Board 8 > So I've been brainstorming ideas for Final Fantasy XV.

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Ry Senkari
02/11/12 7:40:00 AM

Crystal Cavern Mine-

Find Cid in his office and inquire about an airship. He’ll reveal that he’s been constructing one underneath the mines, but that it won’t fly unless some special crystals are found within a secret area of the mines themselves. You’ll be given a key to unlock another area of the mines adjacent to the one you explored earlier. You’ll have to find seven crystals in this maze-like area, which shouldn’t be too difficult. However, after you find the fifth, there will be a scene where some Kunarian soldiers come to inquire about Cid’s activities, and force him to tell them where the airship is. The Kunarians will send some mechs and magical soldiers into the special area of the mines, making it more difficult to find the remaining two crystals. At each one, you’ll have to fight an Enforcer, a sub-boss like enemy with around 12,000 HP, flanked by three Kunarian soldiers. These battles aren’t too tough but can be time-consuming. The crystal gathering scenes are also interspersed with a couple of scenes of Melana doing weird stuff on the floor of the cave, sort of like she’s digging for something. The party asks her what she’s up to, but she dismisses their concerns, telling them she’s looking for crystals. Once you have all seven crystals, the Kunarian squad leader confronts the party, dragging out Cid and demanding you trade the crystals for him. Melana refuses, and it seems the squad leader is going to kill Cid.

Blitz: Melana, maybe we should do what he says!
Melana: Nope.
Vheri (the Kunarian squad leader): Oh, so you don’t care if he dies, eh?
Cid: Ehehehehe…. Go ahead and kill me, we all go under!
Vheri: What?
Melana: When I was working for Goza, I planted some booby traps in the mine. I didn’t want to use them on my friends, but I still had the controls. I gave them to Cid and he’s holding the button right now. It’s a dead man’s switch, so if you kill him, this whole mine collapses.
Ophi: WHAT?
Sanathri: *laughing* I’d survive at least!
Gulrock: Wait, you’d take out the whole mine?
Melana: Hey, if we don’t get that airship, we’re screwed anyway.
Vheri: You’re bluffing!
Melana: You’re standing on a mine right now. *points, shooting some electricity over it so Vheri can see its outline underneath his feet*
Vheri: *getting nervous* What… what’s wrong with you?
Hark: *shaking and holding on tightly to Ophi* Melana, this is a bad idea!
Blitz: Actually I agree with Melana, might as well go out with a bang, right?
Vheri: ….!!! *flees*

It’s then revealed that Cid and Melana had made up the whole thing before the group even went back into the mines. Cid had told Melana of some Kunarian scouts sniffing around the mine and that they might need to be ready for anything. Blitz and Ophi seem angry with her, but do concede that the plan worked and it scared the Kunarians out of the mine.

Blitz: That was pretty slick how you buried those fake mines under the rocks like that.
Melana: Had to bury a lot of them, I’m just glad one of them was close enough to that guy that we could freak him out.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/11/12 7:40:00 AM

However, the bluff doesn’t seem to work for long, as Vheri has discovered the trap and sets a legion of soldiers and machines on the party, forcing them to flee into the underground below the mines. There’s a pretty dramatic scene where the party is nearly taken out by mages, but makes their escape, along with Cid, on the airship as it takes off into the skies. Cid himself can’t join the party, though he does volunteer his services as a mechanic on the airship, and you can also do some things with him in order to set up shops and other services onboard the airship, you’ll have to seek out people around the world who want to work onboard the ship. Fortunately, there’s no time limit for any of this, so you can start right now or wait until as late as the postgame to build your aerial city.

For now, you have an airship! This opens up almost the whole world for you to explore. There aren’t any new villages or shops at the moment, but you can acquire Artemis’ eighth (or ninth!) summon, the light Guardian Lumin. You won’t have to fight anyone but it’s still a fairly involved quest. It’s not a must-complete, however. Alexander makes Lumin somewhat redundant, though Lumin can do more damage to certain enemies and he provides a defensive boon to the party as well. The next segments of the game are certainly doable without Lumin’s services.

Either way, when you’re done exploring, your next stop is Mt. Mavati, in the northwestern area of the world map.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/11/12 7:54:00 AM

Alexander's back! How does Lumin do more damage than Alex? Hits a different Defense stat?

Ahh, good ol' Airship. Favorite is Ragnarok.

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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Ry Senkari
02/11/12 7:56:00 AM

Lumin hits multiple times with an array of light, the hits are randomized so occasionally Lumin will get more damage in. Also, on singular enemies he'll usually do more, since Alexander hits a whole group.

Ah yes, I need to have them christen the airship. Maybe they'll do that in a separate scene, maybe while on approach to the volcano.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/12/12 6:29:00 AM

Mt. Mavati-

Hover over the volcano and press confirm to trigger a scene where the airship descends on a part of the island at the base of the volcano. During the scene, there will be a quick dialogue where the party comes up with a name for the airship, it’s Ophi who comes up with the idea to name it Tranquility. You’ll land on the island, you can reboard your airship any time if you want to leave. Head around the island to a volcanic cave entrance, you’ll fight a number of enemies on your way up the volcano. It’s actually a fairly straightforward dungeon, the only sort of “puzzle” element is a few segments of easy jumping where you have to dodge jets of lava. There are some tougher jumps if you want to get some of the dungeon’s better treasures, you MIGHT want to undertake them as there’s some Ice-elemental equipment in some of these chests which will help you out tremendously against the boss and some of the enemies here. You won’t be ascending the volcano the entire time, occasionally you’ll be descending, as your target is the hot core of the volcano where the Ruby Star (the red piece of the Celestriad) rests. Eventually, you’ll find it and there will be a scene.

Melana: The heat and light coming off that thing is incredible!
Gulrock: Is it even safe to touch it?
Blitz: Only one way to find out… *starts to walk toward the Ruby Star, only for there to be a massive rumbling* Aaaaaaahhh!!!

An enormous beast rises from the lava. It’s not quite a dragon, it’s more like an immense two-legged reptilian monstrosity dripping with lava. Get ready for a boss fight.

BOSS: Amrauggath (HP: 48,190)

The Amrauggath has two main methods of attack. Its main physical attack, a powerful claw swipe, will do anywhere from 600-1200 damage to one person depending on their defense stat. It will also hurl flaming rocks that do around 300 HP worth of fire elemental damage. It can spit flames over the party, hitting for 250-500 a piece. It can’t cast the basic Fire spells, but will hit with an attack called Volcanic Crash, which can do anywhere from 1000-1500 to the whole party. If you have equipment that absorbs fire (it’s possible to get something for every party member if you’ve been side questing), this fight becomes a LOT easier. How do you take Amrauggath down? Those 48,000 HP might seem imposing, but if Ophi knows Blizzaga (Melana can learn it too by now, though she’d probably have to be hugely overleveled), you can hit this beast for over 5,000 damage in one shot. At slightly higher than normal levels, combined with combo strikes, I’ve seen Ophi’s Blizzaga do 9,999 damage in this fight (you can’t get Break Damage Limit yet, unfortunately). A swipe from the Chillblade, if Blitz or Melana has it, can easily do upwards of 3,000 in one blow. In other words, this fight can be as easy or as hard as you make it. If you come in unprepared, it’ll be a nasty fight. If you’ve got plenty of Ice equipment, magic, and Fire-resistant armor, it’s a cakewalk.

Amrauggath’s death calms the fires of the volcano somewhat, though the Ruby Star is still shimmering and fueling the flames. With some reluctance, Blitz reaches out and takes the star. The volcano’s lava freezes over into rock, the fumes stop… and the Ruby Star is safe to hold. Blitz holds it in his hands, feeling its power.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/12/12 6:29:00 AM

Blitz: It’s incredible… so much magic is contained in here…
Sanathri: Let me get a handle on that thing, sonny! *she touches it, only to let out a bit of a shriek* …!!!
Melana: Sanathri?
Lucilla: What happened?
Sanathri: I’m getting some psychic feedback… it’s like a million voices are screaming in my head…
Ophi: I can hear voices too… it’s like that object contains the combined memories of a million Essence crystals…
Blitz: Melana, here… *hands it to her* I still don’t know if I trust myself with this power.
Melana: Blitz, it’s all right. We don’t know who will wield the Celestriad when the time comes.
Hark: All of us together, right?
Artemis: The power will need to go through someone. We may need to find one of us to wield it when the time is right.
Melana: For now, Blitz, you should keep the stars we find. I can’t imagine how you’re feeling about what happened to your parents, but if you need to talk to anyone about it, we’re all right here.
Hark: Yeah…
Blitz: Everyone… thank you. *smiles*

You’ll exit the volcano automatically and end up outside next to the airship. You can still roam this area if you want to collect the treasures (now much easier without the flowing lava) and fight monsters, but when you’re ready to go, take off. When you do, there will automatically be a scene where Cid tells Ophi that someone from Kastith contacted her, someone from the Underbelly. He says that Ophi’s grandmother might be very sick.

Ophi: *terrified* My grandma is sick?
Hark: Wait, Ophi.. we’ll all come with you to check on her.
Ophi: *smiling* You don’t have to burden yourself with me, you should all be looking for the Celestriad…
Lucilla: Hey, we’re all in this together.
Gulrock: That’s right! Besides, some of us have never met your grandma. (this line of dialogue will change if you took the party to Kastith in the airship or boat to meet Opala earlier)
Ophi: Everyone, thank you…


When you arrive at Kastith, there’s an automatic scene where Ophi heads for the Underbelly entrance. When you arrive, someone stops you and tells Ophi that her grandmother is very sick and wants to see Ophi in private. Quite worried, Ophi heads down to the Underbelly with the man, telling her friends that she’ll send for them soon. The group stands outside.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/12/12 6:32:00 AM

Artemis: I don’t like this.
Blitz: Yeah, I don’t like it too, I’m worried about Ophi’s grandmother…
Artemis: No, not that. This smells like a trap.
Hark: A trap?
Artemis: Why’d they have Ophi go down there alone? This is a classic trap to separate her from us. We need to go down there right now.

Eventually, the party decides to go down to the Underbelly. You head to Opala’s home immediately… and the woman is perfectly healthy. There’s no sign of Ophi anywhere.

Hark: This isn’t good! *runs off* Ophi? Ophi?!
*The party quickly follows Hark, and soon sees a scrap of Ophi’s clothing, torn in some kind of struggle. Hark immediately fears the worst… and these fears are confirmed when the man who stopped you from entering the Underbelly sooner approaches the group.*
Man: Dynal has a message for you. He says that you need to bring that thing you just found in the volcano out to the desert. He wants to make a trade, the piece of the Celestriad for your friend Ophi.
Blitz: What?
Hark: *screams in rage, running at the man* WHERE’S OPHI YOU SON OF A B****?! *tackles the man to the ground and begins punching him over and over, then takes out a knife and puts it to the man’s neck* If she’s been hurt I swear to the goddess I’ll kill you!
Blitz: Hark!
Artemis: *smirks* About time that kid became a man.
Man: *nervous* you might want to think twice about what you’re doing, if I don’t come back that girl is dead….
Hark: *gritting his teeth in rage* You…you cowardly…
Blitz: Hark! *pulls Hark off the man and talks him down* We’ll get Ophi back…!
Man: *picks himself up and dusts himself off* You’ll get her back when you give Dynal that piece of the Celestriad. There ain’t no time limit on this, but I hear the boss is fond of that girl, so you might wanna hurry if you get my drift. *smirks and leaves*

There’s a quick scene afterward where Blitz and the others have to calm Hark down. Your next destination is obviously the Great Southern Desert. Remember that sealed-off fortress in the west that you couldn’t enter? Well, that’s your destination. In the meantime, Kastith has some new stuff you can buy. Not much in the way of equipment, but the new accessories are nice. Also, remember to talk to Opala, who will give Hark a knife that once belonged to Ophi’s mother, it’s a good boost to his stats. She also gives Hark the Affinity Marks for Blizzara, Thundara, Fira, Quakera, Aerora, Watera, and Cura, so if you’ve been waiting to give him some magic, you now have some good second-level spells for him to use (and one of the stats that gets a big boost from the Charity Knife is Intelligence, so Hark likely just became your third best attack mage). Good reason to use him in the upcoming fights? Well, you’re required to use him, so that’s as good a reason as any. Make sure to level him up if he’s fallen behind, 30 will suffice though 35 or more won’t hurt.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/12/12 6:32:00 AM

Desert Fortress-

You can land your airship pretty close to the western edge of the desert, so there’s not too much backtracking to reach where Dynal and his minions are holding Ophi. Enter the fortress. This fortress isn’t so much a dungeon as much as it is a gauntlet of bosses, once you take out the boss in one room you can head right to the next. There’s a save point in each room, though I don’t think you’ll need any of them. You’ll be greeted by Kelgon first.

Kelgon: You got the goods for us? I’d hate to tell the boss to slice Ophi’s pretty little neck.
Blitz: *holds up the Ruby Star* It’s right here.
Kelgon: *laughing* That easy? And to think, all we had to do was snatch some girl. You clowns had to go deep into a volcano. Heh, the boss is gonna love-
Melana: *elbows him in the gut*
Blitz: *pulls back the Ruby Star* You really think we’re gonna give this to you?
Gulrock: We’re gonna beat all your asses and take Ophi back!
Hark: Starting with you…
Kelgon: Dammit! Little punks, I’ll show you…

BOSS: Kelgon (HP: 19,950)

Kelgon is a pretty fierce physical specimen. He’s much stronger than before, with physical blows about as strong as Amrauggath’s. He also has a 10-Hit Special, where he’ll punch a random party member for around 200 damage. However, Kelgon is very vulnerable to magic, and ever since Gale’s destruction, you don’t have to include Blitz in your party. Bring a party of Hark, Artemis, and Melana, and wreck his stuff with your best spells. Lumin might end up doing more than 10,000 in one attack if you have it. Kelgon will go down fast and hard.

Kelgon passes out after you thrash him, head on up to face your next opponent.

Bell: Hehehehe….so you’re gonna fight your way through us? *laughing* I doubt the boss’ll like that, and what the boss don’t like, Ophi won’t either!
Hark: Like I told your thug back in the sewer, if Ophi’s hurt even a tiny bit, you’re all dead!
Bell: Mmm, we’ll see who dies here, if we kill you we keep the Celestriad AND the girl!

BOSS: Bell (HP: 13,000)

Put your physical attackers back in the group for this fight… or just keep the party from before. Bell’s magic defense is high, but his magical attacks won’t do quite as much to the party suggested in the Kelgon fight. He can use third-level spells, he has a thing for Thundaga (and you only have one piece of lightning absorbing equipment, even if you’ve done all the possible sidequests) and it can do around 1,200 if directed at one party member. Still, Bell’s low HP means he’ll go down quite quick. Another one bites the dust!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/12/12 6:33:00 AM

Bell’s defeat clears the way for you to fight Tren in the next room.

Tren: This would be so much easier if you just gave us that Celestriad piece.
Blitz: Same for you if you’d give up Ophi…
Tren: Sorry. Orders are orders. You think this was our idea? It came straight from the Gozan brass. I would’ve rather taken that traitor right there *points to Melana*, but Dynal chose the target.
Melana: You try any of that crap with me that Dynal tried with Ophi and I’d shove this spear right up your-
Tren: You talk tough, but let’s see you in action… I think you’ll find me quite unbeatable.

BOSS: Tren (HP: 9,999)

Theoretically, you can take Tren down with a single attack… but he’s got some tricks up his sleeve. He comes into this battle with Regen automatically active… along with Reflect. If you do hit him with spells, well… he has a barrier up that only allows one element of spell to damage him. If he takes a certain amount of damage, he’ll Dispel the Regen and use Reverse on himself, making all your attacks heal him. He can also heal himself with Curaga (though he won’t use Cure spells when he’s under Reverse), and if you try using Elixir or Phoenix Down (or Potion or whatever) on him when he’s under Reverse, you’ll learn that not only does he have something called an Item Barrier that blocks all items from being used on him, but he counters with a full-party Reverse spell, then starts hitting you with Curaga! Oh, and to top that all off, he has a 90% resistance to physical attacks. So yeah… this fight won’t be fun. How do you beat Tren? Well, he’s more annoying than hard. Use Mist to knock off the first half of his HP, then use Cura or Curaga on him once he puts up the Reverse. Yeah, he’s not THAT hard, but his strategy might throw you for a loop until you figure out what to do.

Once Tren is beaten, he passes out and you head to the next room. …this time there’s no one. Hunh. There is a save point, though, and you should probably use it, as Dynal awaits in the next room.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/12/12 6:36:00 AM

*Dynal falls to his knees, still enraged at the party. The party ignore him, they’re watching Hark and Ophi at the moment.*
Hark: Ophi, I’m sorry, I took a big risk with your life charging him like that…
Ophi: You had to protect the Celestriad. I would have gladly died if it meant that it could help bring peace to the world.
Hark: I promise, that will never have to happen… we’re all going to bring peace together, none of us will have to die. Especially not you. …Ophi, I’ve never been so scared before in my life! I thought I was going to lose you, I- *Ophi suddenly kisses him* ….!!!!
Ophi: *smiles and ends the kiss* My hero…
Melana: *groans a bit*
Blitz: …what? *laughing* Hark, use tongue next time!
Melana: WHAT? *elbows Blitz in the ribs*
Dynal: *angrily chanting a spell* No one makes a fool of me… *starts to cast it, right at Ophi*
Artemis: *sees Dynal out of the corner of his eye* OPHI! LOOK OUT!
Ophi: ….!!! *turns and sees Dynal casting the spell, she can’t avoid it*
Hark: No!
*There’s a flash… Hark starts to leap in front of Ophi, but then we see Dynal’s head go to the side. He’s been shot through the skull. Standing in the shadows nearby is Gelna.*
Melana: …Gelna?!
Gelna: …don’t get used to this. *holsters his gun as Dynal falls dead to the floor*
Hark: You… saved us…
Ophi: *smiling* Thank you again, Gelna.
Blitz: Wait… you were the guy who made sure Dynal didn’t….
Gelna: Like I said, don’t get used to it. Some of us in Goza still have a sense of honor. And I’m hoping, for the sake of this world, that some in Kunara do as well. If all of them are the kind of scum who would raze an innocent village-
Melana: They’re not. I promise you. ….Gelna, thank you.
Gelna: Goza’s got a squad headed toward Omita Forest, just to the north of the desert. That’s where the Emerald Star is located, at least that’s what our intelligence told us. You might want to hurry and get there before the Gozan military does. …take care of yourselves. *turns and starts to leave*
Blitz: ...what made you join up with Gozan intelligence in the first place? I mean… was it always this shady?
Gelna: You don’t have time to hear my story. I suggest you get moving. *disappears*
Blitz: Omita Forest is next?
Melana: Right. Ophi, are you ready to continue on with us?
Ophi: *nodding* I am! …I know my grandmother isn’t really sick, but how is she doing?
Hark: She’s REALLY worried about you… but she told me she knew I’d be able to save you.
Blitz: Hey Melana, maybe I can save you someday… wouldn’t that be cool?
Melana: ….*says nothing as she leaves with the others* Blitz, you’re so stupid… you don’t even know you already have.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/12/12 6:36:00 AM

*The party rushes in.*
Hark: Ophi?
*Dynal is holding Ophi tightly to him, she’s chained up and has a gag tied over her mouth. He’s holding a knife to her throat.*
Ophi: Mmph….!
Hark: Ophi!!!
Dynal: That’s as far as you go. No more games… take one more step and I cut her throat.
Hark: OPHI! …if you’ve hurt her, I’ll make you suffer!
Dynal: Hand over that piece of the Celestriad, or Ophi dies.
Ophi: *muffled* Don’t do it…!!! You can’t give it to him!
Dynal: What’s it going to be?
Melana: Hark is right… if you kill Ophi, you can’t escape from all of us.
Gulrock: We’d tear you limb from limb.
Dynal: Unlike my cowardly companions, I am not afraid to die for my country. Go ahead… risk this girl’s life. I will kill her.
Ophi: *muffled* Hark, I’ll be all right…! *struggling with all her might, but the chains hold her very tightly* I’m so sorry!!
Hark: *trembling in rage* I…I…
Blitz: Here… *holds up the Ruby Star*
Artemis: Blitz, what are you doing?
Melana: ….*she can’t risk Ophi’s life…* ….Dynal, you pathetic coward…
Ophi: Nmmmph! *shaking her head*
Dynal: *smiles… and loosens his grip on Ophi for just a moment*
Hark: *screaming, he runs toward Ophi and Dynal* Ophi, please trust me! *he takes his knife and, using the space Dynal has inadvertently made, thrusts it between Dynal’s knife and Ophi’s neck, Hark’s blade passes just in front of Ophi’s face as he blocks Dynal from slitting her throat*
Dynal: What are you doing?
Hark: *strikes Dynal in the shin with a fierce low kick, bringing him to one knee and causing him to release the knife and Ophi* Ophi, I got you…! *catches her, and in a swift motion, cuts the chains around her wrists with the knife*
Ophi: …!!! *pulls down her gag* Hark! *slides free of the chains around her arms and embraces him*
Hark: Ophi… *holds her tight* Did he hurt you…did he…did he…
Ophi: No…*smiling* Dynal wanted to, but… the man with him didn’t let him even try… I’m fine, Hark… you saved me…
Dynal: *in rage, he lunges at Hark with the knife, only for Gulrock to deck him in the face, knocking him way back*
Gulrock: All right, time for your asskicking!
Dynal: *slides back* nnngggh…! *he glows with energy, revealing that he’s wearing an armored vest lined with a massive amount of Essence* I won’t let any of you win! Do you hear me?!

You’re given the option to change party members. You still can’t use Ophi, she’s still a bit shaken from her ordeal. You don’t HAVE to use Hark, though I would. Guy deserves a chance to thrash his girlfriend’s kidnapper, right? (also, you can steal an AWESOME piece of armor from him)

BOSS: Dynal (27,500 HP)

Dynal’s definitely tougher than the last time you fought him, but he’s still more than beatable. He’s pretty quick, with some nasty rapid-fire physicals that can inflict multiple hits on your party. He’s also adept with magic, and he knows Flare, which will put a serious hurt on a single party member, if not kill them outright. Dynal’s defenses are pretty normal, so magic or physical attacks will work. He knows Curaga and will use it on himself once his HP goes down below 10,000, so keep that in mind. Just take down Dynal the same way you would any other tough boss, with your strongest attacks, remembering to keep healing. Dynal doesn’t really have any big dangerous group attacks, unless you count a group –aga spell, which is usually good for around 500-800 damage to everyone.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/12/12 7:28:00 PM

... why the hell is my shipping instinct kicking in? >_>

Anyhoo, would they have known if they brought back a fake Ruby Star?

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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Ry Senkari
02/12/12 11:21:00 PM

It radiates so much power, a fake would be easily detectable. No way they could fake an artifact with that much magical energy.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/13/12 6:55:00 AM

After this scene, you can re-board the airship and take off again. There aren’t any new sidequests available, though you can get a touching dialogue scene if you head back to Kastith so that Ophi can let her grandmother know she’s all right. There’s also some new dialogue available from Krynia back at Sylvid Castle. You’ll want to head to Omita Forest next, though.

Omita Forest-

The town is completely occupied by Gozan soldiers, so you’ll have to sneak to the forest (of course, you can fight your way through them). The forest is crawling with Gozan military mechs and personnel, who’ve blockaded parts of the forest, making it somewhat difficult to reach the secret grotto. However, once you’ve gotten there, there will be a scene where the party searches around the obelisk. Soldiers are pursuing you, including Goza’s military leader, General Karst. The soldiers are about to fire on the party when there is a brilliant flash of light, teleporting the party to a mysterious place…

Village of the Moogles-

Blitz: Unnnh… where are we?
*A moogle flutters up to the group.*
Sanathri: Oh my, been a while since I’ve seen one of you.
Gulrock: One of what?
Hark: Is that… a moogle?
Ophi: Oh my goodness, it’s so cute! *giggling*
Moogle: The queen wants to see you, kupo! Follow me, kupo! *flutters deeper into the village*

The party follows the moogle, and you’ll regain control of them once you enter the village proper. You can go see the queen immediately, or talk to the various moogles floating about. There’s a shop here with plenty of good weapons and armor to buy, and your coffers should be overflowing from your recent excursions, so feel free to upgrade everything. Eventually, you’ll want to enter the beautiful tree where the queen lives. The Moogle Queen, an ordinary moogle clad in a queen dress and adorned with (maybe too much) makeup, is just as flirty as Sanathri, though she has a crush on Artemis, not on Hark. Artemis, of course, repels her advances and shoos her away. The queen explains that the moogles used to live all over the world, but after the wars and the terror they caused, the moogles gradually came to live near the Emerald Star, concealing their village in a hidden dimensional pocket deep within Omita Forest.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/13/12 6:55:00 AM

Blitz: Please, your majesty, do you know the location of the Emerald Star?
Queen: Why of course I do, kupo! It’s deep within our sacred hidden forest! And you want to take the star, don’t you?
Blitz: Yeah…. But… well, we know that without its power, your forest might die…
Queen: Oh, we’ve taken precautions against that, kupo! We’ve used our own magic to infuse the trees and the barriers keeping us safe. We knew one day a group of purehearted heroes might come, needing the power of our sacred treasure, kupo!
Artemis: We’re… not exactly pure of heart.
Queen: Oh, but we could sense your good intentions as you approached! You’re nothing like those kupoheaded meanies outside the gates! They want to steal our star, don’t they?
Melana: Yes, and if they find a way in…
Queen: True, true, that would be very bad, kupo. But we are ready for that as well! Time is of the essence, kupo! I will take you to the star!
Ophi: Oh, thank you! Thank you all so much… *patting a moogle that’s landed on her shoulder*
Blitz: Yeah… don’t worry, we’ll chase those soldiers away after we’re done.

The Sacred Forest opens up to you now. Enter it and prepare for a fairly tricky maze.

Sacred Forest-

The Sacred Forest is crawling with some pretty powerful monsters. However, the Moogle Queen will help you out by providing your party with random buffs and healing, making the fights somewhat easier (you might want to take this opportunity to grind to level 40 if you haven’t already). Fire magic works quite nicely here, as does Thunder. If Ophi has Firaga by now, use it liberally, just remember to keep her HP up. Ifrit will devastate the enemies here as well. Eventually, you’ll reach a save point, after which is a clearing.

Queen: The Emerald Star is here, kupo!
Blitz: Yeah… I can feel its power….
Melana: The Ruby Star is resonating….
*The queen disappears into a thicket. Suddenly, there’s a loud scream. The party looks in horror to see a massive thorn monster towering over them, the Emerald Star is glowing in its chest, and it has the Moogle Queen wrapped in one of its many thorny tendrils.*
Moogle Queen: Help, kupo!!!

BOSS: Thorndrake (HP: 37,280)

The Thorndrake will lash your party with its deadly tendrils, causing a variety of status effects (think of this thing as an Ochu on steroids). Its most powerful group attack is the Foul Wind, an attack that will do around 800 to everyone and cause a variety of nasty status effects. Status-warding accessories are a MUST for this fight, you should at least have something to ward off confusion and sleep, or your party will find itself dying in its sleep or bashing itself to death. The Thorndrake is vulnerable to Firaga, though any level three magic will do a ton of damage. You should also have Blitz (or any other physical attackers) hacking away. Remember to cure any status effects that arise. Though it has less HP than the Amrauggath, this fight will probably last longer because of the status effects the boss can cause, it’ll definitely be a battle of attrition.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/13/12 6:57:00 AM

The Thorndrake’s defeat frees the Moogle Queen and awards you with the Emerald Star. After a quick scene, you return to the Village of the Moogles, just in time to see the general’s forces breaking through and entering the village.

Blitz: Damn! Not now…!
General Karst: They’ve already got the second part of the Celestriad! The primary target has switched!

You’re thrust into a fight with a Gozan warmech with 10,000 HP. Not too tough of a fight, watch out for its Cluster Missile.

Blitz: You can’t beat us!
Melana: Give it up!
General Karst: Give up the pieces of the Celestriad and we’ll spare this village.
Moogle Queen: We’re not scared of you, kupo! Moogles, attack!
*A chorus of kupos rains out as hundreds of Moogles swarm Karst and his soldiers.*
Moogle Queen: We’ll hold them back, kupo! You need to find that last Celestriad piece, quickly!
Blitz: We’re not letting you fight alone!
Moogle Queen: We didn’t ask for your permission, kupo!
*There’s another bright flash of light, and the party finds itself back at the obelisk, with no way to return to the Moogle village. After a brief cutscene where the party laments the Moogles’ apparent sacrifice, you’re automatically taken back to Omita village.*

Onboard the airship, the party knows the next location is an undersea city. Cid tells them that legends speak of such a city below the western Kunarian coast, but the party will need some kind of underwater vessel to get them there. Melana knows the Gozan military was researching bathysphere technology, so she tells them that they’ll need to raid the Gozan military HQ in Centralia.


Head to the Gozan military headquarters. With the help of one of Sanathri’s disguise potions, you can get in quite easily. You don’t need to prepare for a dungeon, you can sneak right to where the bathysphere is being tested, though you’ll need to engage in a few conversational puzzles to get access. Fortunately, this part of the game is very forgiving, and some of the “wrong” choices are pretty humorous, so feel free to screw up on purpose a few times.

There is a savepoint in the marine lab area. You’ll have to engage in a fight to get the bathysphere.

BOSS: Spiderborg Mk. 2.0 (HP: 24,000)

Yes, it’s our old pal, the Spiderborg! It’s been upgraded somewhat, but not nearly to the level of some of the recent bosses. It still has the Straightline Missile, which only does around 500 damage to the party, something you can easily handle by now. Thundaga and Ramuh will shred him.

So now you’ve got the bathysphere. As soon as you descend, there will be a cutscene.

General Karst: *standing in the Moogle Village, or at least what’s left of it, watching as it burns* Damnable creatures… *to his soldiers* Any sign of the Celestriad?
Soldier: It’s long gone by now, sir…
General Karst: *clenches his fist* We’ll have to report our failure to headquarters… or perhaps we could wait for the Celestriad to resurface. They must be ready to gather the third star by now.
Soldier: Sir, do you think they’ll be able to retrieve it?
General Karst: Others have tried… *he chuckles for a moment* all have failed. *to his men* Come… we have other matters to attend to. We don’t have to report back in just yet.
*The general uses a crystal to open the way back to Omita Forest. As he and his men retreat, a moogle watches them from the bushes.*
Moogle: Kupo…

Once control is returned to the party, take some time to get a handle on the bathysphere. The bathysphere operates similarly to the submarine from Final Fantasy VII, though you won’t have too much to explore as of yet. Note the massive energy barrier keeping you from exploring anywhere near the center of the map, corresponding to the small, barren island on its surface. Interesting… Head for the western coast of Kunara… you’ll see the underwater city soon enough.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/13/12 7:05:00 AM

Moogle Queen? Huh.

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/13/12 7:08:00 AM

Yep, a Moogle Queen. It's my excuse to dress a moogle up in a cute robe and crown.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/14/12 6:54:00 AM

Underwater City-

The city consists of a massive, domed structure with numerous other smaller domes inside. There are still some faint lights glowing in the dome, powered by energy from the Sapphire Star. The party marvels at the huge structure as the ship approaches, when it reaches a certain distance from the main entrance, the door automatically opens to allow them inside. You’ll head into a chamber that seals shut and drains out, you can leave this structure any time you like (it’ll show the same cutscene of the water being filled and drained from the lock, of course you’re given the option to skip it). As soon as the party is inside the city, there’s a cutscene of Kunarian submarines descending on the structure. Seems you’re not the only ones who know about the Celestriad being here…

Basically, exploring this place is like exploring a large city in the game, but with monsters and some puzzles you’ll need to solve to get into the main structure, where the Celestriad is. You’ll begin by entering the only of the domes that’s open, a small building known as the conservatory. You’ll have to descend to the basement here and do a puzzle to advance. A gate will open and you’ll be able to enter the next building via the underground tunnel system. You’ll make your way from building to building like this until you eventually find the key to enter the large structure in the central area. Upon gaining the key, a cutscene will begin when you try to enter the central structure.

Vheri: Stop right there… *approaches with a squad of mage soldiers*
Melana: You again?
Gulrock: Didn’t you learn anything from back at the mine?
Vheri: We learned not to fall for your tricks…
*There’s a brief skirmish where the party knocks out most of Vheri’s entourage and brings him to one knee.*
Vheri: Dammit! They didn’t tell me you were this strong… it must be because you have two parts of the Celestriad…
Blitz: We haven’t even been using it!
Vheri: But surely you plan to… you want to destroy Kunara! I know our army raided your village, you want revenge!
Blitz: I want revenge… it doesn’t mean I’m going to take it. That would be wrong.
Vheri: Oh… you’re so moral… *smirks, and holds up a glowing stone* Or maybe you’re just a liar.
*The stone flashes and out comes a crystalline soldier*
Vheri: *stands up* Either way, I won’t let you have the final piece! You’ll all die here!

BOSS: Vheri (HP: 21,000) and Glascrys (HP: 24,500)

Not too tough of a fight. Vheri will attack with standard magic, while Glascrys spends most of the fight pummeling you with its big crystal arms for around 500 HP a blow. Occasionally Glascrys will use Crystal Sacrifice, healing Vheri for 5,000 HP at the cost of its own HP. You can concentrate on Vheri, once he’s beaten the fight’s over regardless of whether or not Glascrys is still around. You do get more experience points for making sure Glascrys dies first, and if you concentrate on Vheri, Glascrys will probably drain most of its HP healing its master, so that might make taking out both for the full reward easier.

Once the fight ends, Vheri is left exhausted and beaten. Melana browbeats him into revealing how much more of a Kunarian regiment remains, he says that most of the squad’s already turned back and that he’s the highest ranking officer.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/14/12 6:55:00 AM

Melana: You’d have think they’d have sent their whole army down here.
Ophi: Maybe they didn’t have enough submarines?
Artemis: Or maybe the war with Goza is too much of a distraction.
Melana: Either way…. *tosses Vheri to the ground* Get the hell out of here.
Vheri: You’re not going to arrest me?
Melana: And put you where? We’re sort of without a country at the moment. We’re certainly not going to kill you.
Artemis: Though if you don’t leave, we might change our minds.

The cutscene ends as Vheri runs off, leaving you clear passage into the big dome. You’ll soon come to a large, domed room, and another cutscene will begin. There are desiccated corpses on the ground.

Melana: There’s… some decay… but these people died recently.
Blitz: Kunarian soldiers?
Melana: No… not Gozan soldiers either… they… they look like ordinary workers….
Gulrock: But nobody’s lived in this place for hundreds, maybe thousands of years!
*A spirit can be seen apparating around the room. The party soon notices him.*
Spirit: …do you think you can save your world?
Hark: Who are you?
Spirit: *says nothing, continuing to float around*
Melana: I can sense strong energy from him, be careful!
Ophi: The energy patterns are… similar to that woman from the crypt!
Spirit: …! *stops* You… saw Luna?
Melana: Who ARE you?
Blitz: And who’s Luna?
Spirit: You want to save your world… but it’s already too late. Can’t you see? The proof is right at your feet…
*The spirit disappears, leaving the party stunned and bewildered. Melana kneels down and holds up the Ruby Star… it’s glowing more than before. She looks at the corpses on the floor and can see the Essence on their bodies. It’s resonating with the Star. She closes her eyes and can see images of people being attacked by something, and screaming in fear… she gasps as she opens her eyes again.*
Blitz: Melana, what did you see?
Melana: I’m not sure…
Hark: The Essence, should we take it?
Melana: No… leave it. Everyone, let’s continue on.

Head deeper into the dome. There are no more puzzles, just a few more rooms until you reach another save and then a smaller room with a clear dome atop its frame. At the center of the room is a kind of ark… inside is the Sapphire Star.

Melana: There it is… the last piece of the Celestriad.
Lucilla: It’s beautiful…
Blitz: The whole thing hasn’t been together in thousands of years…
Ophi: Are we really worthy to unite the Celestriad?
Artemis: *looking worried… he senses something* Damn… not now…
Sanathri: Hmm?
Artemis: *shaking his head* Figured it would be that. *to the others* Get ready.
Melana: …ready for what?
*There’s a mighty screech. Something can be seen outside the dome ceiling. It’s a massive sea monster, it’s energy resonating with the Sapphire Star’s.*
Artemis: The Guardian of the Sea…!
Melana: You mean Leviathan? I thought that was a myth!
*The creature roars and crashes through the glass dome. The party prepares for a fight.*

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/14/12 6:57:00 AM

BOSS: Leviathan (HP: 65,000)

Leviathan is, as you suspect, a water elemental creature weak to Lightning. For that reason, Thundaga and Ramuh are practically essential here, as is Lightning-elemental weaponry if you have it. Equipment that absorbs Water will help, though Leviathan also comes packed with powerful physical attacks and a non-elemental strike called a Guardian Beam which will do around 1,000 to one person. Leviathan’s most dangerous attack is, as you might expect, Tsunami, which will do 1,500+ HP of damage to your entire party and will require immediate healing. With Shell on, Tsunami will do around 1,000 or maybe less, so have a Shell put up on your first turn (you should have Shellga by now), and KEEP it up. Leviathan occasionally likes to use Thundaga, so remember that if you think your Water-elemental protection keeps you relatively safe from magic. The creature will also cast Waterga on itself once its HP gets low. Eventually, Leviathan will go down (after a long fight), and Artemis will gain the creature’s services for summoning.

*Leviathan roars as its power is absorbed by Artemis. The Sapphire Star is now the party’s for the taking.*
Blitz: *reaches out and touches the Star, it’s automatically joined with the other two pieces of the Celestriad* …!!!
*There’s a massive swell of power as the Celestriad reforms, the artifact shines with a brilliant glow. Blitz can barely stand while holding onto it.*
Melana: *steadies him* This is definitely the Celestriad and it’s definitely powerful.
Hark: It’s amazing…
Gulrock: Yeah, that energy wave hit me like a good strong punch!
Blitz: We need to get this thing back to Sylvid Castle… Krynia will help us figure out what to do.
Melana: Right. This war isn’t over yet…

After you leave the Underwater City, a cutscene will play showing Gozan and Kunarian forces reacting to the sudden flash of energy. Vignus is seated in his office with Zukan at his side, smiling.

Vignus: So, it finally falls into place… *smiles*

You’ll want to head to Sylvid Castle next, nothing much else to do for the moment. It might be a good time to participate in the Centralia chocobo races and coliseum battles, as they will become unavailable to you in a short time. You also won’t be able to visit Elinal after this for a while, so take care of any business you have there as well.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/14/12 6:57:00 AM

Sylvid Castle-

You’ll automatically enter and there will be a scene where Krynia expresses her gratitude and admiration of the party’s bravery. She’ll say that the party needs to designate someone to bear the Celestriad in the trials ahead, and to choose someone whose power is great and whose heart is pure. The party will meet in the library to discuss matters. Talk to various party members for different dialogue scenes, though the story will only continue once you approach Melana, who’s standing by a shelf reading something.

Melana: Blitz… we’re not the only ones who’ve fought this battle, you know…
Blitz: I know… people have fought alongside us all the way… people like Alexia, and the moogles, people who have sacrificed themselves to help us along.
Melana: True, but I meant people in the past… the last war. There were people who tried to gather the Celestriad, just as we’ve done… the resistors from both sides of the war built a massive city underground to try and shelter refugees. The city was known as Salvation…
Blitz: A noble goal… but they failed. *he bows his head* What if we fail?
Melana: Blitz, you’ve never asked that question before.
Blitz: I know, it’s just… what if the Celestriad can’t stop the war? What if we try to bring its might against the two warring armies, but they crush us like the ancient warring nations did to the people who tried to stop the last war?
Melana: Then we’ll keep fighting. We have to keep fighting, no matter what. Blitz… from the moment we set out on this journey, I knew you would risk your life to help anyone. I’m not asking you to do it now, you or anyone else… if anything’s changed, I understand.
Blitz: No, Melana… nothing’s changed. I’m not scared to die… okay, maybe I’m a little scared to die, but… I’m just worried that we’re going to fail and that the people of this world will…. I mean, you remember what that guy back in the Underwater City told us.
Melana: And you believe a 5,000 year old spirit over your own heart? *smiles* Maybe you really have changed, Blitz.
Blitz: I haven’t changed! At least the part of me that still cares about you… and the others.
Melana: *smiles back and takes his hands* We’re going to win, Blitz. And it’s because of you and Hark and Ophi and Artemis and everyone else.
Blitz: And you too. That’s why… that’s why I think you should bear the Celestriad in battle. You’re our leader, and you’re the strongest one of all of us. I just don’t think I’m worthy to wield it.
Melana: …Blitz, I don’t think I’m worthy either. My heart isn’t pure, my soul might not be strong enough to bear its power… but I do know someone else who might be able.
*The scene switches to show Krynia in her bedroom, staring out the window at ships approaching from across the ocean.*
Melana: Krynia?
*Krynia turns, and there’s the party. Blitz and Melana are taking the Celestriad to her.*
Melana: Krynia, you’re the only one of us who we believe is strong enough to wield the Celestriad.
Ophi: We can’t force this burden upon you, we wouldn’t want to risk your life in any way, so if you have any doubts, you don’t have to wield it.
Krynia: You… you think I’m…? *she’s very touched by this, putting her hand to her heart*
Blitz: Your heart is pure, and your soul is strong.
Krynia: I have never raised my hand in violence, I could not wage war with this artifact…
Melana: Your magical power is incredible. I know your family’s had a dark history, but you can redeem them and you can save the world.
Krynia: I’m not sure… *her hand is trembling*
Blitz: You don’t have to decide right away, Krynia. We can trust you with this… *sets down the Celestriad at her feet*
Krynia: Of course… thank you… all of you… I will do my best to prove myself worthy of this burden…

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/14/12 6:58:00 AM

Melana: In the meantime, we’ll do everything we can to help you. I’m going to draw up a plan for battle…. We may need to engage one or both armies while you figure out how to best use the Celestriad’s power.

Leave the castle and board the airship. There will be a cutscene where the party is discussing preparations for what could be their final battle. As the airship is flying, there is an explosion from Sylvid Castle.

Blitz: What the?!
Melana: Krynia!!

The party will immediately return to Sylvid Castle, where the castle is under siege by Kunarian forces. There will be another scene.

Vignus: *torturing Krynia with electricity* Sylvid witch! You should have died with the rest of your accursed family!
Krynia: *screaming in pain*
Vignus: *holding the Celestriad* I can already feel its power… the energy of a world’s worth of souls…
Krynia: Monster… you cannot win…
Vignus: The Celestriad sings a different tune… I can hear its voice… the blessed chorus whose song will rend Goza asunder and make me the ruler of this world for a thousand millennia! Your family sought the same type of power, did it not?
Krynia: Yes…
Vignus: And you do not desire such power?
Krynia: You know nothing of what I desire!
Vignus: *shocks her again*

Fight your way to Krynia’s bedroom. You’ll see her lying lifeless on the ground, and the Celestriad gone.
Ophi: No…!
Blitz: Krynia!
*The party rushes to her side… she’s been badly injured, but she’s breathing and clearly alive. She opens her eyes as the party helps her to her bed.*
Krynia: The… the Celestriad! Vignus took it, he’s going back to Elinal!
Artemis: That bastard… if he’s got the Celestriad, Goza’s finished…
Melana: And maybe the rest of the world with it. Krynia, we’re sorry… we shouldn’t have left-
Krynia: I am fine, you must regain the Celestriad at once…

In Elinal, Vignus is speaking to a crowd of Kunarians, with Zukan at his side. Though many of the Kunarians look uneasy, Vignus is able to whip them into a frenzy by telling them of Gozan war crimes, including the massacre of the Kunarian village from fifteen years ago. He says once Goza is destroyed, he will usher in a new era of peace and prosperity. He holds up the Celestriad triumphantly, its light illuminating Elinal in an eerie, multicolored glow that can even be seen from Krynia’s palace.

It’s time to head to Elinal, stop Vignus, and save the world. Your party should be at least level 40 before entering the city. Once you do so, there’s no turning back until your business here is finished.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/14/12 11:38:00 PM

Any predictions for what you guys think is gonna go down next? :p

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/14/12 11:53:00 PM

Essence eater invades out of nowhere?

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:40:00 AM


A cutscene plays where the party enters the city, only to be immediately accosted by Kunarian soldiers.

Soldier: Halt immediately! Your presence in the city is-
Melana: *blasts them back with a powerful burst of magical energy* Let’s go.
Blitz: …!
Artemis: *smirks* You heard the lady.
*The party begins to run as more soldiers approach from all directions, flanked by powerful suits of mechanical armor.*

There are three immediate battles upon entering the city, as the party is forced to engage in battle with more and more powerful Kunarian forces. Finally, you’re given free reign. The shops are closed to you, so are the various buildings in the city. While you’re walking toward the Palace of Administration, you’ll be subject to enemy encounters, so keep that in mind. If you need to leave Elinal for any reason, head to the western area of the city, where a sympathizer will smuggle you out (Melana will chew you out for leaving, though). When you approach the Ministry of Justice, a contingent of powerful soldier mages blocks the way. Ophi pleads with them to move, telling them that Vignus and Zukan are crazy and the Celestriad will bring Elinal to ruin. The soldiers are having none of it, and it appears you’ll be forced to fight dozens of soldiers at once.

Suddenly, a Gozan missile strikes near the palace, bringing the soldiers down and bringing down a building with it. A large Gozan regiment has entered the city, provoking an all-out melee that allows your party to slip through.

Blitz: The Gozans have taken the war right to the Kunarian capital…
Melana: If Vignus uses the power of the Celestriad now, it’ll be a bloodbath and all of Goza will converge on this city….
Hark: We have to end this, before it’s too late!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:41:00 AM

Palace of Administration-

The Celestriad’s powers appear to be warping the palace, turning a normally palatial administration building into something out of a dream world. Powerful monsters, in addition to elite Kunarian troops, lurk these halls, and this is definitely the most dangerous challenge your party has faced. You’ll need to navigate not only the large floors of the palace, but the strange nether-realm the Celestriad’s energy has created. The party will comment on how strong the Celestriad’s energy feels now that they’re so close to it.

Melana: Vignus must possess unimaginable power…
Artemis: It may be suicide to come after him.
Blitz: We have to do something, there are people dying outside these walls!

You’ll need to traverse an otherworldly landscape after making it through the initial rooms of the palace. There are some powerful treasures on these branching paths, and some of the chests yield keystones that you can use back in the normal palace areas to access more treasure rooms. Be sure to try and pick up everything here, it’ll be useful in the battles ahead. Eventually you’ll make it up to the second floor, where you’re confronted by a painfully familiar foe.

Vheri: *his body is glowing strangely* I will not let you through here…
Ophi: What’s… happened to him?
Artemis: Those marks… the signs of very recent magical infusion… he must’ve had souls fused to his body in the last 24 hours.
Vheri: Vignus has given me power…I will not let you stop him!
Melana: This isn’t right! *steps forward* Don’t you see what he’s doing? If he uses the Celestriad now, he could doom the world to destructive war!
Vheri: No… the Celestriad will make Kunara eternally great… our civilization will rule for thousands of years!
Artemis: He’s not going to see reason. He has to be put down. The process has altered his mind.
Sanathri: Maybe I can reverse it with a potion?
Gulrock: No, Artemis is right… this guy’s in our way and to get to Vignus we’ve gotta go through him!
Vheri: *laughs* Good luck.

BOSS: Vheri (HP: 34,000)

Even though he lacks a crystalline companion this time around, Vheri is still a dangerous foe. He’ll cast a number of buffs on himself at the start of the fight, then lay into your party with a powerful Firaga spell, which, enhanced by Faith, will do significant damage. Use Dispel to take out Vheri’s buffs, then hit him with the most powerful magic you have. He likes to use Mana Crusher, which not only drains all the magic points from a party member, but will Silence them as well. You might want to have Lucilla learn this one, and she should have some Blue Magic that will make her useful in the fight, so feel free to have in the party. The other two party members should consist of a physical attacker and a magic user (Blitz and Ophi are best for this fight, though Gulrock can be a good choice for your physical attacker as well). Be sure to keep everyone healed, either with Blue Magic or with good old Curaga. Vheri will go down soon enough.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:43:00 AM

Vheri: *grunts in pain as he falls, magical energy draining from his body*
Lucilla: What’s happening to him?
Ophi: Maybe he sprung a leak?
Artemis: Sort of… the injuries he’s sustained have allowed the fresh souls to drain out of his body.
Melana: …!!! I can hear them!
Vheri: They told me…they told me I was doing good… for my country…Vignus said I would be a hero…
Melana: There is no heroism in the use of others’ souls for this purpose.
Artemis: You should have walked away.
Ophi: Please… he’s in pain… *tries to comfort him*
Vheri: *backs off* Why… why are you doing all of this?
Melana: You can’t see that by now?
Blitz: We’re trying… to create a world where no one has to die for their country. A world of peace, where all people use magical energy for the good of mankind.
Vheri: That world… does not exist… *he’s clearly dying now* Aahhhh!!!
Ophi: *gasps*
Artemis: *extends his hand*
Blitz: Artemis, what are you doing?
Artemis: I will end his suffering….
Blitz: By killing him?
Vheri: …do it!
Artemis: *vaporizes the dying Vheri with a blast of dark energy*
Melana: …!!
Blitz: Artemis, you didn’t have to do that!
Artemis: I granted him his dying wish. What do you think we’ll do to Vignus once we stop him?
Blitz: …
Artemis: Hand him over to the Gozans? Or let him go free? The sooner you learn that some people will have to die, the quicker we can bring peace to this world.

After a bit more dialogue, the party can explore the rest of the second floor. The warping of the palace continues, though there aren’t any large expanses like what you had to endure on the first floor, as your main obstacles now are physical and magical security barriers to restrict your access further in the palace.

Eventually, you’ll reach the grand conference room. The screens in the room light up… and on them, Alexia’s torture in the research facility is shown. Zukan is personally torturing Alexia.

Artemis: What in the hell is this?! *shatters the screens with magical energy, only for them to regenerate and turn back on* …NO!
Melana: Don’t watch, Artemis! Zukan is here, he’s trying to get you out of focus!
Zukan: *laughing as he descends from the ceiling*
Artemis: BASTARD! *begins to summon Alexander*
Zukan: *dispels the summon and smites Artemis to the ground* Do you really think I’d taunt you with these images if I wasn’t prepared for the full might of your power?
Melana: Are you prepared for mine, you sick freak? *runs at Zukan and slashes furiously at him, only to have her sword blocked against his magical barriers*
Sanathri: *mixes up an exploding potion and hurls it at Zukan*
Zukan: *forms another barrier, causing the potion to bounce off and back at the group, nearly exploding right on top of them*
Artemis: I’ll bring this whole building down!
Zukan: With the Celestriad inside? This building is now indestructible, so long as the Celestriad resides in Vignus’ hands…
Blitz: And what about you? You’re always at his side… plotting, scheming… you’ve never thought once of betraying him?
Zukan: *laughing* My boy, I MADE Vignus. Why would I destroy my greatest creation? As long as I am at his side, I share in his power… and even a fraction of a percent of infinity is still infinity. I’m letting him do all the dirty work while I just enjoy the ride. And enjoy it I did…
*Alexia’s screams echo through the room*
Artemis: YOU SICK BASTARD! *shoots more magical energy at Zukan*
Zukan: *dodges it* You keep using that word. I’ll have you know my parents were happily married! …before I killed them and absorbed their souls! *laughs and creates a portal behind him*
Blitz: What the hell are you doing?

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:44:00 AM

Zukan: Mmm…just hedging my bets. If by some miracle you do defeat Vignus, you won’t touch me! Besides, I have a very important matter to attend to… seems another Guardian’s been discovered, an ancient creature from the deepest of depths… perhaps I shall make a pact with him… perhaps I shall find Alexia’s soul in the pits of hell and torment it further! Perhaps both. Adieu!
Artemis: NO!!! *lunges at Zukan as he disappears through the portal* DAMMIT! *pounds the conference table, then smashes it to bits with a spell* You cowardly… *destroys another table, then shatters all the screens* little… freak!!!

The party manages to talk Artemis down, reminding him that Vignus is a far more pressing matter as long as he holds the Celestriad. They remind Artemis that if they can beat Vignus, Zukan will be easily defeated.

Blitz: Wherever he runs, no matter how deep a hole the little coward digs for himself, we’ll find him.
Melana: And we’ll crush him.

Continue onward, eventually you’ll know you’re getting close to the chamber where Vignus is keeping the Celestriad (a portal inside his office with a save point outside). Enter the portal and move up a ways. The confrontation with Vignus begins.

Vignus: *standing in front of the Celestriad, its power radiating through his body as the party runs toward him*
Blitz: It’s over, Vignus! Surrender right now!
Vignus: *laughing* Do you really think I would give up now? Now that I have all of this POWER? *blasts the group with a tremendous burst of energy from the Celestriad, bringing them all to their knees* I can see everything… the battle in the streets… *a brief scene shows Gozan and Kunarian soldiers clashing in the streets outside* the people in the cities of Goza, trembling in fear… I have something the armies in the Great War never had… a decisive, unstoppable advantage. I will not be defeated by anyone, especially not the likes of you!
Blitz: *he begins to stand* Do you… really think you can rule the world like this? With that… thing? Sure, the people might fear you… Kunarians might admire you… but they’ll remember the peace there was before, before people like you brought war and bloodshed! There are many Kunarians who know of your crimes, know what happened in Gale… when they find out all the innocent blood that had to be shed to win this “war”, they too will rise up against you!
Vignus: I’ll kill anyone who opposes me!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:45:00 AM

Blitz: Then you’ll have to kill everyone, and you’ll rule nothing but an empty shell of a world! You might be a psychotic, power-hungry maniac, but you’re not genocidal! Otherwise, you’d have started this war a long time ago!
Vignus: What in the hell do you mean?
Hark: Yeah, Blitz, I don’t understand…
Melana: I… think I do.
Ophi: Hmm?
Blitz: You and Zukan planned this war a long time ago! You’ve been gathering Essence and doing barbaric tests on your own soldiers so you could get a decisive advantage over Goza, but you’ve always wanted to conquer Goza, not destroy it! Before you got the Celestriad, you wanted to wage a war with your soldiers and technology, but now that you’ve got it, you’ve escalated the war so much that you can’t win without completely wiping Goza out, and your people will NEVER accept that! But if you back down now, you’ll lose all your credibility! Think about it! Do you really want to go down this path? Lead the world to destruction just so you can say you were the strongest? Maybe Zukan is that crazy, but not you! I’m giving you one last chance to back down, then we’ll have no choice but to fight you! And we won’t lose!
Vignus: …*he stays silent for a moment, contemplating what Blitz has told him* …. *then, he starts to laugh* Boy, are you REALLY that naïve? You don’t think I’d be willing to go that far to win this war? The people WILL bow to me, they value their lives far more than their freedom… unlike you fools… if you wish to die here, then so be it! *suddenly lashes out at Blitz with a lethal blast of magical energy*
Blitz: …!!!
Melana: *interposes herself and holds up her sword, stopping the attack*
Ophi and Blitz: Melana!!!
Melana: *straining, but holding back the huge amount of energy*
Vignus: What?!
Melana: You… you don’t have full control over the Celestriad yet… you’re not strong enough!
Vignus: That is a lie!
Melana: *with one mighty swing, she dissipates the attack* You don’t know how to control its power… every bit of power you’ve ever had, you stole from someone else. That’s why we picked Krynia to wield the Celestriad, because she was born with the power and the knowledge to use it, and the wisdom to use it to bring peace to this planet!
Vignus: What does she know of power? I killed her!
Artemis: No, she’s still alive… which is more than we can say for you once we’re finished with you.
Vignus: Enough of this! *the Celestriad lights up, along with his body as he rises into the air* I’m going to crush all of you… and anyone who opposes me!

BOSS: Vignus (HP: 38,600)

Vignus fights a lot like Vheri, he’ll buff himself at the start of the fight AND debuff your party, he also likes to cast Reverse on your party members. He has a powerful physical attack with a staff that can cause around 600 or so to a single party member, and he also has a trio of special attacks that use the Celestriad’s powers: Emerald Corruption, which causes 250-500 damage to your party in addition to a random litany of status effects, Sapphire Excoriation, which hits your party with 16 magical energy beams which cause around 200 damage a piece, and Ruby Immolation, which is a straight whole-party damage attack for 1500+ to everyone. He will counter Dispel by using a Death spell on whoever cast it, though you may want to Dispel him anyway, as a buffed Vignus is very dangerous. When he’s down to around 10,000 HP, he’ll use the three Celestriad specials a lot more frequently. You’ll definitely want to heal immediately after any of the specials, Sapphire Excoriation may be more dangerous than Ruby Immolation, as he might kill one of your party members if too many of the beams hit them. Keep yourself buffed and keep pounding away at Vignus whenever you can, try to have at least one character damaging him on every turn.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:45:00 AM

Vignus falls after he’s defeated, and Blitz goes to take the Celestriad from him… but it glows with an even brighter light, and Vignus walks over to it, gripping it tightly to more quickly absorb its power.

Vignus: I will never… EVER be defeated by you! *his body begins to transform, small strands of flesh, the color of the Celestriad’s three colors, begin covering parts of his body, he even sprouts brightly growing wings*
Melana: Dammit, the longer he has the Celestriad, the stronger he becomes! We have to defeat him NOW!
Blitz: Right…! Everyone, this is it! This is for the sake of everyone in the world! For my parents…
Ophi: For my grandma!
Hark: For my dad!
Artemis: For Alexia…
Lucilla: For our future children!
Gulrock: And everyone back in Cliffside!
Sanathri: Mmm, and Hark…
Hark: What?
Blitz: Now! Let’s finish this!

BOSS: Vignus Victus (HP: 61,000)

Vignus Victus is bigger, faster, and badder than Vignus, as threatening as that sounds. He has more powerful versions of all three of his specials (Ruby Infernius is absolutely nasty and if you don’t have shell, it WILL hit your entire party for more than 2,000 damage), and he also has Star Flare, which, while never lethal (it does 90% of your party’s current HP), is incredibly dangerous and requires immediate healing afterwards. He now wields a horrific claw which can do nasty physical damage to your party, and he’s added the Comet spell to his arsenal. Basically, everything this guy does is devastating and you should have someone on permanent healing duty for the entire fight. As for your other two party members, go crazy with your most powerful attacks. By now, Blitz should have learned some advanced Swordplay skills via the affinity grid. For the love of god, USE THEM. Spinblade Sever, if timed right, will do 5,000+ damage every time. If Ophi knows Holy, she should use it every turn (devote another magic user to healing). Gulrock should use Enrage to drive up his critical chances. You might want to devote Sanathri to healing, her healing potions are very useful, though if you use someone else as a healer, she can significantly buff your party. Artemis, if he’s in your party, should cast Leviathan or Lumin every single turn. If you are leveled normally, Vignus Victus cannot get in a lucky kill shot as long as you utilize your healer effectively. He will get a number of close calls, but you should ultimately prevail.

*The party has done far too much damage to Vignus for him to sustain his hold over the Celestriad’s power. He collapses to his knees.*
Vignus: N…no….how could this have happened…?
Blitz: Does it matter? We won… you should have surrendered when you had the chance.
Melana: *approaches Vignus* It’s over.
Vignus: …NO! *he clenches his fist, and Melana and the others fall to their knees, energy chains wrapping around their bodies* I… I won’t let you take it from me!
*The Celestriad continues to glow. Everything is shaking.*
Artemis: Vignus! You fool! You’re too weak to stand!
Blitz: Aaaaah!!! What’s happening?
Vignus: *clenching his fist tighter, causing the dimension they’re in to compress*
Melana: He’s… going to crush us all!
Ophi: No!
Gulrock: Nnnghhh!
Vignus: I…will kill all of you… and I will survive! And the Celestriad will be mine!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:46:00 AM

*The party screams in pain and terror as Vignus continues to compress the dimension around them. Vignus laughs victoriously… and is suddenly struck down by a burst of lightning through his back. He falls, dead to the ground. The chains around the party dissipate.*
Blitz: What the…? *looks to see Krynia standing with the Celestriad, smiling warmly* Krynia!
Melana: You were supposed to stay in bed…
Krynia: I am tougher than I look. *smiles* Is everyone all right?
Ophi: I think so!
*The pocket dimension dissipates, leaving Krynia and the others standing in Vignus’ office. Vignus’ body is still on the ground.*
Krynia: The Celestriad is safe… and I’m glad you are as well.
Hark: You saved us! Thank you…
Blitz: Yeah… but the war isn’t over yet…
Krynia: No, but it soon will be, thanks to all of you. You’ve accomplished something truly wonderful.
Melana: Krynia, we couldn’t have done any of this without you.
Krynia: Hmm?
Blitz: You were the one who comforted me after my parents died… you guided us all to the Celestriad. You risked your life to try and protect it from Vignus.
Ophi: That’s right, and you saved our lives just now! You’re a hero!
Krynia: Please… I… it’s all too much. You are the true heroes. You have changed the world. *the power of the Celestriad flows into her* Your work is finished… *she raises her hand* I will take care of everything.
*Krynia ascends into the air, rising up to the ceiling, which she causes to disappear with a wave of her hand. She ascends above the building, her body aglow as those fighting in the street stop and watch the spectacle unfold.*
Kunarian Soldier: Who is that…?
Gozan Soldier: That woman, she’s…
Kunarian Soldier: The Sylvid princess?
Krynia: This fighting must cease! Far too long, this world has been divided in war… clashes between those fighting under the banner of Goza and Kunara have threatened to rend this world asunder! But now I bring good news to all… this world shall be united, united under a new banner!
Melana: *looks a bit uneasy*
Blitz: A new banner?
Krynia: The nations of Goza and Kunara are no more… for now… now this world will be united under the Sylvid Dynasty, with I as your new queen!
Melana: Queen?
Krynia: *power coalesces into her hand* There will be peace… or there will be death!
*Beams of white light rain down from Krynia’s hand, down upon the city. Buildings are destroyed, soldiers are vaporized. Both sides try to turn their weapons on her, but she repels them with a barrier of magical energy.*
Blitz: Krynia, stop! What are you doing?
Krynia: What I have planned since the day I was born… the only way this world will ever know peace is under my family’s rule!
Melana: WHAT?
Ophi: Krynia, no! *tears are streaking down her face* Please, you can’t do this!
*Krynia continues to rain destruction on the city as the soldiers on both sides run for cover. Krynia smiles for a moment.*
Krynia: See? I’ve already gotten them to stop fighting!
Blitz: By trying to kill everyone? How long were you planning this?
Krynia: *descends to meet the party* I told you, since the moment I was born… my family is the only thing that will bring peace to this world.
Gulrock: Your family’s dead!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:46:00 AM

Krynia: For now. The potential the Celestriad carries is limitless. Already I can feel their souls inside, begging for release…
Hark: We… we were supposed to bring peace to the world!
Krynia: Do you really think you’re the only ones who’ve been trying to bring peace? Did you see those corpses in the underwater city? They were there, weren’t they? I told them that would be where they could find the Sapphire Star, but they never came back… perhaps I should’ve done like I did with you and sent them to the volcano first, or maybe the forest…
Lucilla: You mean… to tell us that there were others?
Krynia: I needed someone to find the Celestriad and bring it to me. I couldn’t do it myself, if either of the two nations knew I was looking, they’d kill me immediately. I needed to keep both nations from gaining too much power over the other… putting monsters in the quarries and caves kept their miners busy and also had the lovely side effect of letting me know who might be worthy of doing my errands for me.
Melana: The monsters… all over the world… those were YOU?
Krynia: Most of them. I’ve had plenty of time to study the subject, after all.
*Blitz is shaking in horror at these revelations. He’s been played for a fool and he knows it. He grips his sword in rage.*
Krynia: I will have my family back… all I need is time.
Blitz: Time you won’t have! *rushes at Krynia, sword drawn*
Krynia: *dodges his sword swipe and produces a sword of her own, a beautiful, glimmering crystal sword that she rams through his body*
Blitz: *gasping, blood pouring from his mouth*
Melana: BLITZ!!!
Krynia: *ascends above the roof once more, she continues radiating power massively, barely able to control the Celestriad’s growing energy* Thank you again… *she smiles and disappeares into the stratosphere as beams of light rain down on the city, several hitting perilously close to the palace*
Artemis: Dammit…! She’s going to bring this whole place down! It can barely stand as it is, Vignus weakened it too much when he had the Celestriad!
Melana: *cradling Blitz in her arms, determined to get him out*
Hark: Melana, come on! We have to go! *helps her carry out Blitz, only to fall through a hole in the floor*
Ophi: Hark! *reaches for him, but it’s too late*
*Another violent shock rocks the building. The entire party scatters, Lucilla pulling Ophi back with her. Melana drags Blitz, she’d carry him but she’s weak from exertion in her previous battles. The entire palace is engulfed in light, the party’s fate unknown.*
Krynia: I will make for myself a glorious throne of stardust… *she ascends into space, larger and larger beams of light rocketing outward from her body, the beams slam into Elinal and the surrounding areas, some now rocketing across the ocean as the friction from the atmosphere reflects the energy of the Celestriad in all directions*

*There is now a cutscene where Krynia disappears, and all we see is the havoc the Celestriad’s radiating energy pulses are causing. Elinal is heavily damaged in the rain of light, while elsewhere, an island is completely vaporized by a stray beam. The storm of energy continues for several minutes, but soon dies down… save for one final beam, rocketing into the stratosphere. It comes down… right on top of Centralia. We see the people of Centralia watching the light show from across the world, unaware of their impending doom. The massive beam of energy comes down on the city… and as people scream and run for their lives, it makes impact. The entire city, President Bartelan included, is vaporized in a wave of magical energy. Only a crater remains.*

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/15/12 7:50:00 AM

If Square picked up this idea and made FFXV, it would probably still come out before Versus XIII

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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 7:51:00 AM

Some notes at this point.

We're about 80% of the way through the main quest at this point. I'm actually worried that this game is too long, I was thinking I'd have to pad it out with more fetch quests but I might have made it too long already, it's got a ton of dungeons. It's a hark back to the old style of RPGs, with lots of dungeons to traverse and explore, in contrast with modern RPGs where every dungeon is huge and sprawling and filled with cutscenes and blah. Some feedback, of course, would be nice.

Blitz is not dead. Hark is not dead. Krynia was intended to be the main villain all along. I tried to dance around the subject so as not to spoil, but since the game's biggest spoiler is now out, I'm willing to spoil other things too.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/15/12 8:36:00 AM

Ry Senkari posted...
Some notes at this point.

We're about 80% of the way through the main quest at this point. I'm actually worried that this game is too long, I was thinking I'd have to pad it out with more fetch quests but I might have made it too long already, it's got a ton of dungeons. It's a hark back to the old style of RPGs, with lots of dungeons to traverse and explore, in contrast with modern RPGs where every dungeon is huge and sprawling and filled with cutscenes and blah. Some feedback, of course, would be nice.

Blitz is not dead. Hark is not dead. Krynia was intended to be the main villain all along. I tried to dance around the subject so as not to spoil, but since the game's biggest spoiler is now out, I'm willing to spoil other things too.

FFV was long and had many dungeons.

Oh and I called it back then. I was sure she would end up being the villain all along even though after a while I thought it would just end up being Vignus or Zukan or something... but that wouldn't be too much fun now would it? Anyway the last update was awesome. Can't wait to see what happens next.
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02/15/12 4:05:00 PM

Once Blitz and Melana spout that strong will/soul nonsense about her I had a hunch it's going to blow up in their faces.

Also, some slight Mr. and Ms. exposition there, but it's fine.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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Ry Senkari
02/15/12 10:28:00 PM

Optimally, in an actual game, the visuals would convey some of the exposition stuff so that I wouldn't have to use so much dialogue on it. I assume that if this were an actual game, some of the dialogue would change to reflect it.

If I was any kind of artist I'd do some screencap sketches. I'd also do the game's logo, which is the three colored stars of the Celestriad connected together.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/16/12 7:22:00 AM


There is a brief cutscene showing Melana, talking to Blitz on his first day on the job as an essence miner. She’s browbeating him. The conversation seems to be viewed through a haze, as if part of a dream.

Melana: You’ve got to be more careful, you nearly caused an entire vein to be lost! I will NOT tell you again, follow all of my directions, understand?
Blitz: Y…yeah! I will… I’m sorry.
Melana: Don’t apologize, just do it!

The scene switches to a series of rapid memories that trace across the screen. They coalesce into a single vision of Melana, just smiling as the sun shines beautifully down on her. The vision fades, and is replaced with the ceiling of a small dwelling. A man approaches.

Biggs: Hey…! Hey, he opened his eyes!
Blitz: *quickly looks around* Melana!!! *blinks as a couple other workers, a male and a female, come over*
Wedge: You’re finally awake, huh?
Mariah: Oh, thank goodness!
Blitz: *tries to sit up*
Biggs: Oh, no, no, you can’t move just yet!
Blitz: *sits up* I’m fine… what happened? *rubbing his head* Where’s Melana? Where’s… Krynia!! *tries to stand* I’ll… I’ll kill her!
Biggs: Settle down!
Mariah: Here… *hands Blitz a glass of water* Drink this…
Blitz: *drinks it, but keeps trying to stand* What’s going on? I remember being in Elinal, and then Krynia went crazy! And WHERE IS MELANA?
Biggs: If you sit back down, I’ll tell you! A lot’s happened in the two weeks since you were out.
Blitz: Two weeks?!

The three people, who turn out to be workers in the SEEC Quarry, tell Blitz what happened. An exhausted, injured Melana carried Blitz into Sobura before walking alone to the quarry. The workers tell Blitz that Melana walked into the deepest, most dangerous part of the quarry (which has once again been overrun by monsters) and hasn’t been seen since. None of Blitz’s friends have been seen, either. Centralia’s destroyed, Elinal is badly damaged, and Krynia is believed to be in space, orbiting the planet in a shimmering landmass in the sky. Every so often, the landmass will glow, which causes every light on the planet and every crystal of essence to briefly dim and then illuminate again, as if they’re in resonance.

Biggs: Ain’t been able to mine at the quarry. It ain’t just the monsters, it’s our equipment. Everything powered by Essence’s been on the fritz these last couple of weeks, it’ll stop working and then start again, but never for too long.
Blitz: And what about the war?
Wedge: Goza and Kunara have stopped fighting each other, they’re trying to figure out a way to get up there and take out Krynia.
Biggs: Only problem is, both countries have another set of targets they want to take out… you guys.
Blitz: US?
Mariah: I guess everyone’s blaming you for what happened… they said you sold out the planet by giving Krynia the Celestriad.
Wedge: Don’t worry… everyone here at the quarry knows you guys were just trying to help. I’m sure there are other friendly people out there, but most people hate your guts. That’s why we really don’t want you up and around-
Blitz: *stands up* I have to find Melana… besides… those people are right. How could we have ever trusted her? How could we have been so stupid?!
Mariah: All you wanted to do was stop the war.
Blitz: And now we might be responsible for something worse… I just want to find Melana. *limps over to the door, clutching his still-wounded stomach*
Wedge: It’s suicide to go out there, you know!
Blitz: I don’t care. *leaves*
Biggs: At least buy some supplies before you leave!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/16/12 7:23:00 AM

You’re given control of Blitz now, and you’ll be going solo for a little while, so make sure you’re prepared with plenty of healing items and status-repelling accessories. The company store has some new stuff for sale, but none of it’s better than what you’ve currently got equipped. You can go outside and fight some new enemies, though the eastern cave and the desert are blocked, as Blitz doesn’t want to go too far from where Melana might be. Your only choice is to head up into the quarry and see if you can find her.

SEEC Quarry, North-

The quarry is mostly like you remember it, though the monsters are much stronger and there’s a massive earthen canyon once you go a certain distance. It seems the monsters have been busy carving themselves a new home.

Windswept Canyon-

As you make your way through the narrow canyon corridors, Blitz will occasionally stop as a memory of Melana or of his friends echoes through his mind. He seems to be growing weaker as he walks (though this isn’t reflected in the actual enemy battles), and Blitz is struggling not to succumb to despair. Finally, he’ll reach a point where he collapses from his injuries and sees to fade into a flashback of his parents.

Blitz’s mother: Darling, you don’t have to put yourself through all of this… stay here, we’ll make it through.
Blitz: No, mom, there’s no more work here… there’s a quarry on the Southern Island where I know I can find work!
Blitz’s father: We might still be able to send you to the university in Centralia…
Blitz: There’s no money for that anymore. Our only hope is me finding a job to support this family. Mom, dad, you’ve done everything for me… it’s time I show how thankful I am to have parents like you.
*Return to the present day, Blitz is on his knees.*
Blitz: I… I knew this was going to happen! I knew not to trust Krynia but I helped her anyway… I… wanted revenge… *grips the dirt on the ground* All of this, everything, everyone that died… it’s my fault…!!!
*There’s another flashback of an 11-year-old Blitz confronting a bully that was picking on a little girl in his home village. Blitz bests the bully and gets him down on the ground.*
Little Blitz: *getting ready to stomp the bully*
Bully: Please, no! *covering himself*
Little Blitz: *is going to do it when the little girl gets in front of him*
Girl: It’s okay…! I’m safe now. You don’t have to hurt him.
Little Blitz: But he might do it again!
Girl: Well if he does that’s who he is, but you’re not him, you don’t like to hurt anyone! I know… *giggles*
*We see Blitz again, trying to get those thoughts out of his mind. Did he really know Krynia was going to turn on everyone?*
Blitz: I… wanted to give the Celestriad to Melana… I always did… Melana… she’s… she’s in trouble!
*Blitz hears something roar and looks up. There’s a high plateau in front of him, surrounded by rocky pillars. Someone is atop that plateau.*
Melana: *just training, alone… she looks weak from lack of food and water and looks like she’s just been training for days, she listlessly thrusts her sword, then turns and thrusts again… her legs are wobbly, she can barely stand*

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/16/12 7:24:00 AM

Blitz: Melana!!!
Melana: *doesn’t stop*
Blitz: *sees a creature climbing atop the plateau* MELANA!!!
*Blitz runs up the rocky platforms to make his way up to the pillar. The creature, a fierce beast on two legs with massive scythe-like claws, suddenly attacks, pinning Melana to the ground. She fights fiercely, stabbing at it with her sword, but she’s clearly too weak to defend herself at this point.*
Blitz: *leaps at the creature and kicks it away from Melana*
Melana: Blitz?
*The creature recovers quickly, knocking Blitz away from Melana and lunging at her again, only for her to parry its lunge with a sword, she somehow manages to get to her feet while holding off the creature.*
Melana: Blitz, get out of here! I came out here for a reason!
*Blitz pulls Melana away from the creature. It leaps at them both, prompting them to hop down the platforms and run into a channel of the canyon as the creature gives pursuit.*
Blitz: What reason is that?
Melana: …
*There are a series of narrow escapes which require the use of quick commands to avoid the creature’s lunges. However, if you miss a command, you won’t die, you just miss a chance to damage the creature.*
Blitz: Melana, answer me!
Melana: …I wanted to die out here, all right?
Blitz: WHAT?
*The creature has them cornered*
Melana: You were right, I should’ve taken the Celestriad… I was too weak to accept the burden…
Blitz: So you really want to die? You think that will help anyone? If you want to die, why’d you fight that thing off?
Melana: ….maybe I don’t know WHAT I want!
Blitz: …do you want to help me?
Melana: It doesn’t look like I have a choice!

You’ll have a chance to re-equip Melana before fighting a boss.

BOSS: Vascilade (HP: 39,000, minus 2,000 for each quick command executed successfully, up to 5 in all)

The Vascilade is purely a physical attacker. It’ll mostly use quick slashes of its powerful claws to damage the party, though it can mix things up a bit with a poison or paralysis attack. For this fight, have Blitz use his best Swordplay while Melana uses her strongest magic, Vascilade is weak to Aeroga, so use that, unless you need to heal. Vascilade’s physical attacks aren’t really strong enough to be much of a threat unless you neglect your healing, it’s biggest threat is the Whirligig which will do around 400 to both party members. Despite the fact that you only have two party members, the fight should be easy.

Once Vascilade is dead, the immediate threat is over, though Melana will still be cryptic with Blitz. Eventually, Blitz manages to get Melana to admit that she doesn’t really want to die (because otherwise, she wouldn’t have tried to fight off the creature). She says that she came out to the quarry to punish herself for letting Krynia execute her plans and for not being able to protect the others. It’s getting dark, so Blitz and Melana decide to camp out. The scene continues.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/16/12 7:25:00 AM

Melana: Even if we can find the others, we’ll never be able to defeat Krynia. She’s far stronger than Vignus ever was and she’s had two whole weeks to attune herself with the Celestriad’s power.
Blitz: We have to try… I’d rather die fighting Krynia than live in a world where she rules over everything.
Melana: I agree… I just don’t want us to throw our lives away. I don’t want YOU to throw your life away.
Blitz: They told me you carried me all the way back to Sobura.
Melana: I had the airship’s help most of the way. …Blitz, you were dying. I would’ve done it for anyone.
Blitz: I… I know. It’s okay, Melana, I know you don’t… don’t feel the same way I do. This isn’t the time to be worried about that anyway.
*Melana keeps looking at Blitz, concern in her eyes.*
Blitz: When I woke up… the first thing I thought about…
*Melana quickly takes his hand*
Melana: Do you want to stop Krynia?
Blitz: …?
Melana: We’ll find the others. We’ll stop her. We’ll save the world. Is that what you want?
*The theme song of Final Fantasy XV, “Shining From Far Away” (performed in English by Olivia Olson), begins to play. Melana’s hand tightens slightly around Blitz’s.*
Blitz: Yeah.
Melana: Then I promise, I’ll go anywhere with you to make that happen. You and me and all our friends, together. I won’t give up.
Blitz: …thank you.
*The song continues to play as the scene skips forward a couple of times. Blitz is lying down on his back, looking up at the stars, his eyes focused on the shimmering, three-colored point of light where Krynia is. Melana is sitting nearby, tending to the campfire.*
Blitz: Where do you think they all are?
Melana: I… I saw Hark fall in the palace, but I know he’s alive somewhere. If you could survive what you did, so could he.
Blitz: So we’ll find everyone then?
Melana: We will. *she walks over and lies down next to Blitz, looking up at the stars by his side* Even if everyone else in the world stands in our way, all we need is each other.
Blitz: *smiles*
Melana: Hmm? *looks at him* …
Blitz: Sorry… I know you didn’t mean-
Melana: Goodnight, Blitz. *she holds his hand again as the two keep looking up at the stars together, the scene now switches to Blitz making breakfast for Melana*
Blitz: I know you probably haven’t eaten in a while-
Melana: Your cooking’s hideous, there’s no way-
Blitz: *pushes a piece of cooked food into Melana’s mouth* Eat. *smiles*
Melana: …!
Blitz: It’s good, right?
Melana: …only because I’m hungry. *she takes the rest of the food and begins shoveling it into her mouth as Blitz watches and laughs*
*The two run through the canyon, dodging more monsters as they make it back to Sobura. They enter the miners’ village to a chorus of cheers from the assembled miners, to which Melana just tells them all to get back to work. The scene then shows Melana taking Blitz to a secret area of the quarry where she stored the airship. The two of them approach it, slowly walking over to the ascent ladder.*
Melana: Well, here we are. You ready for this?
Blitz: I’m always ready. Let’s go find our friends! *he runs over to the ladder now, about to start climbing*
*Melana approaches Blitz as he is about to climb the ladder. He sees her and backs off a moment, thinking she wants to go first and chivalrously allowing her to do so. But that’s not what she wants. As the song climaxes, Melana pulls Blitz close and kisses him on the lips, her eyes closing as they embrace. She then climbs up the ladder, with Blitz following, somewhat in a daze after the kiss. The song and cutscene end with a beautiful panoramic view of the stars, the quarry, and the airship as Melana and Blitz walk on the deck, ready to embark on the next phase of their journey.*

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/16/12 7:25:00 AM

After the airship takes off, you’re given control again in airship piloting mode. As soon as you go a little ways in any direction, there’s a cutscene. The Gozan military takes aim at the airship and fires, bringing it down. Melana tries to steer it, but it crash lands on an island off the coast of Kastith.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
02/16/12 8:20:00 AM


New airship or just repair it? Hmm...

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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Ry Senkari
02/16/12 8:58:00 AM

The workers at the quarry repaired the old one when Melana brought it in.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/17/12 6:46:00 AM

Island East of Kastith-

You might’ve tried coming to this island before when you had the airship and noticed some kind of closed off tunnel that you weren’t able to enter. Think you might be able to go inside now? Well, before you can find out, there’s a cutscene where Blitz and Melana stagger out of their wrecked airship, only for Gozan military troops to come ashore and pursue them. The two try to run but the Gozans quickly catch up, and a fight ensues. You have to survive an encounter with a Heatseeker and two Gozan Elites, not a difficult battle but one you should still try to finish quickly. Blitz and Melana continue to run, only for more Gozan troops to pursue them. They run toward the closed tunnel, which suddenly opens up and releases canisters of choking gas that fly into the crowd of soldiers, incapacitating them long enough for Blitz and Melana to rush inside.

Woman: Hurry, quickly!
Blitz: What is this place? *the tunnel entrance closes behind them, keeping the soldiers out for the moment*

The woman explains that they’re in a tunnel that was built to connect the Kastith Underbelly to an island offshore. It’s a relic of a day when the residents of the Underbelly feared a purge from Kastithian officials above (some 100 or so years ago), and it’s being used again, as Gozan officials have come into Kastith seeking reprisal against the citizens of the Underbelly, due to the fact that that’s where Ophi hails from. Ophi’s returned to the Underbelly to help the citizens there escape before the Gozans come, but the tunnels have unfortunately filled with monsters, making them too dangerous to provide an evacuation route.

Woman: Ophi’s been working to clear the monsters out, but she can’t do it alone… there’s a section of the old tunnels that are quickly filling with powerful beasts, too strong for one person to fight. I fear that if we can’t go through the tunnels, the Gozan army will do terrible things to us all…
Melana: Where is Ophi now?
Woman: I’m not sure, she said she was going to try and clear the tunnels again, but that was yesterday!
Melana: She’s probably in trouble, we have to find her!

As Blitz and Melana head off to find Ophi, there’s a cutscene where Gozan soldiers can be seen breaking through into the tunnel. They’re led by a man named Markieff, who is determined to kill every last resident of the Kastithian sewers.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/17/12 6:47:00 AM

Kastith Subterrane-

This dungeon is in a lot of ways like the sewers you traversed earlier in the game. You can actually traverse the tunnels until you reach the sewers, though the entrance to those (and the underbelly as well) is blocked off. The enemies aren’t too particularly dangerous. Eventually you’ll reach an area with a save point where Markieff will confront you, this leads to another battle with Gozan soldiers and you’re forced to flee down a tunnel. Now, Gozan military soldiers and machines are added to the enemy rotation of the tunnels. The Gozan mechs tend to be slightly tougher than the normal tunnel enemies, though the tunnel enemies can cause more status effects. Eventually, you come to a large open room that seems to be a dead end. Melana will discover Ophi’s cloak and some of her blood, along with signs of a monster attack.

Melana: Ophi, no…
Blitz: You don’t really think she was killed here, do you?
Melana: I don’t… I don’t know! But there’s so much blood here… what other conclusion can there be?
Blitz: Then we were too late…!
Melana: Dammit! *she falls to her knees* Ophi… she must have fought for days here by herself, trying to clear out those monsters… I wonder if she felt the same way I did…?
Blitz: Like how you were trying to punish yourself for letting Krynia get the Celestriad? You don’t think Ophi… you don’t think she tried fighting monsters by herself as punishment for what happened to Hark, do you?
Melana: *bowing her head*
Blitz: Ophi doesn’t think like that! She’s different, she’s… she can bounce back from anything. Even when she’s scared, or sad-
Melana: Just stop it… *starting to tear up* We… we have to tell Ophi’s grandmother that she-
*The two hear a scream. They rush out of the deep tunnels to see what’s happened… it’s the woman who helped them before. She’s dying.*
Woman: They… they went into the sewers… the Gozans…
Blitz: No!
Melana: *trying to tend to the woman’s injuries, but they’re far too severe*
Woman: The Gozans… plan to kill everyone. You must… stop them…. Where is Ophi?
*Blitz and Melana can’t bring themselves to tell the woman what happened to Ophi. She dies in their arms, but not before giving Blitz and Melana what appear to be special crests, given to her by Opala to give to them.*
Melana: We might not have been able to save her or Ophi, but we can still save everyone in the Underbelly! Come on!

The crests bestowed on Blitz and Melana turn out to be the Affinity Marks for “Break Damage Limit”, which allows you to exceed the default limit of 9,999 damage and do up to 99,999 damage with any character who activated that node on the Affinity Grid (you could’ve earned it naturally through leveling up, but it would’ve taken a LOT of grinding). You probably don’t have anything that can exceed that at the moment except possibly Full-Force Attacks, but it’s good to know that your damage output potential has now vastly increased. You now need to head through the sewers (it’s a straightforward path since you’re not heading deep into the sewers to slay a monster). You’ll be fighting scripted battles with Gozan mechs along the way. At the very end of the sewers, right before you reach the village, is a large mech that’s almost like a mini-boss battle, it has 20,000 HP and some powerful missile attacks you’ll need to deal with. Once the mech goes down, you can save and continue on. A cutscene will begin.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/17/12 6:50:00 AM

Markieff: *enters the town with some of his soldiers and battlemechs as the Underbelly residents cower in fear* Your witch has unleashed a plague upon this world… and now you will all bear the cost of her sins.
Man: You’re wrong! Ophi tried to save this world… you’re the one who’s brought the plague! If it wasn’t for people like you, Ophi and her friends wouldn’t have had to try to find the Celestriad to stop you!
Markieff: *smirking, he signals to some of his soldiers, who begin attacking people in the village, the man is knocked to the ground* Destroy him.
*A battlemech approaches the man as he cowers in fear, his family is begging for mercy nearby. The mech prepares its missiles, when suddenly they are blocked by a barrier of magic, the battlemech is then blasted to pieces.*
Markieff: What in the hell?
*Ophi, now in a rather revealing set of cobbled-together clothing, slightly wounded with some blood still running down her arm, approaches Markieff while looking quite uncharacteristically badass.*
Ophi: You won’t hurt anyone here! Get out, right now!
Markieff: So you finally decided to show yourself.
Ophi: Last chance! *her body lights up with magical energy*
Markieff: *sends another battlemech at Ophi that blocks her Firaga spell, it fires a beam at her that she struggles to block*
Ophi: *gritting her teeth in exertion* Everyone, get to the tunnels! I’ll hold them all off!
Markieff: *to his men* Kill anyone who tries to pass!
*Suddenly, Blitz and Melana rush forth, easily knocking out all the soldiers and running toward Ophi and Markieff.*
Blitz: Ophi?
Melana: You’re alive?!
Ophi: Friends! *staggers back as the beam intensifies* Nnnnhhhh! I…I’m glad to see you!
Blitz: We thought you died back in the tunnel! Wasn’t that your blood?
Ophi: Probably…! The big monsters in there were really strong…I… I didn’t want to kill them but I didn’t have a choice, the tunnels are safe to pass through now! *barely able to stand*
Markieff: *to Blitz and Melana* I thought you were both shot down…
Melana: No, but you’re gonna pay for trying!
Markieff: *ceases his warmech’s attack* We’ll see… I have a feeling you’re not prepared for this… *he climbs into his mech, which encases around him, creating a fusion of man and machine*
Blitz: Ophi, can you still fight?
Ophi: I can always fight!
Melana: Good, I think we’re gonna need you….!

As always, you’re given the chance to outfit Ophi before the fight.

BOSS: Markieff (HP: 52,000)

Markieff’s mech is equipped with a giant sword that can slice one or all three of your party members, it also has a nasty laser and a special attack called Laser Array, which, as you might expect, hits all three of your characters for some nasty damage. In addition, Markieff has a few other attacks ranging from pathetic to mildly annoying, he’s not really all that difficult, but you should heal immediately after Laser Array. For your attacks, have Blitz use his standard physical attack or possibly a Swordplay technique, while Melana and Ophi rip into Markieff with Thundaga. Melana MIGHT exceed 9,999 damage here, if she can, this fight will end pretty quickly. Markieff’s defeat causes his mech to short circuit and badly malfunction, and it collapses to the ground.

Markieff: Nnnggghhh! *trying to escape his smoldering mech, but it’s too badly damaged*
Melana: Everyone, get back, it’s going critical…!!! *quickly makes sure the townspeople back off while Blitz and Ophi try desperately to help Markieff escape*
Markieff: Why are you helping me?
Blitz: Because we don’t think anyone deserves to die for making a mistake.
Ophi: Please, let us help…!
Markieff: *screaming as the mech approaches criticality*
Melana: Blitz, Ophi, both of you, it’s too late!
Blitz: No, we can help him!
Melana: *forcibly yanks both of them back*

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/17/12 6:50:00 AM

Ophi: Melana…!!!
*they get back just in time as the mech explodes, taking Markieff with it. The three pick themselves up, Ophi showing a lot of regret.*
Blitz: Ophi… it’s… it’s all right. He… he made his choice.
Ophi: *bowing her head*

The two continue speaking to Ophi, glad that she and the village are safe. Melana apologizes about Hark, but Ophi explains that Hark survived and in fact visited her about a week after what happened. Hark managed to survive the destruction of the Palace of Administration, but he felt terrible about everything that happened and began looking for a way to get stronger to beat Krynia. That’s when he learned about the Thieves’ Tower, an ancient and hidden fortress on an inaccessible part of the Gozan continent, where skilled thieves can gain the power they need to live without fear. He went to tell Ophi about his journey and promised her he’d return once he became stronger, then left to the Thieves’ Tower.

Blitz: Looks like that’s where we need to go next, isn’t it?
Ophi: I know he wanted to do this alone but the least we can do for him is give him an audience, right? *giggling* And either way, I know my people will be safe, at least for now.

The party visits Opala, who thanks Blitz and Melana for protecting Ophi. She bestows upon Ophi a “Break Damage Limit” Affinity Mark and also gives her the Radiant Staff, which provides a major boost to Ophi’s magic and magic defense. Opala tells Blitz and Melana that she knows people in the Underbelly can help fix the airship, though it will take some time. Now that they can hide in the tunnels, they’ll be safe and Ophi can feel free to help her friends save the world.

The next thing you need to do is head up into Kastith, where a contact of the ancient Circle of Thieves can be found.


The way to the Tower of Thieves can be found by finding the Circle of Thieves’ contact in Kastith. You’ll have to engage in a bit of a dialogue puzzle, you’ll need to talk to certain people in town, which leads to other people who can help you out. Melana and Ophi will offer clues along the way, so it isn’t too frustrating, though you may need to engage in trial and error at some parts. Eventually, you’ll be informed that the rebellious girl Alice in the Veylon family mansion has a boyfriend who is a member of the Circle. Meet with her, and she’ll discuss with her boyfriend Nabu about the Tower of Thieves.

Nabu: The Tower… is only a legend.
Alice: These three say it is real… please, Nabu, they can be trusted. They are the ones who gathered the Celestriad. They’re trying to save the world!
Nabu: We are already aware of them… if they come to the Tower, they will lead the power of both nations against us. We have already refused to accept the one boy into the Circle.
Ophi: You mean Hark?
Nabu: He staggered into our Tower, begging us to let him take the trials. We told him that he would die if he even undertook one, let alone tried to conquer them all. I do not know where he is now.
Blitz: Please, guide us to the Tower. We just want to find our friend.
Nabu: It is only out of love for Alice that I will agree to guide you. We’ll arrange a boat from the nearby port city to take you to the Gozan shores… from there, I will guide you through the secret mountain pass to the Tower. Any trouble you bring along the way, you must handle… or we will, and we will not spare any of you.
Ophi: Thank you… and please, reconsider… Hark is the bravest, strongest person I’ve ever known. He would not seek out this power if he was not ready for it.
Nabu: I may consider putting in a good word for him… but that all depends on how you conduct yourselves on your way to the Tower. Come to the port quickly, a boat will be waiting. Do not delay…

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/17/12 6:51:00 AM

You should now head up to Yali (though you may want to check Kastith’s stores for new equipment for your party first). You can skip Mt. Kastith or go over the long way, if you do, there will be some new monsters for you to fight, nothing too good for grinding though. Sure enough, the Thieves’ Circle has arranged a boat for you in the port. Quickly board it.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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