Poll of the Day > If Game Genie was literally a Genie for gaming wishes. What are your 3 wishes???

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01/12/18 2:48:18 AM

For me, I'd wish for:

1. All Nintendo games to be released on Steam as perfect PC ports.

2. Microtransactions to be permanently banned from all gaming services.

3. All censorship of western releases of games would cease forever.

What about you guys. Just three wishes. GO!!!
Money is overrated...
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01/12/18 3:04:19 AM

1. Classic WoW gets released now and isn't fucked by the casuals.

2. Skyrim becomes 100% stable and compatible with all mods.

3. I can wipe my memory of any games and replay them fresh. Especially for Baldurs Gate.
I have a signature. Apparently this is important, but I still don't have my secret cool kid decoder ring yet.
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01/12/18 3:06:02 AM

I get all the games and nobody else gets any

Also games make me live forever and have a sweet spaceship with every movie and food
All praise Mead
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01/12/18 3:07:02 AM

The end of censorship
All crossover games to have at least 5 characters of my choice
And full dive vr
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01/12/18 4:10:22 AM

1. May all ports be timely and improvements of the original.
2. May all sequels always improve over the previous games.
3. (insert game here) needs a new game for me.
"the wind has no destination"
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01/12/18 6:25:10 AM

a new timesplitters game thats really good
goldeneye 64 completely redone where the levels and weapons are the same but modernized graphics, controls, and online multiplayer
hardcore porn vr games for the ps4
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01/12/18 6:32:15 AM

LaggnFragnLarry posted...

goldeneye 64 completely redone where the levels and weapons are the same but modernized graphics, controls, and online multiplayer

They made some mod for Source based on GoldenEye 64, but I don't think they ever made the Single Player levels. The multiplayer was pretty fun, though, and they even made Cradle (since obviously modern PCs don't have N64 limitations.) An earlier beta you could take the suppressor on and off for your PPK (PP7), but they changed it to be more like the original where it was a "different gun". I liked it the other way, but as a purist you might like the original way better.

Hoppe hoppe Reiter, und kein Engel steigt herab
mein Herz schlagt nicht mehr weiter, NUR DER REGEN WEINT AM GRAB
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01/12/18 6:38:51 AM

cool. thanks man. ill check that out
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01/12/18 10:45:43 AM

+1 blessed greased fixed grey dragon scale mail
"Salt cures Everything!"
My YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/user/Nirakolov/videos
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01/12/18 10:59:29 AM

The only thing I would want is for all RPG'S that are in Japanese to be translated into English so you can play them.
There will be death Harv-5
You wouldnt wanna eat me anyways, you'd only get the runs. Got it Fools?
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01/12/18 11:00:08 AM

1. Robbit Mon Dieu English release.

2. Square Enix would've allowed Chrono Resurrection to see the light of day.

3. An incredibly immersive and expansive VR time travel game.
nostalgia is death.
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01/12/18 11:01:10 AM

1) I had infinite time to play games
2) All games are free for me
3) I become the best fighting game player
Puzzle and Dragons: 338 705 421
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01/12/18 11:02:48 AM

That reminds me, I would love to play Silent Hill in VR mode.
There will be death Harv-5
You wouldnt wanna eat me anyways, you'd only get the runs. Got it Fools?
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01/12/18 11:04:21 AM

1. May all ports be timely and improvements of the original.
2. May all sequels always improve over the previous games.
3. Half Life 3 is created, released, and is worth the wait.
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01/12/18 11:11:23 AM

1. be able to travel back to any point in time and be within my childhood body while I'm playing video games to relive the first experiences that I'll never get back

2. fully offline playable final fantasy XI that is designed to be just for me where the world seems like it's inhabited with thousands of real players, but they are all super advanced AI designed to be like friends and other players from the time when I played. Also, the game can be set to timepoints of different expansion content coming out so I can relive those experiences as well with my false ai versions of people I knew in the game

3. a game that prints real money for me and only me. reminiscent of the nintendo "it prints money!" memes
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01/12/18 11:18:16 AM

1. All games are released for PC. No more exclusives!
2. All games are localized for all regions and without censorship! They are also released at the same time worldwide!
3. Every game is released only once and can be easily updated. (No more definitive editions that are just releases with extra content. You have access to those features/content by buying the first version of the game.)
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01/12/18 11:22:00 AM

1. Full Dive VR that I own.
2 and 3. Come back and ask me later when/if I get bored of that.
Should I have a signature?
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01/12/18 11:30:11 AM

1. That all the Kiseki games from now until the conclusion of the series are released in English with good localization.

2. That DLC and microtransactions be banned; all content in a game is available from Day 1.

3. Two more wishes.

4. That all single player games and games with single-player modes be playable completely offline, without having to sign-on to the internet to register/verify the game or any other form of online DRM.

5. That all new consoles are completely backwards compatable with all previous consoles (yes, regardless of who owns them - fuck it, it's my wish, I'll do what I want with it).
Kill 1 man: You are a murderer. Kill 10 men: You are a monster.
Kill 100 men: You are a hero. Kill 10,000 men, you are a conqueror!
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01/13/18 12:57:25 AM

There are actually some pretty damn good suggestions in here.
Money is overrated...
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01/13/18 1:00:33 AM

Infinite lives.

Infinite health.

Turning into a headless purple blob that swims in the air over a glitchy garbled mess of tiles comprising of the level.
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01/13/18 1:20:28 AM


Almost 30 years later and I still remeber the code.
"I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work."
Old Snake in Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots
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01/13/18 1:28:09 AM

Is wishing for more wishes an option? What about wishing for control of a company?

I'd wish for:

1) Control of the entire industry

2) Control over the customer base (to ensure they buy what I want them to)

3) I'd hold this wish in reserve, since I should get everything I'll ever want with the first two wishes.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
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01/13/18 1:48:31 AM

1: I would wish various companies back into existence (if necessary), returned to their peak, and immune to being bought out or going under, including but not limited to: MicroProse, Black Isle, Bioware, Maxis, Interplay, LucasArts, Sierra, New World Computing, SquareSoft, Enix, and probably more I can't think of

2: that more people in the world can learn to appreciate gaming

3: that all games are open-source. companies retain rights to their trademarks, but anyone can obtain and modify the source of any game for private use
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01/13/18 8:18:52 AM

1. the systems and library (new, in box) for the nes and snes

2. the complete set of Battle Beasts (in packaging)

3. 2 more wishes

4. turn this world into the pokemon world

5. that gamers (video and board) continue to love and enjoy the games they play, and to spread that to others :)
2DS FC: 0662-6485-2561 - IGN: X-Calem, Sun-Rei
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01/13/18 11:22:56 AM

LeningradCowboy posted...
2. Square Enix would've allowed Chrono Resurrection to see the light of day.

This is why you just take it underground and then "leak" it when it's finally done.

1) Suikoden series finished

2) Loot boxes to be identifed legally as gambling since they are by definition anyway.

3) What Molitheus said but I would extend that to any genre.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355
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01/13/18 1:36:48 PM

1. Platinum Games get to remake Blood Omen. All or most original dialogue remains, Simon Templeman does Kain, Anna Gunn does Ariel etc etc

2. No more exclusives. That means stuff like Bloodborne and HZD become available for PC like, now

3. Unfinished games are banned. You either make a good one or not release it until most bugs are found and fixed
2017 St. Louis Cardinals finished 83-79
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01/13/18 1:42:26 PM

What_The_Chris posted...
3. Unfinished games are banned. You either make a good one or not release it until most bugs are found and fixed

Good luck getting unfinished games released if you run out of money.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355
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01/13/18 5:28:07 PM

Pikazard1 posted...
2. the complete set of Battle Beasts (in packaging)

Good wish.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
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01/13/18 5:36:56 PM

Everyone becomes a gamer

All games are successful

All profits from gaming goes to me
Rudy sucks
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01/14/18 9:23:05 PM

Zeus posted...
Pikazard1 posted...
2. the complete set of Battle Beasts (in packaging)

Good wish.

Money is overrated...
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01/14/18 9:24:58 PM

ReggieTheReckless posted...
2. fully offline playable final fantasy XI that is designed to be just for me where the world seems like it's inhabited with thousands of real players, but they are all super advanced AI designed to be like friends and other players from the time when I played. Also, the game can be set to timepoints of different expansion content coming out so I can relive those experiences as well with my false ai versions of people I knew in the game

I'm not gonna lie, this is a wish I've also had for MANY mmo's. I still remember when people first started making "private servers" for games like WoW, and it was such an awesome thing, I'd always wished it were possible for many other mmo's (especially the ones that were actually pretty good, but had to shut down since the devs couldn't break even financially).
Money is overrated...
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01/15/18 1:54:31 AM

1. Every game is released on all platforms
2. All devices used the same power connection/supply and battery capacity was actually useful
3. Every sequel is better than the last
Mod me? You don't even know me!
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01/15/18 1:59:29 AM

1. All Japanese SNES, PSX RPGs are now available on virtual console/store.
2. All Dragon Quest games are available for America (in English of course).
3. Cuphead on Switch.
Final Fantasy was in 2D? I thought the number 7 was just a metaphor for something .... - Cbaker216
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01/15/18 2:07:29 AM

1: EA's CEO and marketing team that keeps making these dumb decisions dies from having their bowels explode out their anuses.
2: Sonic to be bought out by Nintendo so that good Sonic games can be made again.
3: No more censorship! If you *need* a censored version either put an 'uncensor' patch online or put in an option that can be toggled via parental password.
I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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01/15/18 2:17:09 AM

1. MS buys Konami. They need a competitive edge and Konami needs to get off its ass.
2. Sega has a reputable company release a Dreamcast Classic with 50 games installed.
3. Games would be objectively whole and reasonably polished at release, with no further need to invest past initial cost and no DLC could divide the playerbase online (if applicable).

They didn't make the cut, but other things that'd be nice are mandatory backwards compatibility and an HD remake of GoldenEye 007 with online functionality and some new modes/maps.
"message parlor" ? do you mean the post office ? - SlayerX888
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01/15/18 2:19:37 AM

TheCyborgNinja posted...
Sega has a reputable company release a Dreamcast Classic with 50 games installed.

Those games are huge. I don't think it would be possible.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355
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01/16/18 4:48:23 PM

Fun Fact: If you do a search for "genie" on Google Images, most of the images will show the genie from Disney's Aladdin.

It's amazing how one movie can solidify a concept of what something is supposed to look like. For many people, if you asked them what a "genie" looks like, the Aladdin portrayal of the genie will be the first thing that comes to mind.
Money is overrated...
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01/16/18 4:49:19 PM

I also like the genies in the Might and Magic series by 3DO / New World Computing.

Money is overrated...
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01/16/18 11:22:44 PM

shipwreckers posted...
Fun Fact: If you do a search for "genie" on Google Images, most of the images will show the genie from Disney's Aladdin.

It's amazing how one movie can solidify a concept of what something is supposed to look like. For many people, if you asked them what a "genie" looks like, the Aladdin portrayal of the genie will be the first thing that comes to mind.

I think you're greatly overestimating its influence and impact.

Otherwise, this is where one of the *other* Genie images brought me:
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
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01/17/18 3:01:01 AM

shipwreckers posted...
Fun Fact: If you do a search for "genie" on Google Images, most of the images will show the genie from Disney's Aladdin.

It's amazing how one movie can solidify a concept of what something is supposed to look like. For many people, if you asked them what a "genie" looks like, the Aladdin portrayal of the genie will be the first thing that comes to mind.

That would be because if you're looking for the mythological creature you're supposed to look up djinn instead.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355
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01/17/18 3:06:57 AM

Zeus posted...
Is wishing for more wishes an option? What about wishing for control of a company?

Those aren't really video game wishes. I guess the second one could be, but the first definitely isn't.
If the people only understood the rank injustice of our money and banking systems, there would be a revolution before morning - Andrew Jackson
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01/17/18 4:34:11 AM

shipwreckers posted...
Fun Fact: If you do a search for "genie" on Google Images, most of the images will show the genie from Disney's Aladdin.

It's amazing how one movie can solidify a concept of what something is supposed to look like. For many people, if you asked them what a "genie" looks like, the Aladdin portrayal of the genie will be the first thing that comes to mind.

for me the reference is that Bugs Bunny cartoon
2017 St. Louis Cardinals finished 83-79
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01/17/18 4:08:17 PM

AllstarSniper32 posted...
Zeus posted...
Is wishing for more wishes an option? What about wishing for control of a company?

Those aren't really video game wishes. I guess the second one could be, but the first definitely isn't.

Well, as others have noted, it says "gaming" rather than just "videogaming" so it's technically a broader arena.
There are precious few at ease / With moral ambiguities / So we act as though they don't exist.
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01/17/18 10:58:18 PM

I'm surprised nobody wished for the Switch to be an actual powerful console and not a freakin tablet.
Money is overrated...
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Sephiroth C Ryu
01/18/18 1:06:25 AM

1. Return to being able to have things like Gameshark or Action Replay. Just have it set so that it disables the network while in use or otherwise cannot be used in any form of non-local multiplayer. Implant a mindset in gamers and developers that actually encourages them to expect/put in cheats and "anti-cheats" (codes that make things HARDER) into their games.

2. The existence of Trophies/Achievements/etc. are removed from not only games, but the memories of gamers and game developers. As if they were never invented. Things that are not "TRUE achievements" like skill points in ratchet and clank games, or things which otherwise have actual, mechanical effects in-game remain.

And, um... lets see.. I guess we could always go with

3. All microsoft consoles and their games are immediately transformed into Sony or Nintendo ones (whichever the owner would like more). Naturally, this means that any game currently on a microsoft console is now instead the same game, but for the other consoles instead. Controllers may optionally also transform into a 3rd party controller for the new console that happens to be laid out the way the microsoft controller was, I guess.

I just kinda think that the console gaming sector would overall be better if Microsoft had never stuck its nose into it.
I am the Hunter of Topics. My post never fails to kill its prey.
*pounces* Nyaa!
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01/18/18 1:11:43 AM

deadly premonition 2

too human 2

a console that can play every game, ever, until the end of time.
"Dogs smell like they've had too much fun and need a bath
Cats smell like espionage
" - Mead
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01/18/18 1:13:38 AM

Revelation34 posted...
TheCyborgNinja posted...
Sega has a reputable company release a Dreamcast Classic with 50 games installed.

Those games are huge. I don't think it would be possible.

every sega game from dreamcast and before can fit onto a single bluray disc.
"Dogs smell like they've had too much fun and need a bath
Cats smell like espionage
" - Mead
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01/18/18 1:38:06 AM

Hold L to levitate

Infinite Gold

1-hit KO enemies
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01/18/18 1:41:37 AM

Sephiroth C Ryu posted...
2. The existence of Trophies/Achievements/etc. are removed from not only games, but the memories of gamers and game developers. As if they were never invented. Things that are not "TRUE achievements" like skill points in ratchet and clank games, or things which otherwise have actual, mechanical effects in-game remain.

But there's nothing wrong with these.

helIy posted...
every sega game from dreamcast and before can fit onto a single bluray disc.

Pretty sure each of the classic consoles have the games on the console and not a cart or whatever.
Gamertag: Kegfarms, BF code: 2033480226, Treasure Cruise code 318,374,355
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01/18/18 1:47:23 AM

I actually feel that achievements are a great counter to cheatcodes. Want to play with invincibility in Dark Souls? You can! Go right ahead! Just don't expect to get any acknowledgement for it. If you want the achievement you need to beat the game legit!
I am the gentle hand who heals, the happy smile who shields, and the foot that will kick your ***! - White Mage
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