After countless hours of watching various youtube peoples have some fun with it, figured I might as well do the same.
I had...played an earlier build before, so I had some idea of what I was getting into, and one of the things that annoyed me the most was the relatively low ceiling, which is now...much much higher. I wanna build some skyscrapers :p
I also decided I wanted to use the technic pack, something I had no experience with outside of some videos.
So I jump in and make a new world using 'Engineer' as a seed. My spawn is a well in a testificate village. No big deal, figure I would make a bed and live nearby until I blow the thing up with SCIENCE!. I go to do the minecraft thing and punch trees down when all of a sudden...I am taking damage, During the day when there should not be much hostiles....
It was a lioness. *punches lioness to death so that he can retrieve stuff and also ends up punching a baby tiger to death too. also some rats and pigs and deer and birds*
So, I leave the forest the **** alone with what little wood I got, and explored the surrounding area which happens to also have this malaysian village or something right next to the testificate one. It is a bit prettier to look at too.
Night falls and I decide to set up a base under one of the people's house because smooth stone is prettier than cobblestone and why not be a mad scientist in a basement like lair?
It was a nice idea...until I found myself taking random damage with literally nothing around me. *dies*
I run back to reclaim stuff, only to ogre destroying several of the houses. It has some kind of stomp thing that could penetrate some layers of dirt, aka my former lair.
Learning my lesson my new base is a few blocked from the well and much deeper. Found tons of iron to armor myself up and make a sword. Not gonna die too easily again.
Eventually I'll actually be able to move on to the technic stuff. >_<
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
I've been playing Industrial Craft mod lately. It's pretty cool, it adds electricity to the game, so you have machines that you power with generators and connect them with wiring.
I have a nuclear reactor! It generates tons of power. Or it could blow up my town. Yep.
The batman villians all seem to be one big joke that batman refuses to laugh at - SantaRPG
There were also bears and a scorpion and horses and a few other things I saw
The mod that is part of the technic pack is called "Mo' creatures" and adds a bajillion animals to the game
Next to the malay village though, there is this dark shrine thing that gives off this dark lightning or something. I have no idea what is up with it atm or what I will be able to do with it. I am thinking it might have something to do with equivalent exchange or something...
edit: another thing that is included in the technic launcher is this thing called hack/MINE which if I had to guess is a play on .hack//SIGN. But what it does is adds levels and hundreds of equipments and a class system and these neat dungeons and other fun things...I'll definitely give it a try down the line as it is still being heavily developed...but the videos I watched looked interesting (see: yogscast)
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
I've been playing Industrial Craft mod lately. It's pretty cool, it adds electricity to the game, so you have machines that you power with generators and connect them with wiring.
I have a nuclear reactor! It generates tons of power. Or it could blow up my town. Yep.
Industrial Craft is included in technic :p
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
I am not sure what mod did it, but taking an ax to a tree = whole tree destroyed. So much wood <3
Some other nice touches like better inventory management and the same items leaping to your if a pickaxe breaks it is auto replaced. Good feature.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out
I have something like a house now and a lot of the wildlife are weak against iron sword stabbity death. Go fig.
Still have yet to do a damn thing with engineering or magic or whatnot, just been gathering some resources and looking for diamonds here and there.
Just recently I slayed a tree. A living tree that sent silverfish things at me. It was weak against iron sword stabs too. Earned me some eldritch wood i have no idea what can be used for.
Bartered with the local natives some too...could trade in some crap resources for food and other such things...nice little system.
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out