Board 8 > Arria played Umineko again (blind) (play/readthrough) SPOILERS WELCOME

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06/24/17 1:56:27 PM

Krauss: will there be any problems regarding father?
Natsuhi: No
A: Well this doesn’t seem out of place on Murder on the Orient Express
K: (thinking) guess Natsuhi’s referring to the corpse and the servants all agreeing on how to deal with this bullshit.

Gohda appeared and I questioned her about her comments regarding Gohda being a bulldog earlier. She clarified that because of how bulldogs have been inbred, they are sadly less competent than they could be. The Kennel club has its arbitrary standards on bulldog beauty and features, but the stats mean nothing when the dog itself is suffering as a freak of nature. In other words, Gohda is a piece of shit, but he’s a piece of shit with a pedigree.

Genji: We’re will be receiving a very important guest
A: Beatrice

Genji: is something the matter Shannon?
A: He’s either oblivious, is pretending he doesn’t know what’s going on, or he’s forgotten what an erection is.

Kanon: detach yourself from your private life
A: And there’s Kanon’s catty comment. it does amuse me that the male is the catty one here.

clock ticks
A: God damn fucking clock. I will end you.

George practicing proposing in a bathroom stall
A: ugh
game: quick draw desert gunman
A: I read that as quick draw dessert gunman
K: (pretends to whip something out of my pocket) Your cupcake, Madam?
A: *laughs*

George: Shannon likes men who are more assertive
A: Obviously not, or she wouldn’t be with you
George: something about horsepower
A: It’s your libido, not an engine
George: put this ring on! It’s an order!
A: Well that’s probably how your mom proposed to your dad. (imitating Eva) Hideyoshi! I command you to wear this ring! Knowing her it was probably a cock ring but that’s beside the point.
George: dumb shit about putting it on the wrong hand
A: Yes because women are dumb enough to not know how this works. Buy a vowel, George. You can afford one.
George: uuuuhuuh nnnnnhhhh
A: Okay, gotta give props to the voice actor there. Sounds like he’s in a sound studio masturbating
*she switches to the original sprites on accident while trying to go to the backlog and replay the sound to make me hear it again. In the original sprite, George has his hand going toward his crotch, but it’s cut off by the screen*
A: Well that sprite doesn’t make it any better! Well played, original artist.
K: That would be Ryukishi
A: Well played, Ryukishi.
*the sound plays again*
A: Alternatively, it’s the sound a dad makes when he’s using airplane noises to fly the spoon-plane into the baby’s mouth
*Rudolf appears*
A: And this is why you don’t propose in a public fucking restroom where the rest of your family is within earshot
Rudolf: something about your ass bursting
A:*laughs* he heard that noise, didn’t he? That’s where he walked in, isn’t it? Also, if your uncle just walked in and you’re more relieved that he heard the uuuunnnn instead of the marriage proposal, your life choices need to be evaluated.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/24/17 2:20:39 PM

Eerieka posted...
Lol. I totally get your point, tcaz, but I don't mind a little bit of narm. And I'm still a bit of an edgelord so some extra narm is fine with me.

In that case, I might show Arria that scene from the anime when we get there. She may enjoy it.

Yeah I wasn't saying you were wrong or anything, that's probably one of the scenes I get people preferring from the anime the most because it is kind of funny in an absurd way

Eerieka posted...
A: “Anyone get the idea that the real world is gonna sucker punch her?”

I feel like if Maria actually was able to grow up instead of, you know, dying, she probably would eventually be able to function fairly well in the real world. She's definitely autistic to some extent, but it doesn't seem to be to the extent that it would significantly impact her day to day life outside of being seen as weird. She probably would never have many friends.

Honestly the abuse would be more likely to screw with her chances of living a normal life, I think.

EDIT: Though bullying would probably be a big problem the older she got throughout school, so who knows. I think she at least would have a chance.

Eerieka posted...
I don’t know if Benadryl has the same reputation in other parts of the world, but here it’s known to be used (not the intended purpose) to make people fall drowsy, so some parents give it to their kids to make them fall asleep. Arria is only recommending this for comedic purposes, and we are not actually recommending that anyone drugs their child.

Funnily enough Ep3 states that Rosa does give Maria some type of tranquilizing pill.

Eerieka posted...
George practicing proposing in a bathroom stall

*Rudolf appears*
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06/24/17 8:07:45 PM

maria would have good odds of being more well adjusted than the average board 8 user...
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06/24/17 11:23:03 PM

You're both right, and it's not something I disagreed with. I think Maria would function reasonably well in the real world compared to some other people. That was why I brought up my nephew who I can't see ever being an adult. I think Maria would do well if she had a real friend who was also a bit autistic or chuuni.

Now that you mention it, I remember the line about a tranquilizing pill. I might just let Arria discover that one on her own.

Ha, I remember seeing that video shortly after the anime aired, but I'd forgotten about it. XD I'll share that with her on Monday.

Speaking of, we're getting close to the first twilight and we'll probably read that on Monday. Is there anything you guys want me to get from her? Rankings of any sort, predictions, etc?

Oh my god GameFAQs, stop asking me if I'm sure I want to post this message that uses the word 'autistic'. YES I WANT TO POST THIS
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/25/17 1:52:05 PM

Battler and Rudolf are being dumb
A: I like how Kyrie is the adult here

Maria and Rosa appear
A: Is no one going to question how Maria should look like she went ten rounds with Muhammad Ali?

Arria got up to let the dog out and get some fresh air. Outside there was a golden butterfly. She pointed that out to me.
K: Are you being serious, or just trying to fuck with me?
A: No really! Right there!
Sure enough, there was a yellow-colored butterfly flying outside in her lilacs

Rosa: women can be born again in a single day if something changes our heart
A: something tells me that’s a plot relevant line.

Kumasawa said she has ‘quit and been rehired repeatedly’. I don’t really remember Kumasawa’s deal other than the obvious Virgilia connection. Does she ‘retire’ only to get bored of retirement and come back to make mackerel dishes for the family?

Rudolf has a scene and I didn’t remember it so when he mentioned kissing the receiver (after talking to Kyrie), Arria and I had to decide if that was gross or not. We eventually figured this was his private phone in his office, so it’s okay. Is there any point to this scene other than to prove Rudolf has a job, and he has problems with it? The background used in this scene was the same used for the servant’s rooms, so we initially thought they were on the island and he was calling from the servant’s quarters.

A: Kinzo is fucking nuts and even the walrus knows it. You ever think that they’re waiting for Kinzo to come down and when he does, there’ll be a big ‘intervention’ sign in the background?

A: Poor walrus is tired.
Kinzo: I’m gonna have a ceremony
A: Will it involve dancing naked under the sky? Actually, the more Kinzo goes on about magic, the more I’m convinced magic does not exist in this world because if it did, there would be people telling him “you need to stop. You really need to stop.”
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/25/17 2:08:43 PM

Eerieka posted...
You ever think that they’re waiting for Kinzo to come down and when he does, there’ll be a big ‘intervention’ sign in the background?

*Kinzo sees intervention sign*
*summons Chiester sisters*
"I'll intervention your FACES"
*everyone dies*
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06/26/17 2:29:56 PM

tcaz2 posted...
Eerieka posted...
You ever think that they’re waiting for Kinzo to come down and when he does, there’ll be a big ‘intervention’ sign in the background?

*Kinzo sees intervention sign*
*summons Chiester sisters*
"I'll intervention your FACES"
*everyone dies*

Sounds like what happens in ep 4 actually

Arria and I will be playing some more today and I think we'll get to the first twilight. Yay! Course, I still have lots of material from our previous session.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/26/17 2:34:09 PM

A: Kinzo is the equivalent of a man who won the lottery and continues to play hoping to win more… but it’s pointless because he already fucking won.

A: I suppose him playing with magic is at least keeping him active in his old age.

Nanjo: By the way, did you hear a guest is gonna be here?
Kinzo: Nani!?!
A: *holds hand up* um, shouldn’t Kinzo know?
Nanjo: it’s Battler!
A: Did Kinzo and I both get trolled by a walrus?
*Kinzo acts grumpy*
A: Yeah, Kinzo is mad he got trolled by a walrus.
Nanjo: something about his room being stuffy
A: A judgmental walrus at that.

Beatrice appears in the metaworld. I told her to think of the metaworld as ‘real’ and the island stuff as a D&D game. I know Umineko loves its chess metaphors, but we like D&D so I use D&D metaphors at times to make it a bit more relatable to us.

We spend a moment discussing the metaworld, what it means, what it IS. I don’t spoil anything, certainly not that Umineko is actually, like, 7 layers of reality. As such, I have to tell her a few lies, but it’ll be fine for now. She recently saw Doctor Strange which (spoilers for DS) ends in a similar fashion to what is happening in Umineko now, with DS repeating time and allowing himself to be killed by the big bad for eternity until he grows bored.

Beatrice and Battler: I’ll torture you for eternity!
A: I really like her!
Beatrice: Ushiromiya Battleeeeeeeeeer!
A: I see now where the AAAARRRIIIIAAA thing came from.
(I let her see MariaTaylor’s post where he did that)

I don’t know much about the origins of Halloween, but Arria had a stint in her life where she was into Wiccan stuff. I ask her if she’s familiar with this stuff and if it’s accurate, and she says it’s all true as far as she remembers. She even brought up the origins of trick or treating before Rudolf asked about it.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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Mega Mana
06/26/17 2:42:48 PM

Posting in here instead of the other Umineko topic because I've been following this one happily and have no idea what's going on in the other one yet (besides DAT VIRGILIA FACE at the top of page four).


Played a bit of Higurashi Episode 2 yesterday, still very very early, the chapter about dessert day, and I feel like I would've gotten to the core of Umineko much, much faster (as in less than five years later through Seacats >__>) if I played Higurashi first.

Basically, this chapter is all about Keiichi 'remembering his sin' against Mion and how his careless actions treating Mion not as a feminine person or romantic pursuit, and the casual way he went about unknowingly hurting her is going to likely make everything to come absolutely devastating. I sat there the entire time after Rena let me/Keiichi know we did something wrong, but not telling us because we needed to figure it out ourself, thinking of the Episode 4 Beato/Battler confrontation outside the mansion. Even down to what makes Mion/Shion different, identity confusion, gender depression, and a lunkhead of a player character friend who can be a terrible narrator.

If I played Higurashi before Umineko, maybe 'remembering my sin' would've been easier to understand how devastating simple words can be.

Just needed to say that somewhere for people.

This topic is awesome. Love you two.
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
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06/26/17 3:05:38 PM

Thanks for the input, Mega Mana. You can always post things here, too. I'm not the kind of person who'll get angry at you using my topic for your own thoughts lol. I haven't read the Higurashi VN, but I remember a scene like that in the anime involving a doll. I can't remember when it was resolved, so I don't want to go into detail in case I spoil it for you lol
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/26/17 7:44:12 PM

Yeah Higurashi has a lot of minor themes in it that become major ones in Umineko.

And you really should read the Higurashi VN. It's so much better than the anime. With the exception of the Higurashi anime actually being entertaining, its a similar level of butchery between it and the Umineko anime. Really worth reading.
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06/26/17 8:22:06 PM

I should get to reading the higurashi VN at some point as well

I enjoyed the anime but I could tell from watching it there were a lot of sections that were incomplete
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06/26/17 9:00:54 PM

Its not just incomplete (though it is certainly that) there are huge changes to a lot of stuff including character traits that are comparable to Angry-Battler and "Beatrice's troll throttle stuck on full 24/7" that the Umineko anime did.

Ep3, 5, and 6 of Higurashi are especially noticeable, though 2 has a lot of changes too (also 8 is just way more enjoyable in the VN and feels a good bit less like a scooby doo episode like the anime does).
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06/27/17 3:05:53 AM

I may read all of Higurashi one day, but right now I have a bunch of other games/VNs that I want to play first.

Arria got to the red truth today. Fun stuff!
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/27/17 2:21:20 PM

She mentioned that dressing up in a costume was also a way to not be ‘you’. So me dressing up, I wouldn’t be ‘Erika’ anymore. This seems super relevant to Umineko, in my perspective, as certain characters dressing up in a way changes who they are. Yasu dressing as Shannon is no longer Kanon, and if he kills the Kanon personality, one could safely say in red that Kanon is dead. I think.

She asked about Beatrice’s source of power being demonic and asked if that was a trait of all witches in this series or if Beatrice just “made bad life choices.” I told her it’s just Beatrice and all witches are different.

I had seen a discussion earlier on another forum about how the seven parents were close to the seven sins. She put Pride for Krauss at first, but I said he’s more of a Sloth guy with Natsuhi being Pride. She said Eva would make for a good Lust, but she’s Greed too and the best candidate for Greed imo. She got Gluttony for Hideyoshi right away, if only for his only trait being that his sprite is a little chubby. Which leaves Rudolf for Lust, Kyrie for Envy, and Rosa for Wrath. She didn’t see the Kyrie = Envy thing, which to be fair isn’t that obvious until her duel with Leviathan. I told her to just believe me and she’ll see.

Maria told Battler about the many fantastic meetings with Beatrice.
A: You mean the ONE time? When she gave Kinzo a shit ton of gold and peaced out. (Arria made a peace sign)
K: She probably made up a bunch of stories in her head. It’s her headcanon of Beatrice.
FYI, we kinda unironically like the word headcanon. I know it gets made fun of a lot, but we like to use it.

Then Rosa abuses Maria some more.
A: I can see why the Uu~ thing would bother her, but what’s her problem with witches and Halloween? This seems like pretty innocent kid stuff.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/28/17 2:09:13 PM

And now Kanon is trying to help Maria. She says that Beatrice is gonna show up today. There was a line about how a human couldn’t repair the candy, but a witch could, and then Kanon just looks around like ‘welp, time to go put on my blond wig’

A: Again, I’m gonna laugh my ass off is ‘Beatrice’ is Kinzo in a dress and wig

She thinks Eva’s dress is overcompensating.
A: (imitating Eva): “I’m still part of the family! Look at all the bird!”

A: Eva is what happens if Ichimaru Gin actually fucked a fox. All the scheming and subtle trolling and cruelty.
I asked her how she felt about the eyes-always-closed anime trope, knowing that Umineko does it with Virgilia next episode. She was fairly ambivalent toward it, but it’s a good way to show that shit is really going down when their eyes open.

Hideyoshi: ah Shannon you’re getting prettier and prettier!
A: This is creepier in hindsight when you realize he’s flirting with his future daughter-in-law

Game: worthless male pride
Arria circled it with her cursor a few times. “At least someone understands that.”

Game: Maria wouldn’t move if rain or spears fell from the sky
K (thinking): Because THAT would never happen, right? Right?

Chick-Beato appears.
A: Well, THAT’s a different outfit.

Game: Rosa knew this face
Because it’s Shannon/Kanon? I know they want us to think because of the portrait, of course, but I wonder if this is the realistic answer. This is the kind of line Ryukishi throws in to make us wonder about on these re-readthroughs.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/28/17 2:20:07 PM

Eerieka posted...
Because it’s Shannon/Kanon? I know they want us to think because of the portrait, of course, but I wonder if this is the realistic answer. This is the kind of line Ryukishi throws in to make us wonder about on these re-readthroughs.

Hmmm I think this is just because of the portrait actually

I don't think Rosa would have kept quiet about recognizing one of the Servants dressed up as Beatrice without being bribed and its heavily implied that she doesn't get bribed to be in on the plan this Episode until the midnight scene where everyone recognizes her as the 'true Beatrice'.
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06/28/17 2:58:50 PM

I was under the impressions she was already bribed. What about the remainder of that scene, where Beatrice proceeds to 'fix' Maria's candy? Rosa didn't close her eyes, did she? Therefore she saw the trick where Beatrice just switches the candy. Why would she have just let that fly unless she were bribed already?

Also, I'm not really arguing with you, I'm just trying to remember stuff. If you could explain what happened and why Rosa acted the way she did, please do.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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Mega Mana
06/28/17 3:41:29 PM

Eerieka posted...
I was under the impressions she was already bribed. What about the remainder of that scene, where Beatrice proceeds to 'fix' Maria's candy? Rosa didn't close her eyes, did she? Therefore she saw the trick where Beatrice just switches the candy. Why would she have just let that fly unless she were bribed already?

Also, I'm not really arguing with you, I'm just trying to remember stuff. If you could explain what happened and why Rosa acted the way she did, please do.

Stunned silence, "Why the hell is a servant dressed up like that girl I killed eighteen years ago? Why does she look so much like her? When the hell did she get some of that candy? Wait, what's this about gold?"
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
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06/28/17 9:05:39 PM

Eerieka posted...
I was under the impressions she was already bribed. What about the remainder of that scene, where Beatrice proceeds to 'fix' Maria's candy? Rosa didn't close her eyes, did she? Therefore she saw the trick where Beatrice just switches the candy. Why would she have just let that fly unless she were bribed already?

Could be. It wouldn't really change much, I guess. I think she does mention to Kyrie a bit later on that she was 'confused as to what she saw'.

Of course, that could also just be magic/unreliable narrator scenes being consistent with themselves.

It probably doesn't really matter either way though.

Mega Mana posted...
Stunned silence, "Why the hell is a servant dressed up like that girl I killed eighteen years ago? Why does she look so much like her? When the hell did she get some of that candy? Wait, what's this about gold?"

Actually this is a REALLY good point. If Rosa was watching the trick (and also didn't know it was Shannon/Kanon) she would be absolutely flabbergasted as to how Beatrice got that specific candy, which would explain it pretty well.
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06/29/17 2:16:41 PM

Ha, I like that answer, Mega Mana. I'm going with it.

And yeah, during dinner, Rosa started to get more and more flustered as to what she saw. Battler/narrator made a comment about how Rosa seemed uncertain.

I had a dream last night about Shannon/Kanon. Talk about weird... I was Jessica, totally oblivious to the Shannon/Kanon thing, but I was going on a vacation with Kanon (and he was surprisingly normal). I suggested that we stay a few days longer, but that would have cut into time George had planned to vacation with Shannon. Then my point of view changes to George and he got a letter from Shannon saying she had to help at the orphanage all of a sudden and wouldn't be back for a few days.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/29/17 2:22:48 PM

She notices that Beatrice’s new outfit looks like Jessica’s school outfit, but doesn’t go so far as to assume this is Jessica. She also points out that it has no eagle, thus it could symbolize that she’s broken apart from the family. I was fairly certain that she still had an eagle somewhere, like on her leg, but the sprite didn’t go that low and we don’t have her full sprite in the game. I had to rummage through the internet to find her whole sprite. Like, it seriously took me WAY longer than I expected to find her whole body sprite. And sure enough I was right – eagle on her leg.

She asks if other character get a change in outfits. I say that some of them do, but it may or may not mean anything. I reminded her that George and Shannon had different outfits at the beginning
A: I’d forgotten about that. To be fair, I kinda wanted to forget about that. I’ve read romance novels that progressed faster than that.

The portrait changed in a flash of lightning and Arria shivered. I told her that the actual portrait doesn’t just magically change. The portrait of chick Beatrice that we see is just for our benefit; the characters still see the original portrait in the hall.

Kyrie talks about getting a headache in front of Natsuhi and Natsuhi looks pissed.
A: I know this is her normal sprite, but it looks like she’s thinking ‘you have a headache, huh? Let me tell you what a fucking headache feels like!’

Beatrice called Kinzo the ghost of the study hyuck hyuck.

A: My take away of reading fantasy novels. If you’re a wizard, don’t fall in love. That is a slippery slope to hell. And I just realized I defended a character who’s life choices I strongly disagree with.

Piece-Beato starts talking in a very meta way, talking about the game board and pieces. Arria asked if she has knowledge of the meta world, and I said honestly “I’m not sure. That’s a difficult question to answer. She might, or she might just be saying creepy things to be creepy.” Of course, ultimately this is just a story in a bottle written by Yasu so ehh… either way, it’s a tough question to answer without spoiling things, so I had to resort to telling her that “I don’t know.”

The chapter ends and the clock changes to 1.
A: 1 in the afternoon… is waaay to early for Beatrice to be Beatricing. She’s like alcohol. You shouldn’t be Beatrice in the morning or afternoon.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/30/17 6:20:26 AM

Eerieka posted...
A: 1 in the afternoon… is waaay to early for Beatrice to be Beatricing. She’s like alcohol. You shouldn’t be Beatrice in the morning or afternoon.

This is true lol.
Reminds me of that scene in EP4 with the heavily drunk Beatrice, and imagining Yasu downing alcohol to make it easier to get into character is rather fun.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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06/30/17 9:58:36 AM

I just googled "Beatrice Umineko suit sprite" and the full sprite is the second result <.<
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06/30/17 1:49:19 PM

Damn, tcaz, you're right. Those are apparently the magic words. I didn't really know what to call her sprite. I searched terms like 'chick Beatrice', 'schoolgirl'/'school girl', 'ep 2.' I looked up the ep 2 portrait which shows the eagle, but I didn't want Arria to see the portrait right away, so while that was confirmation enough for me, I was still determined to find the sprite itself to show her. I think I found it with 'umineko beatrice skirt.' In any case, it took longer than I expected to find, given that I thought it would be as easy as looking on the wiki.

I enjoyed Arria's line about 1 in the afternoon being too early for Beatrice to be doing her thing.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/30/17 1:50:08 PM

Beatrice and Kanon share a moment. I have to wonder what’s going on in Yasu’s head right now.

Beatrice: something about three pillars of enjoyment in life. Tea being one.
A: what are the others? Sex and…? Video games? Books? I would be quite happy with a thousand years of books! But can you imagine if her favorite author died? God damn it, Robert Jordan! You’re not allowed to die yet!
K: To be fair, Beatrice could go to an alternate world and find one where he doesn’t die. Also, I argue that Brandon Sanderson made Wheel of Time great again
A: I agree. He was just the first author that came to mind who died midway through his series.

Beatrice: furniture, emotions, etc.
A: Coat racks can’t have emotions.
I think she took tcaz’s advice about Kanon being a coat rack because that it what she goes with every time now lol

A: Have you ever read something that you think “I never thought I would read that”? that’s every line in Umineko.
To be specific, the line that prompted that was ‘you are a model specimen of furniture.’
Beatrice: regrets are fun!
A: I take it back. Beatrice is a living one-night stand.
Beatrice: I adorn people’s fates with fruit and brandy and cook them like cakes
A: Worst. Chef. Ever.
She also clarified that I am to write that out with that exact punctuation. Yes, Arria, I know how the meme works lol. And gosh are you gonna have fun with the dinner from hell at the end of this episode~
A: Is this why you cooked Kinzo last time? She wouldn’t have to put brandy on him, he’s full of absinthe. They say the alcohol cooks off? I don’t think it did with Kinzo.

Game: but why was Kanon afraid of ending his life as furniture?
A: Because normal people are afraid of dying, dip shit.

Game: Thinking of Jessica like that was something furniture must never do
A: This fucking series man. This fucking series. You’re right. The furniture thing is creeping me out and I may never get over it. What does he do in the morning? ‘I am furniture, I am furniture, I am furniture.’ ‘Forgive me, Genji, for I have sinned.’ ‘Kanon my son, give me 40 ‘I am furnitures.’”
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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06/30/17 2:58:52 PM

Eerieka posted...
Damn, tcaz, you're right. Those are apparently the magic words. I didn't really know what to call her sprite. I searched terms like 'chick Beatrice', 'schoolgirl'/'school girl', 'ep 2.' I looked up the ep 2 portrait which shows the eagle, but I didn't want Arria to see the portrait right away, so while that was confirmation enough for me, I was still determined to find the sprite itself to show her. I think I found it with 'umineko beatrice skirt.' In any case, it took longer than I expected to find, given that I thought it would be as easy as looking on the wiki.

I enjoyed Arria's line about 1 in the afternoon being too early for Beatrice to be doing her thing.

You could have also found it by searching for Beatrice the Elder.

Chick Beatrice is the other Beato from Ep6 (the one Battler created) and wears Beato's normal dress.

Eerieka posted...
A: Have you ever read something that you think %u201CI never thought I would read that%u201D? that%u2019s every line in Umineko.

This is like my favorite thing in video games. There's so many weird things that cause you to form sentences that would be absolutely absurd in any other context. One of the first ones I actually realized I did was when I was playing Don't Starve and I was talking to a friend on some VOIP service years ago and I said "hold on, let me go fill my pockets up with poop before I answer you".

Then I stopped and said "Wait, what did I just say?"
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Mega Mana
06/30/17 3:09:48 PM

Eerieka posted...
I had a dream last night about Shannon/Kanon. Talk about weird... I was Jessica, totally oblivious to the Shannon/Kanon thing, but I was going on a vacation with Kanon (and he was surprisingly normal). I suggested that we stay a few days longer, but that would have cut into time George had planned to vacation with Shannon. Then my point of view changes to George and he got a letter from Shannon saying she had to help at the orphanage all of a sudden and wouldn't be back for a few days.

Sounds excellent! Payback for George's letter tampering in Episode 7
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
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06/30/17 6:35:31 PM

Huh, admittedly it's been a while since I've been involved in any discussion, but I thought chick Beatrice was her wearing the skirt/school girl outfit rather than the dress. Oh well.

Crusader Kings 2 brings out a lot of that in me, as well. I end up saying things out loud that are absolutely terrible out of context. Usually lines about killing my family or worshiping Satan.

Mega Mana, you don't need to use spoiler bars in this topic as long as it's about Umineko. if someone has read this deep into the topic and hasn't finished, well, I think they're a lost cause as far as keeping them safe from spoilers lol. Feel free to just post normally. :)
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/01/17 2:59:27 PM

Game: why did Jessica come to his mind right now?
A: I want to reach into the screen and shake Kanon. Because you’re about to die, moron!
K: I really like how Kanon brings out the worst in you.

Game: Shannon has lingering regrets
A: Namely that she didn’t drown her crazy-ass pseudo-brother when they were kids.

Beatrice: will those feelings turn into hatred for me?
A: I think we’ve passed that step.

Beatrice: you were implanted with a seed!
A: Umm, explain this sentence?
K: It is what it is.
A: Does Beatrice have parts we don’t know about? Does Kinzo know about child labor laws?

There’s something about Shannon not going to the Golden Land.
A: “So only those who survive to the end go to the Golden Land?”
K: “I don’t know. Shannon was there last time, remember? And she died in the first twilight.”
A: “But that was because George revived her, and he survived to the end.”
I really don’t know what the game wants us to believe. The epitaph says that everyone will be brought back to life, but ehh… well, I’m not sure how much it matters anyway since in the end, we’ll just toss this game board aside and go to the next one.

Beatrice tells Kanon to submit.
A: This is not the proper use of a coat rack.

Then Kanon kisses her shoe. Oh man I love submission scenes like this heheee. Guilty pleasure admitting time: Foot-kissing is my fetish. Not as a foot fetishist (because I’m not), but more as a submission/dominance thing. Doesn’t even matter to me if it’s a male or female on either end, it’s all good to me! Arria is mostly freaked out by how the screen turned all red for a moment.

There’s a talk about how Battler, as the main character, is just sitting off to the side of the stage why side characters have their turn. Jessica gets mad at that attitude
A: To be fair, Jessica once jumped in the middle of a stage and sang about having a flat chest. While looking like that. She’s anime busty, and that’s saying something in anime.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/01/17 9:05:58 PM

Beatrice: you were implanted with a seed!

What was the context of this?
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07/02/17 12:49:14 AM

Raka_Putra posted...
Beatrice: you were implanted with a seed!

What was the context of this?

Seed of love which she wants to sprout
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Mega Mana
07/02/17 12:56:31 AM

Eerieka posted...

There’s something about Shannon not going to the Golden Land.
A: “So only those who survive to the end go to the Golden Land?”
K: “I don’t know. Shannon was there last time, remember? And she died in the first twilight.”
A: “But that was because George revived her, and he survived to the end.”
I really don’t know what the game wants us to believe. The epitaph says that everyone will be brought back to life, but ehh… well, I’m not sure how much it matters anyway since in the end, we’ll just toss this game board aside and go to the next one.

Well, Battler, Jessica, George, Maria, and Yasu all survived til the end, so Shannon and Kanon were able to be revived by Yasu as the explosion happened!
"In my headcanon, some staffer saw Trump pull out his phone and start typing so they just Terry Tate Office Linebacker'd him out of his shoes." - FFD
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07/02/17 2:47:34 PM

We return to the metaworld. Beatrice appears and says something about the pieces being in place
A: (imitating Beato) alright everyone, we all got Doritos? Mountain dew? We got a long game ahead of us!

Kyrie: I won’t press you about this right now…
A: Because we’re in public. As soon as we’re behind closed doors, I’m going to have a ‘what the fuck, husband?’ moment.

A: I’m wondering who’s gonna die in this one.
K: take your bets
A: So we got first twilight first. Roulette style. Kanon will die last, since he made his bet with the witch. Right up there with Battler since she wants to make him suffer. I think Gohda will live for a while. Let’s say Kumasawa dies right away this time. And Genji.
K: And I think I already told you that Rosa will live to the end
A: Yeah, but not Maria! So one of the later twilights for her. Kinzo will die somewhere in the middle. Natsuhi will be one of the first this time through. And I do think Shannon and George will be the second twilight, just because it’ll piss off Kanon. Beatrice seems to want to fuck with him. So let’s go with Krauss for first twilight. Now let’s throw in… Nanjo. Because life gets so much more interesting if they don’t have a doctor.
K: You mean a walrus
A: Yes, I do. Aaand… Jessica. So then the ones after the seconds twilight will be Kinzo, Maria just to fuck with Rosa. Rudolf and Kyrie.
K: What about Eva and Hideyoshi?
A: They might live longer… no point in tormenting them this time. Hmm. So the final survivors will be Battler, Kanon, and Rosa. And… let’s say Eva and Hideyoshi.
All together, predicts:

First twilight: Natsuhi, Krauss, Nanjo, Jessica, Genji, Kumasawa
Second twilight: Shannon and George
Fourth-Eighth, in any order: Rudolf, Kyrie, Kinzo, Maria, Gohda
Survive until the end: Battler, Kanon, Rosa, Eva, Hideyoshi

So while I was editing some things up there, Arria’s new dog licked and bumped my hand on the mouse and in effect, I somehow highlighted the ‘Fir’ in First and moved it to the middle of Rudolf’s name so that it looked like RuFirdolf. Now Arria is laughing her ass off at that and wants to make RuFirdolf his name.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/02/17 8:28:20 PM

Ru-Firdolf's Drag Race

First twilight: Natsuhi, Krauss, Nanjo, Jessica, Genji, Kumasawa
Second twilight: Shannon and George
Fourth-Eighth, in any order: Rudolf, Kyrie, Kinzo, Maria, Gohda
Survive until the end: Battler, Kanon, Rosa, Eva, Hideyoshi

I had to visit the wiki to remember who died when. Yeah, the Kanon thing turns out not to drag on that long.
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07/03/17 3:08:40 AM

The way she predicted it lends to an interesting story, imo. It could be one of the 'Eva culprit' forgeries. I could imagine Hideyoshi surviving and maybe making Eva slightly less miserable in the ensuing chaos. I also like the idea of "Kanon" i.e. Yasu and Battler surviving to the end and doing the whole 'jump of the rescue boat' thing. Rosa can die in the explosion or get shot by Eva/Hideyoshi.

Also Raka, I dont know if "RuFirdolf's Drag Race" is a reference to something, but it made me laugh my ass off imagining Rudolf's Ryukishi-drawn head just copy pasted on some drag racing car. XD
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/03/17 3:19:05 AM

Oh it was a reference to RuPaul's Drag Race, a drag queen tournament show.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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07/03/17 3:29:26 AM

Also, man, I still wish there were more of Hideyoshi. He seems like relatively the most consistently pleasant and normal guy, so I'd love to see how he'd deal with some situations. The farthest he survive was like in... Episode 6 or so?
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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07/03/17 3:50:10 AM

Raka_Putra posted...
Oh it was a reference to RuPaul's Drag Race, a drag queen tournament show.

Oh man that's even better than I imagined. XD Now I'm imagining Rudolf's Ryukishi-drawn head on Beatrice's dress-sprite

Raka_Putra posted...
Also, man, I still wish there were more of Hideyoshi. He seems like relatively the most consistently pleasant and normal guy, so I'd love to see how he'd deal with some situations. The farthest he survive was like in... Episode 6 or so?

Yeah, he survived until the game's suspension in ep 6 (had to double check which one. I knew he was killed as part of the second twilight somewhere before the game suspended, but that was ep 5).

I don't know if I've posted it yet (might be coming up soon), but I recall Arria saying recently that she felt Hideyoshi was a genuinely happy man and she felt bad for him getting dragged into all this mess.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/03/17 2:52:53 PM

Day 7, 6/26/17

We start with Rosa and Maria in front of the portrait.

Stupefaction plays. It has a low buzzing sound
A: This sound might bug me more than the clock ticking does.

There’s a discussion of how Maria has met with Beatrice every year and ‘learned magic’ from her.
A: So how much of this happened, and how much is in Maria’s head?

Rosa suspects that the magic circles in Maria’s notebook couldn’t have been drawn by Maria
A: Or Maria traced them out of a book.

A: And are we gonna learn now that Rosa used to play with Beatrice when she was a kid? Maybe she suppressed the memory or something.
Game: Beatrice was a synonym for terror
A: Or not!
Actually fairly on-point with that prediction. I don’t recall, though. Did Rosa only meet Kuwadorian Beatrice once, or was it multiple times?

Rosa dreading opening the letter
A: What in the world could be written inside? An invitation to tea and cookies, what do you think?

Rosa: should I read the letter first?
A: No, because if you break the seal, they start questioning you.

A: Don’t break promises to magical creatures. They don’t take it nicely.

Maria: (pretty much exactly what Arria just said)
A: Great. I’m in agreement with Maria of all people.

A: Every story I’ve read involving witches and wizards has something bad happening to the apprentice. Best case scenario, they have some psychological scarring.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/03/17 4:34:55 PM

Eerieka posted...
Actually fairly on-point with that prediction. I don’t recall, though. Did Rosa only meet Kuwadorian Beatrice once, or was it multiple times?

It was just once
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07/03/17 8:06:15 PM

Eerieka posted...
There’s a discussion of how Maria has met with Beatrice every year and ‘learned magic’ from her.
A: So how much of this happened, and how much is in Maria’s head?

Funnily enough, if this is taken at face value, it hints that Beato is someone that's at the island each year.
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07/03/17 8:41:29 PM

Honestly when Umineko was coming out most people had Beatrice pegged as Shannon from Episode 2 with a smaller contingent of Jessica supporters. (And of course there were always some oddball theories like Teatrice)

Well, the people that didn't subscribe to the anti-mystery stance anyway.

By Episode 4 pretty much everyone knew it was Shannon almost for certain though.
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07/03/17 9:50:28 PM

tcaz2 posted...

Uhm what is this?
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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07/03/17 9:59:37 PM

Raka_Putra posted...
tcaz2 posted...

Uhm what is this?

The theory that Beatrice is actually a teapot containing poisoned tea which killed everyone.

There were a lot of funny/crazy theories back in the day. If you have some time to kill and want to have some laughs go either read through the old Animesuki Episode discussion threads from the beginning or just go to the TVtropes WMG page for Umineko.

There was also another theory that Rokkenjima was on top of an underwater active volcano at one point.
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07/03/17 10:03:21 PM

Ahahaha that's precious. Though not so far fetched when the main character itself proposes small bombs.

TVtropes WMG sounds fun. Thanks for the recommendation.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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07/03/17 10:08:43 PM

I get it all now! The original Beatrice whom Kinzo fell in love with was a teapot. They had a daughter who was half-teapot whom Kinzo knocked up again and created Yasu, who is quarter teapot. Because of that her parts are all made of teapot and thus she is unable to love.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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07/03/17 11:21:00 PM

lmao what the fuck. I'm glad you pointed that out to me because that's comedy fucking gold.

Because of how long it's been and the fact i didn't write anything down, I've forgotten what some of my theories were. I remember thinking that there WAS an extra person on the island: Kinzo's daughter through Kuwadorian Beatrice, and that girl's name was Maria Ushiromiya. I thought that the bottles had been sent by her and whenever Ange read Maria's diary in Ep 4, it was actually that other Maria. I was aware of Maria's name kanji also being related to the epitaph, namely that the 'ri' part is the 'village' and 'a' looked like a chapel/cross or a key. I thought that would be important to solving the riddle.

I knew Kanon was fishy as fuck because his corpse kept disappearing, but I thought it was a red herring and Battler was just too dumb to find it. :/
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/03/17 11:33:29 PM

Eerieka posted...
I remember thinking that there WAS an extra person on the island: Kinzo's daughter through Kuwadorian Beatrice, and that girl's name was Maria Ushiromiya. I thought that the bottles had been sent by her and whenever Ange read Maria's diary in Ep 4, it was actually that other Maria. I was aware of Maria's name kanji also being related to the epitaph, namely that the 'ri' part is the 'village' and 'a' looked like a chapel/cross or a key. I thought that would be important to solving the riddle.

This sounds kind of familiar to me too

I think I remember someone proposing something like this back around Ep3 or so

My theory for Ep2 was that the first twilight was actually suppose to be a real surprise Halloween party for Maria that Jessica put together but that Beatrice (who I thought was a separate 19th person at the time) turned it into a murder.
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07/04/17 11:27:47 AM

I'm rereading the Ep 8 manga and it's just so HEARTBREAKING how happy everyone is, how peaceful the day goes, and how content everyone with each other's company is. Goddamit, how can something so happy makes me so sad.
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