Board 8 > So I've been brainstorming ideas for Final Fantasy XV.

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Ry Senkari
02/18/12 1:51:00 AM

After a quick scene on the boat, you’re delivered to the southeastern coast of Goza. You may have seen a large mountain near the town of Shroud that you were unable to enter, now that’s where you’re headed next. Nabu takes the party to the base of the mountain and opens a secret passage for them.

Mt. Manifest-

The mountain path is rather straightforward, there are side paths but Nabu keeps the party going forward. There are some enemies to fight, nothing too dangerous. After a short walk, the party will reach Thieves’ Tower.

Thieves’ Tower-

The thieves inhabiting the tower will react with hostility at first, but Nabu vouches for the party and they’re allowed in. However, you’re quickly told that Hark is gone and that he hasn’t been seen. Ophi gets furious with the Thieves’ Circle for turning Hark away, but for all of her yelling and anger, the thieves won’t budge. Ophi believes that Hark is still somewhere on the mountain, so it’s time to head back down and search. Nabu stays behind at the tower, leaving Blitz, Melana, and Ophi to carry out the search alone.

Mt. Manifest-

This time, you’re free to take the various side paths on the mountain. It’s a little confusing at first, without a map you’ll need to carefully navigate winding pathways to reach Hark’s location. There are some treasures to find, for a couple of them you’ll need to carefully descend a cliff face in such a way that you land near the treasures (it’s similar to the roller coaster puzzle on Mt. Coral in Final Fantasy VII). Eventually, though, the party will locate Hark, alone on an ice-cold cliff face. He’s shivering and weak, though when the party approaches him, he reacts differently than you would expect.

Ophi: Hark! *runs toward him, only for him to back off*
Hark: No…! *backs away from Ophi* I… I have to show them… have to show them I’m strong enough to take their trials!
Blitz: Hark, you’ve been out here for a whole week?
Hark: I’m strong enough to do this! *shaking* I… I don’t need your help, I don’t need anyone’s help!
Ophi: Hark, please! We’re your friends, we’re here to help you….
Hark: NO! *runs away from Ophi, up a steep peak*

The group pursues Hark, who loses his footing on the peak and nearly falls.

Melana: Hark, I was in the same situation you are! I was desperate, trying to prove that I could still fight… but you can’t do this to yourself, you can’t do this alone!
Blitz: We’re your friends… I’ve been your best friend for like a whole year… you don’t need these guys, they’re not your friends!
Hark: You don’t understand. I’m different.
Blitz: Don’t tell us we don’t understand you, we understand you better than anyone!
Hark: *shaking his head* You guys don’t know anything about me.

Hark goes on to explain that his real mother didn’t die, she left home three years after having Hark. Hark’s mother Rubidia is the leader of the Thieves’ Circle and Hark is descended from that bloodline. He and his father were left heartbroken at Rubidia’s departure and at first Hark tried to get as far away from his mother’s skills as possible, but the thieves’ blood is a part of him and he developed some of the order’s skills without even trying. He didn’t just come to the Thieves’ Tower to get stronger, he came to confront his mother.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/18/12 1:51:00 AM

Blitz: Hark… I’m sorry… I know it must’ve been too painful to tell us before.
Hark: Yeah. It was. *shivering* I won’t let them reject me… I’ll show them and I’ll show my mother how strong I can be.
Ophi: You don’t need to prove that to anyone. *she touches his shoulder* You confronted Dynal and saved my life. You helped us get the Celestriad.
Hark: Some good that did… the Celestriad thing, not the saving you thing. …I missed you, Ophi. I missed all of you guys… but this is something I have to do alone.
Blitz: No. If you’re going to confront your mother, we’re going to be right there with you.
Melana: And if they reject you this time, we’ll knock the door down and kick everyone’s ass until they agree to let your mother speak with you.
Ophi: That’s right, no one’s going to stop you this time!
Hark: …all right, let’s go back. *still looks unsure*
Blitz: You have to be confident, though. They won’t let you in looking like that.
Melana: Right. Chin up, Hark. Be strong.
Ophi: You can do it!

You automatically return to the Thieves’ Tower.

Thieves’ Tower-

Kalinus: I thought I told you not to come back here.
Hark: I demand to be allowed to take the trials. And if you don’t let me, I’ll force you to let me.
Kalinus: Oh, will you?
Hark: *draws his knife*
Kalinus: *draws a pair of swords*
*Blitz, Melana, and Ophi all look ready to back Hark up… but he waves them off.*
Hark: I’m going to beat you and prove my worth.
Kalinus: *smirks* You’re making a mistake.

You’re given the chance to equip Hark here.

BOSS: Kalinus (HP: 22,000)

This is a one-on-one fight and Kalinus has a pretty good amount of HP. He’ll attack with a single sword slash for around 250, a double sword slash (two hits of around 250), or he’ll use the Bold Charge for around 700. For that reason, Hark’s HP should be kept above 1,000 at all times. You’ll want to have Hark use his magic, any level two spell is your best bet as you’ll do around 1,500 or more to Kalinus. This will be a fairly long, drawn-out battle, but with careful execution, you can definitely win.

Kalinus: *backs off* You’re determined….
Hark: *pointing his knife at Kalinus* Let me in… now!
Kalinus: *smiles* As you wish.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/18/12 1:53:00 AM

A gas suddenly washes over the party. They all pass out. Hark awakens in a large, dark room.

Voice: Welcome, thief, to your second trial…
Hark: My second?
Voice: Confronting Kalinus was the first. These trials have been designed to challenge your particular weaknesses… your friends are safe, they have been placed somewhere where they won’t be in your way. You must complete these trials alone.
Hark: …I’m ready.

A maze is laid out before you. Throughout the maze are various hazards that will deplete Hark’s HP. If it falls to 0, you are sent back to the start of the maze and told to try again. A couple of the hazards are instant kills, so watch out.

Eventually, you reach the end of the maze and confront a ninja-like figure.

Kenji: You are swift and brave, but you do not have the skill necessary to defeat me.
Hark: I won’t be stopped!

BOSS: Kenji (HP: N/A)

First off, Hark automatically starts the battle with the HP left after the maze, so if you’re hurting from the hazards, you’ll need to heal immediately. You start the battle with five crests, and Kenji has five. What you need to do is damage Kenji, stun him, and then use the Steal command to get his crests. If you time it perfect, you can get two at once. Of course, Kenji can steal YOUR crests too, and in addition, he can damage you, which means you’re fighting a battle on two fronts. It’s really not all that hard, but if you’re not good on the Steal timing, you might have trouble.

Kenji’s defeat leaves the pathway open for the third trial. This trial is a cold, icy corridor that leaves Hark in a great deal of pain, as he’s already suffering from exposure to the elements on Mt. Manifest. As he goes through the corridor, he is taunted by voices telling him that he’ll never be as strong as Melana or Blitz, confronting him with all the times during his adventure that he was weak or cowardly. Eventually, the voices get to Hark and he falls to his knees, shaking and gripping his head.

Hark: Stop it… everyone, just STOP! *rocking back and forth* I can’t…I can’t do it anymore… I can’t stand up to Krynia… I can’t protect Ophi…

He is reassured by memories of Blitz and Melana, encouraging him onward. It’s quite an emotional scene, where Hark realizes how brave he’s been all along and how much his friends really do need him. At the end of the corridor, he sees Blitz and Melana tied back to back to a pole.

Hark: Blitz! Melana! Are you guys okay?
Blitz: Yeah, I think so!
Melana: Blitz keeps poking my hand. It’s annoying. *glares at him*
Blitz: I’m bored!
Hark: *runs toward them, only for a beautiful woman to leap down from the ceiling in front of him*
Naya: You’re not going to save them. You’re not going to get past me…
Hark: Out of my way!

BOSS: Naya (HP: 18,000)

Naya’s specialty is dodging your attacks, and she has a high magic resistance, making that route just as slow as your physicals. Fortunately, she can’t hit too terribly hard, but this fight will still go on longer than the Kalinus fight. A good way to end this one quick is to concentrate on blocking Naya’s attacks to build up your meter and enter a state of Heightened Awareness, then use your physical attacks (which now do more damage and are MUCH more accurate). A few lucky rounds will deplete Naya’s HP fast, winning you the fight. If you get unlucky, just refill the gauge and go another round.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/18/12 1:53:00 AM

Naya: Nnnhhh! *stumbles* You… you’re good. You might be worthy after all…
*Hark goes to free his friends, but the pole they’re on sinks into the floor, preventing him from doing so*
Voice: They will be kept safe… you have more trials to complete.

The next area is all about Hark’s relationship with Ophi. He is taunted by the fact that he couldn’t stop Dynal from kidnapping her, and his mind is filled with horrible, nightmarish visions of her death. This is a platforming area where you need to use the jump command to traverse some tricky jumps to reach the next floor of the tower. It’s somewhat difficult and annoying, but eventually you make it through and reach the next room. Nabu is holding Ophi, just like Dynal was holding her back in the fortress.

Ophi: ….!!!! Hark! *struggling against his grasp*
Hark: OPHI! *runs toward her*
Nabu: *seemingly slices Ophi’s throat, dropping her dead body to the ground*
Hark: NO!!!
Nabu: To become a member of the Thieves’ Circle, you must leave all your attachments behind. This girl was nothing but a distraction.
Hark: *shaking in rage* You… monster… you sick monster!!! How could you?!
Nabu: She made the choice to come here. You made the choice to join the Circle. Focus your rage… use it against me… strike me down!

BOSS: Nabu (HP: 40,000)

You automatically enter the fight in a state of Heightened Awareness, so hit Nabu with as many physical attacks as you can before your gauge discharges. It’ll charge twice as quickly in this battle, so that’s the key to winning this fight (Nabu’s 40,000 HP might seem like a lot for a one-on-one boss battle, but the Heightened Awareness Hark will be in for most of the fight makes it go down much faster). Nabu’s most dangerous attack is the Shadow Blade. He’ll telegraph it, if undodged or undefended it’ll do around 800 damage, so be aware and keep Hark’s HP up.

When Nabu goes down, Hark leaps on him, knife at the ready.
Hark: *enraged* I’m going to kill you for what you did to Ophi!
Nabu: *confronts his death without fear*
Hark: *raises his knife*
Ophi: Hark, wait!
Hark: …!!! *turns to see that Ophi is sitting up, unharmed* Ophi? But-
Ophi: *wipes some red paint off her neck* I’m fine….
Hark: ….
Nabu: *still on the ground* The enemy will be willing to take everything from you and make you watch… you must be willing to lose it all to stand up to them.
Ophi: Hark, I’m so sorry… I know seeing that must have been terrifying… please forgive me.
Hark: ….Ophi, I’m just glad you’re alive…. *hugs her tightly, dropping his knife*
Ophi: *holding Hark close* I spoke to your mother…
Hark: She’s HERE?
Nabu: She will give you your final trial.
Ophi: She… she didn’t… maybe I should let her tell you everything. Hark… please don’t hate her.
Hark: *standing up* I won’t. I can’t. But… I have to know.
Ophi: I’ll be right here waiting. I promise.
Hark: *smiles* Thanks, Ophi. *turns and goes into the final room*

There’s a save point here before you head in, you should probably use it. Hark will confront Rubidia, who expresses joy at seeing Hark again, and has a bit of a sad expression.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/18/12 1:54:00 AM

Hark: Why did you leave us? Was it for power? Was it for money?
Rubidia: *she drops her cloak, revealing a scarred, wounded body clad in a rather revealing bodysuit… she’s clearly been through many, many battles* I had to come back… the Order of Thieves was facing extermination by the Gozan military. I was the only one strong enough to hold back their forces.
Hark: *shaking, not knowing what to think… on the one hand, his mother abandoned their family… on the other hand, hundreds would have been killed had she not left* …
Rubidia: I won’t ask for your forgiveness. I have no right to. I wanted to protect you and your father… that’s why I told my companions not to let you in here. I know why you fight.
Hark: We’re trying to save the world!
Rubidia: I doubt it can be saved. Even if you stop Krynia, the two nations will continue to fight. The nation of Goza would have killed us all… had I not offered myself as a prize to General Karst.
Hark: Mom…?
Rubidia: *bowing her head* I was…not proud of what I did. But… I can’t regret every part of it. Hark… I want you to meet your brother.
*A boy of about 13 steps out, clad in the Circle’s best thieves’ gear. He looks happy, but he also looks like a fairly hardened warrior.*
Hark: *recoils in disbelief*
Rubidia: Katan, this is your brother Hark. He’s come to join us in the Thieves’ Circle.
Katan: *smiling* Mother told me about how brave you were…
Rubidia: Katan will not hold back.
Hark: What are you saying… I have to fight HIM?
Rubidia: Not to the death, but I don’t want you holding back either. If you can best Katan, you will be one of us.
Katan: *takes out a knife* Let’s play.

BOSS: Katan (HP: 24,000)

Katan’s attacks come in fast and furious, and he can quickly deplete Hark’s HP meter. You should cast Haste immediately upon beginning the fight, it’s necessary to keep Katan from getting significantly more turns than you. Your best bet here will be using Katan’s multiple attacks as an opportunity to build up your Awareness gauge, while using your best attack magic. Keep your HP above 1,200, and unleash a powerful Full-Force Attack once your gauge builds all the way. Keep at it and you’ll win. Make sure you Steal the Kris Knife from Katan during the fight.

Katan: *exhausted and somewhat injured, but still smiling* That… that was fun!
Hark: Are… you all right?
Rubidia: He’s strong… but you are stronger. *heals you both with a spell* Hark…my son… the trials were difficult, but I had to know you could really handle what you are about to undertake. I still don’t want you trying to stop Krynia… but I cannot and will not stop you.
Hark: Mom… I’m going to make a better world, and once I’m done… you and Katan can come back to Sobura to live with me and dad.
Rubidia: I’ve been gone far too long for that… Katan isn’t even his anyway… he…would not want to see him.
Hark: Of course he would…!
Rubidia: *she smiles* Hark, you are so loving and kind… it amazes me how strong you’ve grown. You are always welcome here.
Hark: *smiling* Thank you.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/18/12 1:54:00 AM

Rubidia gives Hark several Affinity Marks, including the marks for Blizzaga, Thundaga, Firaga, Aeroga, Quakega, Waterga, and Curaga, along with the Break Damage Limit mark and a +1000 HP mark (which will quite possibly give him more HP than anyone in the party, at least for now). Blitz, Melana, and Ophi all return and congratulate Hark, with Ophi once again apologizing to Hark for pretending to be killed. Hark forgives her, telling her that he has to prepare himself for anything, and that they’re all risking their lives by undertaking this quest. You can now skip Mt. Manifest and go directly down to the shore. You can explore the Gozan continent at this point, though some destinations are blocked off by the military. Rubidia has told the party that her scouts have informed her of some kind of disturbance in Cliffside, and of course the party wants to go there next to check on Gulrock and Lucilla. Though you can do some wandering around, you’ll want to make the trek to Cliffside to see if you can find two more of your friends.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/19/12 5:41:00 AM

Too swamped to do an update today,will continue tomorrow.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/20/12 6:55:00 AM


Upon arrival in Cliffpeak, the party immediately notices Gozan soldiers patrolling the streets of the city. Melana and Blitz want to thrash them, but Ophi says that if they start a fight in the middle of the city, innocent bystanders could get hurt and they need to find another way in. It’s then that a cloaked figure approaches the party. He gestures for them to follow him, and takes you to some kind of nondescript house nearby. Melana isn’t sure they can trust him, but Blitz thinks the person is trying to help and insists on following along. The party is taken to a small building, where a group of cloaked people approach them.

Man: *removes his cloak* I’m Ricard, of the Estave clan. I believe you know my sister Lucilla.
Blitz: Yeah, she’s married to Gulrock, they traveled with us!
Ophi: Do you know where they are?
Ricard: Yes. Lucilla is currently with some of the elders, they’re negotiating some kind of deal with the Gozan military. It seems they’ve come here looking for you and for her.
Melana: They blame us for causing the current state of affairs…
Woman: Some of us do as well… but we protect our own, and Lucilla insisted we help protect you. We’ve been doing our best to keep the Gozan military out of the city, but General Karst is solidifying control over the entire nation.
Melana: Karst survived? Damn… we thought he’d been in Centralia when all of this went down.
Ricard: He and his regiment were outside the city on business. After the destruction of Centralia, Cliffpeak became the logical site for Goza’s new capital… but we want to keep the military out for the time being.
Woman: The Estave clan has held power in Cliffpeak for many centuries. We can tolerate being a part of Goza, but we do not want its center of operations here.
Hark: I’m surprised Karst doesn’t just invade and kick you guys out… I mean, I’m glad he hasn’t, but…
Ricard: Karst doesn’t want to start a massacre. If he marches into the city with his army, we’ll dig in and make it useless to him as a capital. That’s why he’s trying to negotiate peacefully with us.
Melana: We need to know where Gulrock is.
Ricard: He’s down in the quarry with his squad, they’re trying to hold off the monsters who’ve shown up in the quarry. They’ve been attacking the city… if Gulrock can’t hold them, we’ll have to allow the military control of the city for purposes of protection.
Blitz: Then we’ve gotta help Gulrock!

The Estave clan gives cloaks to the party so they can walk around Cliffpeak without being accosted by the guards. Interestingly, the coliseum and the chocobo races have relocated here. The coliseum is still closed, but you can participate in chocobo racing (can’t do too much more until you have the whole party back, though). There are new weapons and armor in the shops, upgrade everything you can, this is some of the best equipment money can buy in the game (only Elinal’s final shops are better, those will open up to you a bit later on). When you’re ready, head down to the quarry. Like the SEEC Quarry, the Cliffpeak Quarry has greatly expanded as monsters have carved out a massive cave.

Cliffpeak Quarry Cavern-

This dungeon is a bit of a puzzle, you’ll need to manipulate mining equipment to go forward into the deeper tunnels. The enemies are quite voracious, you’ll run into some giant moles, some powerful automatons, and a few giant bugs on your way to finding Gulrock. At a certain point in the cavern, there will be a tremendous earthquake that spills some rocks, separating the members of your party. You’ll end up with just Blitz and will have to navigate some narrow tunnels to find Melana (try to avoid enemies until you find her, Blitz alone will be hard pressed to beat some of the nasties in these tunnels). After that, you’ll find Hark, and then after a bit more questing, you’ll find Ophi, she has her leg stuck under a rock.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/20/12 6:57:00 AM

As the party goes to save her, a massive beast bursts through a wall behind her.

Hark: No!!!
*Just as the beast is ready to kill Ophi in a single swipe, it gets a huge spear through its back. The party looks to see Lucilla has leapt down from the ceiling to kill the beast.*
Lucilla: You might want to be careful, it’s dangerous down here.
Ophi: Lucilla!
Blitz: You’re alive! And you’re here!
Melana: I thought you were with the elders?
Lucilla: Psssh, those scruffy old fellows? They didn’t even approve of me marrying Gulrock, I’m not gonna stick around to watch them sell out our town.
Melana: You mean they’re planning on giving Cliffpeak over to the military?
Lucilla: I spend three whole days telling them why they shouldn’t, but they’re not listening. I figured I’d do something more important, like saving my husband’s skin.
Melana: Well, we’d better hurry and find him…
Lucilla: I think I know where he is. This way.

Lucilla rejoins the party at this point, leading you down a tunnel that has a save point along its length. Use it, then head into a massive open chamber where Gulrock and his men are doing battle with big hordes of beasts.

Soldier: Damn, there’s too many of them!
Gulrock: What kind of attitude is that? There are too FEW of them! *laughing as he splits one open with an axe, only to be shot with lightning from above* …!!! *falls to the ground*
Lucilla: Gulrock!
Gulrock: Babe! I got this!
Lucilla: I don’t think you do!
Blitz: C’mon, we’ll help you out!
Gulrock: Mmmm, all right. *looks up at the thing that shot lightning at him, a massive bird* Hey birdy, you better get ready to die, because my wife’s here and we’re gonna kick your ass!
Blitz: Save some for us, old-timers!

You’re given the option to outfit Gulrock and switch party members.

BOSS: Garuda (60,000 HP)

Garuda is a beast that attacks with a variety of formidable things, including Aeroga and a strong Lightning attack that does around 1200 or so damage to each party member. Waterga is the best spell to use against it, have Ophi use Waterga while Blitz and Gulrock pound the beast with physical attacks. It has a high evade stat, so you might instead want to go with an all-magic approach (with Melana, Lucilla, and Ophi). Lucilla can learn Lightning from Garuda, which is a Blue Magic Thunder elemental attack that is actually a little bit stronger than Thundaga, so that’s another reason to use her in the fight (and her Jump command will always hit). It’s up to you to figure out how to approach the fight, just keep your HP up in case Garuda decides to use Lightning.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/20/12 7:00:00 AM

After the fight, Garuda flies away. Gulrock’s squad rejoices as the monsters recede back into the cave, beaten down by the fierce assault. It’s then that Ricard approaches the party with a bit of bad news. It seems Cliffpeak’s become the new capital of Goza and that the soldiers want to capture the party. They’ve agreed to spare Lucilla and Gulrock, but the others must come with them. Ricard says that the group could take this chance to escape, though it might endanger the people of Cliffpeak if they choose to do so. However, Blitz wants to return to town to face the Gozan soldiers, and the others agree. You’re automatically taken back outside to where the Gozan lieutenant is waiting.

Lt. Feyes: So, you’ve agreed to be taken into custody?
Blitz: You’re going to hear us out first. Do you think we intended for Krynia to get the Celestriad and take over the planet?
Lt. Feyes: General Karst doesn’t care what you intended. He wants your heads, and I’m going to deliver them.
Melana: *raises her sword*
Lt. Feyes: Need I remind you that the lives of the townspeople are at stake?
Lucilla: Wait a moment… even though Cliffpeak is now the capital of Goza, certain Estave clan rules remain in effect here. They were adopted as part of the intended agreement, correct?
Ricard: Yes, we insisted on keeping a few of our customs intact.
Lt. Feyes: I don’t see what that has to do with anything.
Lucilla: Estave clan law prevents any arrests from being made against otherwise peaceful people during a wedding ceremony.
Lt. Feyes: *smirking* Oh, and whose wedding?
*Blitz and Melana look at each other, thinking they know where this is going and being somewhat unsure*
Lucilla: Why, Gulrock’s and mine, of course. It’s our tenth anniversary, and we’re renewing our wedding vows.
Gulrock: Oh… right! Lucilla and I are going to renew our vows today. It’ll be just like the day we first got married!
Lt. Feyes: That doesn’t count as a wedding!
Ricard: Actually it does. The ceremony will be tonight at sundown!

The scene switches to a building in Cliffpeak where Melana and Ophi are preparing Lucilla for the wedding, there are a few comedy relief scenes here where Lucilla tells Melana that she should get married next, something that makes Ophi giggle and Melana blush. Meanwhile, Blitz proposes having a bachelor party for Gulrock, of course Gulrock rebukes him. Eventually, you’re given control of just Gulrock. There’s a save here and you should absolutely use it. The wedding ceremony begins. Just as Gulrock is kissing Lucilla, you hear a massive screech… the Garuda has returned, and it’s mad! You’re once again given the option to outfit and select your party, and then the battle begins.

BOSS: Garuda (HP: 110,000)

Yes, that’s right, the Garuda has 110,000 HP… this battle will be long, but you can win using pretty much the exact same strategies from the first fight. The Garuda’s attacks are a bit stronger and it’s added a couple new attacks to its repertoire, though neither of them are anything to worry about. Ophi’s Waterga can do over 10,000 damage to the Garuda if you combo it properly, though if you’ve learned Lightning, don’t have Lucille use it on the Garuda, as it will heal the creature. Just use your best attacks and keep your HP up, just like last time. When you win this fight, the Garuda goes down for good.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/20/12 7:00:00 AM

After the fight, Lucilla and Gulrock celebrate by kissing over the creature’s corpse, which Ophi finds somewhat disconcerting, while Melana just cheers louder. After the wedding, the bouquet is thrown, and Melana catches it (much to her surprise and Blitz’s delight). Of course, the end of the wedding means the end of the law’s protection… Blitz, Ophi, Melana, and Hark are surrounded by Gozan troops.

Lt. Feyes: That was very touching, but now we’re taking you in.
Melana: Dammit… I really want to fight them…
Ophi: I know, but… we have to think of the people of Cliffpeak…
Lucilla: Feyes, don’t do this! We’re still trying to save the world!
Lt. Feyes: Karst already has a plan to do that, he doesn’t need your help and this will keep you all out of the way…

Just when it looks like the party will be arrested, a loud cry is heard from above, followed by a burst of magic which slams into the soldiers, scattering them. The party looks up… it’s the airship, being piloted by the most surprising creatures…

Moogle Queen: Hop aboard, kupo! *lowers the ladder*
Lt. Feyes: What in the hell?!
Ophi: Mashi! All of you! You’re alive!
Moogle Queen: No soldiers can keep us down, kupo! And when we heard you needed your ship repaired, we got right to Kastith to help out, kupo!
*The party, including Gulrock and Lucilla, quickly climb aboard the airship. The Moogles then hop off, surrounding the Estave clan and staring down the soldiers.*
Moogle Queen: Don’t worry! They won’t be hurting anyone in Cliffpeak while we’re here, kupo! You guys go and find the rest of your friends!
Blitz: We will!
Ophi: Thank you!!! *waving to the Moogles*
Ricard: *to Feyes* The city’s yours. You leave our citizens alone.
Lt. Feyes: *shrugs* General Karst will find your friends, and even if he doesn’t, it won’t matter.

The airship takes off into the sky, heading toward the Kunarian coast. Melana spots a massive ice storm enveloping the northern area of the continent.

Melana: What in the world is that…?
Ophi: Looks way too dangerous to fly into!
Melana: Right… we’ll land just to the south of-
*A massive gust from the ice storm sweeps over the airship, coating the vessel in a thick layer of ice. Melana struggles to put it down, finally doing so just north of the Crystal Cave Mine.*

The airship’s too heavy with ice to fly, and Blitz and the others are curious about that ice storm to the north, which seems to be emanating from Krynia’s castle. Until the storm ends, it’ll be too cold to get the airship back off the ground. You’re stuck on the northern half of Kunara for now. You can meet up with Cid back in the Crystal Cave Mine, where he updates the party on events in Elinal. Zukan’s taken over as leader of Kunara and has established a dictatorship, ruling the city from high up in the Academy of Magic. Artemis was spotted near the city but hasn’t been seen since. You can use the cave as a sort of base of operations (there’s a shop where you can buy accessories and items), though the next place you’ll want to head to is Sanathri’s hut. There will automatically be a scene after the party draws near.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/20/12 7:45:00 AM

... wait, what's with the Garuda?

Oh, wait, not controlled by them, nevermind.

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/20/12 8:19:00 AM

Yeah, the Garuda's just a random monster that the party pissed off.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/21/12 5:44:00 AM

Sanathri’s Hut-

Sanathri’s hut is completely empty and covered in a thick layer of ice. The party goes inside looking for her, but she’s completely missing.

Blitz: Maybe she ended up somewhere else?
Melana: I’m not sure… I sense residual energy auras… and look. *she holds up some old papers* These were moved recently, they weren’t here the last time we came.
Lucilla: *looking them over* They’re old letters… dated centuries ago. Sanathri wrote these but never sent them.
Melana: To all who seek peace, Salvation is the answer…. Salvation, wasn’t that the name of that underground city from the legend?
Hark: Right!
Melana: Why would she have these out now?
Blitz: Maybe someone else took them out. Maybe someone else who knows where she is.
Melana: We won’t find anything else here. Let’s keep going north.
Ophi: Into this storm?
Melana: We don’t have anywhere else to go. We’re heading back up to Krynia’s castle, remember?

After a bit more dialogue, leave Sanathri’s hut and keep heading north until you reach Lutamia.


What was once a coastal town is now in the middle of a large, iced-over area… the town’s buildings are half-buried in snow and totally coated in ice. When the party enters the town, everything is lifeless. Blitz peers into a home.

Blitz: Hello? Hey, is there anyone in there who… Aaaaah! *recoils*
Melana: Blitz, what is it?
Blitz: Inside…! People, they-
*Hark and Ophi look into the house… Ophi sees it first. She screams loudly, backing away from the window and shaking her head. Hark sees it next.*
Hark: Dear goddess no…
*There’s a family inside, their bodies frozen solid. What was once a thriving coastal town is now buried in snow and covered in ice, its people flash-frozen to death.*

Melana: Do you think Krynia was somehow responsible for all of this?
Blitz: Maybe when she went up into space, she activated something in her castle… and whatever it is caused this huge storm and froze the town.
Ophi: *shaking her head* All those people… *shivering violently* How could anyone do that to them?
Lucilla: Whatever caused this, we’ll stop it. I promise.

The channel that once separated the mainland from the island where Krynia’s castle stands is now frozen over, forming a land bridge. You’ll enter the land bridge, which is its own area separate from the world map. It’s an uneventful walk across three screens, though you’ll be accosted by ice-based enemies on the bridge (Firaga will roast them). When you reach the island where Krynia’s castle is, you’ll be back on the overworld. Take this opportunity to use a Tent and to save. Enter the castle.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/21/12 5:45:00 AM

Sylvid Castle-

Krynia’s castle is coated in ice and eerily peaceful. No enemies will accost you, and as long as you don’t go into the throne room, you can explore all the rooms you explored during previous trips. As you do so, party members will make various comments on Krynia, most still in disbelief that she betrayed their trust. Finally, enter the throne room. A scene will begin.

*The party approaches the throne and sees a large block of ice coated to it, encasing the person sitting on the throne. Blitz takes a closer look. His eyes go wide.*
Blitz: That’s…!
*Sanathri is seated on the throne, frozen solid. Her eyes are wide in terror.*
Melana: Sanathri!
*The group runs toward the throne, only to be blasted back by a powerful wave of frozen air. When they look at the throne again, they see a familiar figure standing in front of it. It’s Krynia, or rather, a projection of Krynia, her fingernails light blue as freezing waves of energy slowly emanate from her.*
Krynia: Why did you come back here?
Ophi: Sanathri… she’s… she’s still alive!
Krynia: Of course she’s still alive. She’s immortal… which proves quite useful for gathering information.
Blitz: *horrified* You sick witch… you tortured her!!
Krynia: It was a necessary evil. She has information I need. She is the last survivor of the ancient Vashyran civilization and of the city of Salvation. She alone has the key required to pass through its hallowed gates.
Gulrock: The last survivor of Salvation?
Melana: But Salvation fell more than 4,000 years ago, Sanathri is only 900 years old!
Krynia: The people of that city held out longer than you think. Even after the war ended, survivors from the Great War and their descendants flocked to the ancient city. For many millennia, it was the last remaining city left in the world. Needless to say, the amount of Essence still gathered there is immense.
Melana: So you tortured Sanathri to find a way into the city.
Krynia: I’m still torturing her.
*The party looks back at the frozen throne… beneath the ice, Sanathri’s eyes are moving ever so slightly. Blitz has had enough. He draws his sword and runs at Krynia, screaming with rage. Krynia leaps back and fires a massive wave of ice at Blitz, freezing him solid where he stands.*
Krynia: Perhaps Sanathri can survive being frozen as she is, but you can’t!
Blitz: *glowing red with energy and anger, he shatters the ice and leaps at Krynia, stabbing her through the gut with his sword*
Krynia: …!!!
Hark: All right, Blitz!
Krynia: You’re forgetting something. *disappears and reappears behind the party* I am but a projection of Krynia…
Blitz: *turns to face her* We can still kick your ass!
Krynia: *begins to glow* Even a fraction of my true power is more than enough for any of you!

BOSS: Krynia’s Avatar (HP: 70,000)

Though representing a mere fraction of Krynia’s power, this projection packs a nasty wallop with some rather brutal spells, including her most powerful, Southern Cross, an Ice-elemental full party attack that can do anywhere from 1000 to 3000 damage to the whole party, heavily dependent on magic defense. Ice-resistant/absorbing armor will make this fight a lot easier, though Krynia’s Avatar does know Holy and Flare, which can devastate individual party members, and which she’ll use a lot more if you start absorbing her attacks. Firaga spells are incredibly effective, Ophi and Melana attacking in tandem can quickly rack up the damage and end this fight in a hurry, and if Blitz has a Fire-elemental weapon, he can probably do more than 10,000 damage with a critical hit. Soon enough, Krynia’s Avatar will fade into memory.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/21/12 5:47:00 AM

It's starting to feel like a fanfiction.

Well written fanfiction though!

... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/21/12 5:47:00 AM

Krynia: You can have your friend back… soon my family and I will have this entire world… *her avatar disappears*

Krynia’s avatar disappearing causes the ice encasing the castle to melt away and the storm to subside, though Sanathri is still frozen to Krynia’s throne. It’s Ophi who casts a powerful spell to thaw Sanathri out, and she falls weakly into the party’s arms. They help her to her feet, and she seems quite traumatized by what she’s been through.

Sanathri: *shaking* I suppose… that’s the worst thing about being immortal…
Melana: You’re safe now. We’ll take you to get some rest, it’s all right.
Sanathri: I suppose you all wish to know why Krynia did what she did to me.
Ophi: She told us… about Salvation, and about you being the key.
Sanathri: Yes… I was born in Salvation… and I lived many, many years there.

A flashback scene begins, showing Sanathri’s early life. By that time, Salvation was a dying city. Generations of people had lived and died there, but by the time 3,000 years had passed, most people there had given up on the world and had stopped having children. The world seemed to be dying entirely. Sanathri believed that if she could stop people from dying, she could stop the world from dying. She spent most of her early life trying to find the secret of immortality. Finally, she managed to discover the ingredients by careful meditation with those who had lived before her. With the knowledge of the ages in her grasp, she learned the secret and brewed up a potion. She drank the potion, and offered it to others in Salvation… all refused, not wanting to live on in a world that was dying anyway. She eventually became the last left alive in Salvation, and went out into the world on her own. She discovered that the world had been slowly recovering for the last 3,000 years, and that civilization was taking small steps toward rebuilding what it had once been. Still lonely, Sanathri became a hermit, living out in the Kunarian wastelands.

Sanathri: For the first time in more than eight centuries, I have a purpose. Being with all of you has given me a chance to finally do something to help save the world. If I could die, I would die happy.
Blitz: So you’re still coming with us? Even after everything Krynia did to you.
Sanathri: Well, it helps that I have big strong men to protect me now! *hugs Blitz and Hark close*
Hark: ….!!!! Good to have you back, Sanathri…
Ophi: *giggles*

The party emerges from the castle, but realizes that with the land bridge gone and no boat, they’re stranded on the island.

Melana: Well, some of us know how to swim…

But then, the airship hovers over the party. Cid is piloting it, and he brought it back to the island figuring the party would need a hand. However, he’s got bad news. Artemis has been seen in Elinal, slaughtering guards. He’s apparently gone off the deep end and he’s determined to find and kill Zukan. He needs the party’s help immediately. Cid takes the party back to the Crystal Cavern Mine on the airship, where the party decides their next course of action… they have to find Artemis before it’s too late. Make the necessary preparations and be sure you save, as when you board the airship you’ll be automatically taken to Elinal. You’re about to get total freedom back, but you’ve got one last party member to round up first.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/21/12 7:23:00 AM

Well, story time and all.

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/21/12 8:11:00 AM

Four days of updates left. We're almost at the end, at least of the main storyline.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/22/12 6:52:00 AM


A cutscene will play, showing the airship’s descent into the city.

Melana: Last time we came here to stop a tyrant, things didn’t end up so well…
Blitz: We’re here to save a friend, too. Artemis has to be somewhere in this city…
*The airship sets down just outside the city with no incident. Unlike last time, where the party had to fight its way through the streets, the city seems eerily calm…*
Ophi: Where did all the soldiers go?
Melana: Maybe Artemis killed them all.
Blitz: He wouldn’t kill that many people, would he?

You’ll automatically enter the city. You can leave and go outside to fight enemies, but if you go too far from the city, Blitz will insist that the party head back to find Artemis. You can access the shops in the city, the clerks won’t recognize the party and will sell things to them. The weapons and armor shops are stocked with the best equipment money can buy (though better equipment can of course be found in later dungeons and in side quests). Make sure to outfit your party completely before heading on.

Academy of Magic-

When you approach the Academy of Magic, there will be a cutscene. An explosion blasts out windows on the building’s second floor. When the party heads up, they see Artemis fighting off a great number of soldiers.

Artemis: *shoots a bolt of lightning into one of them, striking them down… he looks crazy, like a caged animal… it’s clear he’s come on a suicide mission, he’s determined to destroy Zukan at all costs*
Blitz: Artemis, stop all this! Right now!
Artemis: It won’t stop until every last person in this damned city is dead! *he begins to summon Leviathan as guards flee for their lives*
Ophi: Artemis, no!
Melana: Artemis, think of Alexis! What would she want?
Artemis: The same thing I want, to see justice done!
Blitz: That’s ENOUGH! *puts his sword to Artemis’ neck* I don’t want to have to do this!
Artemis: You’d really kill your own friend?
Blitz: Anyone who would slaughter innocent people is no friend of mine!
Artemis: There ARE no innocent people in this world! This entire nation stuck its head in the sand while experiments were performed on unwilling subjects! Thousands of people, tortured and murdered all to feed the power hungry dreams of a pair of maniacal subhuman fiends! And one of those fiends still rules this country!
Melana: He won’t… we’re going to help you get rid of him… but not like this.
Blitz: If you summon that creature, I’ll have no choice… *his hand is shaking* Don’t…don’t make me…
Artemis: *still looks determined to summon Leviathan, when he hears a voice in his head*
Alexia: Artemis!!!
Artemis: Nnnnhhh! *shaking his head* I keep hearing her voice… ever since I set foot in this city….
Melana: What if she’s trying to tell you not to do what you’re about to do?
Artemis: Don’t put words in Alexia’s mouth! I know what she’s trying to say!
Melana: Do you?
Artemis: …..*lets out a scream of frustration*
Melana: …!!!
Blitz: *keeps his sword to Artemis*
Artemis: You promise me that Zukan will die?
Blitz: ….
Melana: Yes. We promise. We won’t interfere with you killing him.
Gulrock: He’s got it coming.
Artemis: …he’s on the top floor. But it’s going to get rough here… the magical energy being radiated from the top of the building is incredible.
Melana: We can feel it too. We’re ready.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/22/12 6:54:00 AM

You’re given control of the party and you can head right up to the third floor. The enemies here are much more dangerous than the flans and spirits you fought on your first trip. The tower is filled with dangerous magical creatures and powerful warlocks. One of the creatures here is the Behemoth, a nasty beast with 30,000 HP and a bevy of dangerous attacks, including Meteor (the upgraded version of Comet) which can devastate your party. This dungeon is a ten-floor climb up to the top of the academy, with various diversions along the way that can earn your party some good treasures. On the sixth floor, there will be a scene.

Alexia: Artemis…!
Artemis: *collapses to his knees* I can hear it again… her voice… like she’s right here in the room with me!
Melana: You mean Alexia?
Artemis: Where is she? *looking for her*
Alexia: Artemis…. *she walks up to him*
Ophi: …hey….hey! I can’t move!
Gulrock: Neither can I!
Melana: *drops her sword, her body totally stiff* Dammit… what’s happening?!
Artemis: *turns to Alexia* It can’t be… I saw you die…
Alexia: Death can’t stop what we have… you wanted me back, and here I am. *he can’t see his friends now, it’s like they’re in a different dimension*
Artemis: No… you… you would have scars. You’re… you’re not-
Alexia: *kisses Artemis*
Artemis: *the kiss makes him forget his concerns… he flashes back to when the two of them were together, before he left and became a fugitive*

Alexia: You can’t leave, I know what Zukan is doing to us is wrong, but we both swore an oath to this nation.
Artemis: I can’t stay… I can’t help him any longer, and neither can you. Don’t you realize what he did to us? Infused our souls with the essences of dead apprentice mages?
Alexia: I understand. But….
Artemis: Don’t tell me you actually enjoy this tainted power we have now.
Alexia: Before the procedure, I was nothing, Artemis. I could barely use a level one fire spell… but now, now I can summon Guardians… I can-
Artemis: Those abilities came from the souls Zukan stole from the corpses of the dead! I can summon beings that I couldn’t before… but I know this power is vile…
Alexia: It’s a power we can use to help others. Maybe…maybe one day we can strike back at Zukan, but I can’t do it without your help!
Artemis: Then come with me, don’t stay here and help him get stronger! He’s using you!

The flashback continues, showing Alexia getting stronger and Zukan praising her abilities. He tells her that one day she will be Archmage of Kunara… while at the same time, Artemis is standing over the dead bodies of soldiers sent to kill him, looking at his hands with horror and shame.

Artemis: Goddess forgive me….

There is a flashback of Alexia being tortured by Zukan’s scientists, looking over at another table to see her companion Connor breathing his last. A single tear rolls down her face.

Alexia: Artemis…help us…

The scene switches back to the present, of Artemis holding the seemingly revived Alexia in her arms. He’s been able to see everything that happened to her.

Artemis: Alexia, I’m so sorry…
Alexia: It’s all right, my love…*energy is draining from him to her… and from the helpless party members as well*
Melana: Artemis, snap out of it! She’s got you in a spell!
Ophi: Please! It’s a trick! It’s not real!
Blitz: Fight it!!!
Alexia: *smiling as she continues to hold Artemis* …. *her grip loosens on his body* …!!!
Artemis: Alexia?
Alexia: ….Artemis…!!! *steps back* I’m…not…. *seems to be struggling with herself, she lets out a shriek and falls to one knee* My… dearest… *smiling* ….!!! Fight her! She’s…she’s got me….!!! I’m….! *clamps her hand over her mouth* ….!!!! *pulls her hand down* My soul is being used by Zukan! You have to find a way to destroy me!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/22/12 6:54:00 AM

*Alexia’s grip on the party loosens. They’re able to move now, but barely*
Blitz: Can’t you see? Alexia’s being controlled! It’s an illusion!
Artemis: *he can see through it now* No…dammit, Zukan, NO!
Alexia: *gathers whatever energy she can to suppress Alexia’s true will* Yes… *smiling* Yes, Artemis, I am Alexia. I am the one you once loved, and I will be the one to end your pathetic life!
Artemis: *clenches his fists* Alexia, I will set your soul free… and then I will make Zukan pay!
Alexia: You couldn’t save me before and you won’t do it now! Come, join me in hell!

BOSS: Alexia (HP: 36,000)

Oh, I hope you remembered to outfit Artemis, because this is going to be a hellacious one-on-one fight. Alexia has the ability to summon alost everything Artemis can, including Leviathan, which will inflict around 2000 damage or so, probably around half of Artemis’ current HP, which will be absolutely devastating. She also likes to use Reflect on herself, so beat her at her own game with some summons of your own, or you can elect to cast Reflect on yourself (or Carbunkle) and bounce spells off of Artemis and onto Alexia. If you’ve got Water-resistant armor, putting it on Artemis will blunt the blow from Leviathan, though it won’t do a thing about Alexander. Shell will, however. This will be a fierce fight to be sure, but it’s more than winnable.

Defeating Alexia in this battle liberates her soul from Zukan. She is fading quickly from this realm, but she lasts long enough to say one final goodbye to Artemis, her spirit giving him one final kiss as it fades away. Artemis gains the “Break Damage Limit” Affinity Mark after this fight, which means that all party members can now surpass the 9,999 damage limit, a definite boon for the HP-heavy bosses to come.

Artemis: With Alexia’s soul at peace, a piece of my soul rests as well. Zukan must die, but… I can forgive the others in this nation.
Blitz: After we take care of Zukan, you’ll help us fight Krynia, right?
Artemis: We’re going after Krynia? I could not imagine a more fitting task.
Blitz: Let’s go get Zukan then.

You can now explore the remainder of the tower. Floors 7-9 aren’t quite as complex as the previous three floors were, though the enemies are a bit tougher in this part of the tower, and Behemoths will show up more often. Finally, you reach the tenth floor, and a much-needed save. Save, use a tent, and get your best equipment ready. Zukan awaits, casually staring out a window as the party enters the Forbidden Atelier on the tenth floor.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/22/12 6:55:00 AM

Artemis: This ends now, Zukan. Your control over Kunara is-
*The room shakes violently, bringing the entire party, including Artemis to their knees.*
Zukan: Oh… were you saying something? *his hands are glowing black* I knew you would find your way up here, you and your worthless friends… that’s why I prepared. I honestly thought Alexia would stop you, but that’s why I always have a contingency plan…
*A black mist forms in the center of the room. The mist coalesces into a large creature with powerful wings, slowly flapping as the creature hovers above them.*
Artemis: It… can’t be… that’s the King of the Guardians… that’s Bahamut!
Bahamut: *gives a mighty roar, pushing the party back*
Zukan: Bahamut answers only to the strong. I captured him quite easily, and now he will annihilate you.
Gulrock: You guys got any ideas for dealing with THAT?
Artemis: All Guardians are powerful, but all can be beaten!
Blitz: Even that thing?
Artemis: Bahamut, you obey a sadistic, tyrannical coward of a master! Submit to me now or I will make you feel suffering unimaginable!
Bahamut: *roars even louder*
Ophi: I don’t think it likes being threatened!!
Artemis: NOW! Bow to me!
Bahamut: I bow to only the strongest… show me now that your strength exceeds his, or die where you stand!

BOSS: Bahamut (HP: 88,000)

Bahamut will immediately start the battle by counting down from 5, and seasoned Final Fantasy veterans should immediately know what that means. Cast Shellga to protect the party from the impending Mega Flare attack that will do 4000+ damage to an unprotected party (and around 2500 to everyone even with Shell). Before casting Mega Flare again, Bahamut attacks with a litany of powerful techniques, including a slicing wing attack to the whole party, a nasty swipe of his claw, an attack called Sonic Distortion that causes moderate party damage and confusion, the Flare spell (which will probably take out a party member), and a few other attacks. Between Megaflares, hit Bahamut with everything you have. Bahamut will counter Flare with Meteor, Holy with Piercing Graviga (75% of the party’s maximum HP), and Ultima with an immediate Megaflare, but anything other than those is fair game. Leviathan works nicely (you have to use Artemis here). If you have Shellga on and full HP, and Ophi has Ultima, you might want to use it anyway if it’s consistently doing 15,000 damage or more, it’s worth having to heal up from the ensuing Megaflare. Take your time and make sure to keep Shellga up and you’ll soon beat Bahamut down.

Upon defeating Bahamut, Artemis gains the ability to summon it in battle.

Zukan: You defeated even the mighty Bahamut?! …*begins to laugh*
Artemis: If you wish to die laughing, so be it.
Zukan: Do you realize that I also had to defeat Bahamut in order to summon him? I told you, I’ve been quite busy… have you noticed why so few Kunarian soldiers resisted your advance?
Melana: ….*her Essence crystals begin to light up and glow, and she hears dozens of voices in her head* Nnnhhh!
Blitz: Melana!
Ophi: *she gasps, hearing the screams and pleas of literally thousands of trapped souls*
Artemis: …how many… of the people here… did you-
Zukan: Every student at the Academy. I kept a small contingent of guards to slow you down, but other than that, I consumed them all. Their powers, their memories, their very souls are a part of me! *glows with incredible power* And once I add all of you to my collection, I will ascend to the heavens and bring down Krynia as well!
Artemis: You’re insane! You’re absolutely insane!
Blitz: I can’t believe I’m saying this, but you don’t deserve to live!
Zukan: I am the ONLY one who deserves to live! *strikes at the party with bursts of lightning*
Melana: *trying to block his powers with her sword, but she’s having lots of trouble* He’s… he’s stronger than Vignus! He might be stronger than Krynia!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/22/12 6:56:00 AM

Zukan: *laughing maniacally*
Blitz: *grabbing onto Melana to steady her as she holds back Zukan’s strikes* No… he’s not stronger than Krynia and he’s not stronger than us! We’ll beat him!

BOSS: Zukan (HP: 82,400)

Zukan might not pack quite as many HP as Bahamut, but his magic defenses are much stronger, meaning that physical attacks (or very powerful magic attacks such as Bahamut or Ultima) are your best bet. Immediately cast Shellga upon the start of the fight, as Zukan’s magical attacks are relentless in their strength. He’ll strike at the party with lightning bolts that do devastating damage and he’ll sometimes hit with four at once, good for 2000-4000 damage every time one of them hits. He’ll also use an attack called Scions of Torment, where he calls forth some of the souls he’s absorbed and sacrifices them to oblivion in order to deal a devastating magical attack to your party. He has the standard repertoire of powerful magic (Blizzaga, Aeroga, Firaga, Flare, etc.). Try to buff your party with Hastega in addition to Shellga to reduce the frequency of his attacks. Your best bet here is a party of Blitz, Melana, and Artemis (again, required to use him), though Blitz/Ophi/Artemis, Gulrock/Ophi/Artemis, or even Melana/Sanathri/Artemis (use Sanathri’s potions to buff the hell out of Melana and watch her strike with devastating Jumps of 20,000 or more while leaving her mostly immune to Zukan’s strikes, though this requires a number of hard-to-get items to make the necessary potions) is feasible. Ultimately, as always, any party will work in this fight, just remember to keep your buffs and your HP up.

Zukan: *collapses, mortally wounded after the pummeling the party gave him* Do you… really think you can save the world from her? *he laughs*
Artemis: That’s none of your concern. You’re a dead man.
Zukan: I suppose you’re right… *continues to laugh* But…I’ll enjoy watching the suffering…she brings to this pathetic world….
*Zukan’s body lies limp on the floor. Artemis bows his head.*
Artemis: All of those fallen souls… seduced by his lies…
Ophi: *takes Artemis’ hand*
Artemis: ?!
Ophi: Perhaps the souls he stole can be saved… with your help. *she walks over to Zukan and kneels down on one side* My grandmother taught me a cleansing ritual that can heal corrupted souls…
Artemis: Won’t it heal his as well?
Ophi: Zukan’s soul is too far gone… but we can save all those he murdered before they are locked into prisons of Essence…. *she begins to chant a spell as Artemis infuses power into her body, an ancient seal appears beneath Zukan’s corpse and we see thousands of beautiful white lights rise above him as his corrupted body withers and fades*
Sanathri: I know of this ritual, it is what my friend Lanietta used to perform for all those who died in Salvation. Had we not done so, the rocks of the cave would have become toxic with corrupted Essence and the energy given off would have tainted us all.
Melana: But isn’t Salvation still rich with Essence?
Sanathri: It is, but only the Essence formed by the natural decay of magical energy, not tainted with the corrupted hate of a human soul who has departed this world with bitterness in his heart.
Ophi: The souls of those who died in Salvation, though tormented by the sadness of their existence, died with peace in their hearts because of this ritual. And now, those whose lives Zukan stole can go in peace as well.
Artemis: Ophi… everyone… thank you.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/22/12 6:56:00 AM

The party emerges from the Academy, only to be greeted by a cadre of mages.
Oban: So… it is you… the ones who brought certain doom to this world and have killed two Archmages in as many weeks.
Blitz: We just killed a tyrant who murdered thousands of people to feed his own powers!
Oban: You killed the only hope we had of stopping Krynia.
Melana: We are not going to argue with you, and if you get in our way, you will share in Zukan’s fate.
Oban: We cannot fight you… without Zukan, we are in no shape to fight anyone. We can’t stop you from staying here in Elinal… but know that the people of Kunara curse and condemn your name.
Melana: You don’t speak for all of them. You speak only for yourself.

After a bit more dialogue, you’re left to your own devices. Most of the people in Elinal are indeed hostile to the party, though a few pledge their support to you and there are of course people who lost friends, lovers, or family to Zukan’s tyrannical two-week reign of terror who thank the party for putting their dearly departed friends’ souls at peace. Leave the city and board the airship. The party barely has time to rejoice at being united, as there is something terrible on the horizon… a huge fleet of Gozan warships is headed straight for Elinal. Headed by General Karst, who has spies in Goza and was waiting for Zukan’s death to begin the invasion, the fleet poses an imminent threat to the well-being of those in Elinal and in Kunara in general. After the cutscene, in which the party agrees that Karst must be stopped, you’re given free reign once more. Yes, it’s one of those things where there’s an imminent threat, but you have all the time in the world to address it. Enjoy it, there are some new side quests opened up. Artemis can get a new Guardian, Zeromus, by undertaking a short series of dialogues in various cities and finding a few treasures. Zeromus is a gravity elemental Guardian and is exceptionally powerful. With 160,000 HP and access to devastating spells and attacks, he’s definitely tougher than anything you’ve faced thus far and you might want to wait until you’ve conquered the next couple challenges before trying to face him. If you’re up for a challenge, though, that’s the toughest thing available.

Of course, when you feel like it’s time to move on, head out to the Gozan fleet and confirm the dialogue option that appears. You’ll automatically set off a cutscene and be launched into the next part of the story.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/22/12 8:23:00 AM

Did she just perform the sending?

Sweet, can't wait for the big finale. But where are the chocobos?
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Ry Senkari
02/22/12 8:31:00 AM

Chocobos are mostly involved in the side quests via the chocobo races, you can also ride chocobos across the Kunarian continent if you choose. There's also a side quest where you can help the moogles protect chocobos from increasingly dangerous monster threats for increasingly impressive prizes, that side quest string opens up just a bit later into the game.

I'll probably take a break from this after finishing the main quest, but I'll try to touch on as many of the side quests as I can.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/23/12 7:01:00 AM

The Karstfleet-

After a cutscene depicting Cid using the airship’s weaponry to keep the warships distracted while the party descends down onto the ship at the back of the fleet, you’re given control of the party. Your goal here is to reach the flagship at the front and confront General Karst, in order to do that you’ll have to make it past several ships in the fleet. For some ships that’s as simple as running to the front of the ship across the deck and leaping from one to another, for others you’ll have to go inside the ship for a bit. Enemy encounters will regularly take place while you’re doing this, making traversing the fleet similar to exploring a medium-sized dungeon. The enemies here actually aren’t quite as tough as the ones fought at the Academy of Magic, they’ll use mostly physical attacks and aren’t quite as fast. My recommended party would be Blitz, Melana, and either Ophi or Artemis, whose group magic attacks can easily take out entire enemy parties. On the very first ship, you’ll see a massive gun placement that the party has to take out.

Captain: Damn, these fools again? *turns the cannon around to aim at the party*
Melana: We have to hurry, if that thing fires we’ll be in big trouble…!

BOSS: Gunnery (HP: 35,000), Side Cannon x2 (18,000 each), Fleet Captain (14,000), Fleet Elite x3 (3,000 each)

The Fleet Elites are just normal enemies that are part of the ship’s enemy rotation. The Fleet Captain isn’t too strong, he knows level two magic that shouldn’t be much of a threat and wields a sidearm that can do around 300-500 to one party member. The Side Cannons, however, will quickly become a nuisance if you don’t take them out. If Ophi knows Ultima, you’ll wipe out the Fleet Elites in one shot and probably the Captain and Side Cannons in two. The Gunnery won’t attack very often but will count down from 3 and then unleash its main shot, which does around 1000-2000 to the whole party and will require healing afterward. Use your best group magic to take out the Gunnery’s escorts, then focus all attacks on the Gunnery once it’s the last thing left.

The destruction of the gunnery clears the way for the party to leap to the second ship. The second ship doesn’t have much of consequence, just poke around for some treasures. You’ll then be given the option of going to the left or right. If you go left, you’ll have to go inside both of the ships to get through them, though you won’t have to fight a boss at the end. If you go right, you’ll only have to go inside the third ship, you can run right across the fourth ship, but there’s a boss. There are also more treasures on the left path, though there’s nothing that can be missed forever. As the party runs across and through the ships, cutscenes will occasionally interrupt the action, showing General Karst’s fleet getting closer and closer to the coast, the ship’s weapons blowing away the weak Kunarian resistance on the coast. Assuming you take the righthand path, you’ll be able to run right across the deck of the fourth ship you cross, only to come right up against a nasty-looking mechanical automaton with long, sharp blades on its arms.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/23/12 7:01:00 AM

Captain: You won’t get past the Vivisector!
Gulrock: Vivisector? *looks nervous*
Blitz: That thing doesn’t look so tough! Let’s shred it!

BOSS: Vivisector (HP: 68,000)

The Vivisector’s blades can quickly carve up any party member that isn’t ready for them (and has a low defense), so Protectga is recommended here. The Vivisector’s most dangerous attack is probably Carve, it’ll leap on one of your party members and rather brutally slash them with its blades, this can do up to 6,000 or more damage to someone with low defense and no Protect spell cast on them. Thankfully, the Vivisector is vulnerable to magic, particularly Thundaga. If you’ve got Ophi or Melana, have them cast Thundaga and watch the five-figure loveliness. Just be careful not to let them get carved up.

After defeating the Vivisector, the ship’s captain leaps overboard in a rather humorous scene. No matter which path you took, you’ll leap to the next ship of the line, which is another ship where you have to go inside, it’s not a very difficult path, however. The end of the path triggers a cutscene, where the party leaps onto the flagship (they can’t get on deck, however, they barely reach a small door halfway up the back of the ship). As your party enters the flagship, Cid is able to disable the ships behind the flagship using Essence weaponry onboard your airship, knocking almost the entire fleet out of commission. Meanwhile, Karst boards his massive mech and uses its main weapon to wreak death and destruction upon Elinal as its remaining residents cower and hide. Clearly, the city doesn’t have much time.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/23/12 7:03:00 AM

Flagship Exaltia-

This ship is significantly more complex than the other ships you’ve traversed, though it’s still only as big as a small dungeon. Some decent treasure detours can be had here. The party will at one point emerge on the deck, only to be stopped by a group of Karst’s elite bodyguards, along with Lt. Feyes, now promoted to commander.

Feyes: That’s enough! I will not allow you to proceed further.
Melana: This is insane! You’re attacking a defenseless city!
Feyes: That’s the idea. We know full well the decimation of the city’s wizard population following Zukan’s rule.
Blitz: But why invade Elinal now, when Krynia is up there plotting who knows what?
Feyes: With the assimilation of Kunara’s resources, our weaponry will be powerful enough to mount an invasion of Krynia’s celestial palace.
Artemis: Zukan thought the exact same thing when he absorbed the souls of his fellow mages. None of you can defeat Krynia, and this war is destroying any chance you have of mounting a defense against her.
Feyes: *he clearly looks somewhat unsure*
Melana: Feyes, I once believed the same as you did, that Goza was right and Kunara was wrong… after I found out what Gozan biological experimentation did to my village, I came to believe the opposite… but then I… then we all realized that the only thing that’s wrong is this war itself.
Feyes: And you… all of you, you would have the world destroyed to protect it! You brought that Celestriad to that witch! You made all of this happen! All of us, we had family in Centralia! They all died because of you!
*The soldiers all nod, looking determined to punish the party for what they believe is the party’s fault.*
Feyes: This isn’t just about protecting Karst or waging this war. You people brought destruction to our capital!
Melana: And what would Karst bring if you let this war continue?
Feyes: So you don’t deny causing the millions of deaths of the past few weeks?
Blitz: She tricked us… Krynia tricked us. We were fools to trust her… but you all did the same! She visited Centralia, she walked among you! You were at the lecture she gave…
Feyes: *clenching his fists*
Melana: Please… let us pass through and stop Karst, or what he does to Kunara will be just as bad as what Krynia’s done to Goza.
Feyes: …I am sorry… but even if I cannot blame you for what happened to Centralia… I cannot as a Gozan soldier allow you to pass through here. *readies himself for a fight, along with the other soldiers*
Melana: Then… we are sorry as well.
Blitz: *takes out his sword*

BOSS: Feyes (HP: 51,000), Fleet Ultra Elite x5 (8,000 each)

Wipe out the Fleet Ultra Elite before concentrating on Feyes, their quick physical attacks can quickly add up and become trouble for the party. Feyes’ default attack is a shot from the massive Essence Cannon he’s hauling on his shoulder, which will do around 1,200 to a single party member. He can also fire a Charged Shot without warning that will do between 1,500 and 2,500 to everyone, so watch out for that. Once you take out Feyes’ help, he won’t be nearly so much of a threat and you can attack him as you would any other boss, just remember to keep your HP up at a reasonable level to avoid too much worry from the Charged Shot.

After being defeated. Feyes crumples to his knees. The bodyguards are alive, but injured.

Feyes: *bowing his head* Just kill me…
Blitz: No. You’re helpless now.
Feyes: My family… I want to be back with them…
Melana: They wouldn’t want you to be with them. They would want you to live.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/23/12 7:03:00 AM

*The party ignores Feyes and keeps walking. He seemingly slumps… then pulls a knife off one of the unconscious soldiers and charges the party, going right for Melana’s back. Blitz sees him just a split-second before he would’ve stabbed Melana, and does the only thing he can do… he turns and stabs Feyes right through the heart, saving Melana’s life but mortally wounding Feyes.*

Feyes: *smiles* my… dearest…Lenora…I’m… *slumps dead off of Blitz’s blade*
Blitz: …!!!
Ophi: *gasping, putting her hands to her mouth*
Melana: Blitz… he would’ve killed me if you hadn’t-
Blitz: I know… *he grips the hilt of his sword tightly* Dammit…
Lucilla: The only way to stop all of this death is to stop the war. Come on… we have to stop Karst from invading Kunara.

After a bit more dialogue, you’re given control of the party again. You’ll have to go back inside the ship, but it’s not too far a ways back up to the deck. There will be a save point, and off to the side, a room where the party can sleep and recover HP/MP for free. Head back up to the deck and you’ll see General Karst, gathering up massive amount of energy into the arms of his mech.

Karst: With this shot, the people of this cursed land won’t know what hit them… and the war will finally be over.
*The party rushes toward Karst. A few bodyguards try to rush them but they are easily taken out and pushed aside. Karst turns to confront the party, his huge mech taking up most of the front of the ship.*
Blitz: Give it up, Karst! Your fleet’s trashed, this invasion is finished!
Karst: Is it now? As you can see, Gozan scientists have constructed this beautiful machine, a masterwork of ancient Essencecraft and modern craftsmanship… a shot from its main cannon will be enough to devastate the city of Elinal, leaving Kunara decapitated and prostrate before me!
Gulrock: All I see is an oversized hunk of scrap that I’m in the mood to smash!
Karst: Such brazen words, spoken like the peasants you truly are. Though… I am disappointed in you, Gulrock. You could’ve been a general in my army. Instead, you’re the lowest traitor in Gozan history. And all for the sake of what? Peace? As long as our two nations exist, there will never be peace.
Sanathri: That isn’t true… people from the ancient nations came together to form a beautiful city…
Karst: A city that failed and died. I know all about your Salvation. People who lived in a cave, harvesting dirt and huddling in fear, not knowing that the world was rebuilding itself above them. The ancients failed because they had primitive minds who could not comprehend the power they wielded… and primitive hands that could not craft the machine you see before you.
Hark: Wait…! Don’t you know anything about the world outside your own little bubble? Don’t you know you have a son? When you took my mother as your companion, did you love her?
Karst: …*looks into Hark’s eyes and remembers* Ah… Rubidia, queen of criminal filth. My boy, I have had many, many companions over the years. It’s one of the perks of being a man of war. I likely have dozens of sons and daughters spread across this planet. Perhaps some of them are in the city I’m about to lay waste to.
Hark: How could you be so callous?
Melana: He’s not going to listen to reason… he has to die.
Karst: For you to survive, yes. *his mech glows with incredible power*
Blitz: Everyone, don’t back down! Remember all the people we’re trying to protect!
*The party readies their weapons.*
Karst: You can’t even protect yourselves.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/23/12 7:04:00 AM

BOSS: General Karst (48,400 HP) and Warmech (125,000 HP)

This fight can be approached in two ways. As long as General Karst is alive, the Warmech will operate in a slowly-paced, controlled way. It can unleash its missiles for ten shots of around 500-700 HP each to various party members, it can attack with its fist for a moderately powerful physical attack, it can stomp one of the party members for a slightly more powerful physical attack, it can heal for 5,000 HP, and it can attack with its main cannon, which will countdown from 5 and then unleash a massive shot of energy on the party for anywhere from 2500-6000. Karst can also shoot one of your party members with his sidearm for decent physical damage, or toss a grenade down for a decent group attack. The pace of the fight will be rather slow and exacting, but the Warmech will telegraph its attacks and you’ll usually know what’s coming. However, if you kill Karst before the Warmech is disabled, it will become slightly faster and much more chaotic in its attacks. It can even use its main cannon without counting down, meaning that you’ll need to absolutely be on the ball in terms of keeping your party healed. The fight, however, will go a lot faster as Warmech’s defenses will be much lower and your attacks will do significantly more damage. So it’s up to you to decide whether you want a quick fight that will be a lot more hazardous, or a slower fight where it might be easier to see what’s coming. If Karst is still alive once the Warmech is disabled, he’ll ineffectually try to work the controls while occasionally shooting wildly at the party, he might also drop three grenades in succession, so watch out for that as it’s quite dangerous if you’re not fully healed. For the most part, though, once the Warmech is taken out, this fight is pretty much over.

*As the party stands at the ready in front of the disabled machine, a badly-bloodied Karst slumps at the controls, still trying to unleash his powerful attack on Elinal.*
Karst: Damned piece of junk…!
Blitz: I thought you said it was a finely crafted masterpiece of war? Or… something like that, at least.
Karst: Little bastard! *suddenly shoots at Blitz, only for Melana to deflect the bullet with a magical energy barrier*
Melana: That is enough! You’re done, Karst, and so is your fleet! The invasion is over!
Karst: *tightly gripping the mech’s controls* Damn you...
*Karst doesn’t see a burst of magical energy coming from the shore of Kunara. It’s from Oban, wielding a staff and casting a powerful spell that races out across the ocean to the flagship offshore. It smashes into Karst, blowing him up along with the top half of his Warmech. The party takes cover as pieces of the machine rain down on them.*
Oban: Mages of Kunara! Attack! Rend the barbarians from across the sea asunder!
*The Kunarian mages unleash their most powerful spells, which slam into the flagship, quickly destroying large chunks of it. Blitz and the others look as if they’re going to be caught up in the destruction, only for the airship to swoop by and pick them up at the last moment. The flagship and the other ships in the fleet are shattered by magic as the soldiers on them scream and run for their lives.*

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/23/12 7:05:00 AM

Onboard the airship, Cid informs the party that the Crystal Cavern Mine’s being totally scoured of its Essence in preparation for a huge war. Though the Kunarians realize Krynia is still a threat, they refuse to take the attempted Gozan invasion lying down, and it seems that war is about to break out all over the world. Cid’s also noticed that the energy fluctuation anomalies around the world are increasing, with brownouts now occurring wherever there is Essence energy. Blitz realizes that if the war doesn’t stop, all hope of defeating Krynia is totally lost. Artemis replies that there is no hope of defeating Krynia, that the Celestriad makes her all powerful. Others in the party agree, though Sanathri asks them if Krynia is all powerful, why was she trying to torture her for the key to Salvation? Blitz agrees with Sanathri, and so does Ophi, that there is still hope of defeating Krynia. Hark relents as well, and eventually, so does Melana.

Melana: I promised Blitz that even if challenging Krynia is a suicide mission, I’d still do it. We all have to protect our world, no matter what the cost.
Sanathri: Perhaps the answer lies in Salvation… over the years, the spirits of those who died in the Great War all gathered in that place, absorbing the knowledge and energy of the world.
Blitz: So… you think you can talk to those spirits?
Sanathri: I’m willing to try… though I lived there until about a hundred years ago, and the spirits never spoke to me once.
Ophi: Maybe you just didn’t ask them to? *smiling*
Sanathri: I was lonely enough to try.
Artemis: Even if we can’t talk to the ancients, if there’s power down there, there might be enough to take on Krynia.
Blitz: I’d hate for us to take all the power of the ancient spirits for ourselves… but… if we had used the Celestriad for ourselves when we had the chance, we wouldn’t be in this mess. …it’s time for us to step up and be the protectors of the world, we can’t fear that power, we have to embrace it!
Melana: I just hope there’s something worthwhile down there.

Salvation lies at the bottom of the crater made by the destruction of that small island during Krynia’s ascent into space. It also happens to be the same place your submarine was blocked from by a barrier. When you got your airship back after defeating Zukan, you could actually land in that crater, its sides consisting of beautiful waterfalls surrounding a small plateau of land on which the entrance to Salvation was buried. You couldn’t do anything here before, but now you can. However, you might want to take on a few more of the side quests that have opened up. You can now track down Lucifer and Phaedra, two of Artemis’ most powerful summons, though they won’t be easy to find (Phaedra’s quest is probably harder than the final dungeon and boss). Make sure your party is at least level 50 before descending into the Salvation crater (you’ll probably be 55 or more by now).

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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02/23/12 7:23:00 AM

Poor enemy controlled Bahamut. War!

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:46:00 AM

After descending into the crater and approaching the raised area in the center, there will be a cutscene.

Melana: So is the entrance to the city under here?
Sanathri: Yes… please, everyone, step back.
*Sanathri kneels on the ground and begins to concentrate, causing the ground beneath her to part and revealing a large, bare, stone slab on which ancient letters are written.*
Blitz: Is that the old alphabet…?
Melana: Yes, what exactly does it say?
Sanathri: This gate to Salvation, forever sealed, symbolizes the dead hope of a people who have already fallen.
Gulrock: Forever sealed? Who sealed it?
Sanathri: I did, I did it to prevent it from being overrun by tomb robbers or treasure seekers. But…as you can see, I am a living key. *she closes her eyes again and the writing glows brightly, the words erased before the slab of stone slides open, revealing the descent into the city*
Blitz: Down there?
Sanathri: About a thousand feet down, to be exact. Fortunately, it’s a gradual slope. I can only hope we find what we’re looking for here…

Descend into the open cavern, which is somewhat long but not inhabited by enemies. There’s a save point here, then you’ll be able to make your way into the tunnels themselves.

Salvation Threshold-

Before reaching the actual city, you have to cross through a maze of caves, complete with a few traps and puzzles designed to trip up potential invaders. There ARE monsters in here, rather difficult ones, and plenty of detours for treasure. If you get lost or turned around, you can ask Sanathri to guide you, similar to how Ophi guided the party through the Underbelly Sewers. As you explore the caves, Sanathri will occasionally reminisce on her early childhood, she remembers children playing in these caves (of course, back then there weren’t monsters) and will regret that they never got to see the sun as they were kept down here in the underground city for their whole lives.

Hark: These tunnels might be a pretty good place to hide from Krynia…
Melana: That’s what we’re trying to prevent. We don’t want anymore children growing up having to live in fear. Even if the people survive and have a measure of freedom down here in these tunnels as Krynia rules above, their lives will be bleak, full of sadness with no hope.
Hark: I know… it’s just… if we can’t stop her…
Blitz: We will. We have to.
Ophi: *holds Hark’s hand* You’re worried about your parents too, aren’t you?
Hark: My mother and the Thieves’ Circle, they won’t ever give up… they’d probably be Krynia’s first targets…
Gulrock: Hey, we all got a lot to lose here if we can’t stop her.
Lucilla: Most of all, our lives.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:46:00 AM

Toward the end of the tunnel complex, there will be a cutscene. Melana, tracing her hand along one of the tunnel walls, can suddenly see three children playing. They look real, but Melana knows they’re just images from the Essence, traces of the past.

Melana: Am I the only one seeing them?
Blitz: Seeing who?
Melana: *takes Blitz’s hand, and suddenly he can also see the children*
Blitz: ….!!! Who are they?
Sanathri: I see them as well, but I never knew them… they must have been from before I was born, probably thousands of years before.

Melana notices that the girl looks familiar, and recognizes her as the girl who would become the sorceress found in the Sorceress’ Crypt back on Goza. Hark points out that that’s impossible, because that sorceress died on the fields of the Southern Island and not in Salvation, she could never have been in Salvation. You’ll also notice that the two boys playing along with the girl are the younger selves of the two male sorcerers from the opening cutscene, the lover of the sorceress and the young man’s friend, whose ill-timed Ultima spell doomed everyone on the battlefield. As the party continues through the tunnels, you’ll begin to hear the voice of the sorceress, beckoning that the party not go any further (this will happen in real time, as the party is exploring, not in a separate cutscene). Finally, you’ll reach a great, stone door.

Sanathri: I recognize this door… this is the door to Salvation itself.
Melana: *she reaches out to touch the door, but as she does so, a vision overwhelms her. She is suddenly standing by the door as if 4,000 years in the past. Surrounding her are the three figures from before, the sorceress and her two friends.

Luna (Sorceress): You heard what the elders have told us. It’s not safe out there…
Ban: But if we can find the Celestriad, and use its powers, we’ll be strong enough to end the war!
Kavil: I… I think I agree with Luna. The world’s already doomed up there, down here we can start everything anew.
Ban: But we know where the Celestriad is, and we’ve all been working on our magic. Luna, your powers are the strongest I’ve ever seen… you can protect us.
Kavil: You can’t put that burden on her!
Luna: No… Ban, it’s good that you trust me. I… I’m just worried for the both of you. I would gladly go up there and risk my life, but if it got either of you hurt-
Ban: Luna, I trust you and you have to trust us.
Kavil: It’s not safe!!
Ban: Are you coming with us, or not?

Melana recoils from the door.

Melana: These voices, they’re… they’re overwhelming.
Blitz: I heard them too, Melana. I saw everything. 4,000 years ago, three brave people made the exact same decision we made.
Luna: And every last one of them failed. *appears before the entire party* I see now… I see what you are all trying to do, and I beg of you, turn back from this path. This burden cannot be carried by so few.
Blitz: We’ve already made our choice, just like you did.
Luna: *she bows her head, her tears glistening as points of light as she disappears*

After a bit more dialogue, the party opens the door to Salvation.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:49:00 AM


The city is an incredible complex, a massive underground cave with skyscraper-like buildings, some of them coated in crystal. Water pours down from the ceiling, running down through canals in the ground and out of the cave through small channels carved into the rock. The city still glistens from the light cast off by millions of Essence crystals embedded into the walls. Despite being left completely alone for many years, the city itself is almost completely intact, with very little sign of ruin. At the top of the tallest building is a shimmering light, reflecting its glory onto the Essence crystals. Several of the party members, including Melana and Blitz, are completely awed by the scene. Ophi shrieks in excitement and wants to go exploring. Artemis and Sanathri are much more casual.

Sanathri: That light… wasn’t there when I left.
Melana: It’s beautiful, what could be causing it? I can sense incredible energy emanating from it…
Blitz: Then that’s where we go.

In order to reach the complex of buildings, you have to walk the city streets for a bit. The streets are laid out like the streets of a modern city, and of course they’re roamed by monsters. You can explore a few small single-story buildings for treasure. You can actually explore the city, including its tallest building, MUCH more thoroughly after this particular quest is finished, the sidequest involving True Salvation is ultimately the most difficult sidequest in the game (and possibly the series in general) and the billion-HP boss can be found via exploration on that quest line, but for now, you’re basically scratching the surface of the city. The entrance to the main building is sealed off, you’ll need to activate security devices found in two adjacent, much smaller buildings to access it. It basically involves a brief mini-dungeon crawl and a puzzle associated with each device. To the left is where you’ll want to head first, complete the puzzle and try to activate the security device. You’ll immediately be taken into a flashback sequence.

*Ban and Luna are alone outside a Vashyran encampment. Kavil is sleeping nearby.*
Ban: Luna, are you really okay with all of this? We can go back to Salvation if you want…
Luna: Ban, I agreed to come out here with you because we both want to bring peace to the world. *smiling* Why do you ask?
Ban: We had a pretty close call against that monster… you looked pretty scared.
Luna: It was about to stomp you flat! If Kavil hadn’t cast that spell in time…
Ban: *looks over at Kavil, smiling* He couldn’t stop complaining.
Luna: *she smiles* Ban… *takes his hand* I know you can protect me. But you have to look after yourself too.
*As the two begin to kiss, the flashback changes to that fateful battle. Luna lets out a scream as she sees an innocent soldier vaporized by a powerful cannon blast. She tries to get up but a spray of bullets hits her across the leg.*
Ban: …!!! Luna! *tries to run to her, but sees Kavil charging a spell* What are you doing? You can’t use Ultima here!
Kavil: The Celestriad is in danger, take Luna and get out of here1
Ban: I can’t leave you! *sees Luna screaming in pain*
Kavil: I can’t hold it back, you have to GO!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:50:00 AM

The flashback ends. Ban’s restless spirit is now standing before the party.
Ban: You’re here because you didn’t listen to Luna.
Melana: We saw her… she tried to tell us not to come here.
Ban: And you should’ve listened. This is your last chance.
Blitz: Why are you trying to stop us? Don’t you and Luna and all the other spirits here want the world to be safe? We’re trying to protect it!
Ban: You can’t. All you’re doing is causing Luna’s spirit even more pain.
Blitz: We’re not trying to do any of that!
Ban: Your mere presence in this place is causing her grief. I can hear her screams, can’t you hear them as well?
Melana: We’re just trying to-
Ban: Enough…!!!

BOSS: Ban (HP: 57,000)

Ban attacks with a sword and some pretty formidable wind magic, including Cyclonic Vengeance, which has a 50-50 chance of reducing any one party member to just a few HP, if this hits your whole party you’ll obviously need to heal. However, aside from Cyclonic Vengeance (which is rare), this boss doesn’t have too much to really worry about. Just hit him fast and hard with everything you’ve got and he’ll go down lickety-split.

Ban: Nnnghhh! *recoils, fading into the dust* Luna… forgive me… I couldn’t…. *his spirit rises and disappears*
Melana: We have to find Luna’s spirit… we have to make her realize that what we’re doing will prevent what happened to her world…
Sanathri: It’s a terrible thing, to have no hope… to see the world dying for 4,000 years, to see that its rebirth has only accelerated another fall. I’ve spent my entire life trying to see it differently, but so many people down here have given up on everything.

Head into the right-side building next, complete the puzzle, and activate the security device. You’ll again see another flashback.

Kavil: *training with Ban, his magic is far stronger but Ban’s skill with a sword evens the fight and the two are thrown back from one another, knocked onto their backs*
Luna: Oh! Are both of you all right?
Ban: Yeah… *smiling as he gets up* Kavil, I think you’ll probably beat me next time.
Kavil: I’m… not sure.
Ban: Your magic’s gotten way stronger than mine, and my sword skills can’t really keep up with that.
Luna: Kavil’s been studying some pretty powerful magic.
Kavil: …I’ve been studying Ultima. I know it’s forbidden, but both nations have pretty much abandoned the rules of war.
Ban: It’s dangerous for someone without experience to use that spell, especially in close quarters. If it got out of control-
Kavil: I’ll be careful.
*The flashback changes.*
Kavil: You have to GO!
Ban: …Luna! *tries to run to her, only for Kavil to let out a scream as the Ultima spell is cast, wiping out everything in sight* NO!
Luna: … *smiles one last time at Ban, she leaps up to embrace him as the spell destroys them both*
Kavil: … *comes to on an empty battlefield, surrounded by nothing but discarded weapons and glimmering energy* What…where am…. *sees the Celestriad across the field* …!!! *looking around* Ban…? Luna? *he tries to find them but they’ve been killed by the spell* NO! *he limps to the Celestriad, grabbing it with both hands* Bring them back…! BRING THEM BACK! Please…!!!!

*The party can now see Kavil’s spirit standing atop the dais on which the security device is perched. He appears scarred, his hair now long and disheveled.*

Melana: It….it was you…you were the hero who seized the Celestriad’s power and attempted to unite the nations.
Kavil: Hero? …no. I was not worthy of that burden. When I laid hands on the Celestriad, I was offered a choice.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:51:00 AM

*The flashback continues.*
Voice: Kavil Kalidus, your mind is full of torment and pain.
Kavil: I….I murdered my best friends… I cannot bear this power, it will lead to the destruction of the world.
Voice: The future is not set in stone. Choose.
Kavil: Choose what?
Voice: Three paths lay before you. You may bear this great power and do with it as you see fit. You may walk away now, forgetting everything you have seen. Or you may give your life so that one who has recently died may live and take up this burden. Make your decision, while the souls of the recently departed still dwell on this plane.
Kavil: ….!!!
*The flashback ends.*

Kavil: Luna was the puresthearted, strongest sorceress I knew. She didn’t deserve to die… I made the choice in a second.
Blitz: And she couldn’t bear the power?
Kavil: I don’t know why she failed… but she doesn’t deserve this! Ever since you descended on her crypt, her soul has been in torment… she’s been coming here, I can sense her every single day, reliving everything that happened to her!
Blitz: We…we can’t leave, we have to protect the-
Kavil: If she couldn’t do it, what makes you think you can? What gives you the right to call yourselves heroes? Do you know how many people died before you? Do you know what happens to the soul of a person who dies in false hope?
Melana: …tell us.
Kavil: Thousands of people have tried to do what you’ve done! Even now, people start on the same path as you, and they all die!
*Nightmarish visions of the fates of would-be heroes are displayed above the party’s heads. Ophi clings tightly to Hark.*
Kavil: You can’t save the world and I won’t let you hurt Luna anymore! I used to hate my power but there’s still one good purpose for it and that’s using it to destroy all of you!

BOSS: Kavil (HP: 52,100)

Kavil isn’t quite as robust as Ban in terms of HP, but his magic spells are lethal and yes, he knows Ultima. Fortunately, he won’t use it until he dies, but whatever you do, don’t kill him until you’ve got enough buffs on the party to survive the spell. It’ll do a minimum of 3,000 damage to a completely buffed party, an unprotected party will take 5,000 damage each under the best of circumstances. Now, at around level 55, with Affinity Grid development, your party should be hovering around the 6,000+ HP mark… but not everyone will have that much HP, and not everyone will have the Magic Defense necessary to survive Ultima (it’ll almost certainly kill Gulrock dead unless you’ve got him heavily overleveled). In the meantime, Kavil will bombard the party with Flare, Meteor, high-level elemental spells… Reflect is your best friend, though it won’t block Meteor and he can cast Reflect on himself before bouncing the spells onto you. The fight should go fairly quickly, but BE READY FOR ULTIMA. Fortunately, if you screw up and die, there is a save point just outside the room and you can always skip the cutscenes that take place beforehand.

Kavil: *shaking his head* Luna… I’m sorry… perhaps I should’ve taken up the burden after all… *he fades away*
Melana: …he had to make the same choice we did.
Blitz: He gave the Celestriad to a kindhearted soul. We gave it to a monster.
Melana: And both were bad choices.
Blitz: I just… I just want to know how we can put all of their souls at rest.
Ophi: Maybe if we defeat Krynia?
Blitz: Right. Let’s hurry on.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:51:00 AM

Head up into the main building now. It’s a massive skyscraper with many floors, though you only get to explore two before reaching the main elevator that will take you up to the top. There are a couple of puzzles to open access to the elevator, but nothing more difficult than what you endured in the adjacent buildings. Before you can board the elevator, there’s one final flashback. Luna is shown with the Celestriad, kneeling at Ban and Kavil’s graves. It’s clear that she’s deeply in mourning, though the Celestriad doesn’t give her the same chance to bring them back as it gave to Kavil. Luna takes the Celestriad and vows to bring the world peace in their memory, though the next scene shows her facing down both armies, using the Celestriad’s power to hold back their assaults.

Luna: LISTEN TO ME! This has to stop… it has to stop right now!
*The leaders of both sides are shouting across the battlefield at Luna, telling her to get out of their way. She looks as if she’s about to make an attack on both sides’ armies, but can’t bring herself to use the Celestriad’s power in such a way. She’s consumed with sadness, fear, and anger, and the conflict in her mind causes her to lose her focus. The Celestriad shatters in her hands, killing her instantly and sending a wave of energy across the battlefield that renders each and every soldier standing on it unconscious. They all wake up at the same time and see Luna lying dead in the center of the battlefield. For the briefest of minutes, the hostilities stop. Two young soldiers, one from each side, kneel at her body. A shot rings out, it’s impossible to tell from which side, but it starts the battle anew. The Gozan soldier, in the chaos, is able to carry Luna’s body to safety.*
Soldier: *talking to a battle chaplain* This woman died a hero… please, make sure she’s kept safe from all of this.
*As the chaplain and some priests carry Luna away, her spirit cries tears of light.*

The party approaches the lift, only for Luna to appear before them. A cutscene begins, where the party explains that they know everything that happened and that they aren’t here to cause her any pain. Luna bows her head, and apologizes for the actions of her friends’ spirits.

Luna: Ban and Kavil loved me in different ways. They loved me so deeply that our souls are eternally connected… they can sense every bit of my pain. Please understand, what I have said to you, I have wanted to say to everyone who’s tried to embark on the path that you have. The fact that you descended into my tomb and awoke me from my slumber only served to allow me to speak to you personally… and sensing your energy so close only makes my connection to you stronger. That is why what you have all gone through is affecting me so deeply.
Blitz: We can’t stop.
Melana: We won’t stop.
Luna: *trying not to weep* Kavil once tried to tell me that we should let the whole world die, so that no one ever had to suffer. I made him swear never to think such a thought again. He wasn’t trying to kill you to stop you from saving the world, he was trying to kill you in such a way that you wouldn’t suffer… as I have seen so many others suffer.
Artemis: Alexia…
Hark: And Sanathri…
Sanathri: *shaking* You don’t think we all knew what might happen to us if we started this journey? Didn’t you know?

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:52:00 AM

Luna: When I held the Celestriad, and it shattered in my hand, I saw every death that had ever happened before mine. I felt every second of the pain they suffered. I lived their deaths for thousands and thousands of years in a single instant, and in that moment I realized that it could happen to anyone else who ever tried to do what my friends and I did. For many years, I was filled with hatred for this world… it took you releasing me from that tomb to realize that my hatred was misguided. And then I came to sense your suffering. Blitz’s heartbreak at the deaths of his family. Melana’s guilt as she felt conflicted loyalty. Hark’s fear as he confronted the world outside what he knew. Ophi’s terror as she lay captive in the enemy’s hands. Gulrock’s regret at failing his own men. Lucilla’s sorrow as she believed her friends had perished. Artemis’ rage at the wickedness present in his own nation. Sanathri’s pain as her body was brought to its limits. I felt every second of it and I started to invision your deaths. I still believe in my heart that you will never defeat Krynia.
Blitz: You won’t even let us try!
Luna: Did I ever say that? …every soul who has died in this war has gathered atop this tower. Their souls have joined with the essence of the ancient ones to form a universe of light. I do not know what you will find there, but I know that it all pales in comparison to the power of the Celestriad.
Blitz: And why is that?
Luna: Because the Celestriad contains the essences of many worlds. It fell to Earth after being propelled through the stars by an event so powerful it tore three star systems asunder and compressed the souls of their peoples into an object small enough to be held in one’s hands. The power of one world can never compare to the power of many, just as the power of one person, or even several, can never compare to the power of nations.
Melana: Luna… you stopped them. For but a few moments, they united to mourn you.
Luna: And then they all destroyed each other as if it never happened. You will never succeed in bringing an end to this war. And if Krynia does, she will bring with it a reign of suffering that will last for many, many millennia, leaving this world a barren husk where the last few people live out their lives in pure agony.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:52:00 AM

Blitz: …just SHUT UP!!!
*The party gasps as Blitz confronts Luna.*
Blitz: I’ve had enough of people like you, telling me that I can’t help anyone! Your two friends tried to get in my way because they thought we’d all die, but we stomped them both, just like we’re gonna stomp Krynia! Yeah…even when I came here I wasn’t sure of myself, none of us were, but after hearing all of your crap, I’m sick of doubting myself, and I’m sick of anyone else doubting us too! Do you think my parents would want me thinking the same way you do? Do you think Melana’s parents would want the same? Or Hark’s parents, or Ophi’s grandmother? Artemis, do you think Alexia would want you feeling this way, thinking you can’t help anyone? Dammit! I don’t know what it’s gonna take to beat Krynia, it’ll probably take a miracle, but until I breathe my last breath, I’m never, EVER gonna stop fighting! You can take your prophecies and your visions and shove ‘em! I WILL NOT GIVE UP! I WILL NOT LOSE! And if you try to stop me like your two friends did, I’ll end your suffering right now! *points his sword at Luna’s face*
Melana: *stunned by what Blitz has just said, but she too feels courage welling up inside her* Everything we’ve gone through, everything we’ve done has just served to make all of us stronger. Every monster we’ve defeated, every evil person we’ve stopped, we’re one step closer to bringing peace to this world. When we started, I never imagined that our journey would become something like this, but all of us, every last one of us, no matter who we are or what we’ve been through, is ready to fight and die for peace. I don’t care if you’ve imagined our deaths in a million different ways, none of it is true. It’s just a shame that the one who came the closest to accomplishing what we’re about to accomplish has forgotten everything she’s learned along her own journey.
Luna: Your words are inspiring, but they bring me no comfort. Whatever else lies in your path, know that your lives are short and your ends will be painful. I will obstruct you no further…. *she disappears and ascends into the light above, her tears briefly raining down on the party in the form of light streaks*
Gulrock: Hey, I wanted to tell her off too!
Lucille: Yes, I had a few choice words for her myself.
Blitz: You can do us one better by helping to put her spirit at peace. It’s obvious that we can’t tell her what we’re going to do, we have to show her. I don’t know what’s up here, but whatever it is, it’s got to help. And if it doesn’t, we’ll just beat Krynia on our own.

Ascend up the elevator to the top floor. There’s a little bit of a ways to go until you reach your goal, a shimmering white gate at the end of a long hallway. No monsters inhabit this floor (at least in the main quest), there’s a save near the gate that you should use, use a Tent as well. Make sure your party is outfitted for a tough fight, if you need to level, head back down to the second floor.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 8:54:00 AM

Gonna go get some lunch, though today's update still has a bit more to it that I'll post in an hour or so. This isn't the final boss coming up, that's for tomorrow. :p

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/24/12 11:50:00 AM

The party is transported to a large space of light, with glimmering colors on the walls. The room is thick with energy and the accumulated weight of millions of souls. The lights seem to be coalescing into a single point at the center of the room.

Blitz: Melana, are you hearing voices here?
Melana: I can’t pick them out anymore, it’s just noise… it’s almost overwhelming… *she clutches her head*
*The colors on the walls of the space take the form of images, dozens at once, countless deaths played out on the screen. The party can recognize some of them… the destruction of Gale, the deaths in Centralia... and even now, the party can see a battle taking place. Kunarian mages are attacking Goza’s eastern border, clashing with soldiers there.*
Blitz: Dammit, the war’s getting worse and worse out there…
*The light glows, and a voice begins to emanate from it. The voice is distorted, taking on several forms in succession, its tone shifting every few seconds, ebbing and flowing and echoing, the images shift with its words.*
Voice: So it is you who have come here to stop this fighting that knows no end. Since time immemorial, people have been killing each other.
Blitz: We’re here to stop it… it’s the only way to stop Krynia.
Voice: I have already learned of the turmoil drowning your world.
Melana: Don’t try to tell us we can’t stop it, we’re already determined to try.
Voice: And do you even know what it is that you’re looking for?
Blitz: We thought… we thought there would be Essence here. We were hoping to borrow its power to use in our fight.
Ophi: If it will bring any of you any trouble, we won’t use it… we can’t ask you to sacrifice yourselves for our fight.
Voice: The Essence embedded in the walls of this city now anchors this planet. If you were to take its power, the world itself would come apart.

The being explains how the Great War threatened to destroy the very planet itself by the time it had ended, and only the Essence sequestered in the city of Salvation kept the world intact and allowed it to prosper once more.

Voice: Those who built this city may not have preserved their civilization, but they made possible future civilizations to take root. The problem of warfare, of course, still remained.
Melana: Is it this world’s destiny to wage war on itself?
Voice: It is humanity’s choice. It has always been humanity’s choice. The ancients were not the first civilizations to destroy one another, and it seems they will not be the last. The cycle of death has repeated itself many times over the history of this planet. Every civilization has its would-be heroes. Krynia, it seems, is a unique mistake. Before the Vashryans and the Exaltians even rose to power, the Celestriad fell to Earth. The wise ones who formed the last remnants of the nations who fell before had entrusted its power to future generations, hoping they would see fit to use it to bring peace. The one named Luna, with who we have communed, was not strong enough to wield its power.
Blitz: But Krynia is.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 11:53:00 AM

Voice: And she will rule this world indefinitely, unless she is stopped.
*Among the images reflected on the walls, the party can see Krynia’s star in the skies above everything. As they look at it, the star lets out a bright glow, and all over the world, every Essence-powered light completely dims. The lights flicker for a few moments, then come back, significantly dimmer than before. The party can see this from inside the otherdimensional sphere they’re in.*
Melana: Krynia is draining the very Essence from the world…
Voice: The Celestriad’s powers have been drained over many years. Its contribution to the world’s Essence supply has given civilization the gift of magical technology that civilizations before the Vashyrians and Exaltians did not have. Those two civilizations destroyed one another much faster than others before them. The Gozans and Kunarians are doing so at an even more rapid pace.
Artemis: You clearly have the power to do something about all of this.
Voice: We could have ended the war at any time.
Hark: Why didn’t you?
Voice: Many among us wished to cease the war, but we all came to an agreement that has bound us for millennia, that we would not interfere in the matters of this planet. Our chance to change the world has come and gone. Now our job is to observe, for better or for worse. If humanity’s failures lead to its ultimate destruction, there is both comfort and sorrow. Comfort in that the cycle has ended, and sorrow in the fact that there could have been another way.
Artemis: You knew all of this would happen, and you did nothing to stop it?!
Melana: If the ancient spirits had forced peace on humanity, they would be no better than Krynia.
Blitz: That’s right… people have to choose peace in their hearts as well as in their actions.
Ophi: An oppressed peaceful people are no better off than a free warring people.
Artemis: …couldn’t you have at least stopped Alexia from…from…
Voice: We have communed with her. She is at peace. She wishes for you to be at peace as well.
Blitz: Is there anything you can do to help us?
Voice: Perhaps. But before we can do anything, we must know if it will even be worth our time. You say you are strong. You say you can stop Krynia, who wields the powers of the stars themselves. Prove your worth!
*The light in the center of the room takes the form of a massive creature, glowing with gathered energy.*
Hark: I figured it would come to this…
Blitz: Yeah, but we’re not afraid of anything! We’re not about to lose now!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 11:54:00 AM

BOSS: Cor Cordis (HP: 144,441)

Cor Cordis starts the fight with a powerful Shattering Light attack, capable of doing around 1,500 damage to the entire party, as well as causing Blind. It will then shift to one of four different forms… when it appears as a minotaur-like creature, it’s an all-physical form with high defense and a number of powerful attacks. When it appears as a kind of crystalline beast, that’s its magical form, capable of a number of powerful spells including Flare, Scourge, and Meteor. When it appears as an insectoid monster, it attacks wildly and chaotically with an unpredictable pattern, it can also cause a variety of status effects. Finally, when it changes into a giant crystal with rotating crystals surrounding it, it’s about to use its most powerful attack, Cry of the Ancients, which can cause massive damage to the entire party (4,000+). It can also shift back into its default form and use Shattering Light, along with Staggering Breath (1,000+ damage and slow), a standard physical attack, and a few spells. It also changes elemental weaknesses. When it’s red, it’s weak to fire and absorbs everything else (except non-elemental spells). When it’s blue, it’s weak to water and absorbs everything else. Light blue, weak to ice, yellow, weak to thunder, brown, weak to Quake, Green, weak to Aero, and White, weak to Holy. You can save yourself some confusion by just always using Flare or Ultima, or you can concentrate on its weaknesses, it’s up to you. Using Lucifer when it’s weak to fire will pretty much guarantee you 99,999 damage (or maybe even a one-hit kill if you happen to have the Magnium, one of Artemis’ two No Damage Limit weapons, though if you have that AND Lucifer you don’t need either to win this fight, you’re overleveled for it already). Sanathri’s Cessation Potion can freeze this boss’ state entirely, keeping it in its default form with the same weakness for a while will greatly increase your chances to deal lots of damage in a hurry. There are plenty of things that work in this fight, just remember to keep your HP up, as always, and hunker down when you see that crystal form.

Defeating the boss causes the light to take its original shape again.
Voice: Clearly you have both the strength and the will to succeed at your task… however, it will be monumentally difficult.
Blitz: If Krynia is still draining the world’s power, the Celestriad isn’t fully charged… which means that she’s not invincible. We can beat her!
Voice: Even in its slightly weakened state, the Celestriad’s power is near absolute. You almost certainly lack the strength to overcome Krynia… and you don’t even have a way to reach her.
Blitz: We know…
Melana: If we could only get the two nations to stop fighting, even for a few moments…
Blitz: ….can you…can you convey a message to the whole world? I know you don’t want to interfere, but all you have to do is give us a way, and we’ll do the rest.
Voice: I can spread your image across the skies for all to see. It is up to you to know what to say. I cannot open the gateway for long…
Blitz: We won’t need a long time, just make sure everyone, wherever they are, can see us.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
... Copied to Clipboard!
Ry Senkari
02/24/12 11:54:00 AM

*All over the world, there is fighting between Kunarian and Gozan forces. In cities and towns, people hunker down, hoping the fighting doesn’t come to the civilian areas next. Some look up to Krynia’s star in fear. It glows again, causing all the world’s lights to again fade and dim.*
Blitz: It’s now or never…
*The skies suddenly transform into a bright, colorful array of light, like those seen inside the sphere. The people of the world are transfixed by them. The array of light coalesces into images… images of civilizations ravaged by war and destruction, just as the world is currently undergoing. Amongst the images of war and death are images of Blitz and the others along their journey. Blitz’s voice rains down from the heavens.*
Blitz: We have descended to the bottom of the world, trying to find the strength to wage the war on Krynia that you refuse to fight. We know these images you’re seeing are terrifying, but it is the future this world faces if you continue on your current path.
Sanathri: I’ve seen with my own eyes the destruction of one civilization, and I’ve been spending my whole life, nearly a millennium, trying to prevent it from occurring again.
Gulrock: I’ve had to go against my own country to try and bring an end to this war. I know my own squad is fighting hard to protect the people of Cliffside, and I know they seee why we’ve done what we’ve done.
Lucilla: I love the people of Goza, and the people of Kunara. We tried to find the Celestriad to stop this terrible war. Many people have died helping us along the way.
Artemis: We’ve all grown on this journey, but we’ve made many enemies as well. We know that many of you despise us for what we’ve done and that our choices put that terrible star of destruction in the sky.
Ophi: We would give our lives to protect the people of this world… every single one of them, even our worst enemies.
Hark: We know there are people up there who still support us… and we know they’ve been made to suffer for it. No one should have to be afraid to do the right thing.
Melana: We can’t force any of you to agree with us. We can’t ask any of you who have lost friends, families, or homes to forgive us. We were foolish to give the Celestriad to Krynia… all we are asking is that you allow us to undo the mistake we made. Right now, Krynia is planning to resurrect her family and rule the entire world in her tyrannical grip. She is sucking the very energy of the earth, the energy that has made it possible for us to have light in our homes without depending on the sun, the energy that has provided food for every man, woman, and child… and, regrettably, the energy that has made it possible to wage war on such a hideous scale. We can stop Krynia, before she becomes too powerful to stop. Please… all of us are asking…no… we are begging for the help of both nations. Do what you will with us once all of this is over, but please… give us whatever you can to get us to that star and bring it down.
*The lights fade from the sky as the people of Goza and Kunara continue to look up. Back inside the sphere, the energy of the spirits has been reduced to such a level that they can no longer sustain the worldwide message. All Blitz and the others can do now is hope that it got through.*
Voice: We have done what we can. Now do what you must.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 11:55:00 AM

Blitz and the others begin to leave, when suddenly, Sanathri falls to her knees.
Hark: Sanathri?
Melana: *runs over to her*
Sanathri: *clutching her heart* Step…step back….!!! *she steps back, away from the party, her entire body beginning to glow*
*Sanathri rises into the air, and takes on the form of Krynia, hovering over the rest of the party.*
Krynia: So this is where you’re keeping all the precious Essence from me…
Artemis: No…
Gulrock: Dammit, what did you do to Sanathri?
Krynia: I planted a seed in her heart, triggering it to sprout when the time was right.
Melana: If you think you can take the Essence from this place…!
Krynia: *extends her arms, shooting crystal tendrils into dozens of points along the sides of the sphere*
Lucilla: *charges at her along with Gulrock and Blitz*
Krynia: *blasts them all back with an energy wave* It will only take a moment…
*As Krynia is draining the Essence of Salvation, images of her and her family’s lives play out on the walls surrounding them… Melana fixates on one in particular, of a young Krynia, about nine years old, being held by her mother.*

Queen Elisthra: My dearest child, you share in the destiny of your family.
Krynia: And what is our destiny, mommy?
Queen Elisthra: Our family is destined to rule this planet. We are superior to all others… those ungrateful Kunarian fools might have exiled us, but one day you will rise to reclaim the throne of the world.
*Melana looks around to the other screens… all throughout history, the Sylvid rulers have been told the same thing. Controlling the world and its people is their birthright. The belief justified 700 years of brutal oppression, horrific crimes against humanity… crimes Krynia believed to be justified every second of her life.*
Artemis: They were right… the Kunarians. They were right to slaughter that whole cursed family.
Krynia: Were they now?
Artemis: All your family has ever done is oppress and butcher people! You’re no better than someone like Zukan or Vignus!
Melana: Artemis, stop it!
Krynia: No… he’s right. It is our birthright to rule over all and kill anyone who tries to stop us, because we are the strongest and we were born to control the weak. The people of this planet kill each other because they are weak, and they desperately gather what little power they have any way they can. But it’s all for naught, because I have more power than all of them put together! And all of you as well! *she begins to radiate energy, bringing the party to their knees* And I will prove it by killing you all right here and right now with the power I’ve just obtained!
Blitz: Krynia…! You’re wrong about people… people don’t fight because they’re weak, they fight because they’re scared… scared of losing what they have, scared of people who are different than them… but if all of us realized that we’re all in this together, that we’re all sharing the same world, the same resources, then none of us would ever have to fight!
Krynia: Share? All there is is what I choose to give these people, these miserable vermin… they will not even have the energy to wage war! *she prepares to strike Blitz down* And for daring to stand against me, I will kill you first!*lunges at Blitz, only for Melana to run forward and stab her right in the heart* …!!!!

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 11:56:00 AM

*Krynia’s essence immediately fades, disappearing from the room. Melana’s sword is now through Sanathri’s heart. Sanathri hangs lifeless on the blade.*
Blitz: *covering himself up to shield from Krynia’s attack, only to notice that Krynia’s gone* ….?
Melana: *her mouth is wide open in shock as she realizes she’s just stabbed Sanathri* …. *pulls out her sword, Sanathri crumples to the ground*
Hark: No!!
Ophi: Oh my gosh!
*The others quickly run to Sanathri’s side as Melana drops her sword and falls to one knee. Blitz rushes to comfort her.*
Melana: *tears stream down her face* Sanathri…what have I….?
Blitz: Melana…. Krynia was about to kill us all… you did what you had to-
Sanathri: Owww…. *she clutches her chest* Someone use a healing spell, it really isn’t comfortable to live without a beating heart… *coughing*
Ophi: …!!!! *quickly casts a healing spell on Sanathri*
Blitz: Melana… Sanathri’s immortal, remember?
Sanathri: Yes, I thought that would be impossible to forget by now. *smiling at Melana* Thanks for taking care of that horrible seed, I hope she didn’t put any more in me! *laughing*
Melana: *smiling, still with tears streaming down her face* Sanathri…
*The party regroups, looking around at the dimmed sphere.*
Melana: How much Essence did Krynia manage to get…?
Voice: *much weaker now* The vast majority of the Essence in this place has been absorbed into the Celestriad, and more of it is trickling out into space. If Krynia is not stopped soon, the entire planet will begin to come apart.
Gulrock: Looks like the stakes just went up big time.
Melana: I imagine that Krynia would be able to hold the planet together with the energy of the Celestriad. Once she has all of Salvation’s energy, she will have every life on the planet in her hands.
Blitz: The people of the world would have absolutely no choice but to follow her, or she would crack the world apart… and since she’s no longer living on this world, she has no stake in its well-being.
Melana: She would essentially become the goddess of this planet.
Voice: You must stop her.
Blitz: We already know.

You can choose to return to the entrance of Salvation from this area, or fight your way back. Either way, when you emerge into the crater, there will be another cutscene. The forces of Goza and Kunara have gathered in and around the crater. The leadership of both nations comes over to meet with your party.

*A woman in a military uniform salutes your party.*
Woman: General Melissa Zandakier, Acting President of Goza.
*Oban comes over, you of course already know him.*
Oban: And I’m the Archmage of Kunara. …these are very difficult circumstances indeed.
Blitz: I see you’ve all stopped fighting.
Zandakier: For the moment. Your little display in the sky and the very disturbing phenomena as of late demonstrated to us the need for compromise.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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Ry Senkari
02/24/12 11:57:00 AM

Oban: Though I personally disagree, the other ministers have agreed that Krynia is the biggest threat and that your little group is the only one who seems to have some measure of answers. Seeing as how you were able to access the city of Salvation which has been sealed for nearly a century, I suppose you’re truly serious about saving us all. Of course, the last time you tried to do that…
Zandakier: The citizens of Goza have rallied in support of your group. I personally attended Lady Krynia’s lecture in Centralia… I am ashamed that I once admired her, as ashamed as all of you must be.
*A minister of Kunara steps up.*
Minister: She truly did have us all fooled.
Ophi: So… you all want to help us?
Zandakier: Under the condition that if you do fail to stop her, don’t come back to this planet.
Oban: If they fail to stop her, the planet won’t be worth coming back TO.

Zandakier describes a vessel that Goza has been constructing to get into space. For many years, they tried to make it work, but lacked the necessary expertise in Essence to complete it. Kunara possessed the expertise, but not the engineering know-how to make a space vessel. Combining their efforts, the two nations can have the vessel built in a few days.

Zandakier: We are willing to allow you to use it to reach that star and kill Krynia. You have no objections to killing her?
Blitz: None.
Oban: Good. Until then, we’ve prepared quarters in Elinal for you. Use them at your leisure. …and don’t you dare mess this up again.
Zandakier: …the hopes and dreams of this world rest with you. While you are up there, dealing with Krynia, leaders from Goza and Kunara will work to hash out a peace. Seeing with our own eyes the civilizations that fell to the fires of war has made me never want to lift a weapon again, and I can promise you that many among both nations share that sentiment.
Oban: I promise, both Goza and Kunara are committed to peace.
Blitz: And I promise we’ll stop Krynia. *extends his hand*
Oban: …*shakes Blitz’s hand*
Zandakier: *reaches out and puts her hand around Oban and Blitz’s*

So now, it’s time to make preparations for the final battle. Head to Elinal first, you’ll get a series of cutscenes where the different party members discuss what they’re feeling. There’s a rather emotional discussion between Blitz and Melana, while Hark proposes marriage to Ophi and gives her his mother’s wedding ring (which she gave him before he left the Thieves’ Tower). Ophi accepts Hark’s proposal and kisses him deeply. There’s a scene where Lucilla tells Gulrock that after all of this is over, she wants kids. This makes Gulrock a little flustered, but he promises her he’ll give her lots of kids. There’s also a scene of Artemis, planting flowers at Alexia’s grave. You’re shown the space vessel, which you can go to Elinal and access any time. Upon completion of these scenes, the last of the game’s sidequests are open to you. You can get uber-ridiculously powerful (strong enough to beat the final boss in one or two hits) or just have some mild diversionary fun before heading to the final dungeon. The world is your oyster, it’s totally your call. When you’re ready, head to Elinal and board the space vessel.

NOTE: You CAN turn back any time, when you reach the Celestial Palace, just head to the vessel and return to Earth. The personnel servicing the rocket will express mild annoyance at you, but there’s no penalty for going back as many times as you wish.

Kid: She wrote a bad word!
Jade: I write what I feel.
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