Current Events > Donations SKYROCKET for Roy Moore as a Pastor said WOMEN are Predators, NOT Men!

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11/19/17 7:34:15 PM

Would you still vote for this Christian Pedophile as Senator?

Donations have SKYROCKETED for sexual fiend, Alabama Senate Candidate Roy moore after he was accused by several women for sexual misconduct, including Retired Police officer Faye Gary who said that was a "known fact" that Moore had a thing for younger girls!!

But despite all this, he is outraising his Democrat Rival, Doug Jones who is leading him in the polls since the allegations arose.

Alabamans have flocked to donat to Moore which he has raised 500,000 in 3 days whereas Democrat Doug Jones only raised 250,000

Brett Doster, his campaign manager said "Donations have been pouring in from Alabama and from all over the country in an unprecendented way. We are confident that we will have the resources over the next 3 weeks to finish strong with a victory"

The influx of cash comes as the Republican National Committee dropped his suupport

His wife, Kayla also supports him and says the allegations are false

So far Moore has 2.5 million in donations compared to 1.6 to Jones

Rev. William J Barber, a leading figure among liberals led a rally against Moor at the Tabernacle Baptist Church. He said Moore and his campaign is fueled by a perversion of Christianity linked with white surpemacy

Pastor Franklin Raddish also supports Roy Moore still because he said WOMEN are more sexual predators than men!!

He said "Women are chasing young boys up and down the road, but we don't about hear that because it's not PC. This is a war on MEN and we will not let women take us down anymore. I call on all Christians to not listen to the Devil and vote for what God wanted us to do. Vote Roy Moore. Do the right thing. We need you now more than ever"

Would you vote for this Christian Pervert? let's see if people would

Roy - Pedo

Roy's Plastic Wife -

People against Roy Moore -

Pastor Franklin Raddish - Hates Women
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