angle mic skills++

Here comes a real gentleman, he seems so nice and polite.

He's gonna teach Alabamans how to be better. Use a handkerchief, wash your overalls, and don't make love to farm animals. Well that animal crowd really get that crowd mad, perhaps it touched a little too close to home.

William Regal vs. Hardcore Holly

Regal hits a suplex from the top, now he's got Holly in a bow and arrow hold. He wants a double underhook suplex but Holly mistakes it for a knee or something. Now the underhook, Holly lifts and backdrops Regal.

Dropkick from Holly and he wants the crowd to cheer his first offense in the ring, lol.

New discovery is that Holly has a steel plate in his arm and it's a good weapon for him, haven't seen this before. Oh hey shot to Regal with it and Regal is down. Raven runs in with a DDT and Holly is out, Regal covers and wins.

What a quick and lame finish to that match.

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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03/02/12 10:31:00 PM

Chyna vs. Val Venis

Chyna meets Val in the aisle, but Ivory's here too. Oh, but Chyna's taking on both of them at once. She's squashing Val.

Ivory getting some shots in when the ref is looking away, Val with a double underhook suplex. Lawler says Ivory has a butter face.

Val fights out of some kicks and hits a powerslam. Now he wants the moneyshot, big miss. Ivory trips Chyna and there's a chase around the ring. Chyna runs into a perfectplex and she's done.

Chyna wants to beat up Ivory after but instead Val runs in to beat up Chyna some more. Heels are 3/3 so far!

Stephanie is concerned for her husband's health.

I just noticed the fence on the cell has a lot of holes in it. I wonder why that is.

Why are Undertaker's promos so boring with this new gimmick. Also he's telling his story all out of order.

Vince is here to talk about his divorce and stopping the hell in a cell match. Vince wants the fans to stand and join him. There's about twenty people standing. Some people appreciate his enthusiasm and stand up just because.

Kane and Jericho will all end now! I thought it was going to all end the last two PPVs! And these guys don't really work together that well.

Last man standing: Kane vs. Chris Jericho

They're fighting before getting to the ring, and they disappear backstage with no camera. Finally one's here, a couple workers are in the way.

And they're heading back to the ring, fans would prefer this. Jericho jumps from the top with an elbow and he's pounding away on the big man.

Jericho gets run into the post a couple times and slammed, here's out first count attempt.

Some shoulder rams from Kane, Jericho is hurting. Here's a hangman submission hold, Jericho is out. He's back up on 7 though.

Jericho tries a kick and gets caught. Now a lionsault and he falls on knees. Kane goes up top and hits a flying clothesline, Jericho gets back up from this.

Jericho keeps coming back for more, now he walks into a chokeslam. He's up on 9 though. Kane's got a chair and a couple shots. Jericho with a low blow and DDT. He clocks Kane with the chair, but Kane gets up.

Missile dropkick, bulldog, and he puts the chair on Kane. Lionsault onto the chair, who got hurt more? Oh, both guys get up late.

Back out of the ring, they're by the tech area. Kane wants to chokeslam Jericho through a table, but Jericho bulldogs Kane through it. There's a bunch of barrels as part of the set, Jericho pushes them on Kane and no way he gets of here.

Shawn Michaels is in New York and they're doing a cross-country interview. He's stumbling over his lines a bunch here.

Hey guys remember the XFL!

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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03/02/12 10:32:00 PM

Road Dogg's rapping is something else these days.

Four corners tag match: Edge & Christian vs. Bull Buchanan & Goodfather vs. K Kwik & Road Dogg vs. Dudley Boyz

Bull Buchanan has a nice big boot. Goodfather already wants the train and he hits it, wow.

Now Road Dogg is in, he's wearing a generic #15 jersey, there's no name or team on it. And oh god, what the hell is Edge doing. He's taunting the Dudleys and it is the most hilarious thing. How can anyone hate these heels.

Bubba's in to dance and punch with Road Dogg, they turn on each other and both almost get pinned. Kwik with some random flips and nip ups, he sure is athletic.

Fans really want tables. Kwik's mouth is bleeding as people are trying to get him to submit. He tags in Bubba, Bubba's taking out Edge & Christian, now Right to Censor as well.

EVeryone in the ring, fans want tables again. Kwik tries a plancha and gets caught in a shoulder breaker. Steven Richards runs in with a superkick. GET THE TABLES.

Oh, first team to pin wins this match? This would've been good to know earlier. 3D on Bull, another on Goodfather. Oh, Steven Richards DDTs D-Von on a table, lol he hurts himself too. Edge with a spear on Bubba, Edge and Christian are tag champs again.

HHH sure is doing fine after his accident last month.

Billy Gunn vs. Chris Benoit

Billy's bigger and faster, and seemingly at an advantage in the early lock ups. Billy gets thrown into the stairs though to give Benoit an advantage.

Benoit's going after Billy's knee. Billy almost counters a knee lift into a sunset flip cover, and Benoit with a nice dropkick.

Figure four leg lock on Billy, am I hearing some WOOOOs for this? Billy reverses it in about 15 seconds though.

Series of belly to back suplexes and Benoit signals for the headbutt. Billy moves and it misses. He hits a power slam and a press slam, his knee is hurting. Fameasser and Benoit kicks out.

Billy wants a cobra clutch or something, Benoit reverses and gets the crippler crossface on! But Billy's foot is by the rope. And what the hell is that, Billy misses a grab and both guys just fall down.

Both guys trying for covers, another crossface and Billy taps out. New intercontinental champ Benoit.

They are hyping the hell out of this cell. Austin can't sleep but he's motivated to win.

Triple threat match: Molly Holly vs. Trish vs. Ivory

Molly flips right back on her feet and meets a clothesline from Ivory. And now Molly dropkicks the other two. She's already trying for pins.

Some fans still really want puppies. Molly powerbombs Trish, but Ivory runs in for the cover to keep her belt.

T&A are here to push around Molly and Crash runs in. Hey, what's this music, Acolytes are back, where on earth have they been lately? APA beat up T&A.

Rock's here with a promo, he guarantees he'll be champ after this.

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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03/02/12 10:32:00 PM

Rikishi is challenging Angle before everyone's in the ring. Thankfully there's about 8 refs here to keep things split up.

JR reminds us that nothing screams "Undertaker" or dead man gimmick like Limp Bizkit's music.

The faces all have websites now, and it tells us these under their names during the entrance. Time to see if they still work. Oh, they all go to WWE's website.

Hell in the cell: HHH vs. Rikishi vs. Kurt Angle vs. Undertaker vs. The Rock vs. Steve Austin

Austin's going after Angle and HHH, Rock and Rikishi squaring off, and everyone's in the cage now. Lots of choking tactics here as there's no DQ.

Lawler claims that there's a billion dollars of talent in this match! Bold claim and hey Austin hits a Thesz press.

Pairings finally change as Rock gives Angle the smackdown and a samoan drop. Austin gets suplexed outside the ring and fans are starting a "Rocky" chant.

HHH's face gets raked across the cage a few times, his face is bleeding. And Rikishi gives a leg drop on Austin's neck, he's killed him.

Rikishi thinks he's working with HHH, pedigree! But here's Rock to give HHH a DDT. And in runs Angle with an olympic slam. Austin with a stunner, Undertaker runs in with a chokeslam.

There's bodies everywhere and HHH is taking more bumps. Wait, here comes Vince on a truck, what. They rip off the door. Vince wants the cage ripped apart. What is this.

And here comes Foley, what the hell is going on, I just want to see the match. Security takes away Vince.

HHH and Austin have escaped the cage, they're fighting on top of the cars in the set. And here's everyone else outside. Austin right through a car window!

Now Rock wants to give HHH a rock bottom on top of a car, HHH hits a low blow to escape. Pedigree instead! Now Rock's bleeding too.

HHH is throwing everyone into cars, but now he gets catapulted onto one.

Undertaker's got Angle by the timekeeper's table, being choked with the mic cord. And Angle's hitting Taker with a chair.

Oh, this construction truck is full of sawdust, someone's gonna fall on it. And HHH and Austin trying to climb the cage while Taker and Angle are in the crowd.'

Austin and HHH trading punches on top of the cage. Stunner on HHH! Angle and Undertaker up here too, how will this support them all?

Apparently Angle is bleeding now and HHH is climbing off the cage.

Oh my god Rikishi is trying to climb the cage, please no. He's up there, and somehow Undertaker has a chair. Angle is laid out with the chair. And now Rikishi grabs the chair and hits Taker.

Angle gets chased off the cage and Undertaker is hitting Rikishi. lol, he has to try and walk along the beams between fence pieces. Undertaker pushes Rikishi off the cage and he falls in the back of the truck, JR is going nuts.

Rock and Austin having a staredown in the ring now. Spinebuster on Austin and the crowd is chanting Rocky. He wants the people's elbow, but HHH takes down Rock first.

Rock bottom on Angle, here's a cover and Austin stops the count. Stunner on Rock and ha, he sells that so hard. HHH runs in and gives Austin a neckbreaker and whoa Angle pinned Rock.

Angle's face is covered in blood. And Austin gives Angle a stunner after the match.

Star of the PPV: Kurt Angle

Botch of the PPV: Billy Gunn trying to counter a tiltawhirl or crossbody or something, but he drops Benoit then just falls on his face as well.

WWF Star of the year: The Rock

Tough call on the year thing, but it took Angle a while to reach his peak, and being squashed by Big Show and Undertaker and knocked out by Tazz is a bit worse than having to be in the mid-card with Rikishi and what makes this choice. Angle's got the KotR win, Rock's got the Rumble win, and both had the belt for a good chunk of the year.

Sushi, kamikaze, fujiyama, nippon-ichi...
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The Raven 2
03/04/12 11:03:00 AM

A small complaint about Matt Hardy winning the European title.

From what I've read in the past (2005-06ish), Matt Hardy supposedly threatened to leave WWF if he didn't get a singles title run. This stemmed from the fact that Jeff won the IC title, and even if it was only for a week, it was still the second-highest belt in the company. At the same time, Raven was originally booked to win the European title from Eddie Guerrero at Backlash; he was slowly getting over with the crowd, and even got a great pop when he managed to pin Eddie clean in a tag team match.

And then Raven's momentum just ended instantly. Matt Hardy wins the European title a week before Backlash, a move that NO ONE saw coming, and WWF had to find ways to tie up any and all loose ends. Edge tells Commissioner Regal that Christian should have a title shot against Eddie, because Christian has relatives in Luxembourg! Regal asks about Raven though, because he was supposed to get a European title shot. E&C say that Raven should instead get a Hardcore title shot, because that's what he's best at, so we get Matt Hardy defending the European Championship against Christian (by request) AND Eddie (rematch clause) in a triple-threat match, and we get Rhyno vs. Raven for the Hardcore title.

Funny thing is, I still think both Matt Hardy AND Raven were affected badly by this move. Not only does Matt Hardy hold the C-title for nearly 4-months, he also does nearly nothing with it (seriously, it wouldn't have been as bad if Matt was doing more than tag matches all the time). Raven gets an awesome match with Rhyno (even Rhyno said it was the best match he did all year), but then gets stuck feuding with X-Pac, and later with Saturn (who was sporting his worst gimmick ever).

On the plus side, Raven eventually does get the record for most championship wins for one belt, and Matt Hardy is now a joke, so I guess it's a hollow victory >_>

I swear to God, I'll pistol-whip the next person that says shenanigans!
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The Raven 2
03/04/12 11:33:00 AM

And to close the book on WWF vs. WCW

WrestleMania X-7 vs. Greed

Greed was halfway decent, and at the time, no one knew that WWF was buying this company, so we worked with whatever WCW had. Most of the matches went the distance, except for Chuck Palumbo and Sean O'Haire beating Buff Bagwell and Lex Luger in 50 seconds to retain the tag titles. The rest of the card...

- Jason Jett defeated Kwee Wee
- Elix Skipper and Kid Romeo beat Kidman and Mysterio to win the vacant Cruiserweight Tag Team titles
- Shawn Stasiak beat Bam Bam Bigelow
- Lance Storm and Mike Awesome beat Konnan and Hugh Morrus
- Shane Helms defeated Chavo Guerrero to win the Cruiserweight title
- The Cat defeated Kanyon
- Booker T defeated Rick Steiner to win the US title
- Dusty and Dustin Rhodes defeated Ric Flair and Jeff Jarrett (Losers had to kiss the winners' ass, which the Rhodes put a little extra humiliation into it as Flair and Jarrett had to kiss a donkey's ass, or as everyone called it, "Dusty's Ass")
- Scott Steiner defeated DDP to retain the World Heavyweight title

The next ppv was set to be called The Big Bang, hinting that DDP would play a major role. That didn't happen, cause as stated earlier, WCW was bought by Vince McMahon. The final Nitro had every title up for grabs, but the only ones to capitalize on the given opportunities were Kidman and Rey Mysterio (who won the CW Tag titles), and Booker T who reversed a pin from Scott Steiner to win the WCW World title for a fourth time! The final match in WCW Nitro history was Sting and Ric Flair, with Sting winning a good clean bout in roughly 7 minutes. The two embrace, and then we cut to Vince McMahon.

WWF wins the war, and wins 2001 with a shutout, even if it's only 3-0.

The photograph reflects, every streetlight a reminder; nightswimming deserves a quiet night
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