Board 8 > CycloRaptor 'Legend Of Dragoon' play through TOPIC

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05/05/12 2:35:00 PM

We arrive at Hellena prison again, and the bridge is being raised so Lavitz jumps up and grabs it and defeats the guards to lower it for us. The scene switches to our old friend Fruegel going 'HEE HEE HEE HEE' whose such a nice guy he is letting Albert, who is kneeling before him in his underwear, see the sunset before killing him. A guard remarks that they have orders to leave him alive to which Fruegal responds "SHUT UP!!". A warden comes by and tells Fruegal that Lavitz and a man in red armor are intruding and Fruegal says "thats interesting" and lets out another "hee hee hee hee!!!".

At one point we walk into a room that is obviously a trap, with guards everywhere. They lead us over a grate and one warden tells us "YOU STILL DONT KNOW WHO YOU ARE AND WHERE YOU ARE", which is kind of a weird thing to say in this situation. Anyway, he pulls a level and drops us down into a cave type place with some bones lying around. We look around for a way out. There is a draft coming from a rock in the wall that we could move to escape, but first we are attacked by the rancor-ripoff Jiango. After we defeat the Jiango, Haschel says that it fell on the rock, even though the Jiangos body and the Rock debrii are nowhere in site. Lavitz and Dart are like "YEAH LETS GO SAVE THE DAY" and run off but Shana is all sad and tells Haschel "Men can have such great friendships. They understand each other without a word. Man and woman cannot be like that. I envy them." and gets all sad that Dart feels like she is a sister to him. Listen baby, I don't think Dart is giving Lavitz what you want, either...not to mention the part about understanding each other considering they just had a conversation in Lohan were Lavitz LITERALLY was like "Do you even understand what I am talking about, Dart?".

We finally make our way to Fruegal, who is telling Albert how he is going to make his dream come true to end the war by killing him HEE HEE HEE HEE!!!. Albert replies "Agh, I am Vexed!". Someone literally wrote this dialogue. Anyway, we show up JUST IN TIME so he fights us, joined with two monsters/pets named Rodriguez and Guftas. We beat Frugal and his pets, and Lloyd shows up and takes Alberts moon gem. Lavitz rushes Lloyd, transforms into his Dragoon form and attacks him, but he is struck with a strange sword that Lloyd forms with the gem. Lloyd then runs off and everyone rushes to Lavitz, who is dying. He tells dart he can entrust him with everything and is happy Albert is okay. Then he dies. Poor Lavitz, you were the only character with half a brain, but somehow also the one who rushed into everything. I will especially miss your incredibly easy, slow additions.

Anyway, everyone is hiding in Seles and happy to be alive. Rose says that she didn't know Lloyd had the Dragon Buster, and she would have stopped Lavitz if she had known. She says the Dragon Buster is a weapon from the old world made solely to kill dragons. Albert decides to tell us what Lloyd took from him. He says that the Winglies were defeated 11 thousand years ago, but their sacred objects were scattered around the world. Their objects contained magic power that only they could use. The Moon Gem, one of these objects, had been handed down to the king of Serdio and sealed in their body. With Alberts army defeated, and the Moon Gem in the hands of Doel, he will truly be King and have all the power. Except...we are Dragoons! and stupid, so we decide to personally storm the Black Castle and defeat Doel. Rose says "you have such a daring strategy, but its not bad." Uh, yes it is! its terrible! And honestly, if we could just defeat the bad guy by ourselves...why didn't we before?!

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05/05/12 2:35:00 PM

The scene switches to the black castle, where Doel is informed that Hellena fell, but Lloyd says it doesn't matter because he got the Moon Gem. Doel says "Leaving the girl at large is one of your schemes, eh?" suggesting LLoyd has some plan for Shana. Doel keeps going on about how hes the goddamn man and noone can stop him now, and Lloyd basically goes "yeah, okay dude, don't get too carried away."

So we go to Kazas/Black Castle, which seems like a really crappy place to live. It basically is like a medieval midgar, where it is always dark. A "MYSTERIOUS ADVENTURER" comes by and tells us he was the one who defeated Furbrand. He then tries to prove it by showing us a feather of Furbrand that is POISONOUS SO WE CANT TOUCH IT. Then he tries to sell us a drug that beats dragons called the DRAGON BEATER. A guard must have heard this conversation because he comes in and arrests the guy for being the one who killed the dragon. A guard in town tells me "don't wander around!", jeez, opressive much?

Some guy named Popo asks us questions so we can join the NEW SERDIO PARTY. He wants to help people having a hard time because of the war. He gets really excited and starts doing cartwheels...even down a ladder, somehow. He says he has been waiting for the day that Albert liberates Kazas. Popo tells us he can help get us into the castle using a SECRET PATH.

We use the SECRET PATH to get to the castle...and admittedly I am having some trouble adjusting to Alberts additions. Anyway, we come across two researchers in the castle who are working on the Green and White flame technology. The white flame is healing, the green flame cannot be extinguished by water. Albert asks about this technology and they accidentily reveal it has something to do with the Dragon and give us Purple flame to use the lifts in the Castle. We come across Mr. Magi, whom the other researchers mentioned was kinda off his rocker, and he tries to use magic spells that don't work on us. Then he uses his REAL working spell and summons CERBERUS oh wait no he just turns into a regular dog. Shana remarks "well at least in the end he amused us" wow, lady, this crazy dude just permanently turned himself into a dog. Have some pity. We meet the commander who invaded Seles and took Shana to Hellena. He says that he would not have allowed the killing that took place in Seles, and that a unit loyal to Fruegal was responsible. He says that Doel has changed since Lloyd showed up, and begs us to snap Doel out of it, and gives us a key stone for doels chamber.

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05/05/12 10:24:00 PM


ph33r teh masta~!
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