Board 8 > SuperAngelo128 and _Zea_'s Top 50 Fictional Characters 2012 Edition

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05/13/12 6:02:00 PM

oh man that would upset kurtfisto

I like the way you think

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/13/12 11:04:00 PM

somebody call an ambulance kurtfisto is having a heart attack

4. Tomoya Okazaki (Clannad)
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note – this is pretty much entirely based on the anime

Tomoya is still the character I care about most within the context of the story itself. However, I have a more personal connection to the remaining ones so he is #1 no longer. Tomoya is kind of a manifestation of everything I love about Clannad. To me, he essentially is Clannad, which makes these ranking decisions hard but hey I'm trying. The remaining characters pretty much represent why I love their respective works too but there it's a lot more of a direct connection since Clannad has a lot of characters and they all get their own development and stuff so I understand that feeling Tomoya = Clannad is a bit strange.

Anyway, Tomoya is pretty easy to sympathize with right from the beginning. He's from a broken home with pretty much a nonexistent family so he's not used to being really close with anyone but he still is a really good person. He starts hanging out with Nagisa on a whim and then the series starts. Where to even start with this okay

The relationship between Tomoya and Nagisa itself is amazing. They become best friends and he even lives in her house for awhile before they actually go out. It's pretty unique since they're already really close and share everything with each other before they're even a couple. I never was able to finish Nagisa's route in the VN since it feels wrong to me. They're supposed to help all their friends and stuff before caring about themselves dammit.

Speaking of helping other people, that is pretty much the point of Clannad and what Tomoya does for most of the series. While he's mainly fixing other people's problems, I cared most about him through it. I really like characters who do that in general, if you couldn't tell. In Fuuko's arc, it really hit me hard how he's broken up at the end of the wedding since it's the first time he gets really emotional over someone else and shows that he's just really grateful to have such good friends.

Then finally, after like ten arcs focusing on other characters, After Story is really his story. Well, in my view, the whole thing is really about him but that's probably just me. After things have finally been going well in his life, things hit rock bottom. I like how they really play up his negative aspects at first. Before that, he didn't do anything to make me dislike him but after that first episode, I was so mad. I just wanted to punch him. Of course he comes around, culminating with the amazing field scene which is still my favorite scene in anything. It's just beautiful.

I really like personal relevance in characters and it's honestly not all that strong in Tomoya. I've had a great family and friends I've loved since before I watched Clannad and I tend to be pretty generous with everyone I care about. So while I totally agree with Clannad's themes, there wasn't as much for me to really take away from it which in short is why he's only fourth now.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/13/12 11:05:00 PM

sorry for such a brief writeup but I couldn't pull out a three page long writeup for the same character again

another though I'm sure

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/13/12 11:05:00 PM

Be careful of who you crush under that text wall of yours.

You're messing with me! You're messing with me, aren't you!?
You're making fun of me, aren't you!? Aren't you!? You definitely are! I'll murder you!
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05/13/12 11:11:00 PM

well HOPEFULLY I didn't crush swordz9 or any other nobody users

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/13/12 11:19:00 PM

There's no such thing as nobody users.

You're messing with me! You're messing with me, aren't you!?
You're making fun of me, aren't you!? Aren't you!? You definitely are! I'll murder you!
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05/14/12 6:50:00 PM

next you're going to be telling me there's no such thing as bad mac opinions

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/14/12 7:29:00 PM

are you implying something zea

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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05/15/12 7:19:00 PM


(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/15/12 7:45:00 PM

_Zea_ posted...

4. Tomoya Okazaki (Clannad)

1.Emi Ibarazaki
2.Kazama Family
3.Rin Tezuka

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05/15/12 9:38:00 PM

I shut up my macs in order to speak.

You're messing with me! You're messing with me, aren't you!?
You're making fun of me, aren't you!? Aren't you!? You definitely are! I'll murder you!
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05/16/12 12:04:00 PM

okay this might be done tonight

I've already done one of the writeups that is not quite next and it is a big one, about 1600 words and it still needs to be edited. I plan on posting all three at once SO STAY TUNED

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/16/12 7:18:00 PM

Warning this post(s) is probably going to be the sappiest posted on the board don't read it if emotions make you uncomfortable and also while I am a pretty expressive person, a lot of these feelings are ones I can't fully express

3. Rin Tezuka (Katawa Shoujo)
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Doing these next two writeups together basically since my feelings on both are pretty similar and I don't want to say the same things twice. Anyway, I never posted my full thoughts on KS in the anime topic since it just felt out of place. (well, kurtfisto told me I did but I'm pretty sure I didn't and if I actually did post about this and forgot well that's just hilarious.) Anyway, I was born with a cancer syndrome (don't worry I'm not about to die) and while I'm not remotely disabled, KS (primarily Emi and Rin) felt personal on a level beyond anything else I've read. I've always generally been a confident person who is happy with life but I'd always been really insecure about having this disorder and KS totally changed that. Before I read it, I would never have even posted about it on gamefaqs. No one had ever gotten the full explanation of it from my mouth until a few months ago. Since reading it, I am honestly more happy and healthy than I've ever been before. Personally, it was significantly more inspirational than any other story I've read or seen.

oh I guess I should actually talk about the characters or something

Rin's was the first route I did. I was originally going to do Hanako first but Rin left such a good first impression that I immediately quit and started a new game to get on her route. She just seemed so interesting. And well, she is. Rin is one of the most unique characters I've ever seen. She doesn't really adhere to any cliches. She also is actually funny with great moments such as talking about her Hisao and just saying a bunch of crazy lines that make no sense in general. But the best thing about Rin. You see how she has no arms

well her having no arms literally just does not matter to her at all. She never really even mentions the fact and when Hisao says something about how it's hard for her to do x activity, she looks at him like she has no idea what he's talking about. I found her to be more inspirational than pretty much any other character ever besides maybe Emi. I really just stopped giving a **** about having cancer or whatever since I finished the route and just decided to be happy with myself. I think most people could really learn from it. Just stop having any shame about anything, and never feel bad for just being you. The whole thing was a therapeutic experience for me.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/16/12 7:18:00 PM

2. Emi Ibarazaki (Katawa Shoujo)
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Okay sadly there was like a month and a half break between me reading Rin and Emi and that is because of the thing known as “Shizune's route” which is pretty much an awful abomination of human history. How that can exist in the same work of fiction as Rin's and Emi's routes still mystifies me to this day and keeps me up most nights.

But anyway after forever, even when I was feeling jaded about any of the other routes being good, I read Hanako's which I thought was good and then got to Emi's. I'm still not sure if I like hers or Rin's more but hey I absolutely hated Shizune's route, thought Lilly's was mediocre, and thought Hanako's was good and then gave it a 10 on vndb you do the math.

Emi is the fictional character I have identified with the most. Like it's not even close. I never really saw too much of myself in any character before. She's really optimistic about most things and she lives like she never lost her legs which is awesome but she does get stressed about it since it does affect her and she has a lot of pent up feelings about her past. Feeling like she needs to be the only one to shoulder the burden was just so me. Oh and also the whole exercise thing really inspired me. I literally started running the day after I read the route and haven't stopped exercising since. But still more important to me was the message to never feel like you have to go through anything alone.

My name is zea imo and I am telling you a porn game literally changed my life.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/16/12 7:18:00 PM

okay now to edit this last one and get it up quick before anyone loses too much respect for me

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05/16/12 7:21:00 PM

let's do this

I don't even know what order I am doing these characters in really by the way

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Yamato is a pretty cool dude. He's pretty much the straight man and he's also the token smart guy. It's unique how he's the protagonist but he's not one of the “leader” characters like Capt or Momo. He's just one of the guys. Not what you expect from VNs. If he wasn't the main character, he would probably stand out the least even. Still, since he's the tactician he comes up with all these badass plans that are cool to see unfold. He's kind of like Lelouch except not a psychopath. He's also one of the least comedic characters but his hermit crab obsession is hilarious. Dude loves hermit crabs but not as much as he loves external image

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Literally the most powerful person on earth in canon. Needless to say, she's the most badass one. She also fights b8anime adventures style and I am NOT making this up. What I really like about Momo is that she's really affectionate with everyone. It's cool how she has different nicknames for most of the characters even if they already have one and they are adorable like “Mayumayu”. Like I said, you can tell everyone loves each other but it's clear with her the most. Other than Capt, I think she represents the group and Majikoi as a whole the most She also wears her jacket like a cape and holy **** is it badass. She's the only person in the Kazama family who's never shown to really have any other friends which is pretty sweet too.

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Capt is pretty much the man. It's really cool how he's the “leader” of the group but not the protagonist. Capt is basically a memento to everyone's childhood since he still acts like he's like five years old. He has like no aspirations in life, just wants to go on adventures and have fun with everyone, and he thinks girls outside of the family have cooties. He's also just really badass. I mean he literally doesn't care about anything other than his friends. What a bro. He's really like the embodiment of Majikoi and he holds everyone together. He also wears a bandana at all times. It's awesome when the guys are alone and start talking about girls or porn or something and Capt is just like “huh.”

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I can distinctly remember that Gakuto's first line in the game is telling his mom to shut up. And he has remained awesome ever since. Loser characters thinking they are awesome is such an endearing character trait to me and Gakuto is pretty much the best. He has ridiculous muscles and thinks he is god's gift to women but I'm pretty sure every girl just thinks he's gross. It's also great when he actually does awesome things and doesn't fail. I also like how he literally uses professional wrestling as his fighting style and I am not making this up.

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Miyako is a little different from everyone else since she is literally in love with Yamato the entire time. I usually don't like sex humor but I generally think she's hilarious. She's also cool in the other routes when Yamato ends up with one of the other girls since she obviously is disappointed but she's still happy for them and is going to support them. That's also something that's pretty rare that Majikoi does. The backstory of the family with her is really sweet too and shows that they're all really caring people, even beyond their family.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/16/12 7:23:00 PM

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I think Moro is probably the sweetest person in the family. He doesn't stand out as much since he's generally quiet but just look at him. He is so moe. I love the parts where he's really nice to Yukie when she's uncomfortable with having friends at the beginning and after Wanko's problems in her route, he's the one who defends her the most and is the most visibly upset over it. He also gets credit for being the nerd and therefore playing porn games in canon. It's also cool when his mad hacking skills are incorporated into fighting. Also, Moroko is his shining moment and one of the greatest scenes in the game.

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I really like Wanko for just being so happy and energetic all the time. I'm pretty sure she runs like 500 miles everyday and it's awesome how she challenges everyone to random things. Also, she's really innocent like Capt is which is funny and it's great how she accidentally calls Chris *the word for the female sexual pleasure organ wtf gamefaqs* for like the whole game. Her rivalry with Chris is pretty great too. It's also pretty endearing how much she looks up to Momo and it's good in general how she's all about following your dreams and not giving up.

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Yukie and Chris don't feel quite as close as the others but that's good since they're new. They're still really close. Yukie is the funniest of the Kazama family to me. She literally has no friends at the beginning and talks to herself as her cell phone strap animal thing. She's pretty uncomfortable with being accepted by the family so fast and she gets less so as it goes on but she's still really polite around them and stuff. She's also really badass since she's the second strongest and she has some really cool parts especially in the tournament in Momo's route. Also best friends with Wakamoto.

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Chris's gimmick at the beginning of misunderstanding every aspect of Japanese culture is amazing and it's really a shame that it doesn't last. Oh well, guess there's only so far you can go with that. Anyway, she's still generally cool and has a bunch of badass parts. I actually cannot even remember how she came to be part of the group which is fine. It doesn't really matter how they met or joined each other What matters is that they are friends. :D

And that's it! Majikoi's sense of friendship is just really rare. It is just wonderful and has this touch of magic to it. Having nine characters that have so much chemistry and feel so natural together is really damn impressive and I imagine the writer has some really awesome friends to be able to write something like this. All of them are pretty unique and they each contribute different things to the dynamic. Going into it, I knew it was going to be about friendship but it was way better than what I imagined. I remember being a few hours into the common route when I realized what exactly the point of this whole thing was and I just got all misty eyed. They didn't try to do anything complex with Majikoi. They just made a group of friends without any BS to it. And it is amazing. Such an amazing tale.

have some more cool kazama family pictures

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05/16/12 7:26:00 PM

so what's number 1

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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05/16/12 7:27:00 PM

changed my mind don't feel like editing this there are probably words reused a lot but I wrote this at 3 AM so that's what you people get

1. Kazama Family (Majikoi)
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Individually, I don't think any of the Kazama family members would even crack my top 20 but that's okay. I've never separated them in my mind and I never will. Majikoi is just the most feelgood thing I've ever read or seen and that is due to solely how good the group friendship dynamic is. Like, it really is just leagues above any others I've seen. It feels so genuine and natural. There is never any drama between any of them or doubting their friendship. No one ever even gets embarrassed about things; they're all really open about how much they love each other. There is so much chemistry between all of them that no matter what combination of them hanging out it is, there will always be interactions and conversation that are awesome and just feel so real. I don't know how many of you can relate but I've had the same core group of friends literally since like preschool (there are only five of us though) and I can only remember actually meeting one of them and that was when I was like ten. When you know anyone for that long and that well, it really feels like they're a part of your family and that's pretty much what they did with the Kazama family.

Like I said, there's no drama so they just do all this stuff together. They have a badass secret base where they just go all the time and do nothing in particular, they go to places together, they go on vacations, they play games, they get drunk, and they participate badass martial arts tournaments. Other than that last one, THEY ARE THINGS ACTUAL FRIENDS DO. It's just surprisingly rare where they just have friends actually be normal friends. I mean yeah there are other things but there's usually some wet blanket who is like “embarrassing remakes are not allowed” which can be funny but come on. It's the best fictional representation of any kind of relationship I've ever seen. I also like how most of them have good friends outside of the family too since that's realistic. And if someone can't make it to a family meeting then hey, it's no big deal. They're also all really distinctive and there really isn't any crossover among their personalities except all of them are bros.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/16/12 7:27:00 PM

oh whoops

#1 is obviously a nine way tie and I can't believe anyone would expect anything less

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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05/16/12 7:30:00 PM

if you're gonna cheat might as well go all out

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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05/16/12 8:15:00 PM

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In memoriam

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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05/17/12 7:01:00 AM

shouldve at least ranked the members

The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions
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05/17/12 7:03:00 AM

Natwaf_akidna posted...
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In memoriam

haha I found this picture a while ago and was sad Yamato wasn't it

The only way to live a good life is to act on your emotions
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05/17/12 10:47:00 AM

From: superange128 | #273
shouldve at least ranked the members

good god

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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