Board 8 > Post in this topic and I will assign you a Pokemon with a write up

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04/19/17 9:31:02 PM

...I'm tempted.
Hi, I'm CPU, and I'm 90% dumb, 10% water. And 10% percent poor math skills.
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04/19/17 11:01:28 PM

@DoomTheGyarados posted...
I approve.

Look Chris, I know you are trying to push yourself as Gyarados and it makes some sense. You've always considered yourself to be a complete battering ram as town, completely decimating all of the poor peasant scum that lay in your wake. You have also been part of some tirades in the past. Yet, surprisingly, I have not been the victim of a single one. Whether it was because our paths barely crossed against one another as opposite alignments or not, I do not know. That said, I just don't see Gyarados as a perfect fit for you.

You always have been one of the bigger voices in the mafia community. When there is a dispute, you try your best to resolve it efficiently and effectively. As scum, you generally are more clever* and ruthlessly efficient. You like making the calls, and while you are considerably more mellowed out than you were in the past, you still like to relive your glory days. Much like the Big Boss Pokemon itself.

You are Honchkrow!

*I believe I am not a full witness to a scum Chris game myself yet I have read some of the archived games in the past, maybe a future project of mine could be reading old archived games and giving my thoughts on them/commentary.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/19/17 11:01:40 PM

FC - 2852 - 9769 - 0007 My shinies -
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04/19/17 11:23:56 PM

@Tom_Bombadil posted...

You know, all I know about you is that you are a pretty nice dude. You're so nice that you like to ##vote: No Lynch which while I find a little silly of a gimmick, you are at the very least consistent with it. It's the thought that counts, right? Despite that, you lead a bit of a pretty ordinary life from what I could tell.

Perhaps you have a little bit of a wacky side to you when you are on board 8, whether that's crazy booking through your TEW programs (I've read some back when I was lurking!) or simply just being a ridiculously powerful middle earth being. It's that wacky side that draws out the real you, and is exactly what makes you special!

You are Mr. Mime!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/20/17 1:43:20 AM

Last one before bed,

@ChaosTonyV4 posted...

I still think you sometimes have a bit of a short fuse. Maybe its because you admittedly have a pretty stressful life that I do not envy, even for a little bit (I would state some examples but I'm not sure if you want them posted here so yeah). You generally have the ability to explode if there is something that upsets you. Almost to a boiling point. So that makes it pretty easy that you are a fire type. You also show the ability to be completely fierce, which mixes in and suggests that you are also part Dragon.

Does that make you Mega Charizard X? Not Quite. But you can be another Fire/Dragon instead.

You are Turtonator!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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Tom Bombadil
04/20/17 6:46:07 AM

Tombolo Friends of the friendless, seize the day!
The problem is the racism against cute Pokemon.- Luster Soldier
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04/20/17 10:43:32 AM

I'll do a few more when I'm in between shifts, I promise!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/20/17 12:18:14 PM

Sure I'm interested.
"Best read of the game goes to se7en. Who correctly surmised this town is full of idiots." - Corrik
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04/20/17 12:25:49 PM

Bear Bro
The Empire of Silence
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04/20/17 1:46:17 PM

@Snake5555555555 posted...

Close but no cigar!

I think you have one of the more distinct opinions on the board. Especially given that you are stylized as one of Board 8's "Kings of Horror" Whether it is Resident Evil, Parasite Eve, or just a good ol flick, you always enjoy what would scare other people away completely. It's actually really cool, and it shows that you have some bravery in you.

Therefore, it makes perfect sense to give you the Pokemon king of horror himself!

You are Gengar!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/20/17 1:53:48 PM

Sweet Gengar is cool (but Haunter is better)
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04/20/17 1:56:36 PM

I like cute pokemon.
Don't mess with a Bunny!
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04/20/17 2:47:26 PM

@mnkboy907 posted...
I like Pokemon.

And so do I!

I honestly don't really know all that much about you. All I know is that you like participating in Save Mys. I used to think those were pretty silly, but I've come to enjoy them in their own quirky sense. It's always fun seeing the lengths people will go in order to get their favorite characters safe. I am admittedly kinda the same way, I usually see the topics very quickly and am one of the first people to post in them! I'm not so much tryhard as some of the other users, but I usually at the very least want my first 1 or 2 favorites to win in each contest safe. Are you the same way?

At the very least, it's worth giving you a pokemon that likes to cheer its favorites on.

You are Pom Pom Oricorio!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/20/17 11:28:20 PM

@Zigzagoon posted...

Damn it. I hate giving away really easy pokemon, but this one's extremely hard to think of something other than Zigzagoon here. It's almost like you are 100% synonymous with the Pokemon on board 8. Moreso than any other user here is associated with a single Pokemon.

So let's create a hypothetical where you aren't Zigzagoon, because I like hard mode. This pokemon not as cute as a Zigzagoon, but it makes up for it by being extremely tough and deadly. It reminds me of that Pokemon Showdown draft and tournament. I think you challenged me once and completely killed me (Granted, I think my league was the 16 man and yours was the 10 and it was for fun. But ah well!) Anyway, you get a Pokemon that shows off that toughness well. And it happens to be based on an Ermine to boot.

You are Mienshao!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/20/17 11:34:32 PM

@MysticBrohan posted...

You are the lord of all memes here on board 8. The crazy thing is, you do so without even really trying. You just go out, and make topics completely on a whim. Sometimes the topics are complete duds, but others end up being complete gold. And the best part is, you do this without even trying.

Imagine if you actually try harded. Yeah, that would take serious effort to get shit done, but you would actually end up being like, a really cool user. Almost like somebody who happens to be Very Insane or something I dunno. But during those rare instances where you actually get to show off your skillset, you become something special.

You are Slaking!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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Mega Mana
04/20/17 11:34:53 PM

"If you've been in the Rumble all this time, you must be really tired." - Adam Rose to Curtis Axel
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04/21/17 12:18:08 AM

@Bane_Of_Despair posted...
Damn you're pulling out all the stops, Pokemon is a prime target to use

I have absolutely no idea what you are talking about. Prime Targets? Pulling out all the stops? Do explain.

But anyway, I know you merely as a big fan of the hip hop that flows through around the streets. You always seem to be incredibly hyped by whatever comes out and are always willing to talk about it. I find that pretty cool, we need more people spreading the good word of people such as Joey Badass and Kendrick Lamar.

You know, Team Skull in Pokemon Sun/Moon had a hip hop theme. Between the music and the crazy breakdancing, I thought it was a little excessive at first. But they were quickly starting to grow on me as I went through the game. And they were led by one certain individual and his famous pokemon.


You are Golisopod!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/21/17 12:28:36 AM

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04/21/17 12:35:10 AM

aaaaayyyyyyy I'll take that, Guzma and Golisopod are great
Lord have mercy on my soul, I've had a good run but I can't run anymore. Just put me down
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04/21/17 12:37:34 AM

let's do this!
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04/21/17 1:09:24 AM

Do me!

Keep in mind, I hold the world record for number of times getting modkilled - 13 ;)

I also got modkilled once before the game even began!
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04/21/17 2:09:46 AM

I have heard of exactly zero Pokemans you have posted so far.
* B8 LNC *
*****es be crazy!!
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04/21/17 2:32:14 AM

Man... I'll probably have to tell you my complaints about Gengar sometime.
I actually need two loli gifs this season:
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04/21/17 4:12:19 AM

Dilated Chemist
DpObliVion is the one true king of Guru's.
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04/21/17 7:35:27 AM

Yeah if you only know Gen 1 then you might be a little confused but oh well.

@KujikawaRising posted...

Apparently, you were formerly another user from long ago. I don't really know anything about that user so I don't really care, but you seem cool enough. Even if you really wanted to change your image in order to appear as something else.

It would have been tough because a lot of pokemon like being called themselves. They all say their names or roar, as you can tell from the anime. However, when Gen 7 was released there was one specific pokemon that attempted to be something else in order to acquire friendship, and you are it. Maybe your true self is as friendly as you appear!

You are Mimikyu!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/21/17 10:01:55 AM

Okay, I'm interested.
Luster Soldier --- ~Shield Bearer~ | ~Data Analyst~
Popular at school, but not as cool as DpObliVion, Guru Champ!
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04/21/17 12:14:54 PM

I've reinvented mysefl twice - more to shun the mistakes of my past than anything and allow people to redevelop their perceptions of me. While there are a couple individuals who are rather bitter toward me, I feel that most of the board has given me a second chance. Part of it is maturity - not just my own but that of those around me. I can definitely see Mimikyu fitting me.

Thanks for the write-up!
I'm BlueCrystalTear, probably at work.
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04/21/17 3:57:06 PM

No problem! I figured it was something like that, I'm kinda ashamed of some of the dumb things I did in the past myself

Anyway, long shift so I will do more when I get home at around 10.

I'm still accepting people and this will be going until I am done with every single user!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/21/17 4:03:37 PM

i disagree with bane's write up on the grounds that he's doesn't listen to joey badass no matter how often i tell him to
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04/21/17 8:02:32 PM

Heck, the wheelchair might even become an asset- Proto or Auron shuttles him around while he blasts away. - Tom, on crippled Ryu
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04/21/17 8:27:00 PM

I'm in 5 users! Woo!
I actually need two loli gifs this season:
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04/21/17 10:55:26 PM

@bng_mmmk posted...

Man, whenever you play mafia, you always seem to be super into it and invested. For the most part, at least. There are a few exceptions but it shows that you care deeply about the game. However, you have the ability to be a little erratic at times. You've sometimes admitted it was due to drugs like weed (I'm not sure for me it's usually just sleep deprivation) but honestly I think you just want to stand out. You yourself want to prove that you have what it takes to hang with the elite players, and you are constantly working your butt off in order to get that elite player status going. I find that pretty admirable!

You are Galvantula!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/21/17 11:46:45 PM

@Esuriat posted...
Who's that Pokemon?

So I know you as the guy who was talking about making burgers in one of my topics just asking about the people of board 8. That's pretty much all I know about you, unfortunately. I think you may have been another user in the past but I'm afraid to make a guess.

Then again, burgers are of course really good so you get a flame that will carry on and allow you to cook more burgers.

You are Slugma!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/22/17 12:21:03 AM

Slugma and Magcargo are pretty cool. I generally like all of the slug/snail/sea slug pokemon. I'm not much of a burger person, but I do enjoy cooking so that's still pretty apt.

And I used to be MrsFrisby around here, but I really didn't distinguish myself much with that name either. Even further back to 2002 I've had a few more names.
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04/22/17 1:38:28 AM

Oh I kinda figured it was probably just the meal you were cooking for that one day, but it was the first thing that came to mind so yeah

@-hotdogturtle-- posted...

I think last time I gave you something silly such as a hot dog riding on a turtle. THIS TIME I'M GONNA DIG A LITTLE DEEPER

You know, for someone who claims to be a turtle, perhaps you are a rabbit. You have a page that leads to a bunch of speedruns in your username. Perhaps you actually are ridiculously fast. And... wait a minute. You speedrun Katamari? That's actually really cool, I'm quite impressed tbqh. You get a pokemon that I mainly just associate for being crazy fast, just for seeing them so early on in the games. You'll even get some nice hair with it too.

You are Alolan Dugtrio!

Last one for the night I'm just really tired from the long shift. No work tomorrow so maybe I will do some more!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/22/17 2:49:48 PM

It's true I do tend to brag about mafia even when I know that what I'm saying isn't necessarily backed up by facts. One thing that I love about the game is it's so political, but not just within the context of an individual game, but over time within the community. You can spin stuff that happened six years ago into an argument to get your point across.
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04/22/17 2:59:25 PM

Yep, there's a reason why I still play it!

@Llarian posted...
Yes good

Ok this one's actually pretty hard. All I know about you is that you are Tom Bombadil's wife (At least, I believe that's correct? If I'm wrong I'll give you something else) and not much else. That said, you must be a pretty lucky gal to be married to him, so I'll give you a Pokemon that is quite lucky indeed. It even carries a Lucky Egg around!

You are Chansey!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/22/17 3:00:13 PM

"Bordate is a pretty shady place, what with the gangs, casinos, evil corporations and water park." -FAHtastic
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04/22/17 5:37:09 PM

So first I got 2 things and now I'm 3 things. I must be winning this topic series.
Hey man, LlamaGuy did encrypt the passwords.
With what? ROT-13? -CJayC
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04/22/17 11:06:25 PM

Posting list just so I know who I have left

Mega Mana

So... 27 users (Unless I missed someone but I'll get to them anyway it's in order) adding at least a few potential stragglers I should be able to finish by Monday at the latest but we SHALL SEE
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/23/17 12:17:37 AM

@WickIebee posted...

Ok, so I know it's easy to give you like Combee or something but I disagree! THAT'S TOO EASY

So I know that you have a pretty cool project you want to do with me that is coming up, and that really reminded me. Maybe you should get a Pokemon that looks like a Disney princess! It may be because we are basically just going to go through the Disney timeline together, but it also could merely be because of the fact that your Avatar on Discord made me think of Princesses. I figure I'll get you one that is a Grass type, as I believe most grass types show positivity! (At least to me they do)

You are Lilligant!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/23/17 2:04:04 AM

There's like three tiers of Pokemon you could give me. The bees, the lolis (Kirlia, Gothorita line), or different Pokemon that people know I like.

You managed to avoid all three and give an entertaining writeup to a completely new trait. Lilligant honestly feels like an Aroma Lady humanized, it's pretty hilarious that they do, but it's just how it's like to me. To add a little bit to that, my avatar on Discord actually has a cup of tea that she's offering to "you," and tea is quite aromatic.
I actually need two loli gifs this season:
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04/23/17 3:33:08 PM

@Gatarix posted...

I feel like a Psychic type is the definite pick here for you. You are remarkably intelligent, and one of the few users that always comes with an interesting angle to an issue that is going on in the board. I can think of a few examples off the top of my head, but I would rather not make this topic anything other than a simple Pokemon assessment.

What impresses me most is the logs you have recorded of some of the events that have taken place. I think I have read one of the mafia ones when I dug through the archives years back (I can not remember whether it was ED or AH Mafia) and was surprised at how you recorded every single detail so articulately. Blew my mind. Therefore, I will give you the "Being of Knowledge" to showcase your diligence to record everything so effectively

You are Uxie!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/23/17 3:40:58 PM

@scarletspeed7 posted...

I always feel like you have a lot of free time, maybe it's just me, but you always happen to know pretty much everything about entertainment! Whether it's games, movies, professional wrestling, books, or music you happen to know quite a lot. I always find your opinions remarkable.

What stands out to me though, is your bravery. You are willing to help support your friends at all costs. You are willing to call out users for being really dumb hypocrites. You aren't afraid to state opinions and defend them until the very end. I think that shows a lot of bravery, and I'll give you a pokemon that is not only brave, but a professional wrestler of sorts! It's only fitting, isn't it?

You are Hawlucha!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/23/17 5:06:18 PM

Very acceptable choice.
"Reading would be your friend." ~Dave Meltzer
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04/23/17 5:09:34 PM

Yay almost me.
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04/23/17 5:13:25 PM

potential straggler
Khal Kirby, warlord of the Super Star Khalasar
PSN/Steam: CheddarBBQ
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04/23/17 5:13:47 PM

Leafeon13N posted...
Yay almost me.

I wonder which pokemon you could possibly be
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04/23/17 11:06:57 PM

New page.
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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04/23/17 11:07:00 PM

@Pirateking2000 posted...

Ok, so all I know about you is that you are the Pirateking from the year 2000.

Oh, and that you like Samurai Jack. That's a really good show. I'm really digging this new season, though I haven't watched the last couple episodes. I should probably get on that! Anyway, as one Samurai to another, here's a Pokemon that happens to be a Samurai.

You are Samurott!
Build a man a fire and he'll be warm for a day. Set a man on fire and he'll be warm for the rest of his life. - Terry Pratchett
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