Board 8 > Politics Containment Topic 148.2: Still, Don't Sexually Assault People

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11/22/17 1:04:26 AM

Jakyl25 posted...
/b/ seems to be trying to cobble together a plan to craft sexual harrassment accusations against the FCC chairman

This, I'm in favor of.

Jakyl25 posted...
/pol/ is in favor of ending net neutrality Because Capitalism

This I'm not surprised by at all because they are largely idiots.

Ajit Pai looks and sounds like he only has a job because he's a non-white dude that Trump hired to meet diversity quotas.

Have you read anything he's said about Net Neutrality? Talking out of his Verizon funded butthole.
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Not changing this sig until CM Punk returns to the WWE
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Suprak the Stud
11/22/17 1:20:21 AM

r/conservative is actually for net neutrality. While they dislike it in principal, they seem to realize it is a "necessary evil" since ISPs are effectively monopolies and the free market can't do anything in this situation. Many still blame the democrats for allowing these monopolies to form in the first place.

r/the_donald is 100% all on board with ending it because OBAMA LIKED IT and NET NEUTRALITY is just something that sounds good to trick the SHEEPLE into liking it. This was literally their stickied post as of like an hour ago.

They will basically support everything and anything that comes out of this administration.
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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11/22/17 1:42:29 AM

After browsing r/the_donald there appears to be a decent amount of dissent among the "FREE MARKET UBER ALLES" people
"undertale hangs out with mido" - ZFS
Not changing this sig until CM Punk returns to the WWE
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Suprak the Stud
11/22/17 2:55:54 AM

I just checked back and youre right! Some people are complaining that the mods were deleting dissenting posts for a while so perhaps the opinion is more split that I thought from first glance. There is certainly a large number of people there that support ending net neutrality though.
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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Suprak the Stud
11/22/17 2:58:42 AM

In more Moore news, a retired cop is confirming he was banned from a specific mall and that they were instructed to keep him away from the cheerleaders.

Im sure this is just yet another attempt by the globalists to besmirch this mans good name.
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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Suprak the Stud
11/22/17 3:08:11 AM

Looking around the_donald...I'd say it is more 80% that want Net Neutrality ended and 20% that support it. They are largely in the first camp. Some choice comments at the moment:

"The hypocrisy of Reddit to want free net for all while they censor T_D from the front page is pathetic. All you have to do is ask yourself Why George Soros is backing NN? Why do the globalists want it? We won't be tricked by shills."

"I mean, they want the government to have complete control of the internet for a reason...
The same reason they want the government to take control of our guns.
They want to wear the Ring of Power. They are Boromir in this analogy."

"Reddit is waking up. After months of this bull shit and todays overwhelming shillathon, Ive seen more and more commenters starting to question and do their own research."

"What does Obama really want that freedom hates?

Among many many other things, Net Neutrality.
'member the Patriot act?
Are you a patriot if you don't like it?
The powers that be have one thing going for them. Branding."

"If Ive learned one thing over the last two years its, If Reddit is vehemently against it, take a good hard look at it because its probably something theyre wrong about.....again."

"I had bought in to the net neutrality thing but seeing the people who are pushing it so hard has been making me question it the past week. Then I saw something about John Oliver promoting it and it really got me thinking about it. I honestly don't know who is right on this one but I seriously doubt this guy is on the same page I am."

Now, there are actually a lot of deleted comments on these threads, so the actual amount of supporters/dissenters could be closer than my initial guess. But there are a TON of comments that are just basically like "if libs support this then we know its bad haha stupid libs". Very few people are actually against it based on its merits, and the ones that are tend to have a tenuous understanding of it (I've seen several "uh if they jack up their prices or do something bad the customers will just go elsewhere" when clearly they can't, where are you living where you have a plethora of ISP choices?).
"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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11/22/17 3:51:47 AM

Why is the alt right so fucking obsessed with Lord of the Rings.

Like that might piss me off about them more than anything else.
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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11/22/17 4:01:43 AM

Prob the same reason Vlado thinks he's an RPG protagonist
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
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11/22/17 9:19:36 AM

Suprak the Stud posted...
"The hypocrisy of Reddit to want free net for all while they censor T_D from the front page is pathetic. All you have to do is ask yourself Why George Soros is backing NN? Why do the globalists want it? We won't be tricked by shills."

I hope if Net Neutrality goes away, George Soros buys an ISP and blocks access to websites like Breitbart, Fox News, and infowars.
Growing up, I wish some teacher told me "You probably won't ever need this, but if you don't learn it, you might miss out on something really cool."
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11/22/17 9:46:19 AM

Eddv posted...
Why is the alt right so fucking obsessed with Lord of the Rings.

Like that might piss me off about them more than anything else.

I love Tolkien more than anyone, but its super freaking easy to make his work a parable about nationalism if you want to.

Gotta push back against those Southrons!
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Mr Lasastryke
11/22/17 10:05:56 AM

SJWs often hate LotR (because it's all white people?) so i guess that means the alt right has to love it.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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11/22/17 10:14:00 AM

Ashethan posted...
Suprak the Stud posted...
"The hypocrisy of Reddit to want free net for all while they censor T_D from the front page is pathetic. All you have to do is ask yourself Why George Soros is backing NN? Why do the globalists want it? We won't be tricked by shills."

I hope if Net Neutrality goes away, George Soros buys an ISP and blocks access to websites like Breitbart, Fox News, and infowars.

ISPs can already block whatever sites they want I thought?
"Seph's kind of right."~ Jakyl25
"Sephy's point is right."~ Inviso
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11/22/17 10:47:42 AM

Heres a new angle

Also he HAD to date teens because all the women his age were taken while he served in Vietnam!!
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11/22/17 10:55:30 AM

I mean, a woman who isn't carefully micromanaged and controlled by a pedoph--I mean, a man-- turns into a whore when she turns 17. Everyone knows that! And you can't expect Moore to marry a whore, even if they do rhyme.
Nonsense. "Testing" is for when you're still guessing--and now, I have no need to guess. -- Agatha, Girl Genius
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11/22/17 10:57:25 AM

Trump ranting and raving on Twitter because hes mad LaVar Ball wont give him credit is A+

The perfect person to troll Trump
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11/22/17 11:16:57 AM



(I couldn't be the only one who thought that reading the tweet)
If you wake up at a different time, in a different place, could you wake up as a different person?
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11/22/17 1:11:58 PM

Jakyl25 posted...

Heres a new angle

Also he HAD to date teens because all the women his age were taken while he served in Vietnam!!

best part

Pastor: He'd did that because y'know there's something about a purity of a young woman. And there's something about, something that's good, that's true, that's straight, and he looked for that-"

Host 1: Kayla was divorced, right?

Pastor: I don't know...

Host 2: Yes

Host 1: By the way she was so, that's the purity that you're talking about.

although jesus christ my stomach was churning during that "something that's good about a young woman" speech
something something hung something horse something
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11/22/17 1:36:09 PM

CelesMyUserName posted...
although jesus christ my stomach was churning during that "something that's good about a young woman" speech

but you see it's okay because mary was only a teenager when she had jesus and aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
Besides, marijuana is far more harmful than steroids. - BlitzBomb
I headbang to Bruckner.
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11/22/17 2:28:30 PM

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11/22/17 2:58:22 PM

So Murkowski supports the repeal of the individual mandate?
Congratulations to BKSheikah for winning the guru
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11/22/17 3:00:17 PM

CelesMyUserName posted...

Who among us HASN'T faked a bad connection to someone we didn't want to talk to?
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11/22/17 3:01:42 PM

Its just funny that Trump is such a liability.

Like the President is just in general supposed to be the closer for things like this and Trump in general prides himself on his dealmaking ability.

Its just funny all around
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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11/22/17 3:41:57 PM

charmander6000 posted...
So Murkowski supports the repeal of the individual mandate?

That's what she says

I somewhat suspect that she'd actually prefer it not be in there but wants ANWR drilling more, but in any case she's not looking like a great no vote prospect.
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
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11/22/17 6:16:38 PM

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11/22/17 6:25:44 PM

Man, the anti-net-neutrality people in pro-Trump safe spaces have REALLY pushed the narrative that we never had net neutrality until 2015 and thats when the internet got bad with censorship for people like them.
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11/22/17 8:19:30 PM

so, Joe Barton
add the c and back away
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11/22/17 8:54:35 PM

Sounds like he got a nude photo leaked?

The Fappening: Congress Edition
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Suprak the Stud
11/22/17 8:57:12 PM

Suprak the Stud posted...

I literally dont understand what hes apologizing for here. If hes being honest in his statement currently, hes the victim here who had a nude photo leaked.

"I thought you were making up diseases? That's spontaneous dental hydroplosion."
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11/22/17 8:59:25 PM

The stupid thing is that this probably comes across as worse to evangelicals than a man in his 30s dating high schoolers
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11/22/17 9:26:42 PM

Maybe when conservatives were using the "GAY MARRIAGE WILL LEAD TO PEDOPHILIA BEING LEGALIZED" were secretly hoping that's what would be next, but didn't want to be the first.
Growing up, I wish some teacher told me "You probably won't ever need this, but if you don't learn it, you might miss out on something really cool."
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11/22/17 9:27:18 PM

"i'm sorry my pic got leaked"
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11/22/17 9:27:42 PM

also why the hell are there two politics topics with hundreds of posts

this is partisanship at its best, isn't it
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11/22/17 9:29:43 PM

transience posted...
also why the hell are there two politics topics with hundreds of posts

this is partisanship at its best, isn't it

The original Topic 148 was closed abruptly. This topic was the first replacement. Corrik made his shortly after. I've treated this one as the successor topic but really they seem to be on two different tracks for the most part anyway.
xp1337: Don't you wish there was a spell-checker that told you when you a word out?
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11/22/17 9:34:36 PM

Yeah this is the real one.

The other is a Corrik equivalent of a Vlado topic where its just fun to poke in, call him out, and watch him drown himself in his own word vomit
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Mr Lasastryke
11/22/17 9:37:53 PM

yeah, there were just two topics created at about the same moment after rock closed his topic. usually when this happens one of the two topics purges after a few posts but corrik just keeps posting in the topic he made for some reason so...
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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11/22/17 9:38:12 PM

and yet his is on page 8
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.
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11/22/17 9:39:52 PM

it's just proof that arguing in circles produces pages and pages of posts
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11/22/17 9:41:18 PM

transience posted...
it's just proof that arguing in circles produces pages and pages of posts

Think three dimensionally

What you see as circles is, when you add the Z-axis, clearly visible as a downward spiral.
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11/22/17 9:48:04 PM

Eddv posted...
Its just funny that Trump is such a liability.

Like the President is just in general supposed to be the closer for things like this and Trump in general prides himself on his dealmaking ability.

Its just funny all around

Well there's the rub, he was always a goddamn terrible businessman. Yet he always had a brilliant talent for marketing himself as someone who knew what he was doing even if he didn't. Twitter is his biggest enemy since now he has an open platform where he can't help but show everyone how stupid he is 24/7
We are thought, and reality, and concept, and the unimaginable
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11/22/17 10:46:47 PM

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11/23/17 1:35:36 PM
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.
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11/23/17 1:51:02 PM

What the fuck
Board 8's Voice of Reason
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11/23/17 2:56:45 PM

Basically a straight up admission that he's a racist
Congrats to BKSheikah for winning the BYIG Guru Challenge!
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11/23/17 3:06:19 PM

more trump quality quotes for the day

I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you cant see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, theyre fighting. How good is this?
I request affiliated many pipes.
Been a bad girl, I know I am. And I'm so hot, I need a fan. I don't want a boy, I need a man.
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11/23/17 3:13:36 PM

GuessMyUserName posted...
more trump quality quotes for the day

I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you cant see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, theyre fighting. How good is this?

It still confuses me that the military likes this guy
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Mr Lasastryke
11/23/17 3:20:55 PM

literally admitting he gets his military knowledge from movies as if that's something to be proud of.
Geothermal terpsichorean ejectamenta
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11/23/17 3:26:34 PM

Paratroopa1 posted...
GuessMyUserName posted...
more trump quality quotes for the day

I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you cant see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, theyre fighting. How good is this?

It still confuses me that the military likes this guy

It's not as simple as "the military likes him." The military leans R, so a majority do approve of him, but it's not an overwhelming majority by a long shot. And his popularity varies greatly depending on which sub-demogrpahic of the military you are looking at.
Blasting off
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11/23/17 3:33:12 PM

Mr Lasastryke posted...
literally admitting he gets his military knowledge from movies as if that's something to be proud of.

It's called "Vladoing".
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11/24/17 10:59:10 AM

Paratroopa1 posted...
GuessMyUserName posted...
more trump quality quotes for the day

I was asking the Air Force guys, I said, how good is this plane? They said, well, sir, you cant see it. I said but in a fight. You know, in a fight, like I watch on the movies. The fight, theyre fighting. How good is this?

It still confuses me that the military likes this guy

$$$ I guess

Even though they dont get to keep the money, but just get to channel its power into killing people?
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11/24/17 7:14:15 PM

Time Magazine called to say that I was PROBABLY going to be named Man (Person) of the Year, like last year, but I would have to agree to an interview and a major photo shoot. I said probably is no good and took a pass. Thanks anyway!

How much would you be willing to bet this didnt happen?
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