I got bored enough to devote several hours of my life to one of them and well...now I am on the third one and quite addicted.
Like...if you can not find banana shark funny and tb's frustration over the childish antics of his cohosts, then comedy escapes you (or you just have different standards etc etc).
But yeah...lots of fun and every now and again some game discussion. They play off each other extremely well too (but then I knew going in how well total biscuit and jesse cox worked together, and throwing in a few other people only adds to the fun).
What looked like a daunting time sink at first is...surprisingly watchable considering each is the length of two movies...
The first one.
and if you wanna see what i mean about banana shark, the first few minutes of the third one...
Hopefully I haven't reached the peak of these things and that they get better and better as they go. <3
There is no shame in not knowing; the shame lies in not finding out