Board 8 > SuperAngelo128 and _Zea_'s Top 50 Fictional Characters 2012 Edition

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04/21/12 9:19:00 PM

Happy Saturday night and welcome to the latest ranking topic from the two of us who change their favorite characters about as often as edwardsdv topics purge, zea imo and Mr. Fun and Likeable himself, ssknuxmagician. Not going to drag this post out but I'm saying right now that I cut out a bunch of characters from last year's list because I just wouldn't feel like writing them up again. And for any big fans who memorized my rankings, this will be more enjoyable to read. See you guys next month.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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04/21/12 9:20:00 PM

that's Mr. was ok to you zea imo

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04/21/12 9:57:00 PM

I guess I will post some writeups or something

50. Kokoro Fushikawa (Majikoi)
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In a game with so many funny characters, Kokoro is one of the funniest. She thinks she's better than everyone, even wears a kimono to school to appear sophisticated, but she just ends up looking like an idiot most of the time. For a gamefaqs equivalent, see LordEmbok. She can also be pretty badass at times and she has an awesome laugh.

49. Akari Mizunashi (Aria)

I'm in the middle of rewatching Aria right now so there may be some bias here but actually... she should probably be higher. Sorry folks, we're already at #49 there's no rearranging the list. Anyway, Aria's universe is really cool. Everything about it just has charm and Akari being curious about everything helps with that. She literally just takes days off of work to explore the city and stuff. This also helps with the series' relaxing tone since it gives you the impression that the characters literally don't care about their responsibilities at all which is great. She's really happy all the time and says a bunch of “embarrassing remarks.” All in all, she's a bright character that really contributes to the series' feel.

48. Ushio Okazaki (Clannad)
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To quote the man himself, WishMeLuck “Ushio is the essence of After Story.” Well I don't think I could say that considering she's in about four episodes but hey. Being five years old, she doesn't have that much to her character but her sweetness is a good contrast to the otherwise dark series at the time. She is also a big part in my favorite scene in the history of everything.

also not every character on my list is a girl with insect-like eyes in case you were wondering

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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04/21/12 10:05:00 PM

50.Erika Furudo (Umineko no Naku Koro ni Chiru)
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Almost everything in Umineko and Umineko Chiru is a mixed bag for me. The story, characters, pacing were all so inconsistent that it was hard for me to really enjoy what it wanted to present. With the exception of its music, the one thing about Umineko Chiru that I consistently liked was Erika Furudo.

The way she treats the whole Rokkenjima Incidents in Ep 5 and 6 as pretty much her own detective game while everyone's getting all emotional as usual is great. Trolling Battler in the meta-world, duct-tape, surviving a storm to get to the Island, among others are all very <GOOD!> moments by her.

Her role in Ep 8 wasn't quite as good as in Ep 5/6 but it was decent enough. Also she needs to make sure her shoes are tied.

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04/21/12 10:17:00 PM

49.Akira E. Ferrari (Aria)
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When I was watching Aria the Animation the first time, I honestly liked her as much as Aika did (aka not that much). However, over time like Aika I grew to slowly appreciate her strict teaching principles.

In particular the moment where she taught one of Aika's biggest lessons was probably my favorite moment in Natural. She has a few great moments in Origination as well, most importantly her flashback.

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04/21/12 10:28:00 PM

48.Lelouch vi Britannia (Code Geass)
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The FAAABULOUS man with the plans.

Code Geass is one of my first favorite non-shounen anime I watched, and a big part was due to Lelouch. The fact that he's willing to start a ridiculous large war all for the sake for her sister is pretty great.

His plans are usually pretty crazy and make pretty much every episode extremely entertaining to watch. While a lot of people don't like how over-the-top the plans got in R2, I liked them just as much especially recorded videos and Zero Requiem.

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04/21/12 11:16:00 PM

Akira best Aria major character

(best is MAILMAN-SAN obv)

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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04/21/12 11:31:00 PM

wow literally already inferior to my purged topic.

Time to resurrect that bad boy

The one and only Underdog Millionaire and UCA CORPORATE Champion
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04/22/12 8:03:00 AM

47.Revolver Ocelot (Metal Gear Solid)
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Who knew spinning revolvers for one minute straight could be so badass??

Ocelot was my favorite overall MGS characters for a while, not only for making the use of revolvers badass but for being the biggest enigma in the whole series. What was his real goal all along?

Even in his MGS3 rookie days when he wasn't as badass, he still has moments like his the spinning revolver scene and some funny moments like accidentally jamming his gun or practically anytime he MEOOOOOOWWWWWWs.

While his role in MGS4 wasn't quite as good, he still gets a particular great moment pictured above.

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04/22/12 9:09:00 AM


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04/22/12 11:14:00 AM

46.Nymph (Sora no Otoshimono)
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I was tempted not to put her since I've only seen the first season and gonna see the second soon but eh. Anyway, who knew that DEEP characters exist in just shallow ecchi anime?

Nymph starts out grouchy and treating humans as "bugs" but through the POWER OF FRIENDSHIP she slowly starts to get nicer and change her view on them. Yes, this isn't particularly original but I thought it was executed quite well especially in an ecchi series. The last episode of season 1 in particular was quite good in this regard.

Along with her development, she had a whole lot of funny moments making up for a lot of dumb Tomoki/Sohara jokes.

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04/22/12 11:24:00 AM

Astraea > Nymph

But both are great.

if a tree falls in the forest and no one is around to hear it do the other trees laugh?
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04/22/12 2:09:00 PM

45.Tidus (Final Fantasy X)
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Tidus to this day still gets complaints about being whiny or annoying or looking like Meg Ryan or whatever but personally I think he's easily the best Final Fantasy protagonist.

Tidus would act almost exactly what the average player thrust into a random world where no one knows you.. minus the fact that half the players probably aren't even nearly as athletic/popular as Tidus is.

He has to find out all about this new world he's not familiar with, while pretending that he just has "amnesia", many people would be annoyed by this and possibly go nuts but Tidus somehow stayed sane throughout the whole ideal (though he did just make the goal of eventually getting back home). I respect Tidus a whole bunch for that.

Despite being ignorant to the 'real' point of the summoner's journey thing, he still developed a bunch and I personally thought his personality and interactions with all the party members especially Yuna were dont really well. He even eventually helped the party find a cool third option which eventually saved the world.

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04/22/12 8:02:00 PM

47. GlaDOS (Portal)
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I didn't like Glados all that much the first time I played Portal 1. She had a bunch of witty lines but I didn't find her a particularly compelling villain. Then came Portal 2. Her character isn't very different in it; just her role. But she's so awesome in it. I couldn't get enough of her in 2. The hints at her past and her relationship with Chell are cool and I was glad to see her get development. Also she hates birds.

46. Youhei Sunohara (Clannad)
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The first character to appear who was on my last list because spoilers I can talk about Clannad for hours. Sunohara fills the typical anime character role of “main character's goofy friend” and god does he do it well. He pretty much has an IQ of 2 and continually falls victim to everyone's bullying. He also has some good bro moments mostly involving his sister and him wearing a yellow tuxedo to Kouko's' wedding. I mean do you have any idea how much it would cost to get a yellow tuxedo? I don't think they just rent those things out.

45. Hideo Kuki (Majikoi)
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Unlike Kokoro, Hideo is actually high class as **** and is also pretty good natured. The facts:

- wears a golden suit to school
- rides a rickshaw to school, driven by his personal maid
- calls everyone else “commoners” and has a badass evil laugh
- has a giant dick
- has a helicopter which he lets everyone ride in cause he's awesome

For awhile, Hideo was my favorite pure comedy character in Majikoi. He's not anymore but he's still hilarious and I always enjoy scenes with him.

44. Sandor Clegane (A Song of Ice and Fire)
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aka The Hound. At first, Sandor is just a huge jerk. Well, he is the whole time but he becomes a more understandable huge jerk. He has a bunch of cool moments; the earliest is probably when he stops Gregor from going ape**** over everything at the tournament. His fight with Beric was pretty cool and I really liked it when he and Arya were together, although it was pretty brief. The way he develops isn't all that complex but it's still cool to watch. also, the hound x sansa who's with me.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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04/22/12 9:53:00 PM

44.Konata Izumi (Lucky Star)
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Konata was once a top 3 character for me until I rewatched part of Lucky Star. That said, while she's fallen a bit she's still quite funny and amusing which still nets her onto this list.

Konata's teasing, randomness and otaku antics are the primary reasons I like Lucky Star, though most everything else isn't bad either.

It's also fun to imagine a 3D girl with Konata's personality would look like.

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04/22/12 9:56:00 PM

From: SuperAngelo128 | #015
It's also fun to imagine a 3D girl with Konata's personality would look like.

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(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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04/22/12 10:26:00 PM

43.Yuri Lowell (Tales of Vesperia)
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Quite possibly the most well-loved Tales character and for very good reason. Yuri might have a somewhat womanly appearance but don't let that fool you, he's pretty much the manliest Tales protagonist to date.

Yuri is a lot different from other JRPG protagonists in that he's a bit older than most (21 years old) and quite a bit more mature and much less idealistic. Despite this, he's still one of the funnier characters in the game doing things like trolling 13 year olds and having a whole bunch of fun sarcasm. He also has a whole bunch of cool bro moments too.

What I think is cool and what really seals the deal for many people is how Yuri's views on the law are... or rather what the law can't do sometimes and what Yuri believes what he has do to make up for it.

Yuri would probably be higher on his list if his character didn't become so flat in the last 1/3 or so in the game. That said as a whole I'm still impressed with him as a whole.

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04/23/12 6:02:00 AM

From: _Zea_ | #014
47. GlaDOS (Portal)


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04/23/12 6:07:00 AM

Aww yeah Class S people.

Also, wasn't expecting Akira.

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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04/23/12 8:18:00 AM

42.Tsukasa Ayatsuji (Amagami SS)
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Another character who used to be on my top 5.. now falls down to here after I rewatched/reread stuff and watched the newer material.

Tsukasa has a somewhat unique premise. What if the girl you thought was all nice and perfect ended up being a total *****?.. mostly. A lot of her *****y moments are quite amusing (though some are eh), but it's cool to see her develop, especially due to a nice guy accepting her for what she really was.

I read the Precious Diary manga before the anime reached her arc and I was kinda disappointed with how they handled her development in the anime (since they went with the good ending instead of the true). While it wasn't bad I preferred the manga in how Tsukasa's later actions towards the student council did NOT go unpunished, the focus of her 'true nature' actually getting more development instead of her wearing the nice mask again and just having a better conclusion in general.

I still quite like her character as a whole I just wished the anime took the better direction (especially so SS+ wouldn't have silly student council drama).

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04/23/12 8:21:00 AM

'I know you didn't do anything weird because I totally stayed awake all night and listened through your walls'

Proud ValHellen x Maha_Bufudyne shipper.
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04/23/12 8:25:00 AM

Yes, tied for first position Amagami girl is here!

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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04/23/12 12:24:00 PM

40+41. Yuki Kagura and Shigeru Nagae (Akkan Baby)
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One of few placements where I'll 'cheat' and use two characters that are practically in the same spot and give them one writeup but count them as two placements. Also the only characters from a manga-only series.

Yuki and Shigeru are total idiots, like even dumber than you average idiot hero. Although they become a "couple" very early on, they obviously don't know a lot of things of what it means to be in a relationship, especially the whole sex thing. There are a whole lot of hilarious moments with them like seeing who can 'last longer' to see who gets to keep a song tape.

A big amount of the story deals with what eventually happens when you don't protection. Although the two are idiots they learn a bunch eventually, and get a whole bunch of heartwarming moments.

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04/23/12 5:12:00 PM

39.Touko Kirihara (Cross+Channel)

My favorite Cross+Channel character, which is weird since she's really not all that likable but I just liked the unique execution of her character.

On the surface, she's a generic tsundere especially towards the perverted Taichi. However, beneath that surface lies a ridiculous amount of stubborness and want for attention.

I won't say what they were, but there were a bunch of twists that made her character quite interesting to me.

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04/23/12 5:35:00 PM


"[This is perfect. I have always fought with these kinds of cards. You say that I have lost the moment I was dealt? It's just the same as always!]"
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04/23/12 5:47:00 PM

Touko what

she's either the worst or second-worst character in CC

(Miki best)

thelefty for analysis crew 2008 imo -tranny
I have a third degree burn in flame-o-nomics -Sir Chris
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Jeff Zero
04/23/12 5:49:00 PM

Yuri is a lot different from other JRPG protagonists in that he's a bit older than most (21 years old)

So, 31 in rest-of-the-world years then?

"Later..." <Toonami> <4/1/2012> <Never Forget> ~SCP~
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04/23/12 9:47:00 PM

it starts

I'm going to bed

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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04/23/12 10:08:00 PM

38.Cecile (Suikoden III)
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I'm in the minority when I think Thomas's chapters were the best part of Suikoden III, and a big part of it was Cecile. Despite the fact that she's probably like 13-15 yet is already a pretty strong knight with a fun personality makes her quite endearing.

Cecile is extremely loyal to Budehuc and her job as a knight. Coupled with her energetic personality she has a lot of funny and cool moments throughout the chapter. She even gets a bunch of development in becoming loyal to her new master Thomas.

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04/23/12 11:36:00 PM

From: Jeff Zero | #027
Yuri is a lot different from other JRPG protagonists in that he's a bit older than most (21 years old)

So, 31 in rest-of-the-world years then?

Still younger than Cloud.

You're the type that *********** to the girl you like, right?
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04/23/12 11:47:00 PM

I always found it amusing that Squall, despite being 17, looks more or less around the same age as Cloud.

I guess that's Japan for ya.

No need for words,
Just cast Luminaire and be done with it.
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04/23/12 11:51:00 PM

Touko what

she's either the worst or second-worst character in CC

(Miki best)

lefty bringing the correct opinions

another place and time, without a great divide, and we could be flying deadly high
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04/24/12 12:05:00 AM

Miki isn't even the best insane female in the game lolololololololo

You're messing with me! You're messing with me, aren't you!?
You're making fun of me, aren't you!? Aren't you!? You definitely are! I'll murder you!
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04/24/12 7:45:00 AM


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04/24/12 7:48:00 AM

don't know why everyone's getting so upset when Touko, Miki, and Youko are all fantastic characters...

You're the type that *********** to the girl you like, right?
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04/24/12 8:19:00 AM

37.Solid Snake (Metal Gear)
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aka The man that makes the impossible possible.

Everyone's been lovin Big Boss around here lately but I still personally think Solid Snake is still the best character in the series. It goes without saying that Snake does a whole bunch of badass stuff and has dat mullet but I think each game MGS game brings out a different cool part to him .

In MGS1 he starts off, he starts off quite annoyed that he has to come back from retirement but still does his job despite all the backstabbing going on. He develops a bit too.

It's cool to see him as a mentor and a bro in MGS2 to Raiden and Otacon respectively, and how he recognizes that he loves fighting so much but uses it for good.

In MGS4, I mostly like he how he continues to keep fighting despite his ridiculously old physical age. And then there's the microwave scene and final fight.

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04/24/12 8:23:00 AM

... huh.

Didn't expect Mu La Flaga to pop up in my head.

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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04/24/12 8:23:00 AM

Where'd that come from?

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04/24/12 8:25:00 AM

aka The man that makes the impossible possible.

and poof, there he is.

Why hell is that my go to guy? >_>

Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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04/24/12 10:42:00 AM

From Gundam Seed, it's like his flagship line.

SuperNiceDog smelled us all later.
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04/24/12 11:00:00 AM

Oh hah now I remember

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04/24/12 4:58:00 PM

36.Aeka Shiraki (Yume Miru Kusuri)
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Yume Miru Kusuri is sometimes called "Drug x Bullying x Interpersonal relationship" which highlights the 3 routes of the VN. Aeka's covers the bullying part and oh boy does it ever.

She's usually a nice girl but has been bullied by a bunch of girls for a while for a really dumb reason. Some of the stunts they pull on her are so hardcore than it even makes Mac Arrowny cringe.

It's a vicious cycle that is only stopped when the main character starts to help a little, which leads to a bunch of nice heartwarming moments.

There are a bunch of plot twists surrounding her that I won't mention that are great despite that under normal circumstances would be a bit over-the-top.

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04/24/12 8:29:00 PM

35.Yukino Miyazawa (Kare Kano/His and Her Circumstances)
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I probably shouldn't have her on this list (and this high) since I've only watched the anime and haven't finished the manga but eh whatever.

Yukino starts off has someone who cares just a bit too much about her grades and appearances. The contrast between how she acts at school and at home and how obssesed she is with her appearance in the begginning was funny to watch.

However this all changes when she meets the LOVE OF HER LIFE. But seriously it was really cool to see how she developed from her obsession of her perfect student appearance to asking out Arima in a really nice way.

Since the show was mostly through her perspective it was cool to see how her relationship worked out through her eyes and what she contributed.

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04/24/12 9:19:00 PM

43. John Coffey (The Green Mile)
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like the drink but spelled different

Haven't seen the movie but I wish the book focused on Coffey more. The stuff about the other prisoners was all good but Coffey's parts were awesome. I mean he's literally moved into a death row block and the first thing he asks is if they keep a light on at night because he's scared of the dark. He's probably the most obvious Christ figure ever so his character and storyline are kind of predictable but he's always interesting. The stuff at the warden's house and especially the lead up to the end were really powerful scenes.

42. John Marcone (The Dresden Files)
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literally deviantart

Anyway, Marcone is just god damn intense. He's pretty much evil but he's really loyal to the people he works with which is awesome and he does have some morals but who cares about those. He becomes less villainous as the series goes on but he also gets more badass. I'm always happy to see him appear in one of the books, especially when he actually does stuff with Dresden. He and Dresden have a cool dynamic and I'm still waiting for Dresden to stop hating him for no reason. :(

41. Suguru Oogushi (Majikoi)
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It feels like he should definitely be higher but it's hard for me to rank characters solely on comedy highly compared to actual interesting characters. That said, Suguru is hysterical.

- wears a shirt with a 2D girl on it
- literally hates 3D
- “shut the **** up you 3D *****”
- once had sex with a prostitute to prove once and for all that 3D girls are worthless

enough said

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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04/24/12 9:42:00 PM

40. Arya Stark (A Song of Ice and Fire)
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I usually don't like child characters that are either really mature or badass but Arya is an exception. Blame it on George R.R. Martin having no idea how to write children or something. Anyway, she's the black sheep of the Stark children (ironically, the most “Stark” one at this point) and that's where her character starts. She has a bunch of awesome parts in books two and three. Like I said in the Hound's writeup, I love that part where they go rip**** on those dudes in a bar or something. Also, out of all of the “good” characters in the series, I always felt like Arya had the most potential to become evil so she could still have some interesting development in later books. If those books ever exist LOL

39. Eddie Dean (The Dark Tower)
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I think the main characters in the Dark Tower all have a cool dynamic but I especially love Roland and Eddie's relationship. Eddie starting out as a drug addict and working his way through it is really cool to watch too. I liked how every character had their own strengths and one of Eddie's was the inability to take almost everything seriously. He was awesome in the Blaine the Mono part.

38. Yosuke Hanamura (Persona 4)
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Persona 4's party members are easily my favorite RPG. At first I was just going to cheat and count the entire party as one entry but they stand well enough on their own (sadly this led to almost all of them being cut. whoops) I liked Yosuke from the start since he's really funny when he just fails at everything. He also tells Teddie to shut up. He's pretty much a goofball the whole game but he's also pretty easy to relate to. Most importantly, he's involved in the best scene in the history of video games which you can see part of in my sig.

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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Jeff Zero
04/24/12 9:48:00 PM

From: Tohsaka_Rin | #030
Still younger than Cloud.

Cloud's 21 in FFVII though, isn't he? Same age!

"Later..." <Toonami> <4/1/2012> <Never Forget> ~SCP~
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Jeff Zero
04/24/12 9:49:00 PM

Also, f*** yeah, Arya.

"Later..." <Toonami> <4/1/2012> <Never Forget> ~SCP~
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04/24/12 10:03:00 PM

Kazuko route Suguru made me sad :(

Good ol' Arya. Don't tempt The Mountain That Hardly Ever Writes!

In any case, P4 anime main hype to the max.

My Little Phineas and Ferb: Summer is Magic!
Aww, I lost to SuperNiceDog, Winner of the Rivalry Rumble Guru Contest
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04/25/12 9:02:00 AM

34.Tenzen Yakushiji (Basilisk)
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I'm usually not a fan of villains in general, but the one thing I really liked in Basilisk was its main villain Tenzen.

I won't spoil much but his evilness is really over-the-top and he does a whole bunch of ****ed up things but it just makes me love to hate him. He does also have a bunch of cool powers.

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04/25/12 1:10:00 PM

37. Big Boss (Metal Gear Solid)
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Look, I like Solid Snake as much as the next guy but

- Big Boss can paint his face in an American flag design. This is probably about the practical worst camouflage one could have but my god is it patriotic
- Big Boss has the option to be shirtless at all times
- Big Boss smokes cigars which are much cooler than cigarettes
- Big Boss can heal any wounds, including freaking broken bones and bullet wounds, in a matter of seconds just using jungle supplies and animals.
- If Snake's health gets low, you have to eat rations. If Big Boss's health gets low, you can hunt and eat live animals.
- If Snake's aim is shaky, he takes psychiatric drugs. You know what Big Boss does? You guessed it, he eats animals.

Need I go on?

36. Tyrion Lannister (A Song of Ice and Fire)
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If I made this list before ADWD, Tyrion would be higher. His storyline in that book just isn't very good and it's made worse by a bunch of pointless chapters and him literally turning emo for no reason. He's pretty awesome in the first three books though. He's not exactly heroic but he's one of the kinder characters in the series. He's at his best in Book 2 when he's just owning King's Landing. I really like seeing him interact with pretty much every character. He even makes scenes with bad characters like Cersei good.

35. Touka Oone (Sharin no Kuni)
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literally meisnewbie

I really love what Sharin did with its heroines (more on this later) since it actually makes them frustrating. Touka is probably the least frustrating of the three since her obligation is something that's always there instead of taking something away like the others. It makes her more sympathetic since she's constantly getting told what to do. She also can be pretty funny and her development is good. Also her bad ending “what”

(1)Jesus Christ (Bible) - 14 (16)GANON1025 (Board 8-) - 10 Never forget.
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