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04/29/12 7:01:00 PM


~Halo Now darkness takes you... forever.
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04/29/12 7:37:00 PM

GenesisSaga posted...

Next district, please. Ooh, ooh. Can my character be cute and mischievous? >:3


'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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04/30/12 2:28:00 AM

New chapter tonight, had a heavy weekend.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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04/30/12 7:02:00 PM

I'm anticipating this new chapter but losing my HYPe. See it has a lower-case "e" at the end now.

I bring order and chaos, I am life and death, creator and destroyer, just like the rest of humanity.
My bunnyslug:
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04/30/12 7:03:00 PM

From: KCF0107 | #333
That's right ,go us. It would be fitting if me and SBell ended up being the representatives, and also have a frame story about who 0106 is, but it all comes down to the hat draw/random number/whatever Ayv's method is

We ate 0106 to survive!

(='.'=] <
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05/01/12 2:46:00 AM

From: Ayvuir | #353
New chapter tonight, had a heavy weekend.

You lied. : (

The Gamer In Me
His dark secret is he's really Spark Brushel in disguise. If people knew, he'd be ruined. - Spiral on the black psyche locks
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05/01/12 3:01:00 AM


Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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05/01/12 6:54:00 PM

That's the million dollar question Natwaf, though SBell seems to have spoiled it

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05/01/12 10:26:00 PM


~Halo Give in to The Night.
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05/02/12 5:17:00 AM


I bring order and chaos, I am life and death, creator and destroyer, just like the rest of humanity.
My bunnyslug:
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05/02/12 8:21:00 AM

Sort of hype...

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05/02/12 2:20:00 PM


The Hunger Games>Mockingjay>Catching Fire
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05/02/12 2:46:00 PM

Last Visit Monday, April 30, 2012 10:48 PM

The Gamer In Me
His dark secret is he's really Spark Brushel in disguise. If people knew, he'd be ruined. - Spiral on the black psyche locks
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05/02/12 2:51:00 PM

Where is he... :(

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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05/02/12 2:52:00 PM

It's okay Ayv. I know you'd rather skip town than write about a district other than the Best District. I fully endorse you skipping over to D5.

<3 Crimmy -
Thanks Drak -
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05/02/12 3:08:00 PM

Ugh, sorry for delay, have had two 14 hour days at work, and a 9 hour day tomorrow. Hate my life. Gonna try and write a chapter now.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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05/02/12 5:25:00 PM

Please dont post until im finished.

Chapter 5

District 4, proud home of the 4sies. Whereas District 5 concentrated on manual labour industries such as coal mining, wood chopping and such, District 4 were home to the builders, and fabric makers. Many 4sies actually got to venture in to Districts 1 and 2 when needed to build new buildings, parks etc, and many of them detested going there because they were witnessing their dirty wealth and felt they were being used just to improve someone elses life to no real benefit of their own.

Although most of the houses within District 4 weren’t basic and wooden like they were in the slums of District 5, they were still pretty run down. Despite many of the workers in the district being builders, the materials to build their own houses weren’t readily made available for them, and for that, they probably detested King Link and his regime more than any other district.

As the sun rose on the dawn of Draw Day, it woke Darren from his sleep. The bright light shone through his curtainless window. He chuckled as he usually did when he woke up, considering the irony that he himself made curtains for a living, but weren’t allowed any himself. He had considered many a time to steal some materials from his workplace, but he needed the job to feed his family, and always hastily reconsidered… Though some curtains would be damn nice, he thought.

As he looked out the window, he saw a man running by, out for an early jog.

He chuckled again. “Even on this morning, you’re still out for a jog.” He said to himself.

Kaycee nodded to his neighbour as he jogged past his house, like he did every morning. He was well aware today was Draw Day, but he wanted to continue his routine as normal. Routine meant a lot to Kaycee, within his life in District 4 as a bricklayer, it was nice to have other things to do with his time, rather than waste it down a pub drinking.

As he ran over a puddle, he managed to still accumulate a splash of mud up his left leg. He quickly glanced down, unphased, and carried on. Kaycee was never afraid to get a little dirty, and he thought if he ever got selected for the games he’d be able to hold his own. Hell, he might even be able to give the 4sies they’re second winner!

As he ran through the town square, as per usual, people had already started gathering in the square, despite it being a good 3 hours until the draw. His nose hairs suddenly twitched, and a divine smell wafted from over his left shoulder. It was from Bell’s Bakery, the best bakery in the whole of the district.

“Make sure you don’t drop that, it’s gonna be busy today!”

“Yes Sirius!” Came the response from a young man with curly blonde hair.

Sirius Bell was the owner of Bell’s Bakery. Draw Day was his biggest day of the year, sales wise. People would come in, all fearing the worse that they were going to be drawn to compete in The Hunger Games, and would spend what money they had on his delicious fresh bread, for perhaps the last time.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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05/02/12 5:26:00 PM

The young man carrying the fresh batch of bread to the counter was Bell’s apprentice, Cody. A slightly shy young man, but Bell knew he had a passion for bread like no other, aside from himself of course.

Bell took the batch from Cody and arranged the pieces of bread neatly on the counter. He scratched his rough brown hair and adjusted his glasses, pondering his next move.

“Cody… We’re definitely gonna need some more bread.” He finally said. “Fire up the oven again boy!”

“Yes Sirius!” Cody replied and jogged back to the oven to fire up another load.

Suddenly there was a ring from the bell above the door as a customer came in.

“Goddamn that smells so ****ing good Sirius!” Came the exclamation.

“Well it is Draw Day Charon!” Sirius replied buoyantly. “This could be the last time two sorry ass people get to taste my bread, so I gotta make it as good as possible.

“True that.” Charon replied, a large bald man who chopped wood in the forests surrounding the districts. “I’m going to have to buy a loaf, it’ll hopefully make my family a little bit calmer and happier about the impending Draw.”

“It would be my pleasure to serve you my friend, take your pick!”

Charon bought his loaf and walked back out in to the sunshine. “Yes”. He said to himself. “The wife will love this I’m sure!”

As he walked back through the square with his bread in hand, he passed a group of people praying to the stage in the middle of the square. Surely praying that they wouldn’t get picked. Charon didn’t believe in all that God nonsense, but each to their own he thought.

Squirrel raised his head from his prayer position and faced the stage. He had believed in God from an early age, as his parents had both been extremely religious. His praying had survived him the first ten years of Draws, and he believed it would save him again.

As he looked around he saw a few people mocking him and his friends for praying, but he pitied them. They were probably just heading to the nearest pub and getting drunk, like many 4sies did on Draw Day. They were almost as bad and unruly as District 5 in that respect, he thought to himself.

“What do those ****ing idiots think they’re doing?!” Smurf, a small ginger haired man with a slightly strange accent exclaimed.

“Praying…” His tall, muscly friend, called Junk, replied. “I’d prefer to do my praying over a pint of ale.”

“Damn straight!” Smurf said.

They both laughed as they made their way over to the pub down one of the alleyways leading off from the cobbled town square.

They were still laughing as they pushed open the door to the pub, aptly named “Oblivion”. It was one of the usually quieter pubs in town, but on Draw Day the pub was always packed to the rafters, as many chose it for its likeness to what they would feel they are heading in to if they were picked as a District 4 tribute.

In fact it was called Oblivion after its owner, Daniel Pietro Oblivion, known as just DP to his friends. DP was of average height, but enjoyed working out a lot and had a very good physique. The one perks of looking good and owning a pub, was of course the women. In fact as Junk and Smurf walked through the door they noticed DP behind the bar chatting up one of the local girls, who everyone knew became a lot looser in the days leading up to Draw Day…

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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05/02/12 5:26:00 PM

DP shot his regulars a quick glance and a small wave and then continued his conversation with the young girl.

“Standard DP eh? *hic*” Said a dark haired man, as Junk and Smurf joined him at the table.

“You’re right there Cata.” Smurf replied.

“Hey Cata…” Junk began. “How long have you been here…?”

“Well…” Cata swayed slightly whilst looking at the clock on the wall. He eventually managed to focus his vision. “DP opened up at 8am this morning, sooooo…. Since 8am” He replied with a beaming, heavily drunken smile on his face.

“Well lets hope you don’t get picked!” Junk laughed “You’ll probably puke on stage!”

“Hey!” Cata protested. “Our one winner was famously drunk on Draw Day when he got selected, I see it as a good thing!”

“That’s true…” Smurf pondered. “Good old Guybrush, it’ll be good to see him again today.”


Noon came and the town square was packed, as it had to be. Failure to attend Draw Day meant a potential execution. The suns ray of light rained down on the 4sies, all already looking distraught and frantic as the District 4 mayor took the stage. The standard speech that they had heard for the last few years came out, and how it wasn’t impossible to win The Hunger Games if you were from District 4, and that one man had proved that.

That man was the man to step up next and do the Draw. That mans names was Guybrush Threepwood. His day job used to be a carpet maker, but he was well known in the District, not just for his hilarious personality and ability to make people laugh, but his constant drunken blunders. The year he got picked, more people than ever had cried from District 4, as he was a well loved character, but when he got up on stage that year, he had made everyone laugh and not to worry about him.

And worried they had need not be. Despite his blunderings in and around the District, Guybrush was surprisingly a very cunning and clever individual. He had won over sponsors with his sword fighting skills and general personality and had managed to acquire much food and water over the days of that years Games. He had basically laid low and stayed hidden for most of the Games and let everyone else do the killing, until there was just him and a tribute from District 1 left. District 1’s tribute was weary and delirious from all the killing and fighting he had done in the previous hours and Guybrush had sneakily gone up behind him, grabbed a sword that was lying on the ground nearby, and stabbed him in the back, winning the games. Although it could have been deemed slightly unsportsmanlike, there was nothing sportsmanlike about the Games in the first place. It had been District 4’s defining and most proudest moment in its history, and a statue of him was immediately erected within the town square.

After The Games he had gone to live the lavish lifestyle up in Bordate, much to the dismay of Link and his government. The thought of having someone of that lower class in the capital disgusted them, as they had always just expected the higher districts to win. He was a hero, a legend, to everyone in District 4, and today, he was drunk, as per usual.

He stumbled up slightly and addressed the crowd, which lifted the mood slightly as he told a few jokes about the government, but then came the serious business. The Draw for the tributes of District 4.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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05/02/12 5:27:00 PM

He put his hand in to the large glass bowl and the crowd once again fell silent, except you could almost hear everyone’s heart racing.

“Sirius Bell!” He spluttered in to the microphone. “The owner of Bell’s Bakery!” He added with a smile. “Come on up my old friend!”

The crowd let out a unified groan, as they all knew of Bell’s Bakery, and many of them had already been there this morning and seen Sirius and his young apprentice Cody. Cosy was trying to hold back the tears as Bell walked begrudgingly up to the stage.

“You make some damn good bread my man!” Guybrush smiled as Bell walked up to greet him. “Some DAMN good bread!”

“Thanks” Bell replied somewhat sheepishly. He faced the crowd, bowed slightly, and then stood back as Guybrush dipped his hand again in to the glass bowl.

“Next one is…. Kaycee Eff!” He shouted.

Guybrush’s voice hit Kaycee like a ton of bricks. Never in all his years would he thought he’d actually get selected. He knew he was in good shape and athletic enough to compete, but he was a bricklayer, he didn’t have the street smarts like Guybrush did, and brains was a big part of winning The Games. He knew that.

“Kayceeeeeeeeeeee” Guybrush repeated. “Get your ass up here”

For some reason, to the shock of the crowd, instead of walking up to the stage, Kaycee decided to jog up. Why not? He thought. He didn’t know if he’d ever be able to jog casually again as he so enjoyed doing, he might as well do it one last time.

“Congratulations Kaycee” Guybrush drunkenly spluttered, shaking his hand.

“Thanks Guybrush… Kaycee replied, emotionless.

“Hey Bell” Guybrush gestured to the man standing behind him. “Get up here!”

Bell joined Guybrush on the stage and stood the other side of him. Guybrush grabbed each of their hands and raised them up in the air. “Fellow 4sies! These are your tributes! Cheer them on like you did me! And we shall have another winner, another legend!” He so modestly shouted to the crowd.

Surprisingly the crowd responded, probably out of relief more than anything else of not being chosen, and a large roar rang round the square.

“See!” Guybrush winked at them both. “It ain’t all bad!”

Chapter End

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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05/02/12 5:39:00 PM


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05/02/12 5:43:00 PM

Good luck my fellow 4sies.

Unfortunately I haven't played any Monkey Island games so I don't know all that much about Guybrush.

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05/02/12 5:51:00 PM

That was a surprisingly accurate characterization of me...

"The infamous scandal - Squirrelgategate." -Pokewars
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05/02/12 5:51:00 PM

you should play them. He is awesome. One of the best characters ever made IMO. Also the games are pretty damn good too.

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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05/02/12 5:52:00 PM

Squirrelgate posted...
That was a surprisingly accurate characterization of me...

Its because I stalk you in real life.




A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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05/02/12 5:52:00 PM

Heh, District 4 doesn't even have a special name.

Zolomy district the best.

~Halo Now darkness takes you... forever.
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05/02/12 5:53:00 PM

Bbbut, Cody doesn't know the secret to all my recipes >_<

(='.'=] <
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05/02/12 6:01:00 PM

Yay Guybrush!

Wait, what's District 4's name?

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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05/02/12 6:14:00 PM

Heh, I like my character! I'm glad I didn't get picked now. I'll stick around running my pub and flirting with chicks.

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05/02/12 6:19:00 PM

And supporting your baker!

(='.'=] <
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05/02/12 6:20:00 PM

SBell0105 posted...
Bbbut, Cody doesn't know the secret to all my recipes >_<

You taught me well master. Have faith in me. Or don't die, your choice >_>

Also, I am totally Peeta.

"A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad." -Shigeru Miyamoto
*District 4*
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05/02/12 6:22:00 PM

Oh mans I just read that I got picked. How nerve-racking.

I will need all the support of my fellow 2sies.

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05/02/12 6:28:00 PM

Now we need to have some 0106 subplot somewhere. Our district has two of the finest candidates representing them, so all the other districts are already at a great disadvantage.

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05/02/12 6:29:00 PM

^5's Kaycee

(='.'=] <
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SemiFinal vs Belarus
05/02/12 6:32:00 PM

From: Ayvuir | #367
District 4, proud home of the 4sies.

See, cata? It's canon.

I expect your apology in triplicate, but I'll settle for it written on the wall with one of your district's rare uneaten crayons.

"Oh God, maplejet's trying to be cool again. I'll call the ambulance." - Wylvane
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05/02/12 6:34:00 PM

From: cody11533 | #381
Also, I am totally Peeta.

I'm sorry.

~Halo Give in to The Night.
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05/02/12 7:16:00 PM

Saving the best district for last...

The Hunger Games>Mockingjay>Catching Fire
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05/02/12 7:19:00 PM

Yay S. Bell!

<3 Crimmy -
Thanks Drak -
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05/02/12 7:20:00 PM

Oh man, I hope I don't get picked now. I can't kill a guy who shares a name with my favorite Harry Potter character. He already died once! D:

<3 Crimmy -
Thanks Drak -
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05/02/12 7:21:00 PM

for the record, everyone that i kill, i'm going to eat.

(='.'=] <
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05/02/12 7:30:00 PM

From: whatisurnameplz | #387
Saving the best district for last...

Not really, now it's just to the point where we got some lame district to get through before we can get to the real story.

~Halo Give in to The Night.
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05/02/12 7:40:00 PM

Up my actives.

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05/02/12 7:41:00 PM

From: SBell0105 | #390
for the record, everyone that i kill, i'm going to eat.

Oh hi there Titus.

-- Mo' buildings mo' problems
ocean kinda grew on me like a flesh eating ...fungus. -BIGPUN9999
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05/02/12 7:47:00 PM

SemiFinal vs Belarus posted...
From: Ayvuir | #367
District 4, proud home of the 4sies.
See, cata? It's canon.

I expect your apology in triplicate, but I'll settle for it written on the wall with one of your district's rare uneaten crayons.

Sorry but *hic* I'm tooooo drunk right *hic* now.

I bring order and chaos, I am life and death, creator and destroyer, just like the rest of humanity.
My bunnyslug:
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05/03/12 3:47:00 AM

Final district chapter hopefully up tonight, then im away for the weekend in Budapest cos im just cool like that.

Will send all tributes some questions tomorrow to be answered over the weekend that will be used in the Interview chapter/s.

Then there will be the training where you will get your survival stat.


A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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My Immortal
05/03/12 3:57:00 AM


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05/03/12 2:52:00 PM

Excitement rating increase.

~Halo Give in to The Night.
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05/03/12 3:02:00 PM

Ayvuir posted...
Final district chapter hopefully up tonight

Hype Hype HYPE!

<3 Crimmy -
Thanks Drak -
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05/03/12 4:51:00 PM

From: ZaziGuado | #382
Oh mans I just read that I got picked. How nerve-racking.

I will need all the support of my fellow 2sies.

You will have it!

"Hope is allowed to be stupid, unwise, and naive." ~Sir Chris
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05/03/12 5:12:00 PM


Please dont post until i finish

A Hot Dog will make you a fatty, a SuperNiceDog will make you a GURU!
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