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04/29/12 8:55:00 AM

Going to go AP Mid with Lulu with no jungler against skinned Anivia. Results in a bit!

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04/29/12 9:06:00 AM

XD at the Zazi edits.

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04/29/12 9:28:00 AM

Results: Pretty good! The Anivia wasn't that good, and near the end of laning, I could harass her all I wanted. I out CSed her, but never got a kill because nobody could gank for me. Also, our Teemo left at level 6, and the team became demoralized. And then when their spirits started to rise, I kept getting out of position. Bummer loss.

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04/29/12 11:57:00 AM

Sometimes a team just doesn't deserve to win, no matter how horrible the others are:

- I fed Fiora quite a bit as Lee Sin top, partly because Corki decided to be AFK until all of us were well past level 6 and partly because GODDAMNIT her ult
- We had no jungler, but hey level 20-29 blind pick
- Our bot Nasus and Ryze (yes, really) were okay at first but decided to be cocky because they 'had better scores than the rest'. They never retreated when a fed Fiora was coming for their asses and when we pushed our first inhibitor when everyone on the opposite team was dead except for Fiora, they stayed even AFTER all of them respawned. They got slaughtered of course.

After that we pushed and still won because everyone on the opposite team was so bad (especially their jungle Udyr) except for Fiora

Oh well, a win is a win I guess?

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04/29/12 12:23:00 PM

From: Lopen | #142
Eh I still don't see what the big deal with the silence is. If people are running after a 1.5 second silence that does 50 damage that's their problem. Me I just keep going towards her and that usually makes her run (unless my carry/support is a doofus that doesn't see fit to follow me in-- in which case I have to chicken out and eat free harass).

She's p easy to flush out of bushes if you just coordinate a dive in (especially if you have a ward in the bush). The silence is pretty soft CC compared to the stuns you could have from other supports like Ali/Taric/Leona and her burst is bad unless she's doing something weird like maxing Starcall first. If you let her stay in the bush and harass harass harass it's very obnoxious but they key is to not let that happen. I think pretty much any support is better geared for an early game brush battle to the death than Soraka is assuming both sides come in at full hp (this is the issue of course given her harass is very good-- but it's doable)

I find from experience that's just not true.

The thing with Soraka is if you don't kill her she is better equipped to heal her side than any other healer. So it is really all or nothing for the most part. She doesn't need to restore all of the HP right away, she'll just do it faster. And there is no way her side is taking equal damage per a pop because of the MR/armor bonuses she provides.

She has some bad match ups, but not many.

The Cult of Personality.
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04/29/12 12:33:00 PM

In my experience, if you don't kill Soraka before Level 3 hits you have essentially lost the lane, and possibly the match. Soraka doesn't get much worse.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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04/29/12 2:35:00 PM

So who should I learn that covers Malphite's weaknesses at solo top?

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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04/29/12 4:17:00 PM

Malphite's weaknesses if he's AD Malphite or AP Malphite vary

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/29/12 4:47:00 PM

join me n spike in my quest to get 800 IP to get Rumble

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/29/12 5:23:00 PM

From: TheConductorSix | #158
Malphite's weaknesses if he's AD Malphite or AP Malphite vary

Um I am following this guide currently. so yea. Also if there are better things to do instead please let me know.

Official Mienshao of the pokemon B/W and BW2 clans
Comic pull list: UXF, WatX, XML, Avengers Academy, Defenders, Secret Avengers, JLI, and Batwing
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04/29/12 5:32:00 PM

So its just a tanky/spammy build. I prefer to build SOME ap on him when I'm building tanky (like Abyssal ^__^), but I would also say that you don't to max Q EVERY time. Sometimes the attack speed reduction you get from E allows you to trade even better against physical heavy top laners so keep your eye out for match ups like that.

But basically malphite fails hard against people who have consistent pokes which will keep your passive shield permanently down.

I think Vlad fits in this category for example. Good kennens as well because they'll hit a Q or throw a lightning proc'ing attack onto you and then. And I think Teemo is practically a hard counter. Not only does he poke you easily, but his poke deals damage over the next 5 seconds which means your passive wont come up for a VERY long time. So you either miss 12 seconds of XP range or you let teemo start the process all over again and you never see the shield ever.

But I'm not exactly sure who can consistently deal with good top lane pokers. <_< Top lane AD sion maybe? Max shield first, just work on getting your farm on all day, use shield to farm safely but build up the super carry tanky/AD build? I dunno though.l

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/29/12 5:38:00 PM

I hate playing Malphite in lane.

Anyway, I got enough IP for Blitz crank and now my support line up is pretty much complete. I look forward to busting heads when I don't have three different papers to write.

I'll probably end up buying Morde/Kat/Urgot next. I don't care enough about Heim, Rammus, Xin, or Twitch. Maybe Twitch. I'm not sure yet.

Trundle is getting bought when, if he ever, goes on sale.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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04/29/12 5:38:00 PM

From: Achromatic | #155
I find from experience that's just not true.

The thing with Soraka is if you don't kill her she is better equipped to heal her side than any other healer. So it is really all or nothing for the most part. She doesn't need to restore all of the HP right away, she'll just do it faster. And there is no way her side is taking equal damage per a pop because of the MR/armor bonuses she provides.

She has some bad match ups, but not many.

Her heal isn't actually that great though. Unless she's maxing it (Sytha claims she usually maxes silence first?) it's actually the least potent heal these days when you factor cooldowns in. (though ironically the best heal in burst situations despite me downplaying her burst)

I dunno. I'm just saying in my personal experience she's the least intimidating support and has been for a while now. Whether that's due to my playstyle, random luck of getting bad Sorakas in my lanes, or other, I don't know. She used to be a monster for sustain because her heal healed more and the cooldown was halved, and she could use the mana regen move on herself as well as her ally. But now? Very winnable lane that has lots of weaknesses and I'd personally put her on the lower end of supports for laning support and don't think laning is close to her best time these days.

But I mean, I definitely acknowledge I could be wrong here. I'm just saying the numbers on her abilities these days don't exactly make me doubt that my results are especially atypical, either. Perhaps you're underrating your ability to synergize correctly with Sorakas too?

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/29/12 5:41:00 PM

Well I don't pretend to be an expert in all things, and I have had some bad Sorakas, but I just have had a totally different experience from you is all so I feel I have to speak up.

The Cult of Personality.
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04/29/12 5:47:00 PM

Soraka maxes silence first.

She only need to get three points in her heal to reach that "Oh f*** you" point.

Soraka has her bad match ups, but harass supports and kill lane supports who aren't Blitzcrank are at her mercy 90% of the time.

That and free stats out the ass for no real reason.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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04/29/12 5:48:00 PM

I still think Soraka is good mind you I just don't think laning is her best phase and is actually one of her weaknesses all things considered. Totally acknowledge there might be something I'm not seeing though-- I mean I don't actually use Soraka so I definitely would not know best on this.

And yeah I was only speaking up because KP said something that's like, totally the opposite of my usual case (and what seems to make sense from the numbers)-- not cause I think she's gimpy or something.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/29/12 5:55:00 PM

I think you're overrating how easy it is to actually kill Soraka. Any one worth their salt takes Summoner Heal, which mitigates her relatively weak early heals. And if they're a smart Soraka, they'll expect the early dive coming and just...not get killed.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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04/29/12 6:25:00 PM

Achromatic posted...
I have had some bad Sorakas

KamikazePotato posted...
if they're a smart Soraka, they'll expect the early dive coming and just...not get killed.

'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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04/29/12 6:29:00 PM

If you pop an early ignite on her instead of trying to use it for the deathblow it'll gimp out both of her heals-- granted this only works if your carry is highly coordinating you unless you're a crazy support that brings ignite (sometimes this is me but I digress). Also presumably you have heal too so if they turn to fight expecting summoner heal to turn the tide it's just going to break the fight even.

I'm also not really sure what seeing it coming does except make her evacuate the bush way before you get in in which case that's still a win for you. It's not like Taric who can stun you right before you enter the bush and pulverize you while his carry smacks you a couple of times while you sit there stunned, or Leona or Ali or Lulu or Janna who can chain CC you, or Sona who can Q-> (possible E/W) -> Power Chord you for decent burst/cc or etc etc. Soraka just has no real defense to a hostile bush takeover early. Even maxed E isn't that potent. She's got a great poke with her banana toss but outside a bush she can't really use it that much cause of creep aggro and her target's mobility.

But yeah I don't think we're ever gonna see eye to eye so I'll just give up discussing this. If someone has like, something I'm overlooking from a numbers perspective or her typical build giving her some special benefit other supports don't get, by all means, but right now it just kinda boils down to "she's tough" "y" "n" "y" I think she's quite good with carries that guzzle mana with good harass abilities but overall feel her lane presence is weak against aggression and just plain weak overall with some of the carries she's often paired with. I guess in a meta that discourages aggression to some extent that makes her seem better early than she actually is, but once people figure that out better she should fall off in use a bit imhhho-- until people start using mana cost heavy carries with good abilities bot more often.

No problem!
This is a cute and pop genocide of love!
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04/29/12 6:41:00 PM

Han why did you quote me there.

The Cult of Personality.
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04/29/12 7:48:00 PM

Achromatic posted...
Han why did you quote me there.

I was hoping you'd remember that one time I supported you a couple months ago as Soraka.

'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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04/29/12 8:30:00 PM

I have literally never won a lane against Soraka. I'm fairly convinced the best you can ever hope to do is break even. I hate her so much. More than Blitz.

EDIT: This statement might be an exaggeration due to selective memory.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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04/29/12 8:49:00 PM

From: Gwindor | #172
I have literally never won a lane against Soraka. I'm fairly convinced the best you can ever hope to do is break even. I hate her so much. More than Blitz.

EDIT: This statement might be an exaggeration due to selective memory.

Soraka's heal is very weak until she hits level 3. Go aggressive on her early and you can outdamage her heals easily.

It's iubaris, not Lubaris.
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04/29/12 8:59:00 PM

Also, take note of what level she takes Q at. If she goes Heal or mana/silence at level 1, she'll take the other at 2, and the first one at 3. Some take Q (starcall) at 4 or 5, others wait out on it so that they can buff up their supporting. More battle-heavy rakas take q before 6. Some (like me, usually) don't take Q until after 6. If you know when she puts her first point into Q, then you should be able to judge how strong her other abilities will be at that time.

"Later that day, I f***ed a panda." - PSO
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04/30/12 1:25:00 AM

From: HanOfTheNekos | #171
Achromatic posted...
Han why did you quote me there.

I was hoping you'd remember that one time I supported you a couple months ago as Soraka.

I try my very hardest to block that out of my mind.

The Cult of Personality.
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04/30/12 5:13:00 AM

Soraka is just the last holdout of the sustain meta, and that's problematic because not only is she good enough at it to keep that meta alive by herself, she's the only support you can rely on for that purpose anymore. Sona is now more of a harass support. Taric is a stun bot with an armor aura. Soraka is basically the same, just with a blow to her lategame because her AP ratios were nerfed, and lol @ support late game.

Soraka desperately needs a rework. I think everyone's just sick of her at this point.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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04/30/12 5:55:00 AM

Soraka's only as good as her carry tbh

a lot of other supports can poke a lot harder, even severly harass you. Unless support Soraka maxes Starcall first (and why would she ever do that). The real threat is her silence (not even the damage, just the fact that she can silence you whenever you want to initiate) and her heals.

so I guess what I'm saying is.. Hope for a bad carry? lol

We'd go a long way of breaking down the meta if Soraka's heals were nerfed (I guess this has been said many times before). She's still a beast AP wise so why not nerf her support side a bit

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04/30/12 6:06:00 AM

Hey, if they removed Soraka, I would actually have to put in effort to learn a support! It was pretty cool knowing that after 1 match, I could play Soraka as well as any other person playing League!

Yeah let's axe her.

Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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04/30/12 6:11:00 AM

I've got no problem with easy to learn champs, Soraka can still go from good to great. I do have a problem with champs that completely overrule all other champs of their type if they've got good teammates.

I mean you can play Annie one game and be completely fine, same with Ashe etc. But that doesn't mean you won't lose against a good Anivia mid or a good Kog bot. That's not really the case with Soraka imo, where you just have to have a good carry next to you and you will destroy whatever support is facing you.

edit: Hell, Sona is maybe even easier to learn than Soraka, it's just that she isn't OP

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04/30/12 7:43:00 AM

From: VincentLauw | #179
I've got no problem with easy to learn champs, Soraka can still go from good to great. I do have a problem with champs that completely overrule all other champs of their type if they've got good teammates.

that doesn't really make sense, you're saying that if the carry is good then soraka making the carry better is a bad thing? or are you saying that if the carry is better than the enemy carry then soraka will make that lead even larger? nothing is wrong with either of those. Soraka is absolutely not OP.

Believe it or not, it used to be worse, Infuse would give Soraka mana back, she had heavier ratios and it gave more heal with less armor bonus, I still think this Soraka is pretty balanced. She makes laning phase very good for her carry, and then lategame she's definitely not as useful as an Alistar or Sona. You need to watch out for double-heal comps or heal baits, but if you pick Cait-Taric or a Leona lane or something you could easily zone out a Soraka very early and then take it from there. Especially Cait, if you get brush vision you can easily harass with autos and Q's until she's forced to heal herself. Once Soraka is scared her carry is worse off.

edit: speaking of Taric, what the hell ever happened to him, I know his ult got kinda ripped up but I think he's far from useless but I never see him anymore.

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04/30/12 8:10:00 AM

I agree at least that Soraka needs a good carry more than other supports. For example, Soraka can't do as much when her carry overextends like a moron and gets caught in a gank. A well timed silence to give them a chance, but that's about it. Her peels is atrocious. But it's a small price to pay for what is essentially a lane on auto pilot. Management of resources and the concept of avoiding harass are thrown out the window. Soraka isn't overpowered in the way that Kennen and current Ryze are, but she's completely contrary to every other support right now and is the only thing holding back the kill lane/roam meta.

Dead serious with the roam meta, by the way. Name one kill lane support that isn't a viable roamer.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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04/30/12 10:13:00 AM

From: McBonesII | #180
that doesn't really make sense, you're saying that if the carry is good then soraka making the carry better is a bad thing? or are you saying that if the carry is better than the enemy carry then soraka will make that lead even larger? nothing is wrong with either of those. Soraka is absolutely not OP.

No, I'm saying support Soraka is completely dependant on teammates and if they're good she's a monster no matter what. This is not the case with other supports where you can't just go auto pilot.

And a support doesn't NEED to be good lategame if you win your lane, which soraka does with a good carry.

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04/30/12 11:39:00 AM

constant pressure is what is required against Soraka. You can't make tiny trades; you have to go in and force Soraka to spam out. Her not being able to give herself mana was significant for this exact reason. that was what made Soraka broken. Until she gets philo stone She's easily OOM against people like Leona. It takes multiple Ws to refresh her carry, especially if you ignited them and made summoner heal useless. W also has a monster cooldown that time frame leaves them vulnerable. If you sit back early and let her stay even then she becomes nearly impossible to trade with. I like to think of her like I do Vayne: if you don't bully them early then you've set yourself very far behind.

As for the Malphite thing: AP Malphite is shockingly strong top lane but like FD said he loses to all ranged poke champs except Teemo. At level 4 your Q/E harass out trades him. Never touch W on AP Malphite though. 2 levels of Q/E at level 4 is huge. You wanna grab Malphite when someone early picks Gangplank.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/30/12 5:07:00 PM

realo gets it. Soraka is not unbeatable, you just have to change your playstyle against her now. One or two autos here and there aren't going to do anything. you can't play against her the same way you used to play against her, things are different now.

From: TheConductorSix | #183
if you don't bully them early then you've set yourself very far behind.

literally the exact reason brush control against Soraka is so important, if you don't/can't harass her then she's beating you hard. In blind it's a crapshoot, but in draft don't go with weaker earlygames like Ashe, Kog, Vayne, pick a Caitlyn or a kill lane and rip her up

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04/30/12 5:43:00 PM

Decided to get Cass before her sale ended. Nothing too surprising, except for how fast I can burn through all my mana in a teamfight if I aim well with my poison.

This isn't 1950. Girls develop way later than they used to because human lifespans have increased - Lavos_Fanboy
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04/30/12 5:44:00 PM

I know people say AP Tristana's late game is bad, and I know it's because she's in the middle of everything, but her 150% scaling ult with 500 base damage makes it so easy to one shot the carry, Zhonyas, then leap out.

Now I know, I know, the carrys I'm fighting aren't good and don't position well at all, but her leap range is decent enough to reach and her burst comes out instantly and it's hard to react to it.

I'd like to test her out against good teams with good carrys to see how it fairs.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/30/12 5:44:00 PM

Also we have enough for an in house. Let's do this.

Realo won gold at the Sex Olympics with a BROKEN FRIGGIN NECK.-Voltch
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04/30/12 6:34:00 PM

Red/FD DuoQ:

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/30/12 7:21:00 PM

Question: Why do I see supports grab exhaust and carries grab heal? It's easier for the support to get the heal mastery and the carry to get the exhaust mastery.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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04/30/12 7:22:00 PM

From: Gwindor | #189
Question: Why do I see supports grab exhaust and carries grab heal? It's easier for the support to get the heal mastery and the carry to get the exhaust mastery.

carries should get the heal mastery anyways for flash

also because the carry would have a better idea of when the heal needs to happen, and doesn't need to rely on the support for it

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04/30/12 7:24:00 PM

Was Morgana's AA range always abysmal?

Seems like compared to all the other mids I've been leveling up with, she has to practically hug the creeps to get anything done.

I like how each new topic you make reveals such varied facets of your idiocy. - foolmo
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04/30/12 7:27:00 PM

carries should get the heal mastery anyways for flash

Heal is in the defense tree.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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04/30/12 7:28:00 PM

From: Gwindor | #909
Question: Why do I see supports grab exhaust and carries grab heal? It's easier for the support to get the heal mastery and the carry to get the exhaust mastery.

Because the heal heals more on the person who uses it and not nearly as much for people near you. The carry will generally be the one that's targeted and needs the heal more

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04/30/12 7:30:00 PM


Well that makes sense.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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04/30/12 7:30:00 PM

Was Morgana's AA range always abysmal?


"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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04/30/12 7:44:00 PM

I also think the carry shouldn't try to get into exhaust range if they can avoid it.

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04/30/12 7:57:00 PM

gap closers mean that the carry will be in exhaust range whether they like it or not. I think Exhaust helps them escape better than heal. But of course the support can use it in that instance as well.

"What if you just eat vegetarians?"-neonreaper
"^ You are what you eat. ^_~"-Koiji
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04/30/12 8:08:00 PM

DuoQ 0-2 so far tonight -_-


~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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04/30/12 8:12:00 PM

Exhaust's range is the autoattack range (Or longer) of every AD Carry except Caitlyn, Ashe, Kog with W and Trist after like level 8.

The real answer is it's just the flavor of the month thing. Cleanse/Flash should be the norm is what I think. I personally like Exhaust cause it lets me beat up other AD Carries for free if I run into them.

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Mega Mana
04/30/12 8:12:00 PM

At least that last game had some nice shining moments.

Lol Skarner though.

"And the theoretical maximum is 2880 messages, so I was only performing at 45.94% posting efficiency." - Luster Soldier
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