Board 8 > So I hear you guys like drama. ATTENTION: Sess.

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05/02/12 10:22:00 AM

From: Ayuyu | #148
This gif doesn't work and always give me a virus alert.

Stupid Mer trying to fry my computador.

you should lay back and accept MershiAIDs IMO

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05/02/12 10:45:00 AM

This topic has shown me external image

And that's all that matters

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05/02/12 11:38:00 AM


Donny: Are they gonna hurt us, Walter?
Walter: No, Donny. These men are cowards.
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05/02/12 11:47:00 AM

anyone looking for some nuts

Virtue - "You don't need a reason to Boko United."
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05/02/12 2:39:00 PM

Apparently when a large group of people all agree that you made a dumb post or are a terrible user, the most likely scenario is that they are all group-think circle-jerking, NOT that you actually make a dumb post or actually are a terrible user.

'Most people at least try to say something funny. See foolmo's post as an example.' - The Real Truth
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05/02/12 2:40:00 PM

Also Cyclo is a bottom-barrel b8er. Ayuyu is better than him.

'Most people at least try to say something funny. See foolmo's post as an example.' - The Real Truth
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05/02/12 2:57:00 PM

From: foolm0ron | #156
Also Cyclo is a bottom-barrel b8er. Ayuyu is better than him.

Okay, let's not say anything we can't take back.

"Link has spoken for years. And music is his language" -YoBlazer
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05/02/12 2:59:00 PM

From: foolm0ron | #756
Also Cyclo is a bottom-barrel b8er. Ayuyu is better than him.

Okay bold words

The beautiful genius who graduated from Harvard as a child and has an IQ of 1.3^googolplex.
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05/02/12 3:01:00 PM

From: foolm0ron | #156
Also Cyclo is a bottom-barrel b8er. Ayuyu is better than him.

Sick burn.

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05/02/12 3:01:00 PM

Achromatic posted...
Hiya Sess. So I hear you like to make fun of people for being unsuccessful in life. You and I have always been fine but lately more and more I see ugly behavior from you for no real reason. I figure you are either off the drugs that keep you happy or on other drugs which inhibit your god damn good sense. I don't really know a lot about your substance abuse history and how that works out but I am just assuming it is one of the two.

I have my fair share of problems and god knows I am not the nicest person around. So come on, let's see how funny you are. We can have ourselves a good time ripping other apart with words until one of us gives up and runs away from the computer crying to write a suicide note. You seem to like to attempt to cause people to be miserable so I think that might be up your alley.

I have been coming to board 8 for almost a solid decade now. I sure as hell have wasted a lot of time here, but I like this place. The people are nice and generally mean well. Even people I don't like usually will add something to the board. This is supposed to be a community. If you don't like someone just say that. We share some harsh words but it isn't acceptable to go out of your way to disrespect a person about their life, especially when your life choices include being so miserable that you have to be mean and nasty to others in order to forget whatever pain you are in. Because happy people don't act like you do Sess. Whatever response or blow off you want to attempt to give isn't going to work on me. I see through you. Well I am pretty sure I am capable of being nasty too, and I am not so good to turn the other cheek like some people here are with you. So let's have a ball.

On a side note, Ulti stop trying to be cool. You are cool when you are being yourself and not trying to stand out from the crowd as some revolutionary badass. You should be ashamed of yourself, you are better than that topic.

You're a virgin and also apparently really fat

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05/02/12 3:07:00 PM

Smurf trying to call someone mentally unstable is hilarious, but you can't expect much from the guy more obsessed with Board 8 than anyone else.

I wasn't trying to be badass in that topic btw, joyrock had that coming for months and calling you/FD/Lopen dumb was the last straw. He deserves all the misfortune he's currently going through, most of which is self-inflicted. I have no sympathy for self-inflicted wounds, which is a constant of mine if you've paid any attention me me at all.

Alpha/beta stuff is true in every species, that isn't some revolutionary idea. There's a reason white women are prone to cheating on their husbands with blacks and hispanics.

And plum just buy Chris an engagement ring already, holy f***.

Edit: It's perfectly fine to make fun of the unsuccessful if it is of one's own accord. No one is going to feel bad when, say, WhirlyBird goes off and gets himself arrested one day.

Get the X out.
Vinateri was using his god powers on the Pats and then was like "Wait I'm a Colt now lol" and now you have it.
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05/02/12 3:07:00 PM

Achromatic posted...
From: KingButz | #079
I just don't get why anonymous internet people talking s*** in a private/public chat is such a big deal. I mean who cares
I've been a part of this board for ten years. I care. Ten years. I speak to FD every single day. I care. I care about him and I care when people are just nasty. Sess is capable of being nice, he doesn't want to be. Fine. Great. Then I will show him the same kindness he has shown so many users.

oh my god learn how to get laid and maybe you will move beyond this phase where you legit care about people you'll never ever see irl ever

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05/02/12 3:08:00 PM

I am now shipping plum x chris

brb going to write some fiction

Ok everyone this is Bartz so just remember.
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05/02/12 3:09:00 PM

From: Ayuyu | #159
Sick burn.

Nevermind, ayuyu's worse

'I love you so much' - SineNomine
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Post #165 was unavailable or deleted.
05/02/12 3:15:00 PM

From: WhoopsyDaisy | #162
Achromatic posted...
From: KingButz | #079
I just don't get why anonymous internet people talking s*** in a private/public chat is such a big deal. I mean who cares
I've been a part of this board for ten years. I care. Ten years. I speak to FD every single day. I care. I care about him and I care when people are just nasty. Sess is capable of being nice, he doesn't want to be. Fine. Great. Then I will show him the same kindness he has shown so many users.

oh my god learn how to get laid and maybe you will move beyond this phase where you legit care about people you'll never ever see irl ever

literally the dumbest post in a topic containing ayuyu

this is a feat.

You saved science, SuperNiceDog!
Congratulations to the Kentucky Wildcats, NCAA basketball champions!
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05/02/12 3:16:00 PM

Plum is christian, it's no surprise he follows in the steps of Chris(t)

'I love you so much' - SineNomine
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05/02/12 3:17:00 PM

From: UltimaterializerX | #165
Me: "Plum that was seriously not cool, you're getting mafia-suspended."
Plum: "No I'm not, shut up."
Chris: "No he's right, you're getting suspended because you messed up. Badly."
Plum: "Oh okay sure Chris, can I please have seconds?"

I mean plum is one of my favorite guys and all, but the Chrislove is creepy at this point.

as much as I think it's kinda weird, it really has no place in this topic. plum has posted a total of 3 words

Don't worry guys, I have all the clubs
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05/02/12 3:18:00 PM

Plum is Mormon

Ok everyone this is Bartz so just remember.
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05/02/12 3:23:00 PM

no one here is perfect.

Sess likes to call out people who willfully show their weakness. It's a dick move. It's also the internet.

Cyclo has been doing very well this topic.

SuperNiceDog shoots the lights out
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05/02/12 3:23:00 PM

You people never cease to entertain me.

external image

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05/02/12 3:29:00 PM

Not a fan of Sess myself.

I sold my sig for gas money.
SuperNiceDog just kicked my ass.
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05/02/12 7:35:00 PM

How did both my respect for Chris being rather great and a Mormons: should you classify them as Christians off shoot pop up in this topic.

yE frE me Kweku Ananse Papa
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05/02/12 7:43:00 PM

Like I said, one begets the other

'he says listen to my story this maybe are last chance' - ertyu quoting Tidus
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05/02/12 7:52:00 PM

I did enjoy that joke of yours.

I chuckled

yE frE me Kweku Ananse Papa
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05/02/12 8:59:00 PM

From: WhoopsyDaisy | #160

You're a virgin and also apparently really fat


Since when is it some mark of dishonor to be a virgin if you don't go out looking for sex? I used to be anti-social years ago, but that hasn't been the case for a long time. I just don't go out looking for sex and that's my business, but it makes sense that you of all people would go for the silly things given I insult you all the time for things you can't change like intelligence so know I forgive you for an all around cheap shot. Also yes I am fat, but slimming. By the way being fat isn't a crime either and if I had to choose between being my old weight and having your creepy smile I'd choose the weight. You could scare away the plague with that smile.

From: WhoopsyDaisy | #162

oh my god learn how to get laid and maybe you will move beyond this phase where you legit care about people you'll never ever see irl ever

I never want to be the person who defines who he likes by if they live close to him. I will probably see FD one day we've been great friends for years. I've met people from online before, one of my great friends even spent a week with me a few years back. The world is evolving and the internet is a big part of that where people use it to connect. A friend is a friend regardless of how you met them or how you talk to them every day. Judging from both your personality and what you've said here I guess you don't have very many friends or maybe you just aren't a good friend yourself, I don't know and I don't care enough about you to really guess. But I don't blame you for not wanting to count the internet as part of your "real life" resume you are pretty terrible here so it makes sense for your mind to rationalize yourself by saying it doesn't count. Again, I forgive you for that too I understand what it is like to struggle to come to grips with being terrible at something, I had to learn that about drawing at age 6.

By the way, if your solution to fixing problems supposed personality problems is getting laid it says so much about you as a person that I don't think you even understand.

I have my problems, and being a virgin isn't one of them. I am very comfortable with who I am at this point and what I do with my life, and it is really obvious whenever I look at you SHM that you aren't there yet. So keep striving to get there and if attacking me stupidly makes you feel courage in your heart then roar weakly to your heart's content, little man.

Unrelated to that: I call you a dick a lot foolmo but that was a good joke about christ/chris good job. So good I typo'd christ the first time.
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05/02/12 9:01:00 PM

From: Achromatic | #176
I am very comfortable with who I am at this point and what I do with my life

That's your problem

'Illegal activities is a slight misnomer, most of it is not related to material that is actually illegal.' - nintendogrl1
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05/02/12 9:01:00 PM

Oh man, Chris's a virgin?

I always pictured you as an handsome scholarly type of guy who gets loads of *****. (for real)

I guess I was dead wrong.

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05/02/12 9:06:00 PM

Man Ayuyu where do your ideas come from sometimes.

The Cult of Personality.
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05/02/12 9:10:00 PM

from his swishy pants

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05/02/12 9:10:00 PM

I don't know man!

I just imagine people based on what they write, it's the only thing I can use. and since you write a lot of cool and well-written stories that's just how I imagined you.

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05/02/12 9:11:00 PM

Well I am glad you enjoy my stuff. When the day comes that I bang mad *****es I will let you know so you can know exactly when your image of me became reality. It will be awesome.

The Cult of Personality.
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05/02/12 9:11:00 PM

This is why I imagine people on the internet as formless blueish purplish translucent blobs with eyes

'It's easy to get yourself in trouble if you start quoting people who don't like you in your signature' - Mods
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05/02/12 9:13:00 PM

You know for having an active imagination I don't imagine people on the internet at all before I see a picture. I just read names and store it in my head from there.

Blue blobs is pretty cool though.

The Cult of Personality.
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05/02/12 9:21:00 PM

Achromatic posted...
You know for having an active imagination I don't imagine people on the internet at all before I see a picture. I just read names and store it in my head from there.

Blue blobs is pretty cool though.

This is exactly what I do too. Though I'll admit I give people a 'voice' (it fluctuates, but holds mostly the same).

Ayuyu, what do I look like?

'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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05/02/12 9:23:00 PM


Oh SuperNiceDog's doing it again dude.
SuperNiceDog, you ain't no pimp dude
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05/02/12 9:24:00 PM

From: HanOfTheNekos | #185
Ayuyu, what do I look like?

What about me?

'nice comma splice' - TomNook7
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05/03/12 4:31:00 AM

From: foolm0ron | #187
What about me?

From: HanOfTheNekos | #185
Ayuyu, what do I look like?

7/10 slim caucasian males.

Which is pretty much the default for people I don't know enough about.

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05/03/12 4:46:00 AM

Ayuyu you f***ing racist. Foolmo is one of the best brown people around these parts.

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05/03/12 4:49:00 AM

Commodore, you know that only whites can afford computers.

(='.'=] <
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05/03/12 6:45:00 AM

From: CommodoreTN | #189
Ayuyu you f***ing racist. Foolmo is one of the best brown people around these parts.

I didn't even know he was black!

I'll now picture foolmo as a 7/10 slim black male.

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05/03/12 7:28:00 AM

what is going on here

what did FD do?

XIII_rocks, the cream of XIII fanboyism.
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Rad Link 5
05/03/12 7:50:00 AM

Oh man. This topic has everything.

Ace Detective in Sir Chris' Police
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05/03/12 7:51:00 AM

I didn't even know he was black!

I'll now picture foolmo as a 7/10 slim black male.

holy s***

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05/03/12 8:03:00 AM

From: XIII_rocks | #192
what did FD do?

Related to an ertyu topic. Sess posts a troll pic of a PM that was ostensibly from ertyu and so I say "thats fake". (Opened it in Pshop to make sure).

And so the point of the next 50 posts was that I'm a loser for checking to see if a fake troll pic was fake, but he isn't one for making the pic in the first place. But it went from the pic to "lol you have no life" and stuff like that. I wasn't too concerned but chris heard someone say something about it and he was not impressed which led to this topic. <3 chris for sticking up for me.

~Ç~ Eff_Dee
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05/03/12 8:42:00 AM

From: Forceful_Dragon | #195
Related to an ertyu topic. Sess posts a troll pic of a PM that was ostensibly from ertyu and so I say "thats fake". (Opened it in Pshop to make sure).

And so the point of the next 50 posts was that I'm a loser for checking to see if a fake troll pic was fake, but he isn't one for making the pic in the first place. But it went from the pic to "lol you have no life" and stuff like that. I wasn't too concerned but chris heard someone say something about it and he was not impressed which led to this topic. <3 chris for sticking up for me.

That was the most ridiculous thing ever. I looked at the picture and was like, uh guys. That's an obvious fake.

yE frE me Kweku Ananse Papa
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05/03/12 9:03:00 AM

From: Ayuyu | #191
I didn't even know he was black!

I'll now picture foolmo as a 7/10 slim black male.

If this is satire, A+

If it's not satire, A++++

'Oh please, if foolmo made that analogy you'd think it was picture perfect' - Biolizard28
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05/03/12 9:23:00 AM

Im glad I came in here at this time

Mobile Chrono1219
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05/03/12 9:23:00 AM

XD it's not even fake lol

Mr Caffeine? He was awesome. - Ayuyu
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05/03/12 9:37:00 AM

foolm0ron posted...
From: Ayuyu | #191
I didn't even know he was black!

I'll now picture foolmo as a 7/10 slim black male.
If this is satire, A+

If it's not satire, A++++


'Two of the six slides at six flags I assume that is why it is named that for six being its slide number. ' - Whiskey Nick
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