Board 8 > *** Maria plays Fire Emblem Birthright again, now on LUNATIC ***

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04/08/17 11:28:10 PM

a new prince of Nohr has joined the world and let me tell you, he is totally a human and not a dragon in disguise


his name is raptor and he has just had a strange dream\

now he would like to know where the precious human eggs are kept

hm, wait? you humans don't lay eggs? I mean, um, we humans don't lay eggs?!

well this bears further investigation. I suppose I should get to know my siblings who I am totally blood related to because I am a human and not a dragon in disguise.

my birthday is december 25
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04/08/17 11:41:44 PM

kingdom of nohr; northern fortress

I am pleased to know that I have woken up in a highly defensible fortress with maids and a butler at my disposal. this will help me prevent any rival broods from finding my eggs and stealing them. not that I would need to defend any kind of nest, as I am a mammal and I have hair which is not a wig.

my brothers decide to meet with me on the roof which seems like a safe place to duel

ah, I see, so if I kill this oldest one I can become the new crown prince

very well then -- prepare to be slain!

I zig zag as I approach the enemy so that he cannot track my movements. after I try to cut off his head he summons a healing tile and begs me to spare him. it is not to be. I come at him with everything I have. the killing intent which lurks in all drag-... er, humans... has manifested itself in me! even though I win the battle something prevents me from killing him. I suppose we shall call this a draw for now. but one day the crown of Nohr will be mine.

my sisters arrive and I play nice for now.

it is best to bide my time. I could not defeat all four of them at once.
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04/08/17 11:50:44 PM

kingdom of nohr; capital of windmire

we head to the capital to meet father. very soon I, Lord Raptor, will be free to go about the world and begin carving out my own kingdom. father seems to suspect that I have plans to overthrow him and so he pulls some kind of weird power move.

ah, I see, by ordering me to kill these prisoners (which I would gladly do) he wishes to show dominance as the leader of this pack. obviously I will refuse. I defeat the prisoners in combat in order to assert my dominance, and then refuse his command just to show I mean business.

for some reason the other broodlings become upset over this and there's a lot of drama and shouting. honestly I stopped paying attention. I could smell meat cooking in the other room and it overwhelmed my simple raptor brain, since I am unable to focus on more than one thing at a time.
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04/08/17 11:52:46 PM

make sure you waifu sakura
Heck, the wheelchair might even become an asset- Proto or Auron shuttles him around while he blasts away. - Tom, on crippled Ryu
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04/08/17 11:57:35 PM

(so I'm not sure what the ideal strategy is
but my intuition told me
to just leave the rubble in the middle
I went right first
killed those guys
then got the ones on the left
basically divide and conquer)
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04/08/17 11:58:55 PM

greengravy294 posted...
make sure you waifu sakura

any special reason why doing this is a good idea?
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04/09/17 12:38:38 AM

father and I decide to make up and he chooses to send me a mission to the bottomless canyon

oh, this sounds dangerous. I hope I don't fall in.


I fell in.

(my intuition here was to make sure I get the first two kills before Hans steals them. I'll want the EXP sooner than later. I let Felicia die on the last map cause I thought she'd come back. theennnn she didn't. whoops. anyway even without a healer I should be fine. there's a fort to the south. I'm not going to try to take the bridge. that guy literally killed Hans in one turn flat.

I try going past the middle bridge first, but there's a chokepoint where all four archers can hit me at once. maybe baiting them will work? I do survive all attacks but... hoooly shit they cannot be baited. I try to back off to a better position and they all simply return to their posts. well hm.

the south bridge seems like an even worse option where I'll get attacked as soon as I take it down. but I'm not sure what other option I have. I decide to try that next.

when Gunter and Raptor are paired up they at least can't be double attacked. so this might work.

Gunter seems like the better option to take these hits so I have him user Shelter to pick up Raptor. and oh man I am so happy when that samurai does not rush over and attack too. I guess only the archers get baited when I took down the bridge? oh! it's specifically because I used Shelter. this pulled both units out of the range of the samurai dude. nice. gonna back off to the fort for now and heal, see if the archers will follow me.

these Archers are dumb enough to follow. switching back to Raptor in the lead grants a 100% hit rate. and while paired up with Gunter, he gets a +4 Defense bonus which will help him survive getting shot twice each turn. after this it's just a matter of killing them before heading back to the fort to heal.

taking down the two archers was tough but it was easier than fighting the four in the other direction.

since I've been letting Raptor kill everyone he is already powerful enough to oneshot the samurai. should be no other difficult situations on the map. I -... holy shit pegasus knights. definitely don't remember this one happening before. wow. they don't deal a ton of damage and they can each be oneshotted, but Raptor has taken enough damage and I'm in an unfavorable position so I need to switch over to Gunter and let them all run into his lance and die.

following turn I switch back to Raptor and kill the remaining archer. woo even more free EXP, I suppose. though some of it ended up going to Gunter.

using the fort to heal instead of having felicia is making this take longer than it should. in the end I decide to actually go north and deal with the final group of soldiers. I want to try and get as much EXP as I can and killing archers is actually pretty easy. well, these ones were a bit difficult because of the paired up samurai but it wasn't too bad. I had to do something weird where I approach from the south, get them to break formation, then wrap back around and approach again from the west. I can actually stand right in the northern fort while finishing off the last two archers which is great. efficient healing!

eventually only the boss is left. the main annoying thing is his high evasion rate which makes it feel like this fight could take a while. actually I just get lucky -- Gunter hits him once, taking him down to lethal range. on the following turn Raptor finishes him off. and holy cow I'm already level 7....)

I can already tell that playing on Lunatic vs playing on Normal is a huge difference. feels like I'm playing a strategy game!
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04/09/17 12:24:08 PM

in chapter 4 I meet my new family who seems to accept me as the rightful ruler of Hoshido pretty quickly

I think I will stay here then. hm, what's this about having even more new sisters? well, I suppose I should go meet them.

(this map ends up being another one that I approach TOTALLY different from on Normal. I leave most of the mountains up to slow down the Faceless, choosing to wrap around the east side and then north side of the map. eventually I reach the top left corner with the main Faceless force still clustered below to the south of me. for some reason one of them has reached Sakura and Hinoka is standing there doing nothing about it.

this actually got really annoying when I realize even after you talk to them it does not recruit them. meaning I had two green units IN MY WAY as I'm trying to fight the Faceless. one of them is getting killed and will not move. the other could help and will not move. perfectly useless.

I notice waiting near Sakura will cause her to heal me though, which was nice. at this point I just thought about how best to deal with the guys up on the hill in the middle.

another positive bonus of not collapsing the mountains is that I can use the favorable terrain to boost the survivability of my own units. higher evasion and defense? yes please! I do have to take a break after killing two of them, go back to Sakura and heal. but after that the map is really straightforward. I would say this was the easiest map so far aside from the ones you can't lose.)
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04/09/17 12:38:44 PM

I've heard Chapter 5 is pretty brutal so I thought I'd give it a try.

got a Game Over pretty quickly.

aw yeah this one is going to be fun. just wish it had been like this from chapter one like H5 is with Shadow Dragon.
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04/09/17 12:50:42 PM

second attempt goes a bit better. I abuse Azura a bit, realizing that Raptor can actually kill people with magic tomes or wyrmslayers in one hit before they get the chance to hit him. this makes the first few soldiers easy to wipe out but the second group... man I don't know. it seems impossible to trigger this encounter without bating like 8 guys at once who begin swarming me from all sides and kill me.

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04/09/17 1:11:15 PM

attempt #3: I think about using the alcoves on the side to form a defensive formation where the mages can't get to me. works a bit better but not well enough and I end up jobbing again

attempt #4: pairing Kaze with Rinkah prevents him from being dual attacked and the tendency of the mages to go after sakura and azura means that I fare a lot better this time. abusing Azura allows Raptor to kill two units per turn, prioritizing the ones that would oneshot himself. I do have to move back and forth across the map a bit and it takes Kaze two turns to kill a Mage -- but it also means he can try to keep that Mage unit busy for two turns. this strategy ends up working. eventually I'm just left with Raptor, Kaze+Rinkah, and Azura. Azura's passive healing is enough to get us through. there seems to be no surefire way to guarantee success against the boss so I just roll the dice -- 70% chance to oneshot him, 30% chance to get hammered back in return. luckily I hit and win the battle. I suppose if i missed I could have used Azure to get a second attempt. but even still two 70% chances is not as good as a 100% certainty!
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04/09/17 1:18:28 PM

chapter 6:

I was expecting this one to be hard, especially considering the extra units they added to the map. but it was actually easy as hell. not only did I not lose a single unit, but I killed every enemy unit except Xander on the first turn. he runs back to Elise to heal up, giving me time to readjust my formation.

when he comes back I basically take him down with Raijinto and Fujin Yumi to near death. at this point I let Raptor and Kaze get the final hit for some delicious EXP.

and I guess Birthright is now officially starting!
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04/09/17 4:29:43 PM

got the free DLC on the recommendation of a friend. not sure what to do with this witch item. I guess give it to someone? also got an item that doubles EXP gains on a unit. not too bad but I really don't know who to use it on yet. the Awakening DLC seems a bit difficult so I'm thinking over whether I want to do it now or wait and do it later.

cleared the first challenge map without any trouble and noticed there was not another one. so apparently I can't grind infinitely? looks like after you finish a challenge it goes away and you have to move on to the next map. alright so I'll have to worry at least a little bit about EXP management.
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04/09/17 4:35:28 PM

New challenges will show up if you wait. I'm guessing it's every 6 hours? You can also select "Scout", which lets you pay money to make a challenge spawn.
I don't like this duchy. Now, it's an adventurer.
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04/09/17 4:37:04 PM

gotcha. I've also been told Felicia makes a good Witch. guessing I should change her to that now rather than waiting.
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04/09/17 8:54:36 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
got the free DLC on the recommendation of a friend. not sure what to do with this witch item. I guess give it to someone? also got an item that doubles EXP gains on a unit. not too bad but I really don't know who to use it on yet. the Awakening DLC seems a bit difficult so I'm thinking over whether I want to do it now or wait and do it later.

cleared the first challenge map without any trouble and noticed there was not another one. so apparently I can't grind infinitely? looks like after you finish a challenge it goes away and you have to move on to the next map. alright so I'll have to worry at least a little bit about EXP management.

DLCs actually scale as you progress, so if you complete more chapters, the enemies in the DLC will be at higher levels.
FC 5026-4424-6331 -- Native Vivillon type: Polar
Still need Marine, Sun, Icy Snow, Monsoon, River, and Jungle
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04/09/17 9:17:10 PM

TsunamiXXVIII posted...
DLCs actually scale as you progress, so if you complete more chapters, the enemies in the DLC will be at higher levels.

yeah, I'm fine with this. the main problem is that I only had like a few units available and the game was offering me empty slots. relying on the green units is pretty much worthless on Lunatic difficulty. their only goal is to run into battle and get themselves killed. I have a good idea of how the scaling works. I can basically grind as much as I want and the difficulty only increases when I advance in story chapters.

anyways, cleared out level 7. was not able to get the precious Armorslayer because I didn't feel like resetting the game 5 times just to try and get it. I mean I can buy plenty of other swords. the armor guys have not really been a problem for me anyway. magic is the solution, I suppose.

after that I turn Felicia into a Witch and holy crap yes she is AWESOME now.

did the paralogue to recruit Mozu and got her a couple of levels through completing it. next up I'll probably do another challenge mission or two to try and get my unit levels up on the characters I plan to use, then I'll tackle the Before Awakening DLC finally. at that point I should have a solid roster of units that are actually trained to the appropriate level -- rather than Raptor being like level 9 and having four other units who are level 3 (which is the problem I had originally)
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04/09/17 9:20:30 PM

tagging for the image in the opening post
Black Turtle did a pretty good job.
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04/09/17 9:34:39 PM

KamikazePotato posted...
tagging for the image in the opening post

it may surprise you to learn that in chapter 5 it was revealed that raptor is actually some kind of reptilian being....
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04/10/17 2:16:18 AM

It might be interesting to redo the DLC later on once you've hit the point where the enemy units promote, just to see how much harder it becomes.
Our brackets went under, but DpObliVion's lived to tell the tale. - Number of people that D'awwed: 101
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04/10/17 10:58:21 AM

problem is that the DLC is already impossible with spawning 10 ninjas who chain warp you across the map and deal 20% of your health on every hit. seriously I have no idea what I'm even supposed to do to have a chance at winning.

anyway, conversely, chapter 7 was piss easy. like "did I accidentally load up my normal game file" easy.
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04/10/17 8:01:26 PM

going to play a challenge map now just to grind. I'll update with my roster information after. assuming people are at all interested. I haven't decided 100% who I'm planning on using full time yet. I really wanted to use Saizo this run since I used Kaze last time, and I wanted to see the scene where Kaze dies anyway. but then I found out that Kaze's daughter can't be born at all if you let him die. so... now I'm really not sure what I plan to do. I don't want to have to play the game a third time just to see all of the child characters.
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04/10/17 8:08:42 PM

Kaze is one the shared characters between Birthright and Conquest, so if you end up getting that, you'll have another chance to get his child.
Our brackets went under, but DpObliVion's lived to tell the tale. - Number of people that D'awwed: 101
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04/10/17 8:36:01 PM

oh nice. I'll definitely use Saizo then. thanks for the heads up.

also too lazy to post my roster tonight SORRY
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04/11/17 9:00:45 PM

On the Team

Raptor, Level 11 Mercenary. Not much to say about this guy. He's the main character. He'll stick around.

Rinkah, Level 9 Oni Savage. Literally the only character who can use axe type weapons. Excellent cast diversity.

Sakura, Level 9 Shrine Maiden. Might use her as my primary healer again. I just don't see any reason why Azama would be better than a "Royal" type character.

Subaki, Level 7 Sky Knight. Last run I mostly used Hinoka for the utility of having a flying unit. This guy is a weaker Hinoka. If I use him mainly for utility that means she can have a more hands on role in combat... I think?

Felicia, Level 28 Witch. No question that I'm going to keep using her. Holy fuck she is insanely good in this role. Almost feels like using the DLC item was an unfair advantage but I mean it was free content so I'm assuming it's fair game and not pay to win shenanigans.

Hana, Level 9 Samurai. Really, really like her as a unit. She seems like a top tier striker. Though I need to invest some more levels into her to start seeing some returns. Right now I feel like I still babysit her a lot.

Silas, Level 8 Cavalier. Cavaliers are really good. You only get one. TEAM DIVERSITY.

Azura, Level 6 Songstress. I'm not sure if I'll really use her for the whole game but the potential to abuse her singing ability is really high. The hard part is keeping her levels up so she won't die. And then she'll die anyway, getting oneshotted by any enemy worth a damn.


Hinoka, Level 8 Sky Knight. If I feel like I end up needing a primary pegasus knight aside from just a utility unit she will be the one. If I need two utility units she will likely be the second one I picked.

Mozu, Level 8 Villager. I really want to use Mozu but it still feels like I am babysitting her, and it's a lot harder to do that on Lunatic. We'll see.

Saizo, Level 7 Ninja. I need to get him at or above Kaze's level but this is my main ninja I want to use.

Setsuna, Level 4 Archer. Holy shit I thought I hadn't recruited Setsuna yet. Apparently she's been on my bench for a while. Man this is bad. I need to get her level caught up because seriously fuck not having an archer. It's been a huge inconvenience already but I guess that was my own fault.


Kaze, Level 9 Ninja. I did invest some levels into this guy early on but fuck him. I want to watch him die.

Azama, Level 7 Monk. I just don't know. There's no room on my team for a second healer. I'll have to think about it though. He's close to a maybe. If he could heal and use tomes he'd be an auto include.

Hayato, Level 1 Diviner. No. I don't have room for two Mozu's and this guy is dumb looking.

Orochi, Level 5 Diviner. I'd really not like to use her again if I don't have to. Dislike the character. Felicia as a Witch seems better as a mage. Having her capture units seems valuable but ehhhhh.... I'll have to be convinced she is worth it.

Impressions: My team includes 8 units right now which is actually near the max end already of the amount of people I'd like to train. This is... really bad. There's other top tier guys like Takumi and Ryoma that I still haven't even met at this point. It's very likely people are going to get cut. I also just remembered I didn't forget about Setsuna, I just wasn't using her because I want to use Takumi this run.
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04/11/17 9:07:25 PM

Azama's like the best dude on my team but that might just be luck. Sakura had really bad growths for me and Azama had really good ones, and I made him into a Great Master, who ended up having like all good stats, no bad stats, and Renewal + naginata/staves make him an excellent front-line guy, like probably the best front-line staff user there is. Sakura gets bows instead of naginata when she promotes to her female-equivalent class and I'm not as big a fan.

It's really annoying just how good the royals are. Sakura's personal skill is one of the game's best (like all the royals) - on the other hand, Azama's personal skill is literally useless after you promote, and it's not even very useful before that. Bleh.

Azama makes up for it by being my favorite character in Birthright.
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04/11/17 9:20:43 PM

Paratroopa1 posted...
It's really annoying just how good the royals are.

this is my biggest gripe with the franchise as a whole. you're given a diverse cast of characters to chose from but there's usually a clear winner in every category and not much room for flex spots on your roster.

Paratroopa1 posted...
Renewal + naginata/staves make him an excellent front-line guy, like probably the best front-line staff user there is. Sakura gets bows instead of naginata when she promotes to her female-equivalent class and I'm not as big a fan.

the thing is, I love bow users. I usually include as many in my group as possible. that being said I'm already planning to have Raptor use swords and bows so it might be better to have another frontline guy as my healer rather than having Sakura as a healer (who, lets face it, will never actually use her bow)

alternately I just use both. I did end up needing two healers by the end of the run last time, and having one of them be a 'paladin' type who is really just a fighter that can heal sounds useful.
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04/11/17 9:28:42 PM

results from the last battle: despite being a lower level Saizo was already just as useful as Kaze, maybe more so. no problems there. I gave Sakura a Kodachi and it makes her really, really versatile. definitely going to stick with her especially since I plan to cut Setsuna from the roster and replace her with Takumi. having Sakura as a back-up ranged option in addition to her Striker role will be essential. in Lunatic mode you really need to change your strategy on the fly. the fact that she can take at least one hit without dying is also super important too. basically right now she can fill one of three roles at any given moment -- although she's not the top tier at any of them -- it's still nice to have a unit that can perform whatever task is needed. they're both staying on the roster for sure.
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04/11/17 9:32:54 PM

Sakura has a different sword for each role too, which I love

Iron Katana: Striker role. This has the highest damage, always gets two attacks, high hit rate, and can crit sometimes. Perfect for finishing the job while she's standing in a tile that will not be in any danger after she kills the unit standing there.

Kodachi: Ranged sword weapon which can perform chip damage on enemies. Already had to use it at least once to weaken an enemy before my other unit moved in, and also the reverse -- I had an enemy that required like 5 people ganging up on it to get the health low and hadn't quite finished it off. All the directly adjacent tiles left were 'danger' tiles, but Sakura was able to shoot it from an extra space away and remain in a safe position while finishing the foe off. The high hit rate also helps with this function since when I'm in such a dire position I don't want to be gambling with a 80% hit chance.

Brass Katana: A deceptively important weapon which is really, really great for one role and one role only. When I absolutely need another blocker and there is no other option available, I can use Sakura with this sword. The fact that it has low damage and cannot score critical hits is actually the strength of this weapon. If any enemy attacks her she'll return two weak hits at 4 damage, only weakening them slightly, with a 100% guarantee that she won't accidentally kill the target. Of course this is important because if I let her score a hit and she kills the enemy, the second enemy who comes through will kill her with its first attack. Weapons like this are essential for minimizing the high RNG and succeeding in Lunatic mode.
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04/11/17 11:11:26 PM

damn I was talking about Hana and I said Sakura a bunch of times

why does there have to be like three characters named after flowers in this damn game
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04/12/17 12:40:52 AM

chapter 9 wasn't too bad. it's harder on lunatic for sure but still doable. Saizo is nowhere near as good at tanking against mages as Kaze was, but he was still good enough. maybe with some more levels his Res will get up as high as it needs to be. I ended up slotting in two healers this time and it ended up being really useful. I was able to split into two factors which allowed me to stop both of the Outlaws and get all of the treasure, plus set up a defensive line to block the reinforcements coming from both sides. Azama and Sakura both gained some levels as a result.

the boss was probably the most troublesome part at the end. his damage and crit rate were both high. it required the use of some clever tactics and also abusing Azura's singing ability. Saizo could deal great damage but was at a risk from a 1% crit rate. so I had him attack first while his 'paired up' defense meter was full. this prevented Iago from having a chance to roll that 1% crit. then I had Hinoka attack next. his base damage against her was 0 due to her high resistance, so even if he rolled a crit it wouldn't matter. finally I had Azura sing for Saizo so he could act again and quickly land the final killing blow before giving Iago another chance to attack.
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04/12/17 7:41:29 PM

Yeah, one of Fates's biggest problem is that the royals are good. Too good. You have to go out of your way to not use them. Thankfully, I think all the characters in Fates do a good job of establishing their niche, no matter how limited it may be. No unit really feels straight up useless.

I don't want to say too much considering your rule on spoilers, but I'm enjoying this topic so far.
I'm, like...SO hyped for DpObliVion's destruction of the Guru contest!
when thinking of Krystal, does GMUN's pants get overcrowded? ~ GMUN
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04/12/17 7:45:22 PM

SSBM_Guy posted...
I don't want to say too much considering your rule on spoilers

I'm more lenient on spoilers now that I've already beaten the game once

I'll probably play a bit more tonight!

SSBM_Guy posted...
but I'm enjoying this topic so far.

thanks! I'm kinda hoping people enjoy this style of topic more actually since I enjoy doing this a bit more. the last topic I was mostly just cracking jokes about the story. now that I'm playing the game "for real" it's a lot easier and more worth my time to talk about specific strategies I used on maps and stuff like that.
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04/12/17 8:55:37 PM

I just decided to play two more challenge maps today but I ended up regretting it a bit. I have gotten all my main roster characters to level 10-12 at this point, and I noticed the enemies on these challenge maps are only giving them 2-3 EXP. like, that's on a kill. so really it's overall a waste of time to even do them. I guess either the grinding is not very effective or my squad is just already over leveled for this point in the game.

I take a sneak peak at chapter 10 and my goodness that is one cluttered map. is there like 50 enemies jammed into that small 20 x 10 rectangle somehow.
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04/13/17 2:11:02 AM

MariaTaylor posted...
Orochi, Level 5 Diviner. I'd really not like to use her again if I don't have to. Dislike the character. Felicia as a Witch seems better as a mage. Having her capture units seems valuable but ehhhhh.... I'll have to be convinced she is worth it.

Btw I don't know if you've figured this out yet or even care, but some bosses are capturable. Most of them are in the children character chapters, but there's one in Hoshido's main campaign: Daniela.

They're not fully fledged characters so it doesn't REALLY matter but some of the captures are quite good, especially on higher difficulties.
The gurus prayed, but the prayer was absorbed by DpObliVion.
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04/13/17 2:25:01 AM

yeah I read up on the capturing system already, it's one of the things I was curious about. after clearing the game once I knew it existed because I built the prison but I never at any point figured out how to do it. which is funny since I used Orochi for almost the entire game. I guess I never paid that much attention to her commands aside from just shooting stuff at range when needed.

anyway I read about capturing different bosses and stuff too. but really ultimately for Lunatic I'm going to be training a pretty specific squad of elite units to take into the endgame phase so I'm not sure if I want to mess around with like trying to capture different bosses or enemy units and invest time and energy into feeding them EXP as well. especially since I don't plan to use Orochi which means I'd have to train her separate just so that she would be available for capturing stuff. the whole thing is a logistical nightmare.
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04/13/17 3:00:14 AM

Yeah it's pretty much not worth it, just wanted to bring it up because technically it's missable content.

I also played through the entirety of Birthright without realizing it how it worked, it took until my Conquest playthrough to start using it.
The gurus prayed, but the prayer was absorbed by DpObliVion.
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04/13/17 3:14:09 AM

Rallyman top tier
Blessed is the mind too small for doubt.
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04/13/17 4:53:23 PM

I really hate the capture mechanic because it seems pointless and it essentially robs Orochi and one other character of an actual personal skill

The personal skill thing is really annoying sometimes - there's some characters who have skills that just do not matter at all (hi, Dwyer)
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04/13/17 4:58:19 PM

I appreciate that Capture exists, but it's not something I would typically use. There are two big units to capture in Conquest (especially in Lunatic) and the other units probably aren't too shabby either. Enemy units get some really nice skill combinations. The big problem is investing EXP and taking away a slot from an actually named character with supports, quotes, and a personal skill.
acknowledge @SSBM_Guy as alt.
pleased to report restoration of dapper account an overwhelming success.
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04/13/17 6:05:48 PM

I hate using characters that don't get supports
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04/13/17 6:54:01 PM

oh yeah that part doesn't bother me. I mean we literally already established that I care more about discussing the tactics and battlefield formations and can't even remember the character names correctly half the time
With just a simple roll of duct tape this level of reasoning is possible.
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04/14/17 2:03:04 PM

made an attempt at chapter 10 today, but that chokepoint at the start of the level is brutal. had like three units converge on Raptor and kill him without me being able to do anything. whoops. I'll try another strategy next time. might play some more today. we shall see.
With just a simple roll of duct tape this level of reasoning is possible.
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04/14/17 9:03:08 PM

second try went much better. I just attacked the chokepoint more aggressively at the start and then fell back as needed. there's actually a lot more room in the forests and stuff as long as you're willing to carefully position your units. in normal mode I was most often using split up units for team attack benefits -- since I could guarantee a one attack kill on most things and neutralize them. here that's not always a guarantee or even a possibility and I find myself more often using pair up to prevent my own guys from being double attacked!

the middle of the map was easy, I just used Takumi to block the respawning units. he is still a monster here but not to the extent he was in Normal mode. I remember being blown away that they introduce a character to your roster who can instantly oneshot the boss of the same map. in this case it was quite the opposite. he had a 30% chance to even hit the boss for pitiful damage, and was likely to be killed in return.

Silas, Raptor, and Hana were able to team up and take the final ninja boss down in the end.

Hana is soooo good
With just a simple roll of duct tape this level of reasoning is possible.
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04/14/17 9:26:27 PM

I remember my Hana having terrible HP, so she was always at a high risk of dying.
Our brackets went under, but DpObliVion's lived to tell the tale. - Number of people that D'awwed: 101
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04/14/17 9:48:13 PM

her HP is bad but her Res is really good for a melee unit and her defense is adequate enough to take one hit without being instantly killed. at least thus far in the game. combined with her awesome offensive power (speed and str both high) and the fact that she can use the kodachi to chip damage foes as needed, makes her a really good unit to have around.
With just a simple roll of duct tape this level of reasoning is possible.
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04/15/17 4:25:29 PM

this boat map with like 50 flying units coming at me from every side

this is going to take some figuring out
With just a simple roll of duct tape this level of reasoning is possible.
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04/17/17 12:05:29 AM

bumpo I guess

not sure if this is in danger of purging
Reality seems very harsh.
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04/18/17 5:47:57 PM

acknowledge @SSBM_Guy as alt.
pleased to report restoration of dapper account an overwhelming success.
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04/18/17 9:38:29 PM

I've been playing 7th Dragon lately. I'm usually pretty good at multi-tasking games though so I wouldn't say this is really 'on hold' or anything. we'll just see where the future takes me. sometimes maps like this (the flying boat map I referenced above) are the type that make me quit a hard playthrough for a while until I can come back to it again later.

when I cleared H5 of Shadow Dragon there were several maps along the way that basically stonewalled me and I had to start a new playthrough every time just to break through those choke points before moving forward. this means it's very possible I could be starting and stopping Birthright Lunatic over a period of several months before (hopefully) completing it

just a fair warning that if we don't see any updates in this topic I might have put the game on hiatus, but also an assurance that as of this moment right now I have not put the game on hiatus yet. I've just been busy.

for the 1.5 people who are actually interested in this, thanks for your patience!
Reality seems very harsh.
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