Board 8 > Arria played Umineko again (blind) (play/readthrough) SPOILERS WELCOME

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07/04/17 11:37:10 AM

oh yeah there is a manga adaptation

... man this seems like something I should really get around to soon

I've lately been feeling as if I wanted to read the series again but I never feel motivated to play through 8 entire episodes of really lengthy VN content. checking out the manga adaptation might be a nice compromise. I could probably fly right through it and enjoy all of the key moments again.
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07/04/17 11:40:45 AM

Yeah, definitely, especially now that they're all scanlated. They're mostly well made too (except for Episode...5? or 6? the art was really weird and rather off-putting). But it's my go-to choice of reexperiencing the series.
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07/04/17 2:28:51 PM

I've not read the manga. Just seen a few pages here and there, particularly ones where the solution is given very blatantly. I guess some people have a problem with that, but I like it. I like that it addresses certain issues like "why does Shannon appear to have big breasts?"

I'm being slightly facetious. Don't hurt me.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
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07/04/17 2:29:20 PM

A: You can tell a lot about a man based on the students he picks. By that logic… fuck, Beatrice is messed up. Ignoring my opinion of Maria, Beatrice has chosen to pick on the weakest of the group. The weakest in terms of physicality and mental fortitude. If Beatrice is serious about having Maria as a student (which I don’t think she is. I think she’s toying with her), then I think this is a Sith relationship where you don’t become a Sith until you kill her. So Maria will be Beatrice’s puppet unless she kills Beatrice. And of course, that’s just the magical side of things. I could think about it more, but I want to think about the real aspect.

A: When does autism start to show up?
K: I would assume from birth. My sister had her son diagnosed at 3
A: So why would Beatrice pick Maria? Was she more malleable to suggestion and magic than the others? Why not Jessica who lives on the island? Beatrice would have a lot of time to train Jessica, but no, she chooses Maria. I almost feel that there’s a lack of understanding of ethics and in Maria. I don’t know if that’s part of Maria’s autism or Beatrice’s influence, especially when she goes dark. She’s the kind of kid who would pull wings off a dragonfly without realizing she’s causing it pain.
(while I’m typing)
A: But you may have given me the solution
K: Uh oh. What did I say?
A: Beatrice is Tinkerbell. She wants you to say she exists, but for Maria the line between fantasy and reality doesn’t exist. She seems like the kind of person who… we get lost in video games and such. Immersion is high. But at the end of the day, we understand they aren’t real. They’re a good compass and map in a way of gauging ethics, but at the end of the day I know that if I jump off the empire state building, I go splat. Maria doesn’t get that. She doesn’t realize that her make believe friends are just that. She thinks they’re real. To go further into my rambling… did she create Beatrice? A derivative of the old question: does God create man, or does man create God?
A: Also is it bad that I’m using arguments from a fictional character to discuss fictional characters in an entirely different medium and genre? (the line about judging a man based on his students comes from The Dresden Files)
K: I don’t think it’s bad. I think it’s just applying knowledge you’ve gained in various other fields. Learn something in one book – use it to solve another. Critical thinking. It’s what they tried to teach us in school
A: It feels too much like giving into the characters in my head. It’s become a game of ‘pick of the three characters in my head I’m quoting.’ At least I’m a little saner than the character I’m taking the advice of.

Rosa: How do I meet Beatrice?
A: The same way you find a cat. Open up a can of tuna and ignore it.

A: I’m sorry, but every time that sprite comes up, I get the urge to punch her. Reminds me of something I read online: Damn the horror industry for making kids creepy. I swear one day when I have kids, I’ll hear their pitter patter and get scared and roundhouse kick my child
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/04/17 8:14:45 PM

but at the end of the day I know that if I jump off the empire state building, I go splat. Maria doesn’t get that
Apparently neither does Ange lol

Eerieka posted...
I swear one day when I have kids, I’ll hear their pitter patter and get scared and roundhouse kick my child

This is amazing.
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07/05/17 1:50:02 PM

Maria: Beatrice will save me if I am in trouble!
A: It is adorable you think that!

A: Ignoring the magical stuff for a moment, that’s a particularly dark coping mechanism. Basically, Maria thinks there’s a 50/50 shot of being Mama being nice-Rosa or black-witch-Rosa. And she notices that Mama is scared of Beatrice. Maybe she thinks ‘If I can make Mama think that I’m with Beatrice, I can keep Mama from being scared, and from turning into the black witch.’

Rosa gets mad at Maria for laughing creepy.
A: Unfortunately for you, it backfired! Although if you hadn’t laughed at the end, it probably wouldn’t have.

A: the more we get into this, the more I think Rosa is having tea with the mother from Carrie. ‘Yes, my daughter is a witch! Care for a biscuit?’

A: Okay, horrible theory #526. Maybe the reason Battler can tell Beatrice to go fuck herself is because he spent 6 years away from the family and their influence. Maybe I’ve been wrong. Maybe she’s been subtly influencing the children and their parents over a long period of time and she couldn’t get her claws into him.

We talk a bit about psychology, both its pros and cons, and we come to the conclusion that Ryukishi is a master of this shit. He probably has the DSM and every psych textbook on his desk.

Shannon has a line that, out of context, looks very dirty. Arria is, as you’ve hopefully noticed, a dirty woman. She likes to read porn fanfics. She said that after she finishes Umineko, she wants to read all the porn fics she can find related to it.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/05/17 8:01:53 PM

A: Okay, horrible theory #526. Maybe the reason Battler can tell Beatrice to go fuck herself is because he spent 6 years away from the family and their influence. Maybe I’ve been wrong. Maybe she’s been subtly influencing the children and their parents over a long period of time and she couldn’t get her claws into him.

This has some merit, at least regarding the Beatrice lore that Shannon keeps building up year after year.

Eerieka posted...
she wants to read all the porn fics she can find related to it

Then I better write one before she finishes, lol.
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07/06/17 1:02:58 AM

Raka, if I tell Arria that, she will hold you to it. On a side note, I told her how a person reading this was from Indonesia and she thought that was pretty cool. In her words: "Ah internet. Bringing people from across the world together who never knew they had the same kinks."
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/06/17 12:59:42 PM

Shannon: Kanon is growing up
A: Now he thinks he’s a mighty coat rack, but he used to think he was a tiny foot stool.

George: I want two kids at the very least
K: (thinking) You’re gonna be so disappointed
A: It’s funny when you see lines like that. Men don’t really get the choice there unless you get an artificial womb or you’re a seahorse. Talk it over with your wife.
K: (thinking) Man this scene fucking breaks my heart because Shannon won’t be having any kids
A: Have you fucking met this family you work for? Like, I have some issues with my in laws at times, but Jesus. It’s like if you’re a Pokemon trainer with a Rapidash. Like yeah, they’re kinda big and on fire, but then you meet someone with a Wailord and they’re like ‘it’s alright.’ No! It’s not alright! That thing is fucking massive! Actually let me rephrase, I have minor problem with my family. This one will actually assassinate you.

A: Honestly, I think George and her may have been better off just eloping. Change their names, move to Canada, and never deal with the Ushiromiya family ever again.

Jessica: What about Aunt Eva?
A: *laughs* I like how they immediately understand the situation. And just watch. George and Shannon are gonna be completely out of reality in their answer. Like ‘oh! She’ll come around!’ No…
George: It’s no one’s choice by my own
A: Yep. Eva is gonna poison Shannon’s oatmeal.

Jessica: George you’re saying embarrassing things
A: I don’t think embarrassing is the word I’d use. Maybe naïve. Or potentially fatal.

I read the word ‘study’ just as George’s VA said ‘Shannon’
K: For a moment I thought he said he was going to study Shannon
A: oh he’s going to have a doctorate in that by the time he’s done. Or at least he hopes
K: (thinking) Shannon is probably a topic worthy of a doctorate
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/06/17 10:25:05 PM

Yeah, it's definitely cool that the internet connects us. Not sure about the kinks though. :p

Eerieka posted...
A: It’s funny when you see lines like that. Men don’t really get the choice there unless you get an artificial womb or you’re a seahorse. Talk it over with your wife.
K: (thinking) Man this scene fucking breaks my heart because Shannon won’t be having any kids

True. If it were set today there might be hope yet with surrogate mother or artificial womb (George can definitely get the money needed to fund them even without Sayo's pile of gold).
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07/06/17 10:42:52 PM

I think in that context, she was just referring to interests in general i.e. Umineko in this case, not necessarily sexual fetishes. Though the fact that we all like Umineko probably says something about our sexual fetishes as well. :P

I like to think George and Shannon would adopt kids once the who not-fully-female thing got revealed.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/07/17 2:39:09 PM

*phone rings*
A: How much you wanna bet it’s Kanon?
K: (thinking) not bloody likely since Shannon is here
A: Oh I was wrong, it was Genji.

Yasu talks to himself for a bit
Kanon: Beatrice is planning something too horrible to imagine
A: Anything too horrible for anyone but Ryukishi to imagine.

A: So is everyone just sitting here with their thumbs up their asses while this discussion is happening?
K: I think they went into another room.
Of course, it’s happening in Yasu’s head so it doesn’t matter where they physically are

Kanon: We must reach the Golden Land!
A: I kinda feel like his next time is ‘we gotta drink the Kool-aid. Ascend the mothership!’ Kanon is the perfect cultist.

Kanon talks about how he wants to be human again and experience romance. Course we know how that’s gonna work out.
A: Kanon, you make the voices in my head beat their heads against walls.

Kinzo: I won’t leave!
A: This reminds me of in the Beverly Hillbillies movie when the grandma says she won’t leave her rocking chair, so they tied her rocking chair to the truck.
K: You are admitting to the internet that you’ve watching that movie?
A: Hush you, I watched it with my grandmother when I was a kid. But can’t you see Krauss carrying him out? ‘I’m tired of your shit, dad!’”
Kinzo: vultures!
A: I kinda hope he maybe wasn’t always THIS crazy

Genji: shall I bring in your dinner?
Game: Nanjo was in there
A: No, we don’t want the room smelling like fish

Kinzo: we’ll finish our game in the Golden Land
A: Do me a favor, Kira. If I ever start to talk like that, immediately call up the local insane asylum. Don’t just humor me like the walrus did.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/08/17 3:02:47 PM

Shannon delivers the meal to Beatrice. I guess this is happening in her head, and wherever Kanon is right now is where this is ‘really’ happening.

A: You said one time that things Battler doesn’t see may or may not be happening. Which Battler?
K: Good question. I was specifically referring to Battler of the Gameboard. Meta-Battler can see everything that Beatrice shows him, but it’s not undoubtedly real until Piece-Battler sees it

Shannon: We cannot understand your grand thoughts
A: I hope somewhere there’s art that shows Beatrice is thinking something like ‘bacon sounds good now.’

A: Beatrice reminds me of the Slack Wyrm

Shannon: dinner is ready
A: Going by the last line of dialogue and that face, she spit in that. She spit in it and she’s gonna blame Gohda.

A: So in most stories with magical beings, a promise is magically binding. Is Beatrice bound to keep her promise or can her fickle nature say ‘nah fuck you?’

Shannon: I found a way to resist you
A: Not care?
Shannon: I don’t care about you
A: *laughs* I didn’t expect her to actually say that.

A: I feel like this music belongs in a spy movie when someone is doing the obvious creep.
The song in question is Melody. She specifically heard the first part. It starts to sound like a more regular song afterwards.

Game: the witch’s features twisted in hate
A: That isn’t a look of hate. That’s ‘oh god it’s cold. Get it out of my anus.’”
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/08/17 11:23:51 PM

Eerieka posted...
Yasu talks to himself for a bit
Kanon: Beatrice is planning something too horrible to imagine
A: Anything too horrible for anyone but Ryukishi to imagine.

Hahaha, true.

Eerieka posted...

Kinzo: vultures!
A: I kinda hope he maybe wasn’t always THIS crazy

Young Kinzo is interesting. He was hot lol, but the sprite looked waaay young for someone in their 40s. Then again the Ushiromiya aunts aged very well (even the ones by marriage) so maybe it's...genetics...
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07/09/17 3:25:18 PM

The aunts are damn good looking, imo. Part of the reason why I wanted me and my friends to cosplay as them lol, and the fact they have neat fashion. It helps that my group of friends already kinda-sorta look like the aunts in question. At least as far as hair goes. >_>

Gonna read some more Seacats with Arria on Wednesday! I still have a lot more material saved up from our last reading, so it'll be a while before we get to the new stuff. She JUST reached the reveal of red truth in our last session. Is there anything you guys would like me to tell/ask her?
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/09/17 3:25:26 PM

A: Fuck, Shannon found a backbone. I’m not sure where. Possibly the spine of her last incarnation.
Beatrice says some scary stuff
A: Yeah, you die last, bitch.

Beatrice mentioned Fragments, with a capital F, and Arria didn’t know why it was capitalized. I told Arria about the Sea of Kakera back during the tea party, so I had to remind her of it again.

Game: Beatrice had a look of hatred
A: Again, this isn’t a look of hatred. *switches to original sprites* Okay THAT is a look of hatred. But this one looks more like ‘you really want me to dress as a T-rex? Well if it gets you off…’

A: Ah, time for Ryukishi’s food porn. My second-favorite type of Ryukishi porn.
Aaaaand now she spends a moment googling all the things Gohda talks about.

Hideyoshi praises Gohda’s cooking and advertising
A: I like Hideyoshi. He seems like a legitimate happy man

A: Gohda’s face here. I don’t mean this sexually, but I want to spank him. Tie him up and humiliate him. Okay, I guess that IS sexual. What was his original sprite like? *she changes it and shudders in horror*
I then make her watch the version of the OP where someone replaced everyone’s head with Gohda. Since it’s blurry as fuck and everyone is a Gohda, I wasn’t worried about spoilers
A: What the fuck was that? Somebody had way too much time and alcohol on their hands.

A: new headcanon. Will proably get shot down. Based on the last line I just said, Gohda is Maria’s father because Rosa at one point had the same thought I did about needing to spank him.

Upon reflecting on her recent insanity
A: I don’t even know anymore. What the fuck is wrong with me?
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/09/17 6:21:34 PM

Arria just sent me a text asking for a link to Goldenslaughterer because she wanted to listen to it but didn't want to search in case spoilers came up.

Yessss, we got her
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/09/17 8:50:13 PM

Yesss. Does she know how popular the Umineko OST is?

Eerieka posted...
A: new headcanon. Will proably get shot down. Based on the last line I just said, Gohda is Maria’s father because Rosa at one point had the same thought I did about needing to spank him.

I think I had this theory at some point as well.

Eerieka posted...
The aunts are damn good looking, imo. Part of the reason why I wanted me and my friends to cosplay as them lol, and the fact they have neat fashion. It helps that my group of friends already kinda-sorta look like the aunts in question. At least as far as hair goes. >_>

Yesss you gotta share the pics if it ever comes to happen. And yep, Ryukishi's designs are quite nice.

Eerieka posted...
Is there anything you guys would like me to tell/ask her?

What do you think of the concept in itself? How do you think it'll change the flow of the game, if any?
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07/09/17 9:20:20 PM

I'm trying to imagine which of the aunt's hairstyle I could picture on a real person

and the answer is basically none of them
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
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07/09/17 10:44:53 PM

I told her before we started reading that the OST was really good, but since we're only in ep 2, she hasn't heard a lot of great pieces yet.

Thanks for the questions, Raka. I'll ask her on Wednesday.

Their hairstyles aren't that difficult, especially when you compare it to the outlandish stuff you see in anime. Natsuhi's and Eva's just need to be pinned up in a specific way. Rosa's is just a hime cut which isn't common irl in America, but it could be done. I've actually wanted to cut my bangs recently, so whenever we do the cosplay, I might get it done in hime style at that point. The friend who I want to dress as Kyrie already has short hair blonde hair and she's dyed it white/silver before.

I mean, we aren't super pretty or anything. >_> It's just something that I've always wanted to since reading Umineko for the first time. Arria loves the color purple, so I thought she'd enjoy dressing as Natushi. I love Rosa's dress and always wanted to dress like her. My Kyrie-friend already looks like her, so I thought it was a good match. The Eva-friend was more of the odd one out. She doesn't really look like Eva at all, but eh, she's into cosplaying so she can make it work.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/09/17 10:48:16 PM

MariaTaylor posted...
I'm trying to imagine which of the aunt's hairstyle I could picture on a real person

and the answer is basically none of them

Kyrie's is literally just a standard short hair 'butch' hair cut.

Eva's also isn't very weird, it's just a top twist bun. Not very common these days, but I have seen it on older women especially.

Rosa's is a hime cut which you really only see in anime but that's just because of how anime bangs work and its otherwise just a normal long hair cut.

Natsuhi's is just a thick ponytail in a top-right position.

So i'm really not sure what you mean
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07/10/17 12:53:00 AM

One of the weirdest things of the aunts' outfits is the checkerboard cutouts in Kyrie's shirt. That can't be really comfortable.
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07/10/17 11:46:33 AM

Raka_Putra posted...
One of the weirdest things of the aunts' outfits is the checkerboard cutouts in Kyrie's shirt. That can't be really comfortable.

Yeah those are weird
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07/10/17 3:10:05 PM

Until you guys mentioned it, I thought Kyrie's diamonds were a design printed on the shirt rather than holes in the fabric. That is weird. It'd probably be easier for everyone involved (costume-maker and my Kyrie look-alike friend) if we go with my initial perspective. I'll just have the diamond shapes colored on the clothes.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/10/17 3:11:56 PM

Game: Kinzo’s assassin (implication being an assassin he hired, rather than one meant to kill him)
A; Uh, I don’t think assassin is the word you want there. She’s going to end you, too, Kinzo.

Natsuhi: A VIP room? A guest?
A: How do YOU not know about this? Aren’t you the senior female in charge of all this bullshit? I thought the servants answered to you

A: Paranoia and grasping at straws moment. Eva’s hairpin is pretty small and looks like the Head’s ring. I wonder if she’s using it as a fake seal. Not that it really matters since wax seals are hardly secure anyway.

Rudolf: maybe he has a mistress
A: I think Kinzo’s a little too old for that
K: He’s loaded. Lots of girls would be willing
A: I mean sex. He might be too old to get it up anymore
K That might not be the point. Maybe he wants to dress her up as his witch. Maybe it’s not… ponos in vagoo, but rather just playing chess with a woman who looks like Beatrice.
A: Ponos and Vagoo?
And thus I had to tell her about the FSN comic about that. Also the family went with my idea a line or two later. Yay!

A: I think Umineko is a guide to alternative thinking. Already I’ve started using the ‘turn the chessboard over’ to help me deal with customers.
We haven’t even gotten to the meat of the game yet.

Nanjo says he’s gonna leave
A: I like the idea that he’s just laying around like that *points to dog* while the adults are yelling. Then he just gets up and ‘arf arf arf’s out of the room
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/10/17 9:08:03 PM

If I were as rich as Kinzo I'd pay people to dress and act like the whole Umineko cast at my home.

Eerieka posted...
A: I think Umineko is a guide to alternative thinking. Already I’ve started using the ‘turn the chessboard over’ to help me deal with customers.

This is not wrong. Hence why the Umineko board games here were so fun to see how esoteric a person's reasoning can be and if it matches the host's.

Eerieka posted...

Nanjo says he’s gonna leave
A: I like the idea that he’s just laying around like that *points to dog* while the adults are yelling. Then he just gets up and ‘arf arf arf’s out of the room

Awwww. This headcanon seriously makes me like Nanjo a whole lot more lol. Just Kinzo's old, beloved, chubby pet walrus.
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07/10/17 10:40:35 PM

I never participated in games like that, but I observed some. When I would watch TV or anime with Arria she'd often come up with insanely ridiculous theories for things going on, which was why I wanted her to read Umineko.

Nanjorus is so good. I wonder how she'll think about his death in Ep 3. I think that part explicitly states that only humans are involved.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/10/17 11:02:36 PM

Raka_Putra posted...
If I were as rich as Kinzo I'd pay people to dress and act like the whole Umineko cast at my home.

I'd at least hire a 00 and a 410
Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
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07/10/17 11:43:32 PM

I want a Ronove :<
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/11/17 12:17:11 AM

Are you familiar with Ougon Musou Kyoku? It's just a random thought, but that was a pretty fun fighting game especially looking for references in the moves.

Eerieka posted...
I never participated in games like that, but I observed some. When I would watch TV or anime with Arria she'd often come up with insanely ridiculous theories for things going on, which was why I wanted her to read Umineko.

They were really fun, truly. I hope someone will make another one, but the amount of planning/plotting needed is crazy. Maybe you and Arria can make it one day. :p
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07/11/17 2:40:16 PM

I'm familiar with it, but I don't tend to play fighting games. Arria is more into fighting games than I am, so I'll tell her about it once she's finished Umineko, or at least gotten far enough in that I presume there's nothing major to spoil.

I'm not sure I'm smart enough to host a board game like the ones I saw. XD I might be an Erika, but I'm no intellectual rapist.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/11/17 2:40:33 PM

Genji: Can I answer any questions?
Eva: Why yes, you can.
A: Anyone else feel like if the answer to that question had been ‘we’re going to have an orgy. Get the handcuffs and lube’ that Genji’s face wouldn’t have changed? He doesn’t have a single ounce of fucks left in him. He would have said ‘yes madam’ and gone to find Kinzo’s collection of sex toys.

The clock is getting closer to midnight
A: *excited* so close to midnight~

Battler: Kumasawa would say the cake is made of mackerel
A: I like that they’re still going with the mackerel jokes.

Nanjo turns down mackerel cake
A: *laugh* Wow, when even the walrus turns down fish…

Nothing of note during the scene with the cousins in the bedroom. Just that as usual Arria was irritated with Maria being creepy. Although Maria was intelligent in that scene and spoke well, which caused her to say ‘See! You can be a normal person!’

Shannon has a line about how her relationship with George was fated to fail and how she was simply enjoying these days with George while she could. This made me feel sad for her. After all the things George said about having kids and living a nice life, Shannon must have been crying on the inside about her inability to have children. Maybe she thinks their relationship is fated to end because George would dump her after learning about her gender.

Hope is playing. This scene is too bittersweet.

A: Ryukishi could write romance books if he wanted to.
K: Some people consider Umineko a romance story.

Shannon gets a CG
A: Awwww
Shannon puts the ring on
A: Awwww
Then she texted her husband at work to tell him that she loved him.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/11/17 6:38:50 PM

Ryuukishi does actually write really good romance.

If you ever want to see how sacchrine sweet he can write a romance when he wants to, check out the Lucia route of Rewrite (which he wrote).

The date scene in that route is diabetes inducing.
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07/11/17 8:07:25 PM

Eerieka posted...

Then she texted her husband at work to tell him that she loved him.

R: Awwww

Eerieka posted...
Nanjo turns down mackerel cake
A: *laugh* Wow, when even the walrus turns down fish…


Eerieka posted...
I'm familiar with it, but I don't tend to play fighting games. Arria is more into fighting games than I am, so I'll tell her about it once she's finished Umineko, or at least gotten far enough in that I presume there's nothing major to spoil.

Ooh definitely. Also, for you personally, who'd you pick? LIke which character do you feel like you can kick ass with?
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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07/11/17 10:20:36 PM

I didn't know that Ryukishi was involved in Rewrite. Then again, I know next to nothing about that show/VN because it looks like "sad Key AIDS kills all waifus" and I have to be in a very specific state of mind to watch those. I got through Air and Angel Beats, but I stopped midway through Clannad's first season. I plan to pick it up again one day, but... again, have to be in a certain state of mind. But I will share that information with Arria in case she wants to see him writing a diabetes-inducing romance.

Glad you're amused, Raka. :) As for the fighting game, I meant that I was familiar with it existing. I don't know who the best character are (does it have tiers?) But if given the option, I'd want to play as either an aunt or Erika.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/11/17 10:27:38 PM

Rewrite is very, very different than most other Key series. I wouldn't really compare it to most of those. Has a lot of Umineko-esque action and some mystery elements in it. It's probably the least 'Key' of any Key VN. I really, REALLY enjoyed Rewrite up until the final route which I think is awful, but its very divisive and some people really like it.
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07/12/17 2:40:31 AM

Eerieka posted...

Glad you're amused, Raka. :) As for the fighting game, I meant that I was familiar with it existing. I don't know who the best character are (does it have tiers?) But if given the option, I'd want to play as either an aunt or Erika.

Yeah I meant like regardless of the tiers. I think there is. Not sure if the community is still active.

There are Rosa and EVA Beatrice from the aunts (and Kyrie plays a part in Black Battler's special move) and yeah Erika is there.

My favorite was IIRC Lucifer, Ange, and Shannon.

Full roster:
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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07/12/17 2:32:49 PM

tcaz2 posted...
Rewrite is very, very different than most other Key series. I wouldn't really compare it to most of those. Has a lot of Umineko-esque action and some mystery elements in it. It's probably the least 'Key' of any Key VN. I really, REALLY enjoyed Rewrite up until the final route which I think is awful, but its very divisive and some people really like it.

Very divisive and some people like it, huh? Sounds like a lot of stories, including Umineko. For the record, I think the ending to this story is great.

Raka_Putra posted...
Yeah I meant like regardless of the tiers. I think there is. Not sure if the community is still active.

There are Rosa and EVA Beatrice from the aunts (and Kyrie plays a part in Black Battler's special move) and yeah Erika is there.

My favorite was IIRC Lucifer, Ange, and Shannon.

Full roster:

Ah, so are certain 'groups' of characters portrayed by a single character? I.e. all the stakes are represented by Lucifer and all the Chiesters are represented by 410?

If I were to play, I'd be curious how the stakes perform. I'd also want to try out Ronove. >.> But yes, Rosa and Erika for me lol
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/12/17 2:33:29 PM

On a side note, there’s a thunderstorm starting in real life. Makes for some good background noise to accompany what’s about to happen.

Shannon and Kanon have a scene together. I feel like Yasu is dreading the fact that he’ll soon have to kill off his personas.

Beatrice appears in the dress
A: So this is meta-Beatrice?
K: Yeah
A: Why do I get the feeling she’s talking to me directly rather than Battler?

The church
A: That’s a new screen

Where everyone was:
Krauss, Natsuhi, Eva, Hideyoshi, Rudolf, Kyrie, and Rosa were in the church
A woman calling herself Beatrice was in the church, then in her VIP room
Kanon was in the mansion
Gohda and Genji were in the guesthouse
George, Jessica, Battler, and Maria were in their room in the guesthouse
Kinzo was in his room/study
Anyone not mentioned was unaccounted for or I missed them

Shannon goes to the dining room door
A: And this is where the horror starts

Nope, not so. Eventually they make their way to the chapel. Everyone sees the magic circle
A: And cue the gore porn

Rosa found the key to the chapel in the envelope given to Maria by Beatrice.

Oh boy here we go.

there’s a screaming sound effect
A: That was a horrifying noise

Game: squishy pulpy etc
A: Someone’s having fun

A: So they were killed in the chapel, huh? This reminds me of a book series I once read. The Glasswrights. In the beginning of the first book Glasswright’s Apprentice, an assassination takes place in a chapel, work was being done by the glasswrights guild on the stained glass windows. A glasswright purposely leaves out a single small pane so that an assassin could shoot through the hole. I was thinking that would be a possibility here, but instead Ryukishi decided to trot out the Trick or Treat from hell.

The servants scatter and from here on out I’m gonna pay careful attention to Shannon and Kanon. I don’t recall how they manage to keep from being in the same place at the same time in this gameboard.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/12/17 3:11:56 PM

Eerieka posted...
Very divisive and some people like it, huh? Sounds like a lot of stories, including Umineko. For the record, I think the ending to this story is great.

Yeah I like Umineko's ending a lot too.

Rewrite's is a bit different though.

Eerieka posted...
Ah, so are certain 'groups' of characters portrayed by a single character? I.e. all the stakes are represented by Lucifer and all the Chiesters are represented by 410?

If I were to play, I'd be curious how the stakes perform. I'd also want to try out Ronove. >.> But yes, Rosa and Erika for me lol

Yeah basically. Lucifer (And Ange) have moves that use the other Stake sisters, and 410's meta-super has 45 appear for their homing shot.

My favorite characters to use are Evatrice and Kanon, though I like Jessica a lot too.

Eerieka posted...
The servants scatter and from here on out I’m gonna pay careful attention to Shannon and Kanon. I don’t recall how they manage to keep from being in the same place at the same time in this gameboard.

Kanon and Jessica both die almost immediately after the First Twilight is discovered timeline wise so...
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07/12/17 7:01:40 PM

Yeah, I realized that a bit later. I thought all the discussion about Wolves and Sheep puzzles happened before the 2nd twilight.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/13/17 3:45:48 PM

A: It might have been possible for someone to take out a pane of stained glass in the chapel and shoot through that, then replace the pane. No one would suspect a thing!

Meta-Beatrice has a hell of a face going on
A: So… her face is gonna give me nightmares

George: even if we cry, it won’t change reality
A: But hey, now you don’t have to explain your marriage to your parents! Bullet dodged!

A: Also, if I ever go postal and kill people, I want this song playing in the background
K: This is Golden Slaughterer. One of the 8 epic zts songs, though this is the one from ep 1. I asked you about it before when we were talking about music, but it always played during times that were too tense and you hadn’t paid attention to it. the epic song for this episode plays near the end, I think. It’s my personal favorite. Also, part of it (Worldend Dominator) sounds like the song from The Nightmare Before Christmas
A: How appropriate for this chapter.

Everyone is in the chapel except for Shannon, Kumasawa, and Genji. I know Genji was trying to fix the phones, but that leaves Shannon and Kumasawa unaccounted for.

Maria laughs creepily
A: Stop it! You are the reason why in Sparta, babies got left for the wolves.

A: If there was ever a time for zombie apocalypse cross-genre T-rex, now is that time.
It’s a Dresden Files joke. I don’t pretend to understand.

They open the letter
A: It would serve them right if one of these days, they open it up and it’s a fucking anthrax letter or it has a live scorpion in it. You die because you read the letter left by a crazy murder hobo! Congratulations!

We just noticed that one of the candies in the background is called Zelli and has a triforce on it wtf
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/13/17 4:50:04 PM

Eerieka posted...
the epic song for this episode plays near the end, I think.

Yeah, during the George/Shannon/Gohda chase scene and then again during the Rosa/Maria fighting goats bit.

One of the few music direction missteps in the series IMO (and there are definitely a few more) in that I think this song should have definitely been saved for only the Rosa Musou bit.

But eh
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07/13/17 8:16:54 PM

My favorite of the epic songs is Mortal Stampede.

Eerieka posted...
A: It might have been possible for someone to take out a pane of stained glass in the chapel and shoot through that, then replace the pane. No one would suspect a thing!

Now this is the kind of logic Uminko likes.
Fuhlt nicht durch dich Sarastro Todesschmerzen,
So bist du meine Tochter nimmermehr-- eeeeeeeeeeeeeeehr.
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07/14/17 3:37:38 PM

Ah, I thought I remembered Worldend Dominator playing somewhere before Rosa Musou, but I couldn't recall where. I know it plays in various places after Ep 2, but I always associate it with Rosa's scene.

Mortal Stampede is so good! I forget exactly when it plays, but that's because the second half of Ep 4 is such a wild ride that when i read it, I was rushing through and hearing a lot of songs and now my memory can't remember what played where. Was Mortal Stampede during Jessica vs. Ronove? Victima Propaciatoria (sp?) was during George vs. Gaap, wasn't it?

When I mentioned the 8 epic zts songs, I was specifically referring to the big ones that they made for each episode. Golden Slaughterer, Worldend Dominator, Mirage Coordinator, Dreamend Discharger, Resurrected Replayer, Liberated Liberator, The Executioner, and Lastend Conductor. Man those names are fun to say.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/14/17 3:38:24 PM

Arria wanted me to repeat her theory from a few sessions ago that the bar of gold might be lead coated with gold. She upholds that this theory could still be true. This bar of gold they found could be worth less than they imagine if it’s something else on the inside and they can’t tell by looking at it

Gohda and Kanon try to stop Jessica from going on a rampage.
Jessica enters the room
A: I half expected a mine on the other side.
Jessica: Where the hell did she go?!
A: Upstairs to murder your grandfather?

We took a break to go outside. The thunderstorm ended and the sun was setting and the sky looks really cool. While outside I asked Arria if she had any thoughts.

A: First of all: holy shit. That was a really good gore porn scene! You were right. Also, Beatrice might be doing to them what I’m doing to the apple tree right now
(She was pruning off the apples that were too small to survive)
A: Get rid of those who can’t serve her. As for the whole ‘happy Halloween for Maria’ thing… I guess she has hopes for the child.

We looked at the sunset where the clouds and sky were brilliant gold.
A: And speaking of Golden Land.
K: It’s over yonder
A: That, or our chicken dinner didn’t agree with us and we’re already dead.

Beatrice’s letter: you’re too inelegant for this intellectual night.
A: Well, you’re a **** (word not allowed on GameFAQs. Starts with a 'c')
Letter: (paraphrasing): Your parents were morons, and you’re a moron
A: the gloves are off, the claws are out and hooooly shit.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/15/17 1:37:56 PM

Battler would have been 49 today. Awfully close to the big 5-oh
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/15/17 1:40:54 PM

Kanon and Jessica are alone in her room
A: This is gonna be the second twilight, isn’t it?

Kanon is fretting over his choice of words when he asked Jessica if she was alright
A: Sweetheart, I think every male has made that mistake. They ask the girl ‘are you alright’ (imitating a mad woman) ‘DO I LOOK ALRIGHT?’ ‘Whoops, sorry, my bad.’ It’s fine! Everyone has made that mistake! Humans, too! It’s not a furniture thing!

A: It’s not often I say this about anyone, real or fictional. But maybe you should stop using your brain and think with your dick for a while

Kanon: I’d even become a cane or a chair
A: *facepalm* No. Just no. Christ…

A: The thoughts that your balls are having? You need to listen to those. The thoughts about hugging her and cuddling her? You need to listen to THOSE. Not ‘I’m going out into the hall to mimic a fucking coat rack.’

Game: Kanon thought he gave her courage
A: The courage to go hang herself maybe
Game: Kanon didn’t know something
A: I’m voting him as character I most want to shake.
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/16/17 3:24:48 PM

Beatrice gets another hell of a face. She changes it to see the original art
A: Oh cool, she has fangs

A: Oh, is that relevant? That Beatrice can kill however many she wants. It doesn’t have to stop at 13?
K: Yeah. Don’t forget that in the last game, nobody came back alive

Golden butterflies appear in Jessica’s room
A: Oooh, pretty

Freaky song with ominous chanting starts playing (Where)
A: What the fuck is this music? If I need an exorcism for my computer, I’m blaming you

Oh man I’m so hype for magical bullshit. I told her how excited I am and that this is the first of many scenes where Umineko goes full bullshit.
A: Full bullshit, huh? Let’s see.

Beatrice says the line about a duck and an onion, so I explain the Japanese idiom to her. I’m proud that the first thing she thought of was Farfetch’d.

Oh boy oh boy time for GOATS
A: OH GOD. At first I thought that Gohda, but no. it’s a goat! it’s a goat! It’s a… a Ghod-ta (trying to mix goat and Gohda’s names here)

Game: The face didn’t look human
Account created-9/10/04. Just a normal GameFAQs user/leprechaun
Ramza: rofl. Rofel: You say my name? -Eise
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07/16/17 5:32:09 PM

Eerieka posted...

Game: The face didn’t look human

Embodiment of Scarlet Devil
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